Spiritual values politically twisted as socialist Part one.

Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

Inner peace during the living days of the human individual is one of the most important treasure for the mortal being. A mortal life can be literally a living hell, if one has a habit of living without the happiness and contentment. Its a hell of a price to pay for living and dying for materiel, controlled and secure life. It is as clear as it can be mortality is mortality. Depending on the education and the purpose of an individual’s life, the knowledge of mortality can be quite important. 

I believe we are a combination of animal and human side, no one can choose one or the other exclusively, if someone tries, they will fail to live a balanced life as an individual. The successful  mortal life of the human individual is in the moderation instead of  the extreme of either side. With the free will the individual has to find the center do divide the perfect triangle in half to keep each side happy and content.  

If you live in a total deprivation, you may succeed to become a selfless and admired human being, but as an individual with the CEO’s duty of the self care as well so living with inner conflict is like choosing to become a head of department instead of being a CEO. 

The conflicts inside, can not be over powered with the strict regimes. The main question would be that, is living  a mortal life being  unhappy and torn apart from within, worth the struggle?.

If practice have been known to make us perfect, then by now our societies should be crime free, priests would not be convicted of sexual crimes, war crimes and atrocities would be the things of our distant past and we would be perfectly evolved old souls, but unfortunately we have been plagued by the crimes even other creatures would be ashamed of.

To me cause of this clausal failure as a social being is, that singularly and collectively, we are always seeking extreme control, and control is because of the awareness of mortality. This awareness should actually help us to understand  mortality and ourselves, so we can do the justice to all departments of our individual life, but it is not only tearing us apart as individually it has been and is one of the main cause of all our political wars. 

If you use your free will during your living years, you are blessed to be a CEO. If you are created as a human being, you should not pretend or try to be something other than that, no other creature tries to change their identity. They may try to change color to protect themselves from the predators or try to catch the pray, other than that they accept themselves as they are.

Only human beings are not happy to be human being, we try to change ourselves all the time whether it be clothing or hairdo it has to be according to the trends. Dark wants to be light, light wants to tan, short wants to be tall, thin wants to gain weight, heavy wants to lose weight etc.

Human is not an animal nor is an angle, so what are we?

If you just start to look at your life as a gift or blessing of God, the wisdom would start to reveal itself. The free will gives you a choice, and by choice if you pick some thing which is pleasing others, sure it is a great thing for the others, but what is it doing to you inside as an individual is the main question you should be asking yourself. If you are not torn apart inside, it’s great, you can live your life serving others, but as you do that, you develop personal expectations as well. If they are not met, you will face resentment, and that animal inside of you, is going to rip you apart. If there is no balance, it is because, you have rejected the personal responsibility and the importance of your animal side.

If every body around you is talking about being a good human being, every movie, every book and everyday TV, which glorifies the human side. Every religious book,  and our law and order of our societies,  preaches the obedience to the authorities, you will automatically be drawn to follow and accept all the rules as normal status quo, regardless of how you feel inside. Our governing educators should know that the animal imbalance can and does bring the extreme imbalance in all departments of life of the individual thus harms to society as a whole. For instance you could be praying, going to church or to the mosque religiously, live life in control yet let go in the food department and become obese and frustrated, or the other way around, have total control in the food department yet have no personal control, principles and ethics in every day life. It is like a pendulum if you keep it in the center, things are in balance but if you swing it too far to one side, it will take you to the other side even further. Meaning you will lose control to keep your inner peace.   

If our teachings are of extreme, and we don’t or can’t question because of the strong and out of balance sense of belonging and conditioning of our groups. If the individual has the fear of being shunned, yet the suppressed desire to question, is one of the cause which has the power to rob the inner peace of the individual. No body else sees or cares to connects this to the social ills, so it is only you as an individual who suffers.

Nature has created you as a human being, and as a human being, in order to experience a physical life, a part of you is physically functioning like an animal. It is totally legitimate, regardless of what your ancestors thought or you think today. No one has been able to, or would be able to change this fact of our life,  it is there to stay whether you personally like it on not. There is no reason to feel bad or inferior, if you feel the animalistic desires that is part of your make up. That is the reason why the free will is there to balance our everyday life regardless of all the inner turmoil. You are torn not because of the wisdom of nature, it is the knowledge and education of control and conformation which makes you feel bad about yourself.

If you feel like eating some thing bad and you don’t because you don’t want to be obese, look bad or be abnormal, you are trying to control which makes you more of a human and less of an animal. One can think that our practices should make us all in better shape, highly evolved human beings, but when you look at the reality, we have more obesity more depression, anxiety, unhappiness these days regardless of our knowledge, today there are more torn apart people who are willing to kill even themselves, than ever before because they don’t like to be out of control and look bad in the societies they live in. 

The inner peace is not available in the best of us, so what to do and where to go for it. Plain and simple answer is to look inside as an individual. Just stand in front of the mirror and look through your eyes to the person who lives into your body and ask, if he/she is happy or sad and why? Most of the time the individual with limited knowledge would have low self-esteem, would want to fit in, has desire be admired or impress others around all the time. If you feel that way and are able to communicate that much with yourself, then you should be able to look at the body as your car and yourself as a driver, the functioning of your car is the most complex thing there it is. Just look at  the functioning of the body with one function at a time, it is a miracle that we are alive because of the complexities of health and should be thankful to be functioning alive and then look at the reasons of the available oxygen.  

Then ask yourself if your Free will, Animal and Human triangle is in balance, if not look for the cause. Cause is found in how to use your free will and become a CEO, so you can question every thing, including whatever your belonging groups have sold you to you to keep you in control.

We have been following what ever has been preached to us. Some how we got the notion, that God wants us to kill the animal inside so we can become angles. That is not true we are created as a human being and we have been implanted  with the two opposing sides and a free will. If God created us with the conflicting senses that does not mean that God has imperfect knowledge, it is a perfect wisdom for us to evolve to become whatever we have the potential to be. Everyday we are learning new things, that is as clear as it can be to understand that we are not a finished product thus our knowledge is not perfect and complete.  

My belief says God created human being with more than he/she thinks of him/her self. There is a little God in each and every one of us, we are just like an organism spiritually connected yet not connected physically, so believing knowledge is complete is egotistic and ignorant behavior and it is strongly related with the politically charged sense of belonging.

The decent side prevails and comes out, if we have inner peace and harmony. If we learn to use the free will, we can create balance in our senses and desires thus we manifest God, otherwise we manifest what we feel about ourselves. For instance our deeply seeded insecurities inspire us to control and commit spiritual crimes against our own kind.

Instead of creating balance we try to go to either extreme, because we are taught that way, thus it feels right, so the animal side is constantly suppressed. With this suppression animal gets enraged and makes you do some thing totally out of control and animalistic, if you have been hungry for few months of dieting you would know what I am talking about. It does not only make you feel bad inside, you may end up obese and self destructing or in jail. That means your animal side jumps up in spikes, instead of staying calm inside, you are constantly being torn apart. Achieving inner peace is not in the extremes, otherwise Buddha would have found it by staying hungry.

I saw a movie about Buddha, I don’t remember the name of the movie but I “Quote” the piece as I saw.

“Buddha  was meditating for a long time on the bank of the river, two guise were rowing by in the boat, one was rowing the other was playing the string instrument, he stops and tells the rower that if you tighten the string too much it will snap on you, but if you don’t it will not play the music. When Buddha heard that he stops the meditation to eat food”. 

Inner peace is the wisdom of God and it’s our responsibility as an individual to find it for our selves, because it’s the key to the justice for both animal and human sides  of us which can help us to accept being a human being. We all can have a desire to achieve divine powers, but the hardship sacrifice and extreme is only practiced by the few holy people, which are respected, so we all want to try but fail thus become torn.

When an ordinary individual tries to follow that extreme he/she end up in the spike land of extremes and inner turmoil. Losing inner peace is not God’s wisdom it is human intervention. Extremely strict rules will create chaos for the individual. Extremely religious but ordinary individual will become the victim of hypocrisy; because of he/she will lack the inner peace and some time act up animalistic ally like the priests. If they are put in the position of preachers the problems can happen.

Human societies are plagued with the crimes since beginning, the percentage of people would always be called criminal element, but it does not end there. Since its not black and white like most of us would like it to be we should never choose extreme, just look into our history everything is changing so rapidly that as societies our heads are spinning and fortunately our knowledge changes and we evolve not only as an individual but as a society as well so we are able to evolve regardless of all the hurdles of conservatism. 

The roots of the social problems can be seen in the extremely opposing views of people. Conservatives verses liberals in all areas of life debating each other is fine, but when it comes to extreme it is a sign that the individual is going through inner crisis, other wise all religions preach tolerance, some how we get caught up in competition and neglect the importance of the personal  inner peace, a peace full individual radiate peace to surroundings, thus beneficial for the society in the long run, and the peaceful people create better societies. Would social politics allow the individual strength, that is an other question? Common belief is that a group’s strength is dependent on the weaker individuals but I believe in the other way around.  

 Strings of power.

When we are able to use free will, we are given a whole bunch of strings; if you pull one it has the effect on some part of our life. We misunderstand this power and get the idea that we are the only one who is pulling the strings or running the show. We forget who handed us the strings and the ability to start with. Our power to pull and make everything happen is latterly depends on the oxygen we breath. Every breath is possible because of so many factors internally and externally. The more you think the more you believe and become humble, yet at the same time the pride of pulling the strings can go to our heads. The excitement of the ability to do something is addicting ask a kid who can explain what I am talking about, if not understood it has the power to create greed of this power.

Everything we do depends on several factors, so we need to understand more and look beyond the ability to pull the strings. Breathing of oxygen is the fundamental of life. Where does the oxygen come from, who controls it, if you become aware of this vulnerability then and only then you can understand the term when the time is up, its up it can happen by a natural disaster or inner disaster so  logically we should lose our ego and become humble because this kind of thinking is in the foundation of all the belief systems. It compels us to believe in something, and that is the reason why there are so many religions and why the spirituality is consistent in all human societies but one thing I find is appalling that the ego is ruling all the belief systems, they all go to length to discredit each other yet the spirituality should rule and over power the politics of sense of belonging which gives the birth to ego. Religions should quit politics all together and stick with the spirituality. In spiritual world you just believe in God if thing don’t go your way you believe that there is a wisdom which is not understandable for human being whom is only able to tap into his/her potential by a few percentage with his/her present abilities.   

If you want to go dig in the past, it should be for the benefits to the present and the future, for instance if you dig the piece of earth for the purpose to learn the patterns of natural disasters like floods, fires or earth quakes. That understanding can help to make predictions for the future, but if you are digging the past for the dirt to flame the conflicts and create more problems and unhappiness, it will not only be you alone everyone else  will find that dirt as well because our ancestors did the best they could with their knowledge of their animal side.   

Depending on the intensions we sometime use past to destroy the present individually and collectively but we can do that with our future as well by  putting  something in the computer to get predictions for the future and destroy our present with anxiety. Human societies have been changing, no one had predictions of the changes what our societies are going through, form gay marriages to physician assisted suicide to equal human rights regardless of the conservative ideologies.   

It is not wise way to live; present should dominate the future and specially the past, because you can’t go back and change the past. Gambling every thing on the future is not a good bet, since we are mortal we make past from the present and we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us, so either way the most important and controllable time is the present moment.

Don’t bring a dead day from your past, into today, if you have the attitude of living in the past or future it has the potential to make today a dead day experience because it is going to add up to become a dead life. You end up making this life experience stuck in the worst life has to offer not the best.

 Responsibility of the individual and the society.

If a starving person steals a loaf of bread, he/she is at fault along with the whole community, who failed its responsibilities to provide. Survival is a right over all the laws and orders of the community, including the religious beliefs. If you have a situation of ethics verses survival, simple logic, nature should win, because a belief system, law and order or ethics and morals are the things of the full stomach. When some one is preaching you all the control, their stomach is full. If one is hungry for few days all the human knowledge whether its social, religious or spiritual all goes to the drain, so we all have to evolve not only as an individual but as societies as well to assume our responsibilities. 

If you yourself or a loved one needs medical help, your community should be able to help you in your vulnerable time, so you can help others when you are able. If you can’t get any help you should be allowed to take all the steps necessary. If the individual is required to follow the rules of community, community as a whole is responsible for the individual’s needs. Individual and community are dependent on each other. Each has a responsibility of each other. If the community’s rules make the individual inferior or invaluable, it can create imbalance and the scale will eventually turn against the community because the community is recognized by its individual.

Law and order is a joint responsibility for all people whom make the community one person at a time, so are the other things like social system, religion and spirituality. It may appear that I am talking like a socialist, I feel far from the man made systems but if I think about the values they are from the spirituality. If they are taken by the socialists so be it, but if you are religious and you work against these values you have it wrong because of the politics of your belonging group.

These values of helping the vulnerable are not socialist, they are spiritual, thus all religious people should logically follow the spiritual way of thinking yet most religious or church goers usually vote conservative or republicans whom are against these values. What, where and when did this happen, a religious person vote against the spiritual values it is time to think spirituality, not  a politically corrupt religion because I believe no religion should stand against the universal health care, or poverty tax. 


Prejudice, taught by the religions and nationalism.


Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

After all we are mortal so we die regardless of our rights and wrongs, so criticizing someone’s life related our prejudice side which makes us think we are better than others thus we are right. Why and where does this kind of thinking come from? Our parents installed the knowledge what they had learnt from their parents and so on, so certain societies promote and preach that they are right and all the others in the world are wrong thus we are taught prejudice right from the get go.  

Now honestly look around the world and find me even one society which is pure of prejudice. From the smallest to the largest to least populated to most they all preach two things to their young ones nationalism and religion and both are openly fanning the prejudice, even the communist and socialist countries preach the prejudice. If each and everyone of us grows up with the prejudice as the first education how can the humanity go without the conflicts. To me it is on the shoulders of the individual, as a group we all are victim of the out of control sense of belonging so if the countries or religions talk peace, we would never get peace because of our sense of belonging.  

The problems are faced by the individual as he/she grows up, are related with being torn apart because of the conflicting knowledge, the learnt prejudice and wanting and giving the equal human rights to all because of the inner spirituality.

If one is right that means the others are wrong, this argument has been going on, since the beginning of the human individual awareness, yet we all have been and are mortal, even to some degree our societies are mortal as well, some may last longer than the others but even the Empires collapse.

With our evolving knowledge our rights and wrongs trade places with time. Just look at the social advancements of the humanity. We don’t burn the witches, don’t kill homosexuals, don’t buy and sell human beings and racism is a crime in the advance societies yet still we have a long way to go to deal with the prejudice.

Why so much passion in our wars related to our nationalism and religions? In the heart of our conflicts, is our prejudice related sense of belonging. If one can overcome, he/she can choose humanity over the nationalism and spirituality over the religion, but how far are we from that as an individual? If you personally ask this question to yourself you will always end up choosing you belonging group because you don’t want to be on the wrong side of your belonging group.

This is the decision making time for us all to start over riding the politics and learn to lean towards humanity and spirituality instead of religions and nationalism. If you look historically they brought the worst out of the humanity and they failed in helping us to evolve spiritually.

Today, whether its Snowdon, a football player or some other athletes  whom are showing the signs of defiance against the typical norms of our societies they get hate and love from the belonging society because there is a segment of the population which thinks beyond the boundaries of the sense of belonging. Normally we follow the politics of our belonging groups, but these days people are standing up for what is right. They are not afraid of stating their opinions. Things have been changing rapidly, but this is not new, the states, races and religions have been at odds for a long time for political powers. These days awareness of spirituality and equal rights has been emerging as the power, which has the potential to over ride all other powerful entities, because it is evolving from with in the individual.

As I said it has the potential, but how far are we from this awakening, is anyone’s guess, because the politics of sense of belonging usually gets us all. As an individual we are taught to compromise our personal principles when it comes to our religions and nationalism.

As the number of politically educated and spiritually evolved CEO’s grow our politics would change for the better.

These days we as general population are able to call a religious radical, a radical even he/she belongs to our own religion. Would we be able to over power the religious extreme? This question is harder to answer because I believe religion and music touches the individual somewhere similar where the individual can dance, so if one gets carried away with the rhythm and can’t think rationally, the only way one can change their individual behavior is to understand the power behind, and that power is spirituality.

The spirituality crosses the lines of all human education learnt from the belonging political groups, so it is highly individual, thus the individual has to be educated in that zone. You can get all the degrees and become master of other human knowledge but when it comes to sense of belonging tainted religious politics there is a very little hope for one to stand for the equal rights for all.

Social injustice is in the heart of all conflicts and social ills, like prejudice, racism or inequality. When it comes to equal human rights, it is and should be for all human beings not only for some group exclusively. If you believe and choose your religion or nationalism is right, never forget about the spirituality, humanity and equal human rights, because you don’t want to do to others what you don’t like done to you.

Simple principle yet hardest to find in the politically tainted religious groups. Remember the humanity and spirituality is where God resides so the real belonging is to belong to the humanity which is above and beyond the groups. Spirituality means everything to do with the humanity, which should be the essence of all religions but these days with all our wars the essence appears to be the group politics which breaths, breads preaches prejudice. 


Horse power, cracked mirror and the happiness of a mortal CEO.

Balancing the horse power

Hypothetically speaking as a baby we start with less than one horse power and as we grow, we gain the strength to ten or more in the prime of our life. As we age we start to lose one horse at a time and go full circle to less than even one horse. In order to play the game of life successfully one has to understand the personal horse power, say if you have ten horses you can do any thing at your peak performance, but as you lose horses, if you don’t adjust accordingly aging can be  tough to deal with.

Simple truth is that you can’t play at ten horse level with less, if you have five, you adapt to that level, or you pay the price because a mortal life should be driven by the wisdom of balance. Being humble at the peak of life and appreciative of the abilities in low times is not easy, but the wisdom of balance is available for every body to keep adding happiness even during the loss, and by the way it is a choice.

From individual level to collectively we need to look at life as a mortal, because that is what we all are, and no one can or should deny that. The stories of religions, past heroes and the opposing entities  say so. From Moses, Jesus, Prophet Mohammad to Ghangaze Khan, Alexander to Hitler and any body else in that line up individually and to collectively, as Roman Empire, English Empire and others, they all had their time whether individually or collectively. The rise and fall of good and the bad to become part of history is a clear example of mortality.

History shows that we forget even the best of the humanity has to offer, so why do we do so much for our belonging groups? The reason behind all the individual actions, is the out of control and imbalanced sense of belonging, which deny the individual’s personal identity, and I personally think it is a phenomenon we need to understand more. We need to look at individual life as our personal project connected to a larger picture, but at the same time be humble so our actions don’t end up harming others in our living years or even after we pass, for the coming generations of humanity. Even today we kill each other over the differences sewed thousands years ago.  

As an individual we are a transitory entity with the far reaching impact on the others, yet we lose the importance as the time goes. If you look at the history you will see the impacts, yet no importance in the people’s life whom are too busy in their survival, because of the hard life.

We can’t have total control and security because of the mortality, whether God is in the front or the back seat of the car of your life, God is needed. We need help regardless of the number of horses, but especially when we have less horse power, like a baby needs mother, and a dying elder needs family and friends even the strangers with compassion and the higher horse power.

We do these things naturally because some one put that ability in all of us to think that way, so we can help each others. This decency is a spiritual asset, which potentially is in all of us regardless of our belief system. Whether you believe in God or not you have to realize that knowledge has not been completed, so sooner or later one can hit the situation where they feel the need of more knowledge. If you have the room to learn more you can’t be passionate or must not be sure about your existing knowledge, and yes even if it is coming from your holy books because it is important to evolve according to the present demands of time otherwise its ignorance, and ignorance is ego related and ego is one of the kids of uncontrollable sense of belonging which has nothing to do with spirituality, God or humanity, it is strictly related to group politics.

You can respect your ancestral knowledge but, you are the CEO and have your personal life with the free will which puts a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders, watch out, because you have the potential to commit spiritual crime against humanity on the name of your belonging race, gender, nation, religion or even God you perceive. If you want the proof just look around in the history and even today while the history is made. 

You don’t want to be on the wrong side of spirituality and humanity, always choose compassion over passion, spirituality and humanity over racism, nationalism and religious extreme.   

If you don’t believe in God and have some anger against God or people, you should come out and say so, but denying some thing you don’t know, or understand is egotistic. You may have more horses at present but you will lose them as well, as you age, just like every one else and eventually you will need help, unless you kill your self before that, which would not be wise because you would lack hope. Hope and God go hand in hand and if you have hope you know God whether you like it or not.

If you look at the human conditions all around the world and even around you, where ever you are, you will see people at different levels of health, finance and happiness. Interestingly you don’t have to be rich to be happy, or in better health to be richer and content than others. There is always some one worse off or better off than you out there. Why would God put people in misery?

The answer to this question is difficult but, it’s all in the attitude and the perception of the human individual. Understanding of the human attitude in the difficult times has been, is and will be a quest for the psychologists, and religious scholars, but one thing is clear that we are all different. If you find your self unhappy just look at the blessings you have and ask your self why? again and again until you reach the conclusion.

If you feel, that your life needs to be perfect and you tend to lose happiness and contentment over it, that means you put yourself in a never ending unwinnable situation. You should look at it, not as a disease but as a condition which has the potential to make you, yourself rob your own happiness and contentment out of your temporary life. Not a good place to be as a mortal. If you see yourself in this shattered glass mirror with hard to understand picture, which has been created for you, and especially if you are spending all your life in this mode, you have to understand the meanings of mortality and your belief system about God. In your condition, you, not only set yourself up, you set up God  as well  for the failure, and when that happens you are looking at God without the personal responsibilities of reciprocation, you may expect God to do everything for you but you don’t even want to reciprocate for the blessings of the oxygen you breath to experience this mortal life.

If you can’t be happy during the tests of this life, how can or would you be happy in the after life, unless you learn through this life experiences and change, you can’t be happy, yes even in your perceived  heaven.

It never is what you have or don’t have, but it’s always in that attitude towards what you have or don’t, have, so the human happiness is highly dependent on the individual’s attitude, knowledge of self and the kind of happiness you seek. Understanding self will help to describe the causes or reasons of the right or wrong attitude, and that knowledge will help to discover the differences in the core and surface happiness.

If you feel poor you don’t have the power, whether it’s physical, materiel or spiritual, your happiness will become dependent on the stuff you are lacking. For instance being physically poor will make you feel sad, but only when you compare your self with others who can do and achieve more than you can. Sure it can make one sad but it has the other side as well which can inspire one to start working out, take classes of any physical activities or start to work on one’s self to excel in what ever you can be good at. It’s a matter of attitude, you start to improve your self, or feel sorry and blame God for your limitations and get worse by staying in the sad situation. These limiting feelings have the potential to rob one’s happiness unless that one takes responsibility to adjust the attitude and take charge to become a CEO. 

LADDER OF HORIZON. (I know its a repeat but I feel the need for it.)

Picture your self climbing a ladder which has a lot of people doing the same thing. Being competitive we all want to be on the top and ahead of the other people, so you struggle to climb one step ladder at a time, hoping to get ahead and higher than every body. Time comes that you can’t climb any more regardless of your struggle and strategies, when nothing works you feel frustrated unhappy and angry, because you have lost control. If you continue to be unhappy and frustrated, you can drive yourself to sickness related to unhappiness, so it is the time to look down to see how high you have climbed. Sure there are thousands of people above you, but there are millions or even billions of them whom want to be at the level you already are, and you are still unhappy. The kicker is that you can spend your whole life trying to climb the ladder of horizon but run out of time. All along while you are too busy climbing, your life was passing you by, and then you fall regardless of the height you have climbed because of mortality. You can enjoy the climb with the enthusiasm and appreciation or spend your life in frustration while it passes, it’s all in the attitude. If you have the knowledge of other people’s comfort happiness and financial success, only then you start to feel good, bad, inadequate, sad or weak.

As the saying goes “we all are in the same boat” is not correct because each and everyone of us is, and potentially can be a CEO of his/her life.  If every body was in the same boat instead of the ladder things would be different. This ladder is a fact of life, and we need to understand it individually. There will always be levels of life you will have to climb, but remember one thing that, you personally will run out of time, so watch out for the trends, friends and the sense of belonging, they can help you rob your own happiness and contentment right out of your mortal life. That my friend is your only valuable treasure, you can’t offered to sacrifice.

Collectively we have tried and experimented with the communism and failed miserably because it goes against the nature of a CEO and it is deeply related with the flawed and political sense of belonging, which is an extreme without the balancing sense of freedom. For sure, I am a believer of personal freedom, but I know the needs and the power of the belonging as well. It is not one or the other but, it is the individual creating balance with the triangle from the top down. (The individual, Sense of belonging, Sense of freedom.) 

Since we all have been blessed with the different abilities and potentials. It is human nature to put more efforts in life to reach personal potential or to be content with whatever you have. In either case both religions and communism want to rob you of your personal potential so the power can be in the hands of governing elites. 

You can spend all your life energy to lose weight, make money or climb higher to reach in the certain bracket, and life is just passing you by. How many people above you or below you is not the main thing, it’s you who is a CEO of your life, with the responsibility of all the departments, so never compare with one side because it is not fare to you, compare with both sides. For inspiration, with the people above you and for the humbleness and appreciation of your blessings with the people below you.

As I said if we compare we need to compare both sides, so we can carry on and be happy at the same time. There is always some one worse off than others, and even the richest one can lose the health and wealth at any moment, and champions would lose to up coming ones. There is no guarantee for the richest or the strongest to have it all. You can be rich with out health or you can be strongest with out the wealth, so the responsibility is on your shoulders of to look after all departments of life.

 Comparing both sides is crucial because,  people on the higher level should give you incentive to work hard and never give up and carry on, and the people below you, should give you the satisfaction, appreciation, happiness and contentment about you present status.

Materiel happiness is connected with the strong sense of belonging, because we all want to fit in, be admired or impress others around to gain respect to feel good about ourselves. Putting others on the pedestal and yourself down as a foot mats all the time is a sign of lack of self-esteem, personal weakness and disrespect, these are counted as flaws, unless it is intentional, for the spiritual reasons. Why other people’s approval is so important to you, that you work so hard to the point that you acquire stress related health problems, and sacrifice happiness of the core, just to gain surface happiness.

The core happiness is a powerful phenomenon; it has the power to even confuse the highly educated individual. Spiritual happiness is the core happiness because serving others touches us all in the core to provide that happiness and contentment. 

Genetically we are driven to work together, our identity depends on the approval of the others, yet God created each and every one of us as a completely independent and competent CEO, even the happiness department is not so confusing when you understand the responsibilities of the CEO.

Working for humanity can bring you the core happiness, just like a mother looking after the baby is willingly sacrificing her sleep and every thing else to gain the powerful feelings of nature. Ingrained powerful nature has every creature dancing for the feelings of the core happiness. We are all compelled to do our job regardless of the level of education. Seeking happiness is wise thing to do but it is wiser to understand it like a CEO, who knows the difference in the surface and the core happiness.

Regardless of the level of intelligence, everybody is trying to achieve happiness, because deep inside we all know about the mortality. Personally I think accumulating happiness should be the top priority of a mortal life because there is no other treasure can match the fulfillment. The confusion in the types of happiness is not easy to sort out.

What is  an illusion and what is the real deal for the individual? especially when sense of belonging clashes with sense of freedom. It can cause the confusion in what is right and wrong even for the highly educated ones. That is why it’s crucial to become a CEO of your life, so you can sort out every thing and do the justice to all departments of life, including the reorganization of the power you hold as an individual (Read five bucks). Know that you can balance the people, yourself and even God. Know that nothing works without the others. God’s light can not be lit without the people and without the individual there are no people. (The triangle of human, God and people) 

The power of nature is so strong, that we follow it helplessly. Just like all other creatures, we follow these orders as well, for instance, reproduction, regardless of all the self control, law and order of the land, like China is not fool proof,  or the fear base tactics of the religions, reproduction continues, wedlock of not, kids keep coming.

Naturally we have opposing senses like sense of freedom is just as powerful as the sense of belonging, wars have been, are and will be fought for both senses. 

Sense of belonging has the power to over power anything human individual thinks or feels. The recent dispute about to stand, kneel or sit during the national anthem is a classic case of being torn between belonging to a nation, race religion or to the humanity as an individual human being.

Your mirror has been presented to you as shattered by the group politics, so you have to become a CEO to be able to see your real self. If you keep looking in the cracked mirror you would never be able to see how you really look like. Sense of belonging is exclusively and above all, for the humanity as a whole, especially if you believe genetically you are a human being.

Remember you are the one, whom has to see through the mirror even if its cracked, you have to look into it with personal belief system, so you can take responsibilities of the reciprocation. If your image is distorted you will hoard all the human resources to one percent and live politically divided life riddled with the wars and social crimes against self. Helping others is not a democratic or political thing it is spiritual thing so paying a little tax to help others even in the far lands regardless of the differences is a spiritual duty. You can’t have an Islamic, Hindu, Jewish or Christian charities, that is one hundred percent political, if you want to give to charity it should be spirituality related and spirituality has no religion, race, gender or a  nation. You just have to be able to see with the corrected lenses, vision or plain and simply fix the cracks in the mirror so you can see the human being. 

We have come up with self denial, and several religions for the civilization. We have learned about boundaries, manors, etiquette, ethics and social rules. All the knowledge to prevent pregnancies and the weapons for abortions, even the threat of aids and death could not stop human from following the nature.

We create rules against anything just for the people to break them. Since the down of the civilization, we have been struggling for the control as a society and as an individual as well, if we were to be successful by now we should have been. Society should be crime free and the individual should be super human, with total control of his/her actions.

Population would be in control and for sure there would not be any wars. Just by looking at the history, you can see regardless of wars, population has always been out of control, just like the spider, human is reckless enough, to keep reproducing, whether its aids or God, the drive behind our nature is so powerful, you just can’t stop it by fear of self destruction or death.

The connection with nature is not as clear as we think we do, we need to learn more about ourselves to understand the power and the wisdom of the animal inside of every human.

If you have inner peace instead of struggle, you will be able to see, how you act like a puppet. Whether its rules of society or the competing nature, still in the end of the day you are the one who is responsible for your own actions and inner peace simultaneously.

By becoming responsible CEO can and should help to understand the contradictions of the cracked mirror and finding the solutions for this temporary life and whatever is beyond. Sure you can have the society with less crime ratio, by strict punishments, but you always run the risk of rebellious behavior of human, because of the oppression. The real disciplined human being is the CEO who creates balance between inner man and the beast, to achieve the inner peace. With inner peace one can understand nature and respect it, yet have a say in every day life to achieve happiness, health and success of a mortal being.