Sure we are a social creature but genetically we are not like ants or bees, each and every single one of us has been created as a tree or CEO of our lives. All our belonging groups have been trying undermine human individual’s value and importance for political purposes but our religions take it even further preach human irrelevance and even call them born sinners. Yet logically if you remove human beings the whole spiritual falls flat on its face. God and Devil are our metaphoric realities so in order to be relevant they both need human being’s physicality. Both our good and bad can’t be physically performed if we don’t have human beings. A beautiful lily in the forest pond has no physical eyes to appreciate its beauty. A town becomes a ghost town, a haunted house can’t scare anyone and the whole spiritual fabric of God loses everything if it loses the thread its made of.

Spirituality and justice both are the fundamentals of humanity or at least they should be because without our spiritual jewelry we are just a physically existing creature but as human beings we are blessed with our own atom of autonomy, a God like ability makes us use our free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and ability love to even knowingly sacrifice ourselves for others. As a constantly evolving and progressing entity we have come long way from caves and bush to thriving mega cities. Now we live in societies with their own justice systems. In today’s era if you go to court you will have to take an oath and say nothing but truth or truth and nothing but. Unfortunately because we are born into our communities with their own traditions, customs, rituals and political rules we are exposed to and then are expected to even reinforce and protect it all regardless of its political taints. Individually we are bombarded with the knowledge to brain wash and conform to the values and importance of group politics and sense of belonging. Individual strength, importance and relevance has been and still is discouraged. Especially personal spirituality and sense of justice, the very own and valuable jewelry of humanity takes a back seat when it comes to the politics of belonging to our groups. Sure we still can’t live without our societies or our political systems but the connections between our politics of belonging and sufferings of humanity or human individual in general are so pronounce that we can’t deny their phenomenal powers. We have been and are still suffering from committing injustice against each other and there is no getting around it, at least not yet.

If you claim sense of belonging to our groups is the only political way of human individual and collective living. Either spiritually you are not strong enough to question the popular political trends or you don’t understand that as human beings we all are created as a tree not a branch. A tree belong to a jungle and as human beings we belong to humanity as a whole. You can see all kind of trees exist without claiming a piece of land by per square inch and human beings are living in melting pot societies yet we still kill each other over our race, nation and religious beliefs.

I am trying to point towards our spirituality and personal sense of justice which allows us to live in peace with each other in melting pot societies. As we are born our parents, belonging community, nation and religions add to our identity layer by layer to the point that we forget that our first identity is human being who is born with their personal atom of autonomy and related free will, compassion, ability to love and evolve, all from before birth. Since by God we are created as an evolving entity, no matter how much we learn and know we still have to keep going to learn more and evolve further by our nature. Remember we don’t have any boundaries around us from God and no one is pulling our strings unless you are under the influences of your belonging groups and buy into everything what you have been politically sold. If your truths are coming from your belonging groups you yourself are undermining your God given authority by believing that you are just a branch belonging to a tree you call a group of people. If you think your group given knowledge is an ultimate knowledge you are undermining your Godly installed evolutionary nature and to me that is a disrespect to you and your creator simultaneously.

There is an African proverb I read that somewhere as a meme. And I quote, “A WISE MAN NEVER KNOWS ALL, ONLY FOOLS KNOW EVERYTHING”. End quote. It clearly means that even as groups we can’t claim that we know everything so buying into our politically tainted group truths would be individually political as well.

Reading a book holy or otherwise, getting a master’s degree or receiving a PhD in certain department of life does not give us a complete knowledge to become a decently evolved and well rounded human individual especially in today’s society. Our acceptance of not knowing everything and being humble on the other hand can and does help. Sure we don’t grow horns or wings but our constantly evolving knowledge keep reminding us about our evolving nature. If you dispute with me never to forget that in all our history we have been claiming superiority of our knowledge yet kept learning new things. Reality is as human beings we have been, are and would always be learning something new all the time. Yet interestingly every time we learn something new our brain produces new neurons, what does it really mean to you? To me it means even our potential is evolving so we can’t get a computer to predict our real potential.


Growing up I observed that some people would go to tombs of the saints and some would preach against it all. Which made me question their SECTARIAN differences because they all call themselves Muslims. That is how I discovered that there are different sects of Islam.

Going to a tomb of a saint to be fed is a common thing in Pakistan, PEOPLE GO PRAY TO GOD AND TAKE AN OATH THAT IF I GET MY WISH COME TRUE I WILL FEED SO MANY PEOPLE. You can literally see crowds of people believing those saints to be Godly people and others denying it all, YET HUNGRY AND NEEDY GET HELPED BY THOSE WHO ARE CONVERTING SPIRITUALITY INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS. Differences in our belief systems are not because of our metaphoric realities but vagueness of them. Whether you believe in the powers of dead saint or not. Literally is not the issue nor its believing in God and religion’s prophet. Its all about believing in known and unknown realities as truths, so how does it all work? Believing in it or not depends on those living breathing human beings, so whether you are receiving or giving you are the responsible one at least physically. NOW THE QUESTION IS WHAT MAKES YOU GIVE? IS IT THAT YOU ARE WORKING ALONE EXCLUSIVELY, OR YOU ARE MAKING IT HAPPEN PHYSICALLY BECAUSE GOD IS WORKING THROUGH YOU? What is the big fuss about these differences? What makes you think God or the saint are doing everything? What makes you think that what is being done by the people is wrong? Sure it looks like people are doing it, but is it that simple to you and why? Why can’t you figure that if your belonging group is against it, that is making you think its wrong meaning your judgement is not yours exclusively. If we all are able to come out of our political pigeon holes then and only then we will be able to see what is really going on. Instead of judging with belonging groups views why can’t we personally be curious to discover this spiritual phenomenon. Remember you can’t find God if you start digging into everything physically nor you can claim what is conveyed to you by your belonging group is unquestionable. In the end of the day we all will end up on the edge of the cliff of our faith. Not really knowing what is beyond it? Claiming to know that unknown without any assumptions is what is called blind faith. Sure that is useful but it is not all about its usefulness of beyond the cliff of faith, it is all about how you live during your living years. Meaning God has to be found spiritually during your living years so you can be beneficial to others and beneficiary of spirituality.

Since spirituality is just and is universal, there are no judgments, differences or who is right and wrong, it simply is spiritual. You stay focused on how human beings are giving physicality to spirituality. If hungry people are being fed because of others responsibility of reciprocation, why, where and how it is being done is and should be a matter of pride so be proud of being a human being instead of following the politically influenced right and wrong of your belonging groups. If you are under the influences of your belonging group make sure that your right and wrong is judged by your own spiritual and personal sense of justice. If thinking beyond belonging group’s education is a foreign story for you, think about yourself what are you? Are you a branch of your belonging group or are you a Godly created tree yourself? If you remove the judgements of your belonging group, you will be able to see the spirituality working in humanity regardless of its groups. Try removing all the politics if you can and see the beauty of God physically working through human individuals. Oh yes if you can’t see beyond the boundaries of your sects or religions remember to ask yourself why? Why can’t you see spirituality in physical actions as Godly act? If you don’t believe in God nor the saints still you owe the answers to yourself. Our groups have put boundaries around their belonging individuals by putting them in a pond like situation. Yet a Godly and spiritually aware individual is literally way beyond the ocean and space all put together. Sectarian or even amongst all religious differences our spirituality should prevail. So if you feel suffocated within the boundaries of your pond simply dig into yourself individually. If you believe wholeheartedly whatever your belonging group says, remember to think our potential holds unknown evolving potential. To discover ultimate truth of human existence, you have to evolve a little further to understand that how to separate politics of belonging and your spiritual realities. Know what a human being is, and what kind of potential they hold even at an individual level. Personally I believe we have no limits, boundaries and restrictions from God and nature that is why we have been evolving regardless of our political and religious restrictions.

If you can teach me something new I am open to learn as long as it benefits all humanity. If it is for some not for all, its political and I am for spirituality and justice to all equally. I believe in equal human rights and are against all kind of racism, prejudice, discrimination, group, nation or religion prioritization AND SECTARIAN DIFFERENCE, TO ME GOD IS WHERE EVER WE ALL ARE. If you are religious and believe in exclusivity, I would eventually question your spirituality and personal sense of justice. If you are political I would still question your spirituality but your politics of sense of belonging as well because being political your personal sense of justice gets compromised.

To me defining God, spirituality and justice is easy, if you are able to personally ask yourself these basic questions. Why spirituality is found in all human societies? Why it is found in humanity regardless of any particular religion or even no religion at all? And why do we still do to others what we don’t like done to us and to our loved ones? Simply politics of our sense of belonging to our groups would be the answer. Now can you personally overcome that if not why?

Spirituality is from God and is universally ingrained within all of us and it crosses over all boundaries of human groups. So learning to belong to humanity as a whole should come naturally and easily to all of us but reality is that is the most difficult to evolve from. Thousands of years of political brain washing had made an individual thinking about themselves as branch of their belonging groups instead of believing in being a tree what God had meant for us all. Powerful politics of our groups is a phenomena we still have to overcome, and as a branch we can’t think like a tree even if it is insulting to our creator. I am an optimist and think maybe one day we all will cross the lines of our political belonging and evolve enough to learn to belong where its meant to be from God.

Politics of belonging to our groups robs us from our individuality and makes us less than what we were suppose to be. That is why we gladly get used politically by our belonging groups. OUR RACISM, PREJUDICE, DISCRIMINATION AND RELATED ISSUES ALL COME FROM OUR INDIVIDUAL WEAKNESSES BECAUSE WE ALLOW OURSELVES TO FOLLOW WHAT OUR GROUPS PREACH TO US. We proudly do to others what we don’t like done to ourselves and to our loved ones because our politics of sense of belonging has robbed us from our individual and personal spirituality. We have lost our God given free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and love. We even have lost our self respect, self importance and self-esteem to harm ourselves spiritually because we are unable to put ourselves on the receiving end of our actions before we commit them. We have become spiritually bankrupt not only at individual level, we as groups, nations and religions have lost our souls all in the name of the politics of belonging to our groups.

We all individually and collectively can try to wash our spiritual crimes by accepting and resolving pending issues. Hundreds or even thousands of year later we acknowledge our wrong doing because the burdens are too heavy to carry on. That is if you are evolved enough to accept and understand the weight of spiritual burdens on your soul. Physically we may not acknowledge them because of the brain washing we have gone through especially in our tender years but as we grow and learn about individual responsibilities for our actions. That may help in understanding the reasons of our guilt and regrets. Simply ask any war veteran who is going through hard times even functioning in day to day life. Carrying those heavy burdens on the soul is no joke because of our mortal nature. Regardless of what a judging individual or our political leaders say mental health is a reality for those who become and are aware of the burdens they carry. Burdens of on going sufferings get heavier on our souls if not resolved. For instance if we talk about collective souls, Americans have been helping Japan after dropping two atomic bombs on them. Today Germans are standing in Israel’s corner in the Palestine issues. I personally believe, British should do the same thing to remove their spiritual burdens of collective soul and help resolving the pending issues like sufferings of Natives in Canada, Palestinians and people of Kashmir because their previous policies are still costing people their lives and all kind of sufferings. As an evolving humanity every innocent death and suffering adds to our spiritual crimes, so if we know our belonging group has and still is causing spiritual damage, we should speak against it. Its not only about the conflicting parties its about the conflict starters as well. A recent news of mass grave of children in Canada implicating Roman Catholic Church is a living example of what I am talking about.

Logically our individual and collective life has several different departments so if in one department you can use a long term strategy and gain something material. Is one thing but as human beings at individual level or collectively we got to look at our lives as a CEO. If there is a gain in one area and a loss in the other we should know and acknowledge that. Long term financial gain is encouraged by every human society but if it contributes in others sufferings it becomes a spiritual sin which may become a burden of the soul later as the humanity evolves and discovers the potential harms of certain strategies. What went on in Canadian society long time ago may have not been thought out long terms because generations later those actions have become a black mark on the face of a nation yet it came from the religious extreme. As less evolved human beings we have been conquering a robbing each other of their resources and love in the name of our belonging groups. That was past and it was an accepted truth of most races, nations and even religions. Today it has become a spiritual crime because this is an era where other than the extremists factions of populations. As an ordinary individual regardless of belonging to any particular group most are willing to give and receive equal human rights. Racism, gender inequality, prejudice and discrimination are becoming bad words of modern day humanity. So not going with this more evolved human advances is not kosher or cool anymore. Regardless of all these advances we still hear news of prejudice and discrimination related crimes. For instance an innocent Muslim family getting run over in the name of religious or other political extreme.

Past trends of sense of belonging had helped to turn nations into empires and they progressed materially in certain departments and suffered serious losses spiritually. Wheels of time may turn slower than our individual mortal life but looking back in the history of nations and religions. We can not only clearly see how time has created a rainbow colored blended humanity, yet at the same time we have a whole grave yard full of once majestic empires. Kingdoms have gone down, even a popular entities like communism have taken a fall. Our evolution has been changing things but on certain speed and as a mortal individual we may not be able to see the consequences of our collective spiritual sins but that does not mean there are no consequences for our atrocities. Not too long ago Canadian Prim Minister apologized Natives for the crimes committed against them, yet again there was a news for mass grave discovery. Now ask why would a modern day government would apologize for the sins of past. To me why it stops at Canadian government, why not British and Roman Catholic Church as well because they were the ones in power at the the time of crimes. As a decently evolved human individual and collectively as nations we should all look for what caused us to commit those crimes, if that was because of the politics of belonging to our groups then we should look at the politics of belonging as a culprit. Anything what creates individual or collective guilt, should be looked at as the cause. Interestingly we still can’t question the politics of belonging to our groups. Individually we can do it in our life time but collectively it may take hundreds or even thousands of years evolution to come to terms with our past. Sooner we acknowledge and learn about personal and collective spirituality the better because our individual burdens can rob our happiness and contentment. Bing robbed of happiness and contentment from an already mortal life is a very steep price to pay. If you are part of the nation or a religion taking part in committing spiritual crimes. Yet with pride, that is because you have sold your individual soul to the politics of sense of belonging to your group. Your individual ignorance may not let you feel burdens of the soul until you evolve but collectively your nation may have to apologize down the road because it could not handle those burdens anymore. If we individually are a tree ourselves we would become spiritually aware and ideally would stop taking part in spiritual crimes regardless of all the political preaching. One may not think about their individual strength but spiritual awareness has the power to reveal hidden political agendas of a belonging group. If we individually evolve, question and refuse to commit crimes in the name of political belonging. Things can change drastically. If Canadian government has to apologize for Catholic and British crimes, politics is still there so British should chip in that apology as well because they brought Catholic ideology to North America. Remember apologies are a sign of acknowledgement and if we acknowledge we may not let it happen again.

Logically life experiences have the power to form ones views of life and if you are unable or don’t question your views and their origination you simply can’t believe that your views are ultimately your own knowledge. If you become emotionally attached to your views and causes, it is your prerogative but if you let them rob your own happiness or take you to extreme and rob happiness of others, hurt or kill them. You may end up living with burdens of soul and with mortal nature those burdens can become hard to live with. Being mortals we all have to watch out from the things that can lead us to become non spiritual beings. As I said before a satisfied soul is a universal medicine for a mortal being so if you go against your personal atom of autonomy you are robing that satisfaction from your own soul to cause all sort of diseases to yourself as well.

If you like to save trees do so but don’t kill anyone over it. Sure you can protest over climate change but don’t cut your or someone else’s life short over it. Be all for group politics but don’t commit spiritual crimes for it and yes even if it is for your religious beliefs. Want to be liberated and ask for rights for an exclusive group do so but because of its political reasons don’t become prejudiced and discriminatory individual yourself so its best to ask for equal human individual rights instead. Especially don’t sacrifice your whole mortal life in discontentment and unhappiness just because you are promised a world or even a spot in heaven by your belonging groups.

Remember you simply can’t be happy or go to heaven just because you are a Muslim, Christian or belong to any other religion. If you really think that way that is because of your belonging group’s politics. As I said politics and spirituality don’t mix so making even God into prejudiced and discriminatory entity would be a spiritual crime. You are told to be a good person and don’t commit crimes so you could go to heaven. Yet interestingly in the same breath you are given contradicting messages like commit those same crimes against opposing groups so you can go to heaven so if you personally can’t see that it is on your personal shoulders. Things become tricky and murky when it comes to the politics of belonging to our groups. So becoming a CEO of your life can not only help you to see all the politics, it can give you the ability to over ride these political discrepancies. If you still ignore, think and believe God is that stupid and political, then you personally need some soul searching to do. Remember God did Godly job by blessing you with the free will and personal sense of justice so now its your job to understand that a crime is a crime regardless of who you commit against or for. Since that Godly job is done you have to take responsibilities of your actions. If you can’t see the politics in the messages, you got personal issues and the only way out for you is to think like a CEO. If following the politics of your belonging group is going to take you to heaven think again, before committing crimes in the name of your belonging group and especially if your group claims that those crimes are being committed for God so you will go to heaven. You should really think hard about the political side of your belief system separately because its you who will have to separate your spirituality from your politics. I personally believe that there is no way God is prejudicial, discriminatory and biased, so if you believe in all that you may have a rude awakening if you end up going to the vary place you were trying so hard to avoid. Whether its a hell of a life or a life of a hell after death that is all judged by the individual actions not the belonging. Always remember you don’t go to heaven or hell because of your belonging to any race, gender, color, gang, group, nation or a religion or their sects. Where you are and where you will be? It has always been, is and will always be dictated by the intentions of your actions and direct reciprocation with God, remember just like God spirituality is universal.

I can’t go any further without mentioning a video I saw. A mullah was teaching kids Qur’an, he was beating them up and badly, I believe that he himself was taught to believed in fear based philosophy. Which I believe should not be used on human beings because we are not just like the other animals. We carry our personal and exclusive atom of autonomy within as our individual and personal spiritual side or a God like ability to function physically and spiritually. Meaning we are able to self regulate. If we are considered as an animal it is not only a disrespect to our creator its a disrespect to us being a human being as well. How can we be teaching about compassion, justice and love by beating innocent children? Clearly its a fear based method of teaching and brain washing. It is mind boggling to me that especially if you install fear to teach about the opposing things like compassion, love and justice. I can see there is a disconnection here which is not only confusing for grown ups never mind little kids. First of all if you will learn in fearful environment you will not learn the real meanings of the knowledge second as soon as that fearful environment subsides you are going to discard that knowledge and third you would disrespect that knowledge because of its physical contradictions.

In my previous blogs I mentioned and talked about the crime rates of all nations, anyone can Google it. Nations made the top of the list were not even religious nations which I believe should be a wake up call for all religions. Remember they are the one who claim to be the contractors of God and spirituality. Logically their citizens should be better because they have been taught all about spiritual principles so they can practice that spirituality in their everyday life. Unfortunately they failed to show spiritual principles practical effects on society. If people know about spirituality but don’t practice to keep their crime rate lower, yet non religious societies are able to show that they follow the spiritual principles to actually show the results. Where things are going wrong? Why religious nations can’t show good results where it matters? Is it because of that Mullah who believed in forced education with swear beatings or its all because of learning but not practicing what you are preaching. Our conflicting messages come from politics not from spirituality. If you are teaching about Qur’an where you suppose to learn all about compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, and love but practically you are showing kids who are your coming generations everything but all the above. Time is not very forgiving when it comes to bad actions of individual, nations and religions so we all should be able to ponder what our future holds.

Back to the forced knowledge especially if it is taught for people to become good and decent human beings. You may create people who can memorize it all but creating good and decent human beings takes personal sense of justice, ability to love and know how to be compassionate, and if you set fear in the foundation you can’t get the good results. Regardless of religious knowledge if your nation can’t produce decent individuals and lower crime rates. You simply have to go back to the drawing board to see where things are going wrong. To me a religion should be teaching spirituality exclusively because being spiritual brings you the results by producing decent and good human beings. As I said spirituality is universal and is from God. Our politically tainted religions have strayed from spirituality so they have lost their respect from the ordinary individual. People receive forced religious education in the early years of life but stop complying to it as they grow up knowing God is not showing up to stop them from committing crimes. Interestingly there is an other contradiction to mention here, religious people believe in that even a lief on the tree can’t move without God’s will and God is watching all the time, but if you see the violence in teachings and harsh punishments for social crimes clearly points towards that there is no room left for God and spirituality to be even relevant. To become a good, decent and spiritual human being we need individual awareness of spiritual principles and related self regulation. If a teacher who is an authority figure is teaching about good things like Holy book Qur’an and spirituality yet by physically beating kids, you are actually teaching them it is okay to beat someone in vulnerable and weak position. On top of that how can he be teaching about compassion, forgiveness, justice and love by practically showing them otherwise? If your teachings and your practical is not matching its conflicting so either you, yourself don’t know the meanings of what you are trying to teach or you don’t respect the real meanings of the knowledge you are teaching.

Just look at the first few things religions talk about and I repeat talk about but not necessarily practice like that Mullah. Top of the list should be compassion and love to make an ordinary individual into a decently evolve good human being and that is regardless of any religion or sect. Now look around and see what our religions have been practicing and what they have done for the humanity and individual so far. Sure there has been a lot of talk about compassion and love but are these good things really found in the real world of religions. For thousands of years we have been going through the bloodiest and passionate wars and extreme related prejudice, discrimination and a whole lot of spiritual crimes. They literally rob com out of the word compassion. Just look at our history. From Crusaders to German to Bosnia. To American Natives and Roman Catholics in Canad to Syria Israel and Palestine to India and Kashmir to Myanmar and Afghanistan to name a few if you seriously start to look at it you will find a lot more than a horror story never mind compassion and love. Simply dig in the history and try counting the death tole of our religious extreme related disputes and wars. Don’t forget it is still going on so to me, looking for the right number of killings can literally spin the modern day computer’s head, never mind yours. By merging our religions with the politics of belonging to our groups has done not only physical damage to humanity it robbed individual of faith in God and spirituality. This lethal mix has created distrust in our belief systems to cause us damage individually. Interestingly it has nothing to do with the spiritual side of our religions and God yet everything to do with the politics of our belonging to our groups. As an individual you can blame opposing or even your own group for all the wrongs but in reality it all boils down to you. You are the one who needs to be a tree and not a branch to figure real thing out. Easiest way to know that is to ask yourself individually why do we consider ourselves as a branch of a tree and nothing more than that. Yet our creator has created us a whole lot more than what we are lead to believe.

In real life, we don’t just leave material things to our off springs we pass our knowledge to them as well, so we not only individually but collectively should be careful what we pass on to our coming generations. Materially things happen automatically for instance one generation develops rail tracks, bridges, highways and high rises and leave it all behind. They all are designed to make coming generation’s life easier. From science, technology to medicine and everything in between has been, is, will constantly and always be evolving. That means we should give credit to our ancestors but if they have left us with some of their unresolved issues. We should try not to leave them to our coming generations because our technologies have been evolving. We can’t be just passing those on to our coming generations because they might use their modern day war weaponry on each other because their ancestors have left them with their disputes and wars as well.

If one generation thought teaching forcefully is a normal thing to do, does not mean coming generations should do the same thing. Remember we suppose to evolve and not to leave things behind to make our coming generation’s life difficult. People who think and care about coming generations maybe looked down politically but our spiritual side teaches us to become a decent individual. Yet unfortunately our political side stands in the way. Religions or not being useful to humanity comes naturally to human beings and is as spiritual as it can get. Not caring for others or thinking for coming generations is not only a sign of being less evolved it is down right selfish which goes against our spiritual side so we have been evolving from because of our spiritual nature.

BEING RELIGIOUS BUT NOT BEING SPIRITUAL IS NOTHING BUT POLITICAL, IF YOU EVOLVE FROM THAT YOU INDIVIDUALLY WOULD STEP INTO A DIFFERENT LEVEL OF SPIRITUALITY, WHERE. As a human individual we physically shouldn’t feel that we are a burden on others. Spiritually and internally we should always feel satisfied and content by our personal efforts we put in our life. That is why personally we should learn all about reciprocation to pull our share TO COMPLETE THE CIRCLE OF OUR MORTAL LIFE. As babies we need help as we grow up we learn to help and as we get old we get help again until the cycle is complete for us individually. Trouble is when we are born in certain group we have to adopt their political establishment related rules so if our groups preach prejudice and discrimination against others we become a soldier of our belonging groups and sometimes lose our spiritual justice against politics of belonging. If that happens and we commit spiritual crimes for our belonging groups we end up against our atom of autonomy and lose ourselves. If we personally are not satisfied from ourselves, we simply look down at ourselves. TO ME THIS, PERSONALLY LOOKING DOWN AT SELF IS THE KEY TO UNDERSTAND OUR PROBLEMS RELATED TO PERSONAL AND SPIRITUAL DISCONNECTION. THAT IS WHERE OUR LACK OF SELF-ESTEEM STEMS AND COMES FROM. THIS IS WHERE NATIONS AND RELIGIONS GOT TAINTED WITH POLITICS OF BELONGING AND BECAME POLITICAL ENTITIES. THEY INTENTIONALLY DISCOURAGED AND DESTROYED THE SPIRITUAL SIDE OF THEIR BELONGING INDIVIDUAL SO THEY CAN HAVE POWER AND CONTROL OVER THEM TO USE THEM FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES. THEY PREACHED GROUP, GOD AND DEVIL AS POWERFUL AND HUMAN INDIVIDUAL AS UNNECESSARY, UNIMPORTANT, IRRELEVANT AND USELESS YET IN REALITY THINGS DON’T WORK AT ALL IF THE HUMAN INDIVIDUAL IS NOT THERE. Especially if you are a conqueror nation you would try to hit the conquered nation where it hurts. If you can make the opposing nation’s individual weak that nation can’t fight back so its a political strategy USED BY FOES AND FRIENDS SIMULTANEOUSLY. If individually we are not aware or not strong enough and literally believe in our uselessness we are an easy pray to be used as less evolved fellow creatures like warrior ants and worker bees. That’s why our communities should pay attention to strengthen their individuals even if it creates a constantly questioning and nagging population. Remember our essence, strength, life and blood is our individual.

By looking at our nature even as an individual we are like a tree with all its roots, branches and everything what is required to be an independently functioning entity. If somehow our self worth, self respect and self-esteem has been robbed, we will end up believing that personally we are irrelevant and unimportant. When we wholeheartedly believe that our groups are everything to us and we reduce ourselves to a mare branch. If you believe that you are irrelevant and useless without your belonging group, your rights and wrongs are not yours exclusively anymore, they are the property of your belonging groups. Yet from your creator you have been created as a tree yourself. Believing, fighting and blaming others to be wrong without judging where your judgments are coming from is an individual insufficiency. If you can’t use your God given free will and personal sense of justice you are not a CEO or a tree anymore. If you yourself are believing that you are just a branch regardless of your claims of being a free entity. You are disrespecting your creator because you are not appreciating what you have been created as. Remember gratitude is your food for the soul and a satisfied soul is a universal medicine especially for mortal beings like humans. So if you are suffering from any kind of ills look at yourself as a tree to heal yourself, and yes even if takes for you to question the source of your irrelevance.

Lets look at it this way, say you have or want a pet cat, dog or a parrot does not really matter but for whatever reason if you prefer certain breed, that should be and is your choice. Now imagine you just like that specific breed and hate all others to the point that you want them all killed or exterminated. Now take a step further and see if those cats, dogs and parrots have that kind of intolerance ingrained within them. If they think their breed exclusively should live and others should be eliminated or exterminated. Wouldn’t you find that strange and absurd? Well as human beings we have been and are still doing that. We even kill our own kind in our own groups just because of the way people look, think and believe. I am not trying to throw stones at someone’s glass houses of racism, nationalism and religions. I am stating the facts with examples and pointing towards our intolerance related to our politics of sense of belonging. From our group politics and its related extreme and extreme related prejudice, discrimination, civil and spiritual crimes. Just look at the most recent example of a Muslim family being killed in Canada.

Never to forget that as human individuals we all come with our own exclusive atom of autonomy, related free will, compassion, love and personal sense of justice that make us all exclusively responsible for our own actions. That means there are no excuses for us to say that I am compelled by the loyalties to my race, gender, nation or religion. If you still feel that way you can’t think beyond the politics of your belonging group, meaning you need learn to be a tree or a CEO to be what you have been created as. Politics or not you need to critically look at yourself because you are undermining yourself as a free will holding human being .

Our prejudice and discrimination has nothing to do with God or our individual spiritual side and yes even if our religions call for it, we need to over ride it individually. Our prejudice and discrimination simply are related to your politically installed insecurities, those insecurities have been and are still being installed within you by your belonging groups. Sure politics has its place in our individual life but as a department only which is run by us as a CEO. Simply you can’t become a CEO of your life if you let your politics of belonging run your whole life. If other people or belonging group is running your life you are not being what God had created you as. Especially if you are willing to commit spiritual crimes in the name of your belonging groups you need to learn to separate your politics from your spirituality. If you act as a puppet of your belonging group, you are not doing the justice to being a human being because as human beings we are the whole tree not a branch of a group of people. You suppose to be a God like entity who knows the differences between good and bad. You suppose to imagine putting yourself on the receiving end of your actions before committing them against others. If your belonging group has the ability to use you as an animal, you should be able to refer to your spiritual side before acting on what you are required to do. Regardless of your reasons its clearly a disrespect to your creator because you have been equipped with your own and personal spiritual side. If you can’t use your free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and ability to love because of hormonal responses inspired by your political belonging, you need to evolve a little further to see that its a disrespect to be called an animal who responses with hormonal whims.

No matter where we live our differences of opinions separate us but our troubles never come from who is right or wrong because our rights and wrongs evolve to merge and even swap places as the times change. Our troubles are always related to the politics of belonging to our groups. That fuels the fire, of us being right and others being wrong. What others would think of us within our belonging group is related with our over whelming sense of belonging. So our prejudice, discrimination, racism, ego, pride and honor all are stemming from the same branch of human individual. Now remember I said a branch of human being not the human being as a whole. If you consider human is a branch of a tree not a tree themselves, just look within yourself and you will discover your boundlessness which can give you self respect what you need.

We all grow up in different societies according to their traditions so if others seem wrong to you try removing the political influences of your sense of belonging before judging. If others are politically influenced just like you, they are born into that as well so to them they are right. Now if you both think others are wrong who is right? You both are wrong because you both are acting under your political influences and are acting as branches of the belonging groups instead of trees yourself. When you are under the influences, you are unable to judge the power of your political influences of belonging. Remember I said we are an evolving entities so if you are still in the process of evolution, and are under political influences, how can you claim that you are 100% right and others are absolutely wrong?.

Human life depends on and revolves around love; we strive for it, and try to protect it all cost. The biggest reason for worries and stress along with food and survival is the loss of love. When children are out of sight, parents not only worry about their well-being; they fear about their own love loss as well. To me that is the reason why our politics of sense of belonging is so powerful.

Since everyone feels and knows about the pain of love loss, historically opposing groups try to get at each other where it hurts. Killing each other’s belonging individuals is an on going process along with the causes of prejudiced related hatred. Interestingly that is regardless of the level of our individual education, group civilization and evolution. To make is easier to understand this, I came up with this love triangle. I have written about it in the past but it seems fitting to rewrite because of the present day news.Urge to kill innocent people because of political influences is not and should not be related to human entity because individually we all have the ability to function as a spiritual entity.

 The love triangle…

triangle within triangle

This raw core is the one where human individual is equally divided with the potential to be good or bad. So all people surrounding the individual have to be responsible for the young to understand love because if you are nurtured with love or robbed of love would set the foundation of how you would act as a grown up. If your primary education is based on fear, no offense to the Mullah or the Priests of Roman Catholics religion. Its you who has given a bad name to spiritual religions by treating human individuals as animals. Telling them they are irrelevant and useless and even born sinners to rob their self-esteem.

Since as human beings we are in a different class of entities, we actually are able to self regulate if we are taught and nurtured with love deep into our core. If you install fear based and forced education with contradicting actions, for the individual to be a good person. That did not bring any fruitful results to you because if it was true secular nations should not have beaten you in the lower crime rate societies. To me personally it should be a shame for religious societies if they can’t produce self regulating individuals. If your social crime rate has nothing to show, you have been following a wrong way to educate human beings. You have not only created distrust in this personal love triangle of the individual, you have failed measurably as a spiritual and governing system simultaneously. As you can see your popularity has been declining and you are being penalized for your spiritual sins you have committed in the name of the politics of sense of belonging. Discovery of mass grave or sexual abuse are not small crimes so belonging families, communities, nations and religions should look at the causes of the real problems. We all should know our spiritual responsibilities, especially if you are trying to teach things about God and spirituality. Our families, communities, nations and religions are just as responsible for individual’s bad behavior as the individual committing bad acts would be.

Harsh punishments may tame people with fear but as human beings we bring along our personal potential to be good from before birth so we need education based on love. As I wrote in other blog that if you look at the crime rate in the nations where they have harsh punishments is not lower than the ones where they are not as strict. If it is not the harsh punishments then what would be the reason to have lower crime rate? Common sense says that love triangle make sense. If we all are responsible and play a role in raising good and bad people then we all should take initiative to be responsible as well. Starting with the Mullahs and Priests to actually teach what is preached in holy books with personal touch, if your holy books preach violence against innocent children why can’t you preach compassion and love that has been taught in the books. If love and compassion is not in the foundation of your spiritual education, you are under the influence of politics of control which has nothing to do with spirituality God and evolving human nature. If the politics of control is standing in the way of your evolution, make sure to think and picture yourself on the receiving end of your actions and do the justice, which should be the main pillar of religions because they talk about spirituality.

Back to love triangle, this animal core is where one can decide to choose and this is where we are highly influenced by the love we received or don’t. Love, whether it’s universal, passionate or instinctive, love is what makes us stand in a class of our own. If we are work horses of God almighty yet directly as an individual. A middle man is needed to help us understand more not to be used politically.

As humans we have been blessed with our personal and individual atom of autonomy related free will, which makes us personally responsible for our own actions. How our life should be lived, and whether we are focusing on finance, love, health or any other areas of our mortal life equally or not is and should be our personal duty. Making a decision for anything in the future, such as going to school for a better job or sacrificing your life in the army, is first and foremost dependent on the individual to use their God given free will. Our actions and reactions are personal and individual decisions, regardless of our emotional pressures. In a court of law you just can’t say “Since my God, Mullah or a Priest told me to kill, I should not be charged for the crime,”. Regardless of the demands of sense of belonging individual is still responsible for their actions.

To explain that I have a little example for you metaphorically each and every one of us comes with their own musical sheet where you yourself are a note and the empty space between the notes is God. If it’s your turn to speak, you speak, and when you are required to stay quiet, you stay quiet. In order to create a good harmonious melody out of your life, you have to follow this rhythmic system for your personal and individual life. Your input is to convert spirituality into physical actions, if you don’t take that responsibility you are literally holding a blank sheet which means you are not doing the job you have been created for. First of all you would halt the process of evolution, second, It tears up the whole spiritual picture God had created for human beings.

On the other hand if you choose to grab a drum and beat the hell out of it for few hours without any break or giving those empty spaces a chance to create a rhythmic melody, you will become exhausted, stressed and go crazy. Likewise, if you say everything is done by God and do not speak even if it is your turn or believe like monks. By not taking responsibility of human progresses and disrespecting our evolving nature can have consequences of keeping humanity from evolving yet that was the duty to begin with. So either extreme is wrong and works against the individual and God simultaneously. That is why I believe that human beings are the work horses of God. We have to save lives and reproduce so God can carry on with Godly spiritual tasks, exist to fulfill people’s prayers. To me human being is the third equation in the triangle of God and the Devil. We judge good and the bad because we are the one who experience it all physically. If man is not there to judge, good and bad both lose their importance or disappear altogether. As human beings it is our job to understand our importance in the larger scheme of life and live our life with justice to all others around including self.

Doing justice is our individual responsibility which can be challenged at times so having a little deeper understanding is in order. There comes time when all three corner of love triangle start to compete; it can tear the individual apart unless we learn to become a CEO of our lives. You can’t just choose your society over your loved ones, or your lover over your children or family or society, if you do you are not being a CEO and have no understanding of what love is all about.

Learn to balance all the corners of your love triangle to be spiritually healthy…

Simply you can’t just disregard your kids whom are your instinctive love, if you find a new passionate love. You can’t just live your life for the community and disregard your family or vice versa. Balancing is not easy especially when you are brought up with the strong sense of belonging to your belonging group. Remember as an individual you are created as a tree with your own free will and personal sense of justice so its your job to make the right and just decisions instead of thinking like a branch.

Our evolutionary knowledge is our jewelry and we all should be wearing it with pride. We should be proud of our accomplishments, but the fact is that they all depend on the existence of our balanced core with love. Logically you can’t feel anything physically if you are not alive. Nothing can be felt, enjoyed, or reacted upon without the physical bodies. Spiritually our belonging religions may have certain visions of after life but we as groups don’t agree upon those visions. So it all depends on the individual to keep the balance between living years and disputed belief systems or metaphoric realities. We have acquired our spiritual jewelry with a long journey of evolution so we can achieve some kind of happiness and contentment along the way regardless of our awareness of our mortality. Sometimes this loss comes from natural causes, accidents, or war-related circumstances and they all have the potential to strip human beings from these Godly gifts. We may end up in our dark pit, where the negative and evil reactions arise from. This pit is our animal side where we are naked of spiritual jewelry of love and have the potential to be fearless and potentially barbaric beings, even if we are born and raised as a gentle soul.

I usually talk about the triangle philosophy because I believe everything should be in balance; if love is out of balance, that can makes human being to commit spiritual crimes. A child robbed of love in his early years may grow up with issues and end up becoming a criminal or unfit to have healthy, loving relationships later in life. When universal love is out of control, some people are willing to kill their own children. The example here is honor, ego, and pride related killings. There has even been a documentary about a Sikh family who got their own daughter killed because she married someone who they disapproved of. Passionate love has the potential to destroy instinctive and universal love as well and instinctive love can do the same thing to passionate love. There was an American girl who drowned  her two sons because her boyfriend did not want children, she is still in jail. When kids come along, some couples can’t balance their love triangle because instinctive love over rides passionate love and they may end up splitting.

When couples break up, they feel the loss of passionate love, but if kids are involved the loss is twofold for the losing partner, because you are not only losing passionate love you are losing instinctive love as well so the potential for social and spiritual crimes increases. What would we do without love? If we are capable of committing spiritual crimes in spite of love? Wars often rob all kinds of love which can evolve to all sorts of war crimes and human rights violations. In my opinion, the cause of our terrorism and heavy-handed revenge bombing is the stripping of love, which turns the individual into a loveless raging revengeful animal. If it is not looked at that way we may keep producing love loss related crimes and would never be able to stop revenge related killings.

Lack of our understanding is responsible for these perpetual spiritual crimes. We know a lot more about other creatures but still we can’t figure out how to deal with our own kind. Our disputes and wars all over the world are a clear signs of this misunderstanding or undermining of balanced love triangle. We use propaganda and politics to put each other down, make others as Godless and blame about the atrocities but forget that we are all human beings reacting to love loss. We use God and religions in the name of politics, yet there is nothing clear about our past and future, which I mean before birth and after death. Other than those assumptions we have made along the way. With our evolving and constantly changing knowledge we simply can’t be stubbornly sticking to them.

For millions of years we have been around, and for thousands of years God has been in our lives. Where did we come from? Science and religions both don’t provide more than assumptions. Religions say we are around for five thousands years and science says we have been around for millions of years. Religions say God created universe and science says there was a marble which exploded and is constantly expanding. Where did the marble come from or why it exploded is not clear because it happened billions of years ago. You can believe whatever you want to because it is your personal prerogative but my problem is why are you prejudiced and discriminatory against each other and why do you still kill each other over those assumptions?.

Whether chicken or the egg came first, God created human or human created God is not as important as the chicken, which lays the eggs and feeds human beings. Or the human individual who is doing all the Godly work is the most important part of that holy or scientific picture yet our politics to kill each other is still rampant. What came first has never been clear nor is it important but we have always and are still looking for evolution theories. Still the world would argue about it because of the different schools of thought. I am not going to dig into the past or the science to create argumentative assumptions just to find out how and what happened just to solve nothing. I am going to stay in the present and see what is happening right now. My question is, why are we still killing each other regardless of the level of our evolution and civilization?


Don’t just follow whatever your belonging group is calling for: question the political motives and make your choices as an independent entity who has free will to explore not only scientifically but religiously and politically as well. Remember that using free will is a privilege to seek equal human individual rights. Our spiritual justice has been and usually takes a back seat when it comes to our politically installed individual insecurities. Since there is no ultimate security for the mortal, we should put and keep everything in perspective. Living with justice to all including yourself brings inner peace to us all individually so theoretically it should help us to create peace within to help in achieving universal peace as well.

Here, another triangle which has been flipped and needs to be put right-side up:

triangle man
triangle man2

If you have and use your free will, you are and should be on the top corner of the triangle to create balance so remember it’s you who can make it right side up as well.

Politics and individual insecurities created by it, are the fundamental causes of individual’s internal turmoil or even social chaos of the society. If you believe that you are nothing more than an extension of an ideology, a branch of a tree or a belonging group. You are the victim of your personal and internal imbalances. To me they are individual human flaw—not an asset. The real assets are the ability to think independently, use free will, and do justice to all, including yourself. No mater how you cut it I believe human is on top corner of these senses, not on the bottom. If you feel that you are happy being opinion-less, just look at yourself with a microscope viewpoint; you will find out a lot more about yourself. You would not hesitate to kill an innocent individual for your  belonging group, become anorexic or commit suicide over how people view you. Always remember you are given free will for a reason; if God created human, human was intended to evolve to be a Godly figure not to stand in the line up of other creatures.

Human fell to the bottom because of the personal insecurities, they compel us to hide behind and cover up the naked politics of sense of belonging, dressed and disguised in nationalism and religions. I believe human has to get their real status back—and yes, we all are the CEO of our life.

No matter which way you cut it logically, human has to be on the top corner; even if our nations and religions believe otherwise. Its not egotistic or disrespectful of our belonging groups at all. It is kind of twisted logic that all religions have strict rules and punishments yet if they really believed that God was doing everything, they would be a lot compassionate towards human individuals be more forgiving and give human individual a break. On the other side our court systems would be meaningless if God was to be credited or blamed for everything a human individual does.

Every invention and social change starts with an idea from a single human individual as we progress and evolve to adopt to the changes faced by us in society we learn nothing but the importance of human individual. For instance, the start of a religion, or an ism like socialism or communism, or even democracy. There is a reaction to everything; if one religion works for some it does not necessarily work for others, so the need for new ideologies even within the same religions, like sects are almost always present in every part of the human history. From communism to socialism to sects of religions to the completely opposite atheism, we see clear signs of progress yet with constant conflicts. We as human beings follow the progress whether it’s a slow change or a rapid one; we naturally follow the progress regardless of the speed. We are in the pursuit of our potential regardless of the era we are born in. Human opinion has, is, and will always be on a shaky grounds because of our constantly evolving knowledge.

We make mistakes, correct them and keep going just to find out our corrections need corrections. From our medicine to social rules and everything in between has been, is, and will always be changing because we are influenced by God to evolve. Since our knowledge always evolves, we can’t have passionate extremes in our journey of evolution. We are all born as human first so we have to belong to humanity first yet as a whole.

All groups of human beings, whether we look at race, gender, nation, or religion, are political entities. Religions may claim otherwise but find me a religion which is pure of the politics of belonging. To me they should stay and stick with spirituality which always was and is in the foundation to serve humanity as a whole. When religions enter into politics or when an individual mixes them together, it becomes a lethal mixture which, not only disrupts inner peace of the individual, it is the cause of our war mongering tendencies as well. The emotionally-charged individual thinks and really feels that they are doing God’s work yet by committing spiritual crimes. 

The real fire under all the religious differences is not God nor its spirituality or the way of living itself, it is the politics of sense of belonging. This sense of belonging is intertwined between the individual and the belonging groups and God and spirituality has nothing to do with it. Since the group is not going to stray from their politics, it is up to the individual to make the difference. If you use free will to make decisions, you have the potential to be a CEO of your life (which makes all of us without the question). A CEO can choose not to follow the politics of the belonging group or follow the status quo without questioning. Western societies are a good example, where everyone can have their religious beliefs with differences. Still be able to live in harmony and follow the law of the land yet still at times become victims of the political extreme just like this recent incident of Muslim family got killed by a young man who’s judgement was influenced by the politics of belonging. The foundation of this harmonious living is the constitutions written on the bases of equal human individual rights. That allows people to live together regardless of religion, race, or background.

The understanding of sense of belonging and sense of freedom to counter our political influences is crucial, especially in this day and age with the existence of our weapons of mass destruction. Political elites, nations, and religions may not or would not want to settle their differences, because that is what keeps them in power as groups. Our history shows that we have conquered each other, bought and sold, killed, exterminated, and treated each other inhumanly. If we honestly look at our past we will all be able to see the black marks of wrongdoing of our ancestors, so it is time to forgive and forget the ancestors because they did the best according to the best of their knowledge or with whatever they had learned from their ancestors. Today the world is rapidly changing and is connected with internet so the individuals can connect with each other from all over the world regardless of the belonging.

Balance the triangles of sense of belonging and love, and you will find inner peace for yourself and will be able to spread the same to others in the world. If the individual to individual connection happens, it will be a start of the change from the bottom up. The top down philosophy has not worked in thousands of years and it would not work in the next thousand year. Especially in the presence of the politics of sense of belonging to our groups. Things would stay the same but if we connect and belong to humanity as a whole that can change everything. As individuals we would have to take that next leap of faith and join our hands together to join humanity as a whole. Sticking with our color, race, gender nation or religion has been and still is prejudicial, discriminatory and against equal human individual rights. Don’t forget they have created a horrible picture of humanity so its time to bring this all at the individual level but with the strength of a CEO.

In the past, our governing systems have been constructed from the top down. It’s time for real democracy, regardless of its imperfections. Each and every one of us is blessed to be able to make choices and we are all born CEOs of our own lives. Politics of our sense of belonging keeps us enslaves to our belonging groups because we have been brain washed with not only the knowledge of political belonging but systematically robbing us from our self worth related to our atom of autonomy. It’s time to belong to the whole of humanity, respect and understand the pain of love loss not only for self but for the others as well, it’s time to bring humanity to evolve to the next level, so we can’t kill each other in the name of God or even our nations. These days especially in American politics people are willing to sacrifice democracy over the politics of belonging to a political party. When families don’t agree with each other their love should override everything but the if you are unable to divide your love triangle properly you may suffer the consequences. It is crucial for the individual to understand how love triangle is not limited to passionate love where an individual is torn apart between two partners, nor it should give all the power to universal love to let it rob our instinctive and passionate love. Remember we all created as the whole tree not a branch, we are CEOs of our lives so we call the shots to create personal balances…


Each and every single one of us is designed to carry an individual and personal album of our good and bad memories. Unless there is something wrong with our brain we should be able to sift through our memory bank anytime without a glitch yet by choice. Since our life can be greatly effected by the way we think, we should learn to master imagining good as a movie and bad as a snap shot or a picture. This ability can be a powerful tool to for a healthy and happy life because if are really focused on one thing other things lose their physical impact on us. Unfortunately this ability is not easy to master so sometime getting stuck in our memory bank can ruin our present moment and even our day which has the potential to add up and cause thoughts related serious physical diseases. That can be a devastating blow to an already mortal life because it is self induced. Making a snap shot into a lingering video and uncontrollably watching it over and over is not a normal behavior but is quite common in people. We can make a long movie into a single snap shot and avoid all the bad effects but again that takes acknowledging it first, and then dealing with lingering issues. If you look at western nations there is a huge trend to learn and practice yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Eastern societies have known that for thousands of yeas yet interestingly they have a modern trend to follow western societies. Keeping mortality in front as well as having a belief system which has potentially powerful impact on the individual to create a different mind set.

Good context of our past moments can become essential for us to enhance our present moment so that can be added as a good memory. That makes it our personal and individual responsibility to seek this powerful medicine because it has the power to make or break our most important present moment. Individually we all need to know how important it is to store our present moment as a good memory because it all adds up. Since you can make a long movie into a slide or a picture, you, yourself hold an important card to heal or hurt yourself. If you are one of those people who turns a snap shot of a memory into an uncontrollable, constantly rewinding and playing movie. You have to learn to shift your focus on to something which does not cause you anxiety or depression. Simply it means you have the ability to choose, you convert good or bad memory into a slide or a movie. Remember we need to use all our abilities to make our lifetime as a good experience, if somehow you start to use this ability to ruin or harm your life it simply is equivalent to self destruction. In a mortal life not only our days are numbered our moments are numbered as well so a thought should be a slide or a picture instead of a constantly rewinding and playing movie, especially if it is depressing you or causing you an anxiety. Regardless of their importance to you, you have to learn to use this ability to keep your thoughts as slides instead of a horror movie. I read this metaphor somewhere but don’t remember who wrote that. Since it was long time ago and words may not be the same but metaphor is easy to understand. I would say author unknown. “That our cars have rare view mirrors much smaller than the front wind shield, clearly there is a reason for that and its our duty to personally understand this metaphor and apply it to our lives”. With hope and optimism staying focus on the present usually add up as good moments because you are not depressed by past or worried and anxious by the future.

This complex problem has an escape but one has to learn and understand all about our spiritual side and no I am not talking about your religious knowledge because today’s religions have sold their spirituality in the name of their political belonging. It may not be easy to make changes and go against the taught belief systems but if you are looking and seeking to work against the installed knowledge, naturally you are designed to do it. Your seemingly innocent parents and belonging societies believe into making you as a product of themselves so it is hard to buy into something new and different. Especially its hard to defy and counter the taught loyalties to our belonging groups. Becoming an independent entity in the environment of politics of belonging may not be easy but God clearly points towards our independence by blessing us with our personal atom of autonomy. This powerful atomic autonomic blessing is the foundation of our spirituality that teaches us to believe and believe wholeheartedly.

Whether it is good or bad you would have the power to make slides out of a horror movie or the other way around. Especially if you really believe that every single one of us has a special path in life to follow, you will be able to see what you have been learning from your parents and society you belong to. If you are taught that you can be anything you want to be. There is nothing wrong with all that until you start to lose your happiness and even health over it. Just ask yourself, why do we have all these different professions? Why people are not happy and healthy? Asking this can help you to acknowledge that internal, special and natural picture you carry within. You would be able to make yourself a Teflon against the moments related depression and anxiety if you learn to believe in your personal and special picture from nature. Remember being mortal you simply can’t afford to sacrifice your happiness and health to achieve something just to be accepted by the people around. This real event is to simplify this.

A long time ago I took the kids to McDonald’s, restaurant use to give a coloring sheet and something to color with, that all came in with the happy meals. This sheet had a picture of maze, a picture and then another picture with the dots and numbers. As a kid if you could read your numbers you were old enough to create that picture and then color it. That dotted picture has given me this idea. I believe God has a picture for all of us but the numbers are not placed so individually we all have to connect those dots to create our respected pictures. If you are lucky you can find the right one and stay healthy, happy and successful, otherwise you may follow the trends of the society and try to create a picture of influences. If you do that you may succeed in creating that picture but happiness, satisfaction and contentment are not guaranteed. Losing your happiness and eventually health because of the stress and frustration you are going through to achieve what is not your original picture. If you think that you are successful regardless of your happiness or health it is your personal choice but as a mortal you can’t sacrifice your whole life for the other people’s approval. If you remember your mortality it would help you to put things in perspectives, you simply can’t spend your whole life in fitting in, or impressing because you are the CEO of your life and other people are just a department of your life.

Imagine giving a picture to the child with no numbers. They would still have to connect the dots to create a picture but would have to rely on their imagination. If they are unable to create the picture they will get frustrated which could further complicate the problem. That is why there are so many grownup yet frustrated people – we all have an idea in our minds of how we would like our lives to be, but we must use our imagination and connect the dots. We can also rely on outside sources, like our parents but unfortunately in the end of the day as grown ups we all have to take a leap of faith in our personal life. If we are fortunate and flexible, we can figure out a pretty good picture with a combination of happiness and good health. If not, we run the risk of messing it up just because of what others think about us, and spend our whole lives trying to fix it. A less-than-perfect picture can create a personal struggle, which can last an entire lifetime. This frustration can cause adults to act like a child and mess up the whole picture with intention, or even worse, walk away from it all. Patience and believing in your own and unique picture are the keys to avoiding this situation. You also need to have faith in the picture you were given so try seeking what you feel comfortable with. You must examine if it is your desires that are causing you the frustration, usually the desires are related to the influences of the society. You need to accept the fact that your mortal nature should play a strong role in making decisions about your life.
For instance, suppose you were destined to become a mechanic, but instead you became an accountant, or you were destined to become a professional basketball player, but your parents forced you to become a doctor. It is unrealistic to expect that everyone will be successful in every career they choose. As a temporary being you have to be happy at all cost. The measure of the right picture is not how much money you make but its your happiness and contentment.

Definition of a successful life is determined by how content and happy you have lived. If you knew that life was like writing an exam, and that happiness and contentment are the answers how would you fair by following the life style you are following. Life on earth, a temporary period, means knowing how to manage your life to ensure, that it is fulfilling. Don’t forget by nature you are meant to be a CEO of your life, and you should not limit yourself to being a manager of one department. I am not sure about all people but to me being successful without the happiness or health is no success at all.

You need to map out your life with the vision of a successful CEO, who could mange all departments with equal or balanced attention. It may be hard at times but you have the potential. Each and every one of us has the responsibility and the ability to judge and make choices with the gift of free will. If you have neglected the department of health or spirituality along the way, because of you were too busy taking care of other departments, you may regret latter in life. Without health there is unhappiness and with out spirituality the deeper happiness and contentment of life are unachievable.

Yes, it is all a matter of happiness. We have it all wrong when we want to be somebody we’re not. Society places pressure on us – high hopes and a lack of faith pushes the individuals to sacrifice and spend whole life as if everything is on the horizon which never comes and then it is too late. We are in this world where the salesman mentality rules: Push, push, push, and you will succeed, succeed to get what? hopefully its happiness.

Just think for a minute about what success means to you. It’s happiness in all parts of life. Having all the money in the world will not bring about happiness. If you were to have a terminal illness, you would realize that you are not here for eternity. Life is temporary, so live yours to the fullest. Life is about more than connecting the dots. You have a limited time for every thing; you just have to break it down into our 24-hours a day and to a present moment. You have to work, sleep, eat and still leave some time for fun. You have to be a believer for your picture to be complete. Don’t be afraid to let fate play a role in your life.

When we have a target in front of us, we can shoot an arrow, and watch it hits the target. The result is immediate, but sometimes, we have to shoot the arrow at an unseen target. That requires skill as well as luck. A lot of people who are bad shooters think they are messed up and blame themselves, other people, God and even bad circumstances for everything wrong in their lives. If you are one of them just remember we are not 100% of anything, because we are an evolving entity seeking potential. Trouble is even our potential is in evolution so regardless of how high you climb you will still want to climb further because of your nature. If you don’t understand that you are not looking at your mortal nature and the importance of the happiness and contentment while you are alive.

We probably use twenty percent of our brain power which makes us far from potentially what we can be. I believe in being spiritual can put things in place and help us to look at life with a broader point of view. For example if you are boasting and bragging about the things you have achieved and done you are looking at this picture with half knowledge because it is not only you, who is making it all happen? It is that little oxygen you breath in first before you are able to make things happen and you have absolutely no control over it. Remember there is always somebody that makes you make things happen, and this entity can make you fail as well as succeed. The difference between you and other people is not just the efforts or strategies you put into things, it is also the luck and destiny or that hidden dotted picture within you are not willing to acknowledge.

You can play music all your life in the bars regardless of how good you are or become a child super star overnight. Just look around how many people want certain profession but end up doing something else. Ever wonder why? That is the dotted picture speaking loudly but its up to you to hear it. If you are unhappy try something else you may find peace with in by believing and letting it go. If you achieve inner peace you may become more productive and useful to yourself and the people around you. Ultimately that is the foundation of the deep and inner happiness and contentment. Since our make up says we are designed to evolve, we simply can’t stray from that. There was a meme I read long time ago, I don’t remember the author so I am going to say author unknown and I quote,

“Higher you climb further you can see” End quote.

Bottom line for us human beings is to evolve and be productive regardless of mortality so if you see someone really old and is putting a lot of efforts in life, you should know that they are compelled by their nature. To me if we get to achieve whatever we wanted, it should be considered as a dotted story related blessings. If we don’t get or achieve, we should wholeheartedly believe it was not meant for us. Sooner we accept that, faster we can move on to something else maybe according to our dotted picture. Which can help us put guards against the negative things like disappointment, unhappiness and discontentment. We should always remember that in a mortal life time is literally running out. Sooner we move on from our failures the better because our happiness is an ultimate prize of our mortal life.

As an individual we all have to always create balance within ourselves because that is why we are blessed with personal ability to use our free will. If we can’t use that to enhance our mortal life we have fallen victims to our politics of belonging. Being mortal is a fact and as human beings we all have to play this game whether we like it or not. This ability to use our free will helps us to make personal decisions and that is the wisdom of our dotted picture not having numbers. One way or the other we are influenced by our evolving nature so we will drive further and higher regardless of our happiness and contentment. Whether our motive is to fit in, impress the people around or not, still in the end of the day it is our personal duty to understand that we are not a genetically programed creature. Remember we don’t have numbers put up beside our dots so our decisions can make or break our achievement of happiness. Meaning our free will makes us the CEO of our life and as a CEO dotted picture or not responsibilities of our life affairs lands on our individual and personal shoulders.

Easily one can say I don’t care I am going to smoke, drink and do drugs because I am going to die anyway. The other can say I should take care of my self for the same reason and I should put more efforts to have a good life style so I can live a healthy, happy and a long life. Fulfill my responsibilities not to hurt my loved ones and community by stressing and worry them for my well being. Remember if one is willing to self destruct its one thing but denying our contribution to society and parents who took care of us while we could not help ourselves is an other. Since we live and are attached with our loved ones at home and in our communities we can effect others adversely with our reckless actions so spiritually we need to clearly understand our responsibilities. We simply can’t get drunk and drive because it is against the law of the land. Give a second hand smoke related cancers to our loved ones and same goes with our other and personal behaviors. By having a spiritual nature we all carry a sense of justice related responsibility and out of respect for love, not to hurt anyone else because self is always connected to loved ones.

If we start to look at our atom of autonomy related individual responsibilities critically. That can take us far higher than our politics of sense of belonging can, and yes even higher than our nationalism and religious beliefs where we can connect with humanity as a whole. Balancing our senses of belonging and freedom can be quite a task for us individually. Remember we are externally influenced by the politics of our sense of belonging and it does not stop there because we are internally influenced by our physically produced chemicals as well. You can see the presence and strength of our hormonal responses in our every day life. Especially in the responses of belonging sport team’s win or loss, or the fiery speeches given to us by our coaches, politicians and religious leaders.

As human beings we are spiritually aware and are able to self regulate so we can’t be running around under our hormonal influences like our fellow creatures do. Our personal responsibilities are not only limited to restraining from using recreational drugs and other social crimes. They go far beyond even our accepted truths like politics of sense of belonging related chemicals as well. We can’t be drunk on our racism, prejudice, discrimination even our nationalism and religious beliefs. Individually we all are equally responsible for our actions not only because of us being a human being but as an evolved human being. We are a unique entity who is not counted as just an other creature or an animal, so we are not under and I repeat not under but above our chemically induced responses. Just look at our court systems they will fall flat if we try to hide behind our politics. We personally are responsible for our actions. Not only in our living years, remember we are told we will pay for it even in after we die. Whatever you believe is your personal prerogative but you still can’t be committing any social and spiritual crimes and not be responsible just because your belonging groups say so. German halo cast or Bosnia mascaras and similar atrocities committed by the human individuals. Notice I wrote individuals not groups, it is because in the end of the day its our personal and individual decisions to join our groups to commit spiritual crimes. Any kind of social or spiritual crime whether its committed for personal reasons or in the name of race, nation or religion still is a crime. Remember most groups try to recruit young people because they have not yet completely developed, are in the flood zone of their hormones and are not spiritually aware. So if you are made to feel proud of your crimes you literally are under the influences of belonging related chemicals. If you don’t understand the reasons of your behavior it still is your responsibility to understand before acting. Simply because you are an individual who has an atom of autonomy related free will, personal sense of justice, ability to have individual compassion and love ingrained within you. You can’t be committing spiritual crimes for yourself, your race, nation or religion because you, yourself are a mini God who judges themselves from within.

Why do you think we have guilt ingrained within us as well? Why do you think we get PTSD related internal issues? A bad action is a bad action regardless of its reasons, so just like you can’t drink and drive, for the same reason you can’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Its simple enough to understand for the evolved human individual who can imagine themselves on the receiving end of their actions before acting. Unfortunately even in this day and age for most of us, we are still entangled with our racism, nationalism and religious disputes and things are not as simple and clear. I can say don’t be drunk because not only it robs you of your inhibitions and always remember those inhibitions, what makes you a human being. Without our inhibitions we simply can be standing in the line up of other primates. Still would be in the jungle and would not be any different than the baboons so there is literally nothing to show for our spirituality. If you act like an other animal in the name of your race, nation or religion they are your influences so they should be classified as drugs of influences as well.

If you don’t feel responsible for the actions committed by you for your belonging group. What would be the difference between taking drugs and acting like an animal or acting under the influences of the chemicals produced within you by being under the influences of political and religiously inspired fiery speeches. No matter what someone says, it has always been and still is your personal and individual responsibility to think before you act because the judge and jury is siting right within you and you don’t want to end up against that entity because its always there and that constant conflict can give you PTSD related issues yet from within.

Our nature has always been pointing towards our individual responsibilities to see beyond group politics. It keeps telling us everyday to work together as a humanity. Proof is clear just look around in the world there is not much inbreeding. There is not much pure black and white we got all shads of humanity available with a history to not only fight wars but to reproduce new and mixed generations as well. One may appear white but if you dig deeper genetically you may find a whole lot of discrepancies than what appears to be. We are lingering around our race, nationality, religious beliefs and territorial disputes, Yet humanity keeps calling for us to work together by throwing in global warming related extreme weather and infectious diseases like Corona virus we can’t build walls against. That keeps reminding us that our security walls are not the way to go nor our politics of belonging to our groups is the way. Our weaponry of mass destruction is present among us to remind us how important is to wake up and smell the political roses. Regardless of these messages people don’t believe in thinking beyond their group politics. If I say or insist and say that yours and my knowledge is not complete, your neighbor’s knowledge is not complete, your professor’s knowledge is not complete, your Mullah, Priest, Rabbi or even scientists knowledge is not complete would you believe me? I don’t care what your race, gender, nation or religious belief system says, if you are willing to go and kill each other over your politics. You, your religious leader or politician has it all wrong because we are always learning something new all the time so how can we claim our knowledge is better and complete? Interestingly we have been doing that since the awareness of our existence and heck yes we are still doing that. How can we be still learning while constantly claiming for complete and better knowledge ? Why can’t we come out of this thousands of year old contradiction? We will be doing that for coming thousands of years if we don’t change and bring ourselves to think beyond our group politics and connect ourselves physically to humanity and spiritually to the source. It may seem impossible but its quite simple to find answers. That is if we start to critically look at our politics of belonging to our groups. Logically if we start to look at our knowledge, it has been saying to work together all along but our politics of belonging has literally been and still is in the way of our evolution.

Our personal insecurities are literally inspired by the politicians of our groups and religions have been trumping us yet over and over. Teaching us everything else but really nothing about being a human being. Religions talk about compassion and love but have been and are still fighting the bloodiest and longest wars. Part of our problem is that politics of our groups has always been preaching individual irrelevance so ordinary individual does not have enough self-esteem to question governing authorities. Religions ended up following the same politics and gave all the powers to our metaphoric realities like God and Devil. Yet all metaphoric realities depend on the human beings to become physical realities. Sure we can’t deny our compassion, love, justice God and Devil but they are up in the air until we as humans give hand to those valuable yet still metaphoric realities. We are taught to believe good things belong to God and bad things are coming from the Devil’s influences. If you believe in all that human being falls and loses importance and becomes irrelevant yet we are the most crucial part of giving life to our good and bad metaphoric realities. That should make us third equation individually not as a group. So not believing in self importance is not coming from God they are all coming from the politics of our belonging to groups. Politics one-o-one.

If we are taught that all bad things are lack of our education that raises a question, what are the bad things? Remember we have several human societies and there are different schools of thoughts and levels of human evolution. Most of our differences are founded on our critical thinking and understanding so if you focus on forced education of set rules, critical thinking is literally discouraged. If someone is scared to death from the fellow human beings to even express what they think. It is not enough for the society to have someone critically thinking here and there. Education is based on logical and critical thinking but if that is muffled by the politics of belonging to group, progress and evolution can suffer. If one is discouraged, punished or even killed because of their critical thinking instead of being rewarded, people would stay in a survival mode which would keep them behind. That alone can keep belonging societies at stand still in certain era unless people start to break rules and carry on evolving. Present days progress and evolution level of humanity came from the people who either moved away from oppressive societies or societies realized that its good for them to encourage and reward critical thinking individuals.

Logical thinking has debunked carrot and stick philosophy because as a spiritual entity we are able to self regulate better with love and related knowledge. Meaning logically hell and following Devil can’t be stopped by force because as soon as fear subsides or God doesn’t show up to punish us. Human beings would commit crimes. Before we go in that direction we have to understand the powerful effects of the politics of sense of belonging on the not so educated population’s thinking tendencies. That is why our conservative leaders don’t believe in educating general population because if people start to question everything, they may lose out on their political grip of power. They are too quick to shun educated people who logically question their traditions, customs, religious rituals and rules. Our accepted truths can be questioned not only by the scientific community but other opposing politicians, religions and atheists. Sure we all have our evolution related problems like we can’t use full capacities of our brain power so sticking with something unquestionably can hold us back or leave us behind. It has been clearly proven in certain era of Muslim thinkers. They were thinkers and inventors but their own conservative segment of population worked against them. Today we are forced to follow the nations whom encouraged their populations to advance. For instance regardless of business motives of drug companies the whole world is demanding the vaccines for Corona virus and all other advancements made by certain advanced nations. We have to learn not to use our religions politically because they are only beneficial to humanity because of their spirituality. If you remove politics from spirituality you will be able to see what I see.

He is God, she is Allah, she is Ram, he is Yahweh as human beings they all are physical reality of God, religion or not. He goes to work to make money to take care of his family, she gives birth to reproduce physical hands for God, loves and cares. They are all giving life to all the good of life, if you ask how can God do bad things? Well to answer that these three things come to my mind. First how would you be able to tell what was good or bad if there is no other. Second you attached hell with God because you believe God punishes for disobedience. Third our free will, don’t you think if God was pulling our strings and every thing was meant to be, God was all good and nothing but. How would a human being be able to do bad things? Either we don’t have free will or God is in it. You can bring in an other character named Devil in the picture to blame for everything bad but to me personally this good and bad story does add up. Until you bring in a free will holding human individual who chooses to give life to good and bad. Now who is really doing good and bad? If human can’t even breath to function on their own. How can they be exclusively responsible for their actions? They have help in committing that good and bad action. Does that mean God is in it? Should we believe God is responsible for every human action? If God is responsible why some one does not die before committing bad actions? Why do we attach every bad action of human being to Devil? If human being is responsible for personal actions then why do we hide behind the Devil? I would agree with God’s help deserving reciprocation but I would not agree with hiding behind the Devil because to me it is all politics and nothing but. That means if you are throwing stones at metaphoric Devil you can’t be killing someone who is making a statue of God and worships, because they both land in a same metaphoric reality.

Just imagine these days going to court and telling the judge that Devil made me do it or saying God ordered me to kill some innocent people for God so I am not responsible for my actions. Sure there are still some people who would believe in that. They would worship and credit God for every good thing they do and blame Devil for all the bad happens in the world, they are the one believe Devil took over them when they did something bad to someone. My question is why would human be an irrelevant part of this picture? If human is the one who gives life to our metaphoric realities like good and bad actions or dare I say God and Devil. If human is not doing anything then why human being is guilty of anything? My trouble believing in all that comes from human irrelevance. If practically human gives physicality to every good and bad why human being is not counted as the third equation to complete this triangle, and why not equal partner in crimes of bad and credited for good. Why not in life where it matters, why after death?

I believe its all because there are people who benefit from keeping ordinary individual as uneducated and irrelevant. Who are these beneficiary people and why they want people to have low self-esteem and no self respect? Only one thing makes sense to me and that is if human individual feels weak and vulnerable they would stick with their belonging groups. If belonging groups are the beneficiary and they have political agendas to keep their political strength. They would keep their belonging populations from educating themselves. They would preach that individual needs a group and God to survive against other opposing groups. That literally means individual needs belonging group and God so can I can agree with that but that would be 100% political and would not have anything to do with spirituality. Spiritually and even physically if an individual is not there, logically group and even God and Devil lose their importance, integrity, value or even life and blood. To me its an equal partner game of reciprocation, you simply can’t deny or keep human individual as an irrelevant, unimportant, meaningless or unnecessary. A long while ago I wrote a little poetry about God and human individual in my language I am going to translate that part what connects here.

“We are like two wires intertwined as negative and positive,If there is not me you are not meaningful either.If there is not light in my nights, I see dark on the other side as well”.

This game of reciprocation should give some self respect and self-esteem to the human individual but politics of our belonging is founded on the individual weaknesses. Unfortunately even our religions could not stay pure of this politics so they have sold their spirituality or soul to keep their political control. I believe and think we are a crucial part of our spiritual picture and are the most relevant even if our politics and religions say otherwise. I am following what makes sense to me, if you choose to believe in something blindly and follow the politics of your belonging groups you are not looking at this holy picture with your God given questionable nature. Lets look at it this way, if your life is supported in any way, shape or form, you should have respect for that supporting entity. In this context or picture God but other human beings play a big role as well. Your parents love is a critical help which helped you to survive in your vulnerable times of life so you owe them respect, love and help out of the duty of reciprocation. Interestingly some people do respect and honor God but often neglect to respect and honor their parents, partner, friends, children governments or employers. Modern day reality is that people in their marriage do the same, instead of respecting with reciprocation they try to dominate and use each other like animals. As I said if your life is supported in any manors your helping hand deserves respect and honor. If someone helps you when you are in need, you should never forget to reciprocate in return if you can’t at the least you can respect their actions. If your friend is there to support you, you owe them the same. Reciprocation is not only a business of our spiritual life, its a physical duty as well. Fundamentals of being happy is to be appreciative and appreciated, whether you are on one end or the other. Give and take is a must for a spiritual and social creatures like us. We have to rise up and evolve from our animal instincts like dominating each other as individuals and even collectively as well. That would come easily to us if we learn all about our responsibility of spiritual reciprocation.

If you feel that you are putting too much efforts and your partner owes you, you have a problem in the reciprocation area. If you both sit down and honestly define what is expected, you may survive in a relationship. Otherwise relationship would fail and you may end up with no help from the partner at all so you will have to put more efforts to live your life. You may become unhappy or worse you may end up with someone worse than your previous partner. Having a successful relationship requires a spiritual understanding of reciprocation whether it be with God parents, children, group, society, nation, religion and all the way down to your partner and even with yourself. If it is love, respect and honor, you reciprocate with love, respect and honor because it is a spiritual clap which requires both hands to make a sound. If you feel you are strong independent and better part of the relationship you have got a spiritual problem. Your relationship with God is not one sided same goes with your other relationships. If you feel pretty or handsome or better part of the relationship you are trying to physically dominate your partner like animals and not focused on your reciprocation. You should know in the foundation of our bad relationships, disputes and wars we carry the same foundational problem. This thinking of being better goes long way because building of our prejudice and discrimination stands on this human spiritual illness. This illness does not let us see that we are a social, aging and mortal entity.

Regardless of your sexual orientation, race, gender, color, nation or religion you are still a human entity. So having relationship with other human beings can’t be avoided. When you think you are better because of whatever you belong to or believe in, potentially that has the power to take you away from your personal spirituality. Simply and logically you can’t be better than other just because of your given identities. For instance if you say I am the boss that makes me better than my subordinates, simply remember it is not you its your title and identity which can’t stop you from aging, sickness and dying so you may have a better job but that does not mean anything when it comes to our spiritual realities of life. Understanding your mortality can help you to be a better person. Since deep spiritual happiness depends on awareness, if you are missing out on it or are unhappy regardless of your successes, you have to learn all about your mortal nature and duty of reciprocation.

Lets look at sex in a relationship without any discrimination, naturally sex is for both partners. If a female thinks that a male needs and wants it more then her he should pay for it by taking care of her expenses. It may be an individual perspectives but how it effects her is a subject of serious discussion. Sure reciprocation makes life look like transactional business but how you feel spending your mortal life is the topic. When we talk about reciprocation between God and human individual its a spiritual business of life, but when we talk about human to human it appears to be about love and transactional business of security and being comfortable in a mortal skin. As I said it before, if one is helping you in any way or shape you have a responsibility to pull your share to make their life secure and comfortable as well. Say if you can’t chip in financially, you can take over other areas of life to be helpful to make your partner’s life easy. If you are doing that remember its not for the other but its for you to be respectful to yourself as a spiritual being. Lets talk about our animal side or nature. Remember just like other creatures we have alpha and beta individuals in people and that is regardless of their sex. Now if you don’t have the understanding or you intentionally don’t try to balance your physical and spiritual side you may get in trouble relating with others. You may end up in a situation where you would try to dominate each other regardless of who is providing. If you are a kid and provided by the parents, you may try to dominate them regardless of you being a dependent. If parents level of patience has gone over board, their love may suffer a loss but you may end up in a bigger trouble because you don’t yet understand your nature and placing in it. Same can go into passionate love as well where if an alpha female is trying to dominate an alpha male regardless of her positioning, love loss may happen just because both sides are not understanding their duty of spiritual reciprocation. Our trouble is that we are still in a learning process, if we can’t create balance between our spiritual and animal side we may carry on with our social troubles. So before you spend your whole mortal life following your thousands of years old traditions, customs, rituals and religious rules or even modern trends try to understand your mortality related slipping away time. Always remember whether you were born five thousands years ago or today’s time mortality is still a fact. So its crucial for you to think about your life as a CEO, know if you are alpha or beta physically and know if you are spiritually aware enough to create balance between the two, to function in your personal living years.

If you sacrifice your happiness and contentment just to fit in with your belonging group or are trying to follow whatever is popular in the era you are born in. Its your prerogative but it is your spiritual duty to honestly pull your share by reciprocating. The bottom line for achieving personal spiritual comfort is to go after the cause or as I say it the dead dog of our problems. If the cause of your inability to achieve personal and inner peace is your animal instincts, evolution from that is in order. If humanity has not been able to achieve peace in thousands of years because of our group politics. Obviously its not going to be easy to change thousands of years old ways of doing things. Interestingly today’s individual is not weak and vulnerable like they were in the past. Today everything is on the internet and injustices get published even as they are happening so, no one is able to hide their political agendas as they did in the past. With present days strength of human individual equal human rights are becoming common theme and are flourishing in all over the world. Our next step is and should be to beat our prejudice and discrimination against each other. By joining humanity as a whole based politics instead of keeping it with the old status quo. If you choose humanity over a group you would be able to choose spirituality over your religion as well. Remember humanity has been and still is seeking that illusive peace which we could not achieve in thousands of years of evolution and that is just because of our group politics. For sure we will not be able to achieve that in next thousands of years if we don’t change our same old political belonging to our groups. It can not come from our political groups and especially from our politically tainted religions, because if that was going to happen it would have been done long time ago. It has to come from the modern day moderate individual who is willing to give and receive equal human rights from each other. A strong and spiritually aware individual can effect immediate family, community, nation and religion regardless of the difficulties of political belonging. Since a physical individual is the main character in creating physical spirituality. Their spiritual importance has to be understood by themselves so they can seek inner comfort from within instead of seeking physical security from their political groups. Regardless of the era of political religions this spiritual understanding holds the key not only to find internal and external peace but spiritual comfort within our mortal skin as well.