Sure, one simply cannot be a so-called jack of all trades, but with the level of our evolution. Today we all can learn to respect each other, beyond our politics related accumulated knowledge. So far as humanity, we have accumulated a horrible past and are still busy killing each other’s children and innocents in the name of political belonging. Even present day killing of each other still goes on with no end in sight. Politics of belonging to our groups has brought humanity to its edge of extinction more than ever before so it is time to learn all about what is human being? Are we animals or a spiritual entity dressed in physicality? What would you think about yourself, especially if you remove your political influences. That is when you will discover that you hold your own atom of autonomy. It is like bringing along the ability to be a CEO of your life, yet from before birth. It is like you have been given the reins to guide yourself like a metaphorical racehorse. Or someone else will be using or running you like field horse. Our atom of autonomy is there to help, remember you can only use your free will and personal sense of justice if you have a sense of yourself as a human being. Meanings, you have to take charge.

Looking beyond our land, resources, or even power and control related differences, makes everything becomes politically tainted. Especially when it comes to our religious beliefs, human beings speak an absolutely different language. They passionately and emotionally get charged, regardless of their inability to physically prove that their metaphorical knowledge has always founded on the shaky grounds. Question is why? This question is not for us collectively but rather it is an individual question especially without the political influences. If everyone comes to their personal conclusions and learn not to do to others that they do not like done to themselves and to their loved ones. Things can change, remember a group of people simply cannot act without their individual’s physical input. So, it is imperative for us all individually to take charge of our physical actions.

Giving and receiving equal human individual rights is easy to implement if human individual is secure enough in their mortal skin to be able to remove their group politics and think beyond. Listening to the world about expanding Palestinian and Israeli war tells a story. Conflicts and their death tole can make people think like a human being, so we may learn something from it, because if people are standing against our killing each other, it clearly telling us that humanity is inching up in the right direction. It sure is too slow and taking too many lives, so it may seem that we are devolving. Sometimes we have to take a step backward to run, jump and climb to the next step on the evolutionary ladder. These are growing pains, or you can call that we are going through the tragedy, simply to learn how bad politics of belonging to our groups can be. We have come long way from building churches of human skeletons to riding horse on the skulls of opposing group’s individuals. Remember they can be the moments to look back and ponder whether one should feel bad or proud.


Unfortunately, our politics of belonging has been able to keep us from our God given nature to evolve. If you look back and even our modern-day conflicts, you will see a human individual committing spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups instead of following their spiritual nature. Problem is not what they do, problem is that they believe they are nothing without their group belonging. They have been stalled from their individual evolution and even are brain washed to believe that they are not meaningful enough to be relevant. Especially when it comes to compare themselves with their groups or big brother, God and Devil. These kinds of infected perceptions have kept us all individually not only in the dark but also learn to know our real self. So, we can respect ourselves to have enough self-esteem to actually question politics of belonging instead of becoming a political puppet. If as an individual, we look down at ourselves or undermine our personal identity of being a human being. Usually, we don’t restrain ourselves from acting under the influences of political belonging. So, we hide behind our groups and don’t take our individual responsibilities of our actions. Politically tainted and preached education has not only kept humanity fighting and killing each other but also it has brought us to the brink of self-destruction with our modern-day weaponry. So, as an individual, believing in personal irrelevance and not appreciating or using our God given blessings are not and should not be a matter of pride. Rather they should be classified as spiritual crimes because evolutionary nature of human individual is clearly a Godly order. So, shortchanging ourselves individually for political reasons is working against our Godly orders.

Starting with a question is not a usual thing for me, but As I said you are born to be a PhD. So, never underestimate and disrespect your blessings of being a human individual because you are not only blessed with your personal atom of autonomy, so you have the powers to use not only your ocean like brain, free will and also your personal sense of justice as well. So, if you feel that you somehow are less valuable or are irrelevant, that is all because of your politically installed data.

Remember being a spiritual entity with a physical body you are a force to be recon with. All the spirituality-based knowledge, including the understanding of God and Devil and their related knowledge becomes meaningful if it gets converted into physical actions. GUESS WHAT THAT CAN’T HAPPEN WITHOUT YOUR HELP. So, your belonging group, God and Devil they all depend on your choice to be successful in making GOOD AND BAD happen. If you are the one who is holding your own and personal atom of autonomy, you should understand the powers you bring along from before your birth. By nature, you have the powers to override not only your political influences but also your hormones related urges as well. So, that literally makes you a CEO of your life. Who uses not only free will and personal sense of justice among other human abilities. SO, UNDERSTAND THE POWERS YOU HAVE AND WHAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITIES ARE ON YOUR SHOULDERS. DO NOT LET YOUR POLITICS OF BELONGING REDUCE YOU TO A POLITICAL PUPPET.

Since you are not born two thousand years ago, you are born into the era of equal human individual rights. So, you really have to understand what made the humanity to evolve this far where most human individuals on the earth want to give and receive equal human individual rights yet honestly. Why today’s time demands from you to not only become a CEO of your life but also a PhD to call the shots to even override your belonging politics? Remember by nature a human being makes choices, decisions and thinks for themselves individually. If you are confused about becoming a CEO or a PhD, don’t sweat, my explanations are easy to understand.

Simply look at your design, as a human brain holder, you can easily use and understand more than your belonging groups want you to understand. Your brain can be compared with an ocean because an ocean constantly receives streams and rivers of water pouring in from all direction. So, does your brain, but it receives knowledge instead of water. Interestingly just like the ocean, it never gets full. Simply because it has the ability to create new neurons as you learn something new. In the nutshell, we do not only raise the capacity to learn more, we also have been able to pass this knowledge to our coming generations as well. So, as they evolve with their passed-on knowledge they carry on the tradition for their coming generations. So, here we are today we are asking for equal human individual rights, and we have lethal weaponry. So, in the nutshell, the more we learn, the more we find out that we can learn even more. Meaning as a human being, we have no end to our learning or evolving. So, I am inclined to say that even our potential is in evolutionary mode. So, if there are no limits for us, why some of us resist and fight against every progress we make? Well, my personal guess is the POLITICS OF BELONGING TO OUR GROUPS, but now it is up to you to take your own wild guess.

Some groups are more obvious than others to resist, and openly preach fear and greed-based politics to control their populations. Enforcing rules based on our metaphorical world can literally backfire. As one can see clearly, because our religious fanatics have become a minority. Being nonpolitical, just and spiritually superior things like believing like equal human rights are in the air for a reason. Our evolutionary nature is installed by God so political systems or politically tainted religions could not stop this process of evolution. So, in today’s world everything is under the microscope and yes even our bigotry, prejudice and discrimination laced religious beliefs. As groups, humanity has been trying to keep their belonging individuals under control by keeping them ignorant of their relevance. So, they can be treated like animals in training. This education of irrelevance has been around for thousands of years, but in recent years humanity took a step up on the ladder of evolution. Today even an average human individual is willing to give equal human rights to others if they receive them. Most groups including our religions don’t want their political agendas questioned and proof is in the pudding. Just look around the history and even in modern days. Who is doing the resisting in every progress humanity has made. From blood transfusion to stem cell to reproduction to breaking down the genetic code and related medicine and everything in between has been persistently resisted by our religious groups. So, what are their reasons, are they fearful of the human individual having a possession of their atom of autonomy. Or as groups, they don’t have real belief and trust in God? Or they politically want to be in control to herd us as sheep like some top sheep dogs. No wonder today we got only a hand full or mentionable religions left in the world. Lady Google said there are four thousand and two hundred religions in the world. I watched a movie; I don’t remember the title. That mentioned that there are two thousand two hundred and thirty-one religions to be precise. Personally, I always wonder what is happening to our religious beliefs, because I really believe that our belief systems can be helpful to us individually. That is why this is the subject of my blog, and I am always looking for the things to talk about.

Now, regardless of you possessing an ocean like brain, if you stay stuck in one stream or river of knowledge or follow your belonging group’s politics without questioning or as a puppet. YOU SIMPLY ARE NOT, AND SIMPLY CAN NOT BE A PhD, YET YOU HAVE BEEN CREATED AS OR HAVE ALL THE ABILITIES TO BE ONE. So, logically you have all the abilities to take in knowledge from all fields to mix, match, pick and choose to think and make your own decisions, what does that make you?

Let’s look at it this way, if you go to a school that teaches you only one subject or uses one book exclusively. Would you become a PhD in that subject? Maybe to you and your belonging group, but if you are ignorant in all other departments of life. You simply are not educated enough to question and separate politics from SPIRITUALITY. For instance, religious education will lock you into one book and make you a master of that subject. Teach you all about how to live your living years as a subservient to figuratively top dogs. There is a lot of respect for the religious leaders regardless of the scandals of all kinds of abuse. My question is are they PhD? Masters may be but their politics simply does not allow them to venture out. So, their education of the life after death is preached as ultimate and literally more important than our living years. Yet life after death is still stuck at the same level as it was thousands of years ago. Simply because that has always been founded on our metaphorical realities related world. AS I SAID YOU LITERALLY HAVE TO DIE FIRST TO REALLY BECOME A MASTER OF IT. So, their efforts to keep you as a subservient or herd you like a sheep is pure politics of control and power. You are even made to believe that everything beyond the cliff of faith is more important than your living years. Sure, that can be true but metaphorically. Helpful to some who really think that a human individual should be trained like an animal. To me, logically and spiritually, our living years matter more than our metaphorical world because this is where or in our living years we convert spirituality into physical actions. Remember you simply can’t enjoy anything that needs a physical body so, individually living in constant sacrifice is one thing but if God needs our physicality to even function physically. Shouldn’t we be questioning everything that is preached to us to keep us as irrelevant part of our holy or unholy picture.

Now, remember, if someone says I will help you, that stays suspended as a promise unless it is physically done or performed. So, if it is not physically done, it does not mean anything to you. Similarly to that, a belief in metaphorical reality or not without the physical reality, things don’t work very well. If our prayers never get fulfilled physically, no one will ask God for help. So, it does not work very well not only for us but for God as well. If you don’t do anything bad, Devil is not going to be happy because things don’t work very well for the Devil as well. The point I am trying to make is to really understand your standing in this holy picture. If you remove all human beings, God and Devil both will become meaningless because no one is there to help or hurt. So, the bottom line is that spirituality needs to be expressed physically to be meaningful. Sure, it sounds good to say a prayer for someone or wish them well, BUT PHYSICAL REALITY OF A HUNGRY STOMACH IS, THAT IT NEEDS TO BE FED WITH PHYSICAL FOOD. SO, THE PRAYERS OF A HUNGRY STOMACH NEED TO BE FULFILLED PHYSICALLY. MEANING, PRAYERS ALONE JUST DON’T CUT IT OR ARE NOT ENOUGH. THAT IS WHY, GOD NEEDS HUMAN BEINGS IN FULFILLING THOSE PRAYERS. SO, YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT. IF YOU SOMEHOW BOUGHT INTO YOUR IRRELEVANCE, SNAP OUT OF IT AND SMELL THE ROSES OF REAL SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONVERTING THEM INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS.

Let’s look at the other side of the coin critically as well. A scientist may say that we are open minded to learn but beyond the physical realities of human life, we don’t buy into anything period. So, we don’t care what is or what is not beyond the cliff of faith. We don’t really care how faith can be helpful to human beings like a medicine in their living year, we are just going to treat everything mechanically. Staying on life without spiritual realities. Our medical doctors may go on and prescribe the medicine regardless of their side effects and may say everything other than the modern-day medicine is unacceptable because it is not scientifically proven. So, our differences of opinions have always been, are and will always be there and ongoing.

Modern day schools teach math, science, religion, social studies and a whole lot of other subjects and even trades. So, if you go in advance education and may even specialize in your fields and have successful carriers, but the bottom line is to become educated. Now the question is, how you measure to be called an educated individual. Going to school for lots of years can be an easy way to acknowledge one’s education or academia. Question is that why after having thousands of years of evolution and highest number of highly educated people. Why humanity is still unable to live in peace? WE ARE STILL STUCK IN OUR RACISM, BIGOTRY, PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION RELATED KILLINGS AND WARS SIMPLY BECAUSE OF OUR BELIEFS OF BELONGING TO OUR GROUPS. Break it all down and you will find that politics of belonging to our groups is the cause of most of our problems. Yet logically a human being born to human beings is a human being and belongs to humanity not to its groups. Sort of like everyone knows they belong to the body but claiming and believing in belonging to an arm or a leg yet knowingly,

As a modern- day educated human individual, shouldn’t we be responsible to learn a whole lot of different subjects about life itself. Meaning you just can’t be stuck into one subject or a stream of knowledge to be called an educated individual. Or a holder of a master’s degree of some sort. Sure, it’s great to be educated but underestimating or ignoring our nature related abilities IS NOT ONLY DISRESPECTING OURSELVES INDIVIDUALLY BUT GOD AS WELL. Since our groups have been politically insisting for us to be part of belonging groups, and as a political entity to them, there are no ifs and buts about it. Yet our God particle or atom of autonomy within us tells us a different and individual story about us. Then our religions want us to believe in their politically tainted spiritual systems.

Remember you did not just show up into life with the genetical strings attached like other creatures. Meaning, your DNA is not influenced by God or by your belonging groups. So, if you have been living or dancing like a political puppet you have been and are underestimating yourself. Remember God has nothing to do with you being the puppet of your belonging group, plain and simple. If it was from God, you will be like a bee or an ant acting upon the calls of their DNA. So, don’t just let your belonging groups call the shots for you. If you are born as a human individual, understand what it takes to be who you are. Especially in today’s societies we all have to become a CEO of our lives because those bush and cave days have long been gone. So, learn to snap out of your political brain washing and join the humanity as a CEO of your life. Your political and even hormonal influences were supposed to be under your control not the other way around.

Thousands of years of experimenting clearly says that our politics of group belonging has not brought the humanity to a good place because now a days we have nuclear and biological weaponry. Individual strength is needed more than ever before to counter our political influences. So, you have to not only take charge of your personal life like a CEO, but you also need to become a PhD to think independently. So, you can use your ocean like brain to spiritually mix, match, pick and choose the right physical actions. If you have been blessed with those abilities, know the reasons behind those abilities. As a spiritual being you simply cannot be coaxed into committing spiritual crimes in the name of belonging groups and even God. Always remember, that you have a free will and personal sense of justice, so if you lend your physicality to your belonging groups to commit crimes against innocent beings you are personally responsible for that because NO GOOD, BAD AND UGLY CAN BE PHYSICALLY PERFORMED WITHOUT YOUR CHOICE.

If you want to attach miracles and natural disasters to God, do so but you will have to physically prove that they are caused by God or Devil. What I am saying is, that you are the main character with an ocean like brain and being blessed with your own atom of autonomy. Things happen physically because you made a choice, so, whether it is for your belonging group or not, you are responsible for the good, bad and the ugly of our group politics. If you don’t even understand your abilities and powers, you need to become a CEO who is holding a PhD because ideally that is what a human being should be.

A Quote from Dr. Alama Iqbal comes to mind. A revolutionary poet from the East. In the nutshell this is the translation. And I quote.

” Why are you falling on a piece of grain like a sparrow,

Keep your flight high, so, you can become an Egal” End quote. To me, he is calling human being to become a human being that God had meant for them.

Personally, in my writing I do not like to compare human beings with other less evolved creatures but when something make sense, that make sense. This piece of his poetry says everything in a very condense way what I am writing in this blog post. Anyway, let’s be open minded and live in the era we are all born into. NOW NOT THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO.

If you start to look at the framework, design, and abilities of the human being and especially their brain. You will know that it is not designed to just accommodate one field, book, stream or a river of knowledge, nor it is done evolving.

So, if you believe in your irrelevance because of you politically installed data, you have been preached a lie. Clearly it has not been from God. Most of belonging groups and especially religions have been preaching human individual irrelevance for political reasons. Simply because they have been infected by the politics of control and power. Logically and factually, all streams and rivers related knowledge fall into our own ocean like individual brains. Since we individually have the abilities to distinguish our politics and spirituality. Mixing them can be confusing and dangerous for our personal beliefs because politically mixed spirituality and justice becomes tainted and infected so they can’t be good for us. Always remember all our individual life we continuously download all kinds of unlimited data. We have the abilities to keep on learning even till the day we die. Exactly like an ocean constantly accepting streams and rivers falling into it. Learning from our parents, from schools, colleges universities and some from our life circumstances, experiences and even from God as a life story. If you look for human limitations or boundaries, you are not going to find them unless your parents or belonging groups have installed you with them. Our physical mortality can be scary but logically no one can say that you cannot leave a mark behind. Meaning your work can still carry on regardless of your physical presence. Just like I am still taking about and quoting Dr. Alama Iqbal’s work.

When it comes to our knowledge, say a PhD degree is given as the highest level of learning. It usually is awarded to those people who can create and take their given or installed knowledge to the next level. Sure, you can intellectually talk about one subject but to me with that level of education one should set a stander for themselves. So, they are above the bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. As a human individual you simply can’t be smart in one area of knowledge and be ignorant in the other. So, logically all our politically installed knowledge should be questioned by us all. If I was in a position to give myself a degree of PhD, I would never give it to me if was a bigot, prejudiced or a discriminatory individual. I know these are strong words, but if a PhD is our highest level of education we can reach. THEN IT IS ALL ABOUT THE EDUCATION LITERALLY. Meaning you simply can’t be stuck in a stream of knowledge, if you carry an ocean within. So, to me it should be expected from our highly educated individuals to use their ocean like brain to be authentic in being educated. With that level of education, it is expected from one to have their own and personal views of life, but they must be broad and vast like an ocean. You simply can’t be a PhD if you can’t mix, match, and choose to make sense out of your life. Especially if a human being is the holder of their own atom of autonomy individually, so, regardless of your hormonal and political influences, take responsibilities of your physical actions because it’s all on your shoulders. REMEMBER IT IS YOU WHO HAS THE ABILITIES TO USE FREE WILL.

Since God blessed each single human individual with their personal and exclusive atom of autonomy and an ocean like brain, things should start from the bottom up instead of the top down. If our political groups and politically infected religious beliefs did not work, it is because they preached individual weakness. So, now humanity is looking for strong men to run the show. Yet that is not the solution, to me real democracy is the best way of governing because it puts responsibilities on the shoulders of people to choose and reject anytime. So, the problem is politics of belonging to a group of people rather than learning to live together as all kind of people of humanity. Since our nature and God treated us all equally with oxygen, a functioning bod, an ocean like brain and an of atom of autonomy as a spirit. I don’t see any prejudice and discrimination coming from our nature or God. So, if we follow that same path of spirituality, we will be better off overriding our politics of individual irrelevance.

On the other hand, depending on our individual insecurities, we can be politically influenced to the point that we personally reduce ourselves to stand in the lineup of other lesser evolve creatures. Now the question is, if you are born as a human being, why can’t you personally see your value reduced by your hormonal and political influences? Remember you will have to pass the boundaries of your political belonging to be able to even see those unseen political strings. That are pulling you uncontrollably to make you believe that you are not strong enough unless you are a part of your political group. So, you are taught to believe, that you are not worthy of a direct connection to God. Again, sort of like you belong to an arm or a leg, but not to the body directly. Whether it makes sense to you or not, I believe if you pass the test to be a human being, you physically belong to humanity and spiritually are connected to God directly. Just like the cells of your body are connected to you, they may be part of your arm or a leg, but it is kind of understood that they are part of your body directly. So, if you spiritually carry your own and personal atom of autonomy you are connected to God meaning you simply cannot make God a bigot and prejudicial entity by claiming that God is standing with some of the people but not for humanity. 

If you keep digging in with your open mind, you will come to the point where you will be able to see that God is a just entity and nothing but. Proof is in the pudding, we all are equally blessed with a functioning, aging, and a mortal body. Regardless of what race, gender, nation, or religion we belong to, we all need oxygen, water, food, and love to live. So, where did God go wrong? May be by supplying us all equally with our personal atom of autonomy? I do not think that is the case because that is where we all become a different and special entity than other creatures. If by nature, we all have been blessed with everything same and equal, then question is what makes us believe that we are superior to others? Since God did Godly job by keeping everything universal for us all equally. Then what is our problem? Why our belonging groups are able to preach and make us believe that we somehow become superior to others by just being born into or by joining in to that group. To, me that simply cannot be spiritual because God did the justice by giving us all the brain, body, oxygen, aging, and mortality exactly the same way, so that clearly points towards God’s universality. Now where did the differences come from? If God and spirituality are innocent, then politics of belonging to our groups is the one guilty. So, to me, if it is political and related to our groups, that clearly means God and spirituality has nothing to do with it.  

So, remember not to forget, that our belonging groups have politically invented bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination but if you don’t lend your hands, backs or shoulders to it physically your group politics becomes impotent. Since they also implicated and used God for their political purposes and preached that their political rules belong to God. Remember individually you have been blessed with your own and personal atom of autonomy. So, you are the one who is the CEO and is responsible for everything you do, from beliefs, related views, to your physical actions, all the responsibilities land on your shoulders.

Since we individually participate physically to make things happen for our groups, and that can make them superior, but at the end of the day the buck stops at our individual level. Now the question is, are you stuck in the stream of knowledge that is preached by your belonging group? Or are you the CEO of your life who uses their ocean like brain, before making their decisions to act physically. If you feel that your sense of belonging is too powerful or overwhelming, don’t forget the powers of your atom autonomy. Remember it allows you to use your free will, so if you can use your free will in other areas of your life, then why not when it comes to standing against the wrongs of your belonging groups. Ever wonder why some people can easily form their opinions and are not stuck into a stream of political belonging.

It may seem that I am asking for too much, but I am not asking, I am just pointing out or I am stating the facts about human individual’s abilities. Potentially all human beings can learn both sides of the argument by picking, choosing, mixing, and matching everything within their head just by thinking and producing their own conclusions. Now this is what you call a PhD, but unfortunately most of us stick with mastering a subject politically approved by our belonging groups. If you are among those people who are influenced, all you have to do is to think and believe that by God you have been blessed to think independently directly from your personal ocean not from a political stream. So, you should know that it is not coming from God it is political. Otherwise, you will not have an ocean like brain and if you think God did not do Godly job for you, just look at your own make up.

We all have brought along some serious blessings from before our birth. An ocean like brain, personal and exclusive atom of autonomy and related free will, personal sense of justice, and ability to mix and match to create our own opinions. If you still feel that you cannot think beyond your installed knowledge or feel stuck in a stream of politically influenced knowledge. You must look at your God given potential. Be a human being, be a CEO of your life and think about life beyond the political interests of your belonging group. Sure, your political loyalties are must and strong, but you came with your atom of autonomy, so you will have to answer to it because that is your spiritual side installed by God. Clashing with it can be hell on earth for you so you got to think again before straying from spirituality. You go against your political group, you may face guilt trips and shunning, but if you go against your atom of autonomy, it may rip you apart from within. You can run away from your belonging group, but you cannot from your atom of autonomy because it is sitting right within you. So, if you are willing to give up your inner peace in the name of your political belonging. YOU MAY SUFFER FROM SOMETHING OUR DOCTORS MAY NOT BE ABLE TO HELP YOU.             

Remember we simply cannot breathe if there is no oxygen so with that disability we cannot claim to be in control of our own life. Meaning we clearly have some help to be functioning during all our living years. Yet we still claim everything we do in our lifetime is done by us and some of us don’t even acknowledge the wisdom behind. Since to me life is not a fluke, I believe in our purposes. Not acknowledging that help has its consequences. Lack of understanding of the bigger picture has the potential to rob you of your spirituality-based faith. Notice I did not say religious faith because I believe when you mix politics of belonging with spirituality. THINGS ALWAYS TAKE YOU TO A PLACE OF CONFLICTS AND WARS RELATED KILLING EACH OTHER. IF SOMEONE BELIEVES THAT KILLING EACH OTHER OVER OUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS IS REQUIRED AND FINE. TRY REMOVING THE POLITICS OF BELONGING AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR FAITH IN GOD.

Logically when one cannot survive without the supply line of oxygen, not only WE ALL should we be acknowledging its value for us, but we should also learn to build trust and faith in the process as well. Simply because as mortals we simply can’t function if we don’t deal with that fear so to live fearlessly one has to have faith. What does that mean? Well, when you look back, from day one, you probably were slapped on the butt to learn to breath. Since then, you have been breathing something you can’t live without, not even for minutes never mind years. So, if you are constantly in an insecure state of mind, what does that do to your everyday stress level and related issues? If you are in your sixties or seventies and have never acknowledged that help or claim that you do not even believe in God or that help. So, if you have been living with stress and related issues without any kind of genuine answer. Remember your spiritual answer has always been right under your nose from where you take in that help. You still can learn to believe and create some inner peace because it is not how long we live; it is how much quality or life we have in our life. Living in fear as a mortal is not a good place to be, because you can’t change that fact. With that reality, you can go kicking and screaming or you can accept and go in peace. Religious people may accept this writing, but I believe in spirituality over a politically tainted belief. To me, a religious system is and should be dependent on its spiritual content to be beneficial for us all individually. Unfortunately, our religions were not able to stop the infectious disease of political belonging. Rather than accepting spirituality, universal justice, equal human individual rights, humanity as a whole and one God. They allowed politics of belonging to rule over and above their spiritual principles and drew political lines of divisions. They allowed their physical nature to override their spiritual side and started killing each other over their metaphorical and beliefs of unknowns. Regardless of thousands of years of evolution in all other departments of life, even today we cannot stop our religious wars. Since we have been killing each other for thousands of years, there is no one who can count the death toll of the innocent people killed in the name of religious extreme. AND THEY ARE NOT DONE YET. 

Whether this is done by the special kind of individual or an ordinary one, our solutions always start from a single individual thought of a human individual. So, personally, I believe the key has always been in the hands of human individuals. Yet interestingly we have been and still are looking or seeking solutions as political groups. As groups human beings are biased, so our political groups simply cannot surrender their political powers and let the peace process succeed. Now, one way or the other the duty of converting spirituality into physical actions lands on all of us as individuals. Saying no to political killing is not going to change unless we individually take charge of our personal actions, because we are the one who holds physicality card. Which means if an individual does not participate physically our groups would stay suspended in the air just like God and Devil. As I said our metaphorical realities stay metaphorical unless a living breathing human individual lends them their physicality to make things happen. PHYSICALLY TO BE MEANINGFUL.  

Since we all look at our provided spiritual wisdom with our own and individual understanding, the more you are politically influenced by your groups. The more politics seeps into your outgoing personal words the more tainted a society becomes. So, understanding spiritual principles is a must for all of us. For instance, not doing to others that we don’t like done to us or to our loved ones. Remember most of us still believe that our religions teach us spirituality. So, if the religions are tainted with political influences, it’s like we have been served spirituality into the rapper of political influences. So, sticking with spirituality rather than our religious beliefs would be a lot more meaningful to you and God simultaneously. That is if you believe in God. Remember a politically influenced individual would put a lot more effort into keeping face within society. Yet a spiritually inclined individual would look within for the approval of their atom of autonomy. So, whether our individual actions comply with our atom of autonomy or not can dictate how we feel about ourselves. Usually, our spiritual side stems from our existing atom of autonomy or a God particle sitting right within all human individuals. That inside is between you and God so, it is spiritual. Yet externally, it is all between you and the belonging group meaning it is totally political. That is why we all need to look at our religious knowledge with critical eyes. Remember our politician may twist and turn to use everyone for their political purposes. So, if you hear a fiery and emotionally charging speech from a religious or a political leader, pause, think and know all about your personal responsibilities. One of our individual responsibilities is to separate spirituality from politics. Sure, it is not easy, especially when it comes to our religious beliefs, but this separation is a must and a spiritual thing to do. So, it has nothing to do with politics of belonging but everything to do with our individual duty. Believing in God and spirituality is one thing, but killing in the name of religion is absolutely another.  

Since human imagination and perception are powerful or I should use a term literally mind blowing. So, it is crucial for all of us to look at our religions related traditions, customs, rituals, and rules from outside rather than from within the confounds and boundaries, because that would be politically tainted. Remember a belief system usually calls for blind beliefs and no questioning allowed for the followers. There is a reason for that, and that is reaching deep into the individual where they are weak and vulnerable. So, they can be used as political puppets. Human beings are no ordinary creatures, our genetics are literally unmatched by other creatures. We are designed by nature to even question God. So, understanding human individual will be a good starting place before understand God.  

Since we all have been taught to believe that our groups have exclusive rights on God, we own God, or we are related to God, we can call God is our cousin or something. To me, no matter how you look at it, it is a spiritual sin. Remember we do not know very much about God, yet we connect God to our political bigotry, prejudiced and discrimination. To me, if God is for some but not for all, that is nothing but the human politics. Spirituality, blind justice, humanity, and God almighty, they all are universal so believing in everything other than their universality belongs to group politics period.  

Spirituality and wisdom connected to it, is pure of politics so it is worth seeking for us all. Even for the atheists as well, because regardless of what religion you are born into or what you believe. One still must be a functioning individual by following our morals and ethics to be civilized. If you are not or are encouraged not to question your religious knowledge. You are accepting a life lived within a cocoon to feel safe, yet reality of being mortal says otherwise. As human beings, we are designed to fly by attaining wings of our imagination. So, if you are stuck or are sticking with your status quo for political reasons. You are not questioning even the questionable, so not only you stall your process of evolution you are going against God’s well as well. Remember without questioning you simply are staying within the limits, and at the most you are going to be mastering one stream of knowledge. Yet by nature, you have been created to go beyond of beyond because you have the potential to constantly grow new neurons and with the help of your personal atom of autonomy, as they say sky is the limits. So, with your ever evolving imagination you are supposed to live a limitless life. Always remember you are not a worker bee or a warrior ant because their DNA calls for their limits. You on the other hand are a different because your DNA calls for constant evolution. So, you must comply with, what your nature has intended for you. If you want to look for the proofs, they are everywhere, regardless of the number of our religions and experimentation with kingdoms, dictatorships, autocracies, isms, and styles of democracies for our governing systems. Humanity has never been contained and totally controlled. Our evolution tells it all yet with overwhelming proofs.

On one side we are flying in space without even having physical wings, and on the other we are evolving leaps and bounds in other areas of life like science, medicine, technology and everything in between. Now a days with AI, things are going to take humanity to the next level of our evolution in no time. Socially, we are happily living with each other in melting pot societies while we are seeking equal human individual rights. Meaning we are finally breaking our group based political protocol. Sure, in this department of life our progress is slow, and it would be fair to say that at times we regress. Simply because we are still killing each other in the name of our political belonging. Still, we have come a long way from our bush and cave time, so, no I am not complaining but I would rather have humanity learn to live together peacefully. Remember it’s us individually who is providing physicality to our belonging group’s political agendas. If we individually take charge as a CEO of our lives, we can take responsibilities for our personal actions meaning we are not standing in the lineup of other creatures. Interestingly with strong politics of belonging, there has always been and still is certain segment of the human population that does not think that as human individuals we are an independent entity. Since we all bring along our atom of autonomy from before our birth, we all equally are responsible for our personal actions.   

Remember individual evolution requires individually questioning the unquestionable. So, if you think you are not supposed to question your belonging group, at the least honestly question your abilities, because problems of humanity are deeply rooted in our individual insecurities and ignorance. As an individual we must seek what has always been there but has been discouraged by the politics of belonging to our groups. Everyone can see people around the world are living in melting pot societies peacefully. Yet there are people who do not want to override their politics of belonging to their groups to live in peace. Remember our groups have been and still are fearful of human DNA that has been and is constantly calling for individual evolution and that scare the hell out of them. 

As an individual belonging to this era, we all should be researching the hell out of our imagination so; we can understand this side of being a human being. For instance, one thought that feels physically real but comes from our imagination. One God that spiritually exists, but we have not figured out yet. As I always talk about us being the CEO of our lives, we should be able to restrain our politically influenced emotional responses. So, understanding our imagination and its effects on us individually can be a good start. Then after that start to learn all about God, not the other way around. God first has not worked for us because we still are in the infancy of learning about ourselves. Remember we still kill each other over our metaphorical realities, meaning we rob someone’s physical reality over what we do not know anything about. DIFFERENT SIDES OF OUR IMAGINATION.

Not all but most of us think, believe, have opinions to make choices differently, yet the outcome of our differences can become a life story. Since we all are dependent on external help of oxygen and other life sustaining circumstances and internal help of being physically born, cared, loved when we are in need. Things get murky and confusing when we start to say God and Devil are doing everything and we mean nothing. Yet all human individuals come to life with certain set of blessings, like their own atom of autonomy related free will and personal sense of justice among other things. SO, IF GOD AND DEVIL ARE DOING EVERYTHING WHERE DO WE STAND AS AN INDIVIDUAL? BECAUSE CLEARLY, WE ARE THE ONE WHO IS A CHOICE MAKER.

Personally, I like to make sense to myself to believe in God and where do I stand as an individual. For instance, if I know, I have a body, that is going to get old and die, my decisions, choices and belief system should be according to my mortal nature. If I fear from aging and death, my focus will be disliking the process and become unappreciative for the help of every breath I take. My whole spiritual side collapses to send me back to stand in the lineup of other creatures. Living a physical life exclusively, is for other creatures but not for human beings because we may miss out on the special feelings our spiritual side provides us as a human being. A human life without the spiritual jewelry is an impotent life experience, because we do not only live in fear related stresses and related physical health problems but also control related mental health issues as well. So, we literally miss out on our ability to enjoy the feelings we feel from being compassionate, trusting, generous, sacrificing and loving. We even miss out deeply believing in God and knowing ourselves as Godly human beings. So, yes, I would rather live my life by knowing that I am a human being, WITH AGING BODY AND MORTAL NATURE. ALWAYS QUESTIONING WHAT IS NOT ONLY THE PURPOSE BUT ALSO WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES?

No one just shows up in a factory to walk around like a zombi and die. As human beings, we come to simply reciprocate for the blessings of being alive. If everyone was sick or a better example. Would be, if everyone was infected with zika virus and no one was there to help and care for them. How would the humanity, God and even Devil survive? Sure, it is a hypothetical scenario, but I have never seen humanity without its hypothetical scenarios, assumptions and beliefs. On top of all that, our progress and evolution come from our spiritual side. Remember we fly but did not grow physical wings, or we do bad things but did not grow horns like a hypothetical Devil.

Our imagination is not something physical but is an essential part of our evolution. So, not believing in God or our spiritual side to live our life physically can be troublesome, because individually we can suffer from our own selves. Die like a physical creature chasing their tails with an unsatisfied life. Remember, the powers our imagination has are immense. It’s not only with us to help us evolve and progress to live a life of convenience. It has its other side as well, you can benefit from meditation, heal yourself from placebo effects, and even by hypnotherapy and simply believing in God as well. Interestingly on the other side you can also harm yourself from lack of beliefs related insecurities, control and related stress and related anxiety, depression, other mental health and even spawning to physical health related issues. Personally, to me understanding spiritual side can have unseen benefits so not seeking to understand that side of our story can be holding us back. For instance, hope is one of the words that is used quite often as beneficial because it does help us to go through our dark times but also keep us in tacked spiritually, even after we have gone through the hard times.  

Let us look at it this way, say, we are God to every cell of our body, so we simply are relating to them as one God. We simply have to acknowledge their importance and relevance by bringing ourselves to their level of understanding. Remember logically and in real world, one cancerous cell can bring the whole body down. Then look at yourself to know your importance and relevance in the grand scheme of life. Say you are an extremist with a nuclear weapon, what kind of powers would you have? If your health is in danger, whether it is emotionally or otherwise. For instance, your education that you have been receiving, can be dangerous not only to your opposing and belonging group and even for humanity as a whole. So, use your ocean-like brain to put things together by thinking and use your blessings of having your own atom of autonomy and related free will, personal sense of justice and other abilities that you have brought along from before your birth. You do not have to go far to know all that. All you must do is to think, pick, choose, mix and match to produce your own solutions. 

You must tell yourself, that I am the seeker who does not only want to know what is written in the lines but also in between the lines. Remember our brains are designed to not only learn but also think to create a passable or teachable knowledge as well. On top of that evolving nature tells us that there are no boundaries, freezing or caps for us individually. If you follow or do not use the brain as nature or God had intended, you are not only disrespecting yourself, but you are also disrespecting your creator as well.

Politically most belonging groups, especially our religions using old-style politics wrapped up in spirituality to deceive their emotionally charged individuals. They do that, simply to try to keep their belonging individuals in control. SO, THEY DISCOURAGE INDEPENDENT THINKING.

If you have been or are discouraged, always remember that it is one hundred percent political tactics. So, God, spirituality, justice, and humanity have nothing to do with it. Fortunately, since you are born in the era of equal human individual rights, you can question these outdated and politically inspired traditions, customs, rituals and rules. Today, our groups are having trouble controlling their belonging individuals, so there is a tug of war for power. That is why there is so much chaos in the world. Humanity is going through evolution related to growing pains. So, learn, and learn to think, not after your graduation or master’s but right from the get-go. QUESTION, QUESTION AND QUESTION SOME MORE. So, you can learn what is behind those traditions, customs, rituals, and rules belonging to your groups exclusively. If you find nothing but the politics of belonging, simply remember, by nature, you are born as a human being. Politics or not, logically, and physically you belong to humanity as a whole, with one universal justice system and one God. Rather than divided humanity, local justice systems and spiritually bankrupt but politically inspired thousands of religions. If you divide God for political reasons, you got a major problem because now you are treating God as if God is a human being just like you. I KNOW I AM REPEATING MYSELF, BECAUSE TO ME IT IS IMPORTANT AND THIS CAN BE CLISIFIED AS A SPIRITUAL CRIME. REMEMBER, YOU ARE MAKING WHAT GOD IS NOT. BLAMING GOD FOR SOMETHING THAT GOD IS INNOCENT OF LITERALLY MEANS A SPIRITUAL CRIME. If God was insecure like human individuals or groups, we would not be provided everything universally and equally, exactly the same way. Good or bad is all same for humanity, as human individuals we use oxygen, need water, food, and love to survive, have aging and mortal bodies. We enjoy or get hurt from the same things. So, disrespecting love loss is one of the biggest damages done to us by our political belonging to our groups. Our love loss is the pain that hits deep in the soul, so we try to give or inflict the same pain to the one who caused us that pain. Meaning we individually demote ourselves from being the spiritual entity to a physical creature to do the dirty deeds of our political groups. THAT IS WHY BELONGING GROUPS TRY TO KILL EACH OTHERS’ INDIVIDUALS SO THEY CAN BE INFLAMED TO BE USED AS A FUEL.  

Individually our biggest problem is that we have been blessed or cursed with our personal and individual atom of autonomy and related abilities. On top of that we can potentially be swayed by the political belonging so, potentially commit spiritual crimes against each other and that is regardless of what group of people or religion we belong to. If you look at our holy books they simply point towards the demise of humanity. Yet to me, that is highly dependent on how we individually use our atom of autonomy and evolving nature. So, human individuals are the ones who are going to make or break humanity. Our evolution will dictate whether to defy our group politics, or would it be too late for humanity to learn and evolve to that level where we can change our predicted future.   

If you ask me personally, I would rather, than not to have a belief system. But it must make sense to me to the point that I do not just claim to know everything about the metaphorical world of after death. To me, our metaphorical world is still dominated by our imagination, so lack of our knowledge should not inspire us to rob each other or our love to make us lose our spiritual side. A metaphorical reality is a metaphorical one until it is proven to be a physical reality. I would gladly accept my limitations to understand and respect the process of my evolution. Rather than blindly believing in everything that is preached and even enforced on human beings to abide by our belonging groups.

If we all have come with our personal atom of autonomy. That means we have been allowed to use our free will and personal sense of justice yet directly from God. So, having a belief system can actually be helpful to use our active imagination to benefit us during our living years. What is beyond our cliff of faith, we may not know, but we should be aware of our spiritual side related duties. Instead of fearing hell or have greed for heaven to be politically controlled. I would rather self-regulate to for the love of God and myself. Since our imagination can play an influential role in our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. We all should use it wisely because it can affect us negatively as well. Our atom of autonomy can help us from being swept away by political belonging. That usually is the cause of our self-harm or to others by us. Unfortunately, even with the level of our evolution, individually we are susceptible to being politically used like puppets.

Always remember, we do not live in the wild anymore, and we are not on the food chain anymore. So, our level of evolution should dictate that we do not need to belong to our groups for security anymore. Today the level of evolution in other areas of life has brought us to the brink of self-destruction. Since, every single one of us is equipped with our own and personal atom of autonomy. Potentially decision making is our own and personal matter. If you make decisions out of fear related control, what happens to you when that fear subsides for you. Would you fall apart and lose your spirituality, or would you be able to self-regulate yourself? Since that is your personal issue, what you feel from within is the cause of your fears.  
Feelings of being inadequate, is taught not from your nature because by nature even your potential has a potential to evolve. So, we all should try to learn what is creating or is behind our fears. If you do not go there, you will end up with a likeminded group of people who feel the same way as you do. Now your fears have progressed to become a collective. Meaning all your political decisions would be based on that group prejudice. Eventually, you individually will reach to the point that your own value, even in your eyes, decreases. You become irrelevant and your self-esteem tanks or takes a nosedive. Did God create you that way? If you start to ask this question to yourself, that means you still have some self-worth. Remember, you did not just show up with your ocean like brain and abilities to pick choose, mix, and match everything with your free will TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN PHYSICALLY. Do you know what it means? Without your physical input, things stay suspended in the air indefinitely. It clearly means they do not have any value. An action must be physically performed to be meaningful. If you are politically influenced, eventually you will be giving up your ocean like potential for your belonging group or for the unknown entity like God or Devil.

Believing individually, that you don’t have any powers at all are the feelings a lot of people feel individually. YET, God is the one who created or selected human beings to be individually holding powers of atom of autonomy. If we can choose to decide individually and collectively, then why are we hell bent to kill each other or are in a self-destructive mode? It is time that we all ask this question to ourselves individually. If fear and related control is consuming, you or is dictating your decisions. YOU HAVE A PROBLEM OF DISBELIEF, EVEN IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE A BELIEVER. A relationship, whether it is between you and God or between people, requires and depends on trust, or should I say blind trust. This believing but not trusting creates fear that eventually turns into control. If you have these two problems in the foundation of your belief system, TO YOU, EXISTANCE OF GOD WILL ALWAYS BE QUESTIONABLE.

With this confusion, you will be suspicious and distrusting in everything you do. Meaning you will not seek your potential, nor you will put efforts to evolve. Now you have a problem because God created you or blessed you with an evolving nature. Evolution requires effort and trust yet persistently, so the kicker is our atom of autonomy at individual level. Meaning, a spy or God himself is sitting within us individually. So, not trusting spiritually or disbelieving itself cannot be hidden. If you distrust and disbelieve, you personally stand in your own way. Believing and trusting in self and God is the key to boldly go beyond and seek evolution of humanity.

So, standing in our own way points towards the cause and the solution to our problems. Remember, our group’s insecurities start with an insecure individual so the solutions to our problems will come from strengthening of the individual as well. That is why I have been writing about us being the CEO of our individual life. If you follow a group of people that consists of individuals disbelieving in their own atom of autonomy. Not using abilities to use their free will or having no personal sense of justice. You will become what your belonging groups want you to be. So, to me in today’s educated world, being educated in one subject should never be enough because there are certain responsibilities are attached to being educated. Being educated you act and behave in such manors that you simply are not stuck in one particular stream of knowledge. Your level of understanding should surpass your outdated group belonging. If you believe in God that God should be universal and one, just like spirituality and blind justice not for some but for all in humanity as a whole. If you are educated but are biased, bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory because of your race, gender, nation or religious beliefs. Your politics of belonging has overridden your real education. Meaning your level of education does not match the requirements of being educated in the era you are born into.

Sure, our politics of belonging is powerful and can influence most of us but in today’s times educated means you are with time and willing to give, if you receive equal human individual rights from others. It is much easier, if you as a modern day educated individual understand you. Your ocean like brain, your atom of autonomy and related abilities to use free will and personal sense of justice and all about the powers of political belonging. If and when you get there, you will be educated enough to override your irrelevance and put things in perspectives beyond the politics of belonging. In order to call yourself an educated CEO, you have to know all about universality of God, spirituality, justice, equal human individual rights and above all, know all about the group belonging and its related extremes that can convince you to commit spiritual crimes.



Since our spiritual awareness, we have been constantly evolving and learning continuously. Yet interestingly we have always and still been claiming to have an unquestionably complete knowledge. When you look at our science or medicine there are always new discoveries, yet when it comes to our metaphorical knowledge things are stubbornly locked into our thousands of year-old books.

Ever wonder why as a young person you thought differently than as grown-up adult or even change further as an older person. Why do we change our opinions as we grow older, big things become smaller and smaller things bigger and more important. Dare I say we evolve. Sure, we don’t grow wings or horns, but we grow with our knowledge.

As the Author Bahram Spitama’s book, Titled Born to Fly. Says, And I quote” HUMANS ARE NOT BORN TO CRAWL ON EARTH LIKE CATERPILLARS. WE ARE BORN TO TRANSFORM INTO BUTTERFLIES”. End quote.

Well, some of us never grow up and politically join hands with like-minded people or belonging groups to keep political power and control. No one dare disputes individually even if their belonging group habitually resist all kind of human discoveries related to our evolutionary nature. On average most of us go through a lot of changes to become an adult. From the literal perception of monster under the bed to really believing in the stories of scary movies or TV programs. Just like that, they usually get swept away by the fiery speeches of their religious leaders. They like the feelings of adrenalin rush that takes them to a place they are wholeheartedly sold. Remember everything changes in our personal life as we grow up, so we never really think about the graveyard we have been developing along the way. You may not even think about or distinguish the differences between your realities that have changed in the real world. Remember, you have been politically discouraged to put your physical realities over and above your metaphorical ones. Yet, in reality, or in real and physical world nothing has stayed as it was. Simply because your perceptions have been changing in such a speed that you have adopted to them. Nature has its way to help you, because if the gradual learning of that wisdom was not there most of us will be torn apart from within. If the speed of that learning does not match, things don’t work very well. Sort of like grade learning. If we have learned something that does not match with our abilities to understand, that would not make any sense to us.

This is the only logical reason comes to mind, why people would want to stick with the past related popular and accepted knowledge regardless of its being debunked. As grown-up adult or I should say, as a spiritually aware individual who is born in the era of equal human individual rights. We all should look at everything from a different angle or point of view than our ancestors did. Interestingly things are quite similar even as grownups because individually and collectively we are in the same process of evolution. Logically, every time we learn something new, our perceptions should change, so, I think it’s time for us all individually and collectively change. Live in our present era rather than two-thousand-year-old political group belonging. BY NOW, PRECEPTION OF BELONGING TO OUR POLITICAL GROUPS SHOULD CHANGE AND EVOLVE TO JOIN HUMANITY AS A WHOLE, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS POINTING TWORDS THAT NEED.

So, no matter how you perceive, being a human individual, logically you belong to humanity as a whole. Sure, bad experiences can lead us to form our political groups in the name of security but since we carry our spiritual side, we need to nurture that to become an evolved humanity. Remember, everything has been and still is pointing towards our universal things like humanity, God, spirituality and justice.

From blood transfusions to organ transplantation to global warming to equal human individual rights to internet and now AI. Nothing is constricting or inhibiting us like our political belonging. So, as an insecure part of a group of people, most of us tend to find rescue in the arms of a politically savvy group of people. Sure, potentially we can put our monsters to rest, if we can learn to belong and believe in universal things like God, spirituality, blind justice, equal human rights in one humanity.

Especially when it comes to our metaphorical realities related knowledge like our religious beliefs. Modern day new beliefs like atheism, scientific and knowledge of medicine and nutrition lands in the same category. So, from prescription of mercury to human sacrifice, racism to equal human individual rights. There has been and is a progress in every field of knowledge, except in our religion department so our metaphorical world has been and still is claiming a lot of lives or I should say sacrifice. Interestingly regardless of graveyard full of religious beliefs, the claim of ultimate knowledge is still an ongoing opinion. Are there some legitimate spiritual reasons or our political and financial interests related disputes have been twisting thing to fool the belonging individuals. Question is can we overcome this egotistic sense of belonging to our political groups and when it would be possible to stop killing each other in the name of our preceptive and metaphorical realities?

To me personally, any and all kind of personal beliefs or not, human life itself has to be respected by all human beings regardless of race, gender, color, nation or religious beliefs. Simply because of the spiritual rule number one. “Don’t do to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. How simple can that be? Well just look around the history, and judge for yourself. Do you think humanity has ever been able to follow that rule? Looking at the history, most if not all religions simply talked about it, but none of them have ever walk the talk. None of us can count the death tole humanity has suffered from religious extreme and related wars. Till today, we simply can’t get over our differences, yet after thousands of years none of them have produced any physical facts of life after death. PRECEPTIONS, well that on the other hand come cheap just like a life of a human individual.

Remember not too long ago we use to sacrifice human beings. When I asked lady Google, she said twenty-five non connected human societies performed human sacrifice. Well just try that today, and see what kind of response you get from the world you live in. So, religion or not today humanity has evolved to the point that now a days people around the world condemn any and all kind of atrocities, racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. I am not even going to touch the subject of animal sacrifice, because sacrifice or not a vast majority of the humanity eats meat products any way. So, I am going to stick with perceptions based human behavior, because to me, we are not like other physical creatures. As human beings individually we carry a spiritual content within us. If you disagree with me, count it as my perception. It may end up in a graveyard or it may resonate to help some of the people. Anyway, I gave it a name to this spiritual content, and I call that, “ATOM OF AUTONOMY”. We all individually bring it along from before our birth, as we come to our senses we start to make choices, using our free will and our personal sense of justice gets established quite early in our life. I have been talking about our atom of autonomy in detail for years, but because of our political disputes and wars, it seems, it’s never enough to talk about.

Being an atom of autonomy holding entity, human beings are a helping hand of God. Sort of like a cell and the body relationship, both have a dependency and reciprocation related relationship to make life physically possible. Since they both play a critical role in making life possible, they simply can’t be considered as a cheap commodity. If you look around and see how our races, nations and religions have been making a mockery out of human individual’s life. You can see how they value even their own belonging individuals. Especially by putting God and Devil on the top corner of this holy triangle to make a human individual politically irrelevant. Regardless of chopping God’s working hands, it’s not considered as a big deal. To some, as long it’s far away, from us it’s not our problem.

I consider myself a straightforward thinker, so mostly I try to make sense out of things to match my daily living in the era I am born into. Since I believe a living breathing human being is a helping hand to God and Devil simultaneously, we have to understand the importance of living breathing human individuals and respect them for their spiritual contributions. So, when it comes to abortion, I have mixed emotions and the feelings of being torn from within. Simply because our scientific advancements are proving to be overwhelmingly relevant as well. Remember, we are in the era where you can have frozen embryos to use them for later. We can not only see everything what is going on within the body of the mother, but also, we can not only see but also perform surgeries on the fetus if needed. Health of the fetus and mother can be looked at from the angles we have never seen in the history before. Socially our societies have become aware of equal human individual rights including women and children rights. So, sticking with your old beliefs would mean that you are locked into your ancestors provided, thousands of years old streams of knowledge. Which can easily be challenged in today’s medically advanced, and AI influenced societies. Any way one way or the other, I personally believe a human life needs to be valued and respected. One can try to live in fear based and totally controlled manors, wholeheartedly believe in heaven yet kill or die for their metaphorical realities.

Unlike other creatures, as human beings we are equipped with our atom of autonomy which allows us to use our free will, personal sense of justice, compassion, love among other spiritual abilities. Remember regardless of minor differences, even our cousin primates like chimps, are still stuck into the bush and caves. Human beings on the other hand, have been evolving nonstop.

All this comes along with us from before birth, don’t believe me, just compare human beings with other creatures, especially with primates. So, as we take a physical form with a duty to physically perform and convert spirituality into physical actions. We are here to make it all meaningful, so God and human individual has a similar relationship as our cells have with the whole body. Remember a rouge cell can cause cancer so the importance of the cell is undeniable. Today one human individual can press a button to blow up a nuclear weapon.

Since we all come to our living years with a purpose of honest and direct reciprocation with God, we have to override our political and hormonal influences. We have to understand that we have absolutely no control over our physical experience of living years. Whatever we do, we do it after we have taken in oxygen, so believing we are doing everything is a half knowledge. You can have scientific explanation but at the moment we are not that sophisticated yet. So, I believe we should acknowledge our limitations and learn to believe that we need to reciprocate in return of free oxygen, functioning body and favorable life circumstances. Sooner we learn, understand and deal with our personal monsters of our insecurities the better. Our group politics related emotional attachments and belonging have been doing too much damage. So, understanding personal relevance is crucial because most of them are our personal choices related issues. Since they have been, are and will continue to be there, we all individually will have to understand them and personally take charge. Rather than leaving it all on our belonging groups. In plain and simple words, we all have to become a CEO of our lives so we can choose to make choices, instead of being herded like sheep. We individually have to see who is hiding behind the disguise of sheepdog and why we are being herded? So, making choices like a CEO is crucial for each and every single one of us. Don’t forget to know that God’s and even Devil’s existence and meaningfulness depends on human individual’s physicality. So, if there are no living breathing human individuals who, will worship or hate them? Now the question is, why would you work to make choices against human relevance?

If you are taught to believe that you are not valuable, that simply is political because in reality your political groups want to use you as an asset. Your importance is unquestionable because your belonging group and even God and Devil all need your physicality to be meaningful. Yet you yourself believe in your own irrelevance. How can that be right? You will only be able to see that and the causes of the individual’s irrelevance if you seek to know. Remember there are people knowingly doing the bad deeds for their belonging groups. So, when people kill each other in their real life, it is not an illusion or metaphorical. It has been and still is a human reality so if you don’t come to those conclusions for yourself. You need to learn all about being a human being including the calls of your DNA. If the problems start because you, yourself are believing in your own irrelevance. Then you owe it to yourself to learn and understand everything about your atom of autonomy. Remember that makes you the one who is the main character of this HOLY PICTURE, WITHOUT YOUR PHYSICALITY, GOOD AND BAD THINGS DON’T HAPPEN PHYSICALLY. So, if you work to make your belonging group, God and Devil meaningful with your physicality, then you personally should be judging yourself for your physical input. Or at the least you should be blaming someone who taught you your irrelevance. Now this is the time to look at and I mean look at it with total and pure of politics honesty. Remember you have been blessed with your own atom of autonomy so acknowledge that all your traditional knowledge is stemming from the data you have been installed with. So, regardless of your ownership of atom of autonomy, if you blindly believe in your data, that data is not faulty, it’s you who is not reading, picking, choosing, mixing and matching to really know your abilities correctly.

Since God had already provided you with an ocean like brain with your own and exclusive atom of autonomy. Being stuck into a stream of knowledge by choice is your individual shortcoming. So, look at everything critically. If you feel that you have been stuck into a stream of knowledge or are fearful of taking responsibilities that come with the ocean like brain and atom of autonomy. Only you can help yourself, remember your belonging groups are political entities so they are not going to like your ability to think and question their authority. That is why inhibiting people from becoming independent is common in group settings. Unfortunately, our religious groups are notorious for keeping the individual under their thumb. Just look around the world and you will find a whole lot of examples.

Being an entity who is equipped with their own atom of autonomy and are sent to live a physical life. We all have our reasons to find the reasons for ourselves. So, one has to follow their nature and that nature is an evolving nature. We have to grow and transform into the being who is a CEO of their life who has natural ability to make choices. YET WITH A LIMITED TIME. So, if you can’t do that, someone else will map out your life for you. In most cases, it will be designed like a worker bee or a warrior ant. In that case, one way or the other you will be willingly sacrificing your life. Question is why? Remember as a universal and a just entity, God had put everything on the foundation of equality for the reason of universal justice. So, anything even remotely smelling like bigotry, prejudiced or discrimination is not coming from God. God, spirituality, justice and humanity all are universal so infecting them with group belonging is totally political. Today’s time, that humanity has to come up with the anti-dote of this political infection. That anti-dote is found in universal things like spirituality and blind justice. Meaning it’s not in our organized religions but rather in universally accepted spiritual principles. If as a group your spirituality and justice system is politically compromised it will always be on the shaky ground. Simply because evolving humanity will reach to the point where things will not work. Regardless of the size of Empire, Nation, Religion or Ism they all will end up in a graveyard of such things. Don’t believe me just look in the history. Universal things like spirituality and evolving humanity have been consistent and always survived because of their universal legitimacy. Yet politically tainted religions and other governing systems on the other hand have been constantly being dumped by the humanity.

If you are sticking with your religion as the ultimate solution to the humanity, just look at its history and decide for yourself. If things have not changed in thousands of years, why do you think they will change in next thousand? If you don’t question the questionable because of indoctrination, you are going to stay in the limits of mastering a subject, but you will never attain the status of PhD. Yet that is what God had meant for us all. Remember, we all have an ocean like brain which allows us to pick, choose, mix and match to write our own theses. On top of all that, our evolutionary nature, that is there for you to go beyond those politically enforced limitations. Your personal atom of autonomy is there for you to at the least live a limitless life even if it is in your imagination. You are totally different than worker bees or warrior ants because their DNA calls for their limits but as human beings our DNA calls for constant evolution. So, not overriding hormonal and political influences is not for human beings. If you want to look for the proofs, they are everywhere. Remember no religion or their number has been able to contain human beings by force, fear or greed. Our evolution shows up in everything we have been doing.

On one side we have space, medicine, AI and are seeking equal human individual rights, yet on the other, we have been killing each other all along. Don’t you want to know what is wrong with this picture? Progress is still there but the process is too slow. Probably there is a spiritual wisdom involved to match our ability to adopt the speed of changes. Remember there has been and still is a certain segment of the population in all human groups, that is not in questioning mode. Yet interestingly, evolution does not happen without questioning. As it can be clearly seen in our ongoing conflicts, since we still kill each other, that means we got a long way to go to meet our potential as humanity. As I see it, our problems are not only deeply rooted in our individual ignorance, they also have been connected to our inability to seek what has always been within all of us. You can see people living in melting pot societies peacefully, yet still there are people who don’t want that. Simply because they don’t want to or are brain washed to the point that they cannot override their politics of belonging. They simply stand against every progress humanity makes, from blood transfusion to stem cell to frozen embryo to equal human individual rights, they literally are fearful of the human DNA, which is constantly calling for constant evolution.

Sure, individually we all show up without our choice because we simply cannot choose which group we are going to be born into or where on earth we will start our physical journey. Yet interestingly as a human individual, we can learn to choose as we evolve or spiritually grow. So, our loyalties of belonging may seem natural, but our trouble is having that personal atom of autonomy within. That can create havoc for us individually if we don’t think independently. Our atom of autonomy allows us to use free will to make choices to do the justice, be compassionate and loving. To top all that having our own ocean like brain and mortal nature, makes thing quite complicated. Sure, our hormonal responses and political influences of community seem natural and powerful but regardless of their powers our individual abilities can clash. So, the possibility to stay stuck into our streams of knowledge is much higher. Yet at the same time, our personal atom of autonomy is undermined by us individually can be a reckless strategy for the individual. Undermining it by our own political groups has its consequences as well. Keeping their boundless individuals from becoming aware of their potential cannot be good for the belonging groups. Not understanding the differences between physical and spiritual simultaneously can be destructive individually and collectively. So, as it has been preached to us and most of us buy into it and believe that we simply are a physical entity belonging to a group of people. Personally, I connect to the individual’s self-esteem because they have bought into a notion that an ordinary human individual is not worthy to have a direct connection to God. Sort of like a commoner and king relationship. Our problem is related to the political belonging that makes us think, feel and believe that individually we are irrelevant. Then we wholeheartedly believe that we are part of our political belonging group instead of the universal things like God, spirituality and humanity as a whole. Now if you start to look at our evolving nature, you can easily see your physical abilities are limited, but when it comes to spiritual side, you can literally see a boundless being who has no limits. Sure, you are an aging and mortal being but that simply is linked to your physical side. Your inability to recognize the forces that compel you to evolve or fight against can become questionable. For instance, if your spiritual side is calling for evolution but your mortal nature and belonging politics is keep telling you to stop pursuing. You will be confused unless you believe in your spiritual side as a legitimate side. That is connected to you from within but also to infinite simultaneously. Now the question is at the individual level how to deal with our mortal nature with limited time? First thing to understand that we don’t have time to learn it all. Second, by keeping our mortal nature in front while you explore your options. To me, you have to become a CEO to handle all that, especially if your belonging groups are trying to brain wash you right from your tender years. So, that political conformation and inner battle with our individual atom of autonomy takes a toll on the individual. Yet in the long run negatively effects the group as well, so our individual and collective ignorance EVENTUALLY EFFECTS HUMANITY AS A WHOLE.

We have people who believe to have guns, then bigger guns and even nuclear weapons to feel secure, but that strategy has been and is a failed strategy. Simply because humanity has never been without conflicts of wars. The reason behind is that we always want our rights as groups. When a group wants equal rights, you can’t get around the politics of belonging. So, our differences never get solved. Whether it’s related to race, gender, nation or religion politics of belonging to our groups still dominates. So, learning to live with each other, giving and receiving equal human individual rights have been and still is an unreachable human dream. If we individually understand, acknowledge and accept to implement everything on us personally, we can start the peace process. First with personal and inner peace then we can compel our belonging groups to remove group politics to join humanity as a whole.

SURE, IT IS A HUMAN DREAM, BUT IT CAN BECOME REAL IF WE INDIVIDUALLY UNDERSTAND OUR SPIRITUAL SIDE AND IT’S RELATED POWERS. Since our religions have miserably failed to bring us inner and outer peace. They should be blamed for their inability to shield their spiritual systems from the infectious disease of political belonging.

If you are a religious fanatic or a mad scientist, just remember by your nature, not only you have an ocean like brain, but you also have your own and personal atom of autonomy sitting right within you. On top of all that you already know that you have a mortal nature. So, if it is too overwhelming for you individually, and you still happen to choose your extremes beliefs. All you have to do is to critically look at your evolving nature. That should tell you what it is all about, because if you are learning something new all the time. Logically your knowledge has not been or is not complete, so how can you buy into that? While you are at it, just dig a little deeper into it, but honestly. You will discover that your personal ego that has been politically installed by your belonging groups. Ever wonder, why all of sudden you somehow become or learn to believe that you are a better human individual. Just by being born into or by belonging to certain color, race, gender, nation or religion. Yet you have been served the same spiritual cards. You depend on oxygen, water, food and love survive, yet you get old and die just like everyone else.

One thing is for sure, our belonging groups use their belonging individuals as their political assets and logically that is because they believe the politics of strength in numbers. Well that puts you in odds against your own atom of autonomy. Remember that Godly particle within does not know politics as you or your belonging groups know. It simply knows that you have been blessed with free will, personal sense of justice and an ocean like brain. So, if you stray for political reasons you end up going against it. Meaning your own ethical dilemma begins. Especially being mortal, our clock is ticking. So, we simply can’t afford to be torn apart from within. Remember it can have its hellish consequences and on top of that ticking is ongoing.

If you are born as a human being, you are born with your own spiritual Jewlery, so you have to wear it with pride. So, if you belong to universal things like humanity, spirituality and God, you simply can’t be a political asset to a group of people. You simply are an asset of an entity who resides within you. So, give a chance, let yourself spiritually grow, not only you will be willing to give each other equal human rights, you will also shed your politically coated skins of identities. Remember being born as a human individual is your real identity and a physical reality.SO, YOU ACTUALLY BELONG TO HUMANITY AS A WHOLE. Sort of like belonging to a whole body, not to an arm or a leg.

Since, politics of belonging to our groups has done enough damage to humanity. It’s time for us that we evolved to become an adult who does not only takes care of self, but also creates balance in political belonging and spiritual responsibilities simultaneously. To me personally, all the stories of human being committing atrocities against human beings are related to this imbalance, and this imbalance is not coming from group strength but rather it has been and still is coming from our individual weaknesses. Today we are saving other creatures from extinction yet are hell bent to kill each other even the children of opposing groups without any discrimination. What do you think are the reasons behind? If you think not standing for spiritual principles is not our individual weaknesses, then you are not following your God given evolutionary nature. You are stuck into your streams of knowledge. Ignoring your own ocean like spiritual side and aren’t living in the era of equal human individual rights.

There has always been and are people with difference of opinions and they will openly preach their bigotry, prejudice and discriminatory views yet with pride. They will tell you that you are an asset of a group of people and nothing more. If people are motivated as a race, gender, nation or a religion, they simply are politically motivated. So, they will not follow their spiritual and evolutionary calls coming from within. Don’t forget it’s a human nature to find likeminded people to form a group to overpower other groups. THAT IS NOTHING BUT THE POLITICS. TRUTH, SPIRITUALITY, GOD, JUSTICE OR PERSONAL ETHICS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT ALL.

Political groups are political, so they will live on with their politics but you on the other hand my friend doesn’t have luxury of time. So, living a torn apart individual life from within by going against your own atom of autonomy can be a living hell. Hell of after death may or may not be true, but a living hell has its consequences. So, while you have the ability to make things right, do so, by using your free will for your own sake.

Your political groups may claim that they are making all these choices to keep you safe from other groups, but you as a CEO should know your life is dependent on the oxygen and functioning body. So, there is no real security in hands of human beings whether they are individuals or a group. Not even the next breath is your own. All your groups can do is to say a prayer for you, so you and even your belonging groups have their limitations. Then there are people who say that there is no God, for them I would say let’s make sure that we are not stuck into our streams of knowledge just like the other extreme where people put God and Devil on the pedestal and hide their politics behind them.

Why do you think human individual came into life with their own atom of autonomy, ocean like brain and evolving nature? If you ignore your own abilities and have no self-respect or self-esteem, you will be claiming that your knowledge has been complete and better than others just because your belonging group say so. Since that is a political rhetoric, eventually it may not hold spiritual waters. If every day humanity is making new discoveries with real and meaningful results, no one should claim that their knowledge is complete. Especially for last few thousand years our groups have been claiming that their knowledge is complete and better yet regardless of their effort’s humanity has been and still is learning and evolving. So, instead of claiming and believing in completeness of streams related knowledge we all should dive into our own ocean and decide for ourselves.

If you don’t believe in religions and say they are stuck into their stream of knowledge, you have to make sure that you are not suffering from the same disease. Our biased, bigotry, prejudicial and discriminatory behaviors are not stemming from our nature but rather they are coming from our political influences. So, individually free yourself by diving into your ocean like brain to make sense out of your thinking before physically acting on it. If you are following and acting on whatever your belonging group says. My advice would be to take responsibility of your own actions and don’t stand against your spiritual side. Remember that has the potential to rip you apart from within. As a mortal being that definitely is not a good place to be. Now the question is what makes us get so intrenched and believe in our incomplete knowledge as complete? To me answer is not into any streams of our knowledge, otherwise by now with the level of our evolution, we would have world peace. Since we have not gotten there yet, we all individually have to start diving into our ocean like brains to personally correct the course of our mortal lives.

Remember if you believe your knowledge is complete, not only you will stop learning new things, exploring or evolving, but you also will go against your human identity. So, whatever the reasons are, you have to resolve and deal with your personal issues. How are you going to deal with these issues? Especially when you are bombarded with the streams related and politically influenced knowledge right from the get-go. Remember, your atom of autonomy allows you to use your free will and personal sense of justice. So, do some justice to yourself, become a CEO, belong to humanity as a whole and override the education of your irrelevance all at the same time, you can do it, because you are naturally designed to be a CEO.

Just look at your nature, you are spiritually designed to be God’s working hands. So, shouldn’t we all be working to convert spirituality into physical actions. Instead of politically deciding who should or should not. Logically all human individuals who are working in any capacity, they are helping other human beings. If someone is praying to get some help from God, and a physical human being comes into help to fulfill those prayers. That human individual is converting spirituality into physical actions. If a group of people politically decide that male should work, and female should stay home as dependents. Well in theory things can work out fine if there are enough resources coming in, but deciding who should or who should not, is totally political because by nature gender differences are hormones related so they are typically physical not spiritual. For instance, if you see every male has nipples, ever wonder why males have nipples? They don’t produce milk so why would nature design male with the nipples? Well as fetus there is no gender until the hormones kick in. In the nutshell what I am trying to say is that our physical body may have gender or color but spiritually we don’t have any limitations and boundaries of color or gender. So, if a group of people decide that there are gender and racial differences, they simply are coming from physical and political side, so universal things like God, spirituality, justice and humanity as a whole have nothing to do with it all. Especially God created everyone to do the job, so, making half of the population to be dependent on the other half is not from God nor it is wise for humanity as a whole. Regardless of male, female of other genders, everyone plays a crucial role in the progress of humanity, God and everything in between.

Now let’s look at the consequences of gender biased, people use to kill a female child at birth, then they aborted them after knowing the gender of the child. As we are evolving our knowledge is allowing us to even pick the gender of our child. Even this day and age, in certain nations a male child is still preferred. These traditions have deep roots into the biased politics related to economics. So, God, spirituality and justice have nothing to do with these traditions. Ethics and morals have been man made and politically installed to suit group’s political agendas. Traditions, customs, rituals and rules of our societies have to be understood clearly with their consequences, because we have to evolve as humanity. If we fight and kill each other over our socially accepted boundaries. We will never come up with a successful governing system. Equal human individual rights will always be the victim of our unjust political differences. Our wars will still go on as they have been for thousands of years. Our prejudice, bigotry and discriminatory policies will rob the humanity from its resources a lot more than by having half of the population not working. SO, HOW LONG ARE WE WILLING TO GIVE OUR POLITICS TO KEEP THE HUMANITY FROM EVOLVING TO ITS POTENTIAL.

Looking at where we are at today, and where we were in past or even in our distant past. Tells a story of our evolutionary nature. If you understand it, that can bring you to your own conclusions, and maybe some inner peace for yourself and eventually even external peace as well. So, let’s start with the fact that we all have come long way from our humble beginning. Along the way we have learned a lot more than why a log floats and earth is not flat. So, from a floating log to the size of the city block ships and flat earth to round, spinning and revolving earth to moon, mars and space has become a commonly accepted and household knowledge. Human understanding took a lot of evolution to be where we are today. Yet we still struggle to accept our evolutionary nature. Simply because of the politics of belonging to our groups. If you have a lot of politically inspired or religiously brain washed people, even scientifically repeatable facts can be ignored to keep humanity from evolving. Remember if we are still killing each other over our religious differences, it’s not because of our Godly installed evolving nature, but rather it’s all political to keeping us from evolving. So, if we can override political belonging to our groups and work together as humanity, we can come up with the antidotes of chaos and destruction. Remember regardless of our differences and push back from our religious extreme, we have come up with advancements like frozen embryos, cloning, artificial insemination, to breaking down genetic code to nano technology and now to multiply all the advancements with AI. I can just imagine, if as humanity we didn’t have to waste all the resources on our wars of differences of pulling humanity back and forth, where would humanity be today? Interestingly we have attempts of turning things around to put the worms back into the can all along during our history. From burning books to killing people just because they were a threat. All because of some insecure and fearful people who are scared to death from the calls of our DNA. Fearful of losing political powers, influences and control yet preaching as if fighting against human and Godly facts is ethical and right by God. Logically looking at our evolutionary nature says it all. Since the beginning of our spiritual awareness, all our knowledge has been, is and will always be changing until we hit our potential and interestingly as we learn something new, we grow new neurons, meaning even our potential has an evolving potential. So, there is no cap or freezing of knowledge from God, instead we have our atom of autonomy. That has no boundaries, on top of all that we have our brain that grows if we use it. So, who is stopping us from our evolving nature? It’s all related to the political power and control by our belonging groups. Whether it’s related to our race, gender, nation or religions it’s all about the politics of belonging to put a group of people in charge yet in the name of God. So, if you simply move your political belonging from a group of people to humanity as a whole, things can change drastically. To me that is the next step on the ladder of evolution humanity has to take.

Interestingly, today’s major issues like global warming and popularity of equal human individual rights around the world are pointing towards the problems of humanity not a group. So, internet and AI can be holding the solutions for us to come together, remember our previously popular forts and communal walls don’t hold a chance against weather extreme or nuclear weaponry. Covid has taught us that biological weaponry can’t be held in the boundaries of communal walls anymore. If you believe God is doing all that, do so but remember to ask why? If God has granted us all the powers to evolve and change the course of our earthly life, then why are we fearful of the calls of our DNA.

All our knowledge has always been and still is changing, as I said flat earth theory fell flat on its face and went in the graveyard of human perceptions. Not because of accepting our political identities but rather because of our questioning and evolving nature. So, hypothetically, if we stop pursuing, we are just as good as the other creatures. Dominated by their physical nature and still stuck and staying in the bush and caves. We on the other hand are equipped with our Godly installed atom of autonomy. A spiritual particle of God almighty, that changes everything for us. Since we bring it along from before birth and carry it throughout our living years. We all are blessed with our free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and ability to love. So, that takes us all above and beyond our physical nature. This spiritual identity puts us all in a class of our own. If you somehow are individually brain washed by the politics of belonging, it’s not a matter of pride because in today’s time you supposed to be standing with the entity that keeps you alive physically by providing you a functioning body and favorable life circumstances. Like oxygen and functioning body. Unlike your belonging groups claiming to provide you security yet using you as a fuel to carry on their business of political wars. Remember they are dependent on the same entity to carry on their business just like you individually. So, being used politically becomes your personal business because you have been individually equipped to be an independent entity to make decisions and choices. If it’s you who owns an atom of autonomy, you are the one who is responsible for your physical actions not your belonging groups. So, if you individually can move the politics of belonging to humanity as a whole instead of a group of people. That would mean, that you have taken an evolutionary step towards a peaceful humanity. If you believe in universal things like spirituality over a group oriented religious belief or a justice system that is for all not for a group of people. You individually can make the difference. So, justice for humanity, and for an individual rather than a group oriented or politically tainted system for some but not for all is in order. That would be an evolutionary step for not only the individual but for humanity as a whole as well. Since there are thousands of religions and most of them want their individual to believe in and abide by their traditions, customs, rituals and rules. That means they automatically lead you out of spiritual principle-based system and put you in a politically influenced limbo. Where you believe in God that is political, good for some but not for all. So, who is going to lead you out of that political limbo? If you think that will be your belonging group, think again, because your group is not going to sacrifice their political powers and control over you. This is where I stray from our set rules and believe in our Godly installed evolutionary nature. So, one way or the other I look at things a little differently. Yet still I believe no one has to change their religious beliefs, all they have to do is to follow their spiritual content. By removing politics of belonging, each and every one can potentially be a good and just person but that is not an easy task. You may have to become a CEO of your life to be able to look beyond your religious boundaries. Since I noticed there have been a lot of disputing yet similarities in our religious world. I have to mention them.

For instance, whether you are Muslim stone thrower at the man-made replica of the Devil and a kisser of the black stone or a Hindu, a worshiper of the statue of God or bow to the Jesus on cross like Christian or stand against the wall like Jewish or fanning a book like a Sikh. It’s a political but an automagical reaction to defend those rituals by talking about their metaphorical value. Especially if you have been taught to believe the importance of what is behind those religious traditions, customs and rituals.

Don’t get me wrong, even I believe in the importance of our metaphorical world, but I would like to acknowledge and to keep the differences between my physical and metaphorical realities. Remember our metaphorical realities have been talking about the world beyond our living years. Since no one comes back to tell us or show us the real videos of heaven or hell as physical evidence, we simply have to believe what our religions tell us to believe. So, if you believe in the importance of life after death more than your physical life to become a good person. Logically that is great but if you start to kill each other over it. Just because of your beliefs without the physical evidence. TO ME THAT IS BECAUSE OF THE POLITICAL BELONGING SO I GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT, because a beliefs system supposed to make us humble, compassionate, and evolved to be loving. If you believe in the universality of God, spirituality and one humanity as a whole. Accept everyone as a human being belonging to God and humanity, so without the politics of belonging to our groups, things can work out very well spiritually. I believe our living years are the one that matters the most, not only to us individually but also to God as well. So, not only it’s a gift of God to all of us, simultaneously we come to physically work to convert spirituality into physical actions. Taking that away or robbing someone of that is and should be a spiritual sin.

Since I do my best to reciprocate for my living years honestly, I personally don’t fear or have greed about the world beyond my living years. I keep my physically real world as more important than the world I don’t really know about. If you claim that you know more about the world beyond the cliff of your faith, but you are robbing people of their physical life, you got a spiritual problem. Remember I said all living breathing people are God’s working hands. So, chopping them simply can’t be a spiritual truth. If believing in after life makes us a good person in our living years, THAT IS GREAT, but robbing someone of their living years over our beliefs that we cannot physically prove is nothing but the politics. Simply try to clean up your beliefs from political belonging to a group of people and see what happens. Especially before you go ahead and become an extremist. So, one way or the other, in our scientifically savvy and physical world, stones and tombs don’t make any differences simply because of believing and disbelieving.

Sure, one can say believing in our metaphorical world has helped humanity to evolve from our barbaric bush and cave times, but today’s reality says that there is nothing more barbaric if humanity is still busy in counting the death toll of our politically influenced belief systems. Remember it’s still an ongoing process so we are not done yet. Unfortunately, with our modern-day weaponry innocence and guilt has lost their spiritual meanings as well. To some of us our physical world is less important because we have been politically influenced to kill and die for something we don’t really know about. Yet killing each other ultimately comes easy if you are inspired by the fiery speeches of your religious leaders. Remember, as an atom of autonomy holding human individual you are responsible for your physical actions.

When you believe in your metaphorical world more than your physical world and believe that is nothing wrong in believing that. There is something wrong, how seriously, well when you are able to look at it all without the politics of belonging. You will be able to see and override your politics of belonging. Remember, being a physical entity you are responsible for converting spirituality into physical actions to make them meaningful. So, if that is not important to you, don’t you want to question all that to understand your importance and relevance. Logically God and Devil’s real work is done with your physical input so that is your reciprocation, or I should say meaning of your life. So, being in your living years, you, mean more to them and yourself simultaneously. If you have been taught to believe that the world after your death is more meaningful and important than your living years. NOT ONLY YOU BUT WE ALL SHOULD ASK QUESTIONS TO THOSE WHO PREACH IT, WHY?

We all got to make some sense of out of everything we have been installed with. So, if we simply can’t override our political belonging, we simply can’t look at things with spiritually open eyes. If individually you can override your politics of belonging and see the real picture with the reasons of your physicality. Remember without your physicality, things don’t work very well. Whether physically or spiritually everything kind of come to screeching halt. Without the living breathing human beings, God and the Devil could be sitting up there somewhere in the air without being meaningful, because the physicality of their actions have been taken away. If you still think as a human individual, you are not relevant, you need to open your spiritual eyes to see the justice not the politics.

Sure, you can say we need hope and optimism to live this life with comfort but creating a picture of putting life after death above your living years and making human beings as irrelevant. Simply does not hold spiritual water because it stinks like a human politics for power and control to me. Personally, I believe, you will have to come all the way down to you, and question yourself, why regardless of your atom of autonomy, you would act like a puppet? Why would you want to do to others that you would not like to be done to your or to your loved ones? Remember that is where your real spirituality starts and ends. So, it actually makes you personally responsible for your physical actions.

If you are passionate about your metaphorical world or related realities, you still don’t have the rights to rob others of their physical realities. Robing someone of their love is a spiritual crime, no matter how you look at it. Meaning our physical realities automatically become more important than our metaphorical world. So, if you are told about the rewards of heaven and punishments of hell, you still have to think about it all. Remember you still have to die first to really find out what is on the other side or beyond our physical world. So, let’s stay in our physical world and see its realities, first of all, if you are in the physically real world, you will see a human individual standing in the middle as a main character of it all. We have them seeking a working position in most human societies. You get a job in certain department of a certain company, that certain company is located in certain city of certain province of a certain country. Everything is fine and dandy until we stall going further for political reasons, because logically that certain nation or country belong to earth and humanity as a whole.

Unfortunately, our group politics has been and still is so powerful that as individuals we can’t even think beyond our political belonging. Yet interestingly, regardless of any particular society, the whole world has some kind of law and order founded on their justice systems. Simply to make us all responsible for our physical actions. EVER WONDER WHY? Personally, I believe as human individuals we all come with our own and personal atom of autonomy. So, not only, that allows us to use our free will and personal sense of justice but also our brain is designed like an ocean. Yet all our knowledge pours into it as streams and rivers. Since we all are capable of using our ocean like brains, we become responsible of picking, choosing, mixing and matching our knowledge to live our individual lives. Sort of like reading a book or getting a master’s degree to be educated but writing theses to live like a PhD. Living life according to the best of our accumulated knowledge, but if you somehow believe in a stream or a river of knowledge to be ultimate truth. You are stuck into your political belonging and disregarding or disrespecting your God given asset. If you are politically influenced to be stuck into your stream or river-based knowledge you are the one who is responsible to fix that. Meaning you are responsible for your physical actions, even you claim that politically you have to follow your belonging group. Yet you being a human being belong to humanity as a whole, not to a group of people. Loyalty to your political affiliation means you are undermining your potential you have brought along from before birth. As I said, being a human individual, we all are born with an ocean like brain. So, staying stuck into a stream or a river of knowledge is a personal choice. Politically influenced may be but, just like you are responsible of controlling your animal urges, you are responsible to deal with your political influences as well. Meaning reducing oneself to a genetically programmed and predictable creatures is an individual decision. So, if potentially you have been blessed with something vast like a human brain yet not using it, is not only demeaning for you as an individual you are disrespecting the entity that has blessed you with all those abilities.

If you start to dig within, you will find the wisdom that has no boundaries, spiritually connecting you to God and physically connecting you to humanity as a whole. Meaning the more you dig yourself out of your group politics, the more you learn to be useful and reciprocating to God and humanity simultaneously. For thousands of years humanity has been looking at our knowledge with assumptions and perceptions because we all individually have our own and individual world of imagination. Nothing is limited when it comes to our imagination, but unfortunately, there has always people who followed and people who rejected and resisted. That has never changed, and I don’t think it would ever change because we all perceive to follow our perceptions. Some influenced by the religious beliefs and boundaries, and some breaking those boundaries. I HAPPEN TO LOOK FOR THE DEAD DOGS OF OUR PROBLEMS AND LOOK BEYOND TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF THINGS.

Any way I was looking at our traditions like throwing stones at the Devil, so this is what I discovered by Googling. Ramy Al Jamarat, a symbolic ritual of physically throwing stones and metaphorically rebuking the Devil is part of an annual pilgrimage of Hajj.

Here I am trying to make sense, because regardless of its metaphorical meanings, Muslims are against statue worshiping of God. Now if you start to dig into the stones of religions, things get quite interestingly confusing. One way or the other they are similar in nature. Metaphorically rebuking the Devil by throwing stones at the replica of the Devil is believing in that. So, is following the other ritual of touching or kissing the black stone. Yet at the same time are totally against the other group of people who is talking and worshiping the man-made statues of God. My question is why do we need statues, replicas, stones and even tombs to connect ourselves to God? On top of that we have religious symbols like cross, moon or stars to keep our differences. Differences, well what are you looking for spirituality or politics? Logically humanity and God are physically suffering because we keep chopping off God’s physically working hands. Yet interestingly reality of humanity and God is, that they are literally intertwined like two wires to light up the spiritual bulb or knowledge within each and every one of us. Anyway, whatever we believe in, we have to understand our metaphorical realities can’t be explained physically. So, they should never be put above human individual’s life or into the foundations of our justice systems. Remember the phrase of nothing but the truth. Yet, our religious beliefs have been and are highly influenced by the politics of our belonging to our groups, so they simply are not spiritual anymore. Otherwise, there would be only one God, one spiritually influenced justice system and one humanity.

Why and where did the things go wrong? All you have to do is to look at the universality of God, spirituality and humanity, things will open up to you at least at individual level. Logically a universal thing is politically corrupted if it is good for some but not for all. So, everything that is good for one group of people but not for whole humanity should always be questioned and perceived as political.

Let’s look at it this way, if hypothetically perceive and believe in what our holly books point towards and remove all the people. Meaning you literally remove the physicality and meaningfulness of everything in the physical world and jump into the metaphorical one. Regardless of them being manmade, the statues of God and pillars of Devil would be still standing without the haters or lovers. Meaning the beauty of God or ugliness of the Devil will lose its meanings. Now the question arises, especially in our physical world, why a living breathing human individual is considered so irrelevant? If God and Devil are not physically acted upon, they have no needs or importance. So logically, whether it’s physical or metaphorical, without the human physicality things really fall apart. Maybe you are taught to believe that there is a whole world out there where God has the heaven and Devil has the hell waiting for you. To me, if that belief is keeping you from committing social and spiritual crimes. Good for you, but what if it is making you commit those crimes. Then I have to say my two bits, AND THAT IS TO PUT YOUR REALITIES IN THE RIGHT ORDER.

If you are the one who is holding the physicality card and are blessed with your own atom of autonomy related spiritual jewelry. Like free will and personal sense of justice, you are far more important than you have been taught to believe. It’s you who is providing the meanings to God, Devil, your belonging group and to your own life itself. Sure, one can say no its God and the Devil who are providing good and bad to us, but my question is without the human physicality how the things would happen physically? Sure, miracles or natural disasters can be attached to God or Devil but how often do you encounter those. Remember you will have to really prove that God and Devil are doing those good and bad deeds, otherwise you are blaming and crediting without really knowing. MEANING YOU ARE PERCIEVING A PERCEPTION WHICH CAN END UP LOSING IT’S LUSTER AS THE HUMANITY EVOLVES.

In today’s world there are a whole lot of real looking and convincing movies, showing perceived world of God, Devil, heaven and hell. So, everyone is looking for physical proof of God’s existence, and as a matter-of-fact Devil as well. Logically, regardless of God and Devil’s existence, if a human individual does not physically push the button or drop the bombs, things can be quite peaceful or literally quite just like on the moon and mars. Unfortunately, most of us have been and are still looking for God and Devil out there somewhere. Yet right beneath our noses human beings are politically pulling our strings. So, to me disregarding human individual’s importance is nothing more than politics of power and control.

Interestingly, even on earth we have ghost towns because for whatever reason human beings have moved away, so regardless of all the streets, houses, buildings bridges and other valuable properties goes up in the smoke. If you keep looking in that direction you will find things like a graveyard with hundreds and even thousands of years old tomb stones yet in real and physical world living breathing human beings are suffering from homelessness. Now one thing is for sure, that we are not going to find God and Devil on the dead planets or wherever human beings are not living. On the other hand, on earth, one way or the other we as living breathing human individuals give life to our stones to rob life of living breathing human beings. Remember God or no God, Devil or no Devil, everything has to physically happen to be meaningful. So, if you look at moon or mars, God and Devil are not very successful in their business, but on the earth their business is thriving, especially for last couple of thousands of years. If you ask, why Earth? Well, I guess you can easily put two and two together. HUMAN PHYSICALITY AND POLITICAL BELONGING TO OUR GROUPS TOPS THE CHART.

If you dig a little deeper, you can figure that there is no oxygen, and other favorable life circumstances on mars or moon so no human beings, at least not yet. That simply means no human beings or humanity, no physically manifested God or Devil. Ultimately that means, that peace and quiet is nonphysical. So, there is a good chance when we physically get there, we can bring God related good and Devil related bad along. Its already happening remember Russia is sending some nuclear weapons in space. Now the question is, why? And why do we kill each other anyway? Is it God and Devil related, or they both are dependent on our physicality to be meaningful? If you can’t figure it all out, just try to remove the Devil of political belonging to Your groups and see if you arrive to heaven of perception of personal conclusions.

In the nutshell, what I am saying, is that if you want to find God and Devil in action. Simply research the human individual inside out. You will find a belief less and an insecure human individual politically bidding on their belonging groups. Remember a baboon can be expected to act on their nature but as human individuals we all are expected to be not only in control of our natural urges but also political influences as well. Yet looking at our present and past history, unfortunately human beings are not able to control neither.

Ever wonder why we are living in our social settings with rules related law and order? We have court system because we all are expected to be better than baboons. So, whether you are taught to throw the stones at the pillars of Devil, touch, kiss and worship the stones or the statues of God. In the end of the day, being a human being, we all are responsible for your physical actions. So, whatever you are taught to believe aside, as a human being who is born in the era of equal human rights. You simply can’t be acting like baboons and hiding behind those stone entities. Sure, you can say it’s not the statue of God or pillar of Devil, it’s what is behind it all. So, is it our metaphorical world that is making us dance or are we influenced by the education we have received as growing up? Not so fast, remember our metaphorical world is highly influenced by the political belonging to our groups. Otherwise, we would only have one religious belief not thousands of them. Education of our metaphorical world is highly influenced and politically tainted by the politics of our belonging groups. Otherwise, by now with our spiritual nature we would have found peace. Interestingly still as a free will holding human beings, we simply can’t be sacrificing our living breathing time as less important than our metaphorical world. Remember regardless of the importance of our belief systems we still are the ones who is responsible of converting spirituality into physical actions. So, one way or the other you are more important to God and Devil alive, rather than dead because you are the one who has to add physicality and meanings to their existence.

When I talk about conflicting and disputing realities of our religious world, I may be labeled as an atheist or some other kind of nonreligious person. Yet, when I talk about spirituality and my belief in our metaphorical world, I could be called something else by the people who don’t believe in God. Since I believe in living in the era I am born into. I believe in and am calling upon to people to keep their and other people’s physical reality above their metaphorical world. Learn to live with each other, and yes that is regardless of how deeply you believe or feel about your religious beliefs. Learn about your atom of autonomy and the personal responsibilities come with it. Know how much you have been influenced by the politics of belonging to your groups. Remember, today’s humanity is calling for equal human individual rights. So, if you are taught to believe that you somehow are better than others. Just by believing in a religious belief or belonging to certain race, gender or nation you are living in the wrong era of time. As I said today belong to equal human rights so being a bigot, prejudiced, discriminatory and be proud of it, is not fitting in today’s humanity. So, understand and learn all about how to live in the era of your birth. If you have been taught to believe that your metaphorical world is more important than your living years, use your atom of autonomy related authority to question, question and question some more.

Simply remember and remember all the time that you can’t rob someone of their physical reality over your metaphorical one because you would not like it if it was done to you. As I always say, ” Don’t do to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. If someone else robs you of your physical world in the name of their metaphorical world. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? Since you are not going to like it, that means we all have to evolve to the point that we can understand where our political and physical realities stand. Our wrongly placed realities have not allowed us to find that illusive peace humanity has been look for since the beginning. So, bottom line is that if today is not the world of swords, spears, arrows and shields, we all should recognize what is at stake.

Fiery speeches related bravery is not going to cut it, being brave is one thing but in the era of nuclear and biological weaponry we have to evolve enough to understand our emotions as well. Since today belongs to nuclear and biological war weaponry, there are no shields or walls can protect you. In plain and simple words, we all have to evolve and evolve in balance so we can learn to stay in the era we are born into. Take charge of your physical actions because these days you can’t hide behind God, Devil or even your belonging groups anymore. Remember now a days people get charged for war crimes even years later. Recent history shows that if you have committed war crimes you will be penalized regardless of the length of time has passed. So, passion, loyalties, politics or religious extreme or not eventually you will be held responsible for your physical actions. If you think, it’s important for you to follow what your mullah, priest, pundit or rabi says, snap out of it because God had blessed you with your own atom of autonomy for a reason. Your own or your religiously taught perceptions have to stand on spiritual grounds because anything that is not universal, like spirituality, justice, God and humanity as a whole has not, cannot and will not survive and will eventually end up in a graveyard of our evolution. Remember your atom of autonomy is exclusively for you so you can use your free will and personal sense of justice. Your race, gender, nation or religious education or not your own awareness of your personal spirituality should make you responsible for your own physicality. Remember in today’s time, each and every single one of us is required to gain some self-respect and self-esteem to override all kind of our internal and external Devils. So, gain the real strength a human individual who chooses to give their physicality to the Devil or not. So, stop lending your physicality and remember to know the real and biggest Devil of distant past and even modern-day humanity that has been, is and will always be our politics of belonging to our groups. Individual insecurities created by our political groups is a false Devil hiding in plain sight. All our individual insecurities and group-based bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination have been the downfall of humanity. If you personally can’t override these Devils, you need to learn more about yourself. Remember as human individuals we don’t just come to life to serve the political elite but rather we individually have the powers to pull the strings of our groups, God and Devil by providing or not providing our physicality. So, learn and discover all about you but at a much deeper level than you have been politically taught. If your perceptions have been influenced, you have to become a CEO as you have always been.

Let’s honestly look at your own life with your perceptions and the ones you have put them to a graveyard to step higher on the ladder of your personal evolution. Now what makes you believe that certain kinds of knowledge like religious beliefs and politics of belonging to your group is off limits. If you believe that you are one of those people who stick with their traditions, customs, rituals and rules of belonging group, yet you have a large graveyard for your other perceptions. Don’t you want to question this biased. Or on the other if you used to follow everything your religions taught you but as you got older you quit following it all. You need to question that as well because you may have become aware, but you may be missing in some other areas of life. To some, knowing more or having strong opinions of personal life maybe great but to some that kind of out-of-control awareness can be threatening. To me, if by nature we are born as a CEO, we all should make sure to use that authority to balance all departments of life. Otherwise, there are forces out there to use you as a political puppet, brain wash you to kill opposing group’s innocents even children and make you become an extremist and even a suicide bomber. Now remember, everything including the things you have put into your personal graveyard of perceptions. Logically have a place in your life and since you are the one who is a CEO of your life. You have to learn their importance as well. Going against your nature will have its consequences. So, if you are living with stress, fear, anxiety and other related problems. You will have to learn to keep your options open so as a CEO you can pick, choose mix and match to suit your personal life. Knowing your spirituality related faith, now remember I said spiritual faith, it’s because I believe that there is a huge difference between politically tainted religious system and pure spiritual system. When you make God, good for some but not for all your faith system is clearly tainted. So, not only your group can be labeled as a bigoted, prejudiced and discriminatory system but they are also labeling God with all the above.

TO ME THAT IS A SPIRITUAL CRIME BECAUSE Blaming God for our individual shortcomings is not only undermining being a human being it is also political to hide behind God. We simply can’t be labeling God for lack of our struggle to evolve because that is nothing more than the politics. Remember we are an entity with free will, so God is innocent of our racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. So, if you personally feel or want to blame God for not saving innocents from being killed. Think again and again about your abilities. What is the purpose of having free will? If you feel that human beings are not responsible for their actions, you are not only blaming God, but you are also looking down at yourself as well. So, let’s start with taking responsibilities for personal actions because it is us who hold free will yet get brain washed to commit atrocities against each other. God did Godly job by allowing us to use our atom of autonomy and evolving nature to use as we please. So, not blaming God for our shortcomings makes us responsible human beings. One thing to clear, when I talk about us being a CEO, that should be taken as if I am using humanity as a whole which to me is a physical body of God resides as a spiritual entity. Just like us living in our physical bodies as an atom of autonomy holding entity. Our cells split and die, humanity has a similar system of multiplying and disappearing human individuals. One thing is hard to get, why do we intentionally kill each other? Remember we have lost our tails long time ago, meaning we have a lot of evolution in our belt or at least by know we should have understood that part of our existence. Metaphorically speaking, it’s almost like God has an auto immune disease and we are the cause of it. If we have free will, we are responsible for God’s spiritual peace. Remember, dis-ease, with the level of our evolution by now we all should be at ease. So, what is our problem? With our free will and personal sense of justice, why we can’t take responsibility for our personal actions?

We discover and learn something new all the time but still think that is it. Yet this progress or evolution has been going on since we lost our tails. From food chain to top dog has come and gone but we still did not learn all about what is behind our learning process. Logically by now we refuse to be used as a political puppet of our belonging groups, but I guess we still are in a process of evolution so maybe one day we will stop killing each other over our political reasons. Our groups don’t hesitate to use even God, never mind the individual. So, it is time for us to take the next step and step up on the ladder of evolution.

Just to mention I was researching for this subject and came to the point that I wanted to know. Why Mahmood Ghaznavi attack Somnath Temple repeatedly. So, I asked lady Google, and she said, and I quote. ” The ancient architects of Somnath Temple used a magnetic levitation system to create the levitating Jyotirlinga. They used a large loadstone as the ceiling magnet, a smaller iron Jyotirlinga as the lower magnet, and a layer of bismuth as the diamagnetic material between them”. End quote. What did I learn from this may be different than you because to me our history has been and is full of smart people but even fuller with those people who get fooled, want to be fooled and ignore their intelligence because of their political belonging. So, now the question is, why did we or we still connect things to God, especially if we don’t understand them. I can safely say if someone had a cell phone even two hundred years ago, they would be considered as Godly or people with magic. I just want to say as I have said before politics of control and power aside things always end up in our graveyard of perceptions. Whether they are individual like a monster under the bed and collective like Somnath, or Roman Empire, communism and even thousands of religions we don’t even know existed, but our lady Google knows. So, what is next on the chopping block, that would be the question for our future generations or humanity.



Before I get into, or I should say we all get into this confusing but outdated argument of identities. We all should ask ourselves individually, what and who we really are? Ask in such a manner that you speak to your inner self, where you are alone and are not politically influenced. I usually ask myself in the dead of the night, O life what and who are you? With you within, I make God, God, and Devil, Devil. Since I am the one who makes them physically functional. I should be respected as most relevant in our holy pictures of beliefs. Whole scheme of life whether it’s communal, universal and spiritual, what makes me, me? Why I am above everything with you within, but as you leave me, without you they burry me six feet under as useless and a burden. So, what are you? If each and every one successfully ask and get their answer, our holly triangle will be flipped back to right side up. We will not politically hide behind God and Devil, will become what we are, and we all start to take responsibilities of our physical actions.

Remember, you have only felt God like love but never seen God. It’s just like or similar to our cells deep within asking each other, if the body exists as a whole. To them their comprehension is limited because they have never been outside the body in living form, never mind with the brain like human beings. Just like those cells, we can’t really see the body but can envision, feel and understand the supply line of oxygen, water, food and love. So, regardless of what and who God is? We simply go according to our understanding, believe in, and give name to God. Now the question is, if we have never seen or met God why we claim to know everything about God? Yet to the point that we kill and rob each other of the actual physicality that is needed and is most important for God to physically exist. So, the bottom line is that to really know God, we have to know ourselves first. Just look around and see how far we still have to go? To even understand ourselves. We have been killing each other since our awareness of love, because the pain of the love loss is one of the biggest hurdles in the achievement of peace in humanity. Remember love loss is a pain that top the chart. Unfortunately, if it’s inflicted on you by others, we want them to feel the same pain, so we go for revenge. Meaning, all our evolution and spirituality go in the gutter, and we become a simple creature who exclusively feels physically. Shouldn’t we be at the level of understanding where we know inflicting pain on others does not end conflicts but rather makes them grow further.

Now in case you are wondering, what the hell all these letters mean, well since I can’t really make the title of the blog that long, I had to resort to the first latter of each word intended.

Anyway, even in the era that belongs to equal human individual rights, interestingly still these so-called identities are dictating what and who we really are. Yet the reality is that we are way, way, above it all, that is only if you can understand it. So, let’s start with S for SPIRITUAL, P for, PHYSICAL, and so on. H, HUMAN, BLACK, BROWN, YELLO, RED, WITE, MALE, FEMALE, STRAIGHT, LASBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, QUEER, MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, HINDU, JEWISH, SIKH AND MUCH, MUCH MORE.

Now while you are at it, or if that is not enough for you, let’s keep it going and add up nearly two hundred nations with a whole lot of territorial and land disputes. Eventually, top that off with thousands of religions and their sects. Remember this blog is a part three for the equal human individual rights and heading of this blog is about our natural as well as all the politically installed identities. Since our politically installed identities are our major hurdles and should be delt with before everyone can agree to give and receive equal rights. Our openly preached inequality related bigotry, prejudice and discrimination has been, is and will always be preventing us from following calls of our Godly installed spiritual DNA. So, to me this has been and still is the main Rabit Hole we all individually have to climb out. Since logically the levels of our personal insecurities and political involvement in the group interests, both start from within the individual. They simply can’t be fixed by staying within the group politics so individual has to deal with their personal issues by understanding and dealing with them. Remember you can’t come out of this Rabit Hole if you keep following the same old politics of belonging because as groups, we lose political power and control over the belonging individuals. So, that is why humanity is still struggling to adopt equal human individual rights. Sure, you can be willing to give and receive equal human rights at your individual level, but number of those individuals has to rise to influence the groups. Unfortunately, our groups have been able to brain wash us right from our tender years to believe in that our personal security is tied up with our group identity. Yet spiritually aware individuals know that being mortal we don’t really have real security. So, regardless of our political influences we should not sacrifice our spiritual principles for political identities. I wholeheartedly believe if we all can bring it down to us individually and really connect to God as a human individual or should I say as a real and politically uninfluenced human being we can actually bring the peace humanity has been seeking since the beginning of our spiritual awareness.

When I started to look for the reasons of why as humanity we can’t get along? And why we have been and are so torn apart, yet for thousands of years. All these first letters of modern-day human individual identities showed up. Spiritual and physical human being as first because, that is our real and foundational identity. Next is black because science says somewhere along the way, we all started or are originated from Africa. So, to me it’s kind of obvious to be dark if you are from or around the equator. That means, our ancestors have to be black or dark to begin with, because even today the populations on equator are still predominately dark. Then brown, yellow, red, white and then again back to mixing all the colors to create newer shades of humanity. No, I am not going to say fifty shades of humanity even if I feel like it. Now you can top that up with presently dominating and main religions. Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Sikhs. Then today’s popular and disputing discussion related to our nationalism and sexual identities. Interestingly, regardless of historical presence, they have never been counted as human beings, if they did, they were somehow counted as less or inferior to others. As if national and sexual identity or as a matter of fact any political identity automatically makes someone better or lesser of a human being. Lesbian, Gays, Bi, Trans, Queer and don’t forget the straight as well because that is one of our sexual identities. Now the question is, why a perfectly functioning working hand of God has always been or is discriminated against? How about the political lines of the glob or nations. Now look at your first name, especially if you have an Arabic background. Add your father’s name his father’s name and even his father’s name and then your family or last name. While you are at it, add your educational degree, your height, or if you are fat or skinny, young, old, aging and even being mortal as well. I think these all should be enough to talk about.


If your head does not spin as mine, OR YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DIG WITHIN, you are stuck into your political identities to the point that you have lost your CEO status provided to you by your atom of autonomy. CONFUSED? Well, let’s try to get out of this confusion and get ourselves unstuck together. By taking charge of our individual and personal life LIKE A CEO, can help. This is why as human beings we all can think and response with free will and that is our real gift from God. God had really meant for us all to be a human being, not some genetically programed creature. By blessing us all equally with our own atom of autonomy related spiritual Jewlery, God put a lot of responsibilities on our individual shoulders. Remember if you are using your free will in everything else you do. It is because of that mini-God sitting right with in you. So, your compassion, sense of justice and other spiritual duties like love, and sacrifice are not the things your groups have installed within you. You actually have brought them along from before your birth. All the groups did was to stop you from digging with in to find out your evolving potential. They tried to brain wash us all with their political belonging rhetoric, so we could not think beyond our group interest. Our God given gifts can help us all to assume the responsibilities of a CEO and become a responsible human being who can actually separate spirituality and political religious beliefs.

Compared to our advancements in other fields of technological, medical, scientific knowledge, why are we so far behind when it comes to our social and emotional evolution? Regardless of thousands of religions, hundreds of nations, empires, isms, and thousands of years evolution in our belt, why we are still struggling and banging our heads against the same wall as we did in our distant past. Remember we still kill each other over something we don’t know and can’t explain. Just look at our wars, we are still killing each other regardless of the guilt and yes even children as well. Yet, we have been claiming that we are doing it all that, in the name of God. Our group politics, cunningly hide our land, clans and love loss related disputes behind our religions because individuals from both sides are willing to kill and get killed for it. Interestingly majority of us emotionally buy into it because of the politics of belonging. So, even in this day and age our groups reap the benefits of weaker and insecure individual, yet as individuals we can’t raise our voice against our political belonging.

What is going on in the world of nuclear and biological weaponry? Remember our emotional disturbance is usually based on the politics of nationalism and extreme religious beliefs. So, not harnessing the urges to follow politics of belonging and animal urges is an individual dilemma of the modern-day human individual. Since thousands of years of experimenting with all kinds of governing systems did not bring peace that humanity has been seeking. It’s time that, we should stop banging our heads against the same wall. Instead of asking equal group rights we should bring it down to equal human individual rights. By bringing it all the way down to the individual level, we actually can control our political groups to the point that they can’t pull our strings like puppets. Remember even as humanity we can’t enforce our justice system, because our top organization is having a group-based veto system. Sure, we need political and justice systems to run our affairs, but if they don’t have universally founded equal spiritual system, they can be bought and sold with political influences.

In today’s time, we all talk about the equal human individual rights and democracy, but in reality, we individually are incapable or are not willing to give the same rights we receive from the others. All because of politics of belonging to our groups. Meaning, we as individuals, are spiritually struggling deep within the core of being a human being. So, where is the individual and personal spirituality? Remember the rule number one, sure I am constantly repeating this, but I do feel the need of this repetition. “Don’t do to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved one” I would like to add another one here that says, “Put yourself in other’s shoes before judging them” because to me this is not the era of asking group rights because that has always brought us to group disputes and major wars.

If humanity has been experimenting with our governing systems and still fail to evolve, we should know the cause. Remember each and every single one of us has been taught to believe in that strength in numbers, which means you individually have to believe and accept your weakness, irrelevance. So, if that is our foundational education, we simply can’t follow universal things like spirituality, justice and one humanity as a whole. Whether it’s coming from our politically infected nations or religions. This political education has led us to literally believe in our personal and individual irrelevance. Meaning, we have been robbed of our individual self-respect and self-esteem by our own groups. Instead of demanding equal human individual rights, we have been taught to demand group rights. Remember demanding those group rights have brought us group disputes and disputing yet thousands of religions and nations. So, why are we still banging our head against the same wall. Regardless of it had led us to divide humanity in hundreds and even thousands of pieces. Question is why we still want the pieces?

Today’s time is the first or probably the only time when equal human rights are being asked by most of humanity but as groups. So, personally I believe in, if we miss out on this opportunity and keep our identities as groups. WE MAY END UP BLOWING IT ALL UP. Just like it has been predicted in our holly books. Sure, we can blame it all on God but, to me if God had blessed us all with our atom of autonomy and related free will and personal sense of justice. WE DON’T REALLY HAVE THAT LUXURY. If that happens, we all are individually to blame because we did not assume the responsibilities of a CEO as God had granted us all equally. Remember all our groups nations and religions are made of individuals and they all depend on our physical compliance to be meaningful. So, in reality, all our weaponry does not get shot on its own. Even with AI involved, a human individual’s physicality has to be behind setting it all up. So, being an atom of autonomy holding human individual we simply can’t be exonerated, from our political based actions. And yes, even if we say we are doing it all for your belonging group.

Philosophy of having guns in everyone’s hands to keep the crime rate low has been proven to be wrong and has backfired. Not only at the individual levels but at our national level as well. Regardless of our nuclear weaponry our wars did not stop and just a reminder, we did use nuclear weapons. An emotionally distressed and blinded by the revenge of love loss individual or a nation does not think that far. Especially if they are emotionally affected by the love loss. So, understanding the pain of love loss not only at the individual level but also collectively is essential. In today’s time we can’t be preaching each other’s destruction without the risk of harming ourselves. Meaning if you are a politician or a religious leader think and think hard and far and deep enough before preaching or expressing your emotionally charged points of views. Interestingly most religions talk about compassion openly but when it comes to practical the result is zero because the death toll of religious disputes is impossible to count.

Strength in numbers and group politics has been taking its toll for thousands of years if you go religiously, but millions of years if you go scientifically. It’s time we start to look at the reasons of why fear-based philosophy does not work for human beings. Most religions have tried it yet failed to produce the results. If you ask lady Google, she will tell you crime rate of religious societies are higher than the secular societies. Meaning fear of hell or greed of heaven does not work in modern-day fact-based humanity. Remember keeping the crime rate down in religious societies was doing pretty good by force but only until humanity started to ask equal human rights and even the younger generations started to question their authorities. When religions started humming and hawing or hesitating to adopt, agreeing or providing spiritual principles like equal human rights. They labeled themselves as political systems. No wonder in today’s societies, religions are losing their respect they have enjoyed for thousands of years. So, if general population is not obeying them, it is not a co incident. When a race, nation or religion lose their spiritual principles they simply lose the respect of their most relevant source, yes, their physically living breathing human individual. That means their days are numbered because history of humanity shows a graveyard full of those.

Bush and cave times are long gone, when our group strength was really meaningful and important for the individual. Today things have drastically changed and even are changing fast. So, we all have to keep up with the changes. Remember, we don’t fight with swords, spears and arrows anymore, today all it takes is an individual with a briefcase or a rocket with a warhead because modern-day technology can simply wipe out a city full of people in an instant. Shouldn’t we be trying to understand our emotional status and the reasons why we are building up that arsenal?

Sure, as an individual belonging to today’s time, most of us seek and even are willing to give and receive equal human individual rights but our group politics still has the powers to brain wash their individuals. That is why regardless of our evolutionary nature we can’t seem to outgrow these hormones-based urges. Remember by nature we all are individually equipped with the DNA which has its spiritual side related knowledge. On top of all that, we even have unstoppable evolutionary nature. Yet some of us, still don’t use our Godly installed knowledge and capabilities. So, majority of us still blindly believe in whatever our political groups want us to believe. That is why, even in today’s humanity, there are people who still don’t believe in equal human rights.

Unfortunately, our groups have been and are able to brain wash us to believe that we somehow are better than other groups just by being born into, joining in, or belonging to certain group of people. If you look at it logically, these kinds of belief systems are founded on and are preaching inequality. They simply preach not only inequality, but also bigotry, prejudice and discrimination as well. So, if you dig a little deeper or think a further, by them claiming that God is their cousin as well, is their exclusive property. To, me they literally are committing a spiritual sin by a universal entity like God into their prejudice and discrimination. Don’t agree with me just try to count the number of innocents have been killed or are being killed in the name of religions.

Since nuclear and biological weaponry has the potential to wipe out humanity all together and interestingly humanity’s end has been predicted in our holy books as well. So, to me it may not be brought on to us by our spiritual God but by us being brain washed and believing in our group politics. Remember in last thousands of years our knowledge of God has not changed, simply because we have been told that we all have to die before we can find out. Meaning, we simply have no idea why we kill each other when it comes to God. We simply need to evolve in all departments of life equally so we can understand our emotions as much we know about our nuclear weaponry. So, we can literally and clearly see the politics behind our nationalism and religious beliefs. Personally, I believe we simply can’t learn anything about our individual spirituality, unless we can individually separate politics of belonging to our groups and personal and individual spiritual beliefs. If you want to look at the causes of the high number of religions and even their sects, their disputes and the wars. All you have to do is to put the politics of belonging to your group aside and see what happens to you. That literally will free you to look from beyond your emotional or I should say hormonally influenced political belonging. You will be able to see, why our religious wars have always been an ongoing process throughout the history of humanity.

If technologically, if we have a lot of evolution and progress to show, but not a lot of understanding in our emotional belonging to nationalism and religions. HUMANITY GOT AN IMBALANCE EVOLUTION RELATED PROBLEM. Question is why we are lagging behind, especially when it comes to accepting all human beings are equal and even are human beings? SIMPLE ANSWER IS, INDIVIDUAL WEAKNESS AND BRAIN WASHING POWERS IN THE HANDS OF OUR GROUPS.

Ever wonder why, most if not all human societies have court systems? And why being a human individual we all are responsible for our physical actions? Question yourself and see what you come up with. Logically, if you REMOVE the spiritual content of a human individual which allows us all to become and being acknowledged as a human being. Who takes responsibilities of personal actions, uses free will, has personal sense of justice and is blessed with the abilities to be compassionate and loving. Now all you got left is your physical makeup exclusively. Interestingly, even at those points everything points towards equality. We all need oxygen to experience this mortal life, we need water, food and love to survive. Yet we are taught to believe in robbing each other of all that. Remember we all are born the same way, get sick, old and die the same way, we all are born with the ability to use free will, which helps us all to choose. We all are able to use personal sense of justice, are able to use compassion and love yet individually. Sure, we could be affected by the level of education, life circumstance, love loss and political influences. Interestingly regardless of all that we still are responsible for our physical actions. If we literally allow our groups to use us as their political puppets, we are responsible for that as well. To, me as a human individual we all have the abilities to sift through all political influences and understand what we hold within as a human individual. That can only happen if we are spiritually whole and grounded at our individual level. Remember our groups still believe in their politics of killing and dominating each other. As if we are still living in the bush and caves, so in order to evolve from all that, we individually have to not only have to protect our spirituality but also grow. So, regardless of individual understanding of the dangers of modern-day war weaponry, why are we emotionally still trying to live like other creatures or like our ancestors who did not have today’s technology. Nor like in today’s time, their population were not seeking for equal human rights. Interestingly if we are fighting over our religious beliefs, we can’t really physically explain or possibly know everything about, what we are fighting over.

Well, I am going to say it, as it is. Yet in clear and easily understandable words. So, logically if you can’t come back and explain what happens after we die because we simply have to die first to find that out. Meaning, it clearly says if we kill each other over it, that would be related to our individual ignorance. So, we simply should not kill each other over our incomplete knowledge or for political reasons. Simply because in the end of the day by giving us our free will God made us responsible for our personal actions. So, I believe it’s time for us human beings to evolve from our hormones related political influences.

I personally believe in God and afterlife as well, but I am keeping my priorities and realities straight. Meaning I believe my living years are my physical reality and after I die, I will be entering in my unknowns or in my metaphorical realities-based world. Now the question is should I be killing someone or taking their physical reality away over my metaphorical reality-based beliefs? Especially if I don’t even have any clear answers. Obviously, I have to die first to really find out what is on the other side of my death or what would be my situation or reality? On top of all that, if I am a spirit, would I be taking swings at someone to punch or chop their head off with my metaphorical sword? If we can’t even tell anything other than the personal lights out. Why do we still keep sending each other to the other side? Yet our metaphorical God needs living breathing human beings or hands in this physically real world. Literally to convert spirituality into physical actions so everything can be physically meaningful.

Especially looking at Egyptian history, people believed so deeply that they took their material things along. Don’t forget we literally have been robbing every tomb of Egyptians Gods and kings, yet we still believe in the physicality of our metaphorical realities. It may seem that I don’t believe in after death, or don’t believe whatever is on the other side? Not at all, but I believe in, keeping our metaphorical and physical realities separate. Learn all about their differences and keep those differences in mind at all times and in today’s time we literally need to add our new virtual realities to that count as well. We all should know, what we are physically experiencing and what simply can or can’t be explained. So, in other words our metaphorical realities should not override our physical realities or should not be used as physical realities. In simple words, if we don’t have our physical body, everything will be or at least should be a metaphorical reality. Since metaphorical realities can’t be explained physically, they should not be the foundation of our justice systems, nor they should be used to rob someone of their physical reality. Remember we don’t only have the abilities to use our free will, we are also able to use our personal sense of justice as well. Normally our personal problems start when our group politics takes over us individually and from within. So, we personally need to take charge and learn all about our realities.

So, spillage of some chemicals in the blood tells us, that we get physically influenced even by our political belonging. That means, by the way we think, can dictate how we feel, so, if we feel from the thoughts, shouldn’t our thoughts be harnessed to be a human being? Remember as a human individual we supposed to have the abilities to control our urges and emotions, whether they are created by nature or politics of belonging.

We become a human being because of our spirituality related inhibitions, so, we individually should have the powers to override our physical urges. Meaning, even if our political leaders use their fiery speeches to get our juices flowing, in the nutshell, those chemicals related issues are our personal issues. So, logically we are responsible for controlling the urges. Remember, we all have been equally blessed with our free will and personal sense of justice so being a human takes a lot more than just being a social creature. It takes becoming a CEO of our lives, who can override and control those hormones related physical urges. Yet interestingly we are in the process of evolution so may not be in my lifetime, but in future we may learn to override our political belonging to our groups and think to belong to humanity as a whole.

Question is if you don’t understand it all, should you be killing others over God? Personally, I believe we hide the urge of revenge for the pain of our love loss and want to inflict that same pain on those who caused it to you. Usually our resources, land and love loss related conflicts are politically converted into our religious conflicts because whenever our religions get involved or exploited, wars can go on forever. Meaning, our belonging groups know how they can have a study supply of those people who can be inspired to kill and die for their cause. These political tactics have been and are continuously used throughout our history and even today we can’t get away from them. Simply because human beings are not evolved enough to understand emotions and related behaviors, so our politicians take advantage of our vulnerabilities.

Since the era we are born into belong to a trend called EQUAL HUMAN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND FREE SPEECH. I am going to speak my mind because I believe my brain is designed to hold an ocean and space all rolled up in one. Yet my belonging group says stay within the stream of your installed knowledge. Sure, that makes me question myself and my belonging group simultaneously. Politically, we don’t want to let go of our ancestorial beliefs, meaning this is the time when humanity is being torn apart by our political group belonging which is limiting yet our spiritual nature calls for putting an anchor in space to climb way, way beyond the insecurity based political lines and boundaries created by our belonging groups. So, the problems faced by all of us are related to our politics of belonging, rather than our spiritual nature. If you always and honestly keep a spiritual thing like equal human rights in front of you, you will be willing to give and receive equal human rights. If you are spiritual, regardless of being a passionate believer of your belonging religion, you may make some concessions and adopt to live and let live with compassion and love otherwise you will be tainted or infected by the politics of belonging and lose your spirituality.

Just to put things in perspectives, picture a clock with hands of second, minutes and hour. Your individual life story is running like the hand of seconds. Your group, community, nation and religions run as the minutes. So, without you they don’t run or exist and bigger things like supply of oxygen, God, death and diseases run as the hand of hour, so, you simply can’t breathe or even exist without that. Now the question is why you think you are in your life and why your speed is different than the hand of hour? Wisdom of that is holding but with a very thin line because human physicality is required to make everything meaningful. So, if you remove the physicality of human individuals, things fall apart or should I say stay suspended in the air.

Now your relevance as a living breathing human individual aside, if you personally want your minutes and hours to run at the same speed of your life. You got a personal problem because after you have performed physically, things are not in your control either. So, whether you believe in God or not, you or your life story is still running under the larger picture allotted by God. Whether you believe in God is doing everything or you believe you are doing everything. You still have to perform physically to make everything work. For instance, as I mentioned before you are the other wire to light up the bulb of knowledge, so spiritual things can take physical form to be meaningful to you and the others like you. So, make sure your actions give life to universal things like God, spirituality and justice. If your belonging groups have been able to politically rob you of your relevance, you literally will have to dig within to become a CEO of your life to become what you have been created as. If your belonging group has become more than even God spirituality and justice to you, you personally don’t acknowledge your own relevance. You are going against your inner atom of autonomy so; you will become unhappy and forget even your own importance as a main character of your own life story. As I constantly say that you have been blessed with your own atom of autonomy which allows you to use your free will to make choices. So, be relevant and become an effective CEO of your life project or story. If things are changing in your minutes circle, just make sure to remember that your time is running much faster than that. So, there will always be lot of things left undone way beyond your lifetime.

Sure, your belonging groups would not want you to think about you as a main and relevant part of the story. So, they will give you passionate speeches about the heaven waiting for you in life after your death, so you can buy into all that and do the dirty work of killing others for your group’s political agenda. This is where, you can use your atom of autonomy related personal sense of justice and free will to make choices and love to live comfortably in your mortal skin. Unfortunately, humanity is in a time of transit because still there are nations controlling their belonging individuals even by force. Meaning politically, they don’t believe in equal human rights. Remember equal human rights are not limited between two individuals, in reality they actually go much further. In real spiritual and just world, individual stands on one side and all the groups, corporations, nations and religions and even God stand as an individual on the other side. If you have been taught to believe otherwise, that is because of group politics.

By nature, a spiritual individual is an automatic CEO of their life. Who can see the politics behind all the political rhetoric of groups including their own. Otherwise, they know and should know that the politics of belonging is hell bent to make them a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory individual. That is if you individually let it. Remember as a human individual you bring along your own and personal atom of autonomy from before your birth. Which allows you to not only use your free will but also brings you to the spiritual heights where you can have your personal sense of justice as well. Being a just human individual, you automatically learn to put yourself in others or opposing groups’ shoes. If you don’t, sooner or later your belonging group politics is going to devour your individual or personal spirituality. Making you a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory individual. Remember you are born into the era of equal human individual rights, and they put a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. Meaning they are not simply political but rather they are spiritual as well. So, if you choose to become political, it is your personal choice, or I should say your personal and internal issue and that may stand you against your own internal atom of autonomy. Interestingly that is going against your own spiritual side. This is where you get in personal situations, where politically you have chosen to become a prejudicial or discriminatory individual. Yet simultaneously, you have to answer to your personal spiritual side sitting right within you. Remember as a mortal being, being torn apart from within is not a good place to be. So, regardless of what is pulling your strings, you are the one who is responsible for controlling your thoughts, emotions, and related physical actions. Whether you are born into an era of group strength or in the era of individual strength. In today’s time you individually will have to demand and give each other equal human rights. Remember regardless of the era you are born into, being a human individual you are responsible to do the justice.

So, take the POWERS God had meant for you as a human individual and use them to experience a spiritually reciprocating and meaningful visit. Remember in real life, if you don’t have the seconds running, there are no minutes, nor there are hours or the other way around. So, in order for you to have a meaningful visit, your life has to be brought right down to you and micro levels or seconds where you are the one who is a CEO. Meaning for life to meaningful for you, it’s not from the top down but rather from the bottom up. REMEMBER, WE HAVE AN EXISTING AND MEANINGFUL GOD SIMPLY BECAUSE WE AS HUMAN BEINGS ARE REPRODUCING GOD’S PHYSICALLY WORKING HANDS. THEY ARE CONSTANTLY CONVERTING SPIRITUALITY INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS. SO, DEPENDING ON HOW YOU LOOK AT IT, GOD CREATED CELLS AND GIVE LIFE TO THEM, SIMPLY TO GIVE PHYSICALITY AND LIFE TO GOD. THIS ALL DEPENDS ON OUR OWN AND INDIVIDUAL HUMAN AWARENESS. REMEMBER OUR RELEVANCE GIVES US SELF-RESPECT, AND SELF-ESTEEM SO OUR POLITICAL GROUPS SIMPLY CAN’T AFFOARD THAT.

Let’s look at it this way, logically if you have a person with dementia or brain disorders, you can’t simply expect them to know God, or expect from them to function at that level of awareness. Remember we have been arguing about the things beyond our physical world because of our religious beliefs, so difference of opinions is inevitable because none of us know it as a physical reality. Remember we are taught to believe by our belonging groups so there is a political taint to every knowledge we receive. On top of all that, loyalties are stemming from our hormonal influences, so those beliefs touch us in the area where we don’t really want to admit that we don’t really know. Since we have been and are an evolving entity, logically we should never claim that we know everything there is to know anyway. Remember if we are learning something new every day, how can one say that they know everything. Unfortunately, we have had this attitude built up and developed by our religious beliefs. So, to me, if you are spiritually honest, you will keep everything straight and believe that there is a lot of room to learn more. Meaning clearly, it should make us believe in and accept our evolving nature as a fact.

A bee does what it’s told by its DNA. As human beings we choose to do before doing, so DNA or not we call our personal shots simply because of us being a spiritual entity. Sure, our strings are pulled by the politics of belonging but in the end of the day, all our court systems say that as human societies we are set up on the principles of individual choice. Yet interestingly our religious societies have stricter rules than our secular ones, and they make their individuals believe in their irrelevance. Being a choice maker makes us all the most relevant. That is what makes us all different than other creatures. We can have the urges like other creatures, but our abilities to use our spiritual side allows us to take charge of our desires and logically it should help us to override our politics of belonging as well.

Religious beliefs or not human beings and God are the ones who are making things physically happen. One allows favorable life circumstances and gives us a functioning body and the other one completes the job by physically performing. Just like two wires, you can’t really get things done physically unless you plug in both of them simultaneously. Interestingly when our group politics took a hold of our religions. They started a campaign against the importance of human individual so the groups can become powerful by having control over their belonging weaker individuals. So, logically, making human beings irrelevant is not from God but rather it’s all politically manifested by the human beings, who wanted power and control. So, be a good CEO and don’t let them rob you of your self-respect and self-esteem. You are as important as the hand of second that keeps the time going to create minutes and hours. Especially to make things happen physically or I should say meaningful.

In spiritual and just world, things are straight forward, meaning there are no politically twisted truths or injustice. All our group superiority and related hate is politically installed right from the get-go. So, as a human individual it’s our responsibility to understand that doing to others that we don’t like done to us or to our loved ones is a spiritual crime.

Picture yourself in a time when other creatures looked at you as food, that automatically would make you stick together for safety or survival purposes. Now fast forward to modern day era and see what is going on. Being insecure makes us all compromise to some degree. So, one way or the other most of us follow the law of the land we live on yet without questioning. So, we even tend to follow our traditions, customs and even rituals to be a part of our belonging groups, whether they make any sense or not. That is why at our individual level we even ignore the spiritual calls of our atom of autonomy and evolving nature. So, being a social creature, we can go above and beyond our fear related internal calls when it comes to help others, so our politicians try to touch us in that tender spot.

Remember this as a fact that logically we follow all these so-called identities and loyalties to them, because we have been taught to believe in our insecurities. Meaning most of are susceptible to be influenced, but safety or not when it comes to our physical realities. All the politics of belonging and related loyalties are connected to our full stomachs. So, if it comes to our physical realities like survival, we all should come down from our sky-high political world and join each other on the earth of physical realities. Where we all are human beings without any political identity crisis.

When it comes to love, a family member has their importance, just as much as your community, if you pick your community over your loved one, you have got a broken love triangle. Simply because you don’t consider yourself a CEO of your life and are allowing your own realities to be influenced. So, your individual understanding of mortality clock has been affected. If you worry unnecessarily and try to control the things you have no control over, you need to look at your allotted time critically. Sure, you can live that way, but your happiness and contentment can be compromised, yet by your own behaviors. All because you have followed your belonging group without questioning. So, question yourself, if God has given you a temporary visit, how would you want to live this life? Make sure to remember that you carry your own atom of autonomy within. You are wearing your spiritual jewelry like free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and love along with other abilities. After knowing all this, you should look at the spiritual rule number one. ” Don’t do to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”.

If you look down at your physical body or your inner self fix it, if you can’t fix your identity crisis, try looking at your political belonging critically. So, you can see if you have been politically brain washed. If you feel you are stuck and buried under the group belonging, you literally are stereo typing humanity according to whatever you have been taught to believe. That clearly means, all those above-mentioned political identities are able to literally rob you of your real identity. Yet all within a short visit.

If your Mullah, Priest, religious leader or politician can’t be above sexual scandal, you have to think beyond the education you have been passed on, because that is what an evolving human being should do. Learn to live in the era you are born into and remember today belongs to equal human individual rights. So, if you have been taught to believe that you somehow are better because of being born into or believe in a certain belief system. It’s time to revisit that philosophy because your spirituality supposed to call for justice and equal human rights are founded on justice. If your beliefs can make you act like a bigot, prejudiced or discriminatory individual, it’s not their powers but rather your spiritual weakness. As usual if you bring God into it, that is even worse, because now you are labeling God with it as well. Question is why you would want to live like that? While you know are just visiting. If you believe in your metaphorical realities to guide you, at least pick the good stuff to create a positive picture to benefit your visit. If you kill each other over your metaphorical or not clearly understood realities. Logically you have it all wrong, because the purpose of having the knowledge of those metaphorical realities is to benefit you. While you are visiting your physical reality. Robbing someone or even yourself of your physical reality in the name of metaphorical one has nothing to do with God or spirituality and everything to do with the politics of belonging and your individual ignorance of misplaced realities. So, understand your fast ticking hand of second or your circle related story and the story of your unknown simultaneously because your second circle is running on the story of the world’s political changes, like religions, isms, evolution in human awareness of unknowns. Third circle where even the groups can’t help to prevent, like natural disasters, life, death God and all our other unknowns exist. Now the question is should you try to control it all and why? Well for some of us it is a destiny because humanity needs those individuals to set the bar higher so we all can evolve. Mind you, one has to sacrifice their happiness and contentment to be one of those people. For sure, humanity has no shortage of those people, if you are one of those, remember you are the CEO of your life and are choosing to spend your life visit for a cause. Regardless of what you think, if you don’t choose to stand in your own corner, it’s your choice. So, if you don’t believe that you have a choice, just think how does God’s world work? If you still don’t understand simply follow Godly orders and evolve for God’s sake because without our evolution, we have been and are still killing each other in the name of our political belonging.

I don’t have any problem with people believing or not believing in God, but as a matter of fact I wholeheartedly believe in God, Spirituality and equal Justice for all. That is why I am writing this blog. My problems start with religious beliefs when they do and believe in doing injustice to a living breathing human being yet claim to be a spiritual system. Since I believe a human individual is a physically working hand of God, I have a lot of respect for those who convert spirituality into physical actions. If religions believe that they are the spiritual systems and are Godly, yet they commit spiritual crimes against each other’s belonging individuals and justify their killing as God’s orders. I DRAW MY LINES THERE AND CALL THE SPADE A SPADE. To, me all the killings have been and are there because our groups, nations and religious politics. That means they have been infected with the infection of political belonging to our groups. Remember spirituality, justice and God are universal and have nothing to do with anything belonging to group politics. Ever wonder why we have good people in all human societies and that is regardless of religions. So, especially when our groups claim that human individual is not important, they undermine human physicality, and that is simply an injustice and most of the political groups don’t acknowledge that as a spiritual crime.

Infection of political belonging overrides the crucial role of human individual in the larger scheme of life. That is why even our spiritual systems like religions are not immune to it especially if they bring God and Devil as the most important yet they both need human individual’s physicality to be effective and meaningful. So, logically if a religion is preaching human individual’s irrelevance they are going against their spirituality. I have to say all our good and bad require human physicality to be meaningful. For instance, if a spiritually good thought does not get converted into physical action, personally to me it does not mean anything. Meaning if you recite Quran, Bible, Torah or any other religious book all day long but don’t act on whatever they say. Would that mean they will benefit you in your temporary visit? If you think that is good enough to be religious, I personally don’t buy into it. I believe we all have responsibilities to reciprocate for our chance to visit and enjoy our physical years. That reciprocation is to physically act on spiritual things like helping God to fulfill someone’s prayers. A simple belief does not fill a hungry stomach, so food has to be physically ingested to even be able to think.

Reality is that we need human individual’s physicality and God’s spirituality as a positive and negative wires to light up this spiritual knowledge. One alone is not going to cut it, so if you put God and Devil on the top corners of this triangle and human CEO on the bottom, that is your choice, but to me if the human beings are not there the good and bad simply can’t take physical or meaningful form. So, disrespecting human beings to make them irrelevant is political and knowledge. Spiritually, there is no injustice so to me physicality matters more to make God and Devil meaningful so human individual as a cell of them is more important and should be respected for their contribution.

It starts with the spiritual cell taking physical form to reproduce God physically by becoming a whole human individual. So, logically no cell, no body, no body, no cell so problem is not the cell or the body, problem is how you look this picture. If you respect the whole body over the cell, it’s understandable but denying the importance of cell and its contributions for political purposes is nonspiritual. Remember spirituality and justice mix well but the minute you bring in the politics spirituality and justice both lose their purity and value. So, evolving from our traditions, customs, rituals and rules of religions and past or should I say politics of belonging to our groups. Believe in real God, spirituality, blind justice and one humanity as a whole. Come down to the realities of the earth where we have justice for belonging groups and injustice for human individuals. Living on earth can help us all to understand and live our physical realities before flying high in the metaphorical worlds. Being stuck into our identity crisis is an individual weakness promoted by our political groups and even religions. They preach and tell us that if you follow them, you are good and everyone else who does not belong is bad regardless of their actions. Remember good and bad becomes a reality when a human individual lends their physicality so it’s not the group or God but rather the individual who is responsible. If you believe that good and bad is dictated by your belonging group, think again because there is a whole humanity out there and your political belonging can be calling the shots, yet you are given the decision powers, so you simply are responsible for providing your physicality to good and bad. So, you better learn what is good and bad and quickly because your time is running out before your belonging groups. Learn to belong to humanity as a whole because as a human individual you are born as a human being. Remember good and bad is dependent on lending your physicality, so lend it to spirituality instead of group politics. As I said God, spirituality and justice are universal and they all depend on your physicality to be meaningful so if you are converting politics into physical reality. You are missing the point of having a free will and personal sense of justice. Remember reality of good and bad is not a group thing unless individual is weak and vulnerable and can be persuaded. Meaning it’s all and I repeat all is dependent on the individual lending their physicality to make things happen. ay6t5r Since for most of us, life is not what it is, at the larger scale but rather its most important for us all at the micro or I should say individual level. Simply because as an individual we are mortal, and we personally have to experience it. So, whether we enjoy or suffer from everything around us, we individually play a major role by the way we think. Sure, our politics of belonging plays a role in the way we think but reality is everything we think or physically do, the responsibilities land on our shoulders. Who dictates in your personal life? If it’s not you, God is not responsible for that, you are, because God has done, Godly job by blessing us all to be a human being, with all the perks.

If you perceive that your sense of belonging is above you, it’s not true. Remember you have been granted the title of a CEO because you have been blessed with your own atom of autonomy from before your birth. If you come as a human individual your sense of belonging and sense of freedom are under your control. So, just like you have to override your animal urges, you have to override your politics of belonging to a group as well. So, everything you physically do, at the least should be ruled by your choices. Living with a choice has been a gift for us all but somehow, we individually allow our groups to take or dictate those choices. Meaning God has nothing to do with it all. If you let a group of people convince you to be a worker bee or a warrior ant, you still have to remember you have a choice to be one. Personal choice to live subserviently can be related to personal and individual politics. Especially when it comes to living in a group setting where group interests are always a priority justice can be compromised even by the belonging individuals. So, rules are enforced even if they are based on nonspiritual principles like inequal justice. Other groups or even people within the group can be subjected to dominance, control, power and even enslavement.

Since humanity has passed and has left those times behind, we individually should be able to break those personal chains of habits. Live in present and assume our responsibilities of a CEO. Self or politically imposed boundaries should be critically looked at. Sure, we like to live in a comfort zone, but being a being who is installed with an evolutionary nature or genetic makeup. So, not following our evolutionary nature will have its consequences. From internal disputes to mental health to lack of self-respect to low self-esteem to a smaller or stagnated life can be mentioned. No matter how you look at it, it has been, is and will always be destructive for us at both individual and collective level.

It’s time we delve into the reasons, why do we have our evolutionary nature. Especially at our individual level. So, we don’t contribute into our politically called savagery, injustice and group politics. Remember as a human individual, we all and equally responsible for our physical actions. Our groups, whether it’s a gang, race, nation or religion, they all are made of physically living breathing human individuals. So, if every human individual restraint from political influences at individual level, we can override the urges to commit atrocities as asked by our belonging groups. Since groups are made up of human individuals they will automatically evolve as the individuals do because in nature things usually work from the bottom up. You may be trained to believe things are always from the top down. Just look at your make up, you started from meeting of two cells and from the ignorance to wisdom and even all the way up to God. If human individuals are taken away God and Devil both will lose their physicality thus meanings. If you believe in other ways do so, but as long as you show me that you are killing each other and are not responsible for it. Just like your flipped triangle says your sense of belonging and sense of freedom are calling the shots, and you are on the bottom as an irrelevant being. Why do you think you have free will. Similarly, if you think God and Devil are calling the shots, where do you fit a human being who has free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and ability to love by choice. So, bottom line is that make the individual weak to the point that they seek group strength and are willing to pay the price of their spiritual principles. Politically installed individual beliefs usually take us to the point that we start to believe we are irrelevant and are meaningless in the whole scheme of life, yet we are the one making things happen physically. Interestingly the beneficiaries are some of those human individuals sitting on the top of the heap. In today’s time individual strength, self-respect and self-esteem is needed. With the popularity of equal human individual rights in the air, humanity as a whole and at the individual level we all can figure things out, override, self-regulate and correct our animalistic behaviors. So, we need to evolve and get to the next rung of the ladder. Remember, human beings are supposed to evolve all the time, because by nature, even our potential is in evolving process. So, whether you believe in God or not, kingdoms, dictatorships, autocracies, social or communisms or even believe in democracy and equal human rights or not. This Godly order has been, is and will always be there for you. If you somehow are under the influences of your political belonging and that is keeping you from evolving. Simply look around you and even human history, you will see one thing consistent, and yes that is our evolution. Collectively we have gone through kingdoms, dynasties, isms and even thousands of religions yet with an attitude of never enough so there is always an itch to climb higher. If you look at our sports records, industry of weaponry, technology, computer, medicine, science and every other field of human knowledge you can think of, you will see the pattern of evolution. Well other than the religions, everything is in an evolving process. Always remember, if the individual is responding to their nature, humanity will always evolve, and yes even our religions and conservative population is extremely resistant to it.

If something is pulling you backward, find out the causes and ask questions to others and even yourself. Why your life or living years are less important than your life after death? While you are at it, why don’t you ask if no one has the clear answers about the world beyond life or living years. Why don’t we believe God needs our physicality to make all the good things happen, so I personally think our life or living years are the one where we are important to make things happen physically. So, why don’t we come at it with straight forward answers, like human individual has to reciprocate for free oxygen, functioning body and life sustaining circumstances by converting spirituality into physical actions. THAT SHOULD BE FOR THE LOVE OF DUTY, NOT FOR THE FEAR AND GREED AS IT HAS BEEN PREACHED TO US FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Logically if you or everyone has to die first to find out what is beyond our life or living years. Everything we do for it, can be classified as gambling. So, if you wholeheartedly believe into it or are blinded by the politics of belonging. If it’s not spiritually living for the love of God. Don’t you think living with the greed of heaven or fear of hell can’t be spiritual. So, if it’s not spiritual then it has to be political. If politically you are being robbed of your relevance and self-esteem it is not just and nothing can be spiritual if it’s not just. So, someone is benefiting from lack of your relevance and low self-esteem and that can’t be you or God so who is behind all that? As I have been saying you carry your own and exclusive atom of autonomy which allows you to use your free will and personal sense of justice so why are you willing to do to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. On top of that why would you like to belong to the strongest group of people? Is it because you feel insecure, if so, why? Is it the education you have received from your belonging groups, your life circumstances, personal experiences or hormonal and political influences are calling the shots for you? If so, all the above shows that you are suffering from the irrelevance syndromes. Your relationship with God and spirituality is not pure. You may be praying, going to mosque, church or temple, but without the faith or I should say blind faith in God, yourself or in your individual abilities.

If you are lacking in your personal spirituality, you have to put things together to change the way you think. Whether it’s your political belonging to nationalism or religious beliefs, break those chains and believe in universal things like real and one God, humanity and one blind justice based on solid spiritual principles. If you are born into certain race, gender, color, nation, religions or their sects, you don’t have to change anything other than becoming a human being. Who is sure born to human parents, but with a personal atom of autonomy. Which means you bring along not only a physically functioning body but a healthy spiritual side related human jewelry as a spiritual wisdom. So, wear it all with pride, use your free will and personal sense of justice freely, be compassion, brave, generous, love and sacrifice for those who are praying to God for help. If you can do all that as your responsibility and reciprocation, you have nothing to worry about the life after death.

If you education has you dancing like a political puppet and you are doing to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Yet in the name of your belonging groups, you don’t have a spiritual problem, but you do have a political problem. If you let your political belonging override your spiritual principles, you will have to answer to your atom of autonomy sitting right within you. Logically if you are in conflict from within, to me, it can be a living hell. Now the real question is, why, would you go to the length where you sacrifice your inner peace? Remember your belonging group, nation, or religious beliefs don’t have the answers for your personal and internal problems, you do. Sure, you can pray to God for peace of mind, but God may tell you to come to me directly without the political baggage you carry. Be spiritual, instead of being religious, belong to humanity instead of a political group of people. Be just and believe that justice is strictly universal like God and spirituality. If humanity is divided in thousands of pieces, it’s not because of our nature or genetic makeup, God, spirituality, or humanity. Rather it’s all stemming from the spiritually weaker human individuals and stronger politics of group belonging.

If you personally are able to cross and evolve in all departments of life, you will be able to see or reach your potential, otherwise you will stay stuck in doing things just like your ancestors did. Meaning you will always have the same problems as they did, they killed each other over resources, domination and even who is right about the life after death. Regardless of thousands of years of evolution in our belt we are still doing what we have been doing since forever. Whatever happen to our so-called evolutionary nature to solve our problems? Well, if you can’t see that you are having problems, you can’t solve them, by following the same path. Why not learn from it all and evolve to take the next step on the ladder of evolution? Why climbing this ladder is important for human individuals? Notice I did not say humanity, it’s because I believe if you color the thread the fabric will take that color. Any way to explain this further I am going to bring it down to our ability to adopt. In the core of muscle building there is nature’s overcompensation system involved.

When you exercise the muscles regularly, every time you go through a right kind of workout, you create micro tears on the muscles. Aon as you finish your workout, your body goes in recovery mode. By now this recovery mode. your body knows that you are going to work out again, so your body automatically stimulate your Godly installed overcompensation system. Meaning it has the ability to adopt to progressively higher intensity workouts, and in responses your body grows the muscles to adopt to that progressive stress. So, I am going to use this example to point out our spiritual micro tears to evolve from our political status quo. It has been happening, is happening and will always be happening. Sure, nothing comes easy, today’s equal human individual rights did not come easy, it took at least two thousand years to get here. Unfortunately, our political and even so-called spiritual systems have been slow to respond. Remember life itself is a process of micro tears and healing process of adopting to evolution. So, if you don’t have the courage to face fears, your life size of your life will be smaller than those who play the sport of evolution to set the standards higher for the coming generations. Since that is how humanity has reached to the heights where it is today. So, regardless of the race, gender, nation or religion calls to implement equal human individual rights are coming from all human societies. So, make sure to speak up, and face your fears otherwise your life will be smaller regardless of the larger desires. Understanding all about the fear factors and mastering it all is the key. Not fearing like a toddler is one thing but going to the other extreme is not only dangerous. It can be classified as a stupidity as well so we individually should shoot for the balance instead of denying and be oblivious. If you don’t learn to make micro tears and give chance to adopt with a spiritual rhythm you simply can’t evolve safely or grow your metaphorical or spiritual muscles.

Sure, I believe in God may have started us from cells but as a spirit we are the whole thing. God may have given us the life and life sustaining circumstances, but we still choose to follow our spiritual duties of reciprocation. If everything you do is for the love of
doing it, you have done it for you, but if you do it to fit in, impress or under the desires to be admired by your belonging group. Not only you have gone in the wrong direction spiritually, but you may also end up with some negative issues for yourself like unhappiness, and related anxiety, depression and other physical health issues. So, in the nutshell what I am trying to say is to adopt to your surrounding evolution with your pace. An example I learned as I was growing up was to poke the paper with pinholes before putting your finger through. NOT ONLY TO GROW THE PHYSICAL MUSCLES BUT FOR THE SPIRITUAL GROWTH AS WELL. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DECIDED THAT YOUR LIFE IS NOT GOOD IF IT IS NOT PERFECT. YOU HAVE TO LEARN ALL ABOUT THE GROVES, HOLES AND MICRO TEARS FOR THE ALL KIND OF GROWETH.

Growing up I discovered that there is an endless room to learn not only about the streams of knowledge but also learn about the capacities of an ocean within as well. So, I believe in work hard to create micro tears to learn more and adopt till the day I die. Well, having that hunger or thrust whatever you call it, had opened the doors for me to go where I have never been. This blog is one of the examples because this is an ongoing process so I can’t really tell you what is going to be tomorrow but one thing I can say is that it makes me want to learn more. What does it mean? Well, it clearly means I am following my evolving nature, and I don’t have a cap on my thought process. I write things as my opinions and whatever makes sense to me, I don’t follow traditions, customs, rituals or rules if things don’t make sense to me. Personally, I believe, since our metaphorical world is not standing on physical grounds, we should respect our physical world more than our metaphorical one. Does that mean I don’t believe in God? Far from it, because I believe in myself as a cell of God, who has responsibilities of reciprocation as a duty. So, an optional prayer does not cut it for me. To me, if we are getting free oxygen, are blessed with a functioning body and a living carnival to visit and enjoy the tastes life or living years have to offer. We all have to reciprocate by converting spirituality into physical actions. When I look around the world, I see we are actually chopping God’s working hands by killing each other, instead of helping God physically to become meaningful. KICKER IS THAT WE USE GOD TO WORK AGAINST GOD.

We all should try to be better than before personally, instead of competing to dominate others as if we belong to the animal kingdom. With that kind of evolution in our belt by now we should have overridden our animal urges and politics of belonging to groups. As I have mentioned that we are one of the two wires that contribute as a crucial partner to light up the wisdom of God, spirituality and humanity. We are helping in the process that light up the living world of God, can you deny it? Sure, there are thousands of religions out there preaching God and Devil as if they are everything and human beings are irrelevant. Try removing all the human beings and see what happens to God and Devil? Would they be good or bad for anyone? Who will get hurt of benefit from them? Can you make some sense out of it? If not try removing your politics of belonging and see what happens to you? Well, the doors open for me, they may open for you as well. If you get there, you may learn to respect all living breathing human beings more than you do right now. Especially by always keeping your own mortality in front, you may become humble and spiritual instead of knowing it all religious. Seeking is prohibited if you are told your knowledge is complete and unquestionable. Yet Godly installed DNA is calling for evolution and you can’t evolve unless you scratch, create micro tears and adopt to higher levels of stresses going in the territories where you have not been. MEANING BREAKING THE RULES OF STATUS QUO BY RELENTLESS SEEKING TILL THE DAY YOU DIE.

No offence to the monks, I personally believe that being a monk is not a Godly order, rather it’s coming from the political side of religious beliefs. Remember, fitting in, impressing or having a desire to be admired are coming from the deeply buried not openly talked about political sense of belonging to our groups. I am going to say as loudly as I can speak in my writing, that all human beings are the physical wires not only necessary to this holy puzzle but also to make everything meaningful by making them happen physically. If you have been brought into human life form, you are blessed so you can’t simply be a monk. Remember, you are not here to exclusively help others but also to help yourself as well. So, not enjoying this spiritual journey is a choice not quite favorable for you personally. Living exclusively for you is not preached by Devil nor living exclusively for others is preached by God. So, where does it come from? Well, if you start to look at it critically, you may find self-sacrifice may be connected to fitting in, impressing or want to be admired by other human beings because not everyone can reach that level of self-restraint. Sure, we all can live our lives for a cause, but it’s all about having a free will and personal sense of justice and yes, it’s not only for others. IT IS FOR SELF AS WELL. Am I preaching selfishness? Not at all, though I am all for a balance. If you are sent to convert spirituality into physical actions, you are sent for doing the justice as well and yes, it’s with yourself as well. So, your living years are not only for you but not for others and God either.


Sure, we all are blessed with our free will but that does not mean being good is optional, rather it’s a duty. So, make sure you are a decently evolved good person for God and humanity’s sake because your good and bad is beyond your group politics. Meaning it’s universal like blind justice. If you believe in whatever your group dictates as good and bad, just remember that can be politically tainted so it may be good for some but not for all. Just like God can’t be put into a box of political belonging, nor can spirituality and justice. So, learn to see through spiritual lenses rather than religious lenses. So, you don’t do to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones.

Since, our religions have been around for thousands of years simply to be helpful to human beings. Instead of helping people with fear, anxiety and depression they extreme demands can potentially cause those problems. Simply because you don’t just learn to deal with your spiritual issues by following prescribed and traditional way of thinking or changing the thinking. So, remember I am not preaching religious and spiritual practices can heal all kind of health problems, but I believe being spiritual and honestly reciprocating can help us deal with our short comings. With thousands of years of traditional education of religious beliefs, becoming a spiritual being is not easy. You simply have to cross the lines of political belonging to certain group of people and simultaneously exclusively group prescribed holly books as well. By directly believing and trusting in universal God, spirituality and humanity as a whole can reduce fear, and anxiety. Remember you can’t even breath without the universal help of God. So, if you have been alive for a while then why can’t you trust in that help to be continue. Interestingly if you are seeking help from your belonging group, just remember they are people just like you and they can’t breathe on their own either. So, even as a group they can’t help themselves. Meaning, you have to learn to connect with your source directly by honestly reciprocating. Trusting God for your spiritual issues makes sense but believing your belonging group is even above God can be troublesome. Remember four thousand and two hundred religions have divided God into just as many pieces. So, if God is for some but not for all, that is politics one-o-one. Logically you don’t get oxygen and functioning body to enjoy living years. So, if you are stuck following your prescription, you can never be without the political drugs. A political belonging to a group of people can be classified as a drug. So, if you are an extremist to the point that you sacrifice your free will, personal sense of justice and believe in your metaphorical reality related world as more important than yours or someone else’s physical world. You don’t really believe in universality of God; you can’t really believe and connect to your universally spiritual nature. Meaning you will be seeking your security and comfort in people who are just like you. Since you know your vulnerabilities, you simply can’t get those comfortable feelings provided by our spiritual world.

If you pray all the time, fast and do everything that is prescribed by your religion, you should not have any fear, control, and insecurity-based health problems. Critically look at things if you have those problems. Remember with our education and extremely active imagination, we can make or break things that are important for us to learn about. If you have been breathing that oxygen, living in a functional body that has trillions of cells and even more foreign cells that requires evolving knowledge to even understand. Remember you came without your choice; you leave without your choice, well most of the time but simply can’t have control on your life and death. If you have been helped to even experience life, you know without a doubt, that you age and are a mortal. So, as an aging mortal we all have to know that no one has ever been able to get around it all. Regardless of our knowledge, strength, or good genetics things are not in our control so one has to learn to accept it all. If you are having trouble accepting that nature, and are aware, worrying and stress is not going to help. As a matter of fact, it will take you wherever you are going even faster. Now the question is, what do you think about life after you die? Sure, you have been told a lot of stories, but remember you will have to die first to really find out all about that metaphorical reality. So, why would you want to worry to the point that you rob yourself of the real life of your living years.

Being fearful is a living hell and don’t you forget it. You can shrink your life to the point of not crossing the street because the cars are coming. Remember, life was never meant to be lived in fear and control, but our group-based education has really done a number on the individual. First of all, they robbed the individual of their relevance in the holly picture. Then took their self-esteem, then put fear of hell and greed of heaven in the afterlife to finish the job. Yet all in the name of hope but interestingly it backfired to give people fear, anxiety and other mental health related issues. Luckily you are born in the era, where things have been changing. Individual is becoming important and relevant. They are giving and receiving equal human rights, yet most of the so-called spiritual people vote against the equal rights. They are even against helping refugees regardless of the knowledge that human individuals make nations and religions. Never mind that, it’s the living breathing human individuals give physicality to spirituality. In the nutshell God is meaningful when human beings give their physical hands, backs and shoulders to make good things happen physically on in other words meaningful.

Just like circling a tree in the jungle, can make that tree more important or even sacred than the others. It’s time for us human beings to understand that someone’s life or their physical reality is far more important than we have been taught to believe. So, regardless of never seen any, if you believe in ghosts. You will create them right from under your bed, or should I say from your imagination or out of thin air. Or by not believing in them you will make them disappear just like the monster under the bed. Now the question is can we come to terms and face our personal demons head on to actually find out. Whether they are real or they belong to our politically infected beliefs. So, can you question it all without any discrimination? If you blindly follow your group’s education without questioning, you may have to understand that you are born in an era of equal human individual rights, scientific technology yet with repeatable results and physicality-oriented world. So, you will be questioned about everything you do or believe. Now let’s go back to our identities. Can you really believe that you somehow are better and are closer to God than those who are given the same rights to breath the same oxygen you breath and live just like you. If their good and bad is according to God, then God pull their strings before they commit any crimes. If you say that they are not the working hands of God, you may be committing a spiritual crime by getting God involved in your political views. Remember God is our metaphorical reality, and all human beings are God’s physically working hands. What makes you better than others are your group’s politically tainted education. So, are you sure, you want to incriminate God into your bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. REMEMBER THAT CAN BE A MAJOR SPIRITUAL SIN BECAUSE YOU ARE BLAMING GOD FOR SOMETHING GOD IS NOT.



When it comes to fixing our problems, we need to refer to our spirituality because being spiritually aware we can not only individually, but also collectively understand what ails us. Our group-oriented politics of belonging has brought us this crossroad where we have learned to invent nuclear and biological weapons, but we spiritually did not evolve enough to understand our emotions and related roller costar, meaning we have not learned stability. We have learned to politically sweep things under the rug but did not overcome or understood the pain of love loss. Spiritually we did not learn, not to do to others what we don’t like done to ourselves or to our loved ones. So, these spiritual gaps have reached to the boiling point where we actually are becoming a threat to our own selves. If you can understand, you will know that bigotry, prejudice and discrimination start at individual level and usually is taught at home or by community. So logically, it’s not brought along from before birth. So, I believe if you have learned it you can unlearn it or counter it by new and logical explanation of equal human rights. That means, individually we all need to learn and gain enough knowledge and strength to question the authenticity of taught knowledge because that can be tainted by the politics of belonging. If you personally can become a CEO of your life, you can actually fix it by simply becoming aware of it. If you individually change, you will not follow and if you don’t lend your physicality your belonging groups, nations and religions will have to follow and accept and change accordingly. Otherwise, it will stay with us as it has been since the beginning of our political awareness.

Always remember, in thousands of years humanity could not fix its problems because we have been taught to believe in our irrelevance. Since the group politics has been founded on a top-down philosophy to actually keep the individual weak and vulnerable. So, the individual will seek personal and individual security within the arms of their belonging groups. Yet logically they can only say a prayer for you, they can’t provide you with oxygen nor they can stop you from aging and dying. So, this individual ignorance and irrelevance has not worked, is not working and will not work period. Unless we change everything and use the bottom-up strategy. Sure, there was a time in the bush and cave when we needed each other for security but today there is a lot of knowledge to throw around. If we start to change our ways from top down to bottom up. Things will be chaotic in beginning but as the history of melting pot societies shows us. Individual strength and wisdom are actually required for societies to grow strong and evolve. Our next step on the ladder of evolution is calling for us all to put our act together and rise up otherwise things look bleak for humanity. If we stay stuck in the same politically infected education and justice systems to keep the individual insignificant, irrelevant, weak and vulnerable. Humanity is not going anywhere fast to change. It may even turn backwards and destroy itself with individual lacking emotional education of a CEO. On top of that with level of our modern-day war weaponry things can go south very easily. In today’s time we simply can’t be proud to be bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory because today human individuals and most of humanity is seeking equal human individual rights.

I could not stop thinking about this deeply rooted spiritual issue, buried under our groups political mess. So, the more I thought about this, further I was able to see. I decided to dig into a little further because I wholeheartedly believe most human beings are inherently good natured and are evolved. Our divisions are totally based on group politics of belonging which has infected us all not only at the individual level but collectively as well. SO, TO ME HUMANITY IS SUFFERING FROM AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE OF BELONGING TO GROUPS.

Unfortunately, even our religions have failed to successfully rule us. Since because they could not override political belonging. Despite the false propaganda of being the spiritual systems they were not able to govern humanity as one entity. As I say humanity, spirituality, justice and God are universal and just. So, equal human rights would fit perfectly in that system, but they did not accept everyone as equal. So, regardless of political powers and opportunity they did not or could not create a spiritual system fit for humanity as a whole. If you look at the religious knowledge, most of them claim that followers or believers were better human beings than those who were not part of their religion or would not follow the traditions, customs, rituals and rules. Even though our religions have enjoyed enough time in power to rule humanity. They simply failed to create peace because they went after or got infected with the same disease as any other political groups. Control and power to rule the world even in the name of God needs some solid explanations to convince everyone. So, simply pure of politics spirituality was needed but when it came to group politics no human group could stay pure. Personally, that is where I would draw the line because to me, spirituality and human politics simply can’t be mixed, just like our justice system and politics of belonging to certain group of people. If you try to mix them justice is not justice anymore and religion becomes an impotent entity without its spiritual content.

Even in this day and age, our religions have been and still are our spiritual systems but unfortunately are still political and power hungry. They create or join in political parties to take advantage of the gaolable human individuals and use them as political puppets. Regardless of equal human individual rights are the most spiritual thing one can have. Our religions still can’t resist to overcome their desires of political powers, even if it makes them bigots, prejudiced and discriminatory. To, me connecting that to God or involving God into politics is a spiritual sin simply because to me God is nothing but the truth. Yet politics is all about twisting truths and lies to achieve political agendas of a group of people. Just like other political systems, our religions wanted everything under their umbrella as well. Fortunately, especially in today’s time, most of us have realized that we can’t form the foundation of a justice on something nonphysical. In thousands of years of existence, of our religious beliefs. Regardless of the popularity or falling from it most religions have not been able to bridge the gap between metaphorical and physical reality. Since today belong today belong to equal human individual rights, most of us can’t ignore the facts of physical reality. Our justice systems even though they are politically influenced and use Quraan and Bible to take oath, but in reality, the purpose for that is to reach the truth. Remember today you simply can’t do human sacrifice or kill each other in the name of God because humanity has evolved.

Unfortunately, people still don’t question why our religious wars have been and are still the bloodiest and longest lasting? Personally, I believe that, somehow religions have the ability to touch us emotionally to the point that we gladly give up our God given atom of autonomy and dance uncontrollably like a political puppet. Similar to a music that can touch some of us to the point that it has the powers to make people dance physically. What is the secret behind it all? To me, that is a personal question for each and every single one of us to ponder. Because we are the one who individually hold the wire of physicality to make things happen physically. Individually, if we can figure this out, we can evolve to the next level and become a CEO of our lives. Where we don’t have to act like bees or ants. Since individually it’s our duty to not only override our genetics related physical urges, but we also have to take charge of our all kind of physical actions. Meaning before we do something for our political groups, we have to consult with our atom of autonomy to scrutinize and even override it all. Especially if it’s against spiritual principles.

If we are the one who is responsible to call the shots to make everything physically happen. Then what are the reasons why do we have nearly two hundred nations with a constantly struggling groups within for independence. Our group politics is leading us all to a place where we are hell bent to break humanity even further. Interestingly in the name of peace. To me it’s a physical joke played metaphorically by nearly two hundred nations and two thousand and two hundred religions simply to destroy humanity. Instead of bringing it all together we fight against a spiritual thing like equal human individual rights.

So, according to my personal understanding or life as I personally see it, starts at the cell level. Since we are made of trillions of cells with ten time the foreign bacteria or life. Each of our cells or those bacteria is encased with physical body, but whatever is incased is needed to for life to be physically living. Meaning the physical shell and the encased life form need each other to be physically functioning. That is the reason I say they are the positive and negative wires. Relationship between them is a reciprocating one. Sure, you can have a lot of different opinions or interpretations, but you will always end up on this basic fundamental.

GOD OR NOT, THIS LIGHT BULB OF PHYSICALITY DOES NOT LIGHT UP WITH ONE WIRE. WHETHER ITS AT MICRO, MACRO OR AS SOPHISTICATED AS HUMAN BEINGS, LIFE SIMPLY DOES NOT WORK WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF BOTH WIRES. So, as one, physically or spiritually they both lose their importance. Space agency has shown videos of dead planets, so one can easily imagine and wonder about the world without humanity. Question is, how, would good God be physically meaningful and for who. Understanding life itself aside, to me, believing in that one wire is doing everything is politically designed. So, a group of people can rob the individual of their relevance. On the other hand, if you say human is doing everything, you will have to prove it to me that a human can breathe, function and live without the external help.

We have thousands of religious beliefs, claiming that God is their cousin so they should be running the show. Yes, it’s common to believe in religious settings that God is doing everything. Sure, I believe in that as well but how is the main question? One will have to explain how a spiritual entity becomes physical to perform physically. To me, this is where human beings come to play a role of the other wire, meaning no one should be able to deny their importance and relevance. Reducing them to mindless minions has nothing to do with God and spirituality but everything to do with group politics. So, far we don’t have anyone wo can live without this, whether life is at the cell level or an organism with trillions of cells like human beings. As I said if you remove all the human beings, you have removed or unplugged the physicality wire, so light simply of goes off regardless of God or not. Now the question is, should we reinstate and respect the human individual as nature has intended or still believe in their irrelevance as all political and even religious groups have been preaching and practicing. Remember it’s all about lighting up the world so removing physicality of the human individual take us all in the metaphorical darkness. In the nutshell, God, not without humanity and humanity not without God. Or metaphorical reality, not without the physical reality and physical reality not without the metaphorical reality. If you want to follow your religions, do so but claim your real and spiritual status. You should be respected as a crucial part of the holy picture. If you try to separate these wires for political reasons and make the human individual irrelevant you actually are removing a spiritual truth out of your religious beliefs. MAKING THEM POLITICAL SYSTEMS.

Sure, in modern-day societies we need political systems to function smoothly, but politics should be limited to our governing systems exclusively. Mixing politics with our spiritual or justice systems has been, is and will always be taking us towards bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. Spirituality and real justice take a hike whenever you mix politics, so in a spiritually corrupt system, equal human rights are impossible to achieve. Logically if nature from the cell to all the way to human individual is functioning with two equally important wires, we simply can’t go wrong if we implement equal human rights around the world. A society founded on unbiased justice and solid principles of spirituality will always be prosper and people will be drawn to them supplying the permanence. Otherwise in today’s world people can leave and join the others without any hesitation. Remember our politics has room for lies and is known to be an art of twisting truths. So, my question to ordinary individuals is that why you want your spiritual and justice systems to be politically tainted? If you are following the taint, why don’t you want to clean it up? At the least you can do that at your individual level to become a CEO of your life. I believe an individual with the spiritual truth, inner peace within, can be a lot more productive in creating peace around them. Then those who are politically influenced, whether the influences are coming from race, gender, nation or religions, they are all political. Spirituality and God have nothing to do with their behaviors. If you happen to believe that God is going to be standing in your corner while you are a bigot, prejudice and discriminatory. You actually are saying God is just like you, and to me you are saying God is political not spiritual that is a spiritual sin. If a religion or any other system makes sense to you take it but keep it within the spiritual principles. Otherwise, you are under the influences of political belonging. Meaning, you may get into conflicts with your own atom of autonomy. Remember that is not a good place to be, especially for a mortal being, because it would be you, who would be robbing your own inner peace. Bing spiritually bankrupt keeps you living in a state of darkness caused by living with one wire.

Personally, I believe so far, equal human individual rights are the only one system comes closer to spirituality and is by far the best governing system humanity has come up with. Sure, we are going through a transition time so there are some glitches but as the humanity evolves and we are compelled by our present-day circumstances. Humanity will come around because once human individuals are treated equally, they would be willing to give and receive equal rights to each other. That would be the time groups would lose their powers from within. So, in my opinion, equal rights would always, be a pain for all those conservatives who want to carry one governing with their good old prejudicial and discriminatory style of governing. If equal human rights become popular and get adopted by humanity, we probably will find that illusive peace humanity has been looking for thousands of years. Wish full thinking from my side, may not be in my lifetime, but may be one day, we will evolve to the point that our wars and political belonging will shift. Humanity as a whole will prevail and our group politics will become a thing of our past. Since things are just keep popping up including this new Israel Palestine conflict yet with a huge response from around the world.

I wholeheartedly believe that understanding our real identity of being a human being, need to combat global warming, infectious diseases, internet related cybercrimes are all pointing the finger towards the need of belonging to humanity as a whole. Everything else including the resistance to equal human rights, with no exception are stemming from the politics of belonging to our groups. Belonging to humanity as a whole should bring changes in everything we do. One belief in universal God, universal spirituality, and one universal humanity with equal human individual rights. So, we simply can’t have a justice system for every group of people because that clearly makes a political justice system. That simply and even logically can’t be universal. Equal human individual rights bring a new twist to everything we have done or are doing so far. As I said spirituality is universal, so is or at the least should be our justice system. Logically, regardless of where you are born or live, if you pass the genetic test of being a human being, you should be counted as one. Off course that puts a whole lot of responsibilities and duties on our individual shoulders, but as groups or collectively we should believe in all that as well. Remember the game of reciprocation can’t be played by one party, everyone involved needs to be aware of this spiritual awakening. So, honestly giving and receiving equal human individual rights to each other, is the way. Not only stepping up on the evolutionary ladder, but also towards our internal, external, communal and even global peace for humanity.

Let’s look at it this way. To me, whether life is at micro, macro or as sophisticated and complex as a whole human being. If they live and die, their foundation is based on the basic reciprocation of negative and positive wires. Regardless of how you dissect it, religiously or scientifically, you will end up getting lost. Simply because your knowledge is not complete. Remember if you are learning something new all the time you are evolving so as human beings we have been and are still evolving. So, a building is still in the process of being built. Meaning you can’t claim that you know everything there is to know, religion, science or otherwise. PERIOD. So, if you believe you know, you actually are assuming, and those assumptions can be deadly for some if you are not being careful. Unfortunately fighting over assumptions have been a spiritual down fall for us human beings. So, I have to say my piece, as I said assumptions, yes if you fight and kill each other over something you don’t really know is not only absurdity it is downright ignorance. If we can’t even understand everything scientifically with repeatable results, at the least we should stop killing each other over our religious beliefs. Remember the more you dig into God, the more God become illusive, and you get lost in believing blindly to become an extremist. To, me that simply is becoming a political puppet for a group of people and losing your relevance of being a human being.

Until science breaks down human emotions and feelings like compassion, bravery, ability to sacrifice, generosity, and above all love and God. We have to consider ourselves as an entity with an incomplete and evolving knowledge. If we stubbornly don’t, we simply assume. Whether it’s our religions or we put something in computer, ask and really relay on whatever it spits out. That simply means, regardless of our knowledge we still are being an entity who actually needs to evolve further to be peaceful. Let’s get back to the positive and negative wires. Believing, you can light up the bulb of knowledge by one wire, you simply are not looking at it critically enough simply because you have been politically influenced. By assuming the duties of a CEO, you will be able to look beyond or altogether remove your sense of belonging, you will be able to see further.

By acknowledging and believing that our real problems are related to our individual weakness and insecurity because most of the time our groups are able to politically influence the individual to do their dirty work because things have to be done physically to be meaningful. If an individual believes in their irrelevance, they will gladly be dancing their group’s political dance. This individual weakness is a sign that we don’t consider ourselves or believe that God had blessed us with genes of human beings and installed us with our own and personal atom of autonomy. That makes us all an automatic CEO of our lives. Sure, the real reality of human individual is still not totally understood but that does not mean we are all irrelevant. So, even if most of us feel that we are the puppets of our belonging groups. We still have the responsibilities to acknowledge and use our atom of autonomy related free will and personal sense of justice. Since that makes us all a potential a CEO of our individual lives, we personally or individually should know all about our relevance and responsibilities of our actions.

Remember all our justice systems are based on this notion of human individuals are an entity who is responsible for their actions. Yet we all politically hide behind our groups using them as cover yet gladly get used physically by performing their dirty deeds. We justify our actions as part of the price we pay to belong to a group of people yet get punished for actions not only by our justice systems but also by us from within. Looking in that direction, will eventually take you where you will have to not only keep your triangles right side up but also create the balance in them as well.

This whole blog is based on the knowledge of these politically flipped triangles. Understanding “Who flipped my triangle is a message of responsibility not everyone will like, but things should be told or pointed out as they are.

As Marcus Aurelius says, and I quote” It’s the truth I am after, and the truth never harmed anyone. What harms us is to persist in self-deceit and ignorance” End Quote.

To me, I am not a politician, seeking the office, nor I am a religious preacher trying to preach certain religion for its glory. I believe I am a free thinker and don’t carry any religious boundaries or loyalties to any one particular group of people. Rather I am all for equal human individual human rights, spirituality, equal justice and one and only God. I believe in not only keeping our triangles right side up, but also in balance as well.

Let’s briefly look at the few triangles I frequently talk about. Love triangle is consisting of passionate love, instinctive love, and universal love. For instance, if you are not a strong individual, you may pick one kind of love over the other and get torn apart from within. Meaning you can’t pick your mom over your wife of the other way around. You can’t pick your boyfriend or girlfriend over your kids or the other way around, you simply can’t pick other people over your kids, mom or wife. So, who is going to balance all that for you? If you follow whatever your society says, regardless of the era you are born, you still will be torn apart. So, you have to put your foot down and become a CEO of your life. Your health, happiness and success should be put right side up as well. Same thing goes with the God, Devil and you as a CEO. If you put yourself on the bottom corner. You are not taking charge of your life so you will believe everything is happening without your physical input. That simply makes you believe in your irrelevance, which actually makes you, robs yourself of your self-respect and self-esteem to the point that you become a political puppet. Meaning your group tells you what to do, even it is unjust. So, you will end up doing things to others that you don’t like done to yourself or to your loved ones. That means you are politically savvy but spiritually bankrupt in the name of your belonging groups.

For instance, if you look like me you are my friend and if you look like them you are my enemy. Doesn’t it sound like the sounds of humanity echoing throughout our history? Let’s pass a little further and see, if you go to mosque, church, temple or synagogue you are one of us simply wrong because either you are a racist or bigot regardless of your ability to use your free will and personal sense of justice. Now the question is who is responsible for our wars and related killings? Is the politics of belonging or the one who lends their hands backs and shoulder to make it all physically happen? Remember if you individually holding your personal atom of autonomy, use free will at will and any time in your everyday life. What makes you blame your belonging groups and even God for your personal actions.

Our real problems stem from our beliefs of irrelevance and not directly believing in God, but rather believing in whatever we are taught by our belonging groups. Simply because everything taught by our exclusive groups is based on their political agendas. If belonging to groups, individual insecurities and irrelevance are our major problems then fixing ourselves at individual level is the answer. So, individual strength, belonging to one humanity as a whole and with equal human individual rights can be the solutions for our social and international turmoil. One God, one spiritual system with one humanity can be a universal solution or anti dote for our bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. Any political solution coming from a group has never proven to be worthy of humanity as a whole. So, as long as it’s not politically tainted, equal human individual rights can be the only chance for us to have a reasonable governing system where most human individuals can agree because deep down inside, we actually are decent people. So, as individuals we should take charge of our race, nations and religions by adopting this modern-day trend. Humanity without any political interference from can be peaceful. Remember your groups simply can’t function unless you give them your personal physicality, never mind groups even God almighty does not work if you don’t lend your physicality to convert spirituality into physicality. A meaning and good work of God can’t be useful and helpful for human individuals because that has to be done physically to be helpful. If you individually become a CEO of your life, then and only then you will become aware of yourself worth. Ever since human groups started to use politics, things changed for the individual. Even the so-called contractors of spirituality could not restraint from the corrupting powers of political belonging. So, here we are committing a spiritual crime by denying human individual’s relevance who is actually making spiritual things happen physically not only to be meaningful to the humanity but also God as well. I remember a quote of Alama Iqbal’s poetry. A revolutionary poet from the east, who gave the Idea of Pakistan to his nation. I agree and disagree with him on different points, but one of my themes is for us all individually to be a CEO of our life. To me he is calling for the same thing. This is where I wholeheartedly agree with him. He says, and I quote.



Since God and human individual both are dependent on each other to convert spirituality in physical actions, they both play a crucial role of helping each other to keep the humanity going. Yet a whole lot of people are hell bent to ignore the importance of real and living world, where God and human being can actually make things happen. Their focus is on the life after death so killing or robbing each other of life does not mean anything. They brain wash young people to believe life after death is more important than living years. Remember God’s real work is done by human beings in their living years so how can we be not important in this life? What are we going to do as a spirit or soul without our living bodies for God? So, to me real time of doing good things or reciprocating with God is in our living and physical years. Since after death everything becomes a metaphorical reality for us human beings. No one can or should sacrifice their or someone else’s physical reality over a metaphorical reality. Can you go in a court of law and tell the judge that God or someone who had died long time ago told you to kill so and so. I don’t think it would work very well. REMEMBER A PHYSICAL REALITY IS A PHYSICAL REALITY AND A METAPHORICAL ONE IS JUST A METAPHRICAL ONE. So, regardless of what you have been taught or you believe, you simply can’t cross that line because you personally would not like that done to you or to your loved ones.

As humanity we have tried all kind of governing systems yet are still struggling with out-of-control politics of belonging. Being an individual who loves their belonging race, gender, nation or religion, we simply can’t think for ourselves. Remember as a human individual we all come with our free will and personal sense of justice. So, our belonging department can be quite confusing for most of us. Since we get swayed by the fiery speeches of our Mullahs, Priests or even political leaders, so individually we have harder time trying to find the right way. Or I should say we are banging our metaphorical heads against the same metaphorical walls of group belonging. To me it’s time for us human beings to take charge and start to question our group identities. Become a human who belongs to humanity as a whole. We have to understand that even our highest human organization like United Nation has no teeth and is an impotent organization because it its political influences. Having veto system is like a bigger guy can take whatever they want or rob anyone they want. Meaning a justice system has been corrupted by the powerful. As I say if a justice system is bought and sold in any way, it’s not a justice system anymore. Same goes to God and spirituality if our belief systems are under the influences of group belonging or politics, spirituality usually takes a hike. It’s clearly political, so as a politically influenced individual, we simply can’t override it. Unless we apply equal human individual rights. Remember logically there are no group rights it’s only the individual rights, because the good old group politics has been and still is keeping human individuals and humanity as hostages and keeping them from reaching their potential to become aware and spiritually belong to one God and physically belong to one humanity. You can’t be an arm, a leg or a liver of the body you have to belong to the body as a whole…

Since the beginning of our awareness our group and individual connection has been at work but has never been without the politics of group interests. So, if one group of people want to rule the world by force that has not happened, is not happening and will never happen. Whether it was or is a race, gender, nation or religion they all still believe that they can find peace by keeping all groups of people or humanity UNDER THEIR UMBREALLA. Well, looking throughout the history, Regardless, race, nation or religion that has not been successful or at least I can’t see any success, so to me the equal human rights may have the shot. Since everything else has not worked or has achieved peace in thousands of years of trying, question is that why we are still stuck into that same stream of knowledge. Aren’t we an evolving entity? After all we have evolved enough to reach space and have made nuclear weapons etc. etc.

Since our imbalanced evolution is evident everywhere, we can easily see that emotionally we are still stuck in the bush or cave times. Since I am baffled and am unable to put a number on the past and present political killings. I am going to say throughout the history, billions of innocents have been killed in the name of that political umbrella. Sure, humanity has been trying to solve its problems, but our group belonging has been, is and will always be in the way, so, shouldn’t we try to give a shot to equal human rights? Since they are openly liked by most of us as a commonsense solution. Especially when it comes to believing in universal things like God, Spirituality and Humanity as a whole. Things are not working very well, and that is regardless of all the nature’s push towards, GLOBAL WARMING, NUCLEAR WEAPONS, INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND EVEN WEBCRIMES. THEY ARE ALL NOT ONLY POINTING TOWARDS, AND ESPECIALLY THESE DAYS LITERALLY FORCING THE HUMANITY TO WORK COLLECTIVELY TO FIND SOLUTIONS FOR PROBLEMS AT HAND.

Our group politics has become or is proven to be impotent in solving our modern-day problems. Passionate, emotionally charged and insecure politicians are still trying to claim there is no global warming. Yet as an ordinary individual we all know and can see what is going on around us. So, we simply can’t build the walls around our nations or belonging groups to be secured. It’s like burring your head in the sand and believe things are all God’s doing so we can’t do anything about it. Those day are long gone, when we left everything on God. Today we literally analyze the hell out of our harmful issues and solve our problems by putting all our human knowledge to work. Scientifically we have been breaking down myths after myths, so humanity is on a crossroad where we have to and are learning to respect the human individual and their physical contributions. The birth of equal human individual rights is a spawn phenomenon of this awareness. We know our religious practices like human sacrifice to please God was just a failed and outdated politics of belonging. Yet not too long ago, that was practiced by twenty-five non connected human societies. If you think humanity is not evolving, just look around or smell the fragrance of equal human rights coming from all corners of the world. Humanity has evolved to the point that most of us already know we got a bigger fish to fry, we need to overcome our racism, bigotry, prejudice, discrimination along with global warming related issues, infectious disease like Covid and on top of all that our modern-day war weaponry. Especially when it comes to our real security and peace in the world, we have to individually override and overcome politics of belonging to our groups. We simply can’t evolve in one department of life it has to be in every department, to become modern-day human beings.

Don’t forget, regardless of our trying for thousands of years, still we have not been or are unable to achieve that illusive peace whole humanity is looking for. Sure, the good old politics of belonging to our groups has brought us where we are today, but one thing has not been discussed and that is politics of belonging to our groups. Never forget, it has been taking millions of lives along the way and is progressively becoming a bigger threat of eliminating it all. Question is why we still believe in the same old politics will work under some group of people on top. It’s like individually every man should carry a firearm to be safe. Let’s be logical as human beings we are not only smart we are emotional as well so a little up or down can bring death to a God’s working hand. So, I stand against this kind of political rhetoric, especially when it comes to our collective behaviors. We did not, and I repeat we did not achieve that illusive peace by having bigger bombs and weaponry till now? So, it simply can’t be done by killing each other. Each time someone dies, we create a pain of love loss, which inspires people to inflict that same pain to the one who caused it. Shouldn’t we evolve from that? For sure, but how if each and every group is hell bent to brain wash their belonging individuals to believe that they are only secure because they belong to their group. Whether that is a race, nation or religion they all preach that they are the best so they should be on the top and rule the world. Problem with that is, that spiritually we are all one entity. Remember I said one God, one spirituality-based justice and one humanity. So, how can we go wrong with equal human individual rights? Just remember, because unfortunately we forget to look back into our past history, to see the graveyard of our previous Empires, Kingdoms, Isms and even Religions.

So, in my opinion, equal human individual rights are the best system so far humanity has come up with. So, they are not only the closest to spirituality, but they are also a wrench in our modern-day politically biased nationalism and religions. Meaning if humanity adopts them in spiritually correct manors. We can sort out a whole bunch of our social and territorial issues. For instance, if everyone accepts to be equal, logically there is no room left for racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. Problem is that as individuals, regardless of our education level or how strong we are individually. Most of us are the followers of our belonging groups. Whether it’s because of our political brain washing in early childhood, raging hormonal pulls related to teen years or adult hood related loyalties. Either way, regardless of them being right or wrong, we end up favoring our belonging groups.

Since we have been evolving and have gone through or are going through our kingdoms, religious systems of governing, dictatorships, autocracies, communism, socialism and even democracy to help us function. If an idea gets liked things can move further or we can stay biased as our groups want us to be. Ideas like equal human individual rights are very well liked and actually things are moving in the right direction but there is a strong resistance from those who will lose their powers. From politically corrupting with veto system, disregarding an international body like United Nation or undermining international criminal court is a sign of that resistance. Remember world has changed and is changing rapidly yet an individual has been kept in secured by the belonging groups to keep them as followers. Yet the technologies are driving their vehicles at full speed, our arrows, spears and swords have changed into bullets, rockets, nuclear and biological bombs. So, spiritual ideas like equal human rights are becoming a thorn in the sides of power-hungry politicians. The era of propaganda and fake news have begun, so in the time of alternative facts we simply can’t get anything without any resistance. If an idea can’t go through individual and collective scrutiny, people will still follow their belonging politicians and that will keep us bogged down for an unnecessary delay. Depending on the individual intellect, social norms and group’s experiences of interactions with other groups can dictate the adaptation or delay of the new ideas. If you look at speed of conversion from the facile fuel, you can clearly see the political bickering and resistance by those nations who depend on that to survive. Same goes to those in powers, they are not going to let the equal human rights take over their nations. Now the question is how humanity will be in the next twenty years never mind next two thousand years. Our problem will always be political belonging to our groups because equal human rights are a relatively new concept. Meaning our individual awareness is the only one thing that can or will help us collectively to outgrow the group politics of belonging. Ideally equal human rights are the one promotes individual importance. So, unless we override group politics and learn to belong to humanity as a whole, things are not going to change very fast. Israel and Palestinian dispute or related wars would never have happened if everyone was equally treated seventy-five years ago.

As human beings we all grow up in our politically biased environment, those biases can’t be taken out by everyone at the same speed. Human growth comes with education and if the education is politically biased things are much harder to change. If our history is full of politically divided ideas including everything about God, humanity will have to grow up gradually. Human individuals can learn to live and adopt quite easily, as it can be seen in our melting pot societies. Our ability to evolve with knowledge and adopt to control our natural and politically influenced urges has always been present but has always been politically influenced.

Since fundamentally equal human individual rights don’t work as groups, we all have to understand that if we ask rights as groups. We go end up back to square one simply because of the politics we can’t come to terms with each other. Remember I always say that spirituality and politics don’t mix. So, if and when you want a group, race, gender, nation or religious rights, you should be considered a political party. Simply because your interests are not global or universal but for a group of people. Meaning you will be seeking their well-being, security and benefits yet may clash and trample on other’s group rights. So, the group disputes are not only inevitable, but they would never go away. We are not a stranger to this subject, after all as humanity we have been fighting and killing each other since the beginning of our awareness. Political belonging to groups eventually takes us all, where a group robs its own individuals as well, by not providing them the same rights as the group, meaning individual for group not an individual makes a group. Until this is not clearly adopted by all groups, politics of belonging to our groups will rule the humanity and we will constantly be stuck into our disputes and wars just like we have always been.

The essence of equal human rights is to treat all groups of people as an individual against others. Just like in our court of law, we say so and so, vs people. That clearly says that people as one governing entity or an individual. So, the person is given the opportunity to fight and even win against the people. That takes us to the understanding, we as all groups, including race, gender, nation or religion are an individual in the eyes of the law. Not following that or letting justice used politically defeats the purpose of having it. So, as humanity we are having trouble in choosing because of being part of our groups, simply because we have not been where we are today. Our governing systems have always been with their own justice systems. Yet today’s era is calling for us to look beyond our group politics because our problems are not the same as they were even hundred years ago. Sure, most groups want to work against the equal human individual rights because politically they want group rights. In that situation other groups would not want their rights to be violated so the humanity stays stuck in the same old, same old politics of belonging. Especially if one is willing to give but are receiving equal rights in return, they will stand up and even go to war for their rights. That is why we still have wars, and they actually are getting dangerous, by the day, simply because individual still don’t have a say. Since a group is consisted of individuals logically a group should listen to and care for individual’s rights, but humanity is still in a place where group politics rules. Just like it has been, so until we are able to believe in and say to each other that we are not or become better human beings. Just by being born into or believe into something a group of people say, humanity will be divided as human individuals we can’t evolve to the next rung of the Ledder of Evolution.

With equal human rights, humanity is on the crossroad of individual strength or weakness. Our political belonging has been calling for individual weakness and group strength. So, equal human rights are not only the external issue for us, but they are also a head on collision between our atom of autonomy related spiritual side and politically and even hormonally influenced side. Transforming us by exposing to these evolution related convulsions of humanity. Making us a CEO of our personal lives, potentially that can allow us all to critically look at our group belonging. With those abilities, we can not only override our political brain washing, but also personal and individual biased, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination as well.

So, if you think you are strong because you belong to a strong and powerful nation or religion, you simply are not a strong human being. Remember by your nature and God you are the one who is holding their own atom of autonomy. So, the real strength actually stems from your spiritual side. You have been blessed with your personal atom of autonomy for a reason, you simply have to use what you have brought along from before your birth. Since you have been equipped with an ocean like brain, you have the responsibilities to take all the flowing knowledge in, percolate honestly so you can pick, choose, mix and match everything before implementing it or using it. Instead of staying stuck in the flowing streams of your knowledge like a worker bee or warrior ant, question it all because that is one of the abilities you bring along from before your birth as well. In the nutshell what I am saying is that you are born with a personal sense of justice and free will, so if you don’t use those abilities yet spiritually, that is your personal weakness not a strength. Following the status quo in your group setting is not for human beings because we are not genetically programed. Remember that puts a lot of responsibility on our human shoulders, so before acting on or giving life to our group’s political wishes we need to become a human being who is compassionate, loving and just by nature.

If you happen to follow your group politics, you are surrendering your Godly gifts in the name of political belonging. Without Godly gifts of love, compassion, bravery, generosity and personal sense of justice, you are just another creature. So, as a human being, your personal spirituality-based atom of autonomy will eat you alive from within. Sure, you can say, your political and hormonal influences are your nature and are Godly as well, so, you would like to fit in, impress and want to be admired by your group. So, you have to understand that you come to life with your own atom of autonomy, and you will have to deal with that unprecedented force from within, yet constantly and or all the time because you have to live with it with every moment of your life. Especially being mortal with constant internal conflicts. Simply is not a good argument for you individually so you will have to take charge of your individual life as a CEO.

Even if you are doing it all for your belonging group and they exonerate you for your spiritual sins, you simply can’t get around them from the one sitting right within you. Last time I saw that we all are created as human beings individually, so remember, you have been created differently than all other creatures. So, not only you have to learn to override your animal instincts related behaviors but also your political influences as well. Meaning you simply can’t ignore your real and internal realities. Since our awareness of equal human individual rights are making us all aware of our personal sense of justice, our belonging groups are in a panic mode. They are going through a political turmoil and trying to keep the individual insecure, so they latch on to their groups. Especially the power-hungry political leaders are creating situations like promoting racism, nationalism, religious extreme and related wars so we all can stick to our groups. Unfortunately, or fortunately genie is out of the lamp and this knowledge of equal human rights has been spreading for some time. Meaning people like it all around the world yet with the help of internet related technologies things are getting out of their political control. If you personally can’t see or understand the politics, you have been brain washed to be a political puppet.

As I said your individual strength has nothing to do with politics of race, gender, color, nation or your religious beliefs because they all belong to the politics of belonging. Yet as a human individual with ingrained spiritual side you have to understand that it is you who is with you in the dead of the night so live guilt free and peacefully. Your atom of autonomy is there to help you connect directly with the source. So, if you make choices to harm or do to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. You are not what God had intended for you. You are not only been brain washed to feel weak but also believe in your irrelevance. Especially in today’s era, we simply cannot stay quite against the injustice done by other groups and as a matter of fact we can’t stay quiet for our own either. This ability to speak comes from within and that is what makes you a strong human individual. Going to kill or get killed in the name of a political group or a belief system, whether it’s in the name of race, nation or religion is not a good gauge for the individual strength of a human being. Rather it’s the other way around, remember we all come with our free will and personal sense of justice. So, standing up for spiritual justice regardless of what is popular is a real human strength. Overriding our animal side to restrain and have inhibitions are not the only duties of human beings. We all have to speak against injustice whether it is done by other groups or by our own. So, not questioning our belonging groups is the real weakness of human individuals. Simply because we have been blessed with the direct connection to God via our atom of autonomy and related free will or personal sense of justice.

In recent news history Russians were running away from Russia because they did not want to go to war. To me that is just the beginning of this trend because in this era of equal human rights a group, race, gender, nation or religion can’t force their belonging individuals to go kill or get killed for their political purposes. Simply because they risk losing their powers as well. So, interestingly somehow today’s wars have another branch that is called propaganda war front. Which has become just as important as the real war itself. Nations and even religions are inspiring their belonging individuals as they have always done it, but it is progressively becoming harder to convince people to kill and get killed. To, me it’s related with individual’s education level helped by the availability of internet. Sure, you can still find racists, religious extremist or fanatics, and nationalists around the world but that tire has been leaking for quite some time. It’s much harder for the racists to get together in an overwhelming number similarly to the religious extremist’s number has been dwindling as well. With humanity wanting equal human individual rights is a clear sign of weakening of the nationalism as well. Israil and Palestinian war has brought a whole lot of people on the Streets around the world. So, what is going on in humanity? Where are we heading as humanity? Are we going to belong to humanity as a whole and save ourselves from ourselves? Or destroy us with our modern-day weaponry, interestingly as predicted in holy books of most major religions?

So, to me they actually are the real and sustainable solutions for our thousands of years old social issues. For instance, our individual and group bigotry, prejudice and discrimination-based conflicts and wars as well can be resolved if we all honestly give and receive equal human rights to each other. Remember we have to use our real identity to evolve. Meaning we all individually have our responsibilities to shed our animalistic skin to become what is required in today’s world. Using our evolution to become a modern-day human individual is our duty. So, we all need to override our political and even religious beliefs related skins. Sure, it’s not going to be easy but that is what required from all of us today, because we don’t fight with ancient weaponry anymore.

Things are happening already; remember not too long ago we were proud of being racist, prejudiced and discriminatory beings. Yet today, it is common to hear about equal human individual rights throughout the world. Logically if you somehow believe that you are or become a better person just because of being born into certain group of people or joining to a group of people. I have some news for you, and that is that you literally are or on the path to become a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory individual. So, you will not believe in equal human individual rights. Always remember everything a group does, it starts and finishes with the individual because it’s the individual who is lending their physical hands, backs and shoulders to make things happen. So, shouldn’t you become responsible for your personal actions? Remember by God, you have been designed with the abilities to use your free will and personal sense of justice. That means, understanding yourself is crucial before committing any kind of crimes for your groups. You will have to learn all about you being a human being with responsibilities. So, let’s start by transforming yourself. What does it take to become a human being that God had intended for us all to be? TO INDIVIDUALLY BECOME A CEO OF OUR LIFE.


By a hard workout we leave micro tears on the used muscles for the body to deal with. Mending, adopting, and growth process only gets activated by us to push our limits or literally going in uncomfortable territories of self-exploration. We need to look at ourselves critically, so we can understand what is behind our evolutionary nature. Why our life itself is a great example of those micro tears. Before I go any further, I should explain this because I usually give this example to most of my clients.

As a boy I heard a Friday sermon by Moulana Ajmal, a popular Muslim preacher at the time in our area. As a teenager I did what everyone was doing, but my questioning nature always was in place, so I liked when he explained it with an example. He said “If I give you a paper and ask you to put your finger through but don’t rip the paper. What would you do? “It’s kind of obvious that if you push your finger without preparing the paper, it will rip the paper. Then he proceeded and “said take a pin and make a lot of holes to make the paper weaker before you put your finger through. That is the logical way to think about slowly understanding, adopting to knowledge, sort of like grads in school. Generally, that is how our knowledge works but to me it’s like a light switch, especially if you can understand it’s depth. Learning in installments is the most common way to learn but if you are a critical thinker you need to break it all down in your own mind. That is what I am doing. After all those years I still remember those words and now I am writing about the same concept because it simply resonated with me. Any way back to micro tears or the pin holes. My workouts for my clients are designed and based on that philosophy. Taking the pin holes to the next level but unlike Moulana Ajmal, I don’t restrict myself of any religious boundaries. Sure, I am going against the prescribed advice but, I am doing my job to explain to the point that it becomes simple to understand.

We need to understand that as human beings we are not only a physical entity, we have a side that stands us apart from the other creatures. Our body is not the only one installed with evolutionary genes, we are spiritually designed to evolve as well. That is why we are able to learn new things even in our advance age. If we can learn something new all the time, create new neurons all the time and remember it’s regardless of age. Clearly it means we don’t only have evolving potential, or I should say, our potential is in evolutionary process so putting any boundaries are simply to make holes or just a process of passing a grade in our evolutionary process. So, why stop or deny our nature at a mare hole. If you start to dig in, you can clearly see that it’s connected to our politics of belonging related personal and individual insecurities. Now the bottom line is that we come with an evolutionary nature from God yet are told to follow our religious leader’s rhetoric. I don’t really want to go in that direction, but I have to make my point. Since I believe we are not only a physical entity exclusively, but we also have to have the ability to create those micro tears beyond our physical bodies to understand the other side of us. Meaning, not only to gain stronger bodies but for our stronger spirit as well.

Let’s say if you don’t have the courage to face uncertainty or have related fears, your life will be literally smaller than otherwise. That will be regardless of your larger desires, meaning you will shy away from confronting your fears, have lower self-esteem and will not deal with the causes of your fears. Spiritually understanding yourself as a whole human being and mastering your fear factors will be the key to a normal human life. As I said normal, that could be highly subjective because we have hundreds of nations, thousands of religious beliefs and their subdivisions or sects. Some may believe living in fear is healthy for them and some may find it restricting and suffocating. I simply don’t like to go in extremes because to me we are an evolving entity, so we have to have room for growth. Not knowing like a toddler is a sign that by nature we are supposed to evolve fearlessly. Then comes our stupidity to believe in our fear-based political education of belonging to our groups. Regardless of the way how you look at it, either way both are extreme. Going or staying in extreme behavior can be a dangerous bargain for us individually. So, to me we all shoot for the balance instead of denying or be oblivious to it all like a toddler. Remember a toddler grows up with another kind of evolution to be an adult similar to a butterfly so responsibilities always land on our individual shoulders.

In the nutshell I am saying, if you don’t learn to create micro tears you simply can’t evolve. God may have started it all by providing us life and life sustaining circumstances, but we have to physically follow those orders, while spiritually be satisfied. If you do everything for the love of it, you are doing it for you and God, but if you do it, to fit in, impress or do it to be admired by a group of people, it’s totally political. Spirituality has nothing to do with your efforts, that means you have gone in the wrong direction where you have lost the balance. So, if you have some kind of personal issues, you have to understand your spiritual side as well. Your lack of self-esteem and even anxiety and depression could be in the zone where you have not been so putting your belonging group in its respected place and taking charge by becoming a CEO of your life can help you. Remember your personal growth is not only limited to muscles or physical body, so you need to explore this micro tear strategy for spiritual growth as well. If you already have decided that your life is not good, if it’s not perfect, you are missing the whole point. So, you have to learn all about the grooves, pinholes and micro tears for your personal growth in all departments of life simultaneously.

Simply look at our technological knowledge and advancements in other fields, and the speed they are going. Especially if you are born in today’s time, you will not be able to keep up because all fields of human knowledge are changing and are changing fast, so, potentially you will be left behind in a blink of an eye.

Main reason why I can’t separate these two streams of knowledge is that they both have to work together by giving each other physicality and spirituality to be meaningful. I had to put these subjects together because one has to become spiritually comfortable in their mortal skin to be able to influence their physical bodies. So, to me we should never hate our bodies because they are like a running car driving us around to help us live our lives at larger scale. As a matter of fact, you should be respecting its aging process as well because spiritually justice is required in all departments of our life. So, our bodies not only help us in making our life worth living but also meaningful as well.

One of the saying I remember from Pakistan, “If trunk of the tree is green, you can bend it but after that forget it”. So, if as a child you have not learned to harness your animal desires, you will have harder time dealing with internal disputes as you become an adult. On top of that if you are having a few drinks even if they are social, they usually work against your spiritual inhibitions that make you a human being. Meaning a lifestyle related changes can be harder to adopt. With larger and stronger animal side you may lose control to override your instinct and politics related desires. So, happiness, contentment and weight problems or disrespecting your physical body can become an issue for you. You will not have control and will easily give in to your animal desires and add to your weight related problems. Interestingly you may blame your genetic makeup or in other words your body without the appreciation. So, being fair is one thing, but letting your out-of-control sense of belonging, override your own authority and blame the wrong entity is another. Use your own and exclusive atom of autonomy to be just, so you can understand the whole picture because the car which drives you around needs your respect and appreciation instead of hate. Especially if you abuse the body and let your animal side rule your mortal visit. That means you have a bigger problem than the weight, so seeking simple answers to your problems can create repeated failures. If you can understand the dead dog of your problems, you will be able to find better solutions. So, a mindset is the first thing to start with. If you have a mindset of doing things for you, you will go much further than if you do it for others. For instance, if you try to fit in, impress or want to be admired by your belonging group. Simply you are doing it for others so the animal within is going to rebel and you will not be able to suppress your animal side. In plain and simple words, you will have inner conflicts and that will keep you under constant stress. Which can be one of the causes of weight gain to begin with. So, instead of trying to kill the animal side within, you should learn to make deals with it so you can have inner peace. Remember your animal side is holding very important cards with the wisdom of mortality as well. So, going to war is not going to cut it, lifelong inner conflicts can not only create real life physical diseases but cut your visit shorter. Meaning you sacrifice your visit just to fit in, impress or die with the desire to be admired by the people you belong to.

Real transformation should be your inner peace and spiritual strength which can help you to achieve health in all areas of your life yet in measurable manors. If you have gain spiritual strength and made peace with your animal side, then and only then you can override stress hormones release. So, let’s start with understanding of the process.

Say someone just drove by you with a new and very nice car, you can envy them and simultaneously look down at your car. Not realizing that your car is still running and serving the purpose, yet you are unhappy with it. Remember when it comes to our body or living years, we simply can’t be unhappy because being a mortal being, collection of happiness and contentment should be our top priority. Sure, you can desire and work towards improvements and evolution, but you can’t be limited and simply blame your car or body for your lack of happiness or contentment. Remember, the dead dog or your problem is your out-of-control sense of belonging. So, by doing that you can’t be fair, or I should say do the spiritual justice to yourself. Unless you learn to understand and deal with this dead dog before blaming your body you will go through or stay stuck in this spiritual limbo. You need to really know your self-importance and yes that includes knowing and respecting the physicality your body provides to complete your journey and I mean literally. Just ask an aging individual who is losing their quality of life because body is falling apart. Each and every one of them can tell you all about the importance and the need to respect the body.

This example is, just to understand the importance of your physical presence for making things happen. Imagine, if everyone lies all the time, the value of the truth will go down significantly, or literally lose its value. Interestingly if no one lies value of the truth will not be recognized either. Just like that we value health because of the fear of being unhealthy, so it all depends on the individual’s experience of the feeling unwell. In the similar manors we have to have Devil for us to appreciate God. Now the question is, are we going too far to put God and Devil on the top corner of our personal triangle and lose the importance and value of our physicality. Remember it’s us who actually give physical life to our good and bad actions. If you look at it critically, human free will is the one which throws a wrench in all our politically infected holy pictures. So, our politicians choose to use politics to keep the human individual feeling vulnerable and irrelevant. Have low to no self-esteem so they can be used by the belonging groups for political purposes. If it’s a human choice to act on good or bad, then until human individual chooses to act nothing becomes a physical reality. Meaning if it’s not a physical reality, it’s not effective for human beings nor for God or Devil.

If everyone believes exactly the same way or believes God and Devil are doing everything, then it’s kind of given, that they don’t have to put efforts in life. So, if someone goes to gym and builds muscles yet the other goes to mosque or church and pray for the bigger muscles, but if they don’t get them things can become very complex because we all can’t function without the oxygen or other life sustaining facilities. Meaning when it comes to human free will, on the surface it may show differently than what the reality holds. Remember if you can’t breathe, you can’t even think, never mind doing something physically. So, if we are influenced politically, we simply can’t put things in perspectives, yet our causes are political. So, we end up believing in extremes of either side. There is a clear reason for human individuals to have their free will and even the power of physicality. This is where I ask you to question yourself individually. Where do you stand? Just make sure to think about the reason why? Whether you believe in putting efforts in life, like going to gym instead of mosque or church or question it all. Your questioning can dictate how and why you do things in your life. If everything was achieved that easy, then everyone who goes to mosque or church will be better than who took charge and put physical efforts to achieve bigger muscles, better health, prosperity, happiness and success of all kinds in their living years. REMEMBER GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES.

If you feel that you are not successful, don’t you want to ask yourself why? Especially if you have been told to take the easy way and pray for everything you want in life. Personally, I believe, if the individual doesn’t take charge of their lives, someone else will take charge of them and those who are in charge they will dictate and be running the show politically. Using everyone regardless of their God given free will, personal sense of justice and other human abilities. Now ask yourself this question, do you really think and believe, that you are a helpless human being? Remember to ask honestly, so you can honestly tell if you are putting honest efforts to be a modern-day human being. Another thing you need to know is that if your desires are bigger than your efforts? Do you wish too much but don’t put efforts? If there is an imbalance fix it, because no one is going to fix it for you. As a matter of facts, you will be used as a political puppet even by your Mullahs and Priests.

Go to gym if you want bigger muscles. If you like to go to mosque or church, do so but go for the love of God and in your real life learn to reciprocate for the gifts you have received from God. If you think that there is no God, you can believe in that as well but still you have the responsibility to reciprocate. For the gifts you have been receiving all along because you just did not show up at your will with a functioning body and all the life supporting circumstances. Remember none of those things are in your control that keeps you alive and functioning. Like life itself as you, oxygen, functioning body as your vehicle yet with internal and external health. On top of all that with aging and mortal nature you are being reminded to be humble and appreciative for all the favorable life circumstances. If you don’t really have any control over everything what makes you to say I don’t believe in anything.

Interestingly you do have the power to choose, so if smoking is not good for your health, then stop smoking. You can pray to God for good health but not doing your share tells you that you have put God on the highest pedestal, yet you made yourself as an irrelevant being. REMEMBER GOD WORKS WITH YOU NOT FOR YOU, BECAUSE AS HUMAN BEINGS WE ARE THE OTHER WIRE TO LIGHT UP THE BULB OF KNOWLEDGE THAT MAKE THINGS HAPPEN PHYSICALLY. Personally, I believe where humanity is today, it’s not by the people or God exclusively but by both. Remember you individually don’t have control on even your next breath. So, this light bulb only gets lit when both negative and positive wires are involved. You simply can’t put everything on God, nor you can claim that human or groups of humans are doing everything. Things are not only happening but also are being physically performed or done. So, if you believe God is doing everything, my question to you is that does God need human individual’s physicality or not? If not, then try swinging experimenting this. Swing one hand in the air without the other to make the clapping sound, if it stays quiet, you will know what I am talking about. It’s like this, if you dip a stick in garbage of politics and group bias, put sugar on top to make it a lollipop it may be a sweet candy of religions, but it is still not spiritual until it’s pure of group belonging. Sugar addicted people are not going to care what is hidden under the sugar, so to me not questioning is compliance to status quo.

If you choose to believe that human individual is doing everything, sure you are going to gym but logically, if you can’t breathe on your own. You simply can’t get anything done either. So, not only you will have to stop smoking or doing anything against your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health but also you have to go to gym as a choice and duty simultaneously. If you don’t it’s because you are taught to believe in your irrelevance and stay stuck in the belief that you can’t do anything physical on your own. Meaning you believe God is doing everything, so, you don’t really have to do anything accept listening to the Mullah or Priest and going to Mosque or Church. As I said, you are one of those crucial wires to light up the bulb that makes all kind of things physically happen. This raises a real question, why do you think our religious leaders and even political leaders want you to look down at yourself as irrelevant individual? What are the reasons for you to have low self-esteem? To the point that you don’t even question anyone and simply believe in everything you have been told to believe. Remember you have been created above the worker bees and warrior ants simply because you have been blessed with free will and personal sense of justice directly by God. So, know all about the politics that keeps you believing in your irrelevance.


You must leave your politically installed extremes behind and become moderate in all fields of your incomplete knowledge. Sure, you are taught that your religious knowledge has been completed with the books, but today’s societies demand equal human rights. So, in today’s time, believing that you somehow are better and closer to God, than those who don’t belong to your group is not only proven bigotry, prejudice and discriminatory it is outdated as well. If you want to be passionate, be passionate for your common sense and diverse ocean of knowledge instead of staying stuck in limited ponds, streams, and rivers of knowledge. This kind of thinking has opened the doors for me personally to form my own opinions and change or mold things to fit in my way of living. There are a whole lot of people who would attest to the benefits they have found and received in following my methods. Yet, I am not going to fill this book with individual testimonies. Making my living and paying my bills from a personal training business for the last twenty-six years is my testimony. If I mention someone without name that would be just to explain the issue and solution. When you talk about something new, it’s kind of obvious that there would be a difference of opinions with already established and accepted truths. If it’s not defended by denying the evolving nature of our knowledge, things can be livable and people can say, we agree to disagree.

When people become passionately defensive in favor of the status quo and stand against newly discovered opinions, logic wins, but that is not the case especially when it comes to opposing opinions in business and politics. I believe that it does not matter how long a status quo has been around, or how many people have accepted it as an undeniable truth, if people can make a logical connection to their knowledge, it should be respected and explored. Common sense and logical thoughts should prevail. In general, human knowledge is supposed to benefit humanity, if it is causing more harm than helping, then I believe things need to be changed regardless of what we are talking about. If it’s not done out of fears of being proven wrong or losing authority, then it can be fair, but remember this is where we all get taken over by the politics of our belonging. History shows people were killed simply because they spoke words proven to be right hundreds of years after they were killed. Burning witches or killing homosexuals of the recent past and hurting innocents belonging to opposing groups in the name of nations or religious beliefs of modern-day societies all stem from the same ignorance. So, if we believe in individual relevance, equal human individual rights and belong to humanity as a whole, we can solve our modern-day problems. Otherwise, we will be stuck in the same limbo humanity has been for thousands of years.

Since my questioning nature has always taken me to the places where I am able to find and see the dead dogs of our problems. The progresses we have made and where we are today as humanity, it’s not because we have been praying to God but it’s all because of our exploring and questioning nature. Just look around and see what department of human knowledge discourages our questioning nature. You will find that it’s only the religious beliefs that literally demand from their followers, not to question, explore or look for logical explanation. So, they want you to believe blindly. Sure, that can be beneficial for some individually, but in today’s world things are not that simple. Especially the way we are evolving with our modern-day war weaponry, we simply can’t afford to let our emotions run wild. Remember by mixing physical and metaphorical realities we may even unintentionally, end up ending it all for everyone including God. Yes sure, you can say it would still be God’s will, MAY BE, but remember that is a big maybe. So, I personally can’t believe in putting all my eggs in that metaphorical basket. Meaning I have to speak my truth that makes spiritual sense to me.

My logic tells me to explore and find out who really benefits from my ignorance and weaknesses. If I believe in my personal irrelevance, am I working to benefit me, God or my belonging group? So, according to the best of my knowledge, I started to pick it all apart and ended up in a place where I had to separate my physical and metaphorical realities. That turns out to be as simple as putting apples and oranges in their different baskets. Remember by mixing them up we actually are going in the wrong direction. Simply because by following that metaphorical direction, both sides lose their importance and relevance simultaneously. Logically removing human individual’s irrelevance is not only wrong in all fronts, but also is not spiritual either, because doing injustice simply can’t be spiritual. Our court systems simply fall apart if it’s bought by the political influences. Any group, nation, belief system or even the idea of God does not work regardless of their legitimacy, they all simply fall apart if you remove all human beings out of the picture.

So, by the fear and greed of your metaphorical world you simply can’t mess up your living years or your physical reality. If you do, you are not a good CEO as you have been created as. Being a CEO of the project of your living years of life, you are making choices and decisions. So, if you don’t dig into yourself, you are not even going to be able to separate your real identity from your politically installed ones. Sure, as human beings we come with our spiritual side in tacked but our political and hormonal pulls spiced with our individual insecurities can rob us from our real potential. Remember, it has nothing to do with our life after death, so our spiritual side has to help us live a better life in our living years. Our installed knowledge can be tainted with not only our group politics but also to rob you of your potential as well.

The authenticity of the life after death has nothing to do with any physical realities, because regardless of what our religions want us to believe, no one has ever come back to tell the story with any kind of physical proof. That can pass the test of physicality, logic, scientific and with the repeatable results. So, if you are politically conformed to be a puppet of your belonging group, race, nation or religion. You will have to start with understanding yourself thoroughly because your abilities are saying that your beliefs are just a single department of your life. Why do you have to have a belief that literally surpasses your individual spirituality? After all you come with your own free will and personal sense of justice. So, don’t you want to question what is behind all the demands of your groups.

Remember the wars we fought in our past, were fought by the spears, swords and arrows, so the level of killing was absolutely different. Those days are long gone and since we did not evolve in our emotional restraints related education equally, compare to what we have developed as war weaponry, we have a problem that can’t be solved unless of we create balance. So, understanding of the political belonging to groups will have to change. Meaning we simply can’t ignore the urgency to have equal human rights and needs to belong to one humanity as a whole. With nuclear and biological weaponry, the good old philosophy of strength in numbers is not a good gauge anymore.

If you are taught to believe in the world beyond that is fine but when you are asked to do more for that then in your living years that is political. Its importance more than your living years has to benefit someone, and you know it is not you nor is God because God needs your physicality to convert spirituality in your living years. Now the question is who benefits? Simply ask yourself because you are the one who is following it all blindly. If you ask me, you have nothing to worry about what happens in the life after death, especially if you are doing what you are asked to do in your living years.

Know and believe why you are in life? Also learn to know your personal responsibility of honest reciprocation because that is the real reason you are blessed with your living years. In our living years we come with a responsibility of honest reciprocation and that is the business of our individual life. Your blessings of living years are not there by you or by your belonging groups but rather by God, because you can’t even take your next breath on your own. So, if you can’t even live without the help, you are not required but you have a spiritual duty of honest reciprocation. Sure, you can learn whatever your belonging group says but logically you are not here to bow down, be obedient and give your powers to Mosques and Churches but rather you have a direct relationship with God and that is to reciprocate in return of being blessed by living years.


Demands of following blindly have been and are coming from the politics of our belonging groups whether it’s a nation race or a religion, God has nothing to do with it. If you start to dig in those demands, they are there for you to feel insecure and irrelevant so you will obey without questioning. Remember if you do that what really happen to you? Being irrelevant and insecure you automatically latch onto your belonging groups. So, you will sale your soul to the Devil of politics. Following blindly has its consequences and that is where you lose your relevance, self-respect and self-esteem. If you believe that you have been created as a human being, you are directly and physically connected to humanity yet spiritually you are directly connected to God.

Basic spiritual principles call for human individual to be a CEO of their lives because they all, each and every single one of them come with their installed atom of autonomy. Meaning they are not limited to be a worker bee, warrior ant or a political puppet. Interestingly in modern day, with information technology, things have changed, humanity has become smaller. Every war crime, social crime rates, injustice related bigotry, prejudice and discrimination can instantly be out there for everyone to know. So, winning public opinion have become a business of politics. Politically twisted truths and fabricated lies have been created and broadcasted. There is no solution unless human individuals becomes a power to recon with. A CEO simply can’t be politically swayed but a gullible and vulnerable individual can be transformed into a political puppet or a suicide bomber. Group politics aside, making human individuals to believe in their irrelevance has been and is the foundation of the group politics. Only in today’s time of transition, things can be this twisted. An Iranian body builder who wears a posing suit on stage, meaning in front of the whole world and gets hailed as a hero as he comes home, yet a girl gets killed just by a displace hair out of hijab. Equal human rights are not that easy to achieve unless they are brought down to our individual level. Then as individuals we have to become strong enough to stand against our own groups if they stray from spiritual principles like equal human rights. Individually we have to acknowledge them before we give and receive them.

I personally believe in belonging to humanity as a whole, so, I have to outgrow the boundaries of my belonging group. Otherwise, I can’t see and judge all the politically twisted truths and hidden lies. Before we get there, we all have to look at our installed identities critically. Then we individually will have to bring it all the way down to our individual self. Where we can harness our hormonally influenced animal side related urges to self-regulate. Being a spiritual being we all are responsible for our individual actions so in the end of the day, group, race, gender, nation or religious beliefs or not, having free will makes us responsible.

Since our opinions can be influenced by the politics of belonging as well and our belonging groups have all figured out, they use politics and misinformation to win public opinion. Interestingly our wars bring the ugly side of politics of group belonging on the surface, so our propaganda wars have become a regular part of our present-day group strategies. As you can see people all over the world are protesting for not only the wars to stop but also for human beings to change their behavior. As I mentioned that humans have an animal or physical side as part of human nature, but it is and should still be under the authority of the individual’s spiritual side related inhibitions and self-regulation. Remember that is what makes us all different than other creatures. So, as an evolved human individual who belongs to the present-day era. We all are responsible to live in present-day requirements like equal human individual rights. It’s time for us all to change according to the time we live in. Killing innocents has never been ethical, especially for a spiritual being like humans. We all should be able to think that it’s us individually who is responsible for lending our physicality to our political groups. Groups simply can’t function if their belonging individuals don’t push the button to fire. So, if you believe that you are supposed to follow whatever your belonging groups demand from you, think again because you are still responsible for your actions. Right or wrong is not the issue, but you individually can be challenged from within and even in the court of law. Meaning as a human individual we are all given our free will and personal sense of justice for a reason.

Remember, I am sharing this as an outsider and with my honest opinions. So, it has nothing to do with my installed identities or where I was born. My observations are not politically influenced or in favor of one group of people or the other. My opinions are exclusively related to point out our individual responsibilities to be a spiritual human being. When I look at the dead dogs of our conflicts and wars, all I see is the people are following their belonging groups blindly because they have been brainwashed of their relevance. They follow their installed data as their identity, way before their real identity of being a human being. Being a human being, we are supposed to be above our genetics related calls and our political influences. As you can see, people kill each other’s innocents even the babies to let their animal or political side rule. A human individual can never be spiritually blind, if you happen to be there, wake up, so you can understand that none of us is programed to be a worker bee or warrior ant. As human beings we supposed to be a collection of Godly cells who perform their duty to convert spirituality into physical actions, now the question is, are we? Just look around and see what a political belonging to our groups is making us do.

Since I am trying to get the individuals to wake up and see not only their human potential but also the group politics and individual weakness of the human beings. So, no this is not my political rhetoric, if it is, it’s against both sides who are trying to kill each other over their political belonging. As I said it’s not for one side or the other and no, I am not picking sides I am trying to point out that our individual weakness and political belonging to our groups are the dead dogs of our conflicts. That has been and still is harming humanity by keeping the individual weak, vulnerable and bankrupt of spiritual self-esteem. I don’t like to choose sides politically; I just state my unbiased truths as I see them or as they make any sense to me. Sure, people can have different points of views or opinions, because of life circumstances but individually we have to understand the reasons of our loyalties political belonging and the powers of our hormones so we can override those urges.

When it comes to understanding of our spiritual side, it has to make logical and spiritual sense for us all to follow or not, but unfortunately that is not the case with everyone. Especially when it comes to our religious beliefs our spirituality has taken a back seat and we been stuck in our political differences for thousands of years. I was going to write good old, but that does not fit these days, so I am going to say bad old human group politics. If your opinions are influenced by your hormones or political influences. You have a personal and individual responsibility to learn all about you being a whole human being with spiritual side in tacked. Especially you have to learn all about your own atom of autonomy which allows you to use your free will and personal sense of justice. Remember you are the one who is responsible for not only to explain your bias, but you also have to make them stand on the solid grounds of spiritual principles as well.

In today’s world you simply can’t hide behind God and Devil, nor you can hide behind your political groups for your personal bigotry, prejudiced, discrimination, racism, nationalism or the desires to belong to the dominating and popular belief systems. As modern-day human beings we all have to personally scrutinize everything we do before we do, or at the least know, why we do things the way we do them. You can innocently follow the traditions, customs and rituals of your belonging groups but you simply can’t make them as rules for everyone around the world. SIMPLY BECAUSE ALL RULES HAVE TO BE BASED ON SPIRITUALLY SOLID AND EQUAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. If you only know the politics of belonging to your groups and nothing beyond, you may not like it, but humanity is in an era where most people are asking for equal human individual rights. Our liking or disliking is not a good spiritual gauge for us human beings because our opinions can be swayed. Meaning you simply can’t connect your political affiliation or hormonally influenced loyalties to your groups and simply promote them as spiritual and just systems. If you are one of those who buys into everything your political groups throw at you. This blog may not be for you, but if you belong to the era of equal human rights you are born into and are open to explore and understand the differences between your metaphorical and physical realities and are willing to literally put them in their respected places. You may find this knowledge not only interesting for you personally, but also important for your inner peace and indirectly for peace in general.

Becoming a CEO who takes personal responsibilities and understands the meaning of dead dog. The term I often use as the cause or causes of our wars and extreme related hatred and killings. So, if we want to eliminate or remove those dead dogs from humanity, we have to understand the potential of equal human individual rights. With the smarts and conning nature of human beings with strong and out of control emotional attachments to our groups. Yet with modern day weaponry things can go south pretty fast. If you push too far and don’t address the dead dogs of our group conflicts. With our modern-day war weaponry, it will be easy to end up with already predicted words of your holly books. Yet, that will be on you individually not on God because we all have been blessed with a choice. Remember I said if you are born as a human being to human parents and pass the genetics test. You actually belong to humanity as a whole and are personally responsible for your group wrongdoing as well. Remember, you hold the physicality card, and a group can’t do anything without its individual’s physical contributions. So, always remember your individual place of relevance that God had meant for you.

That means, you are so important that never mind your political group, even God’s world physically does not work without human individual’s physical input. Sure, you can counter it by saying human individual can’t even breath on their own so, God is almighty and doing it all. Simply ask yourself how does God’s work gets physically done? Remember all good and bad actions need human’s physical hands backs and shoulder to make them meaningful and relevant. Sure, you can argue about the miracles and natural disasters, but you simply can’t really blame God as it is stated in our holy books. One can believe God as a big and powerful human being with the same emotional disorders of human individual so blaming God without a doubt can be classified as a sin. There is no doubt we benefit from believing in God but disregarding human physicality is a political rhetoric and nothing but. On top of all that human disregard, disregard all justice systems of the world. So, human irrelevance can simply be challenged in court of law as a political insertion by those who don’t believe in God.

Always remember, if God has provided you with free will and personal sense of justice from the start of or even metaphorically speaking, before the start of your life, because as human beings we all bring along a whole lot of know-how from before our birth. Remember that automatically makes you responsible for your actions, so everything you do before doing that, always keep this in front of you that you are about to add physicality to something that can’t be meaningful until its physically performed. Now, the question is why would you take someone’s physical reality away in the name of your metaphorical one? Simply ask yourself, why are you that weak? Why can a group of people use you as a political puppet? As I said, as a human being you hold an atom of autonomy of your own and you are responsible for your actions plain and simple. So, you simply can’t kill someone for your race, gender, nation or especially religious beliefs.

Effects of the pictures, belonging to our imagination have never been completely understood even after thousands of years of evolution, meaning we are still in the learning process. So, these pictures belonging to our metaphorical realities simply can’t be used as the foundation of any human justice system. If miracles happen, you still can’t break them down to scientific level with repeatable results so, I will not put all my eggs in that basket either. And yes, that is regardless of how deeply I believe in my religious beliefs. If you ignore someone’s human rights, you may end up in a place where you could be committing a spiritual crime yet in the name of God. Remember this goes against the number one rule of spirituality, sorry to repeat it all the time but I still feel that it’s not enough to make people think. ” Don’t do to anyone that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. Learn all about yourself and the spiritual powers you hold within to override your imagination and even political belonging related hormonal pulls. Remember your imagination is powerful enough to the point that it can create things out of thin air, you can feel physical effects of anxiety. Regardless of the absence of their physicality, meaning those thin air related things can have real and physical effects on you. SO, BE MIND FUL OF HORMONAL PULLS AND POLITICAL RHYTRICS.

Let’s look at it this way, you can literally create a picture by your imagination to meditate and physically calm down. Take a sugar pill and have real but unexplainable physical effect called placebo. Get hypnotized and do stupid things. Be in love to feel the thousand-time exaggerated feelings or even believe in God to benefit in your living years. Interestingly you can become anxious and create a life of living hell for you in your living years all from your imagination as well. Things have not happened yet or may not even physically happen, but you yourself can mess it all up and lose your peace of mind. So, shouldn’t you be taking charge understanding and categorizing your realities. Believing in blindly in the pictures created by your imagination may not be real but they can have the real-life consequences for you.

So, say no to the knowledge that preaches to take or give a life for your metaphorical realities. Remember a Mullah or a Priest is not to be blamed, if you have been designated by God to be a CEO of your life.

Remember you are able to and use your free will everywhere, so you have to call the shots here as well. Sure, you can believe in hell and heaven, but that belief simply should be there to benefit you in your living years to live peacefully. If you create hell for yourself or others by your physical actions. You simply need to take charge and become a CEO of your life and fast because for you time is running out. Being mortal should be kept on the front burner, so we don’t forget to uphold spiritual justice.

Regardless of its popularity, personally, I don’t think the experimental philosophy of carrot and stick has done a favor to humanity. It simply did not work well or is very efficient for us human beings because when I googled crime rates of human societies. Most religious societies did not make it to the top. That does not create a good picture of religious societies because to me that does not create a good picture for good people following good religions. So, the question is whether religions have positive impact on us or not? First of all, religious societies don’t do any better than saccular ones, second, they literally claim to be better than other governing or social systems. So, to me the results of google crime rate could be a slap on the face of this carrot and stick philosophy. As a matter of fact, in using spiritual principles they fell further than even the secular societies. And that is regardless of anyone particular religion. So, if you don’t believe me just blame the Google. A while back I wrote a blog ” titled circles of life” as part one and then “storm in my teacup” as part two to discuss this subject. In short, it’s about controlling the things in my cup of tea and not to let it boil from trying to control the uncontrollable of my life. What does a boiling cup do to the individual’s personal health of all kinds. This is an essential knowledge for the individual because of our mortal nature. Remember to acknowledge that there are things, they belong to full stomach of human beings and then there are physical realities of empty stomach and survival. So, religion or no religion God or no God things have to be taken care by the living breathing human beings. As groups or as individual we all have to do things physically. If you say God is going to take care of everything and everyone, sure God actually did take care of those uncontrollable things for us already, but after that responsibilities land on us all. So, putting yourself in the shoes of those who are struggling before judging them. Think of this, if hungry and sick people are present in a culture where people create the biggest and impressive buildings or monuments in the name of God. THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG.

God did Godly job by providing us our functioning bodies, favorable life circumstances like oxygen, water, food and love. None we can live without yet not in our individual and even collective control. Since we actually are the minions of God, we are a lot more responsible than we are taught to believe. So, going a little further to that, if we all just show up with a functioning body, breath free oxygen, get love of our parents and other favorable circumstances like food and water to live then what are we doing in return. Remember we are always hanging by thread to be linked with each other and to our unknown. Yet openly claiming to own the world and killing each other over those unknowns. Don’t you want to know your real realities?

Let’s look at it this way, for instance, if you are living like human cells belonging to the body deep inside of your arm under the skin. You have never seen the body as a whole or from the outside. Anyway, you ask the other, do you really believe that there is a body we belong to? The other says no, we actually belong to the arm, so we are the arm and nothing more. Knowing how the arm works or what does it belong to, are the questions we all should be asking ourselves. Logically if we receive our uncontrollable life, just like everyone else, we belong to universal things as a universal entity. You simply can’t live without the oxygen, water, food, love and favorable life circumstances. JUST LIKE EVERONE ELSE. So, what makes us all different? Isn’t it politics of belonging and your personal weaknesses? If you are taught to believe that you are an arm or a leg and you actually believe that you belong to a group of people not to humanity as a whole. Just like that, universally you belong to spirituality and God not to any one particular group of people or philosophy. Since religions belong to a group of people, you just have to question why? If you can’t come up with or no one gives you a straight answer for that, just try to remove the politics of belonging and see what happens. Automatically you will connect to God, spirituality and humanity directly. Not only you will find that inner peace you are looking for you will automatically become a CEO of your life, but that is also what God had meant for you to be.

Remember spiritual answers are only available to those who seek things beyond the politics of belonging to a group of people. Sure, there is a great amount of spiritual knowledge come from Quraan, Bible or other holly books, but if you bring along or are infected by the politics of belonging to your groups. You have already lost the real spiritual messages of those holy scriptures. Personally, I believe politics of belonging to our groups and spirituality simply don’t mix because we have been trying to kill each other over our metaphorical realities. Interestingly we and are still trying to implicate God in our group politics and wars. If you look at it with unbiased point of view, you will see that it does not only makes you political but also automatically makes God as a political entity as well and that is not what God is so to me that is a spiritual crime. Personally, I would keep my political and spiritual affairs separated. If you are the one who likes to mix it all, eventually you will end up in a place where you will commit spiritual crimes yet in the name of God. I would not want to be in your shoes because I know my atom of autonomy is not going to just sit still within me. I know the consequences of my inner conflicts will make me measurable from within so it’s too high of a price to pay in living years especially if I acknowledge my mortal nature. To me mixing spirituality with politics is and should be a crime against Godly world. REMEMBER I SAID GOD IS UNIVERSAL ENTITY SO MAKING GOD GOOD FOR SOME BUT NOT FOR ALL IS LITERALLY THINKING FOR GOD. Meaning if you are a bigot, prejudiced and a discriminatory human being because of your group politics. That is one thing but labeling God for all that can be and should be classified as a spiritual sin. Now look around the world and especially within your own self and ask, WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE? If you are confused, simply spare yourself from your political belonging and see what happens? Or simply join the humanity, spirituality and one God to change from within and reach where God is not labeled as a big human being who is a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory.

Today humanity is calling for equal human individual rights for a legitimate reason, because we have been stumbling around with politically tainted or infected religions. To me knowledge of equal human rights is taking us towards the real spirituality and one God, potentially without the political taint and influences. Our politically installed beliefs of human irrelevance can’t be changed by following our groups. That’s why humanity is still having trouble accepting equal human rights as spiritual awareness.

Since spiritually you have been granted your own and personal atom of autonomy, that does not only make you a CEO of your life but also one of the wire holders. In this metaphor Negative or Positive is not the question because you can choose to lend your hand to commit a good deed or bad deed. In the nutshell, without your physical input things don’t really work or matter. SO, UNLESS SPIRITUAL THINGS ARE CONVERTED INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS, THEY LOSE THEIR RELEVANCE. FOR INSTANCE, IF YOU REMOVE ALL HUMANITY, ALCOHOL OF GOD SIMPLY EVAPORATES. SO, YOU HAVE TO KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU, YOUR REAL STANDING AND RELEVANCE IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF HOLY PICTURE.

I call myself a dancing bottle for a reason, but I don’t consider myself a drunk. Not only human individual holds one crucial wire, but they are also the bottles to hold Godly alcohol within as well. We can dance with life within for ourselves but at the same time we make God meaningful by converting spirituality into physical actions. We do that to get the Godly ball rolling so God becomes meaningful. Interestingly, since none of us can function or dance without Godly alcohol, both sides have to be present. BOTTOM LINE IS BOTH NOT ONE OR THE OTHER. Sure, some may argue passionately or as I said as drunks and kill each other over their metaphorical realities, but I believe, even if it is Godly alcohol, we need to be a social drinker so we can function to make God function. Even human beings are the physical reality, they still can’t function for themselves. That is why I believe in human relevance, regardless of what most people say or believe. Remember, if it is not done physically, it’s not meaningful to human beings or to God, since we physically help God and ourselves simultaneously, we should not be counted out as irrelevant.

Since our human reality is the physical reality for God, we simply can’t put our metaphorical realities over and above our physical ones. If you believe you are meaningless and irrelevant, you automatically lose your self-esteem. Now question yourself, who benefits from your irrelevance? Is that you? I don’t think so, the group of people you belong to or God. I personally don’t think God need weaker human individual to convert spirituality into physical reality. Otherwise, we would be created like worker bees or warrior ants. God needs strong human individuals to convert spiritual principles into physical actions. So, the benefitting party is, those who are holding the political powers to use human individuals as warrior ants.


Look at the placebo effects of sugar pill, sure even our scientists can’t figure it out how it works or know everything about us. Now let’s keep this door open to learn more about ourselves. Critically look at love, meditation, hypnotism, and religious beliefs and even God. If you believe in the picture that your teacher is trying for you to focus on. You will get into the meditative state otherwise you simply can’t. A hypnotist can’t get you under if you don’t really believe in it, or your mind is too busy and cluttered. Now you take a look at the feelings of love, how real they can be, but can you translate them and explain them or break them down scientifically or physically? No and I am not talking about sex. Same goes for God or religious beliefs. If you go to the darker side to figure things out, why do you do bad things to others? Can you explain why your imagination can create anxious feelings regardless of how much or how deeply you believe in your religious beliefs or God? After all this, I want you to question, are these things REAL AND BELONG TO OUR PHYSICAL REALITIES? Now can you explain them scientifically with repeatable results? If you can’t explain it or are confused, there is nothing wrong or uncommon about it. As human beings we are still an evolving entity. So, simply our knowledge is not complete. Unlike your Mullah and Priests will tell you, my proof is to look around and see where we are in the physical world today. It’s all because we sought out our evolutionary nature. IF YOU ARE SEEKING GOD, KNOW OR FIGURE YOURSELF OUT FIRST.

If we all start to ask ourselves, where do we really stand for equal human individual rights? That can dictate how much you know about your personal realities. For instance, anything we don’t really understand stays into our metaphorical realities. When we can break it down scientifically and prove it with repeatable results only then they become our physical realities. Sure, you can believe, in your belonging religions but keep eye on humanity of today as well. So far, we have achieved a lot, and we are not done yet so I will ask people to stop killing each other over something that can’t be explain with our present-day knowledge or can be proven physically.

How well do you personally tolerate your metaphorical alcohol of God? Remember a group or not, religion or not even God or not. You have to understand one thing plain and simple. If you are an atom of autonomy holder, use your free will in all other areas of your life, are aware of your personal sense of justice and you know your mortal nature. You are responsible for your individual actions because you are a human individual who uses free will at will. So, you simply can’t hide behind your race, gender, color, nation or religious beliefs because they are all your installed knowledge or data, and you are the one who runs or uses the computer.

If you kill someone innocent in the name of your group, nation, religion or even God, you will be questioned by you from within. Just ask those war veterans who come back damaged from our wars. Interestingly they did not get killed from the wars, but they lose the internal battle with their atom of autonomy to even kill themselves. Remember, when it comes to killing for your religious beliefs, you simply are implicating or involving God in your actions as well. That atom of autonomy is not going to sit still because that is the spy of God living within and it knows you have free will and personal sense of justice at your disposal. If you have done some wrong things for your group, you can call race, gender, nation or religion. Not only that shows your spiritual weakness, but it also takes you to a place where you start to think for God as well. If you are already there, you have to become open to not only your mortal nature, but you also have to learn all about the differences between your metaphorical and physical realities. In the dead of the night, ask yourself why your life after death is more important to you than the living years? While you are there think about the differences of the things belong to our full stomach and the physical realities of an empty stomach and survival. If you don’t, that makes you a bigot, prejudiced and a discriminatory individual. Remember these titles are nothing to be proud of, especially in the era of equal human individual rights. Now a days they actually are the swear words for our new generations. In the nutshell what I am trying to say is unfortunately or fortunately for you, you are born into the era where equal human rights are not asked but are demanded. So, get with it, if you want equal rights you have to learn to give them as well because this clap does not sound with one hand. Just like you can’t light up the spiritual world with one wire.

Questions are why, one has to become a CEO of their life to be able to understand the reasons of why they do have out-of-control sense of belonging? Why regardless of blessings of free will and personal sense of justice, one can’t think beyond their political pigeonhole? Don’t we all belong to humanity as a whole before we belong to our political groups? Logically, if we are born and can pass the physical or genetic test of being a human being. Without question, we automatically belong to humanity as a whole. So, when and where did the things go wrong? And why most of us believe that our security issues are best to be left onto group-based politics. Why can’t we understand our abilities, who and what we really are as an individual? And why do we do things below the standards of typical levels of or present-day evolution? So, as human beings; individually we need self-exploration. You simply can’t do that unless you are a questioning CEO of your life. Process of becoming a CEO automatically puts a whole lot of responsibilities on our individual shoulders so we tend to avoid those responsibilities and stay complacent with our group rules and yes, even if they are against spiritual principles. So, regardless of having personal sense of justice we leave it on our belonging groups. Unfortunately, things don’t work very well for us individually because we have to sacrifice our free will and personal sense of justice in the name of our political belonging. So, in today’s time, individually we all have to literally come out of our thousands of years old influential pigeonholes and their related indoctrinated points of views.

Just look around the distant past history of the world and even the present-day conflicts. We may have come out of the bush and cave time, but our actions don’t match with the level of evolution we have in all other departments of life. We intentionally kill even the babies of our own kind regardless of their guilt. I personally blame the individual weakness of all human individuals belonging to any political group nation or religion because each and every single one of us is able to use our free will and personal sense of justice to make choices before committing any spiritual crimes. So, if a political group is able to brain wash you, it’s your weakness. You simply can’t hide behind political belonging and deny your human identity and related responsibilities. Yet regardless of our abilities or potential we simply follow our groups blindly and with political biased. As if we are puppets, so we not only don’t question, but we also individually try to outdo each other, participating in committing spiritual crimes, with pride. Remember no matter how you cut it, being a human being, we are an evolving entity. So, we simply can’t be emotionally drunk on our religious beliefs or on our metaphorical realities, with the finger on the nuclear weaponry simultaneously.

Now I am not talking about the atom bomb, I am referring to our atom of autonomy that allows us all individually to use our free will and personal sense of justice. We actually need to evolve to the levels our present-day belonging demands. If you are unwilling to make amendments into your religious traditions, customs, rituals and rules you will not be able to make amendments in your constitutions as well. We all should be able to amend, mold and evolve according to the needs of the era we are born into. Where we can actually say no to getting drunk on our religious beliefs or political belonging. So, there is no spiritual excuse for a human individual to follow a group politics because we are all blessed with being a human being, who has a free will and personal sense of justice at their disposal. As a human individual born in today’s time, we all have to take that desperately needed next step of our metaphorical evolutionary ladder. That ladder, metaphorical maybe, but it is as real and physical as it can be. Since it has always been in the picture along with our evolution. It goes long way back when we were introduced with human awareness. Remember, even our so-called spiritual contractors could not restrain by condemning evolutionary nature. We individually have been blinded by our group education systems. Since individual awareness goes against group interests it has been discouraged by most of our governing systems. Logically if our religious people stand against every scientific or medical innovation, they are actually standing against Godly installed evolutionary nature simply for the political reasons. God has nothing to do with it, because God is the one who installed us with evolutionary nature.

So, as an evolving entity, we all not only have to acknowledge the legitimacy of this evolutionary ladder, but we also have the responsibility to climb it. Continuously in all departments of our life yet simultaneously. If you just look at the makeup of human beings, you will come to this conclusion automatically that not climbing this ladder of evolution is actually going against God’s will. Meaning as human beings, we are designed to take charge and yes that is regardless of how deeply we feel about our belonging groups. Meaning individually, we all have to learn all about our evolutionary nature. Which is telling us a story that has not been or is not concluded yet. That should remind us all, that there has always been, is and will always be more room for life beyond our personal insecurities related pigeonholes.

Regardless of the level of individual or collective awareness, our evolutionary genes are telling us that as humanity there is a lot more room for us all to evolve further. Looking back can easily show you that, no human intervention has ever been able to stop us from following these Godly orders of evolution. We have tried kingdoms, socialism, communism, dictatorships, autocracy, democracy and a whole lot of religions as governing systems. Yet one thing stayed consistent and that has been, is and will always be our evolution. So, if you are caught or are stuck into your politically preached pigeonholes. SNAP OUT OF YOUR GROUP BELONGING AND LEARN TO BELONG TO HUMANITY AS A WHOLE, BECAUSE THINGS NEEDS TO BE CHANGED WITHIN YOU. I mean literally try to smell the equal human individual rights in the air. So, instead of going backward, get with the time and era you are born into. Remember as I have been repeatedly saying, physically we belong to humanity as a whole and spiritually we belong to one God directly, no ifs and buts about it. Whether you believe in God or not, you are not living your life without the external help. So, if you are not believing, you don’t have to but having a belief system allows you to life your fearlessly. THAT IS IF YOU REALLY BELIEVE. You have a life story going on, with things in or out of your control. To me, if you did not come into your life with your choice and you go out without your choice, you have some help for even taking your next breath. If you don’t believe in anything you might as well be a religious extremist.


Since God has always been calling for us to use our spiritual side to be a good and decently evolved human beings, we need to be as such. Whether we believe in God or not, being a decently evolved human being is an individual responsibility. Especially, we all urgently need to understand what is at stake in dealing with our present-day issues. We all have to learn, why do we all individually and collectively have evolving nature and potential? Interestingly our potential is even in evolving mode. Remember regardless of age, harder may be but we still learn something new all the time. Meaning our brain has to make new neurons all the time so our potential is even in constant evolution. Which simply dictates, that there is no cap, freezing or limitations for us human beings. Especially if the politics of belonging has you dancing like a political puppet. You individually will have to come out of your so-called irrelevance related pigeonholes. So, you can literally put your human foot down, to override all your emotional urges or political influences. Remember your number one identity is human being so logically you belong to humanity as a whole, not it’s groups.

Interestingly all your installed identities belong to your political belonging, and they have nothing to do with spirituality and God. You come with your physical identity from way, way before even your birth. So, being a human individual, if you follow your real identity, you will automatically know where you belong to or stand. Meaning you will be able to deal with all your internal and external turmoil by individually becoming a CEO. Who will automatically know how to deal with present-day issues. You will know that today, it takes a lot more than building social and communal walls to be secured. Do you really think in today’s times, China, German or Israeli walls can stand in the way of infectious disease, global warming, political demands of equal human individual rights or even nukes?

With evolving human nature, our knowledge and other abilities have been, are and will always be going through an ongoing process of evolution. Sure, we are evolving rapidly but to me we are just scratching the surface of our potential which as I said, has evolving potential. Meaning that there is a lot more room for us to evolve and learn a lot more about being human beings.

Just like muscle building requires consistent resistance training, all other kind of evolution also require similar approach. A butterfly has to struggle to even become a butterfly. As human beings we have to understand that eventually we all have to become what we have been created as, or for. Becoming a CEO of our individual lives is the first step, not easy but essential for us to become that metaphorical butterfly. We may not grow horns of wings, but we still need to override our animal urges and political influences to spiritually grow. Especially as an insecure person we all need to open up that door which has been closed by our religious or other politicians. If the insecurities have been politically created and installed within you by your own belonging groups, you will have to dig within a little harder and deeper to find your spiritual side and evolve. If logically we all look at our make-up, learning about being a human being can be understood. Otherwise, we would be struggling as we have been for last thousands of years.

Being blessed with our atom of autonomy, automatically removes us from the lineup of other creatures and makes us all a human being. Among other abilities, we are able to individually use our free will and personal sense of justice, understanding these two alone can make or break our individual life. Which means, naturally our political belonging and hormonal influences should be tackled and overridden by us individually. If you believe in your irrelevance, your political belonging and hormonal influences will be able to demote you individually from being a CEO. Meaning political belonging to our groups can become a hindrance in, us individually taking charge of our lives.

As I repeatedly said that God is universal entity like spirituality and true or blind justice. So, to me, no one should be able to use God as the cousin of their belonging group. Today things have changed to the point that we have the ability to just push the buttons to kill thousands or even millions without the distinction of guilt or innocence.

Standing tall to be a human individual, especially as a CEO of your life can help you to put things, people, even religion and God in their respected place. Sure, we have a history of disputes and wars, but we also have a lot more to show and be proud of our other side. If you want the legitimate proof, simply look at our constant evolution in all other departments of life. Especially modern-day models of melting pot human societies can’t be ignored. Where regardless of everyone’s background and political baggage, most people can learn to live with each other under the same umbrella of law and order. As humanity, if we don’t take the next step into our evolution and give each other those equal human individual rights. Things will never change for us, so if we keep following the same political rhetoric of individua being irrelevant, sophistication of today’s modern-day war weaponry and thousands of years old traditional politics of belonging to our groups. Things don’t look very promising. Unfortunately destroying the humanity by will or political whims of groups is a huge possibility. Godly intervention or the level of our civilization aside. We may eventually end up creating that day of destruction predicted by our more than one holy books. Now ask yourself this question, would that be by the spiritual God or by the physical minions of God with free will?

Logically if you look at our longest-lasting disputes or wars, you will be able to see that by groups, bringing God into our disputes. They can find a study supply of fuel, meaning human individuals can go kill or die with pride when politics of religions is involved. As you can see our religious wars are the longest and bloodies. Whether disputes are related to our resources or territorial issues, when God gets involved, both competing sides have no shortage of living breathing and willing human individuals. Interestingly, by giving those fiery speeches, politicians of both sides are able to emotionally charge up the individuals to kill and die in the name of same God. That is why I want my ideal individual to be a CEO of their lives. So, they can’t be swayed into nonspiritual things in the name of religions, because logically by doing that we are committing a spiritual crime. Labeling God to be a prejudicial and discriminatory entity is and should be called a sin. Unfortunately, whether individually or collectively we have always been using God for security or strength. Sure, our belief systems help us live our lives batter, but the trouble is if we use God politically, we ultimately end up disrespecting an innocent God. Remember we have free will and personal sense of justice so can’t be blaming God for our physical actions or deeds. Sure, we are helped by the oxygen, living breathing body and life sustaining circumstances to commit those spiritual sins, but by us being blessed with free will God is exonerated, so we are responsible for our actions. Now the question is why God does not pull the plug for us individually, if we are to commit a spiritual crime. My answer is, to make us evolve and take charge. Israeli and Palestinian conflict is touching some nerves around the world, to me that is the pain for us all to become aware and evolve to the next level. Not too long-ago Palestinians were throwing rocks at the Israeli tanks. Today they are firing rocket, what will be tomorrow is anyone’s guess. Guess who wants more destruction? Conservatives and orthodox people from both sides and they are religious people. They brought in God to keep the war going. Interestingly most of our religions preach compassion but one can easily see most of our religious wars as I said are the bloodiest and longest lasting.

If both disputing sides claim that God is on their side, our disputes and relate wars are logically labeling God as a prejudicial and discriminatory entity. So, regardless of who is politically using God are committing a spiritual crime and a sin because they are claiming and labeling God, what God is not.

When it comes to our modern-day warfare, we don’t use swords and spears to kill each other, nor we leave our women and children far away from the battle fields of war. Today there are no designated battle grounds, so buttons are pushed to fire heavy duty bombs and missiles on the cities to demolish houses to bring their warriors to submit. So, no it has never been, nor it should ever be okay to intentionally kill innocents. Regardless of the era you are born into, being a human being we all should have some morals and ethical standers. Remember responsibility of our actions, still lands on our personal and individual shoulders. So, regardless of internal and external pressures, we all should be able to say no to the politically inspired innocent killings.

Old days ethics of leaving innocents far away from the battle grounds does not work because today’s war weaponry tells it all. It has always been that way but especially our modern-day politics of belonging has bankrupted the human individual even further from their personal sense of justice. So, rules or ethics like ” DON’T DO TO ANYONE THAT YOU DON’T LIKE DONE TO YOU OR TO YOUR LOVED ONES” Don’t exist anymore. This story of imbalanced evolution has become dangerous, simply because our spiritual side is losing out in compared to our animal side. As you can see, today’s warfare involves residential buildings to be flattened intentionally. Meanings there is no distinction in killing of a soldier or an ordinary citizen. If you belong to the opposing group, regardless of your guilt you are a fair game so that is a good enough reason for you to be killed. Whether you are a kid or not, agree with that war or not is not even the question. Nor the legitimacy of your innocence. You simply could be killed just because you belong of the opposing group. Being part of a group, gang, nation or a religion is a political thing for us human beings, but being a human being comes with some major responsibilities. Remember as human individuals we are supposed to be a spiritual entity as well, so whether we kill or get killed in the name of belonging groups. We all are responsible for our physical actions, PERIOD. Present-day wars like Ukraine, Palestine or unresolved disputes like Kashmir or other hot spots around the world should not be swept under the political rug of United Nation. I said political rug for a reason, because if a dispute last for seventy-five years that itself should be a slap on the face of humanity and it’s so called for justice organization. Logically keeping the disputes pending helps groups to not only recruit more willing to kill and die hands but also attain deadly weaponry to kill more innocents. Should that be counted as a collateral damage by an evolved humanity? Well, you be the judge but seventy-five years. Give me a break. Our history shows that the longer the disputes stay unresolved the more innocent lives they take and to me, blacker the face of humanity becomes. We are not what we have been portrayed by our religious groups, so remember individually we are not irrelevant unless we believe in our own irrelevance. Since human beings have used carrot and stick philosophy to train animals. There is common misconception of training human beings with such philosophy as well. So, interestingly that has not been working because our disputes are tell a different story. Human beings usually push back when they are pushed to submit.

When I sift through to see what was and is going on, throughout the history of humanity, most human groups used and still use God to create fear of hell and greed of heaven in after life. If their purpose or indentation was or is to keep the human individual in line to become a good and civilized individual. I would be all for it, but unfortunately that did not turn out to be right or the truth-based philosophy. Simply because crime rate of human societies has been consistent regardless of religions. As a matter of fact, Google says secular societies have lower crime rate per capita than their religious counter parts. So, if we have self-esteem because of our Godly granted atom of autonomy. We actually are able to self-regulate ourselves better than if we personally believe in our irrelevance. If one has low self-respect and self-esteem, they will tend to seek political attachments to be regulated. So, when no one is watching cat will play because the component of self-regulation and responsibilities of a CEO are absent.

Regardless of the claims of being right or wrong collectively, I blame politics of belonging to our groups. Remember I insist on believing in all human beings belong to humanity as a whole and they all should have equal human individual rights. So, we all should work towards demanding equal human individual rights instead of asking for group rights. Since asking for group rights does not bring us any peaceful and spiritual solutions. As everyone can see those so-called security walls don’t solve the modern-day problems faced by the humanity. Question is not what is happening, but what does the future hold? It’s kind of obvious because human evolution is not going to take humanity back to throwing rocks.

When you see your family members get killed, regardless of the side you are on, you will be outraged and will try to inflict same kind of love loss related pain to those who caused you that kind of pain. With that kind of emotional volatility and pain, if you are given a nuclear weapon, you will use them disregarding all life in general including your own. So, everyone involved should think and get out of their group mentality and related political pigeonholes. Belong to humanity as a whole and take responsibilities of being a human being. Give and receive equal human rights to solve these territorial disputes without getting God involved into them.

To me regardless of my belief system, I am against the killing of that six-year-old child who was stabbed to death by his landlord for just being a Muslim. Even far away from the actual disputing areas things can go wrong if one is not a CEO of their life because of the political influences preached or otherwise. Regardless of that incidence, I will still say, if people can learn to live in western nations with each other. THAT STILL SHOULD BE USED AS A MODEL FOR HUMANITY. It may or may not be 100% perfect but since equal human rights are already in the air; we all should find our INDIVIDUAL SPINE to question our politics of group belonging. If there is an injustice or spiritual crime, we all should learn to speak up. According to present day era things are becoming progressively dangerous so no disputes should be swept under the political rugs.

Belonging to humanity with equal human individual rights and equal justice is the answer for most of our political wars, so, this spiritually good wrench should be acknowledged by all of us.

Since justice is only justice if it’s pure of politics, so logically you can’t have a justice system exclusively belonging to each group of people. Meaning if it is political, it will be good for some but not for all. Remember justice is just like God and spirituality, it’s universal so no matter where the crime is committed it’s a crime so our justice should be universal not political. Remember that blindfolded lady justice, what does she tell you? Interestingly no one has seen God physically but most of humanity believes in God’s existence. Sure, there are some Atheists to me they are just like a believer because they assume things as well yet with our evolving nature and incomplete and evolving knowledge.

Humanity should be running universally on one foundational justice of equal human individual rights. In a constant war like situation where death of the individuals is traditionally cheap. Human beings end up losing their spiritual strength by simply giving into their hormonal and politically infectious influences. Whenever personal, family or communal survival becomes a priority all the civilization falls apart. So, the desire of revenge can easily dominate and override one’s spiritual side. Love loss is a pain no one should inflict on anyone because the sufferer will do anything to inflict that pain to return the favor. As I see it, if we don’t come down to earth and smell the stink of our group belonging mixed into our belief systems, one day we will end up bringing that predicted outcome stated in our holy books. The day of destruction brought on yet by choice of human individuals while blaming God for it. Our emerging modern-day technologies are all that we need to help us. SO WHICH WAY TO GO? Should we follow to become bigots, prejudiced and discriminatory beings or resist by taking charge and become a CEO of our lives to override our political groups.

Following the paths created by the footprints of our less evolved ancestors or their same old political ways, we are not going to work towards equal human rights to solve our modern-day collective problems. REMEMBER MOST OF OUR PROBLEMS STEM FROM, NOT, RECIEVING OR GIVING EQUAL HUMAN INDIVIDUAL RIGHT TO EACH OTHER. So, I call this a major dead dog of our present-day problems. In this era just like everyone else I am exposed to the importance of equal human individual rights. Regardless of the arguments of group politics, I wholeheartedly believe in equal human rights and will say, that it’s time for us all human beings to individually learn to belong to humanity as a whole. Simply because it’s time to look at the damage done to humanity by our group belonging. So, it’s time to change the way we have been doing things, STARTING WITH BELONGING TO HUAMNITY AS A WHOLE.

If there is a demand of equal human rights and you are standing on the fence because of the fear of your belonging group, you are not alone, but if you learn to put yourself in the shoes of those who have been or are discriminated. You should look up for the number one spiritual rule and adopt to “don’t do to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. It’s all out there for everyone who is interested and willing to become a CEO of their lives. Crossing the lines of political belonging and emotional judgements can’t be easy. Especially if they are politically promoted by all belonging groups.

To understand this predicament, you have to gather some personal strength and picture this. It’s like if you are the cells of the arm, you only acknowledge that you belong to arm because your arm does not want you to know how arm works. Meaning how does the arm work is none of your business, well we have passed that era of time and knowledge. Today, belongs to a time where everything is questioned by everyone and around the world, so the world has become a small village. Yet humanity only knows group politics as the way of governing and an individual is still not strong enough to question their own political belonging.

Belonging to humanity as a whole can be very uncomfortable and problematic zone to go in, but interestingly, we already have stepped into that era. So, these days infectious disease, global warming, dangerous weaponry and equal human rights are the problems crossing everyone’s belonging groups. Now you ask yourself individually, do you have a choice? Especially if you normally don’t follow the trends of the era you are born into. My question to you will be, that how are you going to be useful to your group, race, nation or religion if the problems faced by the humanity cross the boundary lines of all groups?

Looking at my personal life experiences, long ago, as I got to Iraq, within a week or so, Iran and Iraq war started so eventually I ended up in Kuwait. I was really surprised to hear the names of people; they use bin as son and Abu as the father. So, everyone uses them as part of their name, then their grandfather, their great grand father’s name and then eventually their tribe’s name as well. So, to me their names were extraordinarily long. I did not think that it was significant at that time, but today I am writing about it. Since, I personally believe a human individual simply belong to humanity as a whole. So, we don’t really need all those identities to tell who we really are. Anyway, I found those long names were intriguing but today I feel those long names mean something and that is really connected to their sense of belonging.

Leading them to be really trenched into their installed identities. As I mentioned that I don’t look at life that way. Since we all can pass the genetic test of being a human being, automatically we all belong to humanity. So, belonging to our groups is one of the dead dogs of our modern-day problems faced by the humanity. To keep the discussion going, let’s look at it this way. If a couple in India adopts a child, who was born to a Hindu couple and for whatever reason was put up for adoption. While adopted by another couple who had their prerogative to raise that child as a Christian, Muslim, Sikh even atheist or whatever they believe in. Now the question is, as the child develops, is that child Hindu, Muslim, Christian. Sikh or atheist? Sure, you can go into the deep end and debate all day, but you will end up being torn between your metaphorical reality-based beliefs or effect that child physically. Now, if you can come down to the physical world of today. Where humanity is reaching out to equal human rights. Don’t you want to provide those rights to that child and even for all of us. Remember humanity has been longing for equality for a long time, only because our politics of belonging has been overriding it all. Fortunately, calls are growing against bigotry, prejudice and discrimination.

If you believe in you being a CEO of your life born into an era of equal human individual rights. Fighting over and killing each other over your metaphorical realities can be looked like an absurdity. Especially if none of us can present God physically and on demand at all times. According to the physical world we live in, that child is a living breathing human being before their birth. PERIOD. If you add all the other political identities to wrap them up, things will always lead to ugly consequences.

Since I believe in equal human individual rights, I am going to mention a whole bunch of installed identities as the culprit of our spiritual shortcomings. Remember they are all politically installed. I simply want everyone to become the CEO of their lives. So, they can individually come out of their politically biased pigeonholes to assume the duties of being a human being. If you are a human being, automatically you carry your atom of autonomy. If God had meant for each and every single one of us to have free will and personal sense of justice, that clearly means you are born with it. Meaning you are lot more responsible for your personal actions then you have been preached to believe. So, I believe, doing the dirty work for your political groups is still on your shoulders. Remember to learn to regulate yourself and keep yourself within the boundaries of spiritual world. Simply because that is your main identity. A HUMAN BEING, NOT A SIMPLE ANIMAL. Sure, you can argue about that as well and say you evolved from a primate, still you use the word evolve so now the question is, why chimps our closest cousins or the other primates are still living in the bush? With evolution, by now, at the least they should be living in the mud houses. That brings us to question evolution itself, is, evolution limited to physical changes? That is the point I am trying to make because if human beings did not have potential or I should say evolving potential, they would be still in the bush or caves with their cousins. Why human being is flying in the space without wings, where winged birds can’t fly, you can discuss about the difference all day long but as human individuals we supposed to evolve not only in our technologies but as a spiritual being as well.

Back to the adopted child. One can say well, if child is born Hindu, then they are Hindu from God, but if they grow up with different religious values, they become and believe that they are Christian Sikh, or Muslim etc. Always remember we all can individually fight over our installed identities or become a Good and decently evolved human being. Who is a CEO and makes choices with real and Godly installed free will and personal sense of justice. Since humanity is still divided and dividing even further, I have to put my opinions into words simply to get my piece of mind. Sure, it’s a dry subject but this needs to be discussed openly. As I said long names means something so it may be uncomfortable, but we all have to come down to our first identity as a physical reality. So, for you all what will it be first, a human being or other installed identities? Like sexual orientation, male, female, LGBTQ etc. Name, last name, color, race, religion, nation, province, city, education degree, tall, short, thin, fat, young, old and the one of the most important and undeniable one, being mortal. You can add rich and poor and go on to add more or even many more depending on where you are born or the era you are born into. Your life circumstances and education can dictate how you think and believe. REMEMBER THE ABILITY TO THINK IS ALWAHYS BEFOR YOUR INSTALLED BELIEFS SO YOUR IDENTITY IS NOT YOUR INSTALLED KNOWLEDGE OR DATA. PERIOD. Simply you are like a cell phone, but you are unable to or intentionally you are not using all the abilities of your cell phone.

Now the question is, would like to be judged by your installed knowledge of identities? Or simply be a human being who is just visiting the earth to physically experience life. Interestingly with your politically installed identities, potentially you become a bigot, prejudiced or discriminatory individual and rob others of their equal opportunity or rights. Sure, I am talking about the need of equal human rights and remember they start and finish with our nature. So, adding mortality as an identity can bring you to a door where, if you enter, you will be able to put things in a necessary perspective. If you still feel that you somehow are or become better than others, simply by being born into certain group of people or joining them.

I got a news for you, being a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory being is not a matter of pride today. Those days are long gone, today humanity is at a different level of spirituality and is in a new era. So, get it together as a human being who belongs to an era where equal human individual rights are not asked but are demanded. That means you will have to learn to override everything that you have been politically installed with. Remember your identity is not your body, nor is your installed data or knowledge because of your mortal nature.

My understanding is that your installed identities will not leave you alone until you become a CEO of your life. Looking at the new Palestinian and Israeli dispute. If you start to dig into it, you will end up in thousands of years old land dispute charged with the differences of beliefs system. Any way even though this dispute perfectly fits into this discussion and to me the solutions for this can be found in spirituality based pure of political system. For instance, if we all ask for equal human individual rights instead of group rights things will work out, otherwise the same old politics of belonging to our groups will be corrupting us all individually to do the dirty work for our political groups. Yes, that can be solved only if we simply and honestly give and receive equal human individual rights to each other and refuse to play a roll of puppets. THIS IS THE REASON WHY I BELIEVE; EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS ARE THE WRENCH IN OUR POLITICAL OR GROUP BELONGNIG. Anyway, to me explaining the causes of our problems is more important than finding band aid solutions like sweeping things under the political rug. So, I am all for finding permanent solutions for solving the issues instead of politically picking sides. To me killing civilians and infrastructure is one thing but intentionally killing children takes a prize especially for those who have seen atrocities committed against them in the past. So, looking at it from the outside, I see there are a lot more reasons for the Israelis individual to understand the sufferings caused by them. Spiritually if you know how bad it was for you, yet still repeating against the others that has been done to you is clearly a spiritual insufficiency at the individual level. Sure, you will have political pressures for standing for your belonging group, but not standing for spiritual principles is as essential as it can be. Especially for an individual who belongs to the modern-day humanity.

By now, it should be established that your politically installed identities will not leave you alone, unless you become a CEO of your life. Since that is what you were supposed to be by being a human being. A CEO who knows how to respect their own atom of autonomy related abilities to override your animalistic and political influences. If you are still stuck into your installed identities yet are born and living in the modern-day era. You actually are buried deep into them; you individually need to hear the calls of your spiritual nature instead of political belonging. Responding to override hormonal and political influences is a duty for all of us. So, work hard to get yourself into the present era of equal human individual rights because group rights have brought us a lot of grief as humanity. That is still claiming innocent lives and creating lot of sufferings for innocent people including children. If you honestly question the reasons of your political belonging, you will end up at seeking security. That sound logical but it does take you away from your spiritual nature and makes you commit spiritual crimes against others. I know I am repeating this, but since it’s a reminder to be a human being I am going to keep repeating. Remember logically and physically belonging to humanity as a whole is a spiritual responsibility, so if you are politically brain washed to believe that you have nothing to do with humanity. You are simply choosing your politics of long names but not spiritual connection to humanity.

Logically, naturally and spiritually, you belong to universal things like spirituality, humanity, one universal justice and God. So, if you believe in belonging to politically tainted things like race, gender, color, nation or religions you may end up losing your real status of being a human being. As human beings, our physicality is needed to help God to be meaningful physically, not hurt and chop off God’s working hands just because they belong to the different part of the body.

Remember you are buried under all those identities for political reasons so recognize yourself, who and what you really are and what you hold within. Spiritually you belong to one and universal God, not to the one who is politically used by the all the belonging groups. IF YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR INSTALLED IDENTITIES, JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR POLITICAL BELONGING, YOU WILL BELIEVE THAT GOD IS BURIED WITH YOU AS WELL. Humanity has a thinking problem, but I think it’s a healthy problem because that is how we can dig ourselves out to evolve and progress. That is if you are aware of yourself being politically buried. We have evolved to the level where we demand and get equal human rights not because of our group thinking but it is coming from our individual and universal evolution. Sure, it’s not perfect yet, but since it’s coming from our atom of autonomy related personal and individual sense of justice. As words get around, eventually humanity will get the hang of it, and may be one day we all become an ideal and spiritual human being. Politically as groups we are making God not only a political entity. Or I should go that far and say a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory God as well. Personally, I believe making God political and limited to a certain group of people, is and should be a spiritual crime. To me, if you and your belonging group is doing that, you are committing a spiritual crime to make God a political entity in the name of your political belonging. There can’t be more than four thousand active religious beliefs if God was pulling our strings. Since we have been blessed with our atom of autonomy, God put all that on our individually physical shoulders. I would suggest snap out of it and individually assume your real responsibilities. Always remember your belonging group does not want you to be a questioning pest. Yet, if we have been installed with Godly ordered evolutionary genes within, that is what we all should be because humanity did not reach to the levels where we are today by following group politics. Remember logically ideas arise from the individual and physically acted upon by the individual to be meaningful. So, how did our groups get so many powers over the individuals? The answer is in creating the environment to make the individuals feel insecure and vulnerable, so they seek to attach and stick with their belonging groups. This simply can’t change until the individual becomes aware of what they are holding within. So, to me these issues are personal and can’t be solved without individual efforts.
Remember most groups want their individuals to be insecure to the point that they can latch onto their groups for security purposes. Some groups go to the length to keep their individuals uneducated, so they don’t have the ability to question. After the popularity of democracy, if equal human rights are making sense to you today, then what is the problem? The answers are in critically looking at the agendas of political groups. If you see them fighting over the identity of a child other than the human individual identity. They actually are politically fighting for the strength in numbers. If you can’t see for yourself, you should be shown that reality. Our old politics of strength in numbers is behind it all and that has nothing to do with spirituality, God and humanity as a whole. Religions really take a prize by claiming they are doing it for God. So, human individuals should always be seeking security, even after they are dead. Security has been sold to us with political twists and turns. Whether it’s in the living years or after death. They supply the umbrella of security in physical realities and even metaphorical realities. YET THEY GO TO WARS AND CALL UPON THE INDIVIDUAL TO SACRIFICE THEIR LIFE IN RETURN OR AS A PRICE FOR SECURITY. IF THAT IS NOT A POLITICAL TWIST THEN WHAT ELSE THAT CAN IT BE. Sure, reciprocation is a must for all human relationships, but logically and physically our belonging groups don’t supply oxygen, functioning bodies or favorable life circumstances. So, our reciprocation is and should be directly to help God. Since God works with the human physicality to be meaningful. Logically we can never take a life of other over our politics of belonging to groups of people… If you are asked to give your life because you were simply born into that group, it is nothing more than the politics. So, if you are not a CEO of your life, you will be acting like a worker bee or a warrior ant. Sure, loyalties are important among other things, but physically to the humanity as a whole, universally equal justice and spiritually to God exclusively. If your groups can’t do anything more than saying a prayer for you, than logically, they don’t have the rights to ask you to go and kill or die for them. As a CEO, you question before making your choices because the consequences of all the choices you make are on your shoulders.

Guage to assess our wrongdoing is easy to understand, “if you do the things to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. THAT IS WRONG PLAIN AND SIMPLE. So, doing wrong to others in the name of a group of people, nation or religions, still is on your shoulders simply because you are blessed with your atom of autonomy. Remember that God particle is kind of a spy sitting right within you, so going against your inner spy, can not only be against the victims of your actions exclusively, but it can also go against you as well. So, don’t be a victim of yourself because suffering at spiritual level is a physical reality. Just ask those war veterans, how difficult it is to deal with their inner demons. I PERSONALLY DON’T CALL THEM INNER DEMONS, I TALK ABOUT THEM AS I UNDERSTAND IT, TO ME ITS A WORK OF OUR ATOM OF AUTONOMY PUNISHING THOSE WHO IGNORE THEIR SPIRITUAL GIFTS OF FREE WILL AND PERSONAL SENSE OF JUSTICE.

Other than the few who are comfortable or those who are happily blinded by the politics of belonging. When it comes to look at our modern-day humanity. There seems to be a consensus in general population to implement equal human individual rights. Personally, I believe, most of our political disputes can be resolved by simply providing equal human rights to all parties involved but at the individual level. For instance, in today’s world we have successfully working melting post societies. Meaning regardless of their background, mostly people are able to live without fighting over their color, race gender, nation or religions. Interestingly where there is no equality, conflicts carry on, even for thousands of years. In modern day world, if people are not able to solve these disputes, it’s because people are not willing to give equal human rights. Areas like Palestine and Kashmir simply can’t become peaceful until each and every single human individual is respected above and beyond their background or installed identities. As I have been repeatedly saying, equal human rights are the wrench in our modern-day national and religious beliefs. If individually, we are willing to give and receive equal human rights to each other. We actually are making an individual relevant. Since our political groups including our religions have always worked against individual relevance, they are not going to change their political views. That is why humanity is having trouble adopting to a spiritual thing like equal human rights. Even our so-called spiritual contractors can’t come to this compromise and accept human individual relevance. United Nation or international justice system can’t do their work simply because of the resistance from our political groups or should I say undemocratic veto powers holding entities. To me if you preach equal human individual rights, mean it, and reform even the veto powers system. Give our United Nation and international justice system some teeth and spine.

Since spirituality is ingrained in all of us as an atom of autonomy from the get-go. So, things will have to change at the individual level to make the differences. If you have noticed that I exclusively said human individual, not group rights. It’s simply because, as groups or collectively we have problems of prejudice and discrimination. That is why even as so-called spiritual people, our religious beliefs do not guarantee that level of spirituality. So, if a religious group is politically tainted, it will work against spiritual things like medical advancements to save lives or social advancements like equal human rights, so they are having trouble accepting basic changes like individual strength and direct connection to humanity as a whole. That is why I am talking about this as a wrench, because nations and religions are still on the same old political paths. I am talking about those who were and are still victimized and even sacrificed in the name of certain race, nation or religious beliefs. Meaning if we individually don’t take responsibilities of our modern-day problems, we may keep damaging humanity as we have been. Just remember to look at our war weaponry and decide for yourself individually.

Personally, I believe our today’s disputes and wars in the name of certain race, nations and religions have to stop because our modern-day weaponry is not a joke. Responsibility to be a human being of the modern-day era, calls out all colors, races, genders, nations and religions to reconsider their political belonging from groups to humanity as a whole. Just look around the world and see what has been passed on to us all by our ancestors. If you don’t want the pass on your wars and hatred to your future generations, you have to make some changes within you at individual level. Starting with recognition of what and who we really are? Not what we have been or were in the past. Remember today’s humanity has been asking for equal human rights but needle is moving far too slowly because there are still some people who are proud of being a bigot prejudiced and discriminatory. Since humanity has been evolving all along, as individuals we have to evolve and change with it as well. Starting with honestly giving and receiving equal human individual rights. If we keep following what our ancestors have passed on to us, we will never be able to come out of our barbaric behaviors. Since it’s all on our individual and physical shoulders, regardless of our political belonging, we should not pass on our emotional baggage with nuclear weaponry to our coming generations.

Our evolution has brought us all equally to the level of acknowledging equal human rights. Following the same old insecurities-based politics of belonging will keep us all in the same old world of disputes and wars yet interestingly over our metaphorical realities, where things simply can’t really be explained physically. So, today’s humanity is calling on us all to change individually and belong to humanity as a whole. If we choose to, we can take the wind out of the sails of our differences, hatred, prejudice and discrimination. Remember today’s wars are not fought by the swords, spears and arrows. Since the weapons of today are deadlier than ever before, even for the humanity as a whole, so it’s time to check in for our emotional influences and spiritual awareness as well.

Our ancestors were exposed to group strength and only knew group politics but today things have changed tremendously. With our evolution humanity itself has become much smaller yet with the needs of constantly newer ways to manage our borders. Population has grown and we are expanding our horizons at all levels of humanity. Today’s demands have changed, we need to fight global warming collectively. We can’t fight internet crimes as a community or nation, nor we can fight off our infectious diseases unless it’s taken as a global initiative. We are still fighting covid globally, yet interestingly at the same time fighting modern-day wars related to our group oppression and land disputes.

The ideas of living like a humanity with tolerance has been proven by our melting pot societies. Yet we are still stuck into our disputes actually related to the things no one knows as physical realities.

In today’s world if we fight over our religions can be questioned because beyond our physical knowledge everything belongs to our metaphorical world. You may feel but can’t prove or explain it physically. So, robbing some one of their physical lives or physical reality over your unknown is based on nothing but the politics of belonging to our groups. If as an individual we can override our political belonging to groups and believe in belonging to humanity as a whole, we may have a chance to overcome our political killings.

Even if we don’t understand what is driving us or running us as living breathing decision-making human beings. We still can and should decide to investigate instead of following someone blindly. Who is telling us what to believe yet to the point that we go and kill each other over it. In my honest opinion, we all should know that we don’t really know everything. So, being a choice maker, we should choose to be reasonably evolved human beings. We shouldn’t believe in doing something to others that we don’t like done to ourselves or to our loved ones. AND YES, NOT ENEN IN THE NAME OF RACE, GENDER, NATION OR RELIGIONS. That is what a human individual is an independent entity, who should think about the consequences and personal responsibilities before deciding to commit a social and spiritual crime. Should we all consider ourselves as an out-of-control animal rather than an entity who can not only self-regulate but also know the differences between spirituality and politics of belonging to a group of people.

As you can see, I did not mention God, because I personally believe God simply is pure of human group politics and related insecurities. Regardless of how long and widely God has been and is still used for political purposes. I wholeheartedly refused to believe God can be corrupted or even influenced by the human politics, humans on the other hand are a different story. I believe, God is nothing but the spiritual truth just like the blind justice. Anything wrong done to others is either done from individual insecurities or group politics. So, if God is used by you or your belonging groups. Since you are designed to be an independent entity with your personal atom of autonomy. What allows you to use free will and gives you abilities to understand personal sense of justice, everything lands on your physical shoulders. Meaning if God is used for political purposes, it has nothing to do with God. According to my logic, God, pure spirituality and blind justice are all universal so anything favoring certain group of people would simply be based on the political belonging.

Sure, we need politics to run our affairs, but using God and other metaphorical reality-based points of views as rules can be questioned. So, our social systems should be founded our present-day level of physical reality-based rules. Remember where justice is bought and sold there is corruption so that justice is not a blind justice anymore. When you mix your group politics into your spiritual system spirituality takes a hike so it’s not a spiritual system anymore. Since spirituality and God are universal and unbiased, we should learn from that to join humanity as a whole. Labeling God for a human group bias is not only founded on assumptions but as a disrespect for God as well. No matter how you cut it, our group politics has to be separated from our spiritual beliefs and even our justice systems to keep our spiritual principles clean and pure as God’s way. Before we go any further or deeper let’s always keep these facts in mind.

As human beings to us all, mortality, uncertainty of the allowance of time comes from our nature. Whether it’s coming or going we individually don’t have any control over this aspect of our life. Meaning we all have out of control aging consisted with a life story of our own. Some may believe that we write our life story as we go, but to me the question is, why do most of us have a different life story. Some live longer life than others, some die of accident, disease or killed by each other even in the name of belonging groups. Regardless of the truth, the truth is that we come without our personal influences and as a mortal. So, we go even kicking and screaming because we love our life, so we don’t want to leave. On top of that deep inside we all know that we don’t really know what is after we leave and to what? Some may say heaven or hell, but reality is that none of us come back with some legitimate evidence. We may have seen a lot of manmade movies or wholeheartedly believe in our religious stories, but reality is that we don’t really know. If you claim to know everything, you are following a group of people. In reality you are an evolving entity, and your knowledge has been and is constantly evolving. So, if you are learning something new all the time your is not complete and with your incomplete knowledge you can’t really claim that you know everything.

Usually, we have been sold our metaphorical realities as the physical truths because of politics, but logically, what is on the other side you will have to die to find out. I am not going to sew the doubts in anyone’s beliefs, but I still demand decency to live and let live in our living years in peace. Sure, we have been promised a magical world if we listen to our belonging groups. Or on the other hand, we are going to be in eternal hell. Since no political group is going to tell their followers the truth. We individually will have to come to our own conclusions and decide to live our living years as an evolving entity. As an evolving entity one day our knowledge will evolve to the point that we will change our mind to keep room for our evolved knowledge. Just like we make amendments in our constitutions as we evolve. To me that one day is here, because not too long ago the thoughts of even equal human rights were nonexistent. In one lifetime, from being proud to be a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory individual to honestly seek, give and receive equal human individual rights is a big leap of faith. So, today, all the bigotry, prejudice and discrimination have become the swear words. If we start to seek the causes or the dead dogs of our behaviors, that will directly lead us all to the politics of belonging to our groups.

As human individuals if we all can understand that we are playing a major role in converting spirituality into physical actions to actually make spirituality and God meaningful. That understanding alone can have seriously positive effects on one’s spiritual health. As a spiritually healthy individual you automatically will know that without the human individual no humanity, so if there are no physical actions, there are no good and bad. SO, NO VALUE TO GOD OR DEVIL BECAUSE THEY CAN’T FUNCTION PHYSICALLY WITHOUT THE HELP OF HUMAN BEING’S PHYSICALITY. As a proof one can see it all and understand by watching the lifeless planets, they don’t have any value unless humanity can live there. Logically, without the contributions of physicality of human beings good or bad land in a zone of miracles. I can’t see God or Devil doing good or bad for themselves. Physical actions of human individuals, dictate the existence of good or bad. So, denying human individual their relevance is denying God’s physical existence. If you solely believe in God’s existence while denying the justice to human individual by keeping them as irrelevant. You have to check and question your spiritual system with critical thinking. Remember real spiritualty has no injustice to anyone individual, group and even God.

As I mentioned earlier, we don’t come to life with choice, live without oxygen, favorable life circumstances, functioning body, stay alive permanently or stay young, regardless of strong desires. We have been granted or are blessed with evolving knowledge and nature, so, if we are awarded with free will to have a choice. In the nutshell that tells me that no God no human beings, no human beings no God. At least physically or without any so-called assumptions.

Since there is no physical evidence, we all have to die to find out all about the afterlife and we are an evolving entity so if we remove our politics of belonging to our groups. Things can drastically change for us all especially individually. Remember other than the stories you have been told about after life belong to our metaphorical reality related world. Today’s physical reality points towards. Egyptians and Chines who took their material belongings with them to their graves, believing that they will need everything physical and material stuff in the next life as well. If you ask them, how is it working for them physically? You don’t even have to assume, because as you can see. They have been robbed by the living breathing human beings who themselves still believe in the same manors. Yet their physical actions speak for themselves.

I have certain standers even for myself never mind for God, I simply cannot believe that God will play political games for certain group of people and even kill others for them. I personally don’t believe in a God who is politically tainted. I repeatedly say that I personally believe that God, spirituality, blind justice and humanity are universal so putting them in a pigeonhole of a group of human beings. Will automatically be and is nothing more than the human politics. Since humanity can’t count the death toll of its group politics, it’s time to call for changes and the calls for equal human rights are just doing that. So, logically anyone standing in the way of equal human rights is simply under the influences of their political groups. Whether they belong to a race, gender, nation or a religion they are not giving what they are receiving so it’s not spiritual. Personally, I believe, anything undermining human individual, humanity, spirituality and God is tainted with human politics.

Regardless of religions, God should never be used in human politics at all because, labelling God to be political is actually degrading and disrespecting God. God simply can’t be involved into our political differences or related killings. If you look at it logically that throws a wrench in human relevance, because it goes against Godly wisdom of what human being is or at least should be. Being God’s physically working hands to convert spirituality into physical actions is a huge job. So, involving God into human politics or using God for political purposes is simply related to our individual and personal spiritual insufficiencies. If a human individual has been created with free will, logically God can’t be responsible for our individual or even our collective actions because our groups are consisted of free will holding individuals. If it’s established that an individual is responsible for their actions, it’s up to us whether to stand in the way or jump into all kind of progress blindly. Problem is not the people who want to change or don’t want to change but rather are those who want to stick with their extremes and want to change it all or don’t want to change at all. So, if we are divided, there is only one good reason comes to mind and that is that we have to adopt gradually. Even use a pin hole strategy to comfortable adopt. Maybe God is deliberately slowing us down, so, we can be in rhythm to adopt to the safe and comfortable speed of evolution. Since learning to adopt, while being mortal can be tricky for us mortal human beings. SO, A LITTLE HELP FROM GODLY WISDOM CAN BE USEFUL FOR US ALL TO EVOLVE SAFELY.

Humanity has always been, is and will always be divided over our metaphorical realities because of our assumptions. So, God, human relevance and other differences of opinions will passionately be argued. Simply because we all have to deal with our installed politics of belonging to our groups. Being a human being, we are still in the process of evolution, so logically we all should leave some room for differences of opinions. Use our evolving knowledge to avoid passion driven disputes and even wars. To me, it’s a physical reality, but if everyone of us, simply accept that we are still in our evolving mode with our incomplete knowledge. So, accepting the incompleteness of our knowledge; things can change for the better. Our major problems arise when we confuse our realities not only individually but collectively, especially for political purposes. Some of us believe wholeheartedly and put their metaphorical realities over and above their physical ones, and some of us look to the science and believe in physical realities exclusively yet believe that human knowledge has been completed. Interestingly we have been learning all the time, yet consistently have been claiming in the completeness of our knowledge.

Whether it’s in the name of history, science or any other modern-day technology, there will always be people with disputing opinions. Simply because we have not learned all about our collective EGO. One can say we should respect our past and the dead ancestors, yet the others can say they have committed spiritual crimes against my ancestors so we should dig in for skeletons to keep our disputes going. Sure, we can learn literally by digging into our past, but the problems show up, when we are trenched into our opposing opinions, simply for political purposes. To the point that we passionately get in the way of our progress and evolution and get all bent out of shape if people get in the way. Interestingly these problems are actually stemming from the differences of opinions long ago by our ancestors and still carry on even if they have been and are still about our metaphorical realities and physical realities of present days have nothing to do with it all. The more you believe in your metaphorical realities the more you resist and argue passionately against the physical realities of killing each other. You even resist against positively effecting things of modern-day humanity. Like changes presented by the science, medicine, technology and our social improvements like democracy and equal human rights coming from our changing times. Regardless of the physical foundation, they have been and are still being argued against with collective ego exclusively. On the other hand, the more you dig into it, the bolder you become because you know the opposing side can’t present God or other metaphorical realities physically or on demand. So, if you are in a science-based camp, you have to remember that our metaphorical realities are unseen and are nonphysical, but we are affected by them immensely for instance, we are still in a process of understanding of our emotions, like compassion, sacrifice, generosity, kindness, bravery and to boot love and God. Meaning we are affected but are unable to explain regardless of how much knowledge we have attained scientifically. People get physically sick and die of things science has yet to explain. Placebo effects are still in an undiscover territory. So, until you can prove that our scientific knowledge has been completed you will have difference of opinion. just like if you can’t present God or Devil on command, you will always have people disputing you. As I said I am not picking sides but am explaining that we are not a completely evolved product. So, when the other side is able to show the physical results with repeatable facts and results, I will accept it with open arms but until then, I will dig. Since I believe in our evolutionary nature, meaning I believe in our incomplete understanding so we I will speak against that collective ego coming from both sides. To, me if one is against things like blood transfusion, stem cell research, artificial insemination or other medical advancements, yet they all are scientifically proven to save lives, I have to talk about it. If they can’t come up with their own physical results to prove that following their way can save lives, they should understand the newly discovered knowledge and take their kid to the doctor instead of leaving it all on our metaphorical realities.

In actuality I believe this problem starts from the imbalanced love triangle. A long time ago I wrote a blog regarding this problem. This love triangle is not about the lovers cheating but rather it discusses a problem stemming from individual’s personal weaknesses. So, it goes a lot deeper than our passionate love overriding everything. As a human individual we all have to correct these personal imbalances to function in our societies. For instance, you simply can’t be swept away by your passionate love and sacrifice your instinctive love like Susan Smith did. She is in jail for killing her own kids simply because her boyfriend did not want kids. If your Universal love is out of control, you may send money to India to get your own daughter killed simply because she did not follow your wishes to marry. Or let your kid die because your religion says not to use medical intervention like blood transfusion. If your instinctive love is out of control, you may put your long name up too far to kill or die over it. So, the problems are not connected to the knowledge you have learned from school but rather from the people you grow up with and got politically influenced and lost your main identity. Meaning the roots of your problems are connected to much deeper reasons. If it is stemming from your psyche you have to dig within to find your dead dog of the problems.

Remember, if you have been created as a CEO of your life and you are not acting as one, someone else will run your life so you will become a follower instead of making decisions for yourself. If God intended for us human beings to be the followers, we all will have the limitations like worker bees or warrior ants. Since we are designed differently, we all individually have to not only challenge our nature, but our political influences as well. If you don’t feel strong enough, you will always be left entangled with the problems of being irrelevant, insecure with low self-esteem. So, will always be seeking help from outside so your political belonging becomes a crutch but requires your sacrifices. Rather than digging within to gain strength, we end up sacrificing our strength to our belonging groups and get used for political purposes. Interestingly, most of the solutions come to us when we take charge and responsibilities of our actions. Meaning you call the shots to balance your love and other triangles. You can’t leave your family because you are passionately in love, or you can’t leave your wife because your mom does not like her. Nor you can sacrifice your kids because your religion calls for no blood transfusions. Especially if you have modern day medical help available. You simply can’t put your universal love over and above your ability to create balance this triangle. Just think why, would we have free will? After all we are designed to function like other creatures. Our differences are based on our brought along spirituality from before birth. So, not following Godly orders of evolution is based on screwed up or imbalanced love triangle. Always remember people around you have a place, but you are the one individually holding the real say.

Now the question rises that if you are in the way of evolution or are helping in evolving the humanity. Let’s say if you are against blood transfusion because of your religious beliefs but society is at the stage where scientifically our knowledge is reaching to those heights where human lives have been saved. Whether it’s blood transfusion, stem cell research, vaccination or any other medical advancements. If they are saving lives, they are helping God by saving those who convert spirituality into physical actions for God. Now if that is the case, shouldn’t we all be looking at it logically. Especially if we are able to save lives to carry on God’s work. On the other side, don’t forget to look at the religious disputes and wars related death toll. Unfortunately, we can’t even keep that count because it goes long before we were able to keep records. If you personally take charge and be the one who is bringing humanity forward, instead of holding it back. Things can change tremendously for humanity as a whole. Especially if individually we all able to override politics of belonging to our groups whether they are about our racism, nationalism or religious beliefs. Human beings killing each other have been around since the beginning of our political awareness, so why do you think God does not pull the plug before someone cuts God’s working hands? Sometimes even innocent ones. One can only find the answers, if they take charge and become a CEO of their lives. So, if they are able to override politics of belonging and dig deeper into the spiritual side, they will be able to see the wisdom of God being neutral. We all have to spiritually learn and evolve to self-regulate to value the knowledge of being a spiritual entity.

You will only find God’s innocence, if you override your political belonging and believe, that God is exclusively spiritual. So, if things don’t get converted into physical actions without the human being’s physicality God simply can’t be blamed. Just like in court of law you can’t be punished for just thinking ill for someone. Logically if you look at it, as human individuals we are God’s physical hands converting spirituality into physical actions. Interestingly with our free will so, we simply can’t hide behind our politically tainted education of God is responsible for even our actions. Unfortunately, at very young age we all get indoctrinated, or in plain and simple words get brain washed by our belonging groups to follow their political agendas. Since as groups we depend on the individual’s physicality as well so whether it’s our race, nation or religion, our strength is measured by the number of individuals physically working for belonging group. So, losing them can lead to the insecurities related political panic. That is why some groups use old style forceful conformation or some education of being proud to be part of their nation. Some nations of the modern-day societies attract immigrants with a better financial freedom and more rights. Regardless of all that individual freedom, we all have to overcome the Devil of our political belonging. Can you do that? Sure, you can, because unlike other creatures we are not genetically designed to follow even God almighty.

We can throw stones at the Devil or believe that we are the one who is giving physical life to the Devil himself. Either way we all need that personal and spiritual awareness to understand that politics. If our groups are successful in making us believe that God and Devil are doing everything. We believe that to exonerate ourselves of our spiritual responsibilities and do the things what our groups want us to do. Whether you believe in God or Devil is not the question, since you have the free will, automatically that makes you responsible for giving them your physicality. If you don’t believe in yourself, you may end up blindly believing whatever your belonging group tell you to believe. Anyone who is in power to control you, usually is happy to keep you irrelevant and ignorant. So, if you are the one who is the most important part of the machine of humanity, you have to learn to understand yourself before you start to kill for your belonging groups. First of all, you have to learn all about you, then about the Devil of political belonging and then after all that you can question to know God. Remember physicality first than your metaphorical realities.

Humanity may or may not reach its full potential, but we can hope, because the desire to achieve and spread of the equal human rights is found in all human societies. Looking at the modern-day problems inspires us to look at both sides of the coin. On one side we are stuck in fighting over who should have sex with who, abortion and whether to use blood transfusion or kill and die in the name of religious beliefs. On the other hand, should we take charge of our lives or not, or just let God run our affaires. Knowing that our living breathing politicians are running the show by using God to make religious rules. By connecting God, we are taught to think and believe that our knowledge is complete simply because it’s coming from God. Interestingly thousands of years have passed by, and we have yet to agree on God’s physical existence. We still have not figured out for ourselves that where we personally stand in the grand scheme of life. Individually politics of belonging has blinded us to the point that we, even ourselves ignore our own relevance. On the other side of the coin, we are flying in the space, normally when we are looking for God, we always look up and outside of us. Yet, today when we are in the space, we are not looking for God in space.

Interestingly, today whether it’s science, medicine or AI, we are going places where we have not been, and get to play God ourselves. So, it’s going to our individual heads to the point that we are becoming atheists, messing up our spiritual health to work against ourselves individually. Being mortal is the biggest problem because we all are running out of time. If a coin does not land on one particular side, everything gets messed up for us individually. From mental to emotional to physical health all are connected to our spiritual health. Individually how we look at our life can make or break our mortal visit. Individually discombobulated life can’t let us claim to have a perfectly healthy life. Potentially a religious fanatic can suffer regardless of the availability of good medicine. Yet a science-oriented individual who does not believe in God, will miss out on the feelings like love and a whole lot of other spirituality related yet fulfilling things. So, living an unfulfilling life yet by choice can end up with limited and incomplete human life. Meaning without the things like compassion, love, trust, generosity, bravery and sacrifice a human life simply can’t be a successful mortal life. To me one way or the other, an unfulfilled life can’t be a blessing. So, in the end of the day we all have to make some choices, and we simply can’t be stuck in hugging one tree of knowledge yet living in forest provided by God. So, even if you are a science tree hugger, logically that is not good enough to live a human life, because a mortal human life needs to be fulfilled in all departments of life. Especially if your spiritual needs are not met you may end up with some health disorders you can’t find answers for. If you can’t find or benefit from the healing properties of God, love and other human needs of being social, you may end up being unhappy and being unhappy yet mortal simply can be major individual problem. Depending on how influenced you are from the political belonging, you may be able to solve your problems, but you have to become a CEO of your life to put this puzzle together.

If your coin has landed on the scientific side and you are feeling unfulfilled or depressed, it’s time to seek the other side of the coin because your time is running out. If it lands on the religious side, you literally have to come down to earth and take some responsibilities of being a human being and your physical actions. If you believe, you are going to heaven after you die, think again because your prayers and worshiping alone are not enough to secure you a spot in heaven. It’s all about your practical prayers while you are in your living years. Since, you have been sent for the purpose of your life and you should know that the purpose of your life is your honest reciprocation. If you rely on your prayers exclusively you may not be helping those who are praying to God for help. If you are emotionally charged by the speeches of Mullahs and Priests and are willing to kill someone innocent believing you are killing in the name of your belonging group if are brain washed enough to believe that you are doing that for God. You are in bigger trouble because first of all you are believing God somehow exclusively belong to your group on top of that you are chopping God’s other working hands. Remember you have been blessed with your own and personal atom of autonomy to understand all about being a human being, so you know all about personal responsibilities. Having free will and personal sense of justice is there to help you understand your spiritual rights and wrongs. So, one way or the other you already know that you are responsible for your individual actions. Meaning as a human individual you simply can’t hide behind your Mullahs or Priests or even your politicians of groups.

In today’s world if God is losing respect, it’s not because God has done or doing something wrong. It’s God’s insecure people who have mixed their insecurities based human politics in God’s spiritual world. Logically you would not want to live in a society where justice is bought and sold, so why would you want to live in a society where a political religion buys and sells God. Universal things like God, spirituality and justice are not to be used for political purposes because that is what you call buying and selling. If you happen to bring God to that level, you are making God a political prostitute who works for some but not for all. Especially when God does not show up when asked by some and not for others God’s respect is lost and that is on the shoulders of those who are political rather than spiritual. If you want to make rules based on blind justice, God and pure of influences spirituality you can have a peaceful society otherwise injustice can’t let a society live in peace. With universal things like God and spiritual justice you can’t be black or white, nor you can be a Muslim or Christian. So, you can’t be a Pakistani or Canadian or American, your gender, color or race becomes irrelevant as well. If this paragraph does not make sense to you, remove the politics of belonging and see where you end up. You will find everything, including God, spirituality and even justice all from within.

Find the education of Islam covering up, but with equal and universal justice in mind. Hadi Choopan won Mr. Olympia last year and was hailed and welcomed as a hero in Iran. Imagine praising someone who proudly doesn’t cover and compete in a posing suit yet kill a female who did not cover her head properly. Politics aside, universal justice like equal human rights is in order, so following our traditions, customs, rituals and rules of our past is subjective. If you want to look at the past and enforce the rules you have to look at the men what they wore in the past as well. When did bodybuilding got accepted by the religions?

If you ask honestly, you will discover that societies graduate gradually. So, if the changes are needed, they are needed, whether they are adopted in within my lifetime or not is not my issue, my job is to point them out. I personally believe in honest reciprocation so no I am not a socialist, but I feel responsible to spread the knowledge and awareness of honest reciprocation from both sides. Not only it is spiritual it can be better than what we have been doing with our social systems. Learning all about personal and collective responsibility is the message so in the society where people have been taught through the knowledge written between the lines as to invest less and gain more profit things are not going to be easy to change.

Logically if you can’t provide security of all kinds, like food or take care of the physical needs of your community, you simply can’t enforce the rules a hungry stomach can’t follow. Today things have changed so; you have to change with the changes. Rules from two thousand years ago don’t work very well in today’s world because we have nearly eight billion of us on face of the earth. Food needs to be produced, conflicts of land have to resolved and politics of belonging has to change from belonging to groups to humanity as a whole. Religious points of views have to change to follow spiritual principles over the politically installed ones. If you hide your politics as a religious rule that may have worked in past but today things are gone way out of control of group politics. Equal human rights have been asked and demanded around the world by the populations, so any politics hidden behind the religious rules has been exposed.

Now a days you simply can’t enforce rules from your metaphorical world as if our metaphorical world is a physical reality. So, most of us have to learn to or need to distinguish our realities, physical realities and metaphorical ones can’t be treated as equal nor the metaphorical one put above the physical ones. In my opinion, truth and justice require physical actions to be meaningful. So, logically if you can’t make God show up on demand. You have to know that on the importance scale, your metaphorical world is and should run below our physical realities like a hungry stomach. Individually we all have to know that we are the main characters of our life story or a CEO and that makes us responsible for our physical actions. That tells me that sure, we all should respect our metaphorical world but not over and above our physical world. Meaning we should make the foundation of our beliefs on our physical realities. A hungry stomach first then God and other metaphorical realities. Regardless of what I believe, whenever it comes to my physical and metaphorical realities, I put my physical reality over and above my beliefs of metaphorical world. I hold God, pure spirituality and blind justice on high regards, but since, they are highly susceptible to be infected by our group’s territorial, political and financial influences, we all have to look at them critically. Just look at our history, to me its mind boggling that God is still alive and well in our modern-day societies. Sure, God has taken a hit, because religious places have become political places. So, our political religions have actually done a number on God’s reputation. They did not help but actually harmed our belief systems by not amending to be universally spiritual. Simply because they made a blunder in making the individual irrelevant to start with. Remember spiritually there is no injustice. One can take God to court, just like an organization, race, gender nation or a religion because today belong to equal human rights. So, whether it’s a group of people, government or religion, according to the blind justice, they all can be counted as an individual. That is why we have been able to dig our past and bring people, races, nations, genders, religions and individuals to justice. If you honestly look at our religions, justice and even medicine, you simply can’t deny the political and financial influences. From old movie Robbin Hood to Roman Catholic money laundering to modern day Mormon Maga church investments to money found in the washroom wall to all the way down to empty soup kitchen shelfs and poverty around those religious buildings are the clear signs of the influences I am talking about. Sure, this is a universal problem because poverty can be seen everywhere. So, if religious societies have Maga, Mosques, Temples, Signages and Churches with poverty all around. To me, humanity has a problem and yes that is a sign of spiritual bankruptcy because to me a spiritual system is practical and based on physical reality. No religion should claim that following your duty to be subservient to religions and God will take you to heaven. Without the physical help to less fortunate a religious system is not only political but spiritually impotent.

I see birds, rodents, and even deer hit by the cars and people drive on over them without giving a second thought, but I have never seen a pedestrian left to be run over again and again. Ever wonder why? It’s because all traffic is driven by the human beings and somehow, we care about our own kind. Well sort of, because we don’t really care about it at all when it comes to our conflicts. We can bomb the hell out of our enemies and leave them to rot. Leaving the humanity to be humiliated, especially with the level of our civilization or evolution. Remember our problem starts and ends on the individual who run over or the one behind in the same mind set of having no importance of life. Luckily, we do have people who slow down or stop for the wildlife to cross the street. We have for or against war, global warming or vaccination to me that is healthy for humanity because we are still in an evolutionary mode. Sure, human population has been and is divided on several fronts yet all because of the individual being under the influences or not. To me, if we start to question each other’s realities and help them categorize. We all can come down to earth and smell the roses of physical realities at our individual level. Remember, it’s not the fragrance of heavenly roses exclusively, it has the stink of political belonging to our groups and their interests. THINGS THAT MAKE US COMMIT SPIRITUAL CRIMES IN THE NAME OF OUR NATIONS AND RELIGIONS.

Whether it’s the stink of the land fill or Native children unmark graves, Jewish holocaust or any other atrocity committed by the human beings, always remember that requires individual’s physicality. So, if we don’t learn our individual relevance, have the knowledge of why we have free will or personal sense of justice. WE WILL ALWAYS COMMIT SPIRITUAL CRIMES FOR OUR BELONGING GROUPS WHETHER THEY ARE OUR RACE, NATION OR RELIGIONS. If you ask me why, first start to ask yourself why? Are you willing to do to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Answer is simple because you have bought into your irrelevance. Since you lend your physicality to make things happen physically, yet you have free will with God given personal sense of justice. You personally and individually should be able to know and think beyond your political belonging to groups.

In today’s society we all have to not only evolve at our individual levels but also collectively we need to know we simply can’t get away with the spiritual crimes committed for our groups anymore. So, evolving at our individual level is a must because that is where the real answers are. Today an individual has the power to force those who always held the political powers over the individual. Whether it’s race, gender, nation or religion or even their sects. If they disrespect individual or have less respect for life in general, remind them the spiritual rule number one. ” Don’t do to anyone that you don’t like done to you or to your loved one”.

Humanity has been killing each other for political reasons and we simply can’t count the death toll of our group opinions. Whether they are political, religious or land related disputes, from bush and cave time to all the way to this level of evolution we still have the same problem. Sure, it was different in our past but today’s world we are keeping track and even digging in the past related mass graves as well. We are finding the unmarked graves around residential schools, and criticizing it all, that means humanity has changed and is evolving. Sure, we have difference of opinions but when it comes to human life, whether it’s abortion or our wars related to our collective opinions. We should be able to bring them all the way down to our individual level so we can take things seriously and decide at our individual level. Remember we are God’s working hands so chopping physical hands of God is and should be a spiritual crime. If you are disrespecting life because of political reasons, you can be called out as an extremist who is spiritually bankrupt and blinded by the politics of belonging. Whether it’s in the name of race, gender nation or religion they are totally being political. Remember in the era of equal human rights there is no room for bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. Justice and spirituality go hand in hand so no one can say my justice according to my politics. Today humanity is leaning towards universal God, spirituality and equal justice for all, meaning being on this path humanity can reach to its new heights where people will not be killed in the name of religions. People may soon say there is no Muslim, Christian or Hindu God. Logically if you make God for some people and not for all humanity, you actually are making God a political bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory entity. QUESTION IS, IS THAT RIGHT? If you like to know why all human groups have good and bad people, just look for their affiliations, a spiritually stronger individual will not be used by the other people. Yet a weaker and politically susceptible individual can be used for political purposes, even to commit spiritual crimes. So, whether it’s social or spiritual crime they can only take place when a human individual gives their physicality to it.

In today’s court we say people verses so and so, meaning people have the powers to provide justice to that so and so. Sure, government needs to be a governing system and for sure it’s not a business but rather a service. So, it’s a people power generated entity to help its individuals. Populations usually tend to follow the ancestral footprints but as the times change, we have to change and evolve with time. Simply because progress is usually made by the footprint’s creators not by the followers.

As human individual if you have the capacities to hold an ocean within, how can you be drowning in a shallow stream of political knowledge? Today’s problems are not connected to the strength of our nations and religions. Humanity’s modern-day problems are actually related with the weaknesses of the human individuals. Our political groups are able to corrupt not only our justice systems, but they have also been able to corrupt our individual and collective spirituality. Don’t believe me, as I said earlier, God, spirituality and humanity are universal so should our justice system. How can each group of people have their own justice system? Why is humanity still struggling to adopt to equal human rights? Why our top organization like United Nation can’t implement international law and order? Most importantly why United Nation is under veto system? Can you Imagine the recent vote of 153 in Favour 10 against and 23 Abstention yet still failed. You tube news about Gaza war. If this is the state of our top organization what is the status of our individual nations. Politics of belonging keeps the individual weak and vulnerable, so they can stay stuck with their groups regardless of right or wrong. That right or wrong is my issue, since I believe as individuals, we are drowning in our shallow streams of knowledge just because of the personal and individual insecurities.

So, that brings me back to the human capacities, if you individually hold the ocean within then why so much love and loyalties for the stream of knowledge your belonging groups have installed within you? Problem has nothing to do with the knowledge itself because the importance of streams stem from personal and individual insecurities. To use that ocean like capacities one needs to understand their standing or what is like to be a human being. Being a CEO, you can use your ocean within to pick, choose, mix and match the knowledge you have been receiving throughout your upbringing. Well, that brings a lot of personal responsibilities so it’s not easy path to go against, especially if you are not a good CEO or have been politically influenced and robbed of your relevance. Now the question is what is stopping you from becoming a CEO? Remember a political group always has political interests so keeping you weak and vulnerable is good for their political business so why would they be in favor of individual strength. Unless the whole group, nation or religion start to fall apart, and people start to rise up they are not going to change their tune. Meaning, every group of people, whether they are race, gender, nation or religion they all have their political agendas to follow. So, the brain washing against belonging to humanity as a whole and individual rights starts right from the get-go. If you have been convinced that you don’t have the ocean like capacities directly from God and you don’t belong to humanity as a whole. You simply have an out-of-control sense of belonging and personal insecurities, so you will automatically resist belonging to humanity, nor you will seek or explore your personal ocean within.

Knowing group politics, spirituality, God, self and self-capacities have always been there for you to understand, but if you are not seeking to know beyond individual comfort. Nothing gets revealed to help you. Remember God had done Godly job to put those ocean-like capacities within you and interestingly with an evolving nature as well. So, now it’s up to you to know where you really stand. If our personal weaknesses don’t allow us to even swim in a shallow stream of knowledge. How can we discover our own and personal ocean.

If you don’t even understand the reach of the powers of your political belonging, how are you going to swim or fly in the ocean and space you have been blessed or assigned to. If you personally are having trouble swimming, it’s a clear sign of you having inner conflicts. You can literally see yourself flying freely from flower to flower without any physical restrictions like a bee, but you are having trouble with your politically installed identities. Now remember bee has been pulled by the genetic makeup but you have been blessed to be a human being. You don’t have those invisible strings pulling you to the hive, so you have to figure it all out, what keeps you chained to a shallow stream of knowledge. If it’s not those invisible strings, then what is overriding your ability to be a human being.

It’s not that complicated, you just have to learn to be a human being, explore and evolve. Remember you carry your own and exclusive atom of autonomy within. That is not only help you to use your free will, personal sense of justice but also makes you an automatic CEO of your individual life. Now if you are feeling the heat from within, it’s time for you to seek the knowledge that explains all about you. Your place in the grand scheme of life, your individual capacities and the status of being a CEO of your living years.

If you find yourself as a political puppet of a group of people, always remember it’s your personal issue to solve because you have been blessed to be a human being. Not a worker bee or a warrior ant. You are a being with your own atom of autonomy, so if you can dig within to find your ocean. Do so because you will find your answers from within. As I said you don’t have those invisible strings pulling you towards your hive, you know you are not a bee. Especially if you feel being suffocated in a stream of knowledge, you are having a conflict with your own atom of autonomy from within. Now what are you going to do about it? Simple answer is to become a HUMAN BEING, USE YOUR OCEAN LIKE CAPACITIES TO OUTGROW YOUR BELONGING GROUPS RELATED AND SELF-IMPOSED LIMITATIONS.


Nation of UAE, casinos are pushing the limits of conservative and religious population. Religious principles are on the chopping block because they are not accepted by the new generations. So, should other Muslim nations take a note about what’s is in the air? If you logically look at the human history. This has always been the case; nations go back and forth as the wind blows. Just look at Iran after the religious revolution things have not been the same. Since we evolve and go back and forth according to the present-day demands, what will happen when the whole world accepts and demands equal human individual rights? To, me religions would be first to get hit because they require from all believers to believe that they are better than others and will go to heaven. Meaning all others are inferior and will go to hell, as if God is some bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory entity. Let’s look at what is in the air, until today world belonged to computer technology, but things are rapidly changing by the introduction of AI. Which is going to revolutionize everything we do. Religion or no religion humanity has always in the evolving process none of us was able to stop or is able to stop the changes when our own kids or younger generations want to join the changing world. Humanity has always been, is and will always be evolving because of our individual awareness of mortality. Which makes us all to do things that out last us. Since a group is consisting of individuals and we all can have difference of opinions. So, it’s not always guaranteed to go in favor of group or the individual exclusively. Education level may dictate the level of insecurities related loyalties or the ability to question the political belonging. Our religious traditions, customs, rituals and rules are usually founded on our not very well-known metaphorical realities. So, there would be people even in the same group of people with difference of opinions. It’s common to see that we can be passionately for or against things, simply because of the politics of the belonging to a certain group of people.

In today’s time, just like we always had and have the differences of opinions between our religious populations. Yet we passionately believe and kill each other over our beliefs of unknowns. Problem with that is, that humanity has been constantly evolving, so when it comes to our present-day differences of opinions, we are simply called being extremists, bigots, prejudiced and discriminatory. Has it been solved yet, not because our religious populations usually are quite passionate and don’t care about killing or dying over it. Question is had they been or are right? Let’s look at it critically. In my opinion, as I say in my opinion, when it comes to blood transfusion, I doubt that there is any other medical advancement that had saved lives more than this intervention.

Today abortion, homosexuality, equal human rights and global warming are hot issues, yet our wars still go on. We are hell bent to break, countries, nations and religions into smaller components yet want equal human rights. Humanity is faced and torn between global warming and changing business interests. With nuclear, biological weapons and AI things can be challenging if we don’t get our act together and come out of our group belonging. Our problems have always called for belonging to one humanity, but our group, race, gender, national and religious politics prevailed, and we went back and forth. Our political groups have always robbed individual for their relevance, but in today’s time things are changing and changing fast so we need to act together as one humanity. We are at the level of artificial insemination, cloning and stem cell yet still are fight over the abortion. It has nothing to do with our metical advancements or religions, but rather our group politics. God has brought us to this level of education, yet we don’t want to go forward. Can you really stop all the advancement and evolution? History says no, so why not be optimistic and really believe and trust in God and let our scientists lead us to our future, instead of putting chains to limit them. Simply because we are fearful of the changes or don’t believe in our Godly permitted evolutionary nature. As groups, nations, religions and their sects we are not going to approve anything what is going to work against their political interests. So, it has to come down to our individual level, where we can understand how much responsibility is on our individual shoulders. Sure, our political belonging is strong, and our financial interest are valid, but not becoming aware is too much price to pay. We, all have to become aware of universal things like God, spirituality and humanity to become a CEO of our lives, because as an individual we all each and every one of us holds the key to the real power of God and humanity. AWARENESS OF OUR ATOM OF AUTONOMY CAN OPEN THE DOOR TO BECOME A CEO.

We all individually have the powers to put things together and see beyond not only to our immediate interests but also the politics of our belonging as well. To me, if you are born as a human individual you belong to humanity as a whole instead of your groups. PERIOD NO IFS AND BUTS BECAUSE YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL ENTITY AS WELL. Since you carry your free will and personal sense of justice, you will have to address your animal side or desires along with your politics of belonging. So, regardless of the level or size of your animal within, you always have been, are and will always be responsible for your own actions. Committing any social or spiritual crimes for yourself or in the name or your race, gender, nation or religion is no excuse for human individual. Our whole justice system would crash if we believed a human being is not responsible for their actions. If you want to know why, just look at your atom of autonomy, which equips you with free will and personal sense of justice among other spiritual abilities.

If you are at the level of believing that God is doing everything, wake up and smell the roses of your makeup and related responsibilities. If God and Devil are doing everything, where do you personally fit your free will and personal sense of justice? Ever wonder how God’s work is done physically? As a matter of fact, how God and Devil make things physically happen? No good or bad deed is done or become valuable or harmful unless it’s done or performed physically. That is how important you are, without you, everything stays suspended in the air. Have you ever seen a bomb exploded or bullet got made of fired on its own? If not, then believe in your relevance and your atom of autonomy related abilities before making choices.

If you are born in this era, see where the humanity is today, if we have the knowledge of artificial insemination, cloning, stem cells, and have modern day technologies, we can actually see the problems with mother and fetus in advance. So, let the experts decide whether abortion is an option or not instead of making it political issue. I feel torn about abortion as well because I believe all human beings are living breathing hands of God. So, killing them should be against God. This makes me think about the religious extreme related killings, be honest to explain what is going on in that field? Why can’t humanity count the death toll of human individuals succumbs to religious wars or extreme? If abortion is a big problem for you, you should believe in setting a rule where a group of doctors can decide instead of politicians or a group of religious fanatics who believe in extreme. Especially politicians should not have a say because political wind can blow and change directions anytime. Today’s time belong to equal human rights, so letting our religious leaders dictate the nation’s fate is outdated. PERIOD. Remember there are 4200 hundreds of them, and interestingly they preach bigotry, prejudice and discrimination yet in the name of God. What a doctor or a scientist need to do in today’s society they should be allowed to do. Yes, even if it goes against our religious beliefs because today’s humanity needs to work together, or we may end up using our nuclear weapons yet in the name of God. That will not be because God predicted the end of world, but it will be on the shoulder of us all. Remember we all come with our atom of autonomy related free will and personal sense of justice. Interestingly there is a spiritual rule, don’t do to anyone that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Now look honestly and I dare you to critique your belonging groups whether it’s your race, nation, religion or it’s sect and find the violation of this spiritual gem to critique. Since, you as a human individual hold your own and personal atom of autonomy, so unless you are politically brain washed, you can’t tell me that you don’t have the abilities God blessed us all equally.

If your awareness is called upon, what is holding you back? Is it your group belonging, business interests or you think you are just an extension of your belonging group. Remember that makes you a political puppet, which is not from God. So, when it comes to modern day issues you have to act upon because we are not created as worker bees or warrior ants. We are born as human beings and as a human individual we all have our own atom of autonomy which is sitting right within to keep us spiritually in line. So, if you stray for whatever reason, you got an internal problem. Meaning your choices are not made by you but are made for you.

Our advancements are always made by the original idea of a thinker or an inventor who is always a human individual. So, disregarding our doctors, scientists other professionals can be nothing but political. If Global warming is an issue, we should listen to our scientists not the businesspeople who are insecure about the future of their business and able to buy the scientists. Meaning it all comes down the human individual, so if we can’t or don’t want to understand our individual duties, we could be bought and sold. Our doctors and scientists are the best humanity has to offer so if religiously we can’t overcome the hurdles of blood transfusion how are we going to come out of our magical living of old days? If a modern-day human individual can’t influence their belonging group, they will never change because of their political reasons. Remember today’s problems are not limited to our groups, we got global warming, equal human individual rights, we got internet related not only political influences but crimes as well. So, meeting the standers of today’s humanity is a lot different than even fifty years ago. Our average age was thirty-eight but now we live more than double of that. Do, you think it happened because we prayed a lot more than in the past? These physical facts should be telling us all something, if it’s not your cup of tea, you should pull your heads out the sand start to live in the era you are born into. Religious populations or I should say extremists or passionate part of the population have always worked against new technologies like blood transfusion and any other advancements. That has never about the reality of the things but always for political reasons. Logically and spiritually if you save a human life, you are saving God’s working hand so whether its blood transfusion or any other advancements to save human lives is a lot more spiritual than a religious fanatic preacher. Simply because they have been taking lives to the point that humanity could not keep a record. Put all the religious wars and extreme related killings together and see if you can count that high. When you rob the individual of their importance, relevance, self-respect and their self-esteem you rob them of their self-regulation as well. So, if you look at the crime rate of the world nation by nation, logically religious nations should do better than those who don’t follow religions. Logically if they don’t do well that should be a slap on their spiritual faces. If you don’t understand or don’t want to understand or acknowledge it all for political of passionate reasons, you should look at things spiritually a little more than politics of belonging. Let’s get back to and say if God is doing everything, at the least we should research, actually how things are being done? If a human individual is irrelevant then prove that how all the good and bad is done and for who. It simply does not make sense to take human individual out that equation because things have to be done physically to be meaningful.

If human individual provides the physicality, taking them out throws a wrench in the whole holy picture. Sure, you can say there is a world beyond our physicality, but that will be in our metaphorical reality and since you can’t stand physically on a metaphorical reality everything can’t be physically explain or followed without the doubts. In the end of the day without human’s physical reality God and Devil can’t physically perform so removing human individual from relevance is nothing more than political. Since a human individual can’t breathe, or come to life without the external help, I will not go that far to deny God’s existence, but denying human individual their relevance is political and a spiritual sin to me. What if I say all our progress is God’s will and people standing in the way of evolution is God’s will as well? Then I would be contradicting, but to me every progress we make takes certain tempo, rhythm and speed of adaptation. Personally, I will make a choice of not standing in the way of any progress, because I believe human beings are designed to evolve so it’s a Godly order. I would rather be standing in the lineup of, for evolution rather than against to slow down the Godly ordered process. Our real reciprocation calls for us to take charge and physically help the humanity in our living years, instead of simply worshipping and praying to God for a spot in heaven. Since no one comes back to tell us or show us the video of what really is beyond our death. One thing is for sure, that God does not need anything from human beings other than their physicality. So, if you are under the impression, that God will give you a spot in heaven because you have believed in simply kissing ass without your physical help will do. Remember the purpose of human life is to reciprocate for free oxygen, life sustaining circumstances and physically functioning body to enjoy living years, because none of the above is in our control. So, even as a human individual I will catch on, if an employee is not doing their job but is very good at kissing ass. So, remember our physical existence or living years, is to merge spiritual and physical world to actually make things happen so they can become meaningful.


If it’s established to you, that as a human individual, we all are a relevant part of our spiritual and even physically real world as well. So, at the least we should individually contribute to fight off Global warming instead of accepting it as it is and believe that it’s God’s job to save us. Sure, we have been blessed with our evolutionary genes but always remember it has been, still is and will always be our resilience that is needed in our evolution. One can stay stuck into our outdated beliefs and go against even the lifesaving things like blood transfusion, stem cell research, cloning or other medical interventions simply because of our previously held beliefs. Or be passionate about social issues or go nuts and wholeheartedly believe only in our scientific advancements. Remember, with today’s knowledge we should be evolving in everything. NOT SELECTIELY. So, taking steps for, instead of against evolution should be our moto. Burring our heads in the sand and hoping that global warming or related issues will go away on their own. That can be the wishful thinking and wishing without actions. Remember without human interventions we would be still standing in the food chain like other creatures. This progress did not happen in the Mosques, Churches or Temples of the world, they actually still stand against yet stubbornly. The dead dog of these problems can easily be found and connect to our political installed beliefs of human individual being an irrelevant part of the bigger picture. Yet, you will find in reality that is not true a human individual is the one who helps to light up even the spiritual light of God. It’s time to change and take charge, because first of all, individually we are not irrelevant. Second, we individually have been helping humanity evolved, AND THERE IS A LOT TO SHOW. If a society believes an individual is irrelevant that society, eventually will suffer. As I mentioned that a previously conservative and religious society is opening casinos, to openly entertain its people to spend their money in their own country. When it comes to governing modern day society, those old days of governing strictly are gone. Since the conservative segment of population is shrinking, democratic societies will reject the conservatism and kingdoms will be toppled by the unrest of liberal populations. Equal human rights are opening close societies, and their conservative populations are fighting back with everything they have including cheating in elections or all other manors. This is a period of growing pains so societies will have to come to terms with changing times.

So, if you are living in a society, struggling to keep its population under control by force, their days are numbered because evolution is in the air. Especially with the modern-day communication technologies no one can hide their political agendas of control, so, we can’t suppress people like we were able to in past. Since most advance societies believe and preach all about equal human individual rights. So, unlike our past, these days everything has been bought down to the individual relevance. Which has been showing some real-life results as well. Personally, I believe, that you will be simultaneously against spirituality and God, if you don’t give credit where it belongs. Logically individual’s physical contributions should be justified because God and spirituality both belong in the zone where there is “nothing but the truth” lives. So, there is no room for injustice, meaning it can’t be from them. Rather most if not all our injustices are part of our life because of our personal insecurities, political belonging or lack of the spiritual strength.

If a scientist, doctor or a computer genius comes up with certain theory to help humanity. Those theories are put to work and are constantly explored further. Just look at our technology-based knowledge with plenty of physical proofs. You can easily see the advancements in every single department of life. Unfortunately, regardless of all the evolution our religious knowledge the one we suffer the most from. One has to wonder, what is going on?????????? If it was from God, then we will be genetically programed to follow everything whatever our nature called for. Similar to worker bees or warrior ants. Question is why would God give us everything equally and universally? Yet interestingly our groups want us to comply with their manmade traditions, customs, rituals and rules of life specifically for our groups? If you feel that your belonging group’s knowledge is directly coming from God, then why are we not genetically programed or why do we all have free will?

Personally, I believe God is living through human individuals or humanity as a whole to make things happen physically to benefit us. Now the question is why do we have thousands of religions? If every group of people is taught to believe that God is their cousin, politically that is great but spiritually there is something wrong with God. The question is, is it spiritual or political? Logically whenever you talk about a group of people, especially if they believe that somehow, they are better than others because of their color, gender, nation or religious beliefs. YOU ARE TALKING NOTHING BUT THE POLITICS. Some may be extremists simply because they are being overridden and blinded by their politics of belonging. A warrior ant does not have the ability to think beyond their genetics, just like a bee. Logically as human beings we have our own atom of autonomy ingrained within us to navigate through our mortal life yet independently. So, not utilizing our abilities, is or at the least should be undermining being a human being. If that was the case from God, we would never have the individual ability to connect directly to God or be spiritual.
So, no one would be able to talk about equal human rights or seek the truth and justice. Sure, this is still going on and our justice systems are not universal, so they actually are based on the politics of our belonging groups. Interestingly humanity is evolving, and things are changing so we are able to point out the injustices being done around the world. Internet and new ways of communications are the manus for those who commit extreme relate spiritual crimes. Everything gets published instantly so the whole world knows about the things what groups were able to sweep under their political rugs.

Today, if you push your metaphorical realities to the point, that they override someone’s physical realities, you will have a problem because you are not standing on a solid foundation. Sooner or later, you will have to prove everything physically, scientifically or with repeatable facts-based results. If everyone was getting everything by worshiping or praying to God, things would be different. If things were that easy, then who would want to go to gym to build the bigger muscles.

Just look at our cars, plans, cell phones, and other technological gadgets, every year there is a newer model. New models don’t look different but rather they are different with their abilities and functionality to serve the humanity better. We do acknowledge the founders of new technology and reward them financially by buying their products. So, more people are inclined to research further to expand on the foundational ideas. Our social knowledge has its founders as well, but unfortunately when it comes to our religions we are discouraged to explore further and simply believe blindly. If someone questions or does explore, they are politically labeled by the religious leaders of populations as non-believers. Question is that how did they become non-believers, Godless or Atheists? If we don’t explore, we can’t learn further, so if their questioning is legit, to me they should be accepted and given room in the society as equals. But if they are doing the same thing and decide that their knowledge is complete, so it should not be questioned. Logically that is wrong as well because as an evolving entity our knowledge should never be capped of claimed as complete. This means everyone who claims their knowledge is ultimate and complete that has nothing to do with physical reality, so it is politically tainted.

Today’s problem is that if we don’t explore our religious knowledge we could be left behind simply because of group’s political reasons. Our prophets have left spiritual ideas to be explored further. Yet politics of belonging to our groups does not allow us to follow the same thing as others. So, regardless of male, female or any other identity, today’s young individual is overwhelmed to the point that they are having trouble separating spirituality and their politics of belonging. Remember spirituality connects us all to God whom we can’t say is political. Just think for a spiritual minute and look around to see how people connect God to their belonging groups. Now think spiritually, if we connect God to any one particular religion that makes God political doesn’t it. Having a political God can’t be spiritual because that will make God an unjust God. So, if God is not based on totally unbiased and universal truth or how we say in the court of law, nothing but the truth. God becomes political. So, unless God, justice and spirituality is universal it is tainted with group politics. PERIOD.

I will ask if we are not allowed to explore our religious knowledge, what are the reasons behind? Are those rules, based on the politics or insecurities of not finding the truth or our ancestors being proven wrong? If everything is based on spirituality, there are no limitations for us to explore further. Remember a group of people don’t want to lose their relevance and political powers. So, it is simply political if they don’t want their individuals to explore their religions. Unless I can explain the difference between politics of belonging and spiritual side of their religion. I simply can’t imagine; how difficult it will be to change someone’s mind who has wholeheartedly bought into their politics of belonging to their groups.

Our prophets have done their jobs, by giving us the spiritual sides of our religions but unfortunately politics of belonging to our groups has corrupted our spiritual systems. So, now it’s up to us to explore everything further to not only separate spirituality from our politics, but also to fit in to the ever-evolving human societies. Remember our politics of belonging inhibits us to explore and stray further, but if you are seeking spirituality, you have nothing to worry about because it is a universal truth and nothing but the truth. One God, one humanity one individual one and equal human individual rights should be the slogan of today’s humanity. If we don’t evolve according to the time and era, we are born into. We will lose not only the respect of our religion’s spiritual side, but we will also end up with the labels of being bigots, prejudiced and discriminatory individuals. By doing that we will have personal losses leading us to personal problems. Especially if we personally can’t separate spirituality from our political belonging.

So, question, learn and know the reasons behind the promotions of individual irrelevance by your belonging groups. They simply are political not spiritual because as human individuals we are the other wire with God to light up the spiritual light bulb. We all need to become the CEO to call the shots instead of your group calling the shots for us. Remember God created each and every single human being as a CEO of their lives by giving everyone a free will and personal sense of justice. Since we all have our own atom of autonomy, we use our abilities to make choices. So, good and bad can only be created physically by us because of our physical nature. If we are created as a CEO with choice, then it’s our duty to question everything. If someone is out to make you irrelevant, know and learn that it’s not God. If you look a little deeper at the politics of belongnig you will be able to see the taint that has been the cause of changing religions. Interestingly forty-two hundred religions are not my made-up number. By becoming a CEO, you can understand all about the politics behind your belonging group’s agendas. Religion or no religion, since you are responsible for your physical actions you have to decide what you want to follow or not to follow. If you can understand politics of belonging is different than your religion’s or your own spirituality you will be able to make choices without having internal problems, otherwise you may end up going against your own atom of autonomy sitting right within you. That God particle sitting within can be a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Imagine, if everyone lies all the time, the value of the truth will go down or lose its value. Interestingly if no one lies value of the truth will not be recognized either. Just like we value health and fear of being unhealthy, depends on the individual’s understanding of how it feels to be unhealthy. In the similar manors we have to have Devil for us to appreciate God or vice versa. Now the question is, are we going a little too far to the point that we have flipped our triangle of CEO, God and the Devil. By putting God and Devil on the top corner of this triangle, we put the vary individual down who makes good or bad happen physically. This irrelevance has been created by the belonging groups to control human populations. If you look at it critically, human free will is the one which throws a wrench in our holy pictures. So, our politicians choose to use politics to keep the human individual feeling vulnerable and irrelevant. Have low to no self-esteem so they can be used by the belonging groups for political purposes. If it’s a human choice to act on good or bad, then logically until human individual chooses to act nothing becomes a physical reality. Meaning if it’s not a physical reality, it’s not effective for human beings nor for God or Devil.

If everyone believes exactly the same way or believes God and Devil are doing everything, then it’s kind of given that they don’t have to put efforts in life to evolve further. Remember God or not God human beings have come with their evolutionary set of genes so to me it’s Godly order to evolve. Meaning we have to put efforts and struggles to follow our orders of evolution. So, if someone goes to gym and builds muscles yet the other goes to mosque or church and pray for the bigger muscles and don’t get them, should speak for itself. This may not be as simple as it appears on the surface so ordinarily people believe in extremes of either side. There is a clear reason for human free will and even the power of physicality. This is where I ask you to question yourself individually. Where do you stand? Just make sure to think about the reason why? Whether you believe in putting efforts like going to gym instead of mosque or church or not. Your free will or the choices made from it can dictate how and why you do things in your life. If everything was achieved that easy, then everyone who goes to mosque or church will be better than who took charge and put physical efforts to achieve bigger muscles, better health, prosperity, happiness and success of all kinds.

If you feel that you are not successful, don’t you want to ask yourself why especially if you have been told to take easy way. Personally, I believe, if the individual doesn’t take charge of their lives, someone else will take charge of them. Usually those who are in charge they will be running the show with their political agendas. Do you really think that you are a helpless human being? Remember to ask yourself honestly, that if you are putting your honest efforts or not. Are your desires bigger than your efforts similarly do you wish too much but don’t put efforts? If there is an imbalance fix it. Go to gym if you want bigger muscles. If you like to go to mosque or church, go for the love of God. In real life, reciprocate for the gifts you have already received. Like life itself, oxygen, functioning body with internal and external health, and favorable life circumstances. Remember, you don’t have any control over the things keep you alive. Yet interestingly you do have the power to choose, so if smoking is not good for your health, then stop smoking. You can pray to God for good health but not doing your share tells you that you have put God on the pedestal, and you have made yourself as an irrelevant being.

REMEMBER GOD WORKS WITH YOU NOT FOR YOU, BECAUSE AS HUMAN BEINGS WE ARE THE OTHER WIRE TO LIGHT UP THE BULB OF KNOWLEDGE AND EVOLUTION. If you look at it logically, where humanity is today, it’s not by the people or God exclusively but by both. Remember you individually don’t have control on even your next breath. So, this light bulb only gets lit when both negative and positive wires are involved. You simply can’t put everything on God, nor you can claim that human or groups of humans are doing everything. Things are not only happening but also are being physically performed or done.

If you choose to believe that human individual is doing everything, sure you are going to gym, but if you can’t breathe on your own, you can’t get anything done either. So, not only you will have to stop smoking but also go to gym as a choice and duty. If you don’t because you are stuck in a belief that you can’t do anything physical without the help of God. Meaning you believe God is doing everything, so, you don’t have to do anything. As I said, you are one of the wires to light up the bulb that makes all kind of things physically happen. This raises a real question, why do you look down at yourself and have low self-esteem? Simply learn and know all about the politics what keeps you believing in your irrelevance. If the light does not work without your physical input, then you have to know your importance and relevance.

With changing times, we are changing and venturing out of our norms. We are realizing that there are more trees of knowledge than our ancestors have taught us to believe. If we were born into a group of people who thought a religious tree is the only tree with all the answers for us. That means, we can get all the knowledge we need to live from our religions. To me God has provided us with an evolving nature. So, no human knowledge and I repeat no human knowledge is a done deal for humanity. We have been blessed with an ocean like brain which evolves with everything new we learn. So, the whole forest full of trees is for our consumption that means, there is no need to run around one singular tree. Yes, that goes for the science as well. If we limit ourselves to singular trees, we don’t follow our nature of being a human being, or I should say evolving nature. Remember, if we are born as a human being, we supposed to evolved because that is our Godly order. If we don’t, we disobey and shrink ourselves to hugging one singular tree, which can be limiting. Since a whole lot of trees of knowledge are needed by our modern day living, we need to shed our political skin to smell the AI in the air to live an authentic and successful life in all departments of our modern-day life.

Sure, science can make us question our beliefs in God but being a mortal being we all need benefit from our belief systems as well. For instance, scientifically we are not evolved yet to break down love, God, bravery, generosity and our ability to sacrifice. Believing in God can be fulfilling in the areas where a science tree can’t help, meaning science alone is not good enough for us human beings who know our mortality. We still need to explore our emotional side to understand our belonging because we are deeply intertwined to the point that we have hormonal responses from our belief system. So, am I against believing in God? Far from it. I am just against the politics of belonging dictating our spiritual beliefs. I would like the religion beyond the group politics, extreme rigidity and working for our evolution not against. You can wholeheartedly believe in or hug the science tree all day, but to me you become just like the other who just hugs a religious tree. Remember as human individual we hold our own and exclusive atom of autonomy, so we should, not only be a CEO of our lives, but we should also be able to use the whole forest and put it to use. By making choices, we can not only hug our trees we can actually live a successful mortal life, enjoying all the aspects of human life.

An extremist is an extremist, so, if you are for science, you may not be able to benefit from your metaphorical realities like love and God. On the other hand, a religious tree huger may lose a loved one by not using blood transfusion or miss out on the benefits our scientific, technological and medical knowledge have been providing. No matter how you cut it, it’s the individual who suffers from a smaller, unfulfilled and a fearful living. So, looking into this lens, especially as a mortal being, you will not find any difference between an atheist and a religious fanatic, because one says there is no there, there. Yet the other says there is so much there that I am nothing, like that song say, “we are a dust in the wind”. Without having a complete knowledge, we simply can’t make undisputed decisions. Never mind about God, we don’t even know everything about ourselves. Everyday there are new discoveries are made only by seeking. So, claiming that our knowledge has been completed. I SIMPLY DON’T BUY INTO IT ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO KILLING EACH OTHER OVER IT. Usually both sides speak out of their political belonging, so truth or physical reality has nothing to do with it. If something does not make sense to us, we should acknowledge our repeatable and provable facts of evolving nature. So, seeking more knowledge instead of claiming that there is no more to seek further. Remember we don’t grow horns or wings, but we learn, discover and grow every day. Yet logically a religious fanatic and even the atheist both deny all that because of their political influences. So, when it comes to our modern day living, first of all we have to acknowledge yet wholeheartedly that we are in the process of evolution. Meaning regardless of the level of our knowledge we simply can’t be an extremist of any knowledge. We have to separate politics from our spirituality, especially at our individual level. Today belongs to equal human individual rights so if we receive, we should give the same rights to others as well because that is a spiritual thing to do. Believe in personal relevance to gain some self-esteem so we can self-regulate to avoid committing crimes for ourselves, our nations and religions. The biggest wrench of modern-day life is spiritual rule number one. DON’T DO TO OTHERS THAT YOU DON’T LIKE DONE TO YOU OR TO YOUR LOVED ONES. IF YOU CAN FOLLOW THAT ALL RELIGIOUS EXTREME, RACISM, GENDER BISED, BIGOTRY, PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION CAN BE WIPED OUT OF HUMANITY. WELL, REGARLDLESS OF ITS POSSIBILITY, I CAN STILL HAVE A WISH LIST.


If we all come to life with our own and exclusive atom of autonomy, a God particle which allows us all to individually use our free will and personal sense of justice along with other abilities. Our ability to use free will and personal sense of justice put a lot of responsibilities on our individual shoulders. Coming to life is like we are renting a room in a multipurpose building. If an individual believes in God and Devil are doing everything good and bad, they automatically believe in their own irrelevance. Having free will and personal sense of justice yet crediting or blaming the building for everything good or bad is logically incorrect. If we believe in our irrelevance, it encourages us to blame the Devil and credit God for everything good or bad we do. So, I am going to emphasize again on the importance of our atom of autonomy related free will and personal sense of justice. With having our own atom of autonomy related abilities, deep down inside we know all about our own wrongdoing. If you disagree, how do you explain what most religions claim that God knows it all, ever wonder or questioned, that how God knows everything we carry deep within. To me, it’s like we are the one who is a spy for God from within. If we take the responsibilities off of our individual shoulders, who are we kidding. When we put our wrongdoings and put them on God, Devil and our belonging groups, logically we would be accepting that we are nothing more than a political puppet of God, Devil and belonging group. Regardless of the era we are born in, our politics of belonging keeps us all in a place where we personally exonerate ourselves yet by the backing of our belonging groups. This is all to simplify a complex riddle of being a human being. Especially if we start to believe that we are an irrelevant part of the holy picture. As the song goes, ” all we are the dust in the wind”. To me, or in my reality, it’s quite the contrary to these politically infiltrated and influenced beliefs. Human being is the one who converts spiritual thoughts into physical actions to make them meaningful or even God relevant. Critically looking at our atom of autonomy related abilities, among other things we know that we have free will and personal sense of justice. Meaning, as a human individual we simply can’t blame Devil for our choices, wrongdoings, and actions, nor we can credit God solely for our individual actions. If you personally are hiding behind God and Devil, you have been politically brain washed because when you believe in your own irrelevancy your belonging group has you where they wanted you to be. That takes a human individual in a place where they become irrelevant, lose their self-respect and self-esteem. Leading them to be vulnerable for seeking political shelter and attachments to seek security and ending up committing spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups.

Similar to God and Devil, if you start to blame or credit a group of people for your individual actions. YOU ARE OPENLY ACCEPTING THAT YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A POLITICAL PUPPET. Remember your race, gender, nation or religion are your secondary identities, because your first identity is a human being. A CEO, who holds an atom of autonomy within. That exclusive atom of autonomy not only allows you to use your free will and personal sense of justice but also puts a lot of responsibilities on your individual shoulders. Logically it’s wrong for you to believe that your belonging groups are doing everything. Never to forge that, they too depend on your physicality to be relevant. If you claim your belonging group, nation or religion are more important than you, indirectly you are admitting your irrelevance, yet by logic, you are the one who hold that physicality card. So, without your physical action, your group simply can’t be relevant or meaningful. Remember without the human individual pulling the or pushing the button physically no gun can be fired, or bomb can explode. So, our problem is an insecure, weak and politically influenced individual who simply believes in their irrelevance, so why a political group would not exploit the individual? Meaning our political groups will never stop trying to keep their individuals believing in their irrelevance, so, we all individually have to seek our own relevance. Political groups, nations and religions openly want their individual to be proud of being a bigot, prejudice and discriminatory puppet. Yet God has blessed us all equally with our own atom of autonomy. Remember spiritual rule number one, “don’t do to anyone that you don’t like done to you or to your loved one”. Whether individually we believe and accept our irrelevance or not we are still responsible for our actions. Any group, race, gender, nation or religion or even God almighty is dependent on human individual’s physicality to be relevant. So, if an individual is politically corrupted, they will always follow and provide that most important factor of life to make things happen for their belonging groups.

What if, that human individual literally becomes a CEO of their life and can see all the political mambo jumbo hidden behind the group demands and preachings. What happens if they learn to say no to the politics of belonging? That is when a real human being emerges. Who owns a Godly granted atom of autonomy and accepts responsibility of their actions. Have their own free will and their own and personal sense of justice. That Godly blessed human individual is the main character in making things happen physically. That atom of autonomy is exclusive to the human individual, not to a group of people, nations or religions, that is why they have to rely on the corrupted human individuals to do their dirty work. So, in the end of the day, responsibility lands on the individual’s shoulders. Our actions are the one, that make good and bad physically happen or take a physical form to be meaningful. Sure, you can connect natural disasters out of human reach or say it’s God’s will, but since that has the causes yet to be discovered. So, for now, you have to accept and put them as your metaphorical realities. Since we are talking about our everyday life, we have to know where we stand as human individuals. Regardless of our vulnerabilities and mortality, we have to understand our individual responsibilities and one of them is to evolve. So, blaming or crediting your belonging groups for everything physical, is as falls as not accepting being a human being. If you have the understanding of holding your own atom of autonomy related powers, you simply can’t hide behind your political groups because it’s your physicality that makes them powerful. Your personal insecurities and related actions can be destructive not only for others but for you as well. So, by latching on to your belonging groups and accepting your irrelevancy can be personal and individual problem. Remember you simply can’t hide from your real identity; being a human individual, puts you in the center of making all the good and bad yet by choice. Without your physicality nothing matters because everything becomes impotent and meaningless. Remember everything stays suspended in the air unless it gets done physically. Just like God stays suspended in the air if human beings don’t convert spirituality into physical actions. Sure, we have a lot of respect for God but if the human individual’s physicality is not there, things don’t work very well. If you remove all the human beings out of the holy picture, would God matter and for who? Would God be respected as it has been and is, and by whom? As I said, “spirituality and physicality are two intertwined wires, our light bulb or spiritual light does not get turned on, unless it’s physically there to show us the way”. “I F THERE IS NO LIGHT IN MY NIGHTS, I SEE DARK ON THE OTHER SIDE AS WELL”. So, it’s crucial for all of us to acknowledge the relevance of human individual’s physicality. Not only by our groups, nations and religions but also by us individually as well.

So, regardless of the group, individual, race, gender, nation or religion, we all have to call for the acceptance of human individual’s relevance. Our archaic political systems have to change and adopt to the modern day demands of humanity, because logically it’s the human individual who is holding the card of physicality and without the physicality spirituality is meaningless. It’s like you thought about it but never acted upon it, so you simply can’t claim that you have done a good job. If we have been evolving according to the demands of humanity, by now, we should go for the humanity as a whole and equal human individual rights. Unfortunately, we have been stuck into our group politics, since the beginning of our political awareness, but fortunately we are genetically programed to evolve. So, to me there is hope, unless we blow ourselves up with our modern-day weaponry. Again, that is if an individual pulls or pushes the button physically to self-destruct. Since that button needs to be pushed by the human individual’s physicality, we all should know the importance of our physical nature. If every single one of us takes personal responsibilities of our individual actions, things may change, and we may stop killing each other, and we may be able to say no to personal irrelevance and politics of belonging.

Empowering the human individual to the point that we all can assume responsibilities of a CEO of our lives to understand what is at stake. If we can take responsibilities of our granted physicality, we may will be able to understand all about relevancy. Since nothing has changed from the top down in thousands of years, may be its time to start thinking about from the bottom up. To change everything from the bottom up, will not only give the human individual their real self-respect but also self-esteem. An esteemed CEO can easily say no to an injustice regardless of who it is done by. Remember becoming a CEO, comes with responsibilities so you can’t blame the building you are renting, or visiting, nor you can blame your political groups, nations or religious beliefs. Simply because you are the one who is holding your atom of autonomy. You may hide behind your belonging groups because of your personal insecurities but responsibility still lands on your shoulders. Sure, your belonging groups are going to exonerate you from your physical actions, and actually want you to be proud of your spiritual sins and crimes against humanity. You may become a hero in your belonging group’s eyes, but unfortunately, you can’t hide from your atom of autonomy because it’s sitting right within you, it always reminds you that you have free will and personal sense of justice. YOU WANT PROOF OF IT? Just look at the warriors having trouble in their day-to-day life after returning from the wars. What do you think is causing them all that grief and pain? Even if your physical actions have been done for your group, nation or religion, deep inside your atom of autonomy or your spiritual side is saying that you are personally responsible for your physical actions. If you go against your atom of autonomy or I should say your spiritual side, you may suffer from the feelings of being ripped apart from within. A CLEAR SIGN OF THE RESEDENSY OF OUR ATOM OF AUTONOMY WITHIN THE INDIVIDUAL.

Let’s dig a little deeper and see what else is going on within us, as a human individual, especially belonging to the modern era. If you are driven, illogical and even unstable individual you will find a whole lot of people following the same path you are walking. Modern day human beings are quite different from even a century ago, we all fear to lose control and accept their vulnerabilities of being a human being. That is why we strive to control even the uncontrollable things unlike our ancestors. They will easily accept their vulnerabilities and believe in everything as God’s doing because they are told by their leaders. Today things are different, so we are not only questioning, but there are also a whole lot of things are not very well tolerated. Today’s human individual is not only driven to climb higher, but also, they easily forget their mortal nature.

Not accepting the mortal nature as a factual and physical reality, may drive you to live differently. For instance, if you are visiting or are gone somewhere for vocation, you wouldn’t go out and buy some furniture to decorate your room because you don’t like the way it is. So, everything that does not add up to two plus two equal four is not tolerated very well. Sure, it’s important to balance everything out but being a mortal, you got bigger fish to fry. So, logically you could be sitting all night looking for that penny missing from your bills. If this is how you deal with your everyday life, stress and related health issues are kind of inevitable for you. Since, we have a lot more on our shoulders than we are taught to believe, we have to become a good CEO so things can be put in the mortality-based perspectives.

Becoming a CEO of our life while we all are in our living years is crucial because that is the only way one can create balance. Close second one is to understand reciprocation, first one to take charge of our belonging and freedom triangle and second one to have successful relationships not only with others but with God and within ourselves as well. Remember God has given free will to us all equally, so if you are not using that free will, this is for you. Especially if you feel stuck in a life which has literally brain washed you to exclusively live for belonging group or even life after death. If you are being unfulfilled, does not mean anything to the belonging groups. So, it’s you, who has been granted your personal free and even personal sense of justice, question is if you still live, the way you have been told to live, it’s on you.

I believe wholeheartedly that honest reciprocation is a medicine for host of our individual health problems, that is if you look at your health beyond the physical aspect of it. Your community, nation and even religion want you to believe in life that belong to a group and even God exclusively. Some openly preach heaven and hell as a carrot and stick philosophy, and some even say you are going to come back. Along with positive hope, you have been given negative fear and greed as well. So, regardless of how deeply you believe in all that you still fear from death. EVERY WONDER WHY? Well, it’s because they just pass on the knowledge, they have been passed on to them yet without questioning. Sure, things can be useful for having hope, but any and all knowledge beyond our living years is totally based on our metaphorical reality-based knowledge. Since regardless of our scientific evolution our metaphorical knowledge has been stuck at the same level. Nothing has been proven regardless of thousands of years of evolution. So, other than the false or metaphorical hope, physically or scientifically nothing has been proven. Other than hope and optimism our preachers have nothing more to offer as proof, interestingly they become aggravated and angered if they don’t have any physical answers. Our preachers don’t come back to tell us or show us any video of our life beyond the cliff of faith or life after death. Our religious preachers demand us to believe in whatever have been preached yet without questioning. Other than those manmade movies about religious stories, they have nothing more to offer, but if you on the other hand really believe in whatever you have been preached. You can actually create the benefits of placebo effects or meditation related benefits to you. Unfortunately, you can become susceptible to imagination-based realities as well. If you ask a scientist about the placebo effect and its legitimacy, they may say we don’t know. If you ask the legitimacy of the picture you create to go in the meditative state, no one is going to prove that it’s real. So, real or not, when you can’t prove anything physically or scientifically, it should automatically land in our metaphorical zone. Question is should we be killing each other over the differences of opinions about our metaphorical realities. Remember have been preached all about the day of judgement, heaven and hell and portraying God as a monster like entity. Yet regardless of thousands of years have passed by and scientifically we have been evolving leaps and bounds, they have not provided any physical proof. Whether the life exists after we die or not is not my argument, because I am able to put things in different compartments. I have my physical realities and then I believe in my metaphorical realities as well. My problem is that, why are we killing each other over our metaphorical knowledge. Sure, we need to be a good and decently evolved human being as they preach us but what happens when start to argue about the life beyond the cliff of faith? No one has provided the desired results yet. To me, instead of understanding mortality we have gone in a direction of carrot and stick philosophy and treated human individuals as animals. SO, THINGS HAVE BEEN BACK FIRING.

Understanding mortality is not harmful rather its beneficial to us all as an individual, especially if we individually face life’s truth-based realities head on. Not accepting harms and benefits of truth-based realities is preached but is highly individual or personal so, the sooner we come to term with it all, the better. If you personally live with the truth-based strategies, you can lessen or reduce your day today and unnecessary stresses. Meaning you may be able to create your own medicines to combat your problems from within. Remember today we are scientifically connecting our physical diseases to our stress. Even if they are not scientifically connected or proven to mental, emotional and spiritual disorders, one day they will be. So, being spiritually healthy where you believe in nothing but the truth at the least for yourself. Meaning become aware of personal spiritual principles like equal human rights and belonging to humanity over the race, gender, nation, religion or belonging groups. As I said, truth-based facts, sure physically a human being is born in and belong to a group, but reality is that if we pass the genetic test, each and every single one of us spiritually belong to humanity not to a political group of people.

Ask yourself these questions to discover your truth-based realities, all you have to do is to be honest and pure of political belonging to your groups.

  1. Are you born to human parents?
  2. Do you carry your own atom of autonomy, which allows you to use your free will and personal sense of justice?
  3. Do, you have personal sense of justice?
  4. If your community, race, gender, nation or religion wants you to kill for them, would you and why?
  5. When called upon, would you be able to create balance between your sense of belonging and sense of freedom?
  6. Do you believe in God and Devil, if so, where do you stand if by nature you have free will and your personal sense of justice?
  7. If you have social needs, hormonal and political influences yet at the same time, you have your personally exclusive atom of autonomy to override your political influences and animal instincts. Would you join in killing your own kind if they belong to a different group of people? At this point I don’t agree or disagree with all the knowledge we have been provided because of its political taints. Unless results of that knowledge speak for it, I will question it. For thousands of years, Bible, Quraan and most all other religious textbooks have been preaching us to be a good and decently evolved human individual. SO, SHOW ME THE RESULTS. World’s crime rate says people in religious societies are not really listening or really believing in their holly books. Don’t believe me, just Google it, you will find that religious societies are doing very poorly when it comes to social and spiritual crimes. On top of all that, other than few nations, there is not only extreme poverty but also lot of human sufferings as well. Question is why nations following religions have higher crime rate than the secular ones? Another thing is that people including myself ask God’s help in their everyday life. Then why a whole lot of humanity’s prayers don’t get answered or bring prosperity to solve hunger and poverty? My problem is not with religious beliefs but rather with the results. So, my question is, is it possible that wherever the human individual is being disregarded or made irrelevant, either by the politicians or by the individual themselves, eventually ends up in a trouble zone and problems grow proportionately. If you think it’s not true, simply look at the results. It’s not religion, carrot or stick, God or Devil, hell or heaven, its truth-based reality. Accepting human individual’s relevance and their contributions to make things happen is the key. When the powers are stolen and given to some unknown entities or are given to known politicians’ things will backfire. Unless justice is done, by rewarding the individual for their real and meaningful contributions as a truth-based reality. Remember God’s work has to be done physically to be meaningful so preaching a human individual is irrelevant can be harmful to a society in the long run. FAILUR OF THE COMMUNISM CAN BE OFFERED AS AN EXAMPLE AS WELL. So, how can a human individual be irrelevant, if even God’s work can’t be physically done without the human beings? Sure, we are alive with God’s help and without our input, but without the human individual’s physicality spiritual knowledge simply can’t take place physically so everything remains irrelevant including God and Devil unless a living breathing human individual is doing their job. If you picture those people clinging outside of the plan leaving Afghanistan or look at the refugee problems of the world and ask why people are flocking to go somewhere other than where they are born. You will find that they are not only running to find prosperity or finical success and security, in reality they actually are seeking relevancy. So, if things are changing in your community, nation or religion, bring it all the way down to the individual level. Don’t blame God or Devil exclusively, respect the individual, accept their relevance in converting spirituality into physical actions because that is how spirituality takes physical form to be meaningful. As communities if you want to survive or drop your crime rate, value your belonging individuals, give them the respect they deserve. So, they can grow some self-respect and self-esteem to regulate themselves to keep crime rate down. Remember you can’t have a police officer for every individual in your community, simply it’s not practical, so is scaring them with hell or promising them of a bribe with something in after they are dead. My questioning has nothing to do with sewing doubts in one’s mind or believing in life after death but everything to do with justice to the individual in the living years and debunking the politics of power and control. Remember today belongs to equal human rights, global warming, internet and AI. Meaning, the politics of racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination had their days, if you follow those traditional beliefs, be ready to be ridiculed by the modern-day world. If you don’t evolve, you will be left behind. Just look around and see, how the world is transforming and literally look down at those who are proud of being racist, sexist, bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory. Today, people flock to those nations who value them, their contributions to the economies of those nations show that today’s most powerful nations are made successful because they have respected individual talents from around the world. Individual self-respect, relevance, self-esteem and success all go hand in hand. So, if you can see the decline in your communities look for the causes. YOU WILL FIND INDIVIDUAL IRRELEVANCE. Diverting people’s attention from the real issues is called politics one -o- one. Carrot and stick philosophy actually have been designed to train the animals, and personally I believe human beings don’t belong in that line up or to that class of creatures. So, treating human beings like animals has been and is proven to be wrong regardless of what religion or religions have been preaching it. Remember I said the results speak loudly about the truth of the story, so if you tell me that you believe your religion is a great knowledge, I will believe it when I see the results. Main reason, why I named my blog as “WHO FLIPPED MY TRIANGLE” is that I want the human individual to be the CEO of their lives. Meaning they decide and choose to be good without the fear of hell or greed of heaven. If you make them believe in their irrelevancy, they become the puppet of their belonging groups and their good and bad are dictated by their group politics. Since they, themselves look down at themselves as irrelevant. They will not question and easily commit even the spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups. Yet with the deep beliefs of actually doing a good thing for their nations, religions and God. Knowledge is the key, if you politically keep them from evolving and becoming a CEO of their life. They will not only stay behind themselves they also will keep their belonging groups behind as well. I am trying to make the individual to be responsible for their actions. Yes, even if they are committing crimes for their belonging groups, they should know that if you are a human individual, you are responsible for your actions. So, putting God and Devil on the top corner of the triangle or using carrot and stick philosophy can’t be logically spiritual because it robs human individual of their relevance. If as an individual, we buy into it and accept our irrelevance it’s an automatic loss of self-esteem, because we literally hide behind God and Devil to do the dirty deeds of our belonging groups without accepting our individual responsibilities. Being an atom of autonomy holder, if we use our free will and personal sense of justice, that makes us all become responsible for our actions. One can deny it all, but you simply can’t hide from the truth-based physical realities, just look at our justice system. Unless justice system is politically tainted, if you committed a crime, you are responsible for your actions regardless of the society you belong to. If as groups, we don’t go back to the drawing board and restore our belonging individual’s relevance, we simply can’t help them to take charge of their life including their department of spirituality. If the core knowledge is on the wrong foundation, you can’t fix the deeply rooted and ingrained social problems. As an individual we are the physical thread of humanity and God simultaneously. If we are not there nothing works. Yet individually we have been corrupted by the politics of belonging to our groups, meaning it’s us who can fix it all by simply going within to find our truth-based reality of being a human being. Individually we all accept being responsible for our actions, we can individually restrain ourselves from committing a social crime. Meaning social ills simply don’t get fixed by social rules or by carrot and stick philosophy rather everything depends on the individual beliefs of their relevancy. Otherwise most if not all religious societies will have the lowest crime rate around the world. If an individual takes responsibility of their actions, things will automatically change from the bottom up. Remember even God can’t be meaningful, if good or even bad does not take place physically. Looking at it logically without the human individual’s physicality-based actions all the good and bad can stay suspended in the air like on the moon, mars or other lifeless planets or where there is no human being to perform physically. Remember even spiritual things have to happen physically to be helpful and meaningful. If you still don’t respect the human individual, that would be because you have not only tainted personal spirituality but flipped triangle as well. As I said if you undermine physicality of human individual and their contribution. You are robbing them of their not only contributions but also, their self-esteem as well so it can’t be spiritual. So, its totally for the political purposes, not because of truth-based spiritual reality. Raising the awareness of human individual to the human level, making them relevant is not only good for the human individual but also for the society they belong to as well. Emotionally charged by their nationalism, and religious beliefs yet not believing in themselves creates a gap that can’t be filled unless we all take our individual responsibilities. If our political religions or nations stray from the spiritual principles, they should be brought down to the individual level and treated like an individual to face the justice. TO ME THAT IS THE REAL ESSENCE OF EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS. Humanity has been evolving, yet always without the control of any race, nation, empire, ism and even religious beliefs. Simply because they come and go but humanity still stands and evolves. Regardless of all the political resistance even wars things have never stayed the same. Interestingly today humanity is demanding equal human rights but remember we have four thousand and two hundred active religious beliefs claiming to be the best and having God as their cousin. Beyond that we have nearly two hundred nations riddled with territorial disputes dividing the glob even further which has no physical boundaries. Yet as so called evolved human beings we can’t even overcome our bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. To me the cause of our problems is not only individual insecurity but group insecurity as well. So, we have an individual, yet a social and collective disease simultaneously. Which not only gets us stuck but keeps us there as we fight for our installed identities. From last name to gender, to color of skin to nation and what we believe has been and is a constant hindrance. Being insecure can’t bring us internal peace as an individual nor it can bring the external peace in the world. Unless we evolve according to the time and era we are born into. If a Japanese taxi driver turns off the meter because of his personal mistake. That is a sign of his spiritual awareness not because of his religious beliefs. Meaning every good thing starts with individual’s spiritual awareness, so it’s from the bottom up not from the top down just like the right side up triangle. For the love of spiritual principles, not by the fear of hell or greed of heaven. SIMPLY BECAUSE HUMAN IS NOT AN ANIMAL. Let’s look at our everyday minor and major arguments, disputes and wars. Personally, when you are in an argument, it’s kind of obvious that you have difference of opinion with opposing party. So, the question should be whose argument is on truth-based and physical reality. If you want to push your illogical, untrue and even absurd opinions on others, at the least you have to know why, and what is the driving force behind your forceful argument. A few things to be considered. First genetically you could be an alpha individual and you want to override or dominate others around you. Second, you could have an out-of-control sense of belonging to your group and you care what others think about you, or you don’t want your ancestors to be proven wrong. Your loyalties to your race, gender, nation and religion are prioritized over the logical or truth-based realities. Third, you could be one of those who does not believe that you have an incomplete knowledge and an evolving nature. Fourth, you could be one of those people who disagree with everything until its proven and everyone else around you have accepted, adopted and left you behind by your lonesome. Similar to most religious nations trying to catch up simply because their own new generations don’t want to follow their religion based governing systems. If a religion or a constitution is openly preaching bigotry, prejudice and discrimination today they have been openly opposed by their own populations. Yet there are people in most conservative societies, who still want to follow their ancestral ways of living. Our physical reality is that humanity is going through growing pains, so conflicts are everywhere, from within the families to communities to nations and religions. Remember our old ways of living did not create any governing system which has been or is based on equal human rights. Until today humanity has never been this politically accommodating for equal human rights. Regardless of our thousands of years of history of being full of prejudice and discrimination, our nations and religions cannot all be on the right path. Simply because today, we are critically looking at the injustices related to our group prejudice. Questions are being asked whether all these differences of opinions are based on spirituality or politics. Remember spirituality is universal and pure of politics so, if there is no politics there is no argument but if you are personally passionate and cannot override your political belonging you will have trouble in giving equal human rights to others. Whether you can’t or don’t want to reach the hidden spiritual truth even within your own religious beliefs. If your religion says, “don’t do to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. Then what about all these thousands of years old religious disputes and wars or even extreme related everyday killings? How do you justify all this bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. I believe, if the air we breathe, food, water and love we need to survive is universal then how can God be for some not for all equally. Buildings built exclusively for some but not for all are nothing more than political places. Just like the real truth, justice and spiritual principles are universal so you can’t keep God in the boundaries of groups of people. Remember fact and truth-based reality is that good and bad people are found in all human societies and yes that is regardless of being religious or not. As a matter of fact, religious societies did worse than secular ones when it came to crime rate. GO FIGURE. If you personally think the path, you have been born on to is the right path, then you have to honestly look for the results of being on the path. If your society is riddled with the social and spiritual crimes, you have to start questioning everything you or your belonging group has been and is doing. Start with asking about the life after death or metaphorical reality, if the emphases are more on that than the physical world, you need to know why? Why don’t we have clear answers about what we have been preached, yet for thousands of years without any changes or results. Now look around and see where humanity is in physical world, we have been evolving leaps and bounds in every other human knowledge. Why are we stuck at the same level of killing each other over our metaphorical world. If there was an answer for every human knowledge in our holy books, then why our religious people stand in the way of every scientific progress we make? There are still people who are against blood transfusion, I can bet, blood transfusion has saved more lives than any other human knowledge. I would like to ask if our religions can count the death toll of their simple mob killings, extreme disputes and wars related killings. Question is why we kill when it comes to our belief system-based disputes and why don’t we know more about life beyond death and God. After all we have been evolving in everything else, we got scientifically proven answers for everything we do yet when it comes to our religions, we are at the stand still. Why are we stuck fighting and killing each other over something we don’t have clear answers for. Killing each other over our metaphorical realities is actually robbing someone’s physical reality for something we don’t really know. Meaning it simply can’t be spiritual because you don’t want to be killed over something you don’t really understand so why would you be willing to do it. Logically it’s not only politically inspired but also it shows lack of responsibility of the human individual. If we know all that, then why do we behave worse than other less evolved creatures? Remember we supposed to override our animal desires and religiously become a good person. For thousands of years, we have been asked by our religions to become a good person, yet we are inspired to kill for our religions. Why our religious wars last for thousands of years? Shouldn’t our religions be based on universal things like spirituality and God. Where and why did the things go wrong? If you can’t ask this to yourself, I will ask you to remove the politics of belonging and see what happens. Pure of politics of belonging, your own religion will become a spiritual path for you individually. Not only it will become universal, but it will also bring you to real God the way it was meant to be. Interestingly somehow somewhere you have sold your soul to the politics of belonging and lost your personal spirituality because spirituality and politics don’t mix. Just like justice is not a justice if it’s politically bought. So, to me it’s you who has to override your biases and figure things out for yourself yet in good time because you are the one who is running out of time. So, sooner the better, because you want some peace of mind while you are in your living years. If you feel stuck in the traditions, customs, rituals and rules of your belonging group, remember it’s an era of internet and equal human rights. Where racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination have not only being looked down, but they have become crimes. If you choose one and exclusive tree of knowledge, how are you going to benefit from the forest or all other trees of knowledge. You may choose religion, but what about science, technology, medicine and the whole forest you supposed to use for your living years. Logically, right or wrong aside you have to live in the era you are born into, remember not too long-ago people wore their prejudice and discrimination with pride. Since these days our right and wrong are in the process of evolution, its crucial for us individually to understand the demands of our time and era we are born into. Living in today’s world individually requires us to overcome our prejudicial and discriminatory installed data and adopt to humanity as a whole which works on the truth-based universality of spirituality.


Before I point out the political dirt, let’s start this one with a statement. Since we are an evolving entity, our knowledge can never stay at stand still nor we can choose one particular tree of knowledge from a forest because we have the whole forest for our consumption. Which contain our religious trees, science and technology trees, medicine and a whole lot of other human knowledge related different trees so choosing one and sticking with it can be foolish because as a human individual we have to live an evolved life.

So, regardless of how important it is to belong, our families deserve their special place. They took care of us as kids or dependents, gave love and nurtured us, that puts them in a class of their own. Not only for the purpose of reciprocation but logically as well so killing family member in the name of politics of belonging is a clear sign of individual’s personal insecurities and weakness. Regardless of political pressures, a good CEO can easily put everything and even people in their respected place to decide for themselves. If a human individual is brain washed to the point that they are willing to kill their own family member to please, fit in, impress or want to be admired by the belonging group. That is a clear sign of human individual’s insecurities and weaknesses. To me, that is an extreme related imbalance and a serious individual and social problem. That is why I started to write this blog, not only this post but my whole blog revolves around the ideal individual who is a CEO who can point out these imbalances and actually strengthen themselves. So, they can individually stand up as a CEO of their life.

Someone has asked me why I named this blog as, “who flipped my triangle”. My answer was that if you blame or credit the building because you can’t clean up your spirituality from your political dirt. Your triangle has been politically flipped by your belonging group. They put God and the Devil on the top corner and put you down to believe that you mean nothing in the larger scheme of life. If you believe wholeheartedly, you simply have lost your human status. Their political bottom line is to rob you of your relevance. If you can actually believe in God and know your spiritual self who has power to strain out the politics of belonging. You will automatically find the right side up triangle, because no spiritual action or even God’s will, will be meaningful until it is done or performed physically. Sure, as human beings we are dependent on a lot of external help, but a human individual is the one who make things happen physically. So, making them to believe in their irrelevance, leads them to disrespecting and undermining their importance. To me that is nothing but the politics of human groups. Today’s higher crime rate of religious societies are not only a clear sign of that individual believing in their irrelevance but is a cause of all our religious wars as well. Remember as a human individual we all have the power to stop the disputes, but our groups don’t want to stop because they will lose their power and control.

Since we are an evolving entity, logically no human knowledge including this one is not an ultimate and final. To me, all human knowledge should be shredded down to the useable particles to be understood and used by the individual to live a better life in living years. Essence of the knowledge has to be found and incorporated in our everyday life to benefit from it. Meaning the cleaner your physical or metaphorical colon is, the better health you will have. If you carry it as it has been provided to you by your belonging groups, it’s like you are carrying a whole bunch of political fecal matter without elimination. Which makes you not only politically bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory being but being proud of it as well. Unfortunately, it has always been and especially these days our politicians have become very good at hiding their political messages to inspire and fool their belonging individuals who are unsuspecting and gullible to begin with, and now with the AI coming into picture things may even get even worse. I feel worried with new technologies to be used to complicate the matters even further. So, remember our groups are political creatures so they are not going to hesitate to use any and everything to further their political interests. Som, individually, we all have to put our act together and put more efforts to evolve before things go haywire for humanity as a whole. Depending on the individual, we have the tendency to be hypnotized or brain washed by the cleverly and repeatedly promoted messages. Especially the emotionally susceptible ones, who are naturally drawn to groups for security reasons. Remembre as human beings we are not completely a physical creature, nor we are a spiritual entity exclusively, so, being vulnerable, individually we simply can be compelled by our hormonal influences as well.

Historically our political systems have been and are still running on exploiting on vulnerabilities of the belonging individual and their population. Our politically designed governing principles are designed to promote, loyalties to belonging groups. Guilt is heavily promoted for straying, threatened with the harsh punishments like shunning and social isolation are common in group settings. Even threat to the loved ones and in some cases death penalty for treason. So, this political fecal matter runs deep even in our so-called spiritual systems like religions. We all, not only want to belong to our groups because of the hormonal influences but are forced to belong to our belonging groups as well. Today’s qual human rights are just a recent phenomenon, a leading force for us to belong to humanity as a whole instead of a group of people. Interestingly, as human individuals we are still going through a transitional period so, some of us, regardless of our level of education or social knowledge we are literally torn apart from within. Meaning, for whatever reason, whether we are individually insecure, emotionally attached or we simply are a loyal individual to our ancestry. So, regardless of the levels of our knowledge, some of us literally and gladly want to be used by our groups because we want to either fit in, impress or simply want to be admired by the belonging group. Instead of using our personal atom of autonomy related free will and choose to be a human we become a political puppet. So, to fit in, or to impress our belonging groups, with our emotional vulnerabilities we individually become susceptible to extreme, yet to the point that we can’t see or understand the politics behind repeatedly promoted messages. Human conservativism, personal or individual vulnerabilities and emotional attachments are proven to be deadly. Simply look around, throughout and even in our present-day history. If you believe in something just because it has been talked about yet consistently, it has the power to influence you by your not only internal roots of emotional loyalties but also with the knowledge of modern-day political leaders. YOU MAY BE HYPNOTISED. So, listening to all external, internal and your own voices have to be shredded and judged to pick, choose, mix and match to the point that they become a useable knowledge to benefit you in your living years. Simply because it’s time for everyone to look at their personal and individual life with their own critical thinking. It’s essential to assess and judge it all honestly without any hormonal or political influences so you can’t be used as a political puppet. Meaning, regardless of our belonging groups, our individual knowledge should be solidly based on spiritual principles. A life of a mortal being should be an internally as well as externally successful and peaceful living experience. You can’t be doing things to others that you don’t like done to your or to your loved ones. Not for you and especially not for a group of people for their political purposes because you are personally responsible for your personal actions.

If you always put more efforts for the life after your living years and believe you are doing the right thing by following politics of belonging. You may end up sacrificing not only your physical reality over your metaphorical one, but you may also lose or trade in your spirituality over the political belonging, so to me there is no guarantee for a spot in heaven either by God. The era you are born in, calls for present day trends and their related demands. Not only you have to use your atom of autonomy guided free will and personal sense of justice to give and receive equal human individual rights, but you have to take responsibilities of your all actions as well. LOGICALLY IF WE ALL START TO TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR OUR ACTIONS AND STAND UP TO RESTRAIN. THAT WILL TAKE THE WIND OUT OF THE SAILES OF ALL OUR POLITICAL GROUPS. REMEMBR THEY SIMPLY CAN’T GO TO WARS WITHOUT THEIR BELONGING INDIVIDUAL’S PHYSICAL ACTIONS. THEY WILL THE ESSENCE OF THEIR POLITICAL POWERS, BECAUSE THE REAL POWER HOLDER IS THE WILLING AND EMOTIONALLY CHARGED INDIVIDUAL. WE ALL HAVE TO REALIZE THAT AT OUR INDIVIDUAL LEVEL TO BELONG TO HUMANITY INSTEAD OF OUR GROUPS.

Now let’s see, what is happening for you at your individual level, do you think you are an essential part of all the physical actions of your belonging group. Or do you believe that you are irrelevant and simply are an extension of a group of people. So, whatever is happening, it is happening without your personal input. MEANING, INDIRECTLY YOU BELIEVE, THAT GOD AND A GROUP OF PEOPLE ARE DOING EVERYTHING. Yet logically if human individual is the one who supplies the physicality to even God’s spiritual actions, how can a group of people function without their belonging individual’s physicality. Remember all political actions need living breathing human beings to become a physical reality so as an individual we all are the essence of good and bad actions. Without a human individual’s physicality nothing gets converted into physical actions so regardless of good and bad, without being physically perform all actions stay suspended in the air or I should say useless. Since you came in life as a human being, who carry their own atom of autonomy and are the essence of all physical actions. That means, you have to take charge to become a CEO of your life. Being a CEO, you are the one who is the most relevant and responsible for all the good and bad of your personal life and even of the world. Sure, you can literally blame Devil or credit God for your actions, but you have to remove the political taint first. If you are the one who is providing physicality you not only become important, but you also become responsible for your actions as well. This story does not end there because you play an important or crucial role in making things happen physically. SO, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS HOLDING THE MOST IMPORTANT CARDS OF HONEST RECIPROCATION. ACKNOLOGING AND UNDERSTANDING THAT IS THE ESSENCE OF OUR INDIVIDUAL SPIRITUALITY.

When it comes to reciprocation, remember, you your cat or dog can’t be happy with the lice, flees, ticks or parasite living on you without paying their share. Sure, God is not like human beings, but if we are like the cells of Godly body. We have an interdependent or reciprocation type relationship with God. Logically if every single one of us just worshiped and prayed and believed that our job is done. Now the question is, what would happen to God and humanity? Spiritually, it would be a disaster, because as human beings our job is to work, and that work is the one which you can call a practical prayer or an honest reciprocation. We were supposed to work to help each other and keep Godly world functioning. Sure, you can pray and worship but not without the real and honest reciprocation. If we all take, take and take like those above-mentioned creatures, but don’t give, that would not be an honest and reciprocating relationship.

Always remember one sided relationship, whether it’s personal, communal or even with God, simply don’t work without the reciprocation, especially in the long run. So, how can God be happy and proud of people if they act exclusively as takers. If fundamentals of life like oxygen, healthy and functioning body is provided to us all equally, yet without our personal input or control. We all should be acting like God’s minions or helping hands. Not like some of the other genetically programed creatures. For instance, lice, flees, ticks, leaches or parasites are programed to live on the host with no benefits to the host. Now ask yourself honestly, why do you want everything done by God for you without your efforts and input? Are you doing everything in your powers before asking the help, or you just want everything done for you because you feel intitled. Why don’t you think God had already done enough for you? Remember you just showed up with a perfectly functioning and healthy body yet with totally free oxygen provided among other life sustaining circumstances. Now, only if you ask yourself why did you show up and what is the purpose of your life? If you look at it logically, responsibilities of honest reciprocation with God makes sense because needs your physicality to convert his spiritual world into physically functioning world. So, remember, your physicality not your worshiping and prayers are needed by God. If you think you can get away by just worshiping and praying yet without reciprocation, you are just oiling God up. If you are not appreciative and comfortable in your mortal skin, you have to start thinking by simply diving into your personally provided ocean. Yes, your brain because you have to make sense out of your life. TRY TO UNDERSTAND ALL ABOUT HONEST RECIPROCATION BECAUSE THERE ARE PROBLEMS STEM FROM OUR SPIRITUAL BURDENS. Business of real and spiritual life is constantly calling you to learn all about reciprocation. So, you can deal with your spiritual burdens by not owing anything to anyone and yes not even God before you pass. If your parents helped you, help them when they can’t help themselves because you were helped by them at your vulnerable time. If your husband brings in the dough to run the household, he deserves respect and help to make his life easier. If your wife is making your life easier acknowledge and respect for the help you receive. Honest living sets you free and makes you a mini-God yourself who does not have to worry about hell or heaven.

If you believe in taking, taking and taking without giving all because you have been taught or you have learned that more profit is a good business. Remember you are in life as a human being, so you have to rethink that business strategy, because as human individuals, we are not just a physical creature exclusively. So, understanding our spiritual side is in order. That spiritual awareness has the powers to help you in your living years because if you can learn all about meeting your spiritual needs along with your physical ones you are in balance. needs. Remember, your spiritual needs have to be met as well otherwise regardless of whatever you have accumulated. You may have become a good businessperson, but as a mortal being, your happiness and contentment may not be where they should be. So, for all of us, acknowledging its importance and learning all about our honest reciprocation should become an essential part of our living years. Not only it adds deep happiness and contentment into our individual living years, but it also frees us from the fears and greed related to our after-death knowledge. So, if our taught business mindset teaches us to spend less and gain more to own a profiting business. That may be a good financial business but bringing that philosophy in our everyday life makes us become a metaphoric louse, ticks, flees, leach or parasite. So, remember, if you look like a human being be like one.

If you want to know the importance of spiritual awareness, all you have to do is to look at our history and even at our present-day problems. You clearly can see, regardless of our accomplishments like equal human rights. We still have racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination around the world. Sure, we don’t have slavery anymore, but all these traits are coming from lack of our individual spirituality. Just imagine, if everyone critically questioned and judged their belonging groups and their politics, what will happen to the world? Our wars will end, and equal human rights will prevail because by nature, being a human being, an individual belongs to humanity not to a group of people so equal human rights simply and spiritually make sense. Since individual and personal spirituality is one of the most important factors in our individual lives. Our deep happiness and contentment are dependent on the physically fed spiritual side, so it’s important to understand this side of being a human being.

Remember it all starts at home, as Dr. Wayne Dyer says, and I quote” don’t rip the cocoon”. If you rip the cocoon of your child, they will not be able to fly solo so help them but don’t rip their cocoon for them. Same goes to the religions, preaching women should live and stay at home as dependents. That politics has been and still is limiting us all as humanity, so regardless of our gender, nation or religion we all male, female or otherwise are God’s working hands, so to me politically limiting individuals is spiritually limiting God.

Now to the political rhetoric of power and control, since it’s all about the group politics, humanity, spirituality and God has nothing to do with this. So, our elimination system comes to mind, physically food comes in raw form and our body has to break it all down to the amino acids, glucose and fatty acids so they can be used by the body. Then whatever is needed for a properly functioning body gets taken in, and the rest is eliminated by our colon as waste. That is the story of a physical side of us, remember I said our spiritual side has to be nurtured as well. So, in spiritual context, to me when things like our knowledge is brought in, everything should be subject to scrutiny by us all individual. Whether its physically or spiritually properly functioning body and its systems know that how important it is to get rid of the waste. If you can’t properly rid of the waste, you eventually will get sick with either physical ills or spiritual ills. Remember they both have the potential to rob you of your health of all kinds. If you can’t bring in the pure spiritual principles in your spiritual body, you may become spiritually sick regardless of the level of your politically influenced religious knowledge. So, you must eliminate your political rhetoric otherwise you may not be able to enjoy your living years, regardless of all your blessings like prosperity and physically young and healthy body. Physically and spiritually functioning body needs to know how important our elimination systems are. Physically we can get sick and sometime very sick same goes with spiritual health as well. So, bring in the raw materials but bring in the spiritual stuff like nothing but the truth as well, just like our justice system should be. If our justice system is not based on nothing but the truth, simply its politically tainted. Growing up I heard most human diseases start from the unhealthy colon. Today I believe, same goes with our spiritual health as well. Our spiritual knowledge should be as pure as it can be, so, our metaphorical nutrients like our spiritual jewelry are good for our spiritual body. Whenever the spiritual food is mixed or laced with the political rhetoric, spirituality takes a hike. So, it’s you who is responsible to break it all down in your ocean like brain to take what is spiritually good for you, humanity and God. So, if you individually take in what is based on nothing but the truth, that would be good for you not only in your life after death but in your living years as well. Believing and using politically tainted material without breaking it down or separating can be a problem because metaphorical waste like political rhetoric and spirituality simply can’t be healthy for you individually. So, as an evolved and aware CEO, it is your job to become aware and see all the hidden political agendas behind your religious messages. If you can’t break it down to the pure and spiritual nutrients, you will have a whole lot of unprocessed mess in your spiritual body. So, you may end up suffering from spirituality related disorders and simply can’t be helped by the religious knowledge exclusively. You can end up doing things or committing spiritual crimes like doing to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones.

If you are unable to clean up the mess, your body gets sick or develops diseases. Similarly, to that, if individually you can’t strain out your unnecessary political installed dirt, potentially most of your spiritual problems will start from that. They may even end up becoming your physical problems, because if you don’t learn to question your politically installed knowledge. You simply can’t distinguish between the internal calls of your spiritual duties and politically tainted calls of belonging. If you can’t judge, eliminate or purge your politically installed knowledge. You simply can’t judge or break it all down so, you can become sick enough to kill and get killed in the name of your race, color, gender, nation and even your unknown based religious beliefs YET CHOPPING GOD’S WORKING HANDS.

Just like ancient and even modern-day human individual who is under the influences of political belonging. If you personally don’t watch out and honestly judge it all individually, you may be programed by your belonging groups to become a bigot, prejudiced or discriminatory individual. Yet all along human individual has always been and still are granted their own atom of autonomy which allowed and allows them to use their free will and personal sense of justice among other Godly gifts. Unfortunately, regardless of your abilities to rip things apart, explore and understand everything for yourself. Yet you still learn and under the influences to believe that whatever you have been taught by your belonging group is nothing but the truth. Sure, you learn all about what is good or bad, but always remember, your good and bad is dictated by the knowledge you have received from your belongnig groups as well. So, remember that group knowledge can never be pure of the political belonging. Meaning regardless of your provided abilities to understand and act unbiasedly, you simply can’t use your free will and personal sense of justice because of you can’t come out of the influences of your group. Meaning, everything you learn and do as an individual could be politically tainted. Interestingly, even if you can see and literally feel them being wrong, you still can’t or deliberately don’t question the politics of belonging. So, you learn how to live your life according to the knowledge you have received from your belonging groups. Your traditions, customs, rituals and rules may differ from other groups and can become causes of disputes, even if you live in the same society. Now the question is, how do you look at yourself as an individual and how do you manage it all individually. Do you believe that you hold your own and exclusive atom of autonomy? Or you simply believe that you are just an extension of your belonging group? Remember your atom of autonomy allows you to be who you really are, a human being who has among other things spiritual side ingrained within. Remember with our ability to use free will and personal sense of justice, we all, each and every single one of us is responsible for our personal actions. So, any and all human knowledge needs to be honestly strained for its nutrients and adopted for its spiritual content to benefit us as an individual and humanity simultaneously. Our political knowledge is preaching us to be part of a group so, which can be contributing to making us to become a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory individual. Remember the consequences of that is highly felt by the humanity and individual. It has been and still has the powers over us individually to do things for a group of people, not for all humanity as a whole.

Since, we all are educated through our teaching either by the words or actions of the people around. If your mother, father, community, nation and religion say and do things differently or their actions contradict their words, it can be quite confusing for you because you learn from their words and actions simultaneously. So, growing up can make us collect a whole lot of political dirt along with our spiritually pure knowledge. Which makes us all become very susceptible to be torn apart from within and even lose faith as grownups. If you can’t separate your political dirt from your spiritual principles. It’s like your colon is not working properly so it will be you who suffers from the consequences. YET FROM WITHIN. Remember God installed an atom of autonomy within you to be a human being who can use their free will and personal sense of justice to make choices. This Godly gift or Godly ability is not just limited to providing you free will and personal sense of justice. It has the power to make you a special entity who is not only holding an evolving potential but also the vastness of an ocean and space all put together. You can read thousands of books as streams of knowledge, accumulate them all in your brain a supercomputer yet as an insignificant chip. Your brain can shred and rip everything apart to give you the ability to work it like a colon, take what your body needs and chuck the rest of it as political rhetoric. Potentially you can take all the oxygen and nutrients rich food or knowledge in, but you have to be calling the shots as a CEO of your life to use it properly.

For instance, if I don’t believe in things other believe in, my focus goes on other things that are important to me. Meaning they become larger and the things I don’t think become smaller or less important. To me personally spirituality and politics are two different things so if you force me to believe in some traditions, customs, rituals and rules of certain religion. I may not be able to learn the spiritual essence of that religious knowledge. Doing things certain way because others around me are doing it or if they are demanding me to follow. THAT IS CALLED POLITICS. Fragrance of any and all religious knowledge is in our action-based spirituality and interestingly that is universal. Plitics of belonging to a group has nothing to do with it. If we individually do something to help someone in need, why do we feel good about ourselves? It’s because we nourish or feed our spiritual side individually. Even a small action can have profound and powerful effects on us individually because it can remove create not only inner peace, but also remove fear of death, disease and even hell or greed of heaven. Now question yourself, why are you uncomfortable in your mortal skin, if you have been following all the traditions, customs, rituals and rules of your religions. You actually should be calm, comfortable and content, if you are not, then you have to find the reasons of your problem. Remember without the happiness and contentment in your mortal life. IT’S A FAILED LIFE EXPERIENCE, RELIGION OR NOT. I call it a spiritual sickness coming from our ways of living. Since I always talk about our atom of autonomy, I believe and connect our unhappiness and discontentment with our internal disputes. Our atom of autonomy is a powerful entity sitting within and constantly reminding us about our spiritual nature. Going against atom of autonomy or our spiritual side can be individually harmful to us. So, politically tainted religious knowledge can be the culprit for our individual dissatisfaction. As a religious group thing it can be fine but as an individual it can be a huge loss because of our mortal nature. If you can’t be happy and content in your physically living years, you can’t claim that things will change, and God will help you in the life after death. Remember and I insist, to remember that life after death is our metaphorical reality and there is a huge difference in our physical and metaphorical realities.

Politics of belonging has created a whole different world to control the human individuals regardless of its metaphorical nature. That does not mean I don’t believe in life after death, but I believe it as one of my metaphorical realities, where I don’t really have any proof to prove. So, I keep it as a metaphorical reality, meaning our physical realities are more important than our physical ones because this is where we all get to convert our spirituality into physical actions to do God’s work or make God meaningful. So, sacrificing yours or someone else’s physical reality over your metaphorical world simply can’t be just.

If you look at the spirituality and our justice systems, they can’t be mixed with our politics because they both need to be pure to be meaningful. They are founded on, nothing but the truth principles, so our atom of autonomy is watching it all from within. Meaning following of our nothing but the truth keeps us just and spiritual. When an individual loses that there is an individual price to pay. If you start to look for the peace of mind in your politically tainted religions, you may end up in a place where your atom of autonomy is calling for nothing but the truth, yet your politics of belonging is calling for politically twisted lies. So, you can’t be at peace unless you go with and stay with pure of politics spirituality.

If you figure things out and learn how to deal with your political dirt, get working and start separating it from your personal spirituality because God, humanity, you and spirituality are as universal as they can be. So, being stuck in a group’s political system makes you a limited being. Question is do you really believe God made you a political puppet or gave you a God particle to be a human being who is above and beyond the political belonging. Spiritually if you are learning something good from your religion, take it and believe in it, but when a religious belief calls or demands from the belonging individuals to commit spiritual crimes against innocents. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD. If your belonging group wants you to do something to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. YOU HAVE TO PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN because that has nothing to do with God or spirituality. So, remember to clean up that political dirt from within yourself, because humanity has suffered long enough from individual’s insecurities and weaknesses. Politics of belonging has haunted humanity with death and destruction since the beginning of our political belonging to groups. Use your ocean like brain to Give and receive equal human rights. Remember if you want to understand spirituality, you have to clean up your metaphorical colon. Remember spiritually there is no difference in human individuals, as we all need the same things like, oxygen, giving circumstances or environment and a physical body, universally provided to us all equally by God. Same things make us live, get sick, hurt and die. Again, never to forget God had provided everything universally to us all. It’s us who create the differences because of our accumulated political dirt. Use your individual spirituality as medicine to heal the damage your politics of belonging has done to you and your religions. Remember bloodiest and most inhuman acts of violence have been and are still being committed by the religious extremists YET INTERESTINGLY IN THE NAME OF GOD…


As you are born, right from the get-go everyone is eager to fill you up with their knowledge to make you just like them. Whether it’s your parents, siblings, community, nation or religions they all have their political agenda to wrap you up with their downloaded and installed knowledge. Genetic pull may be but as a human individual we come with built in atom of autonomy which overrides all our genetical pulls or political influences. Remember we can think for ourselves individually to make choices. So, remember your make up before you are influenced by any kind of political knowledge. If you are male, you maybe are treated differently than a female, but you are born, live and die exactly the same way. You need to be conceived, needed a mom and dad, oxygen, food, water, love, life sustaining body and favorable life circumstances without any discrimination. So, if you are treated differently than a female, it may be dependent on the era you are born in, or in today’s time, where you are born. Things can be different for you individually right from the birth, and yes that is regardless of what you taught, feel or know about yourself. Then from religious beliefs to color, race, gender to nationality can influence you beyond your ability to understand your relevance or importance. Politics of belonging is a term that describes how people identify themselves with a group based on shared values, beliefs, or interests. It can also influence how people behave and interact with others who belong to the same or different groups. Politics of belonging can have positive or negative effects on individuals and societies, depending on how politically inclusive or exclusive they are.

One of the most interesting examples of politics of belonging is found in our religions. Religion can provide a sense of meaning, purpose, and community for many people. It can also inspire them to act with compassion and generosity towards others who share their faith or need their help. However, religion can also be used to justify bigotry, prejudice and even violence, oppression, or discrimination against those who have different beliefs or practices. Religion can also create conflicts within families or communities when some members question or challenge the dominant norms or expectations. One can say they are not obedient so they must be shunned or punished yet in the name of God. Logically and interestingly, by nature, we have been created to evolve so if our nature or God is calling us to break our self-imposed or group inspired boundaries how can that be against religious beliefs.

Another example of politics of belonging is nationality. Nationality can give people a sense of identity, pride, and loyalty to their country. It can also motivate them to even contribute to the common good and defend their rights and interests by paying taxes. However, nationality can also lead to nationalism, which is an extreme form of patriotism that views one’s own country as superior or more deserving than others. Nationalism can also fuel hatred, intolerance, or aggression towards other countries or groups that are seen as rivals or enemies. You don’t have to go far to find out the problems created by the way we run our political affairs. All you have to do is to look around the world. There is a mark difference between the physical globe and political one. Sure, these days we have melting pot societies, generally most of us want to have equal human rights and are receptive to the need to fight global problems as one humanity. Yet politics of belonging is the biggest hurdle which is still at work to divide us even further so no our political belonging to our groups is not taking us to a better place.

Interestingly when it comes to our group politics, no matter how far you look back, it has always been tainted with some kind of political belonging. Remember, in a group setting your individual uniqueness is not considered as a priority but rather a hindrance, especially when it comes to our religions and nationalism. Usually, regardless of right or wrong, even our parents as grownups and authority figures are influenced by their political belonging.

Even if they personally didn’t consider themselves as a success, they still will want you to follow what they have followed. So, you can be just like them, being just like them, means you are not unique but rather are an extension of your belonging group. Being an extension is nothing more than a political puppet. To me, being a spiritually aware being, you may have a problem because spirituality calls for nothing but the truth, yet politics is all about twisting the truth to gain power and control within the group and on other groups. Everything can flow smoothly and there is nothing wrong for you individually, until your politics of belonging comes in between your personal spirituality. As I said spirituality is nothing but the truth so, potentially chances are you can spiritually devolve. In today’s world real problem is, if you blindly follow, eventually you will become racist, bigot, prejudicial and discriminatory. Remember your group is not going to do it, so, its only you who can stand to fix this. Your political groups and even religions would rather you to be a racist than a seeker of the equal human rights. If they are prejudiced, they want you to be prejudiced and proud to be called a discriminatory being.

Logically if you are an atom of autonomy holding human being you are able to use free will and personal sense of justice. You will have difference of opinion with your parents and belonging group because you can think spiritually. Whether it’s your community, nation or religion, if they are calling the shots for you, you are not using your atom of autonomy. Meaning you are not taking your responsibilities, so you may end up feeling torn from within. With the gift of atom of autonomy all human beings are born CEO of their life, but political influences can weaken the knees of the strongest of us. So, we may not be able to see what is fair but if you have a strong personal sense of justice and are a good CEO. You got a problem because your parents, community or religion is calling for you to receive human rights but not to give back what you receive. Meaning being a spiritually aware CEO, you will know that you are not being fair and are going against universal equal human rights. You would not only wonder what is wrong with you, but also the people around you? In plain and simple words, politics of belonging is at the root of all that turmoil whether its personally internal and external.

When most people have been and are taught to gain more out of their investments, profit based business of finance comes to mind. Yet, in reality, if you have been taught and trained that way, you will look at your whole life as a time where you make transactional deals and nothing but. So, by choice you may end up doing business with God as well. So, logically you will try to go for the prayers instead of practically helping someone in need. Question is why that would be, and why you will follow that without questioning. If you choose the path of prayers exclusively, you are choosing the same mentality of investing less to gain more profit. Praying and worshiping without any physically meaningful outcome is like trying to secure a spot in heaven or in after life, with the least investment to gain more. MEANING, YOU ARE TRYING TO CHEAT EVEN WITH GOD. If you have a built-up habit of making more profit in everything you do. Potentially, you can create inner conflicts with yourself. Remember you yourself are an atom of autonomy holding spiritual entity. Who has to answer to the spiritual side of the self who follows spiritual principles of nothing but the truth. So, if you are told you will be saved and will have a spot in after you die, just by worshiping and praying to God. Yet those who don’t pray or worship or belong to opposing groups will go to hell regardless of their good deeds. If you live with the spiritual principles of practically helping someone in need you are actually working for and doing God’s work, yet you are told you will go to hell. ARE YOU KIDDING ME OR GOD? With this kind of political education, you have been taught or brain washed to be useless to God but useful to belonging group. With that habit of making profit and business-like transactions, your life may lack sense of spirituality, to the point that your spiritual relationships with God can become a very tricky and difficult path to walk on, simply because you fell victim to the politics of belonging. To me, you individually are responsible for the relationship between you and God. You are constantly being nagged from within to make you aware of your real morality with mortal nature. You may end up having your transactional habits conflicting with your atom of autonomy just to make you miserable yet from within and to boot even in your living years.

No matter what you have been preached by your Mullahs, Priests or Rabbis; remember other than your physicality, God does not need anything from you. God is self-sufficient and independent of all creation. God is the source of everything and the sustainer of all existence. God is not a business partner that you can bargain with or bribe with your rituals. God is not a tyrant that you can appease with your obedience or fear with your rebellion. God is not a judge that you can impress with your goodness or offend with your sins. God is the most merciful, the most compassionate, the most forgiving and the most loving entity. Depending on how you look at God. If you are stuck into political religious education, God is an unfair entity because politics taints our spirituality to the point that we can’t even look at God as a universally just entity. With God related, spiritually universal and just knowledge, as long you reciprocate honestly God wants you to be happy, peaceful, prosperous and successful in this life and the next. Always remember it’s you who is the converter of spirituality into physical actions to make God meaningful. So, if you lose your spiritual abilities and placing by the politics of belonging to other human beings, you automatically lose yourself importance, relevance, self-respect and even self-esteem because you simply become an extension of a group of people instead of God almighty.

As an autonomous and free-willed individual, you may have disagreements with your parents and your group identity. You may feel conflicted between following your own choices or the expectations of your community, nation or religion. You may question why you have to conform to certain norms or values of the world stuck into the past. That go against human rights or your personal beliefs. Remember all this is because you are influenced by the politics of belonging, which shapes how you relate to yourself, others and even with God. The politics of belonging to our groups is not about right or wrong, but rather it’s about expectations, loyalties and obedience. It is based on the traditions and practices of your ancestors, which are enforced by the current leaders of your group. Therefore, you may face pressure and resistance even from your parents and peers if you challenge or deviate from the politics of belonging.

The politics of belonging is a powerful force that literally affects your identity of being a human who’s puts a lot of value on their relationships. It is based on the legacy of your ancestors laced with the authority of your present group leaders. It determines what you should think, feel and do as a member of your community, nation or religion. Interestingly we evolve from the leadership of an alpha male era and then we have created our invisible yet consisted of people brother. Simply God was not showing up physically on demand, so, was not working very well for everyone so, big brother showed up as our political systems. Which still does not work because politics of belonging is against universal and equal human rights. Interestingly in today’s era humanity is changing because individual knowledge is growing. So, most of the population of the world is at a cross road where people may disagree with the politics of belonging to a group of people. Whether its about race, gender, nation or religion, equal human rights has thrown a wrench in the politics of belonging. Remember if you educated and are aware of equal human rights. As an individual you may want to follow your own path to join humanity as a whole. You may value human rights and personal beliefs more than loyalty and obedience to your group. You may feel torn between your individuality and your group identity. This is because by God you are an autonomous and free-willed CEO who can make your own choices without the genetical strings attached. Logically when people are taught to obey blindly and comply, it is to maintain order and harmony in the community, so automatically it’s on political based. However, especially as a human individual one should not blindly follow without questioning the rationale and the consequences of their actions. Simply because we are human beings who are not genetically programed like worker bees or warrior ants.

As I said before, if you follow as you are told or preached to personally rely solely on the prayers and worship. You are adopting a passive and against your nature and maybe even unrealistic mindset of expecting more rewards with less efforts. Praying and worshiping without any concrete and practical actions are like exclusively hoping for a place in heaven or being in good grace of God in after life, while ignoring the duties of present and living reality of human life. Being in living years where your work really matters for you and God simultaneously. So, you simply can’t ignore your own responsibilities of physical actions to convert spirituality into physical actions. In today’s time if you don’t question your traditional or ancestral knowledge and wholeheartedly believe in it as a complete, ultimate and unquestionable knowledge. You don’t have room to seek, learn more and evolve with time. Remember everything humanity does as a whole requires understanding the wisdom of equality but by following that causes a political problem where our belonging groups lose their political standings. That is why humanity is having trouble adopting to equal human rights. Always remember who is standing in the way of equal human rights, YES YOU FIGURED IT OUT, OUR POLITICAL RELIGIONS, YET THEY ARE ALL STANDING ON A GROUND OF AN UNKNOWN OR AT THE LEAST HARD TO BELIEVE AND DISBELIEVE. Regardless of our scientific and technologically advance present, still things are not so clear, especially when it comes to knowing God or life after death. At the least we all individually should go with the commonsense logic. If you want equal human rights for you and your loved ones but are not willing to give them to others, you will have to come off of your high horses of religious and political superiority so you can give and receive equal human rights.*************************************************************

As I wrote in a blog titled ” CLIF OF FAITH” we all are born on a path created by the footprints of our ancestors. So, regardless of our given path, we all are born on it without our personal or individual choice. If we don’t have a say, we are dependent on our installed data. TO BE WHO WE ARE BY OUR ANCESTORY OR BELONGING RATHER THAN BY GOD AS AN INDIVIDUAL. With our politically tainted installed data, not only we have been and are being brain washed at our tender age, but also are bombarded by our endocrinology. Which helps in reinforcement of those political influence. Making it much harder to even think independently, never mind becoming a CEO of our lives. Being influenced by our physical nature and belonging politics is a problem influencing us all from all directions. So, as an individual we have a difficult task to deal with this individual dilemma. This dilemma has the powers to rip and tear us all apart from within regardless of the level of our education. Especially as we become aware of our human status, remember as a human individual, we are not only responsible to control our animal desires but are responsible to strain out our political influences as well. We are designed to be just, so, we need to grow our non-political and spiritual side. Our individual atom of autonomy is there to complete the task.


If we all are exposed to an openly and shamelessly preached politics of belonging yet you carry your own and personal atom of autonomy within. These clashing forces not only will have the ability to rip us apart individually but also collectively as well. You can see, every group of people, race, gender, nations and even religions have been not only ripping themselves as groups to make more subgroups or sects by dividing humanity further instead. It’s time for us to individually evolve to the point that things can change from the bottom up. Remember top-down philosophy has never worked for humanity because our history shows, oppression literally fails eventually. So, why don’t we change our old school politics of belonging to our groups and think about belonging to humanity as a whole? Remember our atom of autonomy spiritually connects us all directly with our source or God. So, being a torn apart individual can, not only be troublesome individually but also collectively as well. If you start to question all kind of streaming or politically installed knowledge, you may individually open up the doors or even flood gates of your personal potential and the understanding that comes with it. As an ordinary individual, who is influenced by the hormones physically and is brain washed or bombarded by the political sense of belonging. Which can become overwhelming to the point that they rob you of your personal happiness and contentment. Especially being a mortal being things can become difficult to deal with.

As I said, we all, each and every single one of us is personally blessed with our own atom of autonomy. Which not only allows us to use our free will and personal sense of justice, but it also directly connects us to God. Since genetically we have been installed with our evolutionary nature, God is not to be blamed so it has to be our politicians who would like to control people, limit us to the point that we all become frogs in the pond. As human individual we are nothing like frogs so reaching for your potential is not going against as our religious leaders claim it is actually following God’s order to evolve.

Logically that puts human beings individually and collectively in a class of their own. We individually accept our knowledge as if streams or rivers are pouring into our personal and individual ocean. Not only, that exposes our abilities but also it shows or tells us all about our potential yet from within. Remember as we learn something new, we actually grow new neurons, meaning even our potential has a potential to evolve. If we are individually brain washed, not only our importance has been robbed by the few politicians. By wholeheartedly believing them, we individually rob our own selves off of our self-respect and even self-esteem. With low self-esteem people don’t question. That leaves them in a situation where they can be easily used politically. So, most political leaders use their tactics to keep the individual feeling weak and vulnerable. If they feel weak and vulnerable they automatically seek strength in numbers so they stay attached to their belonging groups. That makes our politicians cunning to the point that they not only use human individuals by making them believe in their irrelevance. They literally gain that political powers to even use God by making people believe God is on their side as well. Since, individually we all are blessed with a brain which can accommodate and absorb all sort of human knowledge simultaneously, we can actually pick, choose, mix and match to live our mortal lives with a lot more individual input. Sort of like ocean and space all rolled up and put together yet with some extra room for evolutionary capacities to spare. Interestingly our imagination can be very active and lightning fast to affect us physiologically. So, some of us can pull themselves from troubles and some of us get ourselves in real troubles just by thinking, yet all from within. Simply because we all, each and every single one of us not only carry our atom of autonomy within but also, we are able to use it. So, our installed data and atom of autonomy can create internal disputes. We as human beings are not only able to use our installed data but also question it. We literally can also think and create even a new knowledge for ourselves and the society we belong to. So, eventually the humanity as a whole evolves from individual explorations. Now if we have the ability to question and are able to look at our installed data without any political biased. Yet potentially with internal insecurities every one of us is vulnerable enough to become a non-questioning follower of our groups. Just like other creatures who are genetically programed, like worker bees or warrior ants. With our personal insecurities and brain washing, our political responsibilities and loyalties to our groups can override our individual responsibilities to be what we are supposed to be. A HUMAN BEING. Our political belonging has the power to blind us to the point that we don’t question anything related to our belonging groups. Meaning politically, most of us are left out to be so vulnerable that we forget that spiritually we personally and individually carry a God particle within us. That lack of spiritual awareness is not only degrading us to be human beings, but also it literally is clipping our wings of evolution as well. Remember other creatures may be limited to their genetics but God did not put those limitations for us human beings. So, we all individually will have to seek further to know what we really are or what kind of potential we carry within. Our politics of belonging is an external influence but interestingly we are influenced by our endocrinology from within as well. This double whammy of influences is not easy to counter unless individually we all become or at the least think like a CEO of our lives. As God had meant for us human beings.

As an atom of autonomy holding human individual, we are supposed to be able to override all kind of influences. For instance, influences of our animal nature from within is required to live in a social setting. Just like that we individually are responsible to counter our external influences like political of belonging. We individually are responsible for keeping us from reaching our personal and individual potential, and all because of our internal and external influences. If we individually and politically stay stuck into our one stream of knowledge. We simply can’t question and without questioning we can’t evolve or grow individually. Staying politically stuck hampers our individual abilities to be a completely free human individual. Just like everything else, anything not used or pursued in human body physically shrinks, spiritually our abilities to use our God given gift like atom of autonomy shrinks as well.

Remember that is the only direct and spiritual connection we have with God. If you are taught to lose your human identity to be identified by political belonging. Or lose your atom of autonomy by personally believing that you are nothing more than the physical form and act like an animal or other creatures. Potentially we all lose our individual status of being a human being. So, individually we will not only be acting like a political puppet for some other human beings, but also end up committing spiritual crimes against each other, God and humanity simultaneously. Interestingly regardless of the level of our evolution or individual education, we are still stuck in a downward spiral because we are hell bent to destroy the humanity as it’s known. Remember, as an individual we are politically influenced to the point that we regularly commit crimes in the name of our belonging groups yet with pride. Our race, nations and religions know all about the popularity, so they are aware of losing their importance and political powers over their belonging individuals. Since it’s a known fact for us as groups so no one wants to lose their belonging individuals. THE GAME OF BRAIN WASHING STARTS TO KEEP THEM INSECURE SO THEY CAN ALWAYS SEEK BELONGING. MEANING ALL POLITICAL GROUPS NATUREALLY WORK AGAINST INDIVIDUAL STRENGTH.


If you observe, it’s kind of obvious that our brain is similar to an ocean, knowledge pours into it from all directions. On top of that we have the ability to mix and match something came in decades apart. Not only we have memory we all can think, pick, choose, mix and match to make our decisions. Remember regardless of right or wrong, the less you think, more you will tend to follow others without questioning. All because of your sense of belonging, now the question is, why don’t you think, as an independent human being of present era. Remember you have been provided with your own atom of autonomy. God did not and I repeat did not create human being like other genetically programed creatures. So, if you are a human being, as Romi says, and I quote. ” A drop in the ocean everyone knows, an ocean in a drop rare one does”. If you yourself is holding an ocean within, yet with evolving capacities. It’s a waste of a human title and talent. Staying stuck in a pond like a frog is not for us human beings.

Sure, you are born on a path created by the footprints of your ancestors without your choice, you are raised with politically installed insecurities, and you are influenced by your hormones internally, but you are born as a human being. Who holds their own atom of autonomy. SO, DON’T UNDERMINE YOURSELF. A quote of Alama Iqbal comes to mind, and I quote. ” Why are you falling on a piece of wheat like a sparrow, keep your flight higher so you can become an Egal”. I personally don’t like to compare human beings with other genetically programed creatures but sometimes I have to get the message across.

Now let’s talk about thousands of non-connected paths created by the thousands of groups. Sure, we all are born into and belong to our groups physically, but spiritually as human beings we all belong to humanity as a whole. Just like a cell, regardless of the body part they belong to, actually belong to the body as a whole. Interestingly when it comes to our mortality, our groups can only say a prayer or two. Logically, if we are mortals, eventually that will stand us on the edge of our cliff of faith. Another blog post titled “CLIFF OF FAITH” discusses our metaphorical realities. One way or the other our mortality wins so; we all individually end up on this cliff. Remember I said metaphorical reality, all our knowledge belonging beyond our individual death or the edge of cliff of faith belong to our metaphorical based realities. You can believe in whatever your belonging group says so, but reality is, it still belongs to our metaphorical world. Since no one comes back to explain or show us any physical proofs. Remember we have been digging up the dead bodies of those who believed they would need physical and material things in the life after death. Yet still and interestingly everything beyond our death is preached to us as a thing you are not supposed to question. Believing in and having faith in after life has its meanings and that is to live our living years as good people. If you can become and live a good person’s life, great, but if you start to go to wars and kill each other. WELL, THAT IS WHERE I DRAW MY LINE FOR MYSELF. Life without questioning everything is not for me because to me if God created me with an evolutionary nature I should follow and see where it leads me. As a human being our real and more important reality is our physical reality. Yet we kill each other to rob our physical reality in the name of our metaphorical ones. With all those thousands of paths related explanations, humanity as a whole and God as a universal one God is suffering with auto immune disease yet we all individually have our ocean like brain. To me most important time of our existence is, while we are on our paths not beyond our living years. If you believe in something what gives you hope and optimism great, but again you simply can’t rob someone of their physical reality in the name of your metaphorical reality. Remember, you don’t really know your metaphorical reality as you know your physical one. You would not want anyone else to do that to you or to your loved ones. So, why do you let your Pundits, Mullahs Rabis or Priests influence you to the point that you kill or rob someone or do something, that you would not like done to you. If you believe in everything what you have been preached to be 100% right and undeniable truth, you may end up being torn from within because your atom of autonomy is sitting right within you to judge all your actions. On top of all that with our evolutionary process, when someone scientifically debunk and explains that your metaphorical reality is not a physical reality. So, you have to put your realities in their places and while you are at it add our virtual reality in the mix as well. With evolutionary nature we have had lots of politically created things like traditions, customs, rituals and rules. Depending on what path and era you are born into. If you believe in everything what you have been preached to be true, may change or be broken down to be false in the time and era you are born into.

Your atom of autonomy and evolutionary nature is from God and may be conflicting with your politically installed knowledge. So, in the era of science and technology things are being broken down and debunked. REMEMBER YOU SIMPLY CAN’T DO A HUMAN SACRIFICE TODAY. Would you or your belonging group try it openly today? Today belong to equal human individual rights so bigotry, prejudice and discrimination are not a matter or pride anymore. Remember today a doctor can get you pregnant with a choice of your Bady’s sex. Sheep cloning has been an old news now. Yet there are still some people think blood transfusion is wrong. They still believe and will say all those who follow science and technology to save human lives will end up in hell. It just does not make any sense to me, because I believe we all are God’s working hands, and we convert spirituality into physical actions. As I said earlier metaphorical and physical realities are different and they need to be put into their respected places. If our scientists and medical experts are showing us things in physical reality-based advancement of humanity. What do you think is more powerful to God? If you ask me, I will say God is great, and our evolution is making God even greater. I know I am stepping outside of my religious boundaries, but if God is allowing us all equally to breath oxygen, give us favorable life circumstances with our incredibly functioning bodies, there is a spiritual wisdom I want to talk about. Using my ocean like brain, I AM ENCOURAGED TO THINK BEYOND AND BREAK MY POLITICAL BOUNDARIES TO GET IN THE ZONE OF GOD, SPIRITUALITY AND WHERE THINGS ARE GOOD FOR HUMANITY AS A WHOLE. Instead of staying stuck in a pond like frog, or on anyone political path belonging to certain group of people.

What is beyond our cliff of faith? This question has been and still is answered in four thousand and two hundred active ways. Yet we have a graveyard of ten thousand religious’ beliefs. Totally confusing to an ordinary human being and making them oceans apart in their politically infected opinions. Gladly, controlled and used by the few elite human beings. If God has created us all with our own and individual atom of autonomy, why can’t we overcome and think beyond our politically laced sense of belonging? Remember spirituality is universal just like God, a clear sign of this reality is that good people are found in all human societies. So, what is our problem? Other than politics of belonging I can’t find any reason, why do we have forty-two hundred religions.

Thousands of thousands of year-old religions yet we still don’t have any physical and concrete proof with repeatable physical facts of our metaphorical realities. What is holding us back? Why there is nothing standing on scientifically solid grounds when it comes to our metaphorical realities? Why don’t we know what is beyond our cliff of faith? My understanding is that human being is a physical reality merging with spiritual or metaphorical reality like two electric wires. You simply can’t light up the bulb of knowledge with one. God or no God or how high or low you put human being in the grand scheme of life. You simply can’t take the importance of physical reality and depend or rely on the metaphoric one exclusively. Remember all metaphorical realities have to become physical to be meaningful. For instance, all spiritual thoughts mean nothing until they are performed physically. You can choose to be positive or negative, but you still need the other one to light up your spiritual light. So, science or not, religion or not, with our personal and individual atom of autonomy we all can clearly see the differences between metaphorical and physical realities. Yet we end up surrendering all the best of being a human being to our political belonging and personal insecurities, simply to fit in, impress or having a strong desire to be admired by our belonging groups.

Another example is, obviously it’s a metaphoric one just to prove my point. Say God is like a human body, to clear the clutter I would mention a body as a whole. So, logically proven we have roughly ten trillion cells and we need hundred trillion other bacteria or foreign life to function. In the nutshell I am saying life even at our individual level is extremely complex and not completely understood. Anyway, God is like a whole human body with trillions of cells, and we are like an individual cell of that body. If you look at our cells, they may seem very insignificant but are crucial for the life and wellbeing of the body itself. Remember cancer can start from a single cell and has the ability to take the whole body down. Now let’s picture that two cells in the arm are talking to each other. One asks the other, do you think the body exist? Well of cores not, we belong to the arm and whatever our arm says we belong to that. One thing I have to clear here that as cells have not seen the body from outside nor they have the comprehension or understanding beyond their education. They do feel that they have been provided life force and life sustaining circumstances to function. Now let’s go a little further to see what is really going on in the humanity. For example, those cells believe that they belong to the arm exclusively and they have the right to fight and protect the arm even against the very forces who are there to protect the whole body and its functionality. Lack of our knowledge and understanding speaks loudly in our humanity. REGARDLESS OF OUR EVOLUTION AND UNDERSTNDING WE LITERALLY HAVE GIVEN AN AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE TO GOD ALMIGHTY. Not because of our knowledge, but rather lack of our knowledge. Since everyone believes that they belong to certain body part not the body as a whole. Remember God, spirituality and justice, being universal point towards our body or humanity as a whole. Today’s problems are clearly pointing towards lack of our knowledge. Especially when it comes to Global warming and related issues. Demands of equal human individual rights and resistance to them is an example of that lack of our knowledge. If we are like those cells, we have a duty to understand our individual standings. Not knowing how the body is functioning, can lead us all to destroy ourselves all because of our half knowledge. Everything from individual to groups to humanity to God and everything in between functions in harmony. So, if as human beings, we say we are part of our groups not the body or humanity it simply is coming from our political and half knowledge. DON’T FORGET THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING THAT AS HUMANITY, WE ARE STILL PHYSICALLY EVOLVING.

Since sense of being a spiritual being belongs to our personal and individual atom of autonomy or we physically belong to our atom of autonomy, either way we don’t clearly or really know what it is our atom of autonomy, and where did it come from. So, logically, everything we know or talk about ourselves is still in the process of evolution. Interestingly we still don’t know what and who we really are? Why are we mortal? What is the purpose of our living years? Why do we put so much emphases on our life after death? To the point we rob each other over it. Interestingly if you believe that you know everything, logically you are denying your evolutionary nature. If you deny that, why do you think we are learning and discovering new things every day? Why humanity as a whole has not been stuck in the era of religious beliefs? Never mind that, regardless of all the progress humanity has made, why have you been believing in your complete knowledge? Just try removing the cap of your political belonging and see what shows up for you? Any way half knowledge is better than no knowledge, but more knowledge is better. So, we need to keep seeking, until we can figure things out so we can stop killing each other in the name of what we clearly don’t know. If some of us were not seeking, humanity would not be where is today. Scientifically and technologically, we have been evolving leaps and bounds but socially we have been stuck in a limbo because we believe we are part of our body part. I personally am waiting for the day, which may not come in my lifetime but still I can hope for the worldwide equal human individual rights. Equal and pure of political influences justice for each and every one of us. So, to me United Nation has to put out what it has been created for. If justice has being bought or influenced by some nations, things can never change to bring worldwide equal human rights.

If everyone is influenced individually and collectively by their political belonging, an individual would never know about their importance. Some of us don’t even know, why do we have our personal atom of autonomy or where did it come from. Ever wonder why do humans have free will individually or why are we aware of our ability to have personal sense of justice or God like abilities? We simply have to question everything. Remember spirituality has to be converted to physical actions to be functioning and meaningful. That means even God has to put out physically and perform to be helpful and to be believed in. Imagine if no one ever gets their prayers answered, would any one pray or worship?

If things show up in our imagination, where do they come from? Would they be meaningful if they just stay suspended in our imagination? A question comes to mind why religious people try to control even the human imagination? Why do they condemn scientific or medical discoveries? If it is not for political control, what would be their motive? Come to think about it, remember there are still people who don’t even believe in blood transfusion. Never mind abortion, gender selection, test-tube babies, transplants, stem cell research or even cloning. It’s a proven fact that all these progresses have saved millions of lives yet looking at the religious extreme, we can’t even count the number of lives it has taken.

As I said if we are cells of God, and we provide physicality to Godly actions to be meaningful. Question is why we should be against all our medical advancements, after all we are saving God’s working hands. Now remember being against advancements does not save lives, so being against abortion can be a contradiction in the nutshell hiding politics of control. Our pursuit of everything in life comes from our Godly installed atom of autonomy, so why our religious brothers stand against it all? I could be biased but I think it’s all politically tainted and God has nothing to do with it all.

Logically and interestingly we all are born into our groups without our choice, so as we grow up, we have to understand a lot more than the politics of belonging. Simple truth is that our politicians will lose their powers, if everyone start to ask questions. Sure, a group can’t exist without its politics. So, we have to have some kind of sense of belonging to have order in community or strength to protect our freedom. Yet as a human individual with spiritual awareness we know that we don’t only belong to our groups like puppets. We all come with our exclusively own atom of autonomy. Which directly connects us all spiritually to God and physically to humanity as a whole. It’s true that we all are born on our ancestral path but what you hold within or come with, tells a different story of belonging. Just like cells in the arm, leg or organ can claim to belong to specific group but the real story tells something else. Our body has to function as a whole to take care of its cells, so belonging to God spiritually is a must but it’s essential to physically belong to humanity as a whole. If you logically look at it, you will discover that we don’t belong to our groups, nations or religions we simply belong to God and humanity as one God and one humanity. If your group says your path is a true path to God or even beyond the cliff. They simply are making even God a political entity. Ever wonder why we don’t have a clear picture of life beyond our cliff of faith? First of all, it’s because we are still in the process of evolution. Second and most important is that we simply are supplying physicality to Godly work in our living years. Meaning, physically converting spirituality into meaningful actions is a big, important and Godly job so as human individuals we all should take pride in being a human being instead of being a political puppet. Being a human being, we all have our responsibilities to use our brains to live our lives as a human being. As a human being if you can take all the streams and rivers related pouring knowledge and still grow new neurons, you need to learn a lot more about yourself. If your brain is not less than an ocean, why would you want to blindly follow your stream related knowledge. So, staying stuck in a stream or river like knowledge is degrading or demoting to human individual because they carry an ocean like brain.


As human beings we all, each and every single one of us come to this life without any personal decision. If someone says otherwise, they are speaking from their metaphorical but not physical reality. Sure, we don’t just show up, there are known and unknown spiritual purpose to us. So, looking at ourselves as a creature would be different than when we look at ourselves with some spiritual content. Either extreme is one sided so its half of the human story or picture. So, let’s remove our installed data related points of views and around so see what is going on. If you are certain color, gender of race, you will see all the differences but dig a little deeper and as I said remove your politics of belonging to your groups and then see. You will see you will need exactly the same things to live and function. You will age and die exactly the same way, you will feel happy, sad even spiritually satisfied by the same things and yes exactly the same way. Now, find me the differences which don’t relate to your installed data. What I am saying, is that we all come from exactly the same thing like a coral reef, but we can’t live like it. Regardless of all the knowledge and wisdom we are living without any harmony simply because of our political belonging. To me one thing is clear just like I am alive, and that is that our personal and individual insecurities make us seek shelter in the strength of our group. So, regardless our color, gender, nation or religious beliefs, as groups we all become a political party, and as political parties we are going to lie and twist the truth to gain and stay in power. Meaning we are never going to give up those powers and work against the individual strength and equal human rights. So, it is up to the individual to assume their CEO status. Only then things are going to change because as an individual we can be honest and spiritual. As groups politics of belonging overrides even their spirituality. We all individually have to change to the point that we can learn to live like a coral reef regardless of our colors.

What happens to us after we die, has nothing to do with anything other than politics so individually and personally it all should be focused on our living years by us. Since we all, no exception supposed to serve a purpose of Godly work which is converting spirituality into physical actions, but our atom of autonomy or God like abilities have changed everything so some of us choose to do Devilish things. Reason why we are blessed with our personal atom of autonomy is to choose, not because of Devil, but to show the value of good and curse of bad. Remember they both have to exist to show us why individually we should choose good. Not only to judge ourselves but each other as well. Simply to understand not only our political belonging, related racism, nationalism, belief systems or even other related actions. All in our good or bad yet exclusively in living years. That is why in the end of the day individually we are all responsible for our actions. So, spiritual awareness of being a human being is crucial for all of us. Remember we literally give physical life to God, spirituality, our groups, humanity and even Devil to be meaningful.


Since, being a physical entity, as human individuals, we bring along our Godly particle or spiritual side of us from before our birth. That is why I call it an atom of autonomy. Not only it allows human beings to use free will, but also their personal and individual sense of justice as well. So, as a free human being or an individual in all physical and spiritual manors, we can choose to be compassionate, brave, generous and loving or the other way around. We individually can have the ability to sacrifice and love or hurt others yet all with a choice, so it’s crucial to be aware of what does it take to be a human being.

Something to state here clearly, my motive is not, and I repeat not for someone to reject their belief system or religion. Rather it’s to make them understand the importance of their spirituality. Which has been lost in the mambo jumbo of politics of belonging to their group. So, separating politics of belonging to groups and belonging to humanity as a whole, spirituality and God is crucial. Having a God for every group of human beings is plain and simple none sense because it’s the spirituality of the individual what keeps the humanity functioning. There are good and bad people in all groups of people that should tell this story clearly. Our wars and more than four thousand religious beliefs are telling a story as well. That there is something animalistic going on since the beginning of our awareness. Being a spiritual being, allows us all to tolerate each other as God’s people and see God in others regardless of the different colors, races, nations and religious beliefs. To understand this beyond the politics of belonging can help us all to separate our politics of belonging and universal things like spirituality, humanity and God. Spirituality can be enjoyed, in its no none sense pure, and action based physical form. So, regardless of how many religions we have, things will always be going wrong if we put our metaphorical realities above and beyond anyone’s physical realities. Meanings, no matter how deeply you feel or how much you have been inspired or brain washed by your political belonging, you simply can’t be allowed to kill any human individual in the name of your race, gender, nation, belief systems or even God. Simply because, when as human beings we convert spirituality into physical actions only then a metaphorical reality takes a physical form. When we make God a physical reality, it’s because God made us a spiritual being to begin with. So, no matter how and what you believe in, logically your physical reality is a status above all your metaphorical realities. Remember, things in the air of your thoughts are not happening physically, unless you make them happen. If things don’t happen physically, they don’t have any meanings. Just like you can’t be punished in the court of law unless you commit the crime physically.


When our powerful imagination comes to play, things can even become physical. Just look at the placebo effects and meditation with broadmindedness, both can have the powers to give you physical results yet in reality all from the thin air. Interestingly our imagination comes as a package so, believing in that good side of it is half of the story. You can literally work against even the physical illnesses, or if you go to the harmful side, you can create stress related physical illnesses and even anxiety or depression for yourself. SIMPLY FROM THE THIN AIR. So, make things small, if you don’t want them and if you want them stay focus to allow them to happen, sort of visualization in sports.

Remember our groups have been brainwashing us to believe our powers come from being part of a group, not the other way around. So, you simply will have to become a CEO of your personal life to break those chains of irrelevance. Breaking out of the group political belonging requires individual strength, so first of all you will have to deal with your personal insecurities. Most of the time they are created by the political motives related education coming from our groups. All you have to do is to start to look at yourself critically. So, you can discover, WHAT AND WHO YOU REALLY ARE? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS HOLDING THE GOD PARTICLEL; YOU SIMPLY ARE NOT CREATED LIKE OTHER GENETICALLY PROGRAMED CREATURES. YOU ARE CREATED AS A PERFECTLY FUNCTIONING INDEPENDENT ENTITY. TO BOOT EVEN GOD’S WORK DOES NOT TAKE PLACE WITHOUT YOUR PHYSICAL INPUT. NOW LOOK AT IT CRITICALLY, WHAT MAKES YOU AN IRRELEVANT ENTITY? IF POLITICS OF BELONGING TO YOUR GROUP IS ROBBING YOU OF YOUR RELEVANCE AND SELF-ESTEEM. THINK AND RETHINK THE WHOLE EDUCATION YOU HAVE RECIEVED AS A GROWING UP CHILD. PHYSICALLY TAKE CHARGE OF TO BECOME WHAT GOD ACTUALLY HAD MEANT FOR HUMAN BEINGS.

If a human individual is allowed to express their physical and spiritual sides openly yet without any influences of political belonging. That would create powerful human individuals, and since that goes against group agendas. Individual strength is looked down by most groups for political purposes. So, logically groups would go against any kind of individual freedom. Remember even God did not control that side of human beings so it’s totally coming from other insecure human beings who think our group is our strength. So, typically this extra ordinary and powerful ability of the human individual is not encouraged by our belonging groups. Whether it’s a race, nation or religion, most human groups collectively work against these individual abilities of the human beings. SIMPLY TO STAY IN POWER. So, even the awareness of our atom of autonomy is politically discouraged or even suppressed by most if not every group of people. Since encouraging their belonging individuals to think independently is not in the best interest of groups. They automatically create a gap between God and human individual for political purposes. Yet we are like the cells of the physical body of God. Our groups, actually spend a whole lot of energy in suppressing individual freedom by extensively preaching sense of belonging and loyalties to it. TO THE POINT THAT EVEN THE INDIVIDUALS THEMSELVES DEGRADE THEMSELVES. THEY BECOME LIKE WARRIOR ANTS YET WITH PRIDE, RATHER THAN TO BECOME A CEO WHO QUESTION EVERYTHING.


That leads to a thought what does this do to the individual’s psyche? Would they lose self-respect and self-esteem and become irrelevant? Individuals in that state of mind choose to belong rather than to think independently. If you can make them, feel that they automatically will have lack of self-esteem. Especially without their groups. So, how far they will go for their belonging groups? Would they become bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory and commit spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups? For sure they will commit all kind of spiritual crimes for their religions yet in the name of God. Question is why don’t we ask ourselves, why did we all have and come with our own and personal atom of autonomy? After all, individually we use our free will all the time, so why not when it comes to our personal sense of justice? Why do we join mobs to kill innocents? Don’t we have the ability to make a choice and judge? Remember the reason, it’s all because we have been preached and brain washed to believe in our irrelevance, so whatever our group orders we follow.


How Many Religions Are There in the World?

By Staff WriterLast Updated March 28, 2020



There are an estimated 4,200 different religions in the world, and these can be categorized into several main religions. These include Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism, although Roman Catholicism is often categorized under Christianity. There are many smaller yet still prevalent religions, such as the Baha’i faith. ******

Remember it can be really dangerous for humanity and even God to survive when you divide them in that many pieces. Simply because of our extreme behaviors related to defending our religious beliefs. If you ask yourself how and why your religious beliefs effect you so deeply, and why it is able to reach us deep into our emotions. Need for asking these questions is immense, especially in the era of equal human individual rights, because if our religious beliefs and nationalism have the powers to emotionally pull us all individually. Things need to be changed at individual level because when it comes to us as groups our collective ego add fuel to the fire. Being born in the era of equal human rights puts responsibilities on the individual shoulders, because personally no one wants to be treated as inferior to anyone. This is the main reason why human rights are accepted as a new religion around the world. So, if you preach that you somehow become or are better than others just because you belong to certain race, color, gender, nation or even what you believe in. MARK MY WORDS, AND DON’T FORGET, YOU ARE WORKING AGAINST THE EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS. REMEMBER IT WILL NOT STOP THERE, NOT ONLY YOU PERSONALLY CAN BE LABLED AS A PREACHER OF BIGOTRY, PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION AS ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE, BUT ALSO BE PROUD OF. NOW WHEN YOU ARE THERE, IN REALITY, YOU LITERALLY ARE ATTACHING THESE INSECURITIES RELATED HUMAN TRAITS TO GOD AS WELL. SO, TO ME, THAT IS WHAT’S WRONG YET FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. IN THIS PICTURE OF GROUP BELONGING HUMANITY HAS NEVER BEEN WITHOUT ITS WARS. POLITICS OF BELONGING TO OUR GROUPS IS THE MAIN CULPRIT FOR ALL THE WRONG HUMANITY HAS BEEN DEALING WITH. YET INTERESTINGLY WITHOUT ANY MAJOR SUCCESS UNTIL THIS RECENT HISTORY. DESIRE FOR EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS IS A SIGN OF HOPE THAT WE MAY NOT CREATE A LIVING HELL ON EARTH AS PREDICTED IN OUR HOLY SCRIPTURES.

Politics of belonging has been and still able to keep the individual as an irrelevant part of our groups but now humanity is seeking equal human rights. Which will have global reach and with the help of our technologies there is a good possibility that we can overcome our old style of playing politics. So, regardless of human holding personal atom of autonomy, most of our groups have been able to make their individuals feel weak and vulnerable. Yet God has nothing to do with all that, our politics of belonging is simply robbing us all individually for political reasons. Remember governing and politically controlling is easier if the individual feels weak and vulnerable. If people are stronger as an individual and speak their minds groups lose their powers and influences. So, those power-hungry and controlling politicians are simply following their ancestral or old ways of doing politics. Old style politics calls for weaker individual because on the surface they make a stronger group, meaning a non-questioning individual is good for the group strength. So, any group including our religions follow and play that same political game. To them that is what has always worked, so equal human rights are A MODERN-DAY METAPHORICAL WRENCH, WHICH IS SCREWING UP EVERYTHING FOR THEM. SO, THEY ARE NOT ONLY HESITANT TO CHANGE THEIR POLITICS TO ADOPT, BUT RATHER THEY ARE FIGHTING BACK AGAINST EQUAL HUMAN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

In today’s times if you are a political party and using religion to gain powers to govern or want to stay in power. You are not only using God and religion for political purposes, but you are also actually working against the respect of religious belief or even God as well. Remember if God does not show up to stop you, an ordinary individual may lose their faith. So, to me it’s all on your shoulders because you are using God and religion for political purposes instead of spiritual reasons. If people are too eager to keep their religion in power, they literally rob the spiritual content and respect of their religion. Which can be deadly for their religion. Remember it’s an absurdity to have more than four thousand religions in one humanity. Especially if we all individually are equipped with our own atom of autonomy from before birth and are designed to evolve. My question is, if there are only hand full of popular religions what happened to the rest of the? It’s kind of obvious to see the trail of dead religions like kingdoms and empires. Humanity has left behind because of its evolutionary nature. If you want to kill your religions, simply make them political. If you want to save them protect their spiritual content and remove or separate it from the poison of political belonging. Remember you are a working hand to make God a physical reality, don’t chop them in the name of your political belonging.

From the bush and cave era to recent history, humanity has never longed for equal human rights. So, in present times, evolving humanity is turning the page on old ways of doing things. In today’s world, internet is full of the videos of barbaric practices. Not to glorify religious ways of doing things, but to ashamed people for following their religious practices. Those videos for there to show that how bad we can be in doing things to others what we don’t like done to us or to our loved ones. Everything is simply exposed, not only to the belonging group’s individuals but to the whole world. Which not only explains the bad side of our collective ego, BUT IT ALSO EXPOSES THE REASONS OF WHATEVER MAKES AN ORDINARY INDIVIDUAL TO BECOME A BIGOT, PREJUDICED AND DISCRIMINATORY INDIVIDUAL. YET AT THE SAME TIME, IT EXPOSES US TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY. WHERE WE ARE PROGRESSIVELY THINKING THAT ALL THESE TRAITS ARE SHAMEFUL ACTS RATHER THAN TO BE PROUD OF. HUMANITY IS CHANGING BUT OUR POPULATIONS ARE NOT CHANGING AT THE SAME SPEED TO ADOPT THOSE CHANGES. WHICH MAKES ACHIEVING EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS IN RAPPIDLY CAHANGING HUMANITY A SLOW PROCESS. YET EVOLVING TO SEEK EQUAL HUMAN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND FORCING THE CHANGING AT THE SAME TIME CAN BE CONFLICTING. ESPECIALLY WHEN OUR BELIEF SYSTEMS OR SO MANY OF THEM HAVE EXTREME AS AN ESSENTIAL CONTENT. So, forcefully imposing political opinions, even if they are related to our metaphorical realities are impossible to preach. There were days when religions ruled the world yet in the name of God. No one, even kings did not question but those days are long gone. Today, even the most conservative and religious societies are suffering from not only losing powers to liberalism, but they actually are also suffering from higher social and spiritual crime rates. Interestingly even higher than the secular societies so, they are being ridiculed and are paying the price of keeping their individuals as irrelevant. In today’s era lines of groups are blurring and disappearing, remember we have melting pot societies around the world, and they are successful because the human talent has been migrating, where they feel valuable and relevant. Today’s individuals know their importance and have strong desire to follow modern day phenomenon of giving and receiving equal human individual rights. Internet and related technologies have changed everything, so no one has time and even ability to suppress the news because it spreads instantly. Which threatens and keep the groups in check. So, political and especially the politically tainted religious groups are in a political limbo. Simply because their own younger generations are in conflicts with their old-style political belonging. GROUPS HAVE ALWAYS AND ARE STILL PREACHING LOYALTIES TO BELONGING AS AN ULTIMATE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING. YET HUMANITY IS LEANING TOWARDS ACCEPTING EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS AS A NEW RELIGION WHICH MAKES BIGOTRY, PREJUDICE, AND DISCRIMINATION AS SHAMEFUL ACTS OF GROUPS. WHICH MAKES NEW GENERATIONS WHO ARE USING PERSONAL SENSE OF JUSTICE ARE TORN BETWEEN THEIR GROUPS AND TRENDS OF HUMANITY. WHICH MAKES THEM BELIEVE IN EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS. INSTEAD OF BEING PROUD OF BEING A BIGOT.

As a human individual we all ARE BORN WITH our atom of autonomy related abilities, so free will and personal sense of justice is able to show us all the dark and blackened face of humanity. Sure, we all know and understand everything, but our sense of belonging has the blinding powers for most of us. Yes, for some but not all of us, just to keep the story of conflicts going. Until we all are evolved enough to understand and know everything about our personal atom of autonomy. Hormones or not politics of not, religion or not God or not, ultimately, we all are responsible for our actions.

Our individual abilities and personal powers show us how to be a CEO of our lives. Interestingly these abilities are not only causing harm to humanity we individually are suffering as well. For instance, from our imagination, we can create a physical picture for us, yet out of thin air. Meaning we can literally create something powerful yet with physical effects on us, right from our thought process. So, it is not only limited to our innovative side to create things like cars, planes or anything which can help us to live our lives at larger scale. Unfortunately, our imagination can take us in all different areas of life as well. For instance, if you have a thought which brings or creates a scary picture of being out of control can simply raise your heart rate. Which has the potential to eventually rob your physical health yet all from your imagination related thoughts. Or the other way around you can create a useful and health creating picture, by believing and doing some meditation. Simply, you are able to make yourself feel good, yet all from or I should call it out of thin air.

FOCUS AND LEARN ALL ABOUT YOUR IMAGINATION RELATED ABILITIES BEFORE GETTING INTO TROUBLE. IF POLITICS OF BELONGING IS ROBBING YOUR ATOM OF AUTONOMY RELATED ABILITIES, ITS TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE CHARGE AND BECOME A CEO OF YOUR LIFE. So, you don’t create anxiety and depression out of thin air. Instead go to the other side, where you can remove yourself from all that to become calm or comfortable, all from the power of your imagination. So, don’t you want to learn more about yourself before you start to blame other people, your education and even God for not showing up to help you whenever you call for God.

EVER WONDER WHAT AND WHO YOU REALLY ARE? IF YOU DON’T ASK THESE QUESTIONS TO YOURSELF, YOU SIMPLY CAN’T FIND THE ANSWERS. IF YOU DON’T, SOMEONE ELSE WILL TELL YOU WHO AND WHAT YOU ARE BUT THAT IS NOT WHO YOU ARE BY GOD RATHER ITS BY YOUR BELONGING GROUP. USUALLY, THEY WILL BE TELLING YOU TO BE A PUPPET, A WORKER BEE OR A WARRIOR ANT FOR YOUR BELONGING GROUP BUT NEVER A HUMAN BEING. BY GOD, HUMAN BEINGS INDIVIDUALLY ARE HOLDING THEIR OWN ATOM OF AUTONOMY. Now the question is should you allow all that happen to you and why? Well, that has been happening, and still is happening all the time. If you know you are designed to be a human being who carry their own atom of autonomy, why would you let others pull your strings like a puppet? If you believe a group is stronger with weaker individuals, think again because a group’s strength is their belonging individual. A stronger thread makes a stronger fabric so even God would want to and help those who help themselves. Since, God is involved in providing oxygen, functioning body and favorable life circumstances, our actions are not exclusively of a human being. If we are evolving, we can understand that help which we have absolutely no control over.

Remember we don’t just show up as an ultimate and complete entity, regardless of your ocean like brain and unlimited or boundless spirit, we can be politically influenced by our belonging groups. In our physical reality we have been installed and influenced with different and dominating streams of knowledge. Unfortunately, we stay stuck within those streams of knowledge regardless of our ocean like abilities. We all should be able to pick, choose, mix and match our knowledge related to ocean instead of staying stuck in the stream. Our limitations are simply relating to our streams of knowledge, yet our physical reality is, that we all can easily refer to our ocean like library simply by a thought. This brings us and exposes us to understand our different forms of realities.

Interestingly, we all, each and every single one of us comes with certain set of hormones or chemicals effecting our brains and even our imagination to behave differently. We are installed with not only our imagination but with evolving one so as a human individual not only we have potential to evolve but rather with an evolving potential so there this is no end for us to adopt to higher levels. Even the vastness of oceans and space all rolled up in one can easily fit into our evolving imagination, yet with extra room left for further knowledge. On the other side our political belonging has been and still has phenomenal powers over us, to limit us or even demote us from being a human being.

Evolution ingrained within our genetics, we simply can’t stop ourselves from breaking all the boundaries and evolving. Sure, there are political forces trying to keep their populations into conservative ideologies, but things have never worked for them and still are not working very well for them. Simply look around and see, is the world where it was even fifty years ago. New generations don’t want to ride on extremely curvy rail tracks and slow trains anymore. They are questioning to the point even the most conservative societies are changing to adopt. Everyone wants to quench their thirst of knowledge, yet our conservative ideologies try to hold their populations by putting hurdles of political belonging and reminders of loyalties. So, there is a constantly widening gulf of beliefs among the populations and even families. That is why as individuals we have not been able to come up with clear and ultimate answers to create peace in the world. A weaker individual with low self-esteem would always stick with their belonging group so powerful sense of belonging to our respected groups has been and is behind our disputes. It has always been and actually still is a hurdle in our evolution. Yet interestingly humanity keeps on evolving. Sure, we have been and are still experimenting with all sorts of governing systems but in today’s humanity things are changing so fast that it has thrown the balance out. Our speeding trains are too fast to run on the old rail tracks, so derailments are happening at our individual level and even collectively we are being torn apart. Interestingly one good thing is coming out of this chaos. Regardless of our race, nation or religions, our individuals have become fascinated by the desire of equal human rights. So, equal human individual rights are desired and demanded around the world.

AS HUMANITY WE SIMPLY CAN’T AFFORD TO HAVE HUNDREDS OF NATIONS, THOUSANDS OF RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND MILLIONS OF POLITICAL GROUPS PASSIONATELY TRENCHED INTO THEIR IDOLOGIES. IT WAS FINE UNTIL MODERNIZATION CAME ALONG TO MAKE THE WORLD A SMALL VILLIGE. REMEMBER AS GROUPS WE TEND TO FIGHT AND KILL EACH OTHERS’ INDIVIDUALS. TODAY’S WAR WEAPONRY IS CLEARLY TELLING US ALL TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP ON THE EVOLUTIONARY LADDER. WHERE WE ALL CAN BELONG TO HUMANITY AS A WHOLE AND OUTGROW OUR GROUP POLITICS, SIMPLY TO SURVIVE. If we kill each other over our difference of collective opinions, so it’s time for the individuals to put their foot down. Remember a thinking individual can save a ship full of emotionally charged feelers. With speeding train related modern day’s evolving war weaponry, things are not matching very well to keep the humanity going. Individual loyalties to their groups can have the potential to destroy the world so, spiritually aware individual or individuals can save it as well. In the nutshell, our politically motivated groups have brought us on the brink of total destruction of humanity. So, I am going to speak my truth, it may not be popular because it may go against the conservative and religious population, but since this is our modern-day reality, it’s time to make some serious changes. Today we have thriving equal human rights yet with solidly trenched in conservative forces. They openly yet with pride preach bigotry, prejudice and discrimination, so, it’s a time when humanity needs to look at our physical and metaphorical realities seriously. As I said, we don’t just show up as an individual belonging to our groups, as human beings we are a lot more than our political groups say so. We individually need to look at the needs of humanity yet with logical foundation. Sure, we will still have a lot more to discover, but how are we going to do that, if everyone is locked into their politically dominating pigeonholes. If individually you fear the outside world and don’t question your belonging politics, you will never come out of those pigeonholes. Your belonging groups have created them for the individual to feel secure. You will follow them if you are suffering from personal and individual insecurities. So, if every group is preaching this politics, we will never stop killing each other in the name of our belonging groups or even over our metaphorical realities. Remember as a human individual we all have our personal sense of justice and free will and that makes us all individually responsible for our actions.

Logically individual is the thread of the fabric so fabric exists because of the individual. Not the other way around so our groups are a physical reality because of belonging individua. Interestingly if you look at spirituality and our metaphorical reality like God, human individual’s physicality makes God a physical reality. Spiritually God is our spiritual fabric because of the human individual’s physicality, if you remove human physicality would all the good take place physically? Remember our social systems are part of our individual lives not the other way around. Since you are mortal and running out of time, you have to take charge and understand this side of your physical story before it’s too late for you. For instance, if you need oxygen to even live, do you think your group, nation or religion has anything to do with it? Or can they do anything more than saying a prayer for you? Sure, they help you when you need them in your vulnerable years, but they simply can’t keep you alive because they depend on the same things what keeps you alive. That is why I believe we all have a direct connection with God via our personal and individual atom of autonomy. So, instead of looking back, I prefer to look at the era I am born into. I don’t put a whole lot of value on the way things were done in our past, rather I like to see what kind of needs we need to meet when and where we are born. What are our personal and individual responsibilities? Why, we come to this life in this era and legitimately questioning why do we need to live and carry on our past related era with us?



Unfortunately, some of us have been brain washed at tender years and taught to believe in extreme of one way or the other. We passionately argue about the existence of God, simply because of our pride we take in being right, yet without our complete knowledge. As I said we are an evolving entity and are a CEO of our individual life, so we individually have to put all these streams of knowledge as streams in their place. Where we can pick, choose, mix and match to live our personal lives with spiritual awareness and related responsibilities. Scientifically we can’t even break down our feelings of love, compassion, bravery, generosity and sacrifice, NEVER MIND THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. In the end of the day, we all, no exceptions, are responsible for some quality and spiritual richness in our temporary lives. We need to live with spiritual comfort not spending all our temporary life trying to play with numbers, just to get the right answer. Two plus two equal four may not be four as we age, so it’s important to make everything else small and shoot for happiness and contentment instead of relying on taught knowledge of life after death. Where eventually you will be happy and content. Remember if you have established a habit of being discontent and unhappy in your living years, are you sure you will be happy and content in life after death? You may even give God a very hard time. Sacrificing happiness and contentment and die like a robot, without the fulfillments, is not a human thing, especially not a CEO thing. So, regardless of our political education, as human beings we all have a choice how to live? NOW THE QUESTION IS, IS IT AN ABSOLUTE PERSONAL CHOICE? Well, this is where people can easily get into debates and disputes. Yet it’s strictly up to you how far do you want to go in that rabbit hole. Personally, I would rather believe in God to live as a human being who can gladly take three point nine and be happy about it. Living a life of a robot to get two plus two equal four as a priority may be is a sign of brain washing as well. Especially if you are trying to get that at the price of happiness and contentment. If it does not or I can’t add up to four, I will accept three point nine to live my mortal life happily, because it’s a priority for a mortal to live like a mortal. I can imagine how hard it would be for God to keep people happy even in heaven.


It sure is hard to undo millions of years of living as groups, but this change is necessary in today’s times because of where we are today with our war weaponry. I can imagine, if individual was respected to be relevant and never was pushed around into agreeing with the majority by force. As our groups have been demanding from the individuals to be loyal without questioning. Where would the world be today? If no one had questioned our Emperors, Kings, Dictators, Autocrats, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Political religious leaders or any kind of political power holding human individuals? I hate to go in the zone of assumptions, but I can easily assume that without our individual weakness and collective group ego, things would be absolutely different. We would have achieved equal human individual rights long time ago, instead of still struggling even in this day and age. Without the political influences of our groups, we definitely would have less political lines on the physical glob. Especially our wars would be a thing of the past if we had individually believed in belonging to humanity as a whole instead of our groups. Just imagine, how far the humanity would be today without spending resources on its conflicts? Just look around the history and even present-day political conflicts. WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY HAVE COST US ASIDE FROM RESOURCES, HOW MANY LIVES HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF OUR POLITICAL DIFFERENCE. LET ALONE THE RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES.

Remember our problems have never been related to our knowledge itself because regardless of its stream, it has always in transition to go into human individual’s ocean. In spite of knowing all this as the physical fact of humanity, we still are stuck in committing spiritual crimes against each other’s innocent individuals. SIMPLY BECAUSE OFOUR INDIVIDUAL WEAKNESS AND POLITICAL BELONGING TO OUR GROUPS. SINCE TODAY BELONG TO AN ERA OF EVOLVED AND STRONG INDIVIDUALS’ THINGS HAVE CHANGED. Our group politics has always preached individual weakness and their irrelevance, so lack of self-respect and self-esteem is fueling our conflicts. Imagine if as individuals everyone said no to their groups what kind of powers a politician would have. Sure, it’s a political thing rather than natural so humanity has been changing regardless of political resistance. Individually most of us want equal human individual rights so our political groups are frightened of their future, and they are trying very hard to work against individual strength. To the point that they want to recruit young adults in their armies and even religious preaching’s. Remember, as young adults we have a flood of hormones including the hormones influencing us to believe in belonging group’s superiority. Since they are susceptible to be brain washed in believing that their group is always right. So, regardless of the shrinking numbers, political groups still have a whole lot of people to join their armies or believe in religious extreme. So, they take part in their race, religious or national extreme related bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. If these kinds of belief systems have been and still are connected with individual insecurities connected to lack of their individual atom of autonomy related knowledge. So, they can easily be pushed or persuaded to comply with their group politics instead of questioning the killing of each other’s innocent individuals.


Interestingly as groups, we have a history of disputing everything simply to stay behind by not following our scientific advances made my others around the humanity. Our conservative populations still fight and insist that they are right, regardless of the physical truth right in their faces. Now, their kids are putting their foot down and don’t want to be wrong, especially when it comes to giving and receiving equal human rights. Meaning they are clashing even with their own belonging groups. As the world passes them by our conservative populations are fighting tooth and nail, even if it’s costing them a lot more than material resources. Yet their young generations spend all their energy to catch up with the others. I AM NOT A BIG FAN OF ASSUMPTIONS, ESPECIALLY WHTN IT COMES TO SCIENCE. RELIGIONS ON THE OTHER HAND ARE FREE TO ASSUME SO I AM HAVING TROUBLE IN BLAMING THEM. UNFORTUNATELY, THEY ARE CLAIM TO BE SCIENTIFIC AS WELL. NOW A DAYS, THEY HAVE COLLAGES FOR RELIGIOUS SCIENCES. TO ME IF YOU DON’T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT SOMETHING IT IS A METAPHORICAL REALITY SO YOU CAN’T CLAIM IT TO BE SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT. Interestingly there is a certain segment of us don’t even accept our scientifically proven and repeatable physical facts. Naturally they all take great deal of pride in their existing knowledge as a complete and flawless, regardless its flaws. Especially when it comes to our metaphorical realities, we have been brain washed to believe in them blindly and questioning them is considered as a sin. They openly have been and are still putting them above our physical realities. Remember human beings are the only one creature who kill each other simply because of the difference of opinion about the metaphorical realities.

Lately I googled to research about human sacrifice, I found that there were twenty-five non connected human societies believed in human sacrifice and actually performed it.

Human sacrifices

India human sacrifice.
(Image credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

From prehistory to the 21st century, human sacrifice has been practiced around the world by numerous cultures. Live Science takes a look at 25 cultures that practiced, or still practice, human sacrifice. *********


When it comes to science, we still have similar attitude like our religions because we automatically think science provides legitimacy to everything it touches. Yet as human beings we got a long way to go on the highway of our evolution. Whether it’s science, religion or everything in between. Every group makes their belonging populations to believe that they have the best knowledge, and they belong to the best race, nation or religion in the universe. This kind of education is fine and dandy when you want to raise a child’s self-esteem but preaching bigotry, prejudice and discrimination to young adults have consequences. Especially with today’s war weaponry we can be creating that predicted day of destruction in our holy books. Logically education of superiority as a foundational education is nothing but absurdity in today’s world. Everything related to preaching of superiority gives a birth to bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. Now the question is why our nations do that? Even in this era of equal human rights humanity is still entangled in the things like bigotry. Remember, logically without a shred of doubt, it’s a proven fact that we are an evolving entity. Since, we have been and are still constantly learning new things, in every era and area of humanity. Whenever someone brings something new for us to adopt, we go through some adjusting period. Humanity has been going through changes all along, some of us go with the flow, explore and evolve yet still some of us always resist the changes. Ever wonder why, and why the world has still been evolving? It’s because that segment of population comes around and accept those changes as well, but unfortunately, they just or simply have to resist the changes because of their politics.


Since traditionally, being wrong collectively has been and still is harder to fix, individually we all should start with ourselves personally. By using, natural help from our atom of autonomy. So, first order would be to acknowledge our personal atom of autonomy, which will lead us to become a CEO of our personal lives by making us acknowledge our responsibilities. With the help from our atom of autonomy, we can use our free will and personal sense of justice, which God had intended for us human beings. Second, learn to know what and who we are individually? IF YOU GET THERE YOU WILL KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT ONLY A MORTAL HUMAN BEING BUT ALSO AN EVOLVING ENTITY. MEANING, ALL FIELDS OF OUR KNOWLEDGE INCLUDING SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, MEDICINE, AND EVEN RELIGIONS NEED TO EVOLVE ACCORDING TO THE NEEDS OF TIME AND ERA WE ARE LIVING IN. FROM THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS TO COLLECTIVE AWARENESS OF SAPERATING OUR POLITICAL BELONGING AND SPIRITUAL BELONGING SHOULD BE UPDATED AS WE EVOLVE. JUST LIKE TODAY BELONG TO EQUAL HUMAN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS WHERE WE CAN’T BE PREACHING BIGOTRY, PREJUDICED AND DISCRIMINATION YET WITH PRIDE AS WE HAVE BEEN IN OUR DISTANT AND RECENT PAST.

Let’s look at it this way, say I ask my son to go in the other room and close the door and don’t come out until I ask. A few second later I call, and my son physically shows up. Then I ask him to go back in that room and close the door, it can go on as long as we both agree. What if he decides not to come out, now we have a problem, which even implicate and connect God. My son has and makes a choice not to follow my demand is a proof that we each and every one of us can make those choices regardless of pressures. Making and connecting something complex to simplicity is not easy when an individual is being put through a pressure. So, to explain this again, when my son came out on my calling, he came out with his physical form. When he did not, he made a choice, so either he completed a task physically to come out and even going back in. Now we have to think about our ability to be physical, then to make a choice to complete the task. When its physically done, it’s a completion of the task. Now, can you call God to show up in some physical form or even on demand each and every time? Next question will come automatically, do you think God will show up in some physical form? Each and every time you ask for, like I would ask my son to go in and come out. If you can’t produce God physically, what does it say about God? If you are losing me, simply think like my son makes a choice not to come out. Since you simply can’t produce God with command, you have to at the least logically think about separating your metaphorical and physical realities. If you are still confused, you have to understand what and who you really are before going further in this direction.

Now, let’s look at it a differently, if I say when I call my son to come in the room, he does not come alone. Would you buy into that? Well, if my son can’t breathe on his own and rely on the oxygen, functioning body and favorable life circumstances, that is evidence of him not doing things alone. That clearly means he has help to do even a simple physical task never mind think and act by choice. So, if and when he comes in the room, there is a lot more going on than what it appears to show on the surface, or we can see or with our naked eyes or understand exclusively in physical manors. My son completes the physical task but not exclusively on his own. There are some facts of human life we have to acknowledge. For instance, we have to use oxygen, favorable life circumstances and a functioning body to be physically meaningful. Interestingly none of those facts are in our individual control or possible with our will. Meaning God is helping us all to function physically but interestingly we all are helping God to take physical form simultaneously as well. Human physicality is just as crucial to complete the job as those facts of our life. A simple logic says it’s because anything suspended in our metaphorical world is not meaningful until it is performed physically. To express is logically, it’s like positive and negative wires to light up the bulb of knowledge. Without God you may function but without the light of spirituality, or spiritual thoughts can stay hanging in the air without any physical value. Sure, logic is not respected or valued in our metaphorical beliefs, but in today’s era it’s a whole different ball game. Today we need internet and scientifically advance knowledge to keep up with our evolution. We can be left behind if we don’t function in our everyday life according to the time, we are living in. Human beings are evolving and evolving fast, which has made our vast and large earth into a small global village. World has literally shrunken with our modern-day technologies. We are advancing in every field of knowledge to the point that our past metaphorical realities have been questioned and even debunked. Today, if you can’t satisfy questioning people, you literally start to create the distance between young and old. Metaphorically speaking, we have to straighten out the old and traditional rail tracks to match and adopt to our modern-day speeding trains.

Especially when it comes to equal human individual rights and equal justice, this is the first time in the human history when our younger generations are questioning instead of complying. What use to be a matter of pride has become a matter of shame. So, trying to force young people to comply with old style of politics can create friction even in our households. If you believe God is doing everything, simply try to figure that out and explain to your new generations. How things really work in real and physical life can be useful to create peace. Remember if you can’t produce God on demand. You will have to accept that God belong in your metaphorical realities. If you preach God as a physical reality, you will have to raise the status of human being from irrelevant to relevant. Otherwise, your belief system falls apart with all these evolution related break throughs. To keep your belief system in tacked you have to make some amendments. Like going and living in the places where sun does not set or rise for six months. To pray you will have to adjust to the time not to the sun. So, remember if you go there you will have to accept that God’s world as a metaphorical one not a physical one.


Now it’s time for you to ask yourself, that if God is a metaphorical reality or physical one for you? Remember things are only meaningful when they are physically performed or done. So, God or no God human physicality is an essential part of all our holy pictures. As I mentioned our groups don’t want individual to be strong and relevant to the point, that they start to question their belonging group’s political powers. Since our belonging groups have been and still want us to be their puppets. They preach against importance of human individual. So, whenever you are made to feel that you are simply irrelevant and are lacking self-esteem look for the reasons.


Watch out for very powerful politics of belonging, because not only it has deep roots into your genetics. Your belonging group itself can politically develop a mob like mentality against you. REMEMBER TO KEEP THINGS IN PERSPECTIVES, YOUR SURVIVAL FIRST, ALL RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND EVEN GOD SECOND. As I said put yourself on the top corner of this holy triangle to be a CEO of your life so you can call the shots to not only fight the politics of belonging but also survive. If you are not strong enough, find that strength from knowledge, otherwise others will call the shots for you. Since your life is your personal project and God has blessed you with your exclusive and personal atom of autonomy. That makes you, an automatic CEO of your life, so you are the one with the responsibilities of a big kahuna.

Those days are long gone, when you were compelled to follow blindly, even if you had the free spirit and logic in your mind. Sure, it’s going to be stressful but remember stress triggers us to adopt to grow and evolve so, all our evolution came from those who broke the boundaries of norm. You are not going to grow wings, halo or horns, but for sure you can personally transform into a human being who decides to follow or not. Always remember we are not genetically designed like other creatures because we don’t only make choices, we are also able to override our desires, genetics and political influences simultaneously. Simply because we all, each and every one of us came in this world with our own atom of autonomy. If you don’t see people running around naked and live lawlessly my point is proven because as human beings, we come with the potential to self-regulate. If you believe human beings are genetically locked into, being a social creature, we would be standing in the class of bees and ants.

Now look at yourself in the mirror and see what do you look like? If you are a human being but you are taught to live like a bee or an ant, you have to break out of those political chains and assume your responsibilities, otherwise you will be stuck on the footprints related path of your ancestors. Unfortunately, or fortunately, we are an evolving entity so we simply can’t blame our ancestors or past for our personal an individual actions. Yet if you look at our present world, we still have nearly two hundred nations and thousands of religious beliefs. What does it tell us about us? Regardless of our evolution to desire equal human rights, we still have a long way to go on the scale or ladder of evolution. Things will only change when everyone learns to make decisions whether to come out on command or not. NOW THE QUESTION IS, SHOULD WE COME OUT ON THE COMMAND OF OUR BELONGING GROUPS, OR SHOULD WE FLY SOLO WITH OR WITHOUT THE INSTRUCTIONS OF OUR POLITICAL GROUPS? IF I DESIRE MY SON TO FLY SOLO, HE WILL HAVE TO GROW HIS METAPHROICAL WINGS. OTHERWISE, HE WILL BE STUCK ON THE OLD RAIL TRACKS WITH SET SPEED WHICH WAS SUITABLE FOR OUR ANCESTORS. IF TODAY’S TRAINS ARE LIKE SPEEDING BULETS, OUR TRACKS HAVE TO MATCH THE SPEED OF MODERN DAY TRAINS. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND TO KEEP EVERYTHING SLOW, SIMPLY BECAUSE WE CAN BE LEFT BEHIND. IF OUR PARENTS, COMMUNITIES, NATIONS OR RELIGIONS DESIRE TO HAVE THEIR SONS SHOW UP ON THEIR DEMANDS. THAT MAYBE ARE CLIPPING THE WINGS OF THEIR COMING GENERATIONS. IF YOU WANT YOUR COMING GENERATIONS TO BE OBEDIENT AND FOLLOW YOUR COMANDS GIVE THEM LOGICAL EXPLANATIONS. OTHERWISE GET OUT OF THEIR WAY BECAUSE YOU MAY THINK YOU ARE RIGHT BUT THEY CAN’T KEEP UP WITH THE CHANGING WORLD. IF THEY STAY STUCK IN PAST AND THE WHOLE WORLD JUST PASSING THEM BY, THEIR LACKING MAY LINK TO YOUR OLD POLITICAL EDUCATION WHICH CLIPPS THEIR WINGS AND MAKE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR LACK OF THEIR ADVANCEMENTS.

Undermining our coming generations has been the normal political scare tactics for centuries but today things are changing fast. Especially with the help of computerized world nothing is going to stay in tacked. So, politically understanding equal human rights and their belonging political changes are a huge deal for the humanity, because it has thrown in a wrench in all kinds of politics. We all have been individually raised and politically educated to be a group oriented for thousands of years but today humanity is seeking equal human rights. People are forced to learn to trust each other yet the whole humanity came from the group politics. Which has been around since forever, or as long as humanity has existed. So, changing and adopting to the things where you have to trust others and accept them as equal, may not sit very well with you. ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE BEEN AND ARE A BONAFIDE CONSERVATIVE. REMEMBER CONSERVATISM TEACHES US TO LIVE LIKE A GROUP SO UNIVERSALISM CAN’T BE TOLERATED BY THE OLD SCHOOL POLITICS. YET OUR TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCING WORLD IS CALLING FOR ONE HUMANITY WITH EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS. WHICH MAKES ALL THE BIGOTRY, PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION AS A BLACK MARK ON THE FACES OF CONSERVATIVE GROUPS.

Let’s bring all this down to our individual level, lack of trust is a common thing when you are in a group politics. Yet, interestingly we all, each and every one of us has the ability to create some good or bad pictures from our imagination. As I have explained it earlier, if logically you look at those pictures you will not be able to find any physicality. Unless you physically act on them. Even if they are imaginary, they carry a serious physical impact on human individuals. If you are one of those who can create anxiety attack by imagining an out-of-control situation or calm yourself down by doing some meditation. You would know how real; it may feel to have an active imagination. Monster under the bed may not be there but it has the power to trigger the real and fearful situation. Regardless of all that, everything in our imagination does not take physical form unless we believe in those thoughts as our physical realities. Logically if your belonging group can understand that and influences you with the fearful scenarios, you really need a good imaginary picture to feel comfortable in your mortal skin. They will encourage you to believe in what may or may not be real, but they will be able to create it for you. You simply have to learn to communicate with your real self. The real you, who resides within your body as a third entity. Not within your installed data. The one who is running the show or your body as a computer. Analyzing your installed data. It’s great to be able to do that, but it’s even better to know yourself to the point that you don’t even need to go there. So, being there should be your second nature. If you can make some connections deep within yourself, logically you can convince yourself to learn more about yourself. Especially how to live in a mortal body without insecurities. Accepting mortality is one of the tools which can reduce the need to control everything including our uncontrollable mortality.

This is where our belief systems come in, simply to overpower human individual with those scary and dark pictures of unknowns or a heaven like life on earth. To prove this point, you can add hypnotherapy and placebo effects as your metaphorical realities because you can’t break them down scientifically, at least not yet. Yet they have powerful physical effects on us as individuals and even collectively. So, when it comes to our religious beliefs, individually we should keep them as our metaphorical realities exclusively. We simply can’t base our political and justice systems on our metaphorical realities. I believe there is nothing wrong with our religious beliefs as long as we keep them in the boundaries of spiritual principles. Mixing politics of belonging to our religious beliefs has led us to put our metaphorical realities over and above our physical realities. Spiritually it is absolutely wrong because you simply can’t involve God into insecurities related human politics. Meaning you just can’t kill someone in the name of your belonging group, religion and even God, spiritually that is. You can believe in your religions, but you simply can’t take it to that extreme where you start to believe that you should kill someone who does not believe like you. Always remember God is not going to show up for you physically whenever you want to. Sure, emotions are powerful, but we have been blessed with our individual atom of autonomy which makes us all a responsible CEO. Who makes choices and decisions before actions. Since it allows us to use not only our free will but also our personal sense of justice as well. So, if you are politically influenced, your belonging groups have everything to do with your emotional behaviors. Yet interestingly other than politically brain washing you, as groups they are not responsible for your actions. So, God or not, religion or not being a human being, you hold your own and personal sense of justice. Spirituality automatically teaches you, because of your atom of autonomy, you should know that you can’t do to anyone that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Controlling your actions regardless of the political influences of your belonging group is not easy, so first of all you have to acknowledge that you own your atom of autonomy. Which helps you to become a CEO of your life. Who takes responsibilities for personal actions. Who can distinguish and understand spiritual principles buried under all the tainted religious rhetoric. At the end of the day God blessed us all equally with our own atom of autonomy. Which allows us all, no exceptions, to use our free will and personal sense of justice, so we simply can’t be blindly following whatever our belonging groups say.


Interestingly our modern-day generations don’t want to believe in whatever has been preached to us for thousands of years. I believe it’s not whether you believe in God or not, or what gender, size, race, nation or religion you belong to, nor you have brought along this knowledge from before birth. So, it has to be politically installed. Yet spiritually, you simply can’t be better than others by belonging to any one particular group of people. If you do feel that way, you have got bigotry, prejudice and discrimination deeply installed and ingrained within. SO, NEVER FORGET, YOUR POLITICALLY INSTALLED DATA IS PART OF YOU TO BE USED BY YOU BUT NOT ACTUALLY YOU YOURSELF. IF YOU HAVE BOUGHT INTO IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY IT’S YOU WHO HAS TO CHANGE AND BE UNSOLD BECAUSE YOUR BELONGING GROUP IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE FOR THEIR POLITICAL REASONS.


So, whenever something does not make an honest sense, or it is politically prioritized by a group and yes even if it is brought in as a religious rule. It usually is installed there for political purposes. If you put metaphorical realities over and above your and even someone else’s physical realities, IT IS A SPIRITUAL SIN simply because you personally would not like to be on the receiving end of your actions. So, not only it’s a politically driven injustice, but it’s also related to the collective and individual ego, which is a double edge sord and is cutting both sides. You simply have to be especially careful when your belonging groups are able to inspire you to believe in, that you somehow are better than others because of your belonging.

Our unquestionable facts like evolving nature open up the doors of personal understanding and growth, so, as an evolving entity, we simply can’t claim to have a complete knowledge. Especially when it comes to our metaphorical realities we should never ever argue, dispute and kill each other over them. Yet that has been and is so common that humanity can’t count its death toll. Remember a metaphorical reality is a metaphorical reality simply because it’s not a physical one. So, a metaphorical reality should always be claimed as metaphorical, claiming it as or above a physical reality can backfire. Not only things can be proven wrong with evolution of humanity, but also can be labeled as a permanent black mark on the face of spiritual things like religions. Remember not too long-ago Pope had to apologize for the spiritual crimes committed against Natives People. Today our science has been progressively making us aware that how things have been tainted by the politics of belonging. Since we have been learning a lot more than our ancestors ever did. So, today you don’t go to Mosques, Temples and Churches to get pregnant, you go to the gynecologists who have the knowledge to guide you not only to get artificial insemination, but you even can also pick the gender as well. So, simply put, humanity is not where it was even fifty years ago.

Personally, if I don’t understand something, I would like to ask question and yes it will be about everything. From personal abilities to sense of justice and related responsibilities to politics of belonging to God and everything in between is related to my comprehension. With an ocean like brain, I would like to go to the point where I am not limited to any one stream of my knowledge. Since I got the ocean within, logically all streams of knowledge including God, spirituality, political religion and emotional belonging are simply streams of my knowledge. So, especially the popular streams of science and technology and equal human rights should be put in their respected places, but as the streams not as an ocean. So, logically they simply are part of me, not the other way around. Since I am born in this era my, unlimited and constantly evolving ocean is clearly vast and wide, so regardless of how it looks like or packed in a small package. Personally, I should be able to pick, choose, mix and match everything from my ocean, otherwise, potentially I could be stuck in a stream of knowledge, regardless of me having a whole ocean at my disposal to use. I should be the one who can personally understand everything including my political influences and my personal status of a CEO. Whether it’s science, religion, politics of belonging or anything else, I should be the one who is responsible for my life project. I would rather try to look at things from a wider angle so I can literally see the politics of belonging at work.

If you look around the world today, evolving human nature is proven to be a factual physical reality. We don’t live in the bush or caves so should we carry the same killer instincts in our urban jungle? Or should we adopt to the changing world? Interestingly regardless of amount of our logical knowledge we still need to evolve, and we have a long way to go. I will root for evolving further and going boldly and fearlessly instead of holding back. I will question everything what has been and still is creating boundaries and hurdles against human evolution. REMEMBER OUR INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE INSECURITIES MAKE US LIVE IN OUR PONDS LIKE SETTINGS, YET GOD DID NOT CREATE US LIKE FROGS, SO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE EVOLUTION. Especially when it comes to our metaphorical realities some nations are forcing their belonging people to get into or stay into the zone of assumptions related political boundaries. Interestingly today, humanity is calling for equal human individual rights so how are they going to keep everything under their metaphorical yet fading and disappearing rugs.


Remember especially religions and occasionally science, both go into their zone of assumptions. None the less assumptions are used quite often by human beings. Which actually help us all to evolve and convert our imagination related world into physical realities. IN MY OPINION HUMAN STORY DOES NOT START WITH BIG BANG, BUT RATHER IT STARTS WITH THE DISCOVERY OF OUR FIVER.

Metaphorically speaking each and every single one comes to life with our fiver. If there is a measuring device we can measure our smarts, strength and the ability to live for self and help others around. Let’s look at it this way, say you are standing on the bank, and you have to get to the other side of the river. First of all, you have to think how, then plan and act on your plan to achieve what you want to do. If you can see a log floating in the river, understand that wood floats. You can gather some branches, weave them together to make a raft and row yourself to the other side with a big branch as your arms. Now if you look at the process of individual going through you can easily figure out that there is a special intelligence we have brought along from before our birth. If you argue about our evolution exclusively that is going to end up in assumption area so the best answer I will have is that we are genetically so close to other primates like chimpanzees, why only as human beings we are living in high-rises instead of bush or caves of why they don’t live in the mud houses? By now, at the least they should be living in the small communities. Anyway, if our wisdom and physical abilities are connected and measured, you will come up with human individual’s metaphorical worth. I happen to give it a worth of a five spiritual bucks. So, if whole community contributes their fiver, which could have most likely happened. That is why we have been passed on with a lot of good and bad stuff, like they built bridges so everyone in the community can not only cross the river whenever they wanted to or even for coming generations as well.
Logically it’s easy to know and understand that a single individual is weaker than the community as a whole. Depending, on if everyone gets along and work together as a unit, on the other hand, its very easy to see that one can be very smart or smarter than others. So, the strength of the fabric or community really is highly dependent on the strong individual thread or the individual. Either way that smarts still comes from our spiritual five bucks meaning we have brought along from before our birth. Now let’s look at it from a different angle. For instance, fighting infectious diseases like Coronavirus, Ebola or Zika or even issues with Global warming and spread of internet related crimes or even building of space station is best functioning if everyone gets along. Everything depends on its usefulness or is meaningful, if the humanity comes together and use their five bucks. Otherwise, we give our individual strength to our belonging groups, so politically used Godly power can become deadly for humanity. Just look around and see how we have been and are still killing each other. Metaphorical explanation is our human body.
For example, a human cell is almost insignificant or meaningless on its own but with the right circumstances, it has the power to create a whole and functioning body of the human being yet with limitless Godly potential. Since we each have trillions of cells in the body, individually cell may be insignificant but when they work together, they create a limitless potential. World records have been broken all the time, yet I see there is a potential to spare, because even our potential is in evolutionary process.


Signs of our evolution have been and are everywhere in our individual lives, just like we get all exited to get new models of phones, computers and cars. We gladly adopt to them yet strangely when it comes to the politics of belonging, we still stick with our belonging groups. We pay more for new technology, heck we even stand in lines for hours to get a newer model of phone, just because it’s better than our old ones. Have more gadgets or abilities to make our lives easier. Our business companies know our human nature so, to make money they always have something more to enhance our life further, so I am not going to blame them but as an individual we have to understand our standings.

Yet when it comes to our selective religious knowledge, we are told not to even explore. Now that is quite the contrary and working against our evolutionary nature. To me an evolving entity is an evolving entity, not because of our decision powers but rather that is there from God. That is why we don’t have boundaries or barriers of security like frog in a pond. Since we are not genetically designed to follow our political orders, we as human beings have no natural limitations by God. That is why an open-minded individual is able to break their boundaries and get in trouble with our conservative portion of population, yet eventually make them follow and change. Remember regardless of constant resistance of conservatives, God or not religion or not humanity has been evolving. Well, if you are not politically convinced to believe in certain way. You can fly higher than your ancestors and even the winged birds. Remember we did not figure things out by staying in our politically safe and secure ponds, and we are not going to find universal solutions for our global problems by staying trenched in our pigeonholes. If we can fly where winged creatures can’t fly; dig deep in the earth where a clawed creature can’t reach or swim deep in the ocean without gills. THERE ARE REASONS FOR US TO DISCOVER INDIVIDUALLY, SO IT’S YOU WHO HAS TO FIGURE THINGS OUT AND LEARN HOW TO DEAL WITH YOUR CONSERVATIVE COUNTERPARTS, BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONE STANDING IN THE WAY OF EQUAL HUAMN RIGHTS.

Unfortunately, humanity has always had and is still having trouble because of the unending fight between conservatism and liberalism. So, this squabbling and even wars and bad relationships in the families has brought us to a convincing and a legitimate argument, in favor of equal human individual rights yet around the world. Sure, there is an awakening against bigotry, prejudice and discrimination but as humanity we have a long way to go, especially to overcome politics of belonging to groups. Luckily and especially with the help of internet, our dirty laundry is all out in the open and bigotry, prejudiced and discrimination is exposed to the whole world. So, especially our new generations are legitimately standing against the injustice. Even against their own family’s traditional ways of living. Today these insecurities related human traits of injustice have become the things of our past with a label of something, not to be proud of. World has been changing all along but in present era it’s moving on to step into the new or next chapter of human story. Remember this book of evolution is not written by any human group but by God. We have been experiencing it right before our eyes yet our conservative fellows have been and are still fighting against it with all their might. So, politics of belonging to our groups has been and still is taking its unnecessary toll.


Now look around the world and see how religious societies can’t keep their crime rates down, EVER WONDER WHY? To me, its deeply related to absence and understandings of practical prayers. There are a whole lot of worshiping places like Mosques, Churches, Temples and they even are great pieces of architects created by our ancestors and are still being built as God’s houses. When it comes to poverty and sickness around those monuments or it’s rampant in the belonging society. Especially for ordinary human beings, there is something missing and that is spirituality related honest reciprocation. If people are having trouble getting something to eat and those who are preaching everything about God and life after death have to resort to money laundering or hiding cash in the church walls. THAT CAN BE CONNECTED TO ABUSIVE POLITICS OF USEING NOT ONLY PEOPLE FOR THEIR INSECURITIES BUT ALSO EVEN GOD AS WELL.

If you find spiritual comfort, happiness and feelings of safety in praying and worshiping for your physical life and even the belief of you, will get a spot in the heaven in life after death. Do so, but after you have done the duty of honest reciprocation with God. If you sacrifice the lifetime God has blessed you with, in fitting in, impressing others you are missing out on the physical opportunity to make the real and physical reality related difference. Sure, it is important to believe in our metaphorical realities, but our physical realities should be our top priorities, especially while we are in our living years. If a Mullah or Priest is making their living creating from fear and related stress, at the least you can use your free will to understand what is going on. IF THEY WANT YOU TO LIVE YOUR LIFE AS A GOOD PERSON, GREATE MOTIVE, BUT REMEMBER, ITS BASED-ON FEAR, BRIBERY AND GREED, SO PERSONALLY TO ME IT CAN’T BE FROM GOD. SINCE IT DOES NOT SIT WELL WITH ME, I WILL QUESTION THE POLITICS BEHIND. IF YOU FIND BELIEVING IN YOUR RELIGION CAN REDUCE YOUR STRESS AND MAKE YOU LIVE A GOOD AND HAPPY PERSONAL LIFE. THEN THE PURPOSE OF THOSE SPIRITUAL BELIEFS HAS BEEN SERVED, BUT IF THEY MAKE YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCE AS A MISERABLE ONE, YOU PERSONALLY ARE CREATING A WRONG PICTURE OF GOD AND ARE BEING HARMED BY YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM. YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING YOU TO MANAGE YOUR MORTAL LIFE WITH SOME HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT. EVEN WORSE IF YOU BECOME A POLITICAL PUPPET AND COMMIT SPIRITUAL CRIMES IN THE NAME OF YOUR RELIGION OR EVEN GOD YOU REALLY WILL HAVE TO BECOME A CEO OF YOUR LIFE TO PUT EVERYTHING IN SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVES YET WITH SOME LOGICAL AS WELL. If you feel miserable, stressed out and are ready to commit social and spiritual crimes, you need to learn to separate your metaphorical and physical realities, so, you can find some inner peace. Remember as a mortal being you are on a clock, so your happiness matters, if someone says otherwise, they have their political motives. So, it’s your personal responsibility to take charge of your life while you are in your living years. If you lose your happiness and contentment, your metaphorical realities are not working very well for you, as a matter of fact they are working against you and that is not because of God. So, clear the clutter before you run out of time and put your realities in their right and respected places by becoming a CEO of your life. Your math is not adding up because you made yourself an irrelevant part of your holy picture.

If you can imagine creating a picture which gives you stress and even leads you to a place where you give yourself anxiety attacks. You need to learn and learn fast, how to create a picture to calm down. So, you can create what you need, not what you want. Remember what goes on within you is coming from those pictures you create from your imagination. So, your actual priorities should be based on creating picture of hope and optimism, let the good side win don’t create a picture of fear and pessimism because happiness is the treasure you want to collect simply because of your mortal nature. Your living years are your physical reality, where you have the ability to make choices. Always remember you are a human being who is not an animal so you should not be treated or trained like animals, not by your Mullah, Priest or even by You. Remember as human beings, we have never been or are standing in the lineup of other genetically programed creatures. YET WE STILL DANCE LIKE PUPPETS OR LIKE OTHER GENETICALLY PROGRAMED CREATURES. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO OUR POLITICS OF BELONGING. So, ALWAYS remember we don’t learn like other creatures because our modern-day methods of comparing are available for everyone to see. Religious societies are not doing so good in crime prevention. Yet our religious education has always been to become and live like a good human being. Unfortunately things are not turning out that way simply because they simply made human being as an irrelevant part of this holy picture. To me that is nothing but political, so they treated us all like other creatures who learn from carrot and stick exclusively. IF WE WOULD BE LIKE OTHER CREARUTES, LOGICALLY OUR RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES SHOULD HAVE LOWER CRIME RATE. IF THAT IS NOT THE CASE WHAT A MULLAH, PRIEST OR OTHER RELIGIOUS LEADERS DO TO SAVE FACE? SIMPLY THEY HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT THEY HAVE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT HUMAN BEINGS. THEY NEED TO CHANGE THEIR CARROT AND STICK PHILOSOPHY BASED EDUCATION AND TREAT HUMAN BEINGS AS HUMAN BEINGS. You simply can’t teach tricks to human being with carrot and stick philosophy, you have to get them to learn how to be a human being who can self-regulate WITHOUT THE FEAR OR GREED. Animals need to be persuaded differently but as human beings we need to personally and individually dig within to understand our standings. Our spiritual side can help us in finding our individual atom of autonomy’s value. We know we can make good choices by self-regulating and that does not come from fear, bribe or greed-based education. It all comes from our individual understanding. A CEO who is aware of their atom of autonomy can easily self-regulate for the spiritual love of God and physical love of humanity. We need to personally learn how to dig within to understand ourselves. Since our group politics is behind the carrot and stick philosophy, it creates hurdles in our individual evolution. As a human individual we need to learn THAT WE ARE NOT HERE WITH THE NEED TO IMPRESS OTHERS, WE ACTUALLY NEED TO LEARN TO DIG WITHIN TO DISCOVER AND BE IMPRESSED BY WHAT AND WHO WE ACTUALLY ARE. OUR GOOD ACTIONS ARE NOT ONLY THERE TO HELP OTHERS, BUT THEY ARE ALSO THERE TO HELP OURSELVES. REMEMBER WHEN SOMEONE HELPS OTHERS, IT IS THEI. RECIPROCATION TO GOD. THEIR ACTIONS ALSO ARE THERE TO GIVE THEM SPIRITUAL SATISFACTION AS WELL. SO, IF YOU ARE STILL STUCK IN FOLLOWING THE RELIGIOUS RULES YOU MAY MISS OUT ON THE REAL AND MEANINGFUL SATISFACTION OF LIVING YEARS REGARDLESS OF YOUR HONEST EFFORTS. Ordinarily, most of our religions have certain way of doing things, like going to mosque, church or temples to pray to please God in their taught manors. Wheather the prayers work or not, is not the issue, it’s that belief in those prayers that makes all the differences. SPIRITUALLY THAT IS, people who pray, live their lives in hope rather than hopelessness. Their belief system keeps them calm and comfortable more than those who don’t believe in anything. Religions usually openly talk about mortality so their education can be helpful. Yet, their understanding of their mortal life is not exclusively successful in impressing others. RATHER ITS A PERSONAL JOURNEY. So, it’s not about living years or life after death rather it’s all about how to live in a mortal skin. Organized belief systems have been around for thousands of years, SO REGARDLESS OF SCIENCE HAS BEEN AND STILL IS DEBUNKING OUR CONSERVATIVE WAYS OF THINKING. OUR RELIGIONS ARE STILL AROUND SIMPLY BECAUSE SCIENCE SIMPLY CAN’T BREAK HUMAN BEINGS DOWN. FOR INSTANCE SCIENCE IS PARALIZED IN UNDERSTANDING OUR POLITICAL BELONGING, BRAVERY, GENROSITY, ABILITY TO LOVE AND SCRIFICE, NEVERMIND UNDERSTANDING GOD. BOTTOM LINE IS THAT WE ARE STILL IN THE PROCESS OF EVOLUTION SO ANY AND ALL HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS SUBJECT TO BE PROVEN WRONG AT ANY TIME. SO, REGARDLESS OF OUR EXTREME POLLARITIES WE SHOULD LEAVE ROOM FOR LEARNING SO WE CAN STOP KILLING EACH OTHER OVER OUR HALF KNOWLEDGE. Since we are an evolving entity and our knowledge has never been or is a done deal. Our scientific knowledge is still in the process of figuring out our emotions like love, or even compassion, bravery, generosity and our belief in God. So, our half knowledge is not going to cut it. Problem is only politics of belonging to our groups. If you remove that, that will open the doors of spirituality to even the smartest of scientists. UNTIL NEXT TIME.


We are living in a constantly evolving science and technologically advanced era, so everything is being questioned. Even questions are being asked about God, religious beliefs and faith in them. Literally, it’s not the same as it was even fifty years ago, never mind thousands of years ago. Today most if not everyone is asking for equal human rights over and above our religious beliefs. So, it throws that metaphorical wrench in religious beliefs being preached, that you become a better person than those who don’t believe like you or believe in something else. If every religion starts to ask question and answer without getting emotionally bent out of shape because of their politics of belonging. They will discover that in today’s era they are literally preaching bigotry, prejudice and discrimination and even connecting it all that with God. Things can become peaceful and live able if everyone acknowledge what is beyond the cliff of faith is our metaphorical reality.

Simply ask question about; how do you think God’s work gets done? Do you think God and Devil are doing everything? If so, what is the place for human beings? If God and Devil are doing everything, then why all human societies punish human beings for their bad action? Especially the strict and harsh punishments in our religious societies.

Logically if you cannot produce Allah, God, Khuda, Yaa way, or Ram on demand. Logically, God is a metaphorical reality for us human beings, just like love. You can feel but can’t explain God as a physical reality because we still don’t have that comprehension, so if you don’t really know should you be killing someone in the name of God? Our religions have been around for thousands of years but their knowledge about God has not changed or inched up. Yet every other human knowledge has been under the influences of evolution. Everyday there are new discoveries, for everything else but our religions. Is there any hope that our religions will overcome the ultimate crime of killing each other’s individuals including innocent ones? If you say yes, they will change I will ask when? If they have not been able to do that in thousands of years, they will not be able to overcome their bigotry, prejudice and discrimination because that is what has been passed down by our ancestors. Problem is not that God is not around but rather its related to our religious beliefs because they are tainted with the politics of belonging to our groups more than they follow spiritual principles. This politics is emotionally so blinding that an individual forgets that they are human beings. We have lost the value of our individual atom of autonomy, which makes us lose our importance, self-respect and self-esteem. Religions are notorious to make the individual feel that, they are not even the part of Godly world. Yet all the Godly work needs human physicality to be meaningful. Unfortunately, by killing each other we individually reduce ourselves to even lower than those genetically programed creatures. Logically looking at it, says as a human individual we don’t have those invisible strings of genetics, yet we still can’t think of us as an independent entity. We stop looking at our atom of autonomy, when we sale our soul to the Devil of political belonging. So, instead of being a spiritual being we become a creature who has stopped evolving to reach their potential. Interestingly regardless of religions, there are a whole lot of us seemed to be stuck with our invisible strings of political belonging. Which is worse than even genetics related strings. Our makeup tells a different story of human beings because we are the entity who can even choose to believe or not to believe in even God.

If you see a bee flying around the garden collecting nectar yet it’s all done for the hive. There are no visible strings attached yet that bee is going back to the hive without a doubt. Why without a failure? Genetics you may answer. Sure, bees are genetically designed and programed to play their role. WHAT ABOUT US. Are we singing the songs of our nature? Or are we genetically programed as well just like the bees? Remember that makes us stand in the lineup of those creatures who are still stuck in the bush. Or are we considered above all other creatures? If you don’t think so, you should look at the importance of your atom of autonomy as a guideline and see where it makes you stand? YOU NEVER KNOW YOU MAY BECOME A QUEEN BEE YOURSELF, SO SHOULD’NT WE AS HUMAN INDIVIDUAL OVERRIDE OUR GENETICS RELATED CALLS. WE HAVE BEEN DOING THAT ANYWAY TO BE A MODERN-DAY HUMAN BEING. REMEMBER WE LIVE IN THE ERA WHERE FOLLOWING OUR GENETICS ARE OUR SOCIAL CRIMES.

If in today’s time, we have our justice systems where you are responsible for your actions. If you try to hide behind God, Devil, your belonging group your religion or even science, you may not be alone. So, now the question is what you know about this side of your existence as a human individual, not a bee or any other genetically programed creature. Even if you try to hide behind science, you have to remember that whenever you talk about science, you don’t have any room for approximation or assumptions. So, you literally will have to break it all down to explain everything. What makes a human being a human being is way beyond our scientific stream of knowledge. Since it also takes a lot more to be happy yet in a mortal life. Things like bravery, generosity, individual sense of justice, passion, compassion, politics and related sense of belonging to your belonging groups, love, religious extreme and even God should be broken down scientifically to be explained. YET WITHOUT GOING TO ASSUMPTIONS. SO, ARE WE THERE YET, IF NOT THINK, WHY NOT? Put all this aside and remember to think about this logical fact. You are and always have been an evolving entity, so, body of your knowledge has been, is and will be in a constantly evolving mode as well. UNLESS YOU HIT YOUR POTENTIAL, SO I HATE TO BURST YOUR BUBLE BECAUSE SCIENCE, RELIGION OR ANY OTHER HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS CONSTANTLY EVOLVING AND INTERESTINGLY OUR POTENTIAL IS EVOLVING AS WE LEARN MORE BECAUSE WE KEEP CREATING NEW NURONES. SO, WHETHER ITS PURE OR POLITICAL CLAIM OF YOUR COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE IS WORNG, PLAIN AND SIMPLE. If you still believe in your complete knowledge as everyone’s ancestors did, you just have to look around to see the truth. That is if you are able to cross the lines of political belonging to collective ego. Talking about collective, mass of people can say who are you to claim that you have any kind of powers. My logic is to look at the individual as a thread which makes the actual fiber of group. Sure, there were times when that mattered but in today’s era things have changed. Our belonging is not only depending on our emotional and chemical connections any more, we have evolved from our jungle or caves where we were on the food chain. Today we can differentiate the differences between our emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual knowledge. We know emotions stem from the thoughts or our intellect, but we also know that our emotions have the potential to block us from our intellect. So, logically our intellectual judgements require our unbiased and thoroughly thought-out explanations. If they are the truths what you emotionally want them to be. You have to be able to explain them as physical realities. Sure, we can’t be without our metaphorical realities, but they should be regarded as metaphorical, so people don’t get confused and let their emotions override their intellect and physical truths. Remember we are able to discover a whole lot of physical truths from our imagination. So, knowing that our imagination is one of our metaphorical realities can clear some clutter. Until someone converts their thoughts into physical realities, like building a real plan to actually fly. So, if our imagination has a lot of thoughts but we are unable to convert them into physical reality, Things don’t change very much. Just like God and Devil both need human individuals to lend them their physicality to be meaningful.

If you ask me my opinion, I will start this with a question and then an explanation. If some say, human beings are created in God’s image, then question should be would you or do you buy into all that without questioning? If yes, then you can go into this explanation. Hypothetically think if you believe in being a cell of God’s body and belong to the arm or any other body part. Now you are wondering what is going on around you, so you ask your neighbor; do you think body really exists? Your neighbor says no I don’t know or believe in the body but since I am part of the arm, I believe in arm and that is it, I will do whatever the arm people say. Now the question is, is this coming from the facts or from the politics of belonging? Not believing in God usually comes from the same knowledge that says I believe in God yet blindly. If you can’t breakdown everything to explain scientifically, you and your computer has got a lot more to learn about spirituality to be a complete human being. Am I belittling those who believe or disbelieve, no not at all. All I am trying to explain that our knowledge is not a done deal, sure our assumptions matter but we have been proven wrong over and over about our common beliefs, we have thousands of religious beliefs and with their sects, yet we still sing the same old song of differences. If you explain to your neighbor that we automatically are getting oxygen, food and water to live, who is providing favorable life circumstances? We literally don’t have any control over those circumstances. Simply we can’t even live or survive without that the external helpline. Now if you and your neighbor are confused or perplexed. It’s time to broaden your horizon to see what you have been losing or are robbed off by your political belonging. IF YOU CAN DO THAT AND BECOME A CEO OF YOUR PERSONAL LIFE, THEN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THAT THE ARM YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT IS CONNECTED TO THE BODY. THINGS ARE A LOT MORE COMPLEX THAN YOUR BELONGING GROUPS HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU TO BELIEVE. BODY IS MOVING THE ARM YET YOU EMOTIONALLY FEEL AND BELIEVE IN WHATEVER YOUR BELONGING GROUP IS PREACHING YOU AS A PHYSICAL FACT. Now think about the bee being pulled to the hive without any physical strings attached. Do you see the differences or not? If not, you got a problem of being brain washed to believe in being genetically programed. If you start to think like a human being and question, you are not going to be liked because you are questioning their political authority. Since none of you have seen the body (God) from the outside, so, none of you really know how everything is working.

Remember a seed does not look like a tree which produces billions of seeds, yet a tree is grown from the seed itself. Now the question is what came first? Most people ask this question with chicken and egg analogy, but I prefer seed and tree because it gives you a better picture. We have ten trillion cells of our own with hundred trillion non-human bacteria. Now if you think I should give you a scientific explanation about how things work or started, a medical scientist can explain it better than me. I am not going to go in assumptions so you will have to take their words but again remember human knowledge has not been or is complete. So, not only me, but our doctors and scientists are also learning, exploring and discovering more every day. If they are able to explain things better than me does not mean that they can claim their knowledge has been completed. So, the question is, do we know everything? No, not without going to absurdity and non-sense related assumptions to politically use people. For now, we are on the earth and earth came from an assumed big bang. Our scientific assumption is that fourteen billion years ago big bang happened, and things are expanding ever since. Remember there are no explanation of what exploded, where did that come from or why it has been expanding? What was before fourteen billion years ago? IF WE DON’T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS THAT SHOULD MEAN WE NEED TO KEEP ON LEARNING MORE. INSTEAD OF MAKING ASSUMPTIONS AND BELIEVING IN THEM AS IF THEY ARE OUR PHYSICAL REALITIES. IF EVEN OUR SCIENCE IS UNABLE TO ANSWER WITHOUT ASSUMPTIONS, THEN WHY SHOULDN’T WE STAY IN THE PRESENT BECAUSE OF OUR PERSONAL MORTALITY, WE GOT BIGGER FISH TO FRY.


Bing irrelevant makes you lose your self-respect and self-esteem to make you feel insecure, so you stick with your groups for security. Yet you are the one with your personal atom of autonomy which makes you the real Makoy or big kahuna. Even God and Devil depend on you to get their jobs done. If you are suffering from lack of trust in yourself or even others around, start with trusting in what provides you oxygen, food, water, life sustaining circumstances and competently working body. You can call whatever you want I am going to call GOD a God. These sentences maybe contradicting to you, but they make me realize and understand human importance in our holy picture we have been presented with right from the get-go. If you start to look at this picture from a wider angle you will see you have absolutely no say in your coming or going out of your lifetime and you can’t even take your next breath or swallow the food in your mouth if you are not permitted. Yet simultaneously you are so important that good or bad actions can’t physically take place without your choice. So, don’t you want to trust in the help and your physicality you brought along. Help you have been receiving right from the get-go should actually teach you all about your importance, vulnerabilities and strengths. When and if you have learned and built up that trust in external help, internally you will learn to trust in yourself which can help in trusting others around as well. Understanding that trust actually has the powers to make you live fearlessly, reducing your anxiety and stress related energy expenditure to put quality in your daily living. One way or the other being religious or not, not trusting yourself and others around is stemming from lack of trust in God. It’s not that you are a victim of others but rather they are the victim of your inner demons. Lack of trust in life itself is a disease, so before blaming other people, parents, up bringing, God and even yourself, start looking for the dead dog or dogs of your problems. Causes of your problems are not just anyone’s fault, they are related to your inabilities to question everything. Let’s look at it this way, first of all you are looking at God according to what your parents and belonging group has taught you. Second you have bought into it wholeheartedly believing your belonging group’s knowledge is complete. Since you are an evolving entity and time has been changing constantly, meaning everything you have been taught can be wrong. What if that is all wrong? Remember there is a common knowledge that God is almighty so not even a leaf on the tree can’t move without God’s will and interestingly enough you can’t breathe on your own to live either. So, it’s kind of obvious that you are going to buy into all that without questioning. Sure, we are blessed with and facilitated with life sustaining circumstances but what happens after that blessed breath is a whole different ball game.

It becomes a commonsense game, if you start to learn all about your atom of autonomy. Believing in your own atom of autonomy allows you to be a human being without invisible strings. You don’t believe in God, heaven or hell because of greed and fear but rather for the love of it all. SINCE YOU ARE ABLE TO USE YOUR FREE WILL, HAVE PERSONAL SENSE OF JUSTICE AND YOU CAN BE COMPASSIONATE AND LOVING ON YOUR OWN WITHOUT ANYKIND OF STRINGS. It becomes a common sense to take on your responsibilities of life like if you want bigger muscles you go to gym, not to Mosque, Temple or Church to pray. If you don’t question and make sense out of it all, you will stay at the same level where your belonging group wants you to be, so you can be used for their political purposes just like a bee. If you are not created as a bee, you can’t blame God for your short comings. All you have to do is to question, question and question everything including your political belonging.


If you want to learn about yourself, your mortality alone can be enough to enlightened you spiritually. Your atom of autonomy related personal sense of justice teaches you not to do to anyone that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. You would not seek the approval of your belonging group if you were spiritually evolved. With that level of spiritual awareness, your group may need your approval instead. If you can use your free will at will and at any time. Ask yourself what’s wrong with you when it comes to your desire to fit in or impress especially your belonging group. If you think God created you that way, just question and seek more knowledge to understand all about your personal atom of autonomy. Remember it does not only allow you to use your free will, but it also gives you your personal sense of justice, ability to be compassionate, be brave, ability to sacrifice for others or even strangers. Yet being generous and loving all simultaneously. If you are created as a human being with all these Godly abilities, you owe yourself to know why and what actually makes you feel irrelevant, unnecessary. Acting like a puppet without questioning for your belonging group is reducing yourself to a genetically creature like bees? Now let’s be honest, does your belonging group provides you oxygen, a functioning body and favorable life circumstances? Think and think again logically, if they are just like you and are unable to help you from getting old sick and die? They are not God so if you seek spirituality, first you have to remove the politics of belonging to a group of people. It’s easy to understand that relationship between you and your belonging group is like a relationship between cell and a body part, not with the whole body. Relationship between human being and God is like cell and the body as a whole. Put your two and two together to understand this easy math, functioning body is the one takes care of its cells not its body parts. SURE, THERE ARE NO PHYSICALLY VISIBLE STRINGS ATATCHED BETWEEN HUMAN INDIVIDUAL AND GOD, BUT OUR ATOM OF AUTONOMY IS A LEGITIMATE BRIDGE TO DIMINISH THOSE LINES OF SAPERATION. WHERE HUMAN POLITICAL BELONGING CAN SUCCESSFULLY BE CHALANGED.

If you are insecure, you will seek your belonging group even for spiritual purposes. So, regardless of its being old and torn, you will be carrying them around as a security blanket like a kid. So, if you don’t address the underlaying causes of your security related problems, potentially you could lose faith in God with every little disappointment of life. In that state of being, you will be ripened to be used politically by your belonging group, and remember God has nothing to do with it. If your religious beliefs are pure of politics, you may find spiritual satisfaction. Otherwise, even having a belief system can’t help you to find those illusive feelings of security and peace. A religious belief pure of any politics does have the potential to help you solve this riddle of out-of-control insecurities. Direct connection to logical thinking and God can help in accepting our mortality as a physical fact of life. So, remember fearing from something which is inevitable for each and every one of us is not logical. Insecurities are fear based so end up trying to control the things we don’t have control over. Causing stress and related physical illnesses to actually cut short our already temporary time. A belief rich in spirituality has been, is and will always be the foundation of a good and decently evolved human individual.

Going to wars and killing each other even making belonging individuals believe they it’s in the name of God. Politically using God is a clear sign of politics and wherever there is politics spirituality takes a hike from that belief system. Now tell me about any religion which is not using politics of belonging. In today’s time being less evolved is a matter of shame not a pride so is using God for political purposes. Belonging groups know that an insecure individual can be easily used, in the name of God. So, they bring God in every dispute because if an individual has God as their security blanket. They will die to protect their religious beliefs. Not because of their belief in God but rather for their insecurities. Meaning, yes, I am connecting our individual insecurities with all our religious wars, or I should say political wars. So, it has never been or is about God, belief system or spirituality but rather has always been about political belonging to our groups. Especially when you believe in your religion or belonging group more than yourself you got those invisible strings attached. If you follow those strings, you actually are going against God’s will. Just think about what and who you really are? Your abilities can tell you everything clearly that you are a human individual carrying your own atom of autonomy. A God particle of abilities to be a spiritual entity yourself.

Ask yourself why God created you as a human being why not like chimps? If you believe you are not created by God, you simply will have to believe in that you have evolved from the chimps. That will raise the simple question, with ninety eight percent similar genetics, why chimps still live in the bush? After all, with that kind of genetical match, by now, at the least they should be making and living in the mud houses. Remember they were not given that extra two percent of spiritual side. Those invisible strings of genetics are keeping them where they are, sure we were in the bush or caves as well but being a human being is not being a chimp. Remember as human beings we are flying in the space, breaking down genetic code and constantly discovering new things, simply because of our evolving nature. It’s all about what and who we are, so knowing that we need to evolve further from where we have been. INDIVIDUALLY WE ALL ARE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO GOD, SO OUR PROGRESSES ARE COMING DIRECTLY FROM GOD. JUST LIKE OTHER CREATURES ARE TIED UP AND COMPELLED TO FOLLOW THEIR GENETICS. WE ALL ARE CONNECTED BUT WE HAVE BEEN BLESSED WITH A CHOICE SO OUR PROGRESS IS COMING FROM AS AN INTERTWINED ENTITY. SINCE OUR CONNECTION IS SPIRITUAL, OUR INVISIBLE SPIRITUAL STRINGS ARE BEING PULLED WHENEVER ANY ONE OF US DOES A GOOD DEED OR CONVERTS A SPIRITUAL THOUGHT INTO PHYSICAL ACTION. ITS ALL BECAUSE OF OUR ATOM OF AUTONOMY WHICH IS CRUCIAL IN CREATING THAT BRIDGE WHERE HUMAN BEINGS CROSS OR DIMINISH THE LINES OF SEPARATION BETWEEN GOD AND HUMAN BEINGS.

If you don’t believe, you have to critically look into the politics of your belonging. Then you have to explore God, without any restrictions or political boundaries. If you still find it difficult to move beyond the politics of belonging, you simply can’t be convinced by others. If you start to think and explore God without the politics of belonging to your group you will find spiritual zone, where you will look at yourself like a cell phone. Similar to using your cell phone, you will find more and more abilities it carries within. Even if we don’t have those invisible genetical strings attached, a whole lot of us are still stuck in all that. Reasons are not that they have those strings attached but rather they are not questioning their political belonging to their groups. They don’t believe in what God has blessed them with, their atom of autonomy is meaningless if they are stuck with the political strings attached. Since God had done Godly job, now it’s up to us individually to evolve to the point where we can use and comply with our Godly blessings.

Using our free will, personal sense of justice, compassion, ability to love and help each other. Honest reciprocation with God can make us evolve to the next level and belong to humanity as a whole. Which can throw a wrench in everything we have been doing according to our ancestral knowledge of our belonging groups. Since, God takes care of our oxygen, functioning body and favorable life circumstances yet all without our asking or believing in God or not. Remember physically we just show up without our will to enjoy our time on earth. Yet politically we are brain washed and taught to rob each other of that time simply because our belonging group ask us to kill each other. We even are told by our belonging groups how to believe in God and believe in exactly as they say what will happen after we die. To me if you are a decently evolved human individual with your atom of autonomy, you will use your free will and personal sense of justice before listening to the political rhetoric. Your spirituality based personal sense of belonging to God and humanity says don’t do to anyone, what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Spiritually we all should be able to see ourselves on the receiving end of our actions before committing them. Yet our evolution should help you to come out of that hypnotic state of mind where you can’t think as a perfectly functioning independent entity. Where you are responsible for your actions, even if you say that you are not doing it for yourself, you are doing it all for your belonging group. You still are responsible for those actions simply because you are above all those genetically programed creatures who don’t have spiritual understanding. As human beings we have expanded enough to use our imagination and explore in virtually all departments of life.

Our knowing about the cosmos, sun and moon or knowing about our bodies to live better is one side of our knowledge. Living as a decently evolved human individual among others or killing each other is another story of human beings, we all should be talking about. You can pick one stream of human knowledge and become good at it, make your living and become passionate enough to ignore the importance of everything else. That is a place where extreme lives and unfortunately, we are quite susceptible to be there individually. Especially if we have a disease to please our belonging groups, we will do anything to fit in, impress or die trying to be admired by them. Remember as a human individual we are singing a song of a mortal being so what we do in our living years matters. It does matter what goes on within you or what you do to others. Say you are a scientist; you may believe in the big bang, expansion and even approximate date of explosion of start. If you are a religious fanatic and believe in exactly what happens beyond our cliff of faith. You both land in a zone called extreme. Now the question is, how are you doing in the era you are living or born in? If you are an extremist or think you are right on all fronts, how do you treat those who don’t believe in extreme like you do and think you are wrong to be so passionate about your knowledge. Remember you both are emphasizing more than you should on the future and past. So, you are not doing the justice to the present where things matter the most. Only time when you can make the difference is your present which requires your attention. Life is not what is beyond the cliff of faith, it’s now and in your living years. So, if you are bad at it because of what you think, fix it before it’s too late. Whether it’s our scientific knowledge or our belief systems they are not ultimate nor an authentic human knowledge, simply because we are an evolving entity. We discover things only to find out our previous knowledge was incorrect or not complete. Remember when our doctors were prescribing mercury as a medicine yet today it’s a proven poison. Religious people believed they will need their material assets in life after death, so they got buried with it. Today, grave robbers and archeologists are having a hay day with it all. We even have degrees in that subject. Just to prove that we are good in digging graves to learn more. We even run the dead bodies through cat scan machines to learn more. Question is what has changed? Nothing on the mortality front but a lot has changed in all areas of life. So, if you still believe in exactly what your religious knowledge has taught you. Believe it to live a batter and evolved individual’s life but in the era, you are born into. Keep your mind open so you can have some room for evolutionary process. Believing in something was supposed to be for becoming a better person during our living years. Even the intentions of our religious leaders have been noble to teach us all about life in living years. Yet politics of belonging has been able to infect the best of us. It compels us all to belong whether your group is right or on the wrong side of spirituality. All human groups are guilty of preaching prejudice and discrimination against each other. They even encourage killing each other yet in the name of God. If you are fighting for your land and resources, I can understand that because all creatures do that. It’s a nature of the beast to survive so religious beliefs or not I can accept that but killing each other over our unknowns should be classified as ignorance and absurdity. How can you rob someone of their physical reality for your metaphorical one? Remember you can’t even explain your metaphorical realities. Always remember, you can’t get God to show up on demand and repeatably to prove God’s physicality. I am not making this statement for political purposes, it’s simply for teaching those who believe in their personal irrelevance. If United Nation enforces a rule for all nations to pass the law to allow any and everyone to leave, if they don’t feel fit in their conservative societies. At the same time all nations allow those who leave to claim a refugee status to become a part of those nations. What will happen to those nations who disrespect their belonging individuals as irrelevant? It will be interesting to see how those conservative societies will carry on without larger population. A while back an Italian town was giving money and residence to young couples because their population was shrinking. It’s not the buildings, streets, bridges it’s the people who make the community nation, or religion and even God a physical reality. SO, SPIRITUAL STRINGS OF HUMAN INDIVIDUAL AND THEIR ATOM OF AUTONOMY ARE CREATING A LEGITIMATE BRIDGE TO DIMINISHING THE LINES OF SAPERATION BETWEEN GOD AND HUMAN BEING. SO, DISREGARDING HUMAN INDIVIDUALS PHYSICAL PRESENCE CAN BE DEADLY FOR A COMMUNITY WHICH SHOULD BE ACCEPTED BY ALL HUMAN SOCIETIES WHETHER THEY ARE LIBERAL OR CONSERVATIVE. GOOD OR BAD, REAL THINGS ONLY HAPPEN WHEN THEY ARE PHYSICALLY DONE AND HUMAN INDIVIDUAL IS THE MAIN CHARACTER IN PERFORMING ALL THAT PHYSICALLY. SO, STRINGS, NO STRINGS, AND EVEN IF EVOLUTION IS WRITTEN IN OUR GENES AS AN ATOM OF AUTONOMY HOLDING CEO, WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO OVERRIDE AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT ALL. IN THE END OF THE DAY, WE ALL SHOULD BE ABALE TO THINK, IF GOD CREATED HUMAN INDIVIDUAL AS AN INDIPENDENT ENTITY WITH CHOICE. HOW CAN WE KILL EACH OTHER IN THE NAME OF OUR BELONGING GROUPS, YET SO PASSIONATELY? WHEN I SEE WHAT IS GOING ON ARUOUND ME I FEEL THE PASSION TO POINT TOWARDS THAT INDIPENDENCE. THAT ATOM OF AUTONOMY WHICH MAKES EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US A CEO OF OUR LIVES. YET HERE WE ARE ACTING LIKE PUPPETS AND DANCING LIKE THOSE GENETICALLY PROGRAMED CREATURES. JUST REMEMBER TO LOOK INWARD SO YOU CAN SEE YOURSELF AS A DROP WHICH POTENTIALLY IS HOLDING VASTNESS OF OCEANS AND SPACE WITHIN. YET POLITICALLY, OUT OF PERSONAL INSECURITIES WE FOLLOW OUR GROUPS BLINDLY. ALWAYS REMEMBER A GROUP DOES NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO KILL OPPOSING GROUP’S INDIVIDUALS UNTIL A LIVING BREATHING HUMAN INDIVIDUAL PERFORM THAT ACTION PHYSICALLY. SO, AT THE END OF THE DAY NO ONE CAN PERFORM GOOD OR BAD ACTIONS WITHOUT THE HELP OF HUMAN INDIVIDUAL’S CHOICE. IF EVERYONE OF US IS FREE OF THOSE GENETICAL STRINGS THEN WHY DO WE ACT LIKE WARRIOR ANTS FOR OUR BELONGING GROUPS? UNLIKE GENETICALLY PROGRAMED CREATURES, FOR HUMAN BEINGS ITS NOT THE WAY IT IS. SIMPLY BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN, ARE AND STILL CAN EVOLVE FROM ERA TO ERA TO CHANGE EVERYTHINGS. SO, IF YOU FEAR FROM IT, YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE. YET SINCE YOU ARE NOT A WORKER BEE OR A WARRIOR ANT, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO LIVE LIKE A HUMAN BEING. IF PRESENT DAY DOCTOR CAN GET YOU PREGNENT YET WITH THE CHOICE OF THE GENDER OF YOUR CHILD. DON’T YOU WANT TO LOOK AT HUMAN BEINGS IN DIFFERENT LIGHT THAN OTHER CREATURES. SIMPLY LOOK AT THE OTHER PROGRESSES OF HUMANITY WHETHER ITS IN THE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY OR EVEN IN EVERYDAY LIVING. YOU WILL SEE HUMAN BEINGS HAVE BEEN PLAYING GOD ALL THE TIME AND FOR QUITE LONG TIME THAT IS WHY THEY ARE A LEGITIMATE BRIDGE, DIMINISHING THE LINES OF SAPERATION BETWEEN GOD AND HUMAN BEINGS. DOES THAT MEAN THERE IS NO GOD? DEPENDING ON HOW YOU LOOK AT IT, AND WHAT PROPOGANDA HAS INFLUENCED YOU. IT’S QUITE THE CONTERARY BECAUSE IF WE ARE THE CELLS OF GOD, WE PERFOMING GOD’S WORK. REMEMBER WE CAN’T EVEN BREATH OR LIVE ON OUR OWN, SO EVERYTHING WE DO HAS SOME HELP TO MAKE THOSE CHOICES. IF YOU BLAME DEVIL FOR THE BAD THINGS, ITS YOUR PRORAGATIVE BUT IF WE ALL ARE GIVEN FREE WILL, AFTER WE TAKE THAT BREATH, WE BECOME RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR ACTIONS. SO, LEARNING WHAT IS GOOD OR BAD IS AN ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE FOR HUMAN INDIVIDUALS. ESPECIALLY FOR THAT REASON, WHEN IT COMES TO OUR POLITICAL INFLUENCES WE SIMPLY CAN’T HIDE BEHIND OUR BELONGING GROUPS, AND YES NOT EVEN BEHIND OUR RELIGIONS. OUR ACTIONS ARE ALWAYS BECAUSE OF OUR CHOICES SO, WE BECOME RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES…