You can hide behind your nation, religion or God as you have been taught to believe in, but you can’t hide from the demons and God within.

Your two sides of being animal or physical and spirit or spiritual make you unique entity. You are not considered an animal nor you can be spirit exclusively, you are a human being who is a combination of both. Now the question is who is running the show? Is it God or Devil or is it you? If you look at it logically if God was running your life, you would be genetically programmed. If Devil was running the show still it would be genetically programed and chances of opposing entity’s survival would not be possible. As human beings we go back and forth in our good and bad not only in our life time we can be conflicted from moment to moment. If you start to question you will discover that it is you who is the third equation and chooses to give life to God or good or to Devil by choosing bad. Now the real question comes to you is, who do you think is calling the shots in your life? Is it God? Is it Devil? Is it you or the forth entity like your belonging group or big brother? If you ask me there is no question it is you but unfortunately for large population it is not that simple. To me if an individual has an atom of autonomy to use free will we all have God like powers to make decisions no exceptions. We all make decisions to live our daily life so to me all of us individually are being a CEOs it be a no brain-er but political conformation and religious indoctrination is our human realities as well. As human individuals we are social beings and are compelled to live in societies but with our atom of autonomy and unique make up we are personally responsible for our actions as well. Imagine if we all believed that God and Devil are running the show what would happen to our justice systems? There would be a social chaos because no one would be responsible for their actions. Remember even so called Godly and highly conservative societies have justice systems. On one side of their mouth they say believe in God, and God is doing everything yet from other side, to gain political control they harshly punish and make human individuals responsible for their actions. This contradiction is highly political and degrading for the individual because they think individual should be controlled like an animal so they preach that we all are insignificant, irrelevant and are even born sinner. Personally I believe human being is the one who is the running the show individually as a victim of being irrelevant and collectively as a manipulating political power. God and Devil are part of our makeup or we are makeup of them, either way without the living breathing human beings we can’t bring any spiritual or Devilish actions into reality. No mater which way you cut it either way human being is the main character so our political and religious demeaning of the individual is not from God it is from those who want political control. Remember if dig into yourself you are not irrelevant nor you are a born sinner. Even if our sins change with our evolution one spiritual thing stays consistent and that is our personal sense of justice. If you do to someone what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones, you are a sinner period. And yes even if it is religiously and politically taught prejudice, discrimination and all related crimes spiritually you individually are responsible for that.

We all individually are capable of self regulating because of our makeup so logically our societies don’t have to have a police individual for everyone belonging to the society. Our self regulation comes from our spiritual side because we naturally don’t want to do to anyone what we don’t like done to ourselves or to our loved ones. To understand things you have to ask yourself then why do people always do to others what they don’t like done to themselves? Having a stronger animal side is all about the education to balance spiritual side, if you can’t control your desires you believe in that life is still in the bush or a cave. Being an aggressive beast was an asset while we lived in the bush or cave but now we have established communities or mega cities or I call them urban jungle where millions of people live together. Our laws and order is not brute power and aggression anymore so our civilization and progress related rules need to be followed by everybody.

If you have to be made scared of eternal hell to be good your spiritual side is weak and vulnerable and if you do good things in the greed of heaven you definitely need to understand living with spirituality. If you need heaven and hell to be a good person you are not really a good person to begin with. You are in it for the political reasons, if you need to be inspired to be good you have to understand human nature. If the reality is that we carry both polarities within, choosing one or the other is not the game of power to rule others but it is all about creating balance.

Reciprocation to God for the functioning body and oxygen as the purpose of your life is your game of mortality. You are most important while you are living, breathing and physically function human being not after you are dead.

Being a CEO your personal spiritual awareness dictates how you live in your mortal skin. If you are not comfortable and have lost happiness and contentment while you are alive, it actually is an example of hell in living years. As mortal losing happiness and contentment means losing everything but our belonging groups are hell bent to make that happen. Religions are preaching that you are a born sinner and you need to be bowing down five times a day to ask for forgiveness for the things you have not even done. Total submission means God is doing every thing so you have to kill the Devil within and you yourself don’t matter at all never mind being a CEO or giving life to good and bad. To me if you don’t have any guilt or a reason to ask for forgiveness all the time you are comfortable from within and are in heaven whether you are alive or dead.

Just look at it this way say you are a tape recorder, you can receive and Conway the same message but you are not so spirituality has to be encouraged from within not by scaring you from hell or giving you a sense of greed for heaven. As if God is a politician who is using carrot and stick philosophy. These are our human philosophies and unfortunately they don’t work unless you are an animal. I would like to be counted as a human being not as an animal. Our belief systems should treat human beings as humans not as animals. Not trusting our intellect means they don’t believe in human potential, they believe they know better so they enforce belief system as a justice system. Belief system can’t be enforced as rules because that always can end up in court and questioned. There is no one who can speak about God with 100% logic that is why we have so many belief systems and even deniers. I can imagine if God was pulling all the strings no one would be able to commit spiritual crimes. Following blindly does not do anything either because it keeps human beings to evolve which is Godly order so not following Godly order over religious belonging can lead to spiritual crimes as well just look at the terrorism. One can be taught that killing someone in the name of religion is kosher yet it is all political and nothing but. If you are a good person because of the fear of hell or greed of heaven what happens to you when your fear and greed is removed? Interestingly that happens all the time because ordinary people go through different phases during their life time. Priorities change as we evolve and learn about life itself. God is not a monster who is keeping eyes on everyone from the out side, but its an internal matter from within the individual and from the individual.

Our spiritual side is God within but unfortunately we have our animal side within as well so it all comes down to us as an individual what is dominating from within and how we are in control to make choices. Are you able to balance both sides to build your character? Remember it is you who commits spiritual crimes in the name of your belonging groups, so if you are kept weak, vulnerable, irrelevant and made believed as a sinner, your belonging group will dictate what is good and bad for you. If you kill someone in your society you would be punished harshly but if you go commit the same action against someone your belonging group say so you are praised. This conflicting education is nothing but political so deep down inside you know it and that deep down is where you are an animal and a spirit at the same time. Living in conflict there can have the potential to leave you in your personally burning hell especially if your spiritual side is stronger and knows about personal good and bad.

When it comes to our belief systems this contradiction is just unbelievable just look at some religious punishments. If you steal, your hand can be chopped off. If you commit adultery, you can be stoned to death, yet at the same time they want you to believe in God’s authority as ultimate. These scary and barbaric rules are to control the population from committing crimes against each other and obey the rulers yet the kicker is that it is all done in the name of God. Let’s look at the individual who is a victim of a crime. They pray to God for security but this prayer that God will show up to save them doesn’t get fulfilled, what does it do to the individual who is praying? Two things can happen, first of all the victims can lose faith in God, second, the criminal sees that God did not show up to punish them even they did the crime, over and over. If this happens with each crime their fear of God starts to disappear so logically and practically fear of God does not and will not work. Either way more people lose their faith in God because religions have mixed politics in the belief systems.

When your personal belief system is in murky waters you suffer personally spiritually individually and overall the belief system becomes a victim of politics as well. If you want to see the effects of politics in ruining of a belief system just look at the nations whom want their religions to rule their country and see the chaos they are in especially with the surge of equal human rights internationally world looks at those people as rouge nations because their rules don’t match the world or I should say humanity as a whole.

Since a belief system is based on the foundation of unknowns, or it is hard to comprehend for the evolving being to understand God at this time or we can’t use our full brain powers yet. We can’t just enforce our belief systems as justice systems because not everyone believes in God same way and some don’t even believe in the existence of God.

The Fear of God and social punishments just can’t be mixed into a belief systems, because the punishments are delivered like everything else is done by the other human beings. If it is a belief system it is not a governing system so if it becomes a governing system it is political system. It smells like politics to control the ordinary individual yet twisted and designed in such a way that you can blame God and even the individual’s faith, but not the politically controlling authorities and yes even if the individual loses faith in God still it is not the belonging groups fault.

Believing that a leaf on the tree can’t move without God’s will is a level of belief the religious authorities want you to believe. Sure that is rare but the expectations are there so these are the people who believe in all that but when it comes to their belief system, they label, blame and punish a child who is born out of the wedlock. Personally I believe they are not only contradicting they are committing a spiritual crime at the same time, because that child has no fault and a say into the birth process. If a leaf can’t move, how can a whole child be born without God’s will? These kinds of contradictions are not openly discussed because they just don’t make any sense spiritually. If you blindly believe in whatever a mullah or a priest says, you are not analyzing anything before acting out in passionate rage. Remember we are all responsible for our personal actions so you can’t just shoot a doctor who performs an abortions. If you believe that the child born out of a wedlock is to blame its like you are going half-way to even believing in God. Either you take control or you give it to God and believe. You just can’t have it both ways. It is like you carry guns for your safety but want to have the police force, law and order for everyone else to follow.

Watching the leaves moving on a tree is an experience. A living individual can see and understand it so yes if God keeps you alive by providing you oxygen. It is God’s will but if you literally put God on that pedestal then you really have to believe that the whole human child can’t be born without God’s will as well.

If you want to believe that without God’s will nothing is possible, then believe in that. Don’t just go half-way and blame an innocent child who had no fault regarding how they were born. If you believe that you are doing everything that is possible for you to do and then you believe in that but remember you still can’t do injustices to the innocents. No one is better or worst just because of where they are born especially if they are or are not born into a religion permitting wedlock.

It should not matter when and where you are born and what color you are born, what gender you have and what you believe, whether you believe in one God, several Gods or none at all. Your level of education and what type of school system that you attended or what country you received your education in or how far you have gone to school all that should not matter. If by your actions you hurt someone who is innocent then your act matters.

Our actions and character dictate our level of spirituality. Our Spiritual Actions define us. It is not not how you pray, how many time you pray, whether its once a week or five times a day. It is not whether you believe in reincarnation or not. Whether you speak or worship in certain language or believe in heaven and hell. It does not matter what you do or do not believe, its your actions, plain and simple they define what type of person you are. These actions dictate whether you are a good person or not and remember your belief system, nationality, gender or race is not a limiting factor for you to be good or bad. That is why I believe spirituality is universal because it crosses lines of all human societies.

When someone dies poetically or in the movies people say that someone has gone into the sky to become a star. Sure it sounds great, but is it really a logical explanation? It just sounds good so we take it as an imaginary reality. That is how lots of good poetry infiltrates in our belief systems. Personally I believe our societies are full of these stories. Some people highly regard them and make them part of their customs and traditions and to boot, they are mixed them up in our everyday living. Look at the Egyptian tombs today we are robbing them yet they believed their material stuff would be used in after life so they took along. Chinese have some similar stories as well. Does that mean I don’t believe in after life and related stories? No I prefer to leave those unknowns for after death I don’t like to assume to the point that I take my attention away from my daily living and end up committing spiritual crimes against others because of those stories I believed in.

There are a lot of pretty stories and assumptions in our societies, but a living breathing human individual is a physically real and logical story. ??? So should we kill each other in the name of our stories?

Always remember that a living breathing human individual is the only one who can literally show you spirituality in physical actions, so killing them yet in the name of God does not make any sense. Spiritual knowledge is only a knowledge when it is written on a paper, taught or preached by religious leaders. When a human individual puts their physical shoulders and backs into this and practices it, then and only then does it become a spiritual wisdom.When a human individual puts actions of physicality to spirituality then and only then it become a reality so God can only be a reality if the human beings are around to put physicality to spirituality otherwise it just does not matter to anyone and if it would matter it would be in the knowledge of beyond this physical world. (AND WE ARE NOT THERE YET).

Optimistically thinking one day we may evolve enough to learn humanity being a same organism, we are the cells of it and we can live with each other regardless of our differences and our colors. It can be done and its already happening in other places like melting pot societies. The proof is in the pudding regardless of today’s conservative rhetoric. People are learning to live beyond their religion, nationality, color, race, even gender or sexuality.

Since humanity has been, is and always will be, evolving no religious beliefs, constitution or even laws of the lands should be written in the stone like the ten commandments or pillars of any belief system. We are constantly evolving so our knowledge should keep up with all the changes. Best example I can give you is the internet. Before we had the internet we had the police and justice system for the physical crimes in our society, today we have someone committing crimes against us from far away lands where we can’t even go because of our jurisdictions problems so humanity has to work together as one organism.

If you start to see that you are not putting your 100% efforts you should start to give others and especially give God a break as well. As a mortal seeking perfection and total control is a deadly sin against your personal happiness and contentment. If you are the one who is guilty of that, you will be the one who will suffer from its ill effects. Praying to God without giving your personal 100% efforts is not fair to God nor to yourself. Going too far in fear and control can have the potential to paralyze you as an individual in your personal life. It can cause a devastating failure as well if you rob your own happiness and contentment, especially with existing knowledge of mortality.

I believe our happiness and contentment is the most important treasure in a mortal life. If you fail to accumulate that then you have failed yourself even if you have followed your religion to the max. I believe in personal responsibility. If you choose to spend your life trying to fit in, to impress others or you are foolish enough to die for to be admired by the others. Being unhappy and discontent in a mortal life is a real sign that you have failed yourself. If you judge your success with material successes, at the end of the day you will eventually find out that it was all done for the other people and not for you. Your regrets will spread the web of discontentment to cause you to have more than physical health issues just because you did not look at your real self. To me that is how important you are. Look at yourself logically and remember this because you are one of the most important equation in the spiritual triangle.

All spiritual entities, yes even God, are impotent without human being’s physical interventions. Human beings bring spiritual thoughts into action to make spirituality and God meaningful especially in their personal living years. So the question arises? Is God an impotent entity without the human physicality? This spiritual and physical clap can’t sound anything with one sided relationship so give some credit to the living breathing help as well as to spiritual actions from the living human beings. Human beings have been disrespected by the controlling authorities for political purposes in the name of God. Human individual’s input has been undermined and discredited for political reasons. Human individuals have been called born sinner regardless of their importance in the bigger picture. I call it offensive and a spiritual crime to blame someone who is innocent a sinner. Get some common sense and mix it to the religious beliefs so spirituality prevails and politics of sense of belongings fails.

Do you still think human beings are not important or better yet do you still think that you are worthless? Your knowledge has everything to do with it so you have to look at yourself from a little different angle. Ask yourself, are you brainwashed to believe that you are worthless and a sinner or do you just want too much of Godly powers and you don’t feel that you have it so you feel overwhelmed. Creating balance comes from the knowledge of mortality which puts everything in perspectives. The real key is to keep your mortality in front, you will be able to see things clearly.

Things get better with practice. If God’s work can’t be done without you, what more do you want to feel worthy? If you put two and two together you can remove the chains of slavery to material things and political powers just to find yourself. If they make you feel good and important it is because you want to either fit in, impress or want to be admired by the group you belong too. Being directly connected to God and have the ability to work and reciprocate can be the most important job one can have. Remember working is helping others even if you are getting paid that means you are being helped as well. Helping each other keeps the Godly world or humanity going so your work or helping is a practical prayers which has a lot more meanings to God than you just worshiping to want more and more yet not putting your efforts to reciprocate. The word reciprocation fits just right because you have to be thankful about your oxygen healthy and able body.

As an atom of autonomy and free will holding human being you are created as a CEO of your life and you are directly connected to God from within. You are the cell of God almighty but when you are taught that you are just an extension of your belonging group and you need to be shown what and who you are because you can’t see it all for yourself. Your identity is politically tainted. Worst thing is that whatever your belonging group says, you start to believe in it as your personal realities and gladly get used politically. Without being able to do any thing about it you end up with personal and internal disputes.

I am trying to point towards the dead dog of your believing in being irrelevant and being born a sinner. I am trying to inspire that CEO who is residing right within you and who is able to and can put a belonging group as a department of your life instead of you being a department of a group. I am trying to point towards you holding and ocean and space all put together within you as a drop not you as a drop in the ocean.

We all are extraordinary because of our make up. Our own realities become murky to ourselves when we want more and more approval of our belonging groups and find ourselves fighting for that injustice done to us by our own selves in the name of politics of sense of belonging. In reality we all come in life and die as an independent entity. Each and every one of us has a package which is full of perks like a newer model of computer but we don’t run it to its full capacity just because of our inabilities. We are not cut short by God but by us individually because of our political belonging to our groups.

We assume our identities according to installed data, we start to believe that we are just a physical computer and live our lives with political limitations and boundaries created by our belonging groups. Not knowing that we are used politically. If we are created as computers with atom of autonomy and as a CEO, it is us who run the computer not our belonging groups.

Meaning of having free will has deeper meanings so try to understand it and find yourself. You are the CEO who runs not only the computer but the whole show because we have the potential to judge all the installed data to make choices.

Now look around the world and see how our politics of belonging limiting the individual and how individuals themselves are believing that they are the drop in the ocean. Its all about the perspectives, if you believe you are a born sinner, how can you gain self-esteem or respect from yourself and even know what God is and how things are getting done. All I can tell you is that even God’s work is not done without your help, if you keep believing in whatever you are installed with, you can’t run your computer never mind to its capacities.

If you let things go and let your conservative ideologies rule they would take you back into the times where they were throwing virgins over the cliff to please God. Just look back and see the contributions and the progresses made by the human individuals. I wish I can say its God exclusively because I do believe in even our next breath is not in our control so it is not all miracle nor its all physical. To me human individual importance is one of the factors working to make a spiritual clap by two hands otherwise there is no sound. Meaning spirituality alone is impotent and physicality alone is non physical as well because both depend on each other to make spiritual things happen physically that is why I personally can’t deny human individual’s input. God’s help is a running computer and the oxygen, but after that its all up to us how we run the computer and find its capacities and potential. We can progress and evolve to find our potential or become a victim of our group politics and believe in being irrelevant, insignificant or being born sinner and ask for forgiveness throughout our living years not knowing our importance.

Become a CEO because that is what we are meant by God our politics of belonging is the one which works against God’s will to make us worthless. Now ask yourself where do you stand? Are you an extension of a group of people or an ideology or are you a CEO?

Remember an individual who runs the computer to its full capacity is a CEO so are you running your computer or someone else is running your computer? If you still feel that you are unimportant, irrelevant, and you have to ask for forgiveness for the things you have not done or are guilty off (SNAP OUT OF IT AND FIND YOUR REAL SELF) and I repeat find your real self who holds the ocean and space all put together within.

First thing you will have to do is to start removing your politically installed data related identities. Layers of our identities are hiding and limiting our real identity and yes believe me or not we all are human beings first, its that simple.

That atom of autonomy holding CEO who runs the computer is human individual. Who physically belong to humanity as a whole and spiritually to God simultaneously. It is all beyond all races, genders, nations and religious beliefs so any and all groups of people are below that standard.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you are worthless and a sinner. You are meaning full not only to yourself but to God as well. Everything including someone’s prayers are fulfilled through you so value yourself every living moment, you can help. Even by just passing the knowledge to make someone’s life better so they can help others meaning God in fulfilling someone’s prayers. Always remember you just can’t say I love you, you have to show practically by helping its as simple as that and in reality that love means nothing without practicality.

Since as an ordinary individual you can’t separate or tear yourself apart as body and spirit, logically you can’t seek your self as body or consider yourself as an animal nor you can be a living breathing spirit exclusively. So seek for that decent human being who is buried deep under those politically installed identities. It may not be easy for you but it can be done by following a spiritual process by doing three basic things. First know what and who you are as mortal, second become a capable CEO who carries compassionate personal sense of justice from within and third remember that being a capable CEO you can not do to others what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones regardless of your political or religious pressures. Remember we are an atom of autonomy holding and free will using entity so we are responsible for our personal actions so no politics of sense of belonging and equal human rights for everyone just like you want for yourself.

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