You can hide behind your nation, religion or God as you have been taught to believe in, but you can’t hide from the demons and God within.

Your two sides of being animal or physical and spirit or spiritual make you unique entity. You are not considered an animal nor you can be spirit exclusively, you are a human being who is a combination of both. Now the question is who is running the show? Is it God or Devil or is it you? If you look at it logically if God was running your life, you would be genetically programmed. If Devil was running the show still it would be genetically programed and chances of opposing entity’s survival would not be possible. As human beings we go back and forth in our good and bad not only in our life time we can be conflicted from moment to moment. If you start to question you will discover that it is you who is the third equation and chooses to give life to God or good or to Devil by choosing bad. Now the real question comes to you is, who do you think is calling the shots in your life? Is it God? Is it Devil? Is it you or the forth entity like your belonging group or big brother? If you ask me there is no question it is you but unfortunately for large population it is not that simple. To me if an individual has an atom of autonomy to use free will we all have God like powers to make decisions no exceptions. We all make decisions to live our daily life so to me all of us individually are being a CEOs it be a no brain-er but political conformation and religious indoctrination is our human realities as well. As human individuals we are social beings and are compelled to live in societies but with our atom of autonomy and unique make up we are personally responsible for our actions as well. Imagine if we all believed that God and Devil are running the show what would happen to our justice systems? There would be a social chaos because no one would be responsible for their actions. Remember even so called Godly and highly conservative societies have justice systems. On one side of their mouth they say believe in God, and God is doing everything yet from other side, to gain political control they harshly punish and make human individuals responsible for their actions. This contradiction is highly political and degrading for the individual because they think individual should be controlled like an animal so they preach that we all are insignificant, irrelevant and are even born sinner. Personally I believe human being is the one who is the running the show individually as a victim of being irrelevant and collectively as a manipulating political power. God and Devil are part of our makeup or we are makeup of them, either way without the living breathing human beings we can’t bring any spiritual or Devilish actions into reality. No mater which way you cut it either way human being is the main character so our political and religious demeaning of the individual is not from God it is from those who want political control. Remember if dig into yourself you are not irrelevant nor you are a born sinner. Even if our sins change with our evolution one spiritual thing stays consistent and that is our personal sense of justice. If you do to someone what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones, you are a sinner period. And yes even if it is religiously and politically taught prejudice, discrimination and all related crimes spiritually you individually are responsible for that.

We all individually are capable of self regulating because of our makeup so logically our societies don’t have to have a police individual for everyone belonging to the society. Our self regulation comes from our spiritual side because we naturally don’t want to do to anyone what we don’t like done to ourselves or to our loved ones. To understand things you have to ask yourself then why do people always do to others what they don’t like done to themselves? Having a stronger animal side is all about the education to balance spiritual side, if you can’t control your desires you believe in that life is still in the bush or a cave. Being an aggressive beast was an asset while we lived in the bush or cave but now we have established communities or mega cities or I call them urban jungle where millions of people live together. Our laws and order is not brute power and aggression anymore so our civilization and progress related rules need to be followed by everybody.

If you have to be made scared of eternal hell to be good your spiritual side is weak and vulnerable and if you do good things in the greed of heaven you definitely need to understand living with spirituality. If you need heaven and hell to be a good person you are not really a good person to begin with. You are in it for the political reasons, if you need to be inspired to be good you have to understand human nature. If the reality is that we carry both polarities within, choosing one or the other is not the game of power to rule others but it is all about creating balance.

Reciprocation to God for the functioning body and oxygen as the purpose of your life is your game of mortality. You are most important while you are living, breathing and physically function human being not after you are dead.

Being a CEO your personal spiritual awareness dictates how you live in your mortal skin. If you are not comfortable and have lost happiness and contentment while you are alive, it actually is an example of hell in living years. As mortal losing happiness and contentment means losing everything but our belonging groups are hell bent to make that happen. Religions are preaching that you are a born sinner and you need to be bowing down five times a day to ask for forgiveness for the things you have not even done. Total submission means God is doing every thing so you have to kill the Devil within and you yourself don’t matter at all never mind being a CEO or giving life to good and bad. To me if you don’t have any guilt or a reason to ask for forgiveness all the time you are comfortable from within and are in heaven whether you are alive or dead.

Just look at it this way say you are a tape recorder, you can receive and Conway the same message but you are not so spirituality has to be encouraged from within not by scaring you from hell or giving you a sense of greed for heaven. As if God is a politician who is using carrot and stick philosophy. These are our human philosophies and unfortunately they don’t work unless you are an animal. I would like to be counted as a human being not as an animal. Our belief systems should treat human beings as humans not as animals. Not trusting our intellect means they don’t believe in human potential, they believe they know better so they enforce belief system as a justice system. Belief system can’t be enforced as rules because that always can end up in court and questioned. There is no one who can speak about God with 100% logic that is why we have so many belief systems and even deniers. I can imagine if God was pulling all the strings no one would be able to commit spiritual crimes. Following blindly does not do anything either because it keeps human beings to evolve which is Godly order so not following Godly order over religious belonging can lead to spiritual crimes as well just look at the terrorism. One can be taught that killing someone in the name of religion is kosher yet it is all political and nothing but. If you are a good person because of the fear of hell or greed of heaven what happens to you when your fear and greed is removed? Interestingly that happens all the time because ordinary people go through different phases during their life time. Priorities change as we evolve and learn about life itself. God is not a monster who is keeping eyes on everyone from the out side, but its an internal matter from within the individual and from the individual.

Our spiritual side is God within but unfortunately we have our animal side within as well so it all comes down to us as an individual what is dominating from within and how we are in control to make choices. Are you able to balance both sides to build your character? Remember it is you who commits spiritual crimes in the name of your belonging groups, so if you are kept weak, vulnerable, irrelevant and made believed as a sinner, your belonging group will dictate what is good and bad for you. If you kill someone in your society you would be punished harshly but if you go commit the same action against someone your belonging group say so you are praised. This conflicting education is nothing but political so deep down inside you know it and that deep down is where you are an animal and a spirit at the same time. Living in conflict there can have the potential to leave you in your personally burning hell especially if your spiritual side is stronger and knows about personal good and bad.

When it comes to our belief systems this contradiction is just unbelievable just look at some religious punishments. If you steal, your hand can be chopped off. If you commit adultery, you can be stoned to death, yet at the same time they want you to believe in God’s authority as ultimate. These scary and barbaric rules are to control the population from committing crimes against each other and obey the rulers yet the kicker is that it is all done in the name of God. Let’s look at the individual who is a victim of a crime. They pray to God for security but this prayer that God will show up to save them doesn’t get fulfilled, what does it do to the individual who is praying? Two things can happen, first of all the victims can lose faith in God, second, the criminal sees that God did not show up to punish them even they did the crime, over and over. If this happens with each crime their fear of God starts to disappear so logically and practically fear of God does not and will not work. Either way more people lose their faith in God because religions have mixed politics in the belief systems.

When your personal belief system is in murky waters you suffer personally spiritually individually and overall the belief system becomes a victim of politics as well. If you want to see the effects of politics in ruining of a belief system just look at the nations whom want their religions to rule their country and see the chaos they are in especially with the surge of equal human rights internationally world looks at those people as rouge nations because their rules don’t match the world or I should say humanity as a whole.

Since a belief system is based on the foundation of unknowns, or it is hard to comprehend for the evolving being to understand God at this time or we can’t use our full brain powers yet. We can’t just enforce our belief systems as justice systems because not everyone believes in God same way and some don’t even believe in the existence of God.

The Fear of God and social punishments just can’t be mixed into a belief systems, because the punishments are delivered like everything else is done by the other human beings. If it is a belief system it is not a governing system so if it becomes a governing system it is political system. It smells like politics to control the ordinary individual yet twisted and designed in such a way that you can blame God and even the individual’s faith, but not the politically controlling authorities and yes even if the individual loses faith in God still it is not the belonging groups fault.

Believing that a leaf on the tree can’t move without God’s will is a level of belief the religious authorities want you to believe. Sure that is rare but the expectations are there so these are the people who believe in all that but when it comes to their belief system, they label, blame and punish a child who is born out of the wedlock. Personally I believe they are not only contradicting they are committing a spiritual crime at the same time, because that child has no fault and a say into the birth process. If a leaf can’t move, how can a whole child be born without God’s will? These kinds of contradictions are not openly discussed because they just don’t make any sense spiritually. If you blindly believe in whatever a mullah or a priest says, you are not analyzing anything before acting out in passionate rage. Remember we are all responsible for our personal actions so you can’t just shoot a doctor who performs an abortions. If you believe that the child born out of a wedlock is to blame its like you are going half-way to even believing in God. Either you take control or you give it to God and believe. You just can’t have it both ways. It is like you carry guns for your safety but want to have the police force, law and order for everyone else to follow.

Watching the leaves moving on a tree is an experience. A living individual can see and understand it so yes if God keeps you alive by providing you oxygen. It is God’s will but if you literally put God on that pedestal then you really have to believe that the whole human child can’t be born without God’s will as well.

If you want to believe that without God’s will nothing is possible, then believe in that. Don’t just go half-way and blame an innocent child who had no fault regarding how they were born. If you believe that you are doing everything that is possible for you to do and then you believe in that but remember you still can’t do injustices to the innocents. No one is better or worst just because of where they are born especially if they are or are not born into a religion permitting wedlock.

It should not matter when and where you are born and what color you are born, what gender you have and what you believe, whether you believe in one God, several Gods or none at all. Your level of education and what type of school system that you attended or what country you received your education in or how far you have gone to school all that should not matter. If by your actions you hurt someone who is innocent then your act matters.

Our actions and character dictate our level of spirituality. Our Spiritual Actions define us. It is not not how you pray, how many time you pray, whether its once a week or five times a day. It is not whether you believe in reincarnation or not. Whether you speak or worship in certain language or believe in heaven and hell. It does not matter what you do or do not believe, its your actions, plain and simple they define what type of person you are. These actions dictate whether you are a good person or not and remember your belief system, nationality, gender or race is not a limiting factor for you to be good or bad. That is why I believe spirituality is universal because it crosses lines of all human societies.

When someone dies poetically or in the movies people say that someone has gone into the sky to become a star. Sure it sounds great, but is it really a logical explanation? It just sounds good so we take it as an imaginary reality. That is how lots of good poetry infiltrates in our belief systems. Personally I believe our societies are full of these stories. Some people highly regard them and make them part of their customs and traditions and to boot, they are mixed them up in our everyday living. Look at the Egyptian tombs today we are robbing them yet they believed their material stuff would be used in after life so they took along. Chinese have some similar stories as well. Does that mean I don’t believe in after life and related stories? No I prefer to leave those unknowns for after death I don’t like to assume to the point that I take my attention away from my daily living and end up committing spiritual crimes against others because of those stories I believed in.

There are a lot of pretty stories and assumptions in our societies, but a living breathing human individual is a physically real and logical story. ??? So should we kill each other in the name of our stories?

Always remember that a living breathing human individual is the only one who can literally show you spirituality in physical actions, so killing them yet in the name of God does not make any sense. Spiritual knowledge is only a knowledge when it is written on a paper, taught or preached by religious leaders. When a human individual puts their physical shoulders and backs into this and practices it, then and only then does it become a spiritual wisdom.When a human individual puts actions of physicality to spirituality then and only then it become a reality so God can only be a reality if the human beings are around to put physicality to spirituality otherwise it just does not matter to anyone and if it would matter it would be in the knowledge of beyond this physical world. (AND WE ARE NOT THERE YET).

Optimistically thinking one day we may evolve enough to learn humanity being a same organism, we are the cells of it and we can live with each other regardless of our differences and our colors. It can be done and its already happening in other places like melting pot societies. The proof is in the pudding regardless of today’s conservative rhetoric. People are learning to live beyond their religion, nationality, color, race, even gender or sexuality.

Since humanity has been, is and always will be, evolving no religious beliefs, constitution or even laws of the lands should be written in the stone like the ten commandments or pillars of any belief system. We are constantly evolving so our knowledge should keep up with all the changes. Best example I can give you is the internet. Before we had the internet we had the police and justice system for the physical crimes in our society, today we have someone committing crimes against us from far away lands where we can’t even go because of our jurisdictions problems so humanity has to work together as one organism.

If you start to see that you are not putting your 100% efforts you should start to give others and especially give God a break as well. As a mortal seeking perfection and total control is a deadly sin against your personal happiness and contentment. If you are the one who is guilty of that, you will be the one who will suffer from its ill effects. Praying to God without giving your personal 100% efforts is not fair to God nor to yourself. Going too far in fear and control can have the potential to paralyze you as an individual in your personal life. It can cause a devastating failure as well if you rob your own happiness and contentment, especially with existing knowledge of mortality.

I believe our happiness and contentment is the most important treasure in a mortal life. If you fail to accumulate that then you have failed yourself even if you have followed your religion to the max. I believe in personal responsibility. If you choose to spend your life trying to fit in, to impress others or you are foolish enough to die for to be admired by the others. Being unhappy and discontent in a mortal life is a real sign that you have failed yourself. If you judge your success with material successes, at the end of the day you will eventually find out that it was all done for the other people and not for you. Your regrets will spread the web of discontentment to cause you to have more than physical health issues just because you did not look at your real self. To me that is how important you are. Look at yourself logically and remember this because you are one of the most important equation in the spiritual triangle.

All spiritual entities, yes even God, are impotent without human being’s physical interventions. Human beings bring spiritual thoughts into action to make spirituality and God meaningful especially in their personal living years. So the question arises? Is God an impotent entity without the human physicality? This spiritual and physical clap can’t sound anything with one sided relationship so give some credit to the living breathing help as well as to spiritual actions from the living human beings. Human beings have been disrespected by the controlling authorities for political purposes in the name of God. Human individual’s input has been undermined and discredited for political reasons. Human individuals have been called born sinner regardless of their importance in the bigger picture. I call it offensive and a spiritual crime to blame someone who is innocent a sinner. Get some common sense and mix it to the religious beliefs so spirituality prevails and politics of sense of belongings fails.

Do you still think human beings are not important or better yet do you still think that you are worthless? Your knowledge has everything to do with it so you have to look at yourself from a little different angle. Ask yourself, are you brainwashed to believe that you are worthless and a sinner or do you just want too much of Godly powers and you don’t feel that you have it so you feel overwhelmed. Creating balance comes from the knowledge of mortality which puts everything in perspectives. The real key is to keep your mortality in front, you will be able to see things clearly.

Things get better with practice. If God’s work can’t be done without you, what more do you want to feel worthy? If you put two and two together you can remove the chains of slavery to material things and political powers just to find yourself. If they make you feel good and important it is because you want to either fit in, impress or want to be admired by the group you belong too. Being directly connected to God and have the ability to work and reciprocate can be the most important job one can have. Remember working is helping others even if you are getting paid that means you are being helped as well. Helping each other keeps the Godly world or humanity going so your work or helping is a practical prayers which has a lot more meanings to God than you just worshiping to want more and more yet not putting your efforts to reciprocate. The word reciprocation fits just right because you have to be thankful about your oxygen healthy and able body.

As an atom of autonomy and free will holding human being you are created as a CEO of your life and you are directly connected to God from within. You are the cell of God almighty but when you are taught that you are just an extension of your belonging group and you need to be shown what and who you are because you can’t see it all for yourself. Your identity is politically tainted. Worst thing is that whatever your belonging group says, you start to believe in it as your personal realities and gladly get used politically. Without being able to do any thing about it you end up with personal and internal disputes.

I am trying to point towards the dead dog of your believing in being irrelevant and being born a sinner. I am trying to inspire that CEO who is residing right within you and who is able to and can put a belonging group as a department of your life instead of you being a department of a group. I am trying to point towards you holding and ocean and space all put together within you as a drop not you as a drop in the ocean.

We all are extraordinary because of our make up. Our own realities become murky to ourselves when we want more and more approval of our belonging groups and find ourselves fighting for that injustice done to us by our own selves in the name of politics of sense of belonging. In reality we all come in life and die as an independent entity. Each and every one of us has a package which is full of perks like a newer model of computer but we don’t run it to its full capacity just because of our inabilities. We are not cut short by God but by us individually because of our political belonging to our groups.

We assume our identities according to installed data, we start to believe that we are just a physical computer and live our lives with political limitations and boundaries created by our belonging groups. Not knowing that we are used politically. If we are created as computers with atom of autonomy and as a CEO, it is us who run the computer not our belonging groups.

Meaning of having free will has deeper meanings so try to understand it and find yourself. You are the CEO who runs not only the computer but the whole show because we have the potential to judge all the installed data to make choices.

Now look around the world and see how our politics of belonging limiting the individual and how individuals themselves are believing that they are the drop in the ocean. Its all about the perspectives, if you believe you are a born sinner, how can you gain self-esteem or respect from yourself and even know what God is and how things are getting done. All I can tell you is that even God’s work is not done without your help, if you keep believing in whatever you are installed with, you can’t run your computer never mind to its capacities.

If you let things go and let your conservative ideologies rule they would take you back into the times where they were throwing virgins over the cliff to please God. Just look back and see the contributions and the progresses made by the human individuals. I wish I can say its God exclusively because I do believe in even our next breath is not in our control so it is not all miracle nor its all physical. To me human individual importance is one of the factors working to make a spiritual clap by two hands otherwise there is no sound. Meaning spirituality alone is impotent and physicality alone is non physical as well because both depend on each other to make spiritual things happen physically that is why I personally can’t deny human individual’s input. God’s help is a running computer and the oxygen, but after that its all up to us how we run the computer and find its capacities and potential. We can progress and evolve to find our potential or become a victim of our group politics and believe in being irrelevant, insignificant or being born sinner and ask for forgiveness throughout our living years not knowing our importance.

Become a CEO because that is what we are meant by God our politics of belonging is the one which works against God’s will to make us worthless. Now ask yourself where do you stand? Are you an extension of a group of people or an ideology or are you a CEO?

Remember an individual who runs the computer to its full capacity is a CEO so are you running your computer or someone else is running your computer? If you still feel that you are unimportant, irrelevant, and you have to ask for forgiveness for the things you have not done or are guilty off (SNAP OUT OF IT AND FIND YOUR REAL SELF) and I repeat find your real self who holds the ocean and space all put together within.

First thing you will have to do is to start removing your politically installed data related identities. Layers of our identities are hiding and limiting our real identity and yes believe me or not we all are human beings first, its that simple.

That atom of autonomy holding CEO who runs the computer is human individual. Who physically belong to humanity as a whole and spiritually to God simultaneously. It is all beyond all races, genders, nations and religious beliefs so any and all groups of people are below that standard.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you are worthless and a sinner. You are meaning full not only to yourself but to God as well. Everything including someone’s prayers are fulfilled through you so value yourself every living moment, you can help. Even by just passing the knowledge to make someone’s life better so they can help others meaning God in fulfilling someone’s prayers. Always remember you just can’t say I love you, you have to show practically by helping its as simple as that and in reality that love means nothing without practicality.

Since as an ordinary individual you can’t separate or tear yourself apart as body and spirit, logically you can’t seek your self as body or consider yourself as an animal nor you can be a living breathing spirit exclusively. So seek for that decent human being who is buried deep under those politically installed identities. It may not be easy for you but it can be done by following a spiritual process by doing three basic things. First know what and who you are as mortal, second become a capable CEO who carries compassionate personal sense of justice from within and third remember that being a capable CEO you can not do to others what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones regardless of your political or religious pressures. Remember we are an atom of autonomy holding and free will using entity so we are responsible for our personal actions so no politics of sense of belonging and equal human rights for everyone just like you want for yourself.


If you start to dig into the reasons of our conflicts including religious ones they mostly are related to the politics of our belonging groups. Humanity has been and still is facing religious differences even after gaining thousands of years of civilization. Interestingly individual and humanity have very little to do with our differences main culprit is the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. Even to this day with all the democracies and isms we still don’t question our belonging groups and gladly do their politically dirty work regardless of our individual spiritual awareness.

We not only commit spiritual crimes in the name of our groups we as groups allow our individuals to be exonerated for the crimes they would generally be charged within their own societies. We sweep everything including spiritual crimes under the rug and we even politically twist everything to make them heroes. All this politics related prejudice and discrimination puts individuals of both sides to sufferings. They are on the receiving end of pain, groups are political entities so they just blame each other to carry on robbing each others individuals of love. The pain of love loss is felt deep into the individual’s soul so the enraged individuals want who cause them that pain to feel the same pain. So the story goes on indefinitely, people gladly become the fuel to the fire of conflicts. Some times these conflicts can go on for thousands of years like Shea Sunni dispute.

If you look at our lasting conflicts of modern history like Palestine and Kashmir or look at the Shea, Sunni history they all point towards that these conflicts have no religion or nationality but they have one thing in common. Their loyalties to the politics of belonging groups, main denominator for making conflicts to last long is the individual love loss and related pain. Love loss has the powerful impact on the individual so they are willing to sacrifice their personal compassion and sense of justice to do the dirty work for their political groups. Usually it has nothing to do with how you look, who you belong to or how you pray but everything to do with the politics of it all. Proof is in the Shea and Sunni dispute, they belong to the same religion but their politics of belonging to a group of people has been a wound that has not been allowed to heal. Their leaders preach to keep scratching that wound every year so it doesn’t heal. They play with belonging individual’s feelings and related hormones to keep the memories of love loss alive regardless of how long ago it had happened.

Belonging to humanity as a human individual is natural thing but our leaders inspire us to the point that our individual chemicals spill over to make us individually passionate instead of being compassionate. Everyone of us has been played by the politics of belonging because we all naturally have the need to change, evolve and belong to humanity as a whole. Other than being a human being all other identities are installed identities and are for political reasons. Most of our identities have been installed within us from our tender age so we really believe what our group is doing is right. That is why we can’t just stand up individually to become a human being who belongs to humanity. Today we are our color, our gender, our nation, our religion, our sects and nothing but. Yet in reality we all should be a true human being belonging to humanity as a whole. People have been and are still suffering from the punishments of the crime they have not been responsible for. For example being born into certain group of people can not be a crime because logically no one has a say in, when, where and to whom they are going to be born. That clearly means they did not commit any crime so if they are punished because of political conflicts its going to be a spiritual injustice. Our politics of sense of belonging is responsible for us to be blind of these spiritual crimes because we have been brain washed with the politics of belonging to our groups.

Since being Shea or Sunni is a politically installed and false human identity there should be a need for us all to become a human being first. Not only they have been fighting and killing each other over their political differences but they are doing it for far too long and they are not allowing their individuals to live in present day of dangerous nuclear environment. Personally I believe this is clearly a defiance from Godly and spiritual order of evolution for humanity. Since it is our nature and individual responsibility to evolve spiritually, not following that would be against our nature. By now humanity should have its ducks in row and should be able to over come its differences. Everything from global warming to infectious diseases and dangers of our war weaponry is pointing and spiritually insisting towards humanity to work as a whole. Unfortunately politics of our sense of belonging to our groups has been and still is a road block or a metaphoric wall in taking the next step towards evolution.

Equal human rights are a life saving treat for humanity and they are liked by everyone because it is directly involving and engaging individual and humanity simultaneously. With the information highway humanity has become closer so equal human rights are rapidly crossing political boundary lines of the world. Would you still treat someone with prejudice and discrimination or mob attack on someone who looks or believes differently than you? Would you take anyone’s life If your group asked you to? Would you join humanity as a whole over your group politics? If not why not? Don’t you have your spiritual awareness to the point that you don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones. Remember as groups we would never find it unjust because of our politics say so and groups are in it for the power not to lose it.

As I said it before and say it again, it is an individual who is suffering from the love loss which takes them to different level of being a creature and our groups play with us to keep stoking the fires of conflicts. There is no loss for the individual in belonging to humanity but for groups it is a death sentence. In conservative societies they are not letting it happen, not only they are preaching loyalties they are openly threatening treason and shunning of the individual. These are the nations who are also preaching against equal human rights to keep the individual weak and vulnerable. Every group functions under the politics which is based on us an them philosophy so it is automatically tainted with prejudice and discrimination. If it hurts the individual individually the solution is within the individual as well so not doing to anyone what you don’t like done to yourself or to your loved one is the call of today’s time.

If you want freedom don’t ask it as a political entity or as a group because its a group politics regardless so it can be asked from the other side as well. Ask as an individual for equal human rights so you can be respected where every you are or whomever you belong to. Ask to belong to humanity above and beyond group politics. Logically by now with our evolution we should have left our group strength in the bush or cave but our politics of belonging has not been letting us change and evolve to the needs of today’s times. Sure we are still the same creature but unfortunately now we have nuclear and biological weapons so it is dangerous to be a creature with the finger on the nuclear button. We need to become a spiritual entity as we are from within. As creature with group politics and nuclear weapons our present day winning and losing can be devastating for humanity. Just look at Shea Sunni conflict how long they have been at it. Most of the time when a group wins they seek revenge like a hurt individual with chemical discrepancies of love loss.

To me Israeli and Palestinian conflict is not a religious or territory conflict it is all about the politics of sense of belonging to their respected groups because they all live in harmony in western nations. If it can be done in different parts of the world why they can’t do it in their nations? It is all about the politics of installed identities and sense of belonging.

Israelis or should I say Jewish people should learn from the past history with German to be on the receiving end of the same thing what they are doing today so it is not about the state it is all about the equal human rights to all human beings above and beyond the religious or political identities. Kashmir is in the same boat individuals are suffering from no crime of your own. Just to be born in the opposing groups and punished for it is an open spiritual crime of prejudice and discrimination. In today’s real world logically Palestinian cries should remind Israelis of their past history so they don’t do to others what they did not like done to them but politics of sense of belonging is so powerful it even creates generational dementia.

I am not writing this as an extension of certain ideology I am writing for the individuals to wake up and become a CEO so they can be human beings to belong to humanity. If they like equal human rights they should allow it to flourish and stand with them internationally, especially when it comes to their own politics of belonging they should resort to their personal sense of justice.

If you are politically attached to a group of people and consider yourself as an extension of that group you will call a questioning individual a problem but if you are an independent individual you yourself will be asking questions. I personally like to question everything because I want to find the reasons behind our problems so I can talk about them to inform the uninformed.

In this day and age humanity should not have those lingering problems connected to our bush and cave times. Basic question everyone should ask themselves is if we are an evolving entity why can’t we over come our politics of sense of belonging? If you don’t ask this question you are denying God’s will for humanity to evolve. If you think your belonging group’s knowledge is complete, come out of that political fact related pigeon hole and face the reality check, look around and see where human being is today? Thinking about the complete knowledge is political and is not compatible with God given human nature.

Lack of optimism and trust in God or nature is highly individual and personal sense of weakness. Harms and rewards of having faith are always like placebo effects not scientifically proven but individually influential. Just like imagination and ego, both are like double-edge sword they have the potential to cut both ways. Having faith in God does have its merits in reducing stress related illnesses so as a mortal being it is not a small benefit to be ignored.

Then there is a whole world of imagination which can be a poison and medicine as well but one has to explore that world which lies within all of us. By nurturing positive side of it, we can create a placebos effect to heal or even let the imaginary demons destroy us from within. Negative and positive is not only a light of life, it creates and separates human beings from animal based entity. Interestingly by individual’s choice of nurturing spiritual side so it all boil down to the individual choices. Both sides are owned and strongly influenced by the individual, so making choices because of the politics of sense of belonging are still an individual choice. As politically influenced individual would be weaker and a CEO of would obviously stronger so why would someone want to be weak especially in this day and age.

Different schools of thoughts are actual facts of humanity so in the end of the day as a thinking entity we all have to take charge and become the CEO’s of our lives. As we grow up to be an adult no one and I mean no one should have the powers to make decisions for us especially if they have political motives to use you. With equal human rights we all should have a say in our life because as an entity we are not genetically programed.

This old age discussion has been and still is raging on that how much control a human individual has? Sure we have people blaming everyone else but themselves. We credit God for everything we do which I agree to a point but after we have the help to be alive we make decisions to follow our spiritual ways or physical ways. God and Devil are not to blamed for individual’s physical actions because of our free will, and other than the miracles logically every Godly or Devilish act needs human touch to take a physical form. If we exonerate human being for their physicality everything falls flat on its face especially the whole picture of justice system falls like dominoes.

A quote fits here and I quote.


“If the soul is left in the darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but the one who causes the darkness”. “Victor Hugo. End quote.

It sounds great but personally I disagree with this quote because I believe we, each and every single one of us has the atom of autonomy within which allows us to use our free will and personal sense of justice so with that power human individual is an independent entity and is responsible for making choices. We just need to nurture our spiritual side to become a CEO of our lives to take on our individual responsibilities.

Sure God and spirituality should be part of our mortal life but removing human responsibilities deforms the whole spiritual picture because I believe human does not fit in the mold of all other creatures. Unfortunately our politics of sense of belonging still has the power to override our individuality. Our religious beliefs promote human insignificance and put God and Devil on the top corner of the triangle yet it is the human individual who provides the physicality to all the good or bad of humanity. We add good to God and bad to Devil by contributing physicality to them. Free will related choices are always made by the human individual so clearly choices are owned by the living breathing human individuals.

Education of our rights and wrongs are installed by our belonging groups so it is mostly political. Since it favors a group of people not humanity as a whole this is politically designed and is a built in flaw to nurture group of people. Individuals are intentionally given different scenarios to believe where individual is an extension of an ideology not the main and important character.

That makes them believe to exist just physically where they will feel small, powerless and irrelevant by doing so they disconnect themselves or believe unworthy of the direct connection they have with the source. Religions have played a direct role in this disconnection because a power seeking group of people would want an individual to be subservient, submissive, irrelevant and dependent part of the big picture so God and Devil were switched to the top of the triangle.

Don’t believe me about the human individual’s relevance just remove the living breathing human individual and see what happens to the importance of God and Devil, all the good and bad goes up in the air because there is no one to make it physical or relevant.

On the other hand ask a scientist why do the placebo effects still exist? Why our hormone level fluctuation is connected to our group failure and success? Why are we mortal? Why don’t we know everything there is to know? Answer to all is that we are still evolving so the more we know the more we find out that we don’t know.

Each and every single one of us is capable of having an imagination and remember our imagination is a powerful yet still a personal and individual tool to live a successful mortal life. That is why authoritarian groups want individual not to think for themselves and let their belonging group to take charge of even their imagination. Our leaders give inspiring speeches before sending their belonging individuals to kill and die for the groups. Religious leaders do the same thing and rob the individual’s ability to become the main part of the spiritual picture or become a picture themselves that is all because of the fear of losing their political powers.

All the ingredients are encased within us as a drop which makes the ocean. One can can have an active enough imagination to see themselves as the ocean or in it. One gives real picture of what we are spiritually and other robs that picture and make us part of the ocean of physical life exclusively. Its done by the political game of our nationalism and yes even religions. They say and openly preach to rob individuals of their spirituality along with their ability to help themselves from within. Installed pictures of God rob individuals of self worth and their relevance. They actually believe that they are born sinners and they have to constantly pray for forgiveness.

Understanding reciprocation as practical prayers can take the political powers away from belonging groups so they really have a motive to be against individual liberation and equal human rights. Their politics is to keep the individual weak and vulnerable so they feel insignificant and irrelevant and stick to their groups for security reasons.

Politics of division is an other effective tool used by our groups and that has been and is always based on the prejudice and discrimination. Individually you can accept that or choose to become a CEO of your life and make your belonging group as a department instead of you becoming an extension. When you don’t agree with the policies of your belonging group you can stand your grounds because you don’t want to be in conflict with your atom of autonomy from within. You may be punished or shunned by the group but if you are in clash from within, that can be a worst punishment especially for a mortal being. As you assume your responsibilities of a CEO your imagination is there to help you but it is a duty of a CEO to keep eye on the mortal nature as well. You don’t want to get caught up again and fall victim to the politics of your sense of belonging by nurturing your ego yet at odds with your inner spiritual being.

Remember as human beings our life always has been, is and will be an evolutionary process which requires personal efforts. If as an individual we don’t put those efforts in our lives not only we are left behind by not evolving with time we can do lasting damage to our coming generations as well.

I remember watching Dr. Wayne W. Dyer on TV giving an example of butterfly struggling in the cocoon to build larger wings so it could fly. This can have metaphorical connection with humanity as well because we build bigger muscles by working out with higher resistance. If a worm does not struggle to grow larger wings it just can’t fly to become a butterfly. What is in the future of humanity? Why are we are struggling with our politics of sense of belonging to our groups and wasting all our resources fighting and killing each other. Imagine if all the resources were to be used in other areas like poverty, disease and hunger faced by the humanity how far would we be in our spiritual evolution.

I believe our next step should be to evolve from our barbaric and destructive politics of sense of belonging to our groups and get rid of our prejudicial and discriminatory practices of killing each other. Logically if we are born as a human individual, individually we should belong to humanity as a whole. Politics of our sense of belonging is our cocoon if we don’t break out of it we are going to become victim of global warming or nuclear war. Remember the predicted day of judgment taught by religious people we can get there yet by choice. People who don’t like to put efforts in their evolution they think and believe its all God’s will. My question to them is why don’t they learn something from that struggling worm in the cocoon. God has done the job by taking care of oxygen and functioning body now it is up to us to evolve not only physically but spiritually as well so we can reach our potential. If a worm can become a butterfly what would human be?

After birth and oxygen even as a baby we do our share to move so we can bring in that necessary oxygen to cells to function and grow. Every single cell has its job to potentially evolve to become something what God had meant for them. Just ask why are we so insignificant? Why God and Devil are doing everything for us? Where do we stand in reality? If you start to ask you will find your significance and yes you are the third equation right up there with God and Devil. Remember they are your sides and you put physicality to their existence. If you are not there they lose their importance altogether. If you don’t evolve and carry on to be what you have meant to be you yourself are putting hurdles in your own way.

Politics of belonging to our groups is, that they want to keep us as worms so we don’t fly away on our own. If you learn to fly they don’t have control over you that is what a political group can’t stand. Religion or not it is getting just too complicated for the groups to have strong hold on humanity. Belonging to humanity gives human individual wings. So should you stay in the cocoons as worms? Just ask yourself as a reasonable individual wouldn’t you like to know what you can be and what your potential holds for you by nature? Never forget that it is God’s will that as human beings we are an evolving entity we need personal efforts to fulfill Godly duty. We are not meant to be in cocoons of politics, Period.


As human beings we are not just an ordinary animals, our two sides make us a unique entity who is holding a Godly atom of autonomy. The proof of our spiritual side is clearly evident in our everyday life as a human individual. Our societies have justice systems not only collectively we individually have our own spiritual values related personal sense of justice. Logical and spiritual side does not permit us to do the injustice against the innocents because universally we don’t like to be punished if we have not committed a crime.

If you are born into any particular race, gender, nation, religion or even a group of certain people logically you can’t be punished for that because you absolutely have no control or a say on that process, so you can’t be responsible for your birth as whatever color or gender you are born as. We have been evolving from our cultures of divisions, even some of our religious people say you are born sinner, making even God spiritually wrong because punishing someone who is innocent is wrong in all courts. Our political bias, prejudice, discrimination and even related actions against each other all land into the vicinity of spiritual crimes committed by our nations and religions openly yet with pride.

World of divisions may not think so but any punishment or sufferings of the individual in the name of political sense of belonging has nothing to do with spirituality and God.

Since God did Godly job by providing and blessing us with our individual atom of autonomy and personal sense of justice that means all the responsibilities of our actions land on our individual shoulders.

It would be different if we were in the class of creatures like bees and warrior ants but fortunately we are human beings and are not genetically programed and controlled. Yet interestingly most of us don’t realize that even if it feels right to follow our belonging groups it is not for an evolved human being to act in such manors.

Bottom line is that as a creature we may look different but spiritually we have no differences. We all have same make up, so genetically we are compatible and our needs, like oxygen, water and food and love are the same, We live get old sick and die the same way. We get hurt from same things and have same kind of pain. From birth to death our journey is same, our differences are related to our installed knowledge, which promotes life is exclusively physical. Sure that is important for all other creatures but as human beings we have our needs of spiritual side. Without meeting them a human life is unfulfilled. Since animal side related living is common our differences are related to our animal side. We fight and kill each other to meet the needs of physicality of our mortal existence. For instance resources, housing and easier life provide us physical comforts and fulfillment. If we are an ordinary creature we would only think for ourselves exclusively but we carry a very powerful spiritual side or I should call it our atom of autonomy within. Which not only allows us to think and act individually but respect our spiritual side equally to physical side. By doing that we learn to reciprocate with God directly and individually in return for the help of oxygen and a physically functioning body. Our reciprocation gives us spiritual comfort and fulfillment. By living a life of an animal exclusively we don’t fulfill our spiritual needs and that can have a potential to rip us apart from within.

Even if the whole world would have desired to be in your shoes, you personally can feel your life is not fulfilling. You may suffer with the disorders your doctor may not understand but you feel your pain that can’t be explained. Regardless of all the blessings, your life is not lived as it could have been or can be if you are spiritually fulfilled. As an individual it is a big loss because of our mortal nature, but as a community we can suffer as well. Not only because of a whole lot of unhappy and discontent individuals but with our ongoing conflicts and wars related love loss.

With today’s weaponry things things can go very wrong any minute even humanity keeps calling and pointing towards our collective problems. From global warming related weather extremes and fires to viral infectious diseases like Corona virus all are our collective problems need collective attention, acceptance and solutions. Just look at global warming related issues, can Donald Trump build walls high enough to prevent firs and rising oceans related problems. Today even if you come up with a vaccination for Corona virus you still will have to deal with global efforts to be safe. No nation can be safe until everyone in the world is Corona virus free.

Politics of our sense of belonging is our old style way of living yet new problems required new and collective solutions. Our groups would try to find solutions but would fall under the politics of sense of belonging to our groups which can lead to vaccination nationalism yet by looking at the start and the spread of the problem it openly says that there is no way any race, gender, nation or religion would be saved exclusively until humanity can understand today’s problems are not groups related. Our group ism is playing in the hands of old and damaging to humanity policies of groups.

It is not even about compassion and spirituality, it is simply about the survival of humanity. If we don’t work together consequences are going to push us to find a new planet to live and unfortunately we are not ready for that yet. So what can you learn from these signals humanity, God and every single one of our atom of autonomy is sending? Need for the success of global equal human rights and riots against racism, inequality, prejudice and discrimination should be considered pathetic in today’s humanity but somehow we still are entangled in our past and ancestral related divisive knowledge. There should be an open opposition by the moderates against universal love loss by the religious extremists. Racism is not just in certain people it is in the individual themselves so the solutions would be found in the individual. If you look at it as a group problem you will only put a band aid on an infected wound which has not, is not working or will not work. Politics of sense of belonging is deeply related to the individual insecurities so it has to change from within the individual to learn to belong to humanity instead of a group of people.

If you are always in favor of your group politics whether it is right or wrong, you literally have become prejudiced and discriminatory against the people who are logically innocent because they happened to be born in the opposing groups. As I mentioned earlier there is no control or choice in being born so getting punished for it is non spiritual and totally political. If even our monks are not immune to this politics, how can an ordinary individual fight this political infection to their spirituality.

Regardless of what your belonging group preaches or what you feel or think is right, in the end of the day as a grown up adult human being you are the one who is responsible for your individual actions. If you are taught to live life exclusively as an animal or as a spirit exclusively it is your taught knowledge. Your actual responsibility is to create balance between your two sides you are blessed by God. If you go to extreme and live like an animal and fulfill yourself as a physical entity, you may end up depriving yourself spiritually or the other way around. Either way you are going to have your consequences. If you are fulfilled physically and still feel there is something missing or you are suffering from dissatisfaction and unfulfilled life you need to explore spirituality as a medicine and no I am not talking about political religions. Remember we are not designed to be angels so spirituality exclusively is not for humans, I am not preaching living spiritually exclusively because I believe as humans we need to live and nurture both sides equally religions or not it is our responsibility to live a decently balanced life. You come into life as an individual with spiritual and physical sides and choosing one is an extreme for a mortal being. As long as you reciprocate and serve the purpose of your life your enjoyment of your life is your prerogative. Religions or not being spiritual is our personal responsibility because it fulfills us and makes our life meaningful. Polarities are wrong for human individuals regardless of what you have been taught. Enjoying life physically is our right as long as we turn spirituality into physicality. Bounties of physical life are essential for a mortal being regardless of what our religions say.

Just look at socialism and our religions how similar they are and to me there is one thing they both have it wrong and that is spiritual justice. According to their politics they have mass over the individual and both can end up in a situation where they become unjust against the individual. I believe in equal and spiritual justice whether it is between individual and individual or between individual or mass. Real and right thing is spirituality where equal justice is for everyone and yes even if it is between individual and ruling authority. Most religions choose politics over spirituality because it is hard to stay in the spiritual zone if you want to control the population politically.

Whenever I talk about the dead dog I am talking about the cause of our problems. If you have been following my blog by now you are aware of my terms I use frequently and dead dog is one of them, if you are new I will write it for you again. So the story is that.

There once was a community, they dug a well for the water and lived around it. One day a dog fell in the well and died. When water started to stink everyone got worried, so they gathered up and one of them went down in the well to investigate. He found a dead dog and yelled from the well, that there is a dead dog in here. People looked at the mayor with questioning eyes. He said, take about fifty barrels of water out and then start using it, but make sure you take the dead dog out first.

Today we have created a world which keeps on living without bothering about and taking the dead dog out. From medicine to social systems, to our religions everyone is looking for a band aid solutions to buy time. If you have a headache, you take an aspirin regardless of the cause of your headache because of that our problems persist and evolve into our major issues of life. From health problems to our local social issues to international conflicts to personal and spiritual deficiencies are not looked at as serious problems. Since everyone is running in life as if it is never going to end we seem to get in trouble as we start to see our end in sight. We have built an attitude to sweep everything under the rug and keep going. There is nothing wrong with it, but the problems don’t go away on their own. We as a humanity has to work towards removing the dead dogs of our personal and communal wells.

I am a self-employed and usually business people go against taxes but personally, I believe the solutions for the poverty is not in the charities sure they help, but there should be a poverty tax in all over the world so the help never dries up. Since us as an individual can be insecure and at times, we don’t give anything to charities. That can make the donations, not only go up and down they can completely dry up that leaves a black mark on the face of the humanity when someone dies of hunger. We all should have a collective awareness of collective dead dogs of humanity.

Religions do preach to help the poor, but preach the religion itself shamelessly so it becomes a help with the political strings attached.
Any human social system is a political system. When people get together with their fiver (read five bucks) the politics starts, whether we like it or not. Since all religions are group of people, the politics can’t be avoided unless it is strictly about the spirituality. Religions can not claim that they stay away from the politics because of the nature of the business otherwise to me they would not have any history of religious wars.

No matter how much I believe in the spiritual living, as human being we just can’t live on the spirituality exclusively. We have to have our political systems to keep our governing systems going and yes I don’t believe in religions getting into our political arenas because I believe religious beliefs belong to spirituality.

We are in the process of continuous evolution and can’t put caps over or put a freeze on our evolving knowledge in the name of our religious beliefs. If you are a religious person you would like to vote for like minded people you can do so but if you mix your politics with spirituality you are the one who is at loss because they don’t mix. Politics is twisting our lies and truths and spirituality is like justice system which ideally should believe in nothing but the truth. Our political systems should be separated from our religious beliefs because number one not everyone believes in the same thing number two they belong in a zone where you will have to believe in something that can’t be proven without a doubt. As an evolving humanity we just can’t claim that we can not change our constitutions or religious rules because they came from our fore fathers or God. Evolving and changing times should dictate our changes to adopt and evolve further.
We need our political systems to run our social affairs according to the needs of time we are born in, but regardless of the time we belong to, if a political system is designed to exclusively cater a particular group of people it lacks spirituality and is unjust. Remember spiritual fulfillment is needed to create peace, whether it is an inner peace for the individual or external peace within the society or humanity in general.

We have been trying to get there by our group politics without the spiritual justice of equal human rights, so the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love have not been part of our governing systems. That is why regardless of trying our constitutions and religions failed to find peace for humanity.

Today we have United nation but with the veto powers given to a few nations, Geneva Convention commission has been and is against the human rights violations, but can’t do anything physically against the violations just because humanity is divided in two hundred pieces. There are several hot spots where people are oppressed and control by force meaning there are no equal human rights and humanity just can’t help the needy and it is all because of politics of sense of belonging to our groups. Democratic process with political parties is not an ideal thing either but still it is the best thing of the present day politics. Politically elected members of parliament are sitting on the back benches and they can’t stand against their own party manifestos if needed. They follow and respect the rules of their political party over their personal ethics or the interest of their constituents whom they represent.

Democracy, better than what we have had for thousands of years and for sure better than the kings and dictators but is far from perfect.

The reason behind all that is our all powerful human phenomenon, yes, the good old politics of sense of belonging to our groups. Our religions say they are the cousins of God and they will take you to heaven if you join them and everyone else is going to hell just because of their not belonging to a particular group of people as if God is an idiot like an emotional human being.

A mullah could be alive because of the insulin, but curses the western knowledge shamelessly. We as an individual should have the personal ethical protocol and the system to believe where we credit where it is due. Our sense of belonging should be countered and balanced by our personal sense of freedom. Human being is blessed with the free will for a reason, God gave us the responsibilities to run God’s affairs with free will. If we were like angels we would be genetically programed but we are not, so we have to get the job done our own spiritual ways.

Humanity is a jambalaya of the genes, you could be white and against all the other skin colors but your ancestry could tell you that you have black within you. You could be a Muslim with the genes from Ganges Khan or you could be an American Muslim fighting against the Muslims all over the world.

By now you should be able to see that it is not the color, gender size, race, nation or the religion what makes you a human being? Your genetics can tell you a different story, and we all have the same genes. If you maybe are different from the color, race, gender, nation or the religion but genetics and spirituality can bring you to the humanity as a whole. Just ask anyone who has received an organ from a match but form different race, gender, nation or religion but you should start with yourself to remove the dead dog of the sense of belonging to your particular group.

What happens if the climate changes? Oceans rises to sink the land of certain part of the earth, it is happening as I am writing. Would the countries on the higher lands accommodate all the displaced people or protect their borders and let them suffer even if it is against our spiritual nature.
Face of the world has been changing for a long time, it has been, is and will be chaotic for us if we can’t or don’t change our political ways and belong to the humanity as a whole instead of the group mentality.

You can’t practically live together if your legends are with your respected clan, race, nation or a religion. Optimistically thinking, if we can live in the western countries as melting pot societies, we can do that at a larger scale as well. We just have to evolve to the next level of our evolutionary scale and that requires us to cross the lines of the sense of belonging to a group.
All circumstances are pointing towards the necessity of the evolution to the next level where we think individually to be part of humanity as a whole.
From internet to global warming, gender liberation, sexual freedom to space station to equal human rights are all signs of the changes we all have to adopt without a choice. If we don’t change with the changes, we are going to end up facing the predictions of the holy books but with our own choice.

If you spend all your resources fighting each other, how and what are you going to do to manage the real problems looming in the near future, where every fiver or atom of autonomy is going to count.
We rob each other of that fiver by killing the individual belonging to the opposing groups, but the net loss is to the humanity which keeps us behind and slows us down to reach our potential. We end up creating sufferings for large part of population and give all the wealth to few beyond their needs.

Imagine if the whole humanity chips in with their fivers to build the bridges. I wholeheartedly believe we can protect ourselves from the global warming because we have survived the ice age. Today our troubles are related to our choices we make so we can change the course of events. We can conquer the poverty and hunger as well as we can stop killing each other in the name of our nations and religions but our politics of sense of belonging always comes in the way as the cause or a dead dog.

Just look at our prejudice it does not mean we hate or disliking the other groups, simply it is connected to our personal and individual thinking or group preaching that we are individually better than the others just because of belonging to our group. Your education says that your ancestors were right and your belonging group would always be right.

If you are taught that your family and you are better than others, it’s time to change that way of thinking, because today we have equal human rights. Remember you are born as a human so you belong to humanity as a whole. Being black, white, brown, yellow, red, male, female, homo straight, Pakistani, Arab, American, Canadian European, Russian, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, you believe in God, or not, you pray more or all the time or don’t pray at all but give and donate to feed the hungry. If you belong to any denomination of any religion, just remember every human individual belongs under the umbrella of one humanity. Being better, depends o your compassionate character, sacrifice, forgiveness and love of the humanity, not by simply belonging to a certain group or participating in certain activity.

Certain medical discoveries have been helping to save human lives literally by the millions, personally I believe every human life saved helps God because God’s work is done by the living breathing human beings, so I give credit where it deserves regardless of the belonging group. How many people use insulin to stay alive, most of the users would not even know the inventor, who discovered something which keeps them alive but they probably will be willing to kill for their religious leaders and put the inventors of the life saving drugs down.

We should be able to overcome our differences with accepting the equal human rights and spiritual rule of don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you and your loved ones. Main cause of our social problems including our wars, is our prejudice and discriminatory policies of groups. Since everything starts first in the house hold of an individual, then community, nations and religions preach the same way of thinking we need to look at it critically.

Its time to cross those boundary lines our ancestors could not cross. Our wars start with the individual and they can end with the individual, because its the individual who makes a first choice to join in the killing regardless of the reason. At that moment when you make a choice you have the responsibility to judge the belonging group’s choice and better yet assess your self first why would you be willing to kill the innocents for your belonging group. If the answer is yes you may need to create some inner peace by following spirituality instead of religion. Before you make the decision to follow the politics of belonging group you need to know that in the end of the day you are the one who is responsible for your good or bad actions. Politics is not a human excuse, it is the limitation created by your personal insecurities. As a CEO of your life you are the one who should take charge and decide before acting as an extension of a group of people, nation or an ideology. Personally I believe politics of our sense of belonging is the ancient dead dog of our social ills. Our education of prejudice and discrimination has been, is and will be making us kill each other for unforeseeable future. Until we individually evolve and become a CEO of your lives we would still be looking at ourselves as the extension of a group of people not as a main part of the bigger picture. Now the question is, do you even believe in being a CEO of your life?.

Remember humanity itself is a victim of our ancestral us and them philosophy and sooner or later we all would have to evolve from this curse, so sooner the better. Today we are learning that racism, gender bias, prejudice and discrimination are the plagues we have inherited from our past and so far the best remedy humanity has come up with is the popularity of equal human rights. These rights don’t only right our wrongs, they actually are the anti dotes of our infections of wrongs. This us and them philosophy is the foundational problem until we correct it as an individual one person at a time. We would be suffering not only individually but collectively as well until we collectively convince the individual that they are more than just the extension of an ideology. That they are the CEO and have more responsibilities to manifest changes than they have been taught. Being a CEO one can distinguish politics of sense of belonging and understand personal and individual standing in the larger scheme of life. If you look at it critically even our dictators are victims of out of control politics of sense of belonging. They feel the need and do commit spiritual crimes against all other opposing human beings. When you look for the reasons you will find that its not only the dictators whom are guilty of these crimes, democratically elected governments and so called Godly and religious nations are doing the same thing in the name of their belonging groups. Until we individually learn, that there is no us and them when it comes to humanity, spirituality and God, we will not be enlightened enough to get it right for us individually.


I believe we all are the CEO’s of our lives but most of us can be persuaded by the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. I have been talking up this subject in my blog posts for years because I feel most of our prejudice and discrimination related problems are connected to our individual weakness. As a CEO of our life project we all need to understand the importance of balancing all departments of life especially when it comes to sense of belonging and sense of freedom. How to live a mortal life individually is our personal responsibility especially if you personally feel strong influences are being pushed upon you. Our belief systems aside our nationalism and racial belonging can have an hold on you. Everything including our taught knowledge, installed data and political affiliations belong to our individual responsibilities. To live our life comfortably in our mortal skin is not only an individual right it is a personal responsibility above all the taught knowledge. If your politics of sense of belonging is overwhelming and leads you to commit spiritual crimes in the name of your belonging group to create make you prejudicial and discriminatory which can cause you to live with guilt, its time to say no to that education of divisions.

Look at your fiver or atom of autonomy critically, then you look at your umbilical cord if it is still in tacked. As you seek the answers to these questions, you will find that being free makes you a foundation of physical humanity and simultaneously you are the thread of spiritual fabric of God. Without you everything falls apart contrary to our false and accepted truths. It is not a blind faith it is logical because without the individual there is no group nor the need to be good or bad so God and Devil lose their importance.

Our belonging groups especially the political ones have been working very hard to discredit that. Our religions are notorious in that area because they discredit clearly evident human legitimacy in the larger scheme of life. We all have to learn to respect that little Godly part of us we carry within. It is not limited to individual exclusively we need to understand that as groups as well to value individual. If we are unhappy individually we lose our self-esteem and become insecure. As collection of insecure and spiritually inept individuals we openly accept prejudicial and discriminatory political policies and aggressively participate in our conflicts as if we are not an independent spiritual entity but just a physical extension of a group of people. Our politics of sense of belonging not only robs us from our self-esteem it robs us from our spiritual side as well. Our political religions are no exception just look at even the so called monks, if you look for the meanings of monk it is about not caring about anything other than spirituality. Their spirituality has been robbed from them by the politics of sense of belonging. That is why I like to talk about politics of our sense of belonging to our groups.

Our divisive social education is designed to create unhappiness and spiritual discontentment for not only the individual but related crimes for humanity as well. We become aware of death as we reach adulthood which adds to our insecurities to adopt a controlled living life style. Exactly the opposite a mortal should do. Adding a literal clutter and metaphoric infections to our ways of thinking as we grow up. If you clear all the clutter and look at life as a child, you can have a worry free life but our realities are that we are grown up and are mortals. Child is not a child anymore, not because of physical growth but because of our accumulated and installed flawed knowledge. We all have responsibility to question and we owe ourselves to seek solutions for our flawed ancestral knowledge. Yet we keep egotistically defending our flawed ancestral knowledge. Is it our flawed knowledge, chemistry or lack of spiritual awareness or all the above we all have to do some soul searching. With the popularity of equal human rights it is time for the individual to question the reasons of our problems.

Personally I don’t need to gain respect from my belonging group if they want me to be a non questioning obedient to them or even God, I value more a respect from myself by doing the right things and living my life spiritually and connect to God with practical prayer and live practically reciprocating.

If I am reciprocating and pulling my share of responsibilities, I should not have the need to be fearful of God or hell nor should I be greedy of heaven. Especially staying comfortable in our mortal skin we all have the ability to create heaven in our living years by eliminating fear related stresses and guilt of life. Our stress and guilt play a big role in robbing our happiness and contentment. Not a good place for a mortal being so we have to be aware of its powerful pull which leads us to a guilt related living hell. An interesting reality because you don’t have to be dead to feel the heat from within. If you want to find out about the real hell on earth just ask a spiritually damaged war veterans who committed spiritual crimes in the name of their nations and religions.

Remember the physicality is required for spirituality to be a reality otherwise it has no value and is up in the air just like God and Devil. To live a spiritually happy and content mortal life one has to be physically functioning to receive spiritual rewards. Remember all the promised and heavenly things require physical body to be enjoyed so if we are going to get an other chance to be in heaven why are we wasting this one on killing each other to earn a spot for self and make others life a living hell.

No matter what you have been taught by your religious leaders, since shell has to crack to start and finish life, either way physical shell has been traditionally discarded if there is no spirit any more so the job is done by nature not by us individually. As a human individual you just can’t value physicality exclusively nor you can value spirituality without the physicality. This unique spiritual clap needs both hands to make the difference for a mortal being individually, collectively and even for God.

Our real fears are related with not accepting our mortal nature, if you already know that you have a temporary life shouldn’t you be humble enough to value yours and life of others. If you live a life of a CEO automatically your fear should come down because you understand and believe in realities of life without political influences.

You should also understand and separate politics and spirituality, so scenarios of heaven, hell and punishments of grave are the realities you only will find out about after you die and remember no one comes back to tell you about these religious realities and accepted truths. You just have to believe in them blindly. When it comes to that you are expected not to think and question because you spouse to become a submissive and irrelevant follower who does not question authority. As a CEO you have to know the politics of fear and control behind all our traditions, customs and rules of that authority.

A political group who’s intention is to keep the individual weak and irrelevant can tell you, that you are meaningless, unimportant, irrelevant and are a born sinner regardless of its long term impact on your self-esteem, mental, physical, and spiritual health. To me being a human being is being relevant in grand scheme of life to the point that you are the one fundamental fact that without you everything even God and Devil become irrelevant.

By one you are expected to submit totally so you can be forgiven for the sins you have not committed and the other one tells you, you will go to hell and even be punished in the grave so bow down, submit and stop questioning. Really, I personally put God at higher levels than that because even myself as a reasonable individual would not punish someone innocent because of hidden agendas of political control and power.

One thing to remember that your fiver or Atom of autonomy is valuable to you and all groups because it is the foundation of any powerful entity, it is the thread which makes the fabric of God meaningful. Whether it is a nation or a religion they all fall into the political category if they don’t respect the individuals importance. Logically if you take the individuals out the whole group falls apart and loses its integrity. That is the reality of the group so it is fearful of losing powers. If the individual is fearful, insignificant, irrelevant and has no self-esteem politics of fear can strengthen the group to the point that individual would do the dirty deeds of the groups, so the story goes on.

Politics of fear has been and still is used yet openly for thousands of years without any opposition until this recent equal human rights phenomenon brought out and are spoken against our dirty politics of prejudice and discrimination related differences. These days questions are asked left and right, even Pope politically gave in and accepted homosexuality and abortion along with other pressing present issues humanity is dealing with. Even if you are a passionate follower with your blind faith, still it is your personal and individual responsibility to read through all the politics.

They are after your fiver yet they want you to believe that you are worthless and insignificant. Point is that if you believe that you are worthless and insignificant you would be easier to control and can be herded as a sheep so a group can use you for their dirty deeds. Group would have all the power and say in your life so remember if it is not you, who benefits from all that politics. Why that control is sought out by group leaders and why individual is kept weak and vulnerable? Why questioning people are disliked by the religious leaders and why they get upset when someone calls them out for their asking to have a blind faith. They keep telling you that you are worthless yet they want your fiver. Look at the majestic buildings and money laundering of religions yet you still can’t find God in there. Recently in northern Ontario a church building was on sale for one dollar, what is happening? Why can’t God pay Godly bills. It is because God is within the people not in man made buildings.

As Bullay Shah said and I quote.

“ Masjid tah they munder tah they tah they jo kuj tehenda

Dil na kisay da tahwin bundya Rub dillan vich rahnda..

Quote, “Demolish the mosque, demolish the temple, demolish any thing you can and want,

Don’t demolish someone’s heart because God lives there”.

Never mind demolishing hearts, by killing each other we rob each other of everything including love and life in the name of our religions yet God lives in hearts of people.

First groups rob individual of self-esteem by making them dependent on the group, then install false self-esteem by preaching that their group is the strongest and best. It clearly means individual’s self-esteem can go up and down with the success or failure of the group. If it comes down to that religions would claim that their way is the only way to God. Again it is all political because a weak individuals would seek to attach themselves to something majestic like a stronger group, nation, or God. If that weak individual can’t find strength from within they fulfill that need by joining groups and even do believe wholeheartedly that God is in their corner so being prejudiced and discriminatory is inevitable.

If God does not show up for them when needed the whole picture of self-esteem and inner spirituality falls apart which was false to begin with, to me their problem is not only related to their belief system but it is related to how they view themselves. They would always seek to join something majestic and never see themselves as majestic entity. If the individual themselves think as part of a group instead of being a crucial part of Godly picture they would become internally and externally worthless to themselves and that is our foundational problem. We not only can be swayed and used by our political groups we look down at our own selves with disrespect. If we look at ourselves just physically and compare even with same sized dog or any other creature we would feel inferior but by realizing our spiritual side we can see our real value that helps us to tame the largest of the internal and external beasts. So physically we may become and are a drop in the ocean but with the help of internal spirituality we are an ocean in a drop.

Regardless of how you view yourself, being a mortal we need to have a belief system which helps us to spend this temporary time with confidence, self-esteem and being comfortable in our mortal skin. That comfort comes from having a belief system. I am not talking about believing in any one particular political religion exclusively, I am talking about spirituality which crosses lines of religions to make everything universal and connects you directly to God.

One way or the other you still will have to believe into something because we don’t know everything, sure there are chances that you can become an atheist but still you fall into the same predicament where you don’t really know everything. Remember it is all because of our continuously evolving nature that really means that all human knowledge and I mean all including religious knowledge is subject to change with our evolution. That is why spiritual principles like don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones should be respected because they are universal and are not bound by the politically infected groups of people but belong to humanity as a whole.

One thing is for sure that as human beings we have an evolutionary nature which means no mater what you believe it is subject to change because of our evolving knowledge. We may not grow horns or wings but from bush, caves and jungle to high rises buildings to concrete jungle to every other progress humanity has made is a clear sign of our constant evolution.

Whether God created everything or not, whether that scientific theory of the marble exploded or not our real and main reality is our individual and mortal life regardless of the era we are born into. It is not as a group but as an individual because of our individual happiness and contentment. Since we are all mortals and the responsibilities of our temporary journey lands onto our individual shoulders so how to live or pass this temporary time without any spiritual satisfaction can be empty, impotent or harmful individually. Being unhappy, unfulfilled and discontent regardless of all the facilities of life can be a sad story of a mortal being because it is going to end regardless.

Should you be taking someones life over your belief system just to be proven wrong? Ask this question while putting yourself on the receiving end. Arrogance of the politics of sense of belonging is proven by our prejudicial and discriminatory actions so take responsibility and own your actions don’t hide behind your group and especially don’t blame God or Devil for your actions. Always remember you came to life with an automatic blessings of free will, your atom of autonomy and the individual who has the potential to kill you with guilt.

Whether God is an external entity or exists within the individual, either way killing someone is actually robbing God himself because taking a working hand away is robbing God one individual at a time. Now the question is why? There can not be a spiritual reason so it is all human politics of sense of belonging to the groups.

Instead of installing hope and optimism political religions give you doom and gloom of ending the world and hell to keep control over you if you don’t stick with the group or don’t follow the orders and rules you are threatened to be shunned or even killed. By all means groups rob individual of self-esteem, personal importance and significance so they can feel insecure to stick with the group. That is one hundred percent politics.

If you are hopeless and insecure, it is the hope and security you are seeking, which sure is not in the man made buildings of religions it is in the man kind. Where humanity and God is all rolled up into one. Proof is in the feelings of heaven when you have helped someone. That is where you can value yourself and that is because of your atom of autonomy or fiver. Remember everyone is in the same boat but somehow you are blessed a little more than others so helping someone during their difficult time is as spiritual as it can be. Religions preach that as well but there are sense of belonging related political strings attached.

You are born like everyone else, you get taken care by the humanity’s progress when you were vulnerable so when you become stronger you should take care of humanity if you see someone vulnerable. You are dependent on the oxygen, water, food and love just like everyone else. You eat, drink get old, sick and die just like everyone else so that is your real reality not being prejudicial and discriminatory. You can believe whatever you want to but that does not change your realities period. You can live in fear of sin and be submissive to your religions or not that real reality is part of our spiritual existence.

Building majestic buildings by the help of individual fivers of the willing individual is great success of the politics yet God had nothing to do with all that even full of people buildings can’t be spiritually fulfilling if there are no practical prayers. Helping the needy in difficult times on the other hand is the real deal because that is pure spirituality which does not need to show the majestic buildings externally.

Now the question is where do you fit in this grand scheme of life?

If you believe in all what you have been taught to believe, you will stay in the same situation. God and Devil will stay on the top corners for you and human individual like you will stay insignificant, irrelevant and be used politically by other human beings. Remember God is spiritual and spirituality has no politics non what so ever. When prejudice and discrimination is part of your belief system it is political not spiritual so God can not be biased, not for any individual, group, nation or even religions. If you fight over God you already have missed your spiritual boat.

Since there is no confidence and trust left in human individual who follows and finds strength in belonging to groups that is why there is no shortage of people having extreme beliefs. This lack of understanding leads to disrespect of human life and is desired by the politically inspired religious leaders so they start to install it all in tender years of the individual. By doing that individuals loyalties can be guaranteed so the religious leaders are able to take advantage and talk about the doom and gloom of the day of destruction openly to scare the followers right from the get go.

Since I am an optimist I believe humanity would get its act together and fly beyond all the boundaries of pond politics where we have been kept by our political nations and religions. With equal human rights we are already working to flip the triangle beck to its original right side up where human individual is valued for their significance in giving physicality to spiritual actions.

If you carry your emotional baggage of being weak and vulnerable because of the installed knowledge from your tender age and aren’t aware of it, you have to learn to assume the responsibilities as you become an adult so you can become a CEO to drive the car of your life yourself.

If you are under the influences of emotions, you are focused on one department of life and driving requires attention for the task at hand. It would be like drunk driving where you can hurt yourself or hurt others emotionally in the process. Regardless of what happens in your personal life driving the car of your life safely still lands on your individual shoulders. Logically you just can’t punish yourself or others because of uncontrollable events or circumstances because you are just a mortal human being trying to drive your car for a temporary period. I am keep reminding you about not to do to someone what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones.

Always remember that not everyone acts in the same manors in similar circumstances so if you feel more pain than others it is a sign that you like to have total control while driving your car. You believe that others are just like you and there is no room for accidents and other people’s mistakes. If you think everything is in control just focus on the oxygen you are taking in to even think and feel being alive. Think of space is not falling on you, think about the complexity with having ten trillion cells of your own with thousands of genes and hundred trillion bacteria with millions of genes you carry within and finally think about your mortal nature. If human beings had control we would have conquered mortality by now. Sure we have gained more control with knowledge as we have evolved but never to forget your mortal nature is still a mortal nature so you can and you have to enjoy your car ride regardless of your installed knowledge.

I by no means try to make any judgment but I am trying to point out personal responsibilities of driving the car of our lives. Remember drunk driving is a crime and so it should be. Committing spiritual crime in the name of your nation and religion is still a crime and you individually are responsible for your actions because you have been granted free will.

Say someone cuts you off during driving you get angry and can’t stop thinking about the idiot who did not follow the driving rules, to the point that your attention is compromised and you get into an at fault accident and hurt yourself, if not physically it would be financially. You can’t go to court and say I was angry because someone had just cut me off. Responsibility still lands on your shoulders regardless of your mental state. Sure we have rules and limitations in our rules as well but the severity of the situation can play a big role. If you get hurt or hurt others should be a matter of concern, so should cutting someone off during driving be a crime? What if that person who had cut you off is dealing with the same issues as well so in the end of the day focus is required for driving your metaphoric car of your life.

In reality life is literally like that, you can get mad at someone and hurt yourself in other areas of your personal life or worse hurt others. Since we carry our spiritual side from within our animal traits like emotions and especially anger and guilt are our personal issues and they can not be left on God or Devil they can only be dealt as personal and inner demons personally.

You can blame all you want on someone else but that someone has long been gone. Now how do you deal with it? It is your personal responsibility which would take some soul searching on your part, that means answers are still from within you. Becoming humble and forgiving is as personal as it can get so is driving car of your life recklessly according to the advice of your mullah or priest.

If someone has done you wrong and you can’t do anything externally about it, learn to do something internally and that is not to let it bother you personally to the point that you don’t get into accident to hurt yourself further.

Now if you think like this in all departments of your life, like love triangle, love loss or your political sense of belonging to your groups like nations and religions you would have no long lasting effects on your mortal life which can keep stress levels down. Since you would be able to separate spirituality from the politics you would have no greed of heaven or fear of hell and God. That lack of fear and stress would put some quality in your mortal years which otherwise you would have suffered from.

Our differences are related with not knowing everything related assumptions and their connections to our chemical and emotional reactions. Logical reasons of us not finding God clearly or scientifically are in our inabilities to use our potential brain powers. People are oceans apart in their points of views because of their political belongings to their groups and that sense of belonging has deep roots into our chemically influenced emotions. We think differently and use brain at different levels because the proof is in different levels of education and jobs, yet interestingly at the same time we still have resounding placebo effects in medical science and spiritual satisfaction regardless of different belief systems. On the other hand desire to follow our religions blindly is a fact as well as lack of understanding God altogether. Remember we still kill each other over our differences even sometime in the name of God.

These are those emotional people who historically disregarded human life and even sacrificed human beings for God. If they were given a chance today they would continue even in today’s world. Personally I believe as we evolve we should have more respect for human life because all human individuals are playing their part in converting spirituality into physical actions knowingly or not.

If we feel deep pain from our love loss individually then why are we doing the dirty political work of our groups. Why are we still killing each other and keep robbing each other of love? We would not be able to take the next step into our evolutionary scale for peace until we over come our politics of sense of belonging to our groups and join humanity as a whole.

Since I look at life as an evolving process so there is no perfection but at the same time I acknowledge that the seekers of perfection help us to discover and forge ahead in our vast number of directional knowledge. That may not be good for them individually because of the mortal nature but humanity as an organism still can benefit from their efforts. Remember as mortal if one can’t find perfection for themselves and pass on during the process they may not find satisfaction personally but they still leave their knowledge behind for others to benefit.

I find it strange that if someone comes up with something like blood transfusion, stem cells or artificial insemination etc or whatever can help living people should be considered valuable and adopted by humanity without any questions. Unfortunately historically we always have a certain segment of people against our evolution related progresses. Interestingly they join in and use all the human discoveries when it suits them. Personally I believe we all should leave room and accept our evolving nature as a physical reality of humanity, and yes even in our belief systems because we can’t be selective in our evolution. Our selectivity usually comes from our religious people. This holding back has been a trademark of our religious fanatics and is related with the philosophy of control.

I look at life with logical questions so to me all the progress humanity has made is actually directly connected to God because as a human individual, each and every single one of us religious or not is dependent on that oxygen and functioning body. Both are given to us as blessings and we just can’t function without them so our each breath is in harmony with God’s will so any and everything we do good and bad is a joint venture. Since everything we do is a joint and evolving venture we personally need to evolve spiritually so we can evolving good and bad like our prejudice and discrimination is a crime today because of equal human rights but in past it was the way of life. Do I blame God about human actions not quite but we sure need that help to breath and function independently to commit our good and bad.

Religious people say even a leaf on the tree can’t move without the God’s will yet in the same breath they preach barbarically harsh punishments for the individual in religious societies. To me these contradictions are related with the use of free will so where does the individual really stand gets quite murky. As a group of people we should be clear just like our justice systems but as an evolving entity going through changing times we need to adopt to those changes. Whether it is justice system, constitution or religious rule, whenever needed it should be subjected to change with needed amendments.

If as an individual we have all this constantly evolving knowledge we really need to take charge personally. In order to take charge one has to become a CEO of their life and to recognize personal responsibilities. Believing in our ancestral knowledge is fine until, one way or the other it becomes harmful to our selves and others. Our ancestral knowledge related us and them philosophy has done a tremendous damage to humanity and still is at the foundation of our conflicts so it is still working against humanity. Interestingly we can’t even count the death tole of our politics of sense of belonging related prejudice and discrimination yet we still let our groups drive our personal and individual metaphoric cars. That can only change if we all become CEO’s of our lives and drive sober.