Sure, one simply cannot be a so-called jack of all trades, but with the level of our evolution. Today we all can learn to respect each other, beyond our politics related accumulated knowledge. So far as humanity, we have accumulated a horrible past and are still busy killing each other’s children and innocents in the name of political belonging. Even present day killing of each other still goes on with no end in sight. Politics of belonging to our groups has brought humanity to its edge of extinction more than ever before so it is time to learn all about what is human being? Are we animals or a spiritual entity dressed in physicality? What would you think about yourself, especially if you remove your political influences. That is when you will discover that you hold your own atom of autonomy. It is like bringing along the ability to be a CEO of your life, yet from before birth. It is like you have been given the reins to guide yourself like a metaphorical racehorse. Or someone else will be using or running you like field horse. Our atom of autonomy is there to help, remember you can only use your free will and personal sense of justice if you have a sense of yourself as a human being. Meanings, you have to take charge.

Looking beyond our land, resources, or even power and control related differences, makes everything becomes politically tainted. Especially when it comes to our religious beliefs, human beings speak an absolutely different language. They passionately and emotionally get charged, regardless of their inability to physically prove that their metaphorical knowledge has always founded on the shaky grounds. Question is why? This question is not for us collectively but rather it is an individual question especially without the political influences. If everyone comes to their personal conclusions and learn not to do to others that they do not like done to themselves and to their loved ones. Things can change, remember a group of people simply cannot act without their individual’s physical input. So, it is imperative for us all individually to take charge of our physical actions.

Giving and receiving equal human individual rights is easy to implement if human individual is secure enough in their mortal skin to be able to remove their group politics and think beyond. Listening to the world about expanding Palestinian and Israeli war tells a story. Conflicts and their death tole can make people think like a human being, so we may learn something from it, because if people are standing against our killing each other, it clearly telling us that humanity is inching up in the right direction. It sure is too slow and taking too many lives, so it may seem that we are devolving. Sometimes we have to take a step backward to run, jump and climb to the next step on the evolutionary ladder. These are growing pains, or you can call that we are going through the tragedy, simply to learn how bad politics of belonging to our groups can be. We have come long way from building churches of human skeletons to riding horse on the skulls of opposing group’s individuals. Remember they can be the moments to look back and ponder whether one should feel bad or proud.


Unfortunately, our politics of belonging has been able to keep us from our God given nature to evolve. If you look back and even our modern-day conflicts, you will see a human individual committing spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups instead of following their spiritual nature. Problem is not what they do, problem is that they believe they are nothing without their group belonging. They have been stalled from their individual evolution and even are brain washed to believe that they are not meaningful enough to be relevant. Especially when it comes to compare themselves with their groups or big brother, God and Devil. These kinds of infected perceptions have kept us all individually not only in the dark but also learn to know our real self. So, we can respect ourselves to have enough self-esteem to actually question politics of belonging instead of becoming a political puppet. If as an individual, we look down at ourselves or undermine our personal identity of being a human being. Usually, we don’t restrain ourselves from acting under the influences of political belonging. So, we hide behind our groups and don’t take our individual responsibilities of our actions. Politically tainted and preached education has not only kept humanity fighting and killing each other but also it has brought us to the brink of self-destruction with our modern-day weaponry. So, as an individual, believing in personal irrelevance and not appreciating or using our God given blessings are not and should not be a matter of pride. Rather they should be classified as spiritual crimes because evolutionary nature of human individual is clearly a Godly order. So, shortchanging ourselves individually for political reasons is working against our Godly orders.

Starting with a question is not a usual thing for me, but As I said you are born to be a PhD. So, never underestimate and disrespect your blessings of being a human individual because you are not only blessed with your personal atom of autonomy, so you have the powers to use not only your ocean like brain, free will and also your personal sense of justice as well. So, if you feel that you somehow are less valuable or are irrelevant, that is all because of your politically installed data.

Remember being a spiritual entity with a physical body you are a force to be recon with. All the spirituality-based knowledge, including the understanding of God and Devil and their related knowledge becomes meaningful if it gets converted into physical actions. GUESS WHAT THAT CAN’T HAPPEN WITHOUT YOUR HELP. So, your belonging group, God and Devil they all depend on your choice to be successful in making GOOD AND BAD happen. If you are the one who is holding your own and personal atom of autonomy, you should understand the powers you bring along from before your birth. By nature, you have the powers to override not only your political influences but also your hormones related urges as well. So, that literally makes you a CEO of your life. Who uses not only free will and personal sense of justice among other human abilities. SO, UNDERSTAND THE POWERS YOU HAVE AND WHAT KIND OF RESPONSIBILITIES ARE ON YOUR SHOULDERS. DO NOT LET YOUR POLITICS OF BELONGING REDUCE YOU TO A POLITICAL PUPPET.

Since you are not born two thousand years ago, you are born into the era of equal human individual rights. So, you really have to understand what made the humanity to evolve this far where most human individuals on the earth want to give and receive equal human individual rights yet honestly. Why today’s time demands from you to not only become a CEO of your life but also a PhD to call the shots to even override your belonging politics? Remember by nature a human being makes choices, decisions and thinks for themselves individually. If you are confused about becoming a CEO or a PhD, don’t sweat, my explanations are easy to understand.

Simply look at your design, as a human brain holder, you can easily use and understand more than your belonging groups want you to understand. Your brain can be compared with an ocean because an ocean constantly receives streams and rivers of water pouring in from all direction. So, does your brain, but it receives knowledge instead of water. Interestingly just like the ocean, it never gets full. Simply because it has the ability to create new neurons as you learn something new. In the nutshell, we do not only raise the capacity to learn more, we also have been able to pass this knowledge to our coming generations as well. So, as they evolve with their passed-on knowledge they carry on the tradition for their coming generations. So, here we are today we are asking for equal human individual rights, and we have lethal weaponry. So, in the nutshell, the more we learn, the more we find out that we can learn even more. Meaning as a human being, we have no end to our learning or evolving. So, I am inclined to say that even our potential is in evolutionary mode. So, if there are no limits for us, why some of us resist and fight against every progress we make? Well, my personal guess is the POLITICS OF BELONGING TO OUR GROUPS, but now it is up to you to take your own wild guess.

Some groups are more obvious than others to resist, and openly preach fear and greed-based politics to control their populations. Enforcing rules based on our metaphorical world can literally backfire. As one can see clearly, because our religious fanatics have become a minority. Being nonpolitical, just and spiritually superior things like believing like equal human rights are in the air for a reason. Our evolutionary nature is installed by God so political systems or politically tainted religions could not stop this process of evolution. So, in today’s world everything is under the microscope and yes even our bigotry, prejudice and discrimination laced religious beliefs. As groups, humanity has been trying to keep their belonging individuals under control by keeping them ignorant of their relevance. So, they can be treated like animals in training. This education of irrelevance has been around for thousands of years, but in recent years humanity took a step up on the ladder of evolution. Today even an average human individual is willing to give equal human rights to others if they receive them. Most groups including our religions don’t want their political agendas questioned and proof is in the pudding. Just look around the history and even in modern days. Who is doing the resisting in every progress humanity has made. From blood transfusion to stem cell to reproduction to breaking down the genetic code and related medicine and everything in between has been persistently resisted by our religious groups. So, what are their reasons, are they fearful of the human individual having a possession of their atom of autonomy. Or as groups, they don’t have real belief and trust in God? Or they politically want to be in control to herd us as sheep like some top sheep dogs. No wonder today we got only a hand full or mentionable religions left in the world. Lady Google said there are four thousand and two hundred religions in the world. I watched a movie; I don’t remember the title. That mentioned that there are two thousand two hundred and thirty-one religions to be precise. Personally, I always wonder what is happening to our religious beliefs, because I really believe that our belief systems can be helpful to us individually. That is why this is the subject of my blog, and I am always looking for the things to talk about.

Now, regardless of you possessing an ocean like brain, if you stay stuck in one stream or river of knowledge or follow your belonging group’s politics without questioning or as a puppet. YOU SIMPLY ARE NOT, AND SIMPLY CAN NOT BE A PhD, YET YOU HAVE BEEN CREATED AS OR HAVE ALL THE ABILITIES TO BE ONE. So, logically you have all the abilities to take in knowledge from all fields to mix, match, pick and choose to think and make your own decisions, what does that make you?

Let’s look at it this way, if you go to a school that teaches you only one subject or uses one book exclusively. Would you become a PhD in that subject? Maybe to you and your belonging group, but if you are ignorant in all other departments of life. You simply are not educated enough to question and separate politics from SPIRITUALITY. For instance, religious education will lock you into one book and make you a master of that subject. Teach you all about how to live your living years as a subservient to figuratively top dogs. There is a lot of respect for the religious leaders regardless of the scandals of all kinds of abuse. My question is are they PhD? Masters may be but their politics simply does not allow them to venture out. So, their education of the life after death is preached as ultimate and literally more important than our living years. Yet life after death is still stuck at the same level as it was thousands of years ago. Simply because that has always been founded on our metaphorical realities related world. AS I SAID YOU LITERALLY HAVE TO DIE FIRST TO REALLY BECOME A MASTER OF IT. So, their efforts to keep you as a subservient or herd you like a sheep is pure politics of control and power. You are even made to believe that everything beyond the cliff of faith is more important than your living years. Sure, that can be true but metaphorically. Helpful to some who really think that a human individual should be trained like an animal. To me, logically and spiritually, our living years matter more than our metaphorical world because this is where or in our living years we convert spirituality into physical actions. Remember you simply can’t enjoy anything that needs a physical body so, individually living in constant sacrifice is one thing but if God needs our physicality to even function physically. Shouldn’t we be questioning everything that is preached to us to keep us as irrelevant part of our holy or unholy picture.

Now, remember, if someone says I will help you, that stays suspended as a promise unless it is physically done or performed. So, if it is not physically done, it does not mean anything to you. Similarly to that, a belief in metaphorical reality or not without the physical reality, things don’t work very well. If our prayers never get fulfilled physically, no one will ask God for help. So, it does not work very well not only for us but for God as well. If you don’t do anything bad, Devil is not going to be happy because things don’t work very well for the Devil as well. The point I am trying to make is to really understand your standing in this holy picture. If you remove all human beings, God and Devil both will become meaningless because no one is there to help or hurt. So, the bottom line is that spirituality needs to be expressed physically to be meaningful. Sure, it sounds good to say a prayer for someone or wish them well, BUT PHYSICAL REALITY OF A HUNGRY STOMACH IS, THAT IT NEEDS TO BE FED WITH PHYSICAL FOOD. SO, THE PRAYERS OF A HUNGRY STOMACH NEED TO BE FULFILLED PHYSICALLY. MEANING, PRAYERS ALONE JUST DON’T CUT IT OR ARE NOT ENOUGH. THAT IS WHY, GOD NEEDS HUMAN BEINGS IN FULFILLING THOSE PRAYERS. SO, YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT. IF YOU SOMEHOW BOUGHT INTO YOUR IRRELEVANCE, SNAP OUT OF IT AND SMELL THE ROSES OF REAL SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONVERTING THEM INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS.

Let’s look at the other side of the coin critically as well. A scientist may say that we are open minded to learn but beyond the physical realities of human life, we don’t buy into anything period. So, we don’t care what is or what is not beyond the cliff of faith. We don’t really care how faith can be helpful to human beings like a medicine in their living year, we are just going to treat everything mechanically. Staying on life without spiritual realities. Our medical doctors may go on and prescribe the medicine regardless of their side effects and may say everything other than the modern-day medicine is unacceptable because it is not scientifically proven. So, our differences of opinions have always been, are and will always be there and ongoing.

Modern day schools teach math, science, religion, social studies and a whole lot of other subjects and even trades. So, if you go in advance education and may even specialize in your fields and have successful carriers, but the bottom line is to become educated. Now the question is, how you measure to be called an educated individual. Going to school for lots of years can be an easy way to acknowledge one’s education or academia. Question is that why after having thousands of years of evolution and highest number of highly educated people. Why humanity is still unable to live in peace? WE ARE STILL STUCK IN OUR RACISM, BIGOTRY, PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION RELATED KILLINGS AND WARS SIMPLY BECAUSE OF OUR BELIEFS OF BELONGING TO OUR GROUPS. Break it all down and you will find that politics of belonging to our groups is the cause of most of our problems. Yet logically a human being born to human beings is a human being and belongs to humanity not to its groups. Sort of like everyone knows they belong to the body but claiming and believing in belonging to an arm or a leg yet knowingly,

As a modern- day educated human individual, shouldn’t we be responsible to learn a whole lot of different subjects about life itself. Meaning you just can’t be stuck into one subject or a stream of knowledge to be called an educated individual. Or a holder of a master’s degree of some sort. Sure, it’s great to be educated but underestimating or ignoring our nature related abilities IS NOT ONLY DISRESPECTING OURSELVES INDIVIDUALLY BUT GOD AS WELL. Since our groups have been politically insisting for us to be part of belonging groups, and as a political entity to them, there are no ifs and buts about it. Yet our God particle or atom of autonomy within us tells us a different and individual story about us. Then our religions want us to believe in their politically tainted spiritual systems.

Remember you did not just show up into life with the genetical strings attached like other creatures. Meaning, your DNA is not influenced by God or by your belonging groups. So, if you have been living or dancing like a political puppet you have been and are underestimating yourself. Remember God has nothing to do with you being the puppet of your belonging group, plain and simple. If it was from God, you will be like a bee or an ant acting upon the calls of their DNA. So, don’t just let your belonging groups call the shots for you. If you are born as a human individual, understand what it takes to be who you are. Especially in today’s societies we all have to become a CEO of our lives because those bush and cave days have long been gone. So, learn to snap out of your political brain washing and join the humanity as a CEO of your life. Your political and even hormonal influences were supposed to be under your control not the other way around.

Thousands of years of experimenting clearly says that our politics of group belonging has not brought the humanity to a good place because now a days we have nuclear and biological weaponry. Individual strength is needed more than ever before to counter our political influences. So, you have to not only take charge of your personal life like a CEO, but you also need to become a PhD to think independently. So, you can use your ocean like brain to spiritually mix, match, pick and choose the right physical actions. If you have been blessed with those abilities, know the reasons behind those abilities. As a spiritual being you simply cannot be coaxed into committing spiritual crimes in the name of belonging groups and even God. Always remember, that you have a free will and personal sense of justice, so if you lend your physicality to your belonging groups to commit crimes against innocent beings you are personally responsible for that because NO GOOD, BAD AND UGLY CAN BE PHYSICALLY PERFORMED WITHOUT YOUR CHOICE.

If you want to attach miracles and natural disasters to God, do so but you will have to physically prove that they are caused by God or Devil. What I am saying is, that you are the main character with an ocean like brain and being blessed with your own atom of autonomy. Things happen physically because you made a choice, so, whether it is for your belonging group or not, you are responsible for the good, bad and the ugly of our group politics. If you don’t even understand your abilities and powers, you need to become a CEO who is holding a PhD because ideally that is what a human being should be.

A Quote from Dr. Alama Iqbal comes to mind. A revolutionary poet from the East. In the nutshell this is the translation. And I quote.

” Why are you falling on a piece of grain like a sparrow,

Keep your flight high, so, you can become an Egal” End quote. To me, he is calling human being to become a human being that God had meant for them.

Personally, in my writing I do not like to compare human beings with other less evolved creatures but when something make sense, that make sense. This piece of his poetry says everything in a very condense way what I am writing in this blog post. Anyway, let’s be open minded and live in the era we are all born into. NOW NOT THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO.

If you start to look at the framework, design, and abilities of the human being and especially their brain. You will know that it is not designed to just accommodate one field, book, stream or a river of knowledge, nor it is done evolving.

So, if you believe in your irrelevance because of you politically installed data, you have been preached a lie. Clearly it has not been from God. Most of belonging groups and especially religions have been preaching human individual irrelevance for political reasons. Simply because they have been infected by the politics of control and power. Logically and factually, all streams and rivers related knowledge fall into our own ocean like individual brains. Since we individually have the abilities to distinguish our politics and spirituality. Mixing them can be confusing and dangerous for our personal beliefs because politically mixed spirituality and justice becomes tainted and infected so they can’t be good for us. Always remember all our individual life we continuously download all kinds of unlimited data. We have the abilities to keep on learning even till the day we die. Exactly like an ocean constantly accepting streams and rivers falling into it. Learning from our parents, from schools, colleges universities and some from our life circumstances, experiences and even from God as a life story. If you look for human limitations or boundaries, you are not going to find them unless your parents or belonging groups have installed you with them. Our physical mortality can be scary but logically no one can say that you cannot leave a mark behind. Meaning your work can still carry on regardless of your physical presence. Just like I am still taking about and quoting Dr. Alama Iqbal’s work.

When it comes to our knowledge, say a PhD degree is given as the highest level of learning. It usually is awarded to those people who can create and take their given or installed knowledge to the next level. Sure, you can intellectually talk about one subject but to me with that level of education one should set a stander for themselves. So, they are above the bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. As a human individual you simply can’t be smart in one area of knowledge and be ignorant in the other. So, logically all our politically installed knowledge should be questioned by us all. If I was in a position to give myself a degree of PhD, I would never give it to me if was a bigot, prejudiced or a discriminatory individual. I know these are strong words, but if a PhD is our highest level of education we can reach. THEN IT IS ALL ABOUT THE EDUCATION LITERALLY. Meaning you simply can’t be stuck in a stream of knowledge, if you carry an ocean within. So, to me it should be expected from our highly educated individuals to use their ocean like brain to be authentic in being educated. With that level of education, it is expected from one to have their own and personal views of life, but they must be broad and vast like an ocean. You simply can’t be a PhD if you can’t mix, match, and choose to make sense out of your life. Especially if a human being is the holder of their own atom of autonomy individually, so, regardless of your hormonal and political influences, take responsibilities of your physical actions because it’s all on your shoulders. REMEMBER IT IS YOU WHO HAS THE ABILITIES TO USE FREE WILL.

Since God blessed each single human individual with their personal and exclusive atom of autonomy and an ocean like brain, things should start from the bottom up instead of the top down. If our political groups and politically infected religious beliefs did not work, it is because they preached individual weakness. So, now humanity is looking for strong men to run the show. Yet that is not the solution, to me real democracy is the best way of governing because it puts responsibilities on the shoulders of people to choose and reject anytime. So, the problem is politics of belonging to a group of people rather than learning to live together as all kind of people of humanity. Since our nature and God treated us all equally with oxygen, a functioning bod, an ocean like brain and an of atom of autonomy as a spirit. I don’t see any prejudice and discrimination coming from our nature or God. So, if we follow that same path of spirituality, we will be better off overriding our politics of individual irrelevance.

On the other hand, depending on our individual insecurities, we can be politically influenced to the point that we personally reduce ourselves to stand in the lineup of other lesser evolve creatures. Now the question is, if you are born as a human being, why can’t you personally see your value reduced by your hormonal and political influences? Remember you will have to pass the boundaries of your political belonging to be able to even see those unseen political strings. That are pulling you uncontrollably to make you believe that you are not strong enough unless you are a part of your political group. So, you are taught to believe, that you are not worthy of a direct connection to God. Again, sort of like you belong to an arm or a leg, but not to the body directly. Whether it makes sense to you or not, I believe if you pass the test to be a human being, you physically belong to humanity and spiritually are connected to God directly. Just like the cells of your body are connected to you, they may be part of your arm or a leg, but it is kind of understood that they are part of your body directly. So, if you spiritually carry your own and personal atom of autonomy you are connected to God meaning you simply cannot make God a bigot and prejudicial entity by claiming that God is standing with some of the people but not for humanity. 

If you keep digging in with your open mind, you will come to the point where you will be able to see that God is a just entity and nothing but. Proof is in the pudding, we all are equally blessed with a functioning, aging, and a mortal body. Regardless of what race, gender, nation, or religion we belong to, we all need oxygen, water, food, and love to live. So, where did God go wrong? May be by supplying us all equally with our personal atom of autonomy? I do not think that is the case because that is where we all become a different and special entity than other creatures. If by nature, we all have been blessed with everything same and equal, then question is what makes us believe that we are superior to others? Since God did Godly job by keeping everything universal for us all equally. Then what is our problem? Why our belonging groups are able to preach and make us believe that we somehow become superior to others by just being born into or by joining in to that group. To, me that simply cannot be spiritual because God did the justice by giving us all the brain, body, oxygen, aging, and mortality exactly the same way, so that clearly points towards God’s universality. Now where did the differences come from? If God and spirituality are innocent, then politics of belonging to our groups is the one guilty. So, to me, if it is political and related to our groups, that clearly means God and spirituality has nothing to do with it.  

So, remember not to forget, that our belonging groups have politically invented bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination but if you don’t lend your hands, backs or shoulders to it physically your group politics becomes impotent. Since they also implicated and used God for their political purposes and preached that their political rules belong to God. Remember individually you have been blessed with your own and personal atom of autonomy. So, you are the one who is the CEO and is responsible for everything you do, from beliefs, related views, to your physical actions, all the responsibilities land on your shoulders.

Since we individually participate physically to make things happen for our groups, and that can make them superior, but at the end of the day the buck stops at our individual level. Now the question is, are you stuck in the stream of knowledge that is preached by your belonging group? Or are you the CEO of your life who uses their ocean like brain, before making their decisions to act physically. If you feel that your sense of belonging is too powerful or overwhelming, don’t forget the powers of your atom autonomy. Remember it allows you to use your free will, so if you can use your free will in other areas of your life, then why not when it comes to standing against the wrongs of your belonging groups. Ever wonder why some people can easily form their opinions and are not stuck into a stream of political belonging.

It may seem that I am asking for too much, but I am not asking, I am just pointing out or I am stating the facts about human individual’s abilities. Potentially all human beings can learn both sides of the argument by picking, choosing, mixing, and matching everything within their head just by thinking and producing their own conclusions. Now this is what you call a PhD, but unfortunately most of us stick with mastering a subject politically approved by our belonging groups. If you are among those people who are influenced, all you have to do is to think and believe that by God you have been blessed to think independently directly from your personal ocean not from a political stream. So, you should know that it is not coming from God it is political. Otherwise, you will not have an ocean like brain and if you think God did not do Godly job for you, just look at your own make up.

We all have brought along some serious blessings from before our birth. An ocean like brain, personal and exclusive atom of autonomy and related free will, personal sense of justice, and ability to mix and match to create our own opinions. If you still feel that you cannot think beyond your installed knowledge or feel stuck in a stream of politically influenced knowledge. You must look at your God given potential. Be a human being, be a CEO of your life and think about life beyond the political interests of your belonging group. Sure, your political loyalties are must and strong, but you came with your atom of autonomy, so you will have to answer to it because that is your spiritual side installed by God. Clashing with it can be hell on earth for you so you got to think again before straying from spirituality. You go against your political group, you may face guilt trips and shunning, but if you go against your atom of autonomy, it may rip you apart from within. You can run away from your belonging group, but you cannot from your atom of autonomy because it is sitting right within you. So, if you are willing to give up your inner peace in the name of your political belonging. YOU MAY SUFFER FROM SOMETHING OUR DOCTORS MAY NOT BE ABLE TO HELP YOU.             

Remember we simply cannot breathe if there is no oxygen so with that disability we cannot claim to be in control of our own life. Meaning we clearly have some help to be functioning during all our living years. Yet we still claim everything we do in our lifetime is done by us and some of us don’t even acknowledge the wisdom behind. Since to me life is not a fluke, I believe in our purposes. Not acknowledging that help has its consequences. Lack of understanding of the bigger picture has the potential to rob you of your spirituality-based faith. Notice I did not say religious faith because I believe when you mix politics of belonging with spirituality. THINGS ALWAYS TAKE YOU TO A PLACE OF CONFLICTS AND WARS RELATED KILLING EACH OTHER. IF SOMEONE BELIEVES THAT KILLING EACH OTHER OVER OUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS IS REQUIRED AND FINE. TRY REMOVING THE POLITICS OF BELONGING AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR FAITH IN GOD.

Logically when one cannot survive without the supply line of oxygen, not only WE ALL should we be acknowledging its value for us, but we should also learn to build trust and faith in the process as well. Simply because as mortals we simply can’t function if we don’t deal with that fear so to live fearlessly one has to have faith. What does that mean? Well, when you look back, from day one, you probably were slapped on the butt to learn to breath. Since then, you have been breathing something you can’t live without, not even for minutes never mind years. So, if you are constantly in an insecure state of mind, what does that do to your everyday stress level and related issues? If you are in your sixties or seventies and have never acknowledged that help or claim that you do not even believe in God or that help. So, if you have been living with stress and related issues without any kind of genuine answer. Remember your spiritual answer has always been right under your nose from where you take in that help. You still can learn to believe and create some inner peace because it is not how long we live; it is how much quality or life we have in our life. Living in fear as a mortal is not a good place to be, because you can’t change that fact. With that reality, you can go kicking and screaming or you can accept and go in peace. Religious people may accept this writing, but I believe in spirituality over a politically tainted belief. To me, a religious system is and should be dependent on its spiritual content to be beneficial for us all individually. Unfortunately, our religions were not able to stop the infectious disease of political belonging. Rather than accepting spirituality, universal justice, equal human individual rights, humanity as a whole and one God. They allowed politics of belonging to rule over and above their spiritual principles and drew political lines of divisions. They allowed their physical nature to override their spiritual side and started killing each other over their metaphorical and beliefs of unknowns. Regardless of thousands of years of evolution in all other departments of life, even today we cannot stop our religious wars. Since we have been killing each other for thousands of years, there is no one who can count the death toll of the innocent people killed in the name of religious extreme. AND THEY ARE NOT DONE YET. 

Whether this is done by the special kind of individual or an ordinary one, our solutions always start from a single individual thought of a human individual. So, personally, I believe the key has always been in the hands of human individuals. Yet interestingly we have been and still are looking or seeking solutions as political groups. As groups human beings are biased, so our political groups simply cannot surrender their political powers and let the peace process succeed. Now, one way or the other the duty of converting spirituality into physical actions lands on all of us as individuals. Saying no to political killing is not going to change unless we individually take charge of our personal actions, because we are the one who holds physicality card. Which means if an individual does not participate physically our groups would stay suspended in the air just like God and Devil. As I said our metaphorical realities stay metaphorical unless a living breathing human individual lends them their physicality to make things happen. PHYSICALLY TO BE MEANINGFUL.  

Since we all look at our provided spiritual wisdom with our own and individual understanding, the more you are politically influenced by your groups. The more politics seeps into your outgoing personal words the more tainted a society becomes. So, understanding spiritual principles is a must for all of us. For instance, not doing to others that we don’t like done to us or to our loved ones. Remember most of us still believe that our religions teach us spirituality. So, if the religions are tainted with political influences, it’s like we have been served spirituality into the rapper of political influences. So, sticking with spirituality rather than our religious beliefs would be a lot more meaningful to you and God simultaneously. That is if you believe in God. Remember a politically influenced individual would put a lot more effort into keeping face within society. Yet a spiritually inclined individual would look within for the approval of their atom of autonomy. So, whether our individual actions comply with our atom of autonomy or not can dictate how we feel about ourselves. Usually, our spiritual side stems from our existing atom of autonomy or a God particle sitting right within all human individuals. That inside is between you and God so, it is spiritual. Yet externally, it is all between you and the belonging group meaning it is totally political. That is why we all need to look at our religious knowledge with critical eyes. Remember our politician may twist and turn to use everyone for their political purposes. So, if you hear a fiery and emotionally charging speech from a religious or a political leader, pause, think and know all about your personal responsibilities. One of our individual responsibilities is to separate spirituality from politics. Sure, it is not easy, especially when it comes to our religious beliefs, but this separation is a must and a spiritual thing to do. So, it has nothing to do with politics of belonging but everything to do with our individual duty. Believing in God and spirituality is one thing, but killing in the name of religion is absolutely another.  

Since human imagination and perception are powerful or I should use a term literally mind blowing. So, it is crucial for all of us to look at our religions related traditions, customs, rituals, and rules from outside rather than from within the confounds and boundaries, because that would be politically tainted. Remember a belief system usually calls for blind beliefs and no questioning allowed for the followers. There is a reason for that, and that is reaching deep into the individual where they are weak and vulnerable. So, they can be used as political puppets. Human beings are no ordinary creatures, our genetics are literally unmatched by other creatures. We are designed by nature to even question God. So, understanding human individual will be a good starting place before understand God.  

Since we all have been taught to believe that our groups have exclusive rights on God, we own God, or we are related to God, we can call God is our cousin or something. To me, no matter how you look at it, it is a spiritual sin. Remember we do not know very much about God, yet we connect God to our political bigotry, prejudiced and discrimination. To me, if God is for some but not for all, that is nothing but the human politics. Spirituality, blind justice, humanity, and God almighty, they all are universal so believing in everything other than their universality belongs to group politics period.  

Spirituality and wisdom connected to it, is pure of politics so it is worth seeking for us all. Even for the atheists as well, because regardless of what religion you are born into or what you believe. One still must be a functioning individual by following our morals and ethics to be civilized. If you are not or are encouraged not to question your religious knowledge. You are accepting a life lived within a cocoon to feel safe, yet reality of being mortal says otherwise. As human beings, we are designed to fly by attaining wings of our imagination. So, if you are stuck or are sticking with your status quo for political reasons. You are not questioning even the questionable, so not only you stall your process of evolution you are going against God’s well as well. Remember without questioning you simply are staying within the limits, and at the most you are going to be mastering one stream of knowledge. Yet by nature, you have been created to go beyond of beyond because you have the potential to constantly grow new neurons and with the help of your personal atom of autonomy, as they say sky is the limits. So, with your ever evolving imagination you are supposed to live a limitless life. Always remember you are not a worker bee or a warrior ant because their DNA calls for their limits. You on the other hand are a different because your DNA calls for constant evolution. So, you must comply with, what your nature has intended for you. If you want to look for the proofs, they are everywhere, regardless of the number of our religions and experimentation with kingdoms, dictatorships, autocracies, isms, and styles of democracies for our governing systems. Humanity has never been contained and totally controlled. Our evolution tells it all yet with overwhelming proofs.

On one side we are flying in space without even having physical wings, and on the other we are evolving leaps and bounds in other areas of life like science, medicine, technology and everything in between. Now a days with AI, things are going to take humanity to the next level of our evolution in no time. Socially, we are happily living with each other in melting pot societies while we are seeking equal human individual rights. Meaning we are finally breaking our group based political protocol. Sure, in this department of life our progress is slow, and it would be fair to say that at times we regress. Simply because we are still killing each other in the name of our political belonging. Still, we have come a long way from our bush and cave time, so, no I am not complaining but I would rather have humanity learn to live together peacefully. Remember it’s us individually who is providing physicality to our belonging group’s political agendas. If we individually take charge as a CEO of our lives, we can take responsibilities for our personal actions meaning we are not standing in the lineup of other creatures. Interestingly with strong politics of belonging, there has always been and still is certain segment of the human population that does not think that as human individuals we are an independent entity. Since we all bring along our atom of autonomy from before our birth, we all equally are responsible for our personal actions.   

Remember individual evolution requires individually questioning the unquestionable. So, if you think you are not supposed to question your belonging group, at the least honestly question your abilities, because problems of humanity are deeply rooted in our individual insecurities and ignorance. As an individual we must seek what has always been there but has been discouraged by the politics of belonging to our groups. Everyone can see people around the world are living in melting pot societies peacefully. Yet there are people who do not want to override their politics of belonging to their groups to live in peace. Remember our groups have been and still are fearful of human DNA that has been and is constantly calling for individual evolution and that scare the hell out of them. 

As an individual belonging to this era, we all should be researching the hell out of our imagination so; we can understand this side of being a human being. For instance, one thought that feels physically real but comes from our imagination. One God that spiritually exists, but we have not figured out yet. As I always talk about us being the CEO of our lives, we should be able to restrain our politically influenced emotional responses. So, understanding our imagination and its effects on us individually can be a good start. Then after that start to learn all about God, not the other way around. God first has not worked for us because we still are in the infancy of learning about ourselves. Remember we still kill each other over our metaphorical realities, meaning we rob someone’s physical reality over what we do not know anything about. DIFFERENT SIDES OF OUR IMAGINATION.

Not all but most of us think, believe, have opinions to make choices differently, yet the outcome of our differences can become a life story. Since we all are dependent on external help of oxygen and other life sustaining circumstances and internal help of being physically born, cared, loved when we are in need. Things get murky and confusing when we start to say God and Devil are doing everything and we mean nothing. Yet all human individuals come to life with certain set of blessings, like their own atom of autonomy related free will and personal sense of justice among other things. SO, IF GOD AND DEVIL ARE DOING EVERYTHING WHERE DO WE STAND AS AN INDIVIDUAL? BECAUSE CLEARLY, WE ARE THE ONE WHO IS A CHOICE MAKER.

Personally, I like to make sense to myself to believe in God and where do I stand as an individual. For instance, if I know, I have a body, that is going to get old and die, my decisions, choices and belief system should be according to my mortal nature. If I fear from aging and death, my focus will be disliking the process and become unappreciative for the help of every breath I take. My whole spiritual side collapses to send me back to stand in the lineup of other creatures. Living a physical life exclusively, is for other creatures but not for human beings because we may miss out on the special feelings our spiritual side provides us as a human being. A human life without the spiritual jewelry is an impotent life experience, because we do not only live in fear related stresses and related physical health problems but also control related mental health issues as well. So, we literally miss out on our ability to enjoy the feelings we feel from being compassionate, trusting, generous, sacrificing and loving. We even miss out deeply believing in God and knowing ourselves as Godly human beings. So, yes, I would rather live my life by knowing that I am a human being, WITH AGING BODY AND MORTAL NATURE. ALWAYS QUESTIONING WHAT IS NOT ONLY THE PURPOSE BUT ALSO WHAT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES?

No one just shows up in a factory to walk around like a zombi and die. As human beings, we come to simply reciprocate for the blessings of being alive. If everyone was sick or a better example. Would be, if everyone was infected with zika virus and no one was there to help and care for them. How would the humanity, God and even Devil survive? Sure, it is a hypothetical scenario, but I have never seen humanity without its hypothetical scenarios, assumptions and beliefs. On top of all that, our progress and evolution come from our spiritual side. Remember we fly but did not grow physical wings, or we do bad things but did not grow horns like a hypothetical Devil.

Our imagination is not something physical but is an essential part of our evolution. So, not believing in God or our spiritual side to live our life physically can be troublesome, because individually we can suffer from our own selves. Die like a physical creature chasing their tails with an unsatisfied life. Remember, the powers our imagination has are immense. It’s not only with us to help us evolve and progress to live a life of convenience. It has its other side as well, you can benefit from meditation, heal yourself from placebo effects, and even by hypnotherapy and simply believing in God as well. Interestingly on the other side you can also harm yourself from lack of beliefs related insecurities, control and related stress and related anxiety, depression, other mental health and even spawning to physical health related issues. Personally, to me understanding spiritual side can have unseen benefits so not seeking to understand that side of our story can be holding us back. For instance, hope is one of the words that is used quite often as beneficial because it does help us to go through our dark times but also keep us in tacked spiritually, even after we have gone through the hard times.  

Let us look at it this way, say, we are God to every cell of our body, so we simply are relating to them as one God. We simply have to acknowledge their importance and relevance by bringing ourselves to their level of understanding. Remember logically and in real world, one cancerous cell can bring the whole body down. Then look at yourself to know your importance and relevance in the grand scheme of life. Say you are an extremist with a nuclear weapon, what kind of powers would you have? If your health is in danger, whether it is emotionally or otherwise. For instance, your education that you have been receiving, can be dangerous not only to your opposing and belonging group and even for humanity as a whole. So, use your ocean-like brain to put things together by thinking and use your blessings of having your own atom of autonomy and related free will, personal sense of justice and other abilities that you have brought along from before your birth. You do not have to go far to know all that. All you must do is to think, pick, choose, mix and match to produce your own solutions. 

You must tell yourself, that I am the seeker who does not only want to know what is written in the lines but also in between the lines. Remember our brains are designed to not only learn but also think to create a passable or teachable knowledge as well. On top of that evolving nature tells us that there are no boundaries, freezing or caps for us individually. If you follow or do not use the brain as nature or God had intended, you are not only disrespecting yourself, but you are also disrespecting your creator as well.

Politically most belonging groups, especially our religions using old-style politics wrapped up in spirituality to deceive their emotionally charged individuals. They do that, simply to try to keep their belonging individuals in control. SO, THEY DISCOURAGE INDEPENDENT THINKING.

If you have been or are discouraged, always remember that it is one hundred percent political tactics. So, God, spirituality, justice, and humanity have nothing to do with it. Fortunately, since you are born in the era of equal human individual rights, you can question these outdated and politically inspired traditions, customs, rituals and rules. Today, our groups are having trouble controlling their belonging individuals, so there is a tug of war for power. That is why there is so much chaos in the world. Humanity is going through evolution related to growing pains. So, learn, and learn to think, not after your graduation or master’s but right from the get-go. QUESTION, QUESTION AND QUESTION SOME MORE. So, you can learn what is behind those traditions, customs, rituals, and rules belonging to your groups exclusively. If you find nothing but the politics of belonging, simply remember, by nature, you are born as a human being. Politics or not, logically, and physically you belong to humanity as a whole, with one universal justice system and one God. Rather than divided humanity, local justice systems and spiritually bankrupt but politically inspired thousands of religions. If you divide God for political reasons, you got a major problem because now you are treating God as if God is a human being just like you. I KNOW I AM REPEATING MYSELF, BECAUSE TO ME IT IS IMPORTANT AND THIS CAN BE CLISIFIED AS A SPIRITUAL CRIME. REMEMBER, YOU ARE MAKING WHAT GOD IS NOT. BLAMING GOD FOR SOMETHING THAT GOD IS INNOCENT OF LITERALLY MEANS A SPIRITUAL CRIME. If God was insecure like human individuals or groups, we would not be provided everything universally and equally, exactly the same way. Good or bad is all same for humanity, as human individuals we use oxygen, need water, food, and love to survive, have aging and mortal bodies. We enjoy or get hurt from the same things. So, disrespecting love loss is one of the biggest damages done to us by our political belonging to our groups. Our love loss is the pain that hits deep in the soul, so we try to give or inflict the same pain to the one who caused us that pain. Meaning we individually demote ourselves from being the spiritual entity to a physical creature to do the dirty deeds of our political groups. THAT IS WHY BELONGING GROUPS TRY TO KILL EACH OTHERS’ INDIVIDUALS SO THEY CAN BE INFLAMED TO BE USED AS A FUEL.  

Individually our biggest problem is that we have been blessed or cursed with our personal and individual atom of autonomy and related abilities. On top of that we can potentially be swayed by the political belonging so, potentially commit spiritual crimes against each other and that is regardless of what group of people or religion we belong to. If you look at our holy books they simply point towards the demise of humanity. Yet to me, that is highly dependent on how we individually use our atom of autonomy and evolving nature. So, human individuals are the ones who are going to make or break humanity. Our evolution will dictate whether to defy our group politics, or would it be too late for humanity to learn and evolve to that level where we can change our predicted future.   

If you ask me personally, I would rather, than not to have a belief system. But it must make sense to me to the point that I do not just claim to know everything about the metaphorical world of after death. To me, our metaphorical world is still dominated by our imagination, so lack of our knowledge should not inspire us to rob each other or our love to make us lose our spiritual side. A metaphorical reality is a metaphorical one until it is proven to be a physical reality. I would gladly accept my limitations to understand and respect the process of my evolution. Rather than blindly believing in everything that is preached and even enforced on human beings to abide by our belonging groups.

If we all have come with our personal atom of autonomy. That means we have been allowed to use our free will and personal sense of justice yet directly from God. So, having a belief system can actually be helpful to use our active imagination to benefit us during our living years. What is beyond our cliff of faith, we may not know, but we should be aware of our spiritual side related duties. Instead of fearing hell or have greed for heaven to be politically controlled. I would rather self-regulate to for the love of God and myself. Since our imagination can play an influential role in our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. We all should use it wisely because it can affect us negatively as well. Our atom of autonomy can help us from being swept away by political belonging. That usually is the cause of our self-harm or to others by us. Unfortunately, even with the level of our evolution, individually we are susceptible to being politically used like puppets.

Always remember, we do not live in the wild anymore, and we are not on the food chain anymore. So, our level of evolution should dictate that we do not need to belong to our groups for security anymore. Today the level of evolution in other areas of life has brought us to the brink of self-destruction. Since, every single one of us is equipped with our own and personal atom of autonomy. Potentially decision making is our own and personal matter. If you make decisions out of fear related control, what happens to you when that fear subsides for you. Would you fall apart and lose your spirituality, or would you be able to self-regulate yourself? Since that is your personal issue, what you feel from within is the cause of your fears.  
Feelings of being inadequate, is taught not from your nature because by nature even your potential has a potential to evolve. So, we all should try to learn what is creating or is behind our fears. If you do not go there, you will end up with a likeminded group of people who feel the same way as you do. Now your fears have progressed to become a collective. Meaning all your political decisions would be based on that group prejudice. Eventually, you individually will reach to the point that your own value, even in your eyes, decreases. You become irrelevant and your self-esteem tanks or takes a nosedive. Did God create you that way? If you start to ask this question to yourself, that means you still have some self-worth. Remember, you did not just show up with your ocean like brain and abilities to pick choose, mix, and match everything with your free will TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN PHYSICALLY. Do you know what it means? Without your physical input, things stay suspended in the air indefinitely. It clearly means they do not have any value. An action must be physically performed to be meaningful. If you are politically influenced, eventually you will be giving up your ocean like potential for your belonging group or for the unknown entity like God or Devil.

Believing individually, that you don’t have any powers at all are the feelings a lot of people feel individually. YET, God is the one who created or selected human beings to be individually holding powers of atom of autonomy. If we can choose to decide individually and collectively, then why are we hell bent to kill each other or are in a self-destructive mode? It is time that we all ask this question to ourselves individually. If fear and related control is consuming, you or is dictating your decisions. YOU HAVE A PROBLEM OF DISBELIEF, EVEN IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE A BELIEVER. A relationship, whether it is between you and God or between people, requires and depends on trust, or should I say blind trust. This believing but not trusting creates fear that eventually turns into control. If you have these two problems in the foundation of your belief system, TO YOU, EXISTANCE OF GOD WILL ALWAYS BE QUESTIONABLE.

With this confusion, you will be suspicious and distrusting in everything you do. Meaning you will not seek your potential, nor you will put efforts to evolve. Now you have a problem because God created you or blessed you with an evolving nature. Evolution requires effort and trust yet persistently, so the kicker is our atom of autonomy at individual level. Meaning, a spy or God himself is sitting within us individually. So, not trusting spiritually or disbelieving itself cannot be hidden. If you distrust and disbelieve, you personally stand in your own way. Believing and trusting in self and God is the key to boldly go beyond and seek evolution of humanity.

So, standing in our own way points towards the cause and the solution to our problems. Remember, our group’s insecurities start with an insecure individual so the solutions to our problems will come from strengthening of the individual as well. That is why I have been writing about us being the CEO of our individual life. If you follow a group of people that consists of individuals disbelieving in their own atom of autonomy. Not using abilities to use their free will or having no personal sense of justice. You will become what your belonging groups want you to be. So, to me in today’s educated world, being educated in one subject should never be enough because there are certain responsibilities are attached to being educated. Being educated you act and behave in such manors that you simply are not stuck in one particular stream of knowledge. Your level of understanding should surpass your outdated group belonging. If you believe in God that God should be universal and one, just like spirituality and blind justice not for some but for all in humanity as a whole. If you are educated but are biased, bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory because of your race, gender, nation or religious beliefs. Your politics of belonging has overridden your real education. Meaning your level of education does not match the requirements of being educated in the era you are born into.

Sure, our politics of belonging is powerful and can influence most of us but in today’s times educated means you are with time and willing to give, if you receive equal human individual rights from others. It is much easier, if you as a modern day educated individual understand you. Your ocean like brain, your atom of autonomy and related abilities to use free will and personal sense of justice and all about the powers of political belonging. If and when you get there, you will be educated enough to override your irrelevance and put things in perspectives beyond the politics of belonging. In order to call yourself an educated CEO, you have to know all about universality of God, spirituality, justice, equal human individual rights and above all, know all about the group belonging and its related extremes that can convince you to commit spiritual crimes.