Since our spiritual awareness, we have been constantly evolving and learning continuously. Yet interestingly we have always and still been claiming to have an unquestionably complete knowledge. When you look at our science or medicine there are always new discoveries, yet when it comes to our metaphorical knowledge things are stubbornly locked into our thousands of year-old books.

Ever wonder why as a young person you thought differently than as grown-up adult or even change further as an older person. Why do we change our opinions as we grow older, big things become smaller and smaller things bigger and more important. Dare I say we evolve. Sure, we don’t grow wings or horns, but we grow with our knowledge.

As the Author Bahram Spitama’s book, Titled Born to Fly. Says, And I quote” HUMANS ARE NOT BORN TO CRAWL ON EARTH LIKE CATERPILLARS. WE ARE BORN TO TRANSFORM INTO BUTTERFLIES”. End quote.

Well, some of us never grow up and politically join hands with like-minded people or belonging groups to keep political power and control. No one dare disputes individually even if their belonging group habitually resist all kind of human discoveries related to our evolutionary nature. On average most of us go through a lot of changes to become an adult. From the literal perception of monster under the bed to really believing in the stories of scary movies or TV programs. Just like that, they usually get swept away by the fiery speeches of their religious leaders. They like the feelings of adrenalin rush that takes them to a place they are wholeheartedly sold. Remember everything changes in our personal life as we grow up, so we never really think about the graveyard we have been developing along the way. You may not even think about or distinguish the differences between your realities that have changed in the real world. Remember, you have been politically discouraged to put your physical realities over and above your metaphorical ones. Yet, in reality, or in real and physical world nothing has stayed as it was. Simply because your perceptions have been changing in such a speed that you have adopted to them. Nature has its way to help you, because if the gradual learning of that wisdom was not there most of us will be torn apart from within. If the speed of that learning does not match, things don’t work very well. Sort of like grade learning. If we have learned something that does not match with our abilities to understand, that would not make any sense to us.

This is the only logical reason comes to mind, why people would want to stick with the past related popular and accepted knowledge regardless of its being debunked. As grown-up adult or I should say, as a spiritually aware individual who is born in the era of equal human individual rights. We all should look at everything from a different angle or point of view than our ancestors did. Interestingly things are quite similar even as grownups because individually and collectively we are in the same process of evolution. Logically, every time we learn something new, our perceptions should change, so, I think it’s time for us all individually and collectively change. Live in our present era rather than two-thousand-year-old political group belonging. BY NOW, PRECEPTION OF BELONGING TO OUR POLITICAL GROUPS SHOULD CHANGE AND EVOLVE TO JOIN HUMANITY AS A WHOLE, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS POINTING TWORDS THAT NEED.

So, no matter how you perceive, being a human individual, logically you belong to humanity as a whole. Sure, bad experiences can lead us to form our political groups in the name of security but since we carry our spiritual side, we need to nurture that to become an evolved humanity. Remember, everything has been and still is pointing towards our universal things like humanity, God, spirituality and justice.

From blood transfusions to organ transplantation to global warming to equal human individual rights to internet and now AI. Nothing is constricting or inhibiting us like our political belonging. So, as an insecure part of a group of people, most of us tend to find rescue in the arms of a politically savvy group of people. Sure, potentially we can put our monsters to rest, if we can learn to belong and believe in universal things like God, spirituality, blind justice, equal human rights in one humanity.

Especially when it comes to our metaphorical realities related knowledge like our religious beliefs. Modern day new beliefs like atheism, scientific and knowledge of medicine and nutrition lands in the same category. So, from prescription of mercury to human sacrifice, racism to equal human individual rights. There has been and is a progress in every field of knowledge, except in our religion department so our metaphorical world has been and still is claiming a lot of lives or I should say sacrifice. Interestingly regardless of graveyard full of religious beliefs, the claim of ultimate knowledge is still an ongoing opinion. Are there some legitimate spiritual reasons or our political and financial interests related disputes have been twisting thing to fool the belonging individuals. Question is can we overcome this egotistic sense of belonging to our political groups and when it would be possible to stop killing each other in the name of our preceptive and metaphorical realities?

To me personally, any and all kind of personal beliefs or not, human life itself has to be respected by all human beings regardless of race, gender, color, nation or religious beliefs. Simply because of the spiritual rule number one. “Don’t do to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. How simple can that be? Well just look around the history, and judge for yourself. Do you think humanity has ever been able to follow that rule? Looking at the history, most if not all religions simply talked about it, but none of them have ever walk the talk. None of us can count the death tole humanity has suffered from religious extreme and related wars. Till today, we simply can’t get over our differences, yet after thousands of years none of them have produced any physical facts of life after death. PRECEPTIONS, well that on the other hand come cheap just like a life of a human individual.

Remember not too long ago we use to sacrifice human beings. When I asked lady Google, she said twenty-five non connected human societies performed human sacrifice. Well just try that today, and see what kind of response you get from the world you live in. So, religion or not today humanity has evolved to the point that now a days people around the world condemn any and all kind of atrocities, racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. I am not even going to touch the subject of animal sacrifice, because sacrifice or not a vast majority of the humanity eats meat products any way. So, I am going to stick with perceptions based human behavior, because to me, we are not like other physical creatures. As human beings individually we carry a spiritual content within us. If you disagree with me, count it as my perception. It may end up in a graveyard or it may resonate to help some of the people. Anyway, I gave it a name to this spiritual content, and I call that, “ATOM OF AUTONOMY”. We all individually bring it along from before our birth, as we come to our senses we start to make choices, using our free will and our personal sense of justice gets established quite early in our life. I have been talking about our atom of autonomy in detail for years, but because of our political disputes and wars, it seems, it’s never enough to talk about.

Being an atom of autonomy holding entity, human beings are a helping hand of God. Sort of like a cell and the body relationship, both have a dependency and reciprocation related relationship to make life physically possible. Since they both play a critical role in making life possible, they simply can’t be considered as a cheap commodity. If you look around and see how our races, nations and religions have been making a mockery out of human individual’s life. You can see how they value even their own belonging individuals. Especially by putting God and Devil on the top corner of this holy triangle to make a human individual politically irrelevant. Regardless of chopping God’s working hands, it’s not considered as a big deal. To some, as long it’s far away, from us it’s not our problem.

I consider myself a straightforward thinker, so mostly I try to make sense out of things to match my daily living in the era I am born into. Since I believe a living breathing human being is a helping hand to God and Devil simultaneously, we have to understand the importance of living breathing human individuals and respect them for their spiritual contributions. So, when it comes to abortion, I have mixed emotions and the feelings of being torn from within. Simply because our scientific advancements are proving to be overwhelmingly relevant as well. Remember, we are in the era where you can have frozen embryos to use them for later. We can not only see everything what is going on within the body of the mother, but also, we can not only see but also perform surgeries on the fetus if needed. Health of the fetus and mother can be looked at from the angles we have never seen in the history before. Socially our societies have become aware of equal human individual rights including women and children rights. So, sticking with your old beliefs would mean that you are locked into your ancestors provided, thousands of years old streams of knowledge. Which can easily be challenged in today’s medically advanced, and AI influenced societies. Any way one way or the other, I personally believe a human life needs to be valued and respected. One can try to live in fear based and totally controlled manors, wholeheartedly believe in heaven yet kill or die for their metaphorical realities.

Unlike other creatures, as human beings we are equipped with our atom of autonomy which allows us to use our free will, personal sense of justice, compassion, love among other spiritual abilities. Remember regardless of minor differences, even our cousin primates like chimps, are still stuck into the bush and caves. Human beings on the other hand, have been evolving nonstop.

All this comes along with us from before birth, don’t believe me, just compare human beings with other creatures, especially with primates. So, as we take a physical form with a duty to physically perform and convert spirituality into physical actions. We are here to make it all meaningful, so God and human individual has a similar relationship as our cells have with the whole body. Remember a rouge cell can cause cancer so the importance of the cell is undeniable. Today one human individual can press a button to blow up a nuclear weapon.

Since we all come to our living years with a purpose of honest and direct reciprocation with God, we have to override our political and hormonal influences. We have to understand that we have absolutely no control over our physical experience of living years. Whatever we do, we do it after we have taken in oxygen, so believing we are doing everything is a half knowledge. You can have scientific explanation but at the moment we are not that sophisticated yet. So, I believe we should acknowledge our limitations and learn to believe that we need to reciprocate in return of free oxygen, functioning body and favorable life circumstances. Sooner we learn, understand and deal with our personal monsters of our insecurities the better. Our group politics related emotional attachments and belonging have been doing too much damage. So, understanding personal relevance is crucial because most of them are our personal choices related issues. Since they have been, are and will continue to be there, we all individually will have to understand them and personally take charge. Rather than leaving it all on our belonging groups. In plain and simple words, we all have to become a CEO of our lives so we can choose to make choices, instead of being herded like sheep. We individually have to see who is hiding behind the disguise of sheepdog and why we are being herded? So, making choices like a CEO is crucial for each and every single one of us. Don’t forget to know that God’s and even Devil’s existence and meaningfulness depends on human individual’s physicality. So, if there are no living breathing human individuals who, will worship or hate them? Now the question is, why would you work to make choices against human relevance?

If you are taught to believe that you are not valuable, that simply is political because in reality your political groups want to use you as an asset. Your importance is unquestionable because your belonging group and even God and Devil all need your physicality to be meaningful. Yet you yourself believe in your own irrelevance. How can that be right? You will only be able to see that and the causes of the individual’s irrelevance if you seek to know. Remember there are people knowingly doing the bad deeds for their belonging groups. So, when people kill each other in their real life, it is not an illusion or metaphorical. It has been and still is a human reality so if you don’t come to those conclusions for yourself. You need to learn all about being a human being including the calls of your DNA. If the problems start because you, yourself are believing in your own irrelevance. Then you owe it to yourself to learn and understand everything about your atom of autonomy. Remember that makes you the one who is the main character of this HOLY PICTURE, WITHOUT YOUR PHYSICALITY, GOOD AND BAD THINGS DON’T HAPPEN PHYSICALLY. So, if you work to make your belonging group, God and Devil meaningful with your physicality, then you personally should be judging yourself for your physical input. Or at the least you should be blaming someone who taught you your irrelevance. Now this is the time to look at and I mean look at it with total and pure of politics honesty. Remember you have been blessed with your own atom of autonomy so acknowledge that all your traditional knowledge is stemming from the data you have been installed with. So, regardless of your ownership of atom of autonomy, if you blindly believe in your data, that data is not faulty, it’s you who is not reading, picking, choosing, mixing and matching to really know your abilities correctly.

Since God had already provided you with an ocean like brain with your own and exclusive atom of autonomy. Being stuck into a stream of knowledge by choice is your individual shortcoming. So, look at everything critically. If you feel that you have been stuck into a stream of knowledge or are fearful of taking responsibilities that come with the ocean like brain and atom of autonomy. Only you can help yourself, remember your belonging groups are political entities so they are not going to like your ability to think and question their authority. That is why inhibiting people from becoming independent is common in group settings. Unfortunately, our religious groups are notorious for keeping the individual under their thumb. Just look around the world and you will find a whole lot of examples.

Being an entity who is equipped with their own atom of autonomy and are sent to live a physical life. We all have our reasons to find the reasons for ourselves. So, one has to follow their nature and that nature is an evolving nature. We have to grow and transform into the being who is a CEO of their life who has natural ability to make choices. YET WITH A LIMITED TIME. So, if you can’t do that, someone else will map out your life for you. In most cases, it will be designed like a worker bee or a warrior ant. In that case, one way or the other you will be willingly sacrificing your life. Question is why? Remember as a universal and a just entity, God had put everything on the foundation of equality for the reason of universal justice. So, anything even remotely smelling like bigotry, prejudiced or discrimination is not coming from God. God, spirituality, justice and humanity all are universal so infecting them with group belonging is totally political. Today’s time, that humanity has to come up with the anti-dote of this political infection. That anti-dote is found in universal things like spirituality and blind justice. Meaning it’s not in our organized religions but rather in universally accepted spiritual principles. If as a group your spirituality and justice system is politically compromised it will always be on the shaky ground. Simply because evolving humanity will reach to the point where things will not work. Regardless of the size of Empire, Nation, Religion or Ism they all will end up in a graveyard of such things. Don’t believe me just look in the history. Universal things like spirituality and evolving humanity have been consistent and always survived because of their universal legitimacy. Yet politically tainted religions and other governing systems on the other hand have been constantly being dumped by the humanity.

If you are sticking with your religion as the ultimate solution to the humanity, just look at its history and decide for yourself. If things have not changed in thousands of years, why do you think they will change in next thousand? If you don’t question the questionable because of indoctrination, you are going to stay in the limits of mastering a subject, but you will never attain the status of PhD. Yet that is what God had meant for us all. Remember, we all have an ocean like brain which allows us to pick, choose, mix and match to write our own theses. On top of all that, our evolutionary nature, that is there for you to go beyond those politically enforced limitations. Your personal atom of autonomy is there for you to at the least live a limitless life even if it is in your imagination. You are totally different than worker bees or warrior ants because their DNA calls for their limits but as human beings our DNA calls for constant evolution. So, not overriding hormonal and political influences is not for human beings. If you want to look for the proofs, they are everywhere. Remember no religion or their number has been able to contain human beings by force, fear or greed. Our evolution shows up in everything we have been doing.

On one side we have space, medicine, AI and are seeking equal human individual rights, yet on the other, we have been killing each other all along. Don’t you want to know what is wrong with this picture? Progress is still there but the process is too slow. Probably there is a spiritual wisdom involved to match our ability to adopt the speed of changes. Remember there has been and still is a certain segment of the population in all human groups, that is not in questioning mode. Yet interestingly, evolution does not happen without questioning. As it can be clearly seen in our ongoing conflicts, since we still kill each other, that means we got a long way to go to meet our potential as humanity. As I see it, our problems are not only deeply rooted in our individual ignorance, they also have been connected to our inability to seek what has always been within all of us. You can see people living in melting pot societies peacefully, yet still there are people who don’t want that. Simply because they don’t want to or are brain washed to the point that they cannot override their politics of belonging. They simply stand against every progress humanity makes, from blood transfusion to stem cell to frozen embryo to equal human individual rights, they literally are fearful of the human DNA, which is constantly calling for constant evolution.

Sure, individually we all show up without our choice because we simply cannot choose which group we are going to be born into or where on earth we will start our physical journey. Yet interestingly as a human individual, we can learn to choose as we evolve or spiritually grow. So, our loyalties of belonging may seem natural, but our trouble is having that personal atom of autonomy within. That can create havoc for us individually if we don’t think independently. Our atom of autonomy allows us to use free will to make choices to do the justice, be compassionate and loving. To top all that having our own ocean like brain and mortal nature, makes thing quite complicated. Sure, our hormonal responses and political influences of community seem natural and powerful but regardless of their powers our individual abilities can clash. So, the possibility to stay stuck into our streams of knowledge is much higher. Yet at the same time, our personal atom of autonomy is undermined by us individually can be a reckless strategy for the individual. Undermining it by our own political groups has its consequences as well. Keeping their boundless individuals from becoming aware of their potential cannot be good for the belonging groups. Not understanding the differences between physical and spiritual simultaneously can be destructive individually and collectively. So, as it has been preached to us and most of us buy into it and believe that we simply are a physical entity belonging to a group of people. Personally, I connect to the individual’s self-esteem because they have bought into a notion that an ordinary human individual is not worthy to have a direct connection to God. Sort of like a commoner and king relationship. Our problem is related to the political belonging that makes us think, feel and believe that individually we are irrelevant. Then we wholeheartedly believe that we are part of our political belonging group instead of the universal things like God, spirituality and humanity as a whole. Now if you start to look at our evolving nature, you can easily see your physical abilities are limited, but when it comes to spiritual side, you can literally see a boundless being who has no limits. Sure, you are an aging and mortal being but that simply is linked to your physical side. Your inability to recognize the forces that compel you to evolve or fight against can become questionable. For instance, if your spiritual side is calling for evolution but your mortal nature and belonging politics is keep telling you to stop pursuing. You will be confused unless you believe in your spiritual side as a legitimate side. That is connected to you from within but also to infinite simultaneously. Now the question is at the individual level how to deal with our mortal nature with limited time? First thing to understand that we don’t have time to learn it all. Second, by keeping our mortal nature in front while you explore your options. To me, you have to become a CEO to handle all that, especially if your belonging groups are trying to brain wash you right from your tender years. So, that political conformation and inner battle with our individual atom of autonomy takes a toll on the individual. Yet in the long run negatively effects the group as well, so our individual and collective ignorance EVENTUALLY EFFECTS HUMANITY AS A WHOLE.

We have people who believe to have guns, then bigger guns and even nuclear weapons to feel secure, but that strategy has been and is a failed strategy. Simply because humanity has never been without conflicts of wars. The reason behind is that we always want our rights as groups. When a group wants equal rights, you can’t get around the politics of belonging. So, our differences never get solved. Whether it’s related to race, gender, nation or religion politics of belonging to our groups still dominates. So, learning to live with each other, giving and receiving equal human individual rights have been and still is an unreachable human dream. If we individually understand, acknowledge and accept to implement everything on us personally, we can start the peace process. First with personal and inner peace then we can compel our belonging groups to remove group politics to join humanity as a whole.

SURE, IT IS A HUMAN DREAM, BUT IT CAN BECOME REAL IF WE INDIVIDUALLY UNDERSTAND OUR SPIRITUAL SIDE AND IT’S RELATED POWERS. Since our religions have miserably failed to bring us inner and outer peace. They should be blamed for their inability to shield their spiritual systems from the infectious disease of political belonging.

If you are a religious fanatic or a mad scientist, just remember by your nature, not only you have an ocean like brain, but you also have your own and personal atom of autonomy sitting right within you. On top of all that you already know that you have a mortal nature. So, if it is too overwhelming for you individually, and you still happen to choose your extremes beliefs. All you have to do is to critically look at your evolving nature. That should tell you what it is all about, because if you are learning something new all the time. Logically your knowledge has not been or is not complete, so how can you buy into that? While you are at it, just dig a little deeper into it, but honestly. You will discover that your personal ego that has been politically installed by your belonging groups. Ever wonder, why all of sudden you somehow become or learn to believe that you are a better human individual. Just by being born into or by belonging to certain color, race, gender, nation or religion. Yet you have been served the same spiritual cards. You depend on oxygen, water, food and love survive, yet you get old and die just like everyone else.

One thing is for sure, our belonging groups use their belonging individuals as their political assets and logically that is because they believe the politics of strength in numbers. Well that puts you in odds against your own atom of autonomy. Remember that Godly particle within does not know politics as you or your belonging groups know. It simply knows that you have been blessed with free will, personal sense of justice and an ocean like brain. So, if you stray for political reasons you end up going against it. Meaning your own ethical dilemma begins. Especially being mortal, our clock is ticking. So, we simply can’t afford to be torn apart from within. Remember it can have its hellish consequences and on top of that ticking is ongoing.

If you are born as a human being, you are born with your own spiritual Jewlery, so you have to wear it with pride. So, if you belong to universal things like humanity, spirituality and God, you simply can’t be a political asset to a group of people. You simply are an asset of an entity who resides within you. So, give a chance, let yourself spiritually grow, not only you will be willing to give each other equal human rights, you will also shed your politically coated skins of identities. Remember being born as a human individual is your real identity and a physical reality.SO, YOU ACTUALLY BELONG TO HUMANITY AS A WHOLE. Sort of like belonging to a whole body, not to an arm or a leg.

Since, politics of belonging to our groups has done enough damage to humanity. It’s time for us that we evolved to become an adult who does not only takes care of self, but also creates balance in political belonging and spiritual responsibilities simultaneously. To me personally, all the stories of human being committing atrocities against human beings are related to this imbalance, and this imbalance is not coming from group strength but rather it has been and still is coming from our individual weaknesses. Today we are saving other creatures from extinction yet are hell bent to kill each other even the children of opposing groups without any discrimination. What do you think are the reasons behind? If you think not standing for spiritual principles is not our individual weaknesses, then you are not following your God given evolutionary nature. You are stuck into your streams of knowledge. Ignoring your own ocean like spiritual side and aren’t living in the era of equal human individual rights.

There has always been and are people with difference of opinions and they will openly preach their bigotry, prejudice and discriminatory views yet with pride. They will tell you that you are an asset of a group of people and nothing more. If people are motivated as a race, gender, nation or a religion, they simply are politically motivated. So, they will not follow their spiritual and evolutionary calls coming from within. Don’t forget it’s a human nature to find likeminded people to form a group to overpower other groups. THAT IS NOTHING BUT THE POLITICS. TRUTH, SPIRITUALITY, GOD, JUSTICE OR PERSONAL ETHICS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT ALL.

Political groups are political, so they will live on with their politics but you on the other hand my friend doesn’t have luxury of time. So, living a torn apart individual life from within by going against your own atom of autonomy can be a living hell. Hell of after death may or may not be true, but a living hell has its consequences. So, while you have the ability to make things right, do so, by using your free will for your own sake.

Your political groups may claim that they are making all these choices to keep you safe from other groups, but you as a CEO should know your life is dependent on the oxygen and functioning body. So, there is no real security in hands of human beings whether they are individuals or a group. Not even the next breath is your own. All your groups can do is to say a prayer for you, so you and even your belonging groups have their limitations. Then there are people who say that there is no God, for them I would say let’s make sure that we are not stuck into our streams of knowledge just like the other extreme where people put God and Devil on the pedestal and hide their politics behind them.

Why do you think human individual came into life with their own atom of autonomy, ocean like brain and evolving nature? If you ignore your own abilities and have no self-respect or self-esteem, you will be claiming that your knowledge has been complete and better than others just because your belonging group say so. Since that is a political rhetoric, eventually it may not hold spiritual waters. If every day humanity is making new discoveries with real and meaningful results, no one should claim that their knowledge is complete. Especially for last few thousand years our groups have been claiming that their knowledge is complete and better yet regardless of their effort’s humanity has been and still is learning and evolving. So, instead of claiming and believing in completeness of streams related knowledge we all should dive into our own ocean and decide for ourselves.

If you don’t believe in religions and say they are stuck into their stream of knowledge, you have to make sure that you are not suffering from the same disease. Our biased, bigotry, prejudicial and discriminatory behaviors are not stemming from our nature but rather they are coming from our political influences. So, individually free yourself by diving into your ocean like brain to make sense out of your thinking before physically acting on it. If you are following and acting on whatever your belonging group says. My advice would be to take responsibility of your own actions and don’t stand against your spiritual side. Remember that has the potential to rip you apart from within. As a mortal being that definitely is not a good place to be. Now the question is what makes us get so intrenched and believe in our incomplete knowledge as complete? To me answer is not into any streams of our knowledge, otherwise by now with the level of our evolution, we would have world peace. Since we have not gotten there yet, we all individually have to start diving into our ocean like brains to personally correct the course of our mortal lives.

Remember if you believe your knowledge is complete, not only you will stop learning new things, exploring or evolving, but you also will go against your human identity. So, whatever the reasons are, you have to resolve and deal with your personal issues. How are you going to deal with these issues? Especially when you are bombarded with the streams related and politically influenced knowledge right from the get-go. Remember, your atom of autonomy allows you to use your free will and personal sense of justice. So, do some justice to yourself, become a CEO, belong to humanity as a whole and override the education of your irrelevance all at the same time, you can do it, because you are naturally designed to be a CEO.

Just look at your nature, you are spiritually designed to be God’s working hands. So, shouldn’t we all be working to convert spirituality into physical actions. Instead of politically deciding who should or should not. Logically all human individuals who are working in any capacity, they are helping other human beings. If someone is praying to get some help from God, and a physical human being comes into help to fulfill those prayers. That human individual is converting spirituality into physical actions. If a group of people politically decide that male should work, and female should stay home as dependents. Well in theory things can work out fine if there are enough resources coming in, but deciding who should or who should not, is totally political because by nature gender differences are hormones related so they are typically physical not spiritual. For instance, if you see every male has nipples, ever wonder why males have nipples? They don’t produce milk so why would nature design male with the nipples? Well as fetus there is no gender until the hormones kick in. In the nutshell what I am trying to say is that our physical body may have gender or color but spiritually we don’t have any limitations and boundaries of color or gender. So, if a group of people decide that there are gender and racial differences, they simply are coming from physical and political side, so universal things like God, spirituality, justice and humanity as a whole have nothing to do with it all. Especially God created everyone to do the job, so, making half of the population to be dependent on the other half is not from God nor it is wise for humanity as a whole. Regardless of male, female of other genders, everyone plays a crucial role in the progress of humanity, God and everything in between.

Now let’s look at the consequences of gender biased, people use to kill a female child at birth, then they aborted them after knowing the gender of the child. As we are evolving our knowledge is allowing us to even pick the gender of our child. Even this day and age, in certain nations a male child is still preferred. These traditions have deep roots into the biased politics related to economics. So, God, spirituality and justice have nothing to do with these traditions. Ethics and morals have been man made and politically installed to suit group’s political agendas. Traditions, customs, rituals and rules of our societies have to be understood clearly with their consequences, because we have to evolve as humanity. If we fight and kill each other over our socially accepted boundaries. We will never come up with a successful governing system. Equal human individual rights will always be the victim of our unjust political differences. Our wars will still go on as they have been for thousands of years. Our prejudice, bigotry and discriminatory policies will rob the humanity from its resources a lot more than by having half of the population not working. SO, HOW LONG ARE WE WILLING TO GIVE OUR POLITICS TO KEEP THE HUMANITY FROM EVOLVING TO ITS POTENTIAL.

Looking at where we are at today, and where we were in past or even in our distant past. Tells a story of our evolutionary nature. If you understand it, that can bring you to your own conclusions, and maybe some inner peace for yourself and eventually even external peace as well. So, let’s start with the fact that we all have come long way from our humble beginning. Along the way we have learned a lot more than why a log floats and earth is not flat. So, from a floating log to the size of the city block ships and flat earth to round, spinning and revolving earth to moon, mars and space has become a commonly accepted and household knowledge. Human understanding took a lot of evolution to be where we are today. Yet we still struggle to accept our evolutionary nature. Simply because of the politics of belonging to our groups. If you have a lot of politically inspired or religiously brain washed people, even scientifically repeatable facts can be ignored to keep humanity from evolving. Remember if we are still killing each other over our religious differences, it’s not because of our Godly installed evolving nature, but rather it’s all political to keeping us from evolving. So, if we can override political belonging to our groups and work together as humanity, we can come up with the antidotes of chaos and destruction. Remember regardless of our differences and push back from our religious extreme, we have come up with advancements like frozen embryos, cloning, artificial insemination, to breaking down genetic code to nano technology and now to multiply all the advancements with AI. I can just imagine, if as humanity we didn’t have to waste all the resources on our wars of differences of pulling humanity back and forth, where would humanity be today? Interestingly we have attempts of turning things around to put the worms back into the can all along during our history. From burning books to killing people just because they were a threat. All because of some insecure and fearful people who are scared to death from the calls of our DNA. Fearful of losing political powers, influences and control yet preaching as if fighting against human and Godly facts is ethical and right by God. Logically looking at our evolutionary nature says it all. Since the beginning of our spiritual awareness, all our knowledge has been, is and will always be changing until we hit our potential and interestingly as we learn something new, we grow new neurons, meaning even our potential has an evolving potential. So, there is no cap or freezing of knowledge from God, instead we have our atom of autonomy. That has no boundaries, on top of all that we have our brain that grows if we use it. So, who is stopping us from our evolving nature? It’s all related to the political power and control by our belonging groups. Whether it’s related to our race, gender, nation or religions it’s all about the politics of belonging to put a group of people in charge yet in the name of God. So, if you simply move your political belonging from a group of people to humanity as a whole, things can change drastically. To me that is the next step on the ladder of evolution humanity has to take.

Interestingly, today’s major issues like global warming and popularity of equal human individual rights around the world are pointing towards the problems of humanity not a group. So, internet and AI can be holding the solutions for us to come together, remember our previously popular forts and communal walls don’t hold a chance against weather extreme or nuclear weaponry. Covid has taught us that biological weaponry can’t be held in the boundaries of communal walls anymore. If you believe God is doing all that, do so but remember to ask why? If God has granted us all the powers to evolve and change the course of our earthly life, then why are we fearful of the calls of our DNA.

All our knowledge has always been and still is changing, as I said flat earth theory fell flat on its face and went in the graveyard of human perceptions. Not because of accepting our political identities but rather because of our questioning and evolving nature. So, hypothetically, if we stop pursuing, we are just as good as the other creatures. Dominated by their physical nature and still stuck and staying in the bush and caves. We on the other hand are equipped with our Godly installed atom of autonomy. A spiritual particle of God almighty, that changes everything for us. Since we bring it along from before birth and carry it throughout our living years. We all are blessed with our free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and ability to love. So, that takes us all above and beyond our physical nature. This spiritual identity puts us all in a class of our own. If you somehow are individually brain washed by the politics of belonging, it’s not a matter of pride because in today’s time you supposed to be standing with the entity that keeps you alive physically by providing you a functioning body and favorable life circumstances. Like oxygen and functioning body. Unlike your belonging groups claiming to provide you security yet using you as a fuel to carry on their business of political wars. Remember they are dependent on the same entity to carry on their business just like you individually. So, being used politically becomes your personal business because you have been individually equipped to be an independent entity to make decisions and choices. If it’s you who owns an atom of autonomy, you are the one who is responsible for your physical actions not your belonging groups. So, if you individually can move the politics of belonging to humanity as a whole instead of a group of people. That would mean, that you have taken an evolutionary step towards a peaceful humanity. If you believe in universal things like spirituality over a group oriented religious belief or a justice system that is for all not for a group of people. You individually can make the difference. So, justice for humanity, and for an individual rather than a group oriented or politically tainted system for some but not for all is in order. That would be an evolutionary step for not only the individual but for humanity as a whole as well. Since there are thousands of religions and most of them want their individual to believe in and abide by their traditions, customs, rituals and rules. That means they automatically lead you out of spiritual principle-based system and put you in a politically influenced limbo. Where you believe in God that is political, good for some but not for all. So, who is going to lead you out of that political limbo? If you think that will be your belonging group, think again, because your group is not going to sacrifice their political powers and control over you. This is where I stray from our set rules and believe in our Godly installed evolutionary nature. So, one way or the other I look at things a little differently. Yet still I believe no one has to change their religious beliefs, all they have to do is to follow their spiritual content. By removing politics of belonging, each and every one can potentially be a good and just person but that is not an easy task. You may have to become a CEO of your life to be able to look beyond your religious boundaries. Since I noticed there have been a lot of disputing yet similarities in our religious world. I have to mention them.

For instance, whether you are Muslim stone thrower at the man-made replica of the Devil and a kisser of the black stone or a Hindu, a worshiper of the statue of God or bow to the Jesus on cross like Christian or stand against the wall like Jewish or fanning a book like a Sikh. It’s a political but an automagical reaction to defend those rituals by talking about their metaphorical value. Especially if you have been taught to believe the importance of what is behind those religious traditions, customs and rituals.

Don’t get me wrong, even I believe in the importance of our metaphorical world, but I would like to acknowledge and to keep the differences between my physical and metaphorical realities. Remember our metaphorical realities have been talking about the world beyond our living years. Since no one comes back to tell us or show us the real videos of heaven or hell as physical evidence, we simply have to believe what our religions tell us to believe. So, if you believe in the importance of life after death more than your physical life to become a good person. Logically that is great but if you start to kill each other over it. Just because of your beliefs without the physical evidence. TO ME THAT IS BECAUSE OF THE POLITICAL BELONGING SO I GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT, because a beliefs system supposed to make us humble, compassionate, and evolved to be loving. If you believe in the universality of God, spirituality and one humanity as a whole. Accept everyone as a human being belonging to God and humanity, so without the politics of belonging to our groups, things can work out very well spiritually. I believe our living years are the one that matters the most, not only to us individually but also to God as well. So, not only it’s a gift of God to all of us, simultaneously we come to physically work to convert spirituality into physical actions. Taking that away or robbing someone of that is and should be a spiritual sin.

Since I do my best to reciprocate for my living years honestly, I personally don’t fear or have greed about the world beyond my living years. I keep my physically real world as more important than the world I don’t really know about. If you claim that you know more about the world beyond the cliff of your faith, but you are robbing people of their physical life, you got a spiritual problem. Remember I said all living breathing people are God’s working hands. So, chopping them simply can’t be a spiritual truth. If believing in after life makes us a good person in our living years, THAT IS GREAT, but robbing someone of their living years over our beliefs that we cannot physically prove is nothing but the politics. Simply try to clean up your beliefs from political belonging to a group of people and see what happens. Especially before you go ahead and become an extremist. So, one way or the other, in our scientifically savvy and physical world, stones and tombs don’t make any differences simply because of believing and disbelieving.

Sure, one can say believing in our metaphorical world has helped humanity to evolve from our barbaric bush and cave times, but today’s reality says that there is nothing more barbaric if humanity is still busy in counting the death toll of our politically influenced belief systems. Remember it’s still an ongoing process so we are not done yet. Unfortunately, with our modern-day weaponry innocence and guilt has lost their spiritual meanings as well. To some of us our physical world is less important because we have been politically influenced to kill and die for something we don’t really know about. Yet killing each other ultimately comes easy if you are inspired by the fiery speeches of your religious leaders. Remember, as an atom of autonomy holding human individual you are responsible for your physical actions.

When you believe in your metaphorical world more than your physical world and believe that is nothing wrong in believing that. There is something wrong, how seriously, well when you are able to look at it all without the politics of belonging. You will be able to see and override your politics of belonging. Remember, being a physical entity you are responsible for converting spirituality into physical actions to make them meaningful. So, if that is not important to you, don’t you want to question all that to understand your importance and relevance. Logically God and Devil’s real work is done with your physical input so that is your reciprocation, or I should say meaning of your life. So, being in your living years, you, mean more to them and yourself simultaneously. If you have been taught to believe that the world after your death is more meaningful and important than your living years. NOT ONLY YOU BUT WE ALL SHOULD ASK QUESTIONS TO THOSE WHO PREACH IT, WHY?

We all got to make some sense of out of everything we have been installed with. So, if we simply can’t override our political belonging, we simply can’t look at things with spiritually open eyes. If individually you can override your politics of belonging and see the real picture with the reasons of your physicality. Remember without your physicality, things don’t work very well. Whether physically or spiritually everything kind of come to screeching halt. Without the living breathing human beings, God and the Devil could be sitting up there somewhere in the air without being meaningful, because the physicality of their actions have been taken away. If you still think as a human individual, you are not relevant, you need to open your spiritual eyes to see the justice not the politics.

Sure, you can say we need hope and optimism to live this life with comfort but creating a picture of putting life after death above your living years and making human beings as irrelevant. Simply does not hold spiritual water because it stinks like a human politics for power and control to me. Personally, I believe, you will have to come all the way down to you, and question yourself, why regardless of your atom of autonomy, you would act like a puppet? Why would you want to do to others that you would not like to be done to your or to your loved ones? Remember that is where your real spirituality starts and ends. So, it actually makes you personally responsible for your physical actions.

If you are passionate about your metaphorical world or related realities, you still don’t have the rights to rob others of their physical realities. Robing someone of their love is a spiritual crime, no matter how you look at it. Meaning our physical realities automatically become more important than our metaphorical world. So, if you are told about the rewards of heaven and punishments of hell, you still have to think about it all. Remember you still have to die first to really find out what is on the other side or beyond our physical world. So, let’s stay in our physical world and see its realities, first of all, if you are in the physically real world, you will see a human individual standing in the middle as a main character of it all. We have them seeking a working position in most human societies. You get a job in certain department of a certain company, that certain company is located in certain city of certain province of a certain country. Everything is fine and dandy until we stall going further for political reasons, because logically that certain nation or country belong to earth and humanity as a whole.

Unfortunately, our group politics has been and still is so powerful that as individuals we can’t even think beyond our political belonging. Yet interestingly, regardless of any particular society, the whole world has some kind of law and order founded on their justice systems. Simply to make us all responsible for our physical actions. EVER WONDER WHY? Personally, I believe as human individuals we all come with our own and personal atom of autonomy. So, not only, that allows us to use our free will and personal sense of justice but also our brain is designed like an ocean. Yet all our knowledge pours into it as streams and rivers. Since we all are capable of using our ocean like brains, we become responsible of picking, choosing, mixing and matching our knowledge to live our individual lives. Sort of like reading a book or getting a master’s degree to be educated but writing theses to live like a PhD. Living life according to the best of our accumulated knowledge, but if you somehow believe in a stream or a river of knowledge to be ultimate truth. You are stuck into your political belonging and disregarding or disrespecting your God given asset. If you are politically influenced to be stuck into your stream or river-based knowledge you are the one who is responsible to fix that. Meaning you are responsible for your physical actions, even you claim that politically you have to follow your belonging group. Yet you being a human being belong to humanity as a whole, not to a group of people. Loyalty to your political affiliation means you are undermining your potential you have brought along from before birth. As I said, being a human individual, we all are born with an ocean like brain. So, staying stuck into a stream or a river of knowledge is a personal choice. Politically influenced may be but, just like you are responsible of controlling your animal urges, you are responsible to deal with your political influences as well. Meaning reducing oneself to a genetically programmed and predictable creatures is an individual decision. So, if potentially you have been blessed with something vast like a human brain yet not using it, is not only demeaning for you as an individual you are disrespecting the entity that has blessed you with all those abilities.

If you start to dig within, you will find the wisdom that has no boundaries, spiritually connecting you to God and physically connecting you to humanity as a whole. Meaning the more you dig yourself out of your group politics, the more you learn to be useful and reciprocating to God and humanity simultaneously. For thousands of years humanity has been looking at our knowledge with assumptions and perceptions because we all individually have our own and individual world of imagination. Nothing is limited when it comes to our imagination, but unfortunately, there has always people who followed and people who rejected and resisted. That has never changed, and I don’t think it would ever change because we all perceive to follow our perceptions. Some influenced by the religious beliefs and boundaries, and some breaking those boundaries. I HAPPEN TO LOOK FOR THE DEAD DOGS OF OUR PROBLEMS AND LOOK BEYOND TO MAKE SENSE OUT OF THINGS.

Any way I was looking at our traditions like throwing stones at the Devil, so this is what I discovered by Googling. Ramy Al Jamarat, a symbolic ritual of physically throwing stones and metaphorically rebuking the Devil is part of an annual pilgrimage of Hajj.

Here I am trying to make sense, because regardless of its metaphorical meanings, Muslims are against statue worshiping of God. Now if you start to dig into the stones of religions, things get quite interestingly confusing. One way or the other they are similar in nature. Metaphorically rebuking the Devil by throwing stones at the replica of the Devil is believing in that. So, is following the other ritual of touching or kissing the black stone. Yet at the same time are totally against the other group of people who is talking and worshiping the man-made statues of God. My question is why do we need statues, replicas, stones and even tombs to connect ourselves to God? On top of that we have religious symbols like cross, moon or stars to keep our differences. Differences, well what are you looking for spirituality or politics? Logically humanity and God are physically suffering because we keep chopping off God’s physically working hands. Yet interestingly reality of humanity and God is, that they are literally intertwined like two wires to light up the spiritual bulb or knowledge within each and every one of us. Anyway, whatever we believe in, we have to understand our metaphorical realities can’t be explained physically. So, they should never be put above human individual’s life or into the foundations of our justice systems. Remember the phrase of nothing but the truth. Yet, our religious beliefs have been and are highly influenced by the politics of our belonging to our groups, so they simply are not spiritual anymore. Otherwise, there would be only one God, one spiritually influenced justice system and one humanity.

Why and where did the things go wrong? All you have to do is to look at the universality of God, spirituality and humanity, things will open up to you at least at individual level. Logically a universal thing is politically corrupted if it is good for some but not for all. So, everything that is good for one group of people but not for whole humanity should always be questioned and perceived as political.

Let’s look at it this way, if hypothetically perceive and believe in what our holly books point towards and remove all the people. Meaning you literally remove the physicality and meaningfulness of everything in the physical world and jump into the metaphorical one. Regardless of them being manmade, the statues of God and pillars of Devil would be still standing without the haters or lovers. Meaning the beauty of God or ugliness of the Devil will lose its meanings. Now the question arises, especially in our physical world, why a living breathing human individual is considered so irrelevant? If God and Devil are not physically acted upon, they have no needs or importance. So logically, whether it’s physical or metaphorical, without the human physicality things really fall apart. Maybe you are taught to believe that there is a whole world out there where God has the heaven and Devil has the hell waiting for you. To me, if that belief is keeping you from committing social and spiritual crimes. Good for you, but what if it is making you commit those crimes. Then I have to say my two bits, AND THAT IS TO PUT YOUR REALITIES IN THE RIGHT ORDER.

If you are the one who is holding the physicality card and are blessed with your own atom of autonomy related spiritual jewelry. Like free will and personal sense of justice, you are far more important than you have been taught to believe. It’s you who is providing the meanings to God, Devil, your belonging group and to your own life itself. Sure, one can say no its God and the Devil who are providing good and bad to us, but my question is without the human physicality how the things would happen physically? Sure, miracles or natural disasters can be attached to God or Devil but how often do you encounter those. Remember you will have to really prove that God and Devil are doing those good and bad deeds, otherwise you are blaming and crediting without really knowing. MEANING YOU ARE PERCIEVING A PERCEPTION WHICH CAN END UP LOSING IT’S LUSTER AS THE HUMANITY EVOLVES.

In today’s world there are a whole lot of real looking and convincing movies, showing perceived world of God, Devil, heaven and hell. So, everyone is looking for physical proof of God’s existence, and as a matter-of-fact Devil as well. Logically, regardless of God and Devil’s existence, if a human individual does not physically push the button or drop the bombs, things can be quite peaceful or literally quite just like on the moon and mars. Unfortunately, most of us have been and are still looking for God and Devil out there somewhere. Yet right beneath our noses human beings are politically pulling our strings. So, to me disregarding human individual’s importance is nothing more than politics of power and control.

Interestingly, even on earth we have ghost towns because for whatever reason human beings have moved away, so regardless of all the streets, houses, buildings bridges and other valuable properties goes up in the smoke. If you keep looking in that direction you will find things like a graveyard with hundreds and even thousands of years old tomb stones yet in real and physical world living breathing human beings are suffering from homelessness. Now one thing is for sure, that we are not going to find God and Devil on the dead planets or wherever human beings are not living. On the other hand, on earth, one way or the other we as living breathing human individuals give life to our stones to rob life of living breathing human beings. Remember God or no God, Devil or no Devil, everything has to physically happen to be meaningful. So, if you look at moon or mars, God and Devil are not very successful in their business, but on the earth their business is thriving, especially for last couple of thousands of years. If you ask, why Earth? Well, I guess you can easily put two and two together. HUMAN PHYSICALITY AND POLITICAL BELONGING TO OUR GROUPS TOPS THE CHART.

If you dig a little deeper, you can figure that there is no oxygen, and other favorable life circumstances on mars or moon so no human beings, at least not yet. That simply means no human beings or humanity, no physically manifested God or Devil. Ultimately that means, that peace and quiet is nonphysical. So, there is a good chance when we physically get there, we can bring God related good and Devil related bad along. Its already happening remember Russia is sending some nuclear weapons in space. Now the question is, why? And why do we kill each other anyway? Is it God and Devil related, or they both are dependent on our physicality to be meaningful? If you can’t figure it all out, just try to remove the Devil of political belonging to Your groups and see if you arrive to heaven of perception of personal conclusions.

In the nutshell, what I am saying, is that if you want to find God and Devil in action. Simply research the human individual inside out. You will find a belief less and an insecure human individual politically bidding on their belonging groups. Remember a baboon can be expected to act on their nature but as human individuals we all are expected to be not only in control of our natural urges but also political influences as well. Yet looking at our present and past history, unfortunately human beings are not able to control neither.

Ever wonder why we are living in our social settings with rules related law and order? We have court system because we all are expected to be better than baboons. So, whether you are taught to throw the stones at the pillars of Devil, touch, kiss and worship the stones or the statues of God. In the end of the day, being a human being, we all are responsible for your physical actions. So, whatever you are taught to believe aside, as a human being who is born in the era of equal human rights. You simply can’t be acting like baboons and hiding behind those stone entities. Sure, you can say it’s not the statue of God or pillar of Devil, it’s what is behind it all. So, is it our metaphorical world that is making us dance or are we influenced by the education we have received as growing up? Not so fast, remember our metaphorical world is highly influenced by the political belonging to our groups. Otherwise, we would only have one religious belief not thousands of them. Education of our metaphorical world is highly influenced and politically tainted by the politics of our belonging groups. Otherwise, by now with our spiritual nature we would have found peace. Interestingly still as a free will holding human beings, we simply can’t be sacrificing our living breathing time as less important than our metaphorical world. Remember regardless of the importance of our belief systems we still are the ones who is responsible of converting spirituality into physical actions. So, one way or the other you are more important to God and Devil alive, rather than dead because you are the one who has to add physicality and meanings to their existence.

When I talk about conflicting and disputing realities of our religious world, I may be labeled as an atheist or some other kind of nonreligious person. Yet, when I talk about spirituality and my belief in our metaphorical world, I could be called something else by the people who don’t believe in God. Since I believe in living in the era I am born into. I believe in and am calling upon to people to keep their and other people’s physical reality above their metaphorical world. Learn to live with each other, and yes that is regardless of how deeply you believe or feel about your religious beliefs. Learn about your atom of autonomy and the personal responsibilities come with it. Know how much you have been influenced by the politics of belonging to your groups. Remember, today’s humanity is calling for equal human individual rights. So, if you are taught to believe that you somehow are better than others. Just by believing in a religious belief or belonging to certain race, gender or nation you are living in the wrong era of time. As I said today belong to equal human rights so being a bigot, prejudiced, discriminatory and be proud of it, is not fitting in today’s humanity. So, understand and learn all about how to live in the era of your birth. If you have been taught to believe that your metaphorical world is more important than your living years, use your atom of autonomy related authority to question, question and question some more.

Simply remember and remember all the time that you can’t rob someone of their physical reality over your metaphorical one because you would not like it if it was done to you. As I always say, ” Don’t do to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. If someone else robs you of your physical world in the name of their metaphorical world. HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? Since you are not going to like it, that means we all have to evolve to the point that we can understand where our political and physical realities stand. Our wrongly placed realities have not allowed us to find that illusive peace humanity has been look for since the beginning. So, bottom line is that if today is not the world of swords, spears, arrows and shields, we all should recognize what is at stake.

Fiery speeches related bravery is not going to cut it, being brave is one thing but in the era of nuclear and biological weaponry we have to evolve enough to understand our emotions as well. Since today belongs to nuclear and biological war weaponry, there are no shields or walls can protect you. In plain and simple words, we all have to evolve and evolve in balance so we can learn to stay in the era we are born into. Take charge of your physical actions because these days you can’t hide behind God, Devil or even your belonging groups anymore. Remember now a days people get charged for war crimes even years later. Recent history shows that if you have committed war crimes you will be penalized regardless of the length of time has passed. So, passion, loyalties, politics or religious extreme or not eventually you will be held responsible for your physical actions. If you think, it’s important for you to follow what your mullah, priest, pundit or rabi says, snap out of it because God had blessed you with your own atom of autonomy for a reason. Your own or your religiously taught perceptions have to stand on spiritual grounds because anything that is not universal, like spirituality, justice, God and humanity as a whole has not, cannot and will not survive and will eventually end up in a graveyard of our evolution. Remember your atom of autonomy is exclusively for you so you can use your free will and personal sense of justice. Your race, gender, nation or religious education or not your own awareness of your personal spirituality should make you responsible for your own physicality. Remember in today’s time, each and every single one of us is required to gain some self-respect and self-esteem to override all kind of our internal and external Devils. So, gain the real strength a human individual who chooses to give their physicality to the Devil or not. So, stop lending your physicality and remember to know the real and biggest Devil of distant past and even modern-day humanity that has been, is and will always be our politics of belonging to our groups. Individual insecurities created by our political groups is a false Devil hiding in plain sight. All our individual insecurities and group-based bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination have been the downfall of humanity. If you personally can’t override these Devils, you need to learn more about yourself. Remember as human individuals we don’t just come to life to serve the political elite but rather we individually have the powers to pull the strings of our groups, God and Devil by providing or not providing our physicality. So, learn and discover all about you but at a much deeper level than you have been politically taught. If your perceptions have been influenced, you have to become a CEO as you have always been.

Let’s honestly look at your own life with your perceptions and the ones you have put them to a graveyard to step higher on the ladder of your personal evolution. Now what makes you believe that certain kinds of knowledge like religious beliefs and politics of belonging to your group is off limits. If you believe that you are one of those people who stick with their traditions, customs, rituals and rules of belonging group, yet you have a large graveyard for your other perceptions. Don’t you want to question this biased. Or on the other if you used to follow everything your religions taught you but as you got older you quit following it all. You need to question that as well because you may have become aware, but you may be missing in some other areas of life. To some, knowing more or having strong opinions of personal life maybe great but to some that kind of out-of-control awareness can be threatening. To me, if by nature we are born as a CEO, we all should make sure to use that authority to balance all departments of life. Otherwise, there are forces out there to use you as a political puppet, brain wash you to kill opposing group’s innocents even children and make you become an extremist and even a suicide bomber. Now remember, everything including the things you have put into your personal graveyard of perceptions. Logically have a place in your life and since you are the one who is a CEO of your life. You have to learn their importance as well. Going against your nature will have its consequences. So, if you are living with stress, fear, anxiety and other related problems. You will have to learn to keep your options open so as a CEO you can pick, choose mix and match to suit your personal life. Knowing your spirituality related faith, now remember I said spiritual faith, it’s because I believe that there is a huge difference between politically tainted religious system and pure spiritual system. When you make God, good for some but not for all your faith system is clearly tainted. So, not only your group can be labeled as a bigoted, prejudiced and discriminatory system but they are also labeling God with all the above.

TO ME THAT IS A SPIRITUAL CRIME BECAUSE Blaming God for our individual shortcomings is not only undermining being a human being it is also political to hide behind God. We simply can’t be labeling God for lack of our struggle to evolve because that is nothing more than the politics. Remember we are an entity with free will, so God is innocent of our racism, bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. So, if you personally feel or want to blame God for not saving innocents from being killed. Think again and again about your abilities. What is the purpose of having free will? If you feel that human beings are not responsible for their actions, you are not only blaming God, but you are also looking down at yourself as well. So, let’s start with taking responsibilities for personal actions because it is us who hold free will yet get brain washed to commit atrocities against each other. God did Godly job by allowing us to use our atom of autonomy and evolving nature to use as we please. So, not blaming God for our shortcomings makes us responsible human beings. One thing to clear, when I talk about us being a CEO, that should be taken as if I am using humanity as a whole which to me is a physical body of God resides as a spiritual entity. Just like us living in our physical bodies as an atom of autonomy holding entity. Our cells split and die, humanity has a similar system of multiplying and disappearing human individuals. One thing is hard to get, why do we intentionally kill each other? Remember we have lost our tails long time ago, meaning we have a lot of evolution in our belt or at least by know we should have understood that part of our existence. Metaphorically speaking, it’s almost like God has an auto immune disease and we are the cause of it. If we have free will, we are responsible for God’s spiritual peace. Remember, dis-ease, with the level of our evolution by now we all should be at ease. So, what is our problem? With our free will and personal sense of justice, why we can’t take responsibility for our personal actions?

We discover and learn something new all the time but still think that is it. Yet this progress or evolution has been going on since we lost our tails. From food chain to top dog has come and gone but we still did not learn all about what is behind our learning process. Logically by now we refuse to be used as a political puppet of our belonging groups, but I guess we still are in a process of evolution so maybe one day we will stop killing each other over our political reasons. Our groups don’t hesitate to use even God, never mind the individual. So, it is time for us to take the next step and step up on the ladder of evolution.

Just to mention I was researching for this subject and came to the point that I wanted to know. Why Mahmood Ghaznavi attack Somnath Temple repeatedly. So, I asked lady Google, and she said, and I quote. ” The ancient architects of Somnath Temple used a magnetic levitation system to create the levitating Jyotirlinga. They used a large loadstone as the ceiling magnet, a smaller iron Jyotirlinga as the lower magnet, and a layer of bismuth as the diamagnetic material between them”. End quote. What did I learn from this may be different than you because to me our history has been and is full of smart people but even fuller with those people who get fooled, want to be fooled and ignore their intelligence because of their political belonging. So, now the question is, why did we or we still connect things to God, especially if we don’t understand them. I can safely say if someone had a cell phone even two hundred years ago, they would be considered as Godly or people with magic. I just want to say as I have said before politics of control and power aside things always end up in our graveyard of perceptions. Whether they are individual like a monster under the bed and collective like Somnath, or Roman Empire, communism and even thousands of religions we don’t even know existed, but our lady Google knows. So, what is next on the chopping block, that would be the question for our future generations or humanity.