Don’t just buy everything what someone sells to you, be a CEO of your life and ask questions, especially when it comes to making a decision to sacrificing this life for the next.
No one has ever produced any physical proof of life after death. There are several theories basically based on assumptions, and they openly require the individual to follow blindly.
What happens after you die has been, is and will be a mystery because we are still in the process of evolution and not a finished product. Until we reach our potential, we need to push for our evolution. Since no one can come back and explain the experience we have to expand our comprehension which would require some hard work. There are several things like God for instance is hard to comprehend so God should be used and accepted in the area of placebo effects, works but don’t know how. So to the atheist, don’t just be reactive to the religions. Accept being a human being, who’s knowledge is in complete. Same for the religious individual using sense of belonging based ego, pride or honor does not complete our evolving knowledge.
Having a metaphoric basket would help. Whenever you face a situation where you need more knowledge and you lack the understanding or comprehension, just put it in the basket and carry that basket around. Not only it can help you deal with your ego, it can give you the inner peace you are seeking. Knowing that your knowledge is not complete should make you humble and compassionate, but when you are told your knowledge is complete you become slave of the knowledge you attained. When you run into the situation where you discover that you need more you feel inadequate thus very defensive and egotistic. You can’t be egotistic about the in complete knowledge because we are designed to be in the process of evolution. No religion, ism or a group of human beings can complete or speed up the process of evolution. Just like the muscle building you have to lift heavier and push harder with the intensity to go further, we have to dig, scratch and push our limits endlessly to keep seeking our potential. If we claim that our knowledge is complete we stop seeking, thus can’t reach our potential thus defy the law of the nature and God.
Today the cell phones with unbelievable technology and are essential for our daily lives. All this technology would be a magical thing to impress the population in the past yet here it is, in everybody’s hands. Man is still vulnerable because of mortality and complexity of all the processes it take to be alive. We can’t claim that we have achieved all this on our own, because everything is done strangely simple yet most complex ways, even the use of the cell phone depends on that one single and simple notion and yes that is that little oxygen we can’t live without. This alone should be good enough for one to be humble spiritually speaking.

The point is, it is a blind faith but with the power full effects on the individual. How and why it works, the way it works, it still is a mystery.
We dig and rob the tombs and the graves of the people who believed that there is after life, so they took their stuff with them, they thought they would need in the next life. From Chines to Egyptians and all over the world archeologists keep discovering and researching, yet everyone keeps believing in the after life. I believe in the spiritual world without any ego I use my basket of the unknown and keep dealing with my day today realities to do the justice to every department of my life. I believe in the existence of the physicality of this life first, not second because it is more important to live this life with spiritual morals instead of the rules set by the political arms of the religions. Logically you can’t kill someone physically over the unknown reality, because killing someone is a physical reality.

Part two of the God is that you.
There are grave yards all over the world in every community regardless of the belief system. The dead man owns a piece of land yet that there are living homeless in every community. The only creature who keeps on living on a piece of land even after death and then there are people cremate there dead, what happen to the recycling where it really counts. We always go to our religions when it comes to the life and death because the topic is discussed as if it belongs to the religions. Mortality is a reality, thus it should be discussed at all community level and nothing should go to waist.
As a human we have the responsibility to be useful to the max for humanity, even after we are dead. Owning a land after death is not a reality related issue, it is about the emotions and I would suggest if you want to go to visit your dead relative you can give some money to the poor or feed the hungry on the name of the dead so the dead one is still use full to the community.

You are born into the humanity as a human being as a physical reality, you are Muslim, Christian, Canadian, American or Pakistani because of your intellectual education. The education is great if it makes you a better human being. If it is taking you away from being a human being you need to take charge and be a human being before assuming any other identity, because that is what and who you are.

It’s not about believing or denying the existence of God, because it is way too easy, one way or the other. Without the comprehension or understanding God killing over it should not be acceptable, and using God for political purposes is just absurd.
According to my understanding it is highly dependent on our imagination, our individual insecurities and the politics of our sense of belonging. If we know more about ourselves, and be honest about it. That means being pure of the politics of sense of belonging to a group or our own kind. We would be better off if we look at it with the physical reality. It is with the use of our free will and our awareness we can qualify to be a human who belongs to humanity and who can change the way things have been done for thousands of years.

God came to existence with the man’s awareness or man was created and ripened as God himself, divided yet together just like a human body. Every human cell has individual identity, yet they work for the body. Several things exist in human societies from Devil to witches and werewolves to vampires; human imagination has the power to create things from the thin air with powerful effects on the individual. Just look at a child who feels scared from just watching a movie, or even as an adult we have placebo effects as realities. Even the bigger reality is that human being has inventions in all departments of life, they all came to physical reality from the imagination, so human imagination can’t be taken lightly. People have been killing each other over it for a very long time. As an individual we should know the value and the power of imagination by now, its ability to touch human beings so deeply is literally mind blowing. Personally I believe this phenomenon is related with the politics of sense of belonging. You can convince an individual to blow himself up over his sense of belonging. If the individual is convinced, attached, brain washed and compelled that he/she is nothing without the belonging group and his/her belief system, or we are nothing more than the extension of our group’s ideology, then we will always have wars amongst human societies. Oppression, suppression, individual insecurities, sense of belonging and suicide bombing are all part of the human politics. Human imagination has the power to kill, die and invent to eradicate life. The holy books of the religions have the prediction and prophecies about the human future. Ironically we have knowledge coming from holy books that stats, God will destroy everything, I can understand individual suicide but I don’t have the understanding, why God would commit suicide. Are we causing God that much grief and pain that even God can’t take it anymore? I can’t picture anything existing without human imagination or human. The existence of spiritual world is not without human being, because spirituality has everything to do with the humanity. If you take away the third equation then there is no triangle of God Devil and the Man. If the God is good, the Devil is bad and the Man is judging what is good and bad then the good and bad does not exist without the Man. If the man is not there no one is there to benefit from good, or hurt from the bad. If God kills everyone, it means God would commit suicide, I don’t believe God is going to commit suicide, God is evolving with the human being and living within us. Does that make me an atheist or a non Muslim, may be in some people’s views, but I believe in God and God’s prophets just not their knowledge was complete.  I believe it’s connected with the man his control, human imagination and his politics of fear. If the religion promises all the nice things after you die, you can imagine, believe and make a reality for yourself, to create comfort in this life. To be a good spiritual individual who helps the humanity and God, then it serves its purpose. The assumptions and belief systems both should be helping us to live this living life better, if the drugs and religions start to hurt the individual, they are not working for the man kind. If an individual becomes spiritual because of the religious knowledge then it has its merits, but if a mullah, rabbi or a priest says God will help the depressed individual, I would say there should be social work degree essential for becoming a religious leader or an authority.  Unfortunately even after all the technology and thousands of years of pursuit, we still don’t have any proof, if God does not show up for the individual in spite of the promise of mullah, one can lose faith in God not only religiously but spiritually as well. As an individual, if you believe that you are a cell of God, not only God is present for you all the time, you yourself know your value. We are all produced by our parents and they have been reproduced by their parents or their ancestors and so on. We are all here to work and evolve the humanity and God, so they can help the weak and vulnerable amongst ourselves. We are not here to drive them crazy to the point so they can self destruct or  commit suicide. __Let’s all cross the lines of our insecurities and join in as a whole humanity, because our sense of belonging belongs to God and humanity as a whole, not to the gangs, communities, nations, races, genders or religions.

Ego vs. Oxygen

Regardless of who you are, how powerful you are, or you have the best genetics, looks or the job title. All you have done and achieved in your life or doing the impossible things, you are a mortal. In the end of the day always remember, that it is not all you, it is all done because of that little oxygen you brought in with your breath. That life giving oxygen is not in your control thus you can’t take all the credit for all that you are able to do. You can deny or ignore egotistically, or value the facts of mortality by being part of a big picture or an organism.

There is no doubt that one has the free will to make decisions and choices but the ability is solely dependent on that little oxygen. No one has to believe in, or deny God’s existence but I believe that there is a reason why most of us are able to think, function and naturally want to be helpful to humanity.

One can say it is all old style thinking, there is no God, it is all human beings assumptions. Maybe, but not believing is an assumption as well, so I would rather believe to have some comfort in my living years and cross the lines of death with hope and fearlessly. If I am comfortable in my skin I can, not only be humble, I would be nice and accepting of the differences of others. Being egotistic is the first sign of the lack of humbleness which is found widely in the extremist factions of all religions. For the quality in my mortal life, I should have some optimism and hope for the life beyond my living years.

The knowledge should not only take my fears and related anxieties away, it should add peace in my living years. Should that knowledge be taken from the assumptions to certainties? That highly depends on the individual, I would not deny someone the inner peace if they can achieve it by believing in God. The placebo effects, love and God falls in the same area, where the present intellect fails to reach.

The belief of nothingness comes from the same ego which,  deny the importance of oxygen provider. I believe in the oxygen provider even if it relates to the area of unknown.

I carry the metaphorical basket of unknown, I accept my incomplete knowledge and still pursue for my potential. The ego of knowing everything has always been around, yet we all along learn new things everyday. Man’s knowledge is not and I say it again is not complete thus its all assumptions one way or the other. You can give scientifically proven medicine to the patient it may work for some but not for the others. You can believe in God one hundred percent, fifty percent or seventeen percent still it is unknown because our comprehension is limited.

I don’t believe in the caps of religions and constitutions because we evolve and as an evolving entity we have to grow and keep room for the growth. As I believe in God, I believe the reasons for the free will and my boundless potential.

When that same knowledge turns into a destructive blind faith, or when the religions stray from the spirituality to dabble into the politics it can lead to arrogance, prejudice, racism, human rights violations and spiritual crimes. That is happening right now, people are being killed not because of their guilt, but just because they have been born in different belief system. If you ask the killers or their victims, majority of them probably would not even know very much about their respected belief systems. The knowledge has nothing to do with realities of their belief systems, this egotistic behavior has everything to do with the politics of the sense of belonging to a certain group.

It is pain full to even acknowledge that the neighbours kill each other over the sense of belonging to a certain group, there is no sense of self or knowing being a human being, the real belonging is belonging to the whole humanity. This weakness is a gold mine for the politicians of those groups.

If everyone believes in belonging to humanity as a whole, today we would have absolutely different picture of the globe. The bitter reality is that earth is the home for the humanity as a whole. There are no physical boundaries or lines, it has always been, is and probably would always be the sense of belonging to a group, dividing us with political lines. Yet it keeps pointing towards one inseparable humanity with our problems which require joint efforts like global warming or fight infectious diseases. If you look at some of our good efforts to get together to make space station, save animals from extinction, fight infectious or other diseases or solve other problems by internet, charity organizations and spirituality.

Eventually human potential is going to be realized by crossing the lines of sense of belonging to a certain group to the whole humanity. If one individual at a time we over come the insecurities and prejudice we can appreciate the oxygen and humbly do our share to bring the humanity to its potential.



Highway of the evolution.

Self doubts and related influences rob the individual of confidence. If you always relate and compare yourself with the people better than you and buy into the education of the religions where the man is considered as worthless and sinner, you will actually start to feel inferior and worthless. But if you consider yourself as a useful and working part of God or humanity you will start to see the real self worth. Each and everyone of us is a working cell of God’s body, thus keeps the ball rolling for the spiritual and physical world of God.

Our education play’s a crucial role in pointing out the dead dog of our problems ( explanation see below).  How one looks at him/herself, is greatly related with the level of the conformation.  So the solutions of our several physical, mental, social and spiritual problems can be found in the life beyond those boundaries of conformation. Spiritual world knows no boundaries just like the space, religions may claim to be deep like an ocean, but if you become an extremist or a radical you make even the religion into a pond for yourself.

How a man or a woman looks at the security as a paramount issue of the life?  That dictates the cause of the boundaries. Yet in reality, even the oxygen for the survival is not in anyone’s control, thus security  is an illusion we seek in our own kind  which is created and promoted by all societies yet as a mortal individual we die from inside out.

Today we are starting to rise up to take charge for our environment, social justice and equality, interestingly the religious groups whom are usually conservatives don’t really believe in taking charge because of the belief system, yet fight against the change to the point that they kill over their beliefs.

God helps but not without the help of he man kind. There is continuous bickering and the difference of opinion which has been used openly and with the pride, even if it makes us prejudice and racist or even ignorant. This kind of attitude has been keeping us slower to reach our potential. Simply put, you can’t just stand on the mile twenty and claim about the details of the whole hundred miles you have not even traveled yet.

We have to stand on the right side of the history especially when it comes to evolution and the betterment of the humanity. Even our good or bad has been and  is changing, for the better but the speed of the transformation has been slow, we can do better.

The Dead Dog: Going after the cause.

There once was a small community, they dug a well for the water and lived around it. A dog fell in the well and died, no one notice until the water started to stink, everyone got worried and gathered up to investigate. One of the leader went down in the well and yelled that there is a dead dog in the water. Everyone looked at the mayor, questioning what to do, the mayor said take fifty barrels of water out then start to use it, but make sure that you take the dead dog out first.

As human beings we are an evolving entity, our knowledge has been, is and will always evolve as we evolve. We have been around for millions of years but we have always been claiming that we know everything there is to know yet we have been learning something new all along. We even passionately claim to know God, and kill each other over the knowledge of God yet for thousands of years, we have nothing to show as a clear picture about the life after death or God accept the assumptions. No one comes back with clear proof like video of moon or mars. The religions and other faith systems insist on to believe blindly in whatever they preach, so until we have some thing  concrete we all have a one way ticket. I believe in individual freedom so no one should be forced into believing into whatever is popular in the society, and especially no one should be killed over the belief system. It is highly personal, beneficial and or harmful to the individual. The individual should be left alone not only because of the human rights and individual liberties, in the end of the day society,  governments and religions get to carry on but the individual has a limited time to live. Our understanding highly depends on the ability to comprehend. If you stand on the mile stone number twenty you can’t predict what is at the mile hundred, especially when it comes to the knowledge of God. The dead dog of the this spiritual problem is the ego, pride and honor. These three kids of the sense of belonging are behind a lot of our social and personal problems, thus the sense of belonging is the mother problem or the real dead dog of our conflicts. B.R. Hergenhahn wrote this about the brain but I am using his quote just to describe the evolution of our knowledge. It can be used for the brain, God or anything we don’t clearly know or understand yet. I am using this example for our knowledge of God and life after death. B. R. Hergenhahn puts into words better than I would, so I would quote his words. The book is(” An Introduction to theories of Personality. Forth edition. Chapter one page 12.) “Quote.”. “ To illustrate, imagine yourself in a dark room in which you cannot touch a  complex object directly. As long as the room remains dark, you will know nothing about the object except that it is there. Now suppose that a faint light illuminates part of the object thus allowing you to see part of it. You now know more about the object than you did before but much remains unknown. Now another beam of light falls on the object, then another and another. You walk around the object noting what has been illuminated by the various beams of light. Because the beams are coming from different directions, many beams allow you to learn more about the object. Some beams are narrow and bright, concentrating on a small area but exposing greater detail. Other beams are broader but dimmer, allowing you to learn about a larger area but in less detail. Some beams may overlap others but all are useful. In fact the greater the number of beams and angles, the more information you will have because each beam illuminates a part of the object of interest that previously was dark.” (end quote). The ideas come to the human beings including our Holy men and Prophets bring the knowledge to benefit the general population. Then its up to the people to use the knowledge to harm themselves or benefit from it. When it comes to the religions why do we have the freezing caps? its all related to the politics of the sense of belonging. No one wants to be connected to the wrong knowledge thus everyone believes their ancestral knowledge is ultimate and correct thus they will go to heaven and everyone else would end up in hell. Whether the hell exists or not we sure are creating hell on this earth because of our differences. Since God is humanity we have given God an auto immune disease which means God is sick and the cure is in the hands of the individual. Are we up to the task to heal God by living with each other in peace? Can you take the responsibility to speak against your personal sense of belonging and related politics? Can you stand up against your own belonging group even if it is against your own religion? it is time to stand for the humanity not for your belonging groups. It is time to surpass the boundaries of your ponds, even conquer the depth of the oceans and put anchors in the space. That is what God has in order for the human beings and we are so caught up in our territorial disputes and who is right about after death. Its time to wake up and smell the void we are going to create with our disputes. God would not want the human being to disappear because it would be a suicide for God as well.