The confusing realities of life.

Any system which reduces the power of the individual ends up in dictatorship, monarchy, extreme authoritarian religious rulers or communisms which have been the proven failed systems for the human societies.(Pleas ignore the English stay focus on the content)

As we evolve we have to assume our responsibilities at higher level but some how we assume our ancestral knowledge never needs changes. In reality if you look around the whole world has been changing constantly  right before our eyes.

In a mortal life, you just can’t pick one or the other, I believe as an individual we have to zigzag between our nature and intellect, because living naturally is actually intellectual.

Sorry I forgot about the author’s name.

A magazine named “Good times” issue Oct 2012, Page 16

” Quote”

“We are interdependent in our society and if you can lighten the load by bringing many hands and shoulders and backs to the task, you can be successful.” End quote.

Each and everyone of us brings five bucks to share the success for both society as well as the individual. I call it the core process of evolution which benefits both as well.

This fiver is the most fundamental and at the same time most  underestimated in value by both society and the individual him/herself, and it has happened because of the same politics, which has the power to flip our triangles.

On discovery channel I heard that  “spruce trees don’t really have deep root system, but they can withstand big storms and harsh weather”. The reason is and it makes sense that their roots entangle together to help each other.

This natural phenomenon is present in human beings as well. As individuals we feel and think about ourselves as weak and vulnerable, yet we are integral part of the real strength of humanity.

It breaks my heart when I see news of refugees fleeing the war torn zones just to be drowned or die in the trucks during the journey to escape the problems created by the politics of sense of belonging and religious extreme. These raiser wires to walls of security are related to small thinking. Compassion, sacrifice, forgiveness and love are the jewels of humanity. United nation should stop all the conflicts in the beginning so the problems can’t reach that far to create these kind of crisis, better yet ordinary individual should get free education all over the world so we can make the individual a CEO who can’t be herded as a sheep.

If you look at the foundation of the empires and the recruitment philosophy for all religions closely you will see the need of that fiver which each individual holds. The communities are not made of some buildings, roads, bridges or houses they are made of the people. You can still see some ghost towns on the face of the earth because people have moved on.

Melting pot societies are today’s reality so people have to overcome their prejudice to learn to live together, every country’s political system should have human rights on top of their political agendas.

Higher population means more hands, shoulders, backs and fivers thus more fruit to the barren lands. Everyone has the rights to live in and raise their children in peace without being a second class citizen.

When it comes to the security for the migrant it should come with the responsibilities of securing the host as well. The best way to secure both is the education of sense of belonging to the humanity not to a political group weather it be a nation or a religion.

Our reliance on the community and community’s reliance on the individual may become confusing for the individual, if he/she has been given the education of weakness and inferiority.

The person who lives in the body of the human being, the holder of the fiver is equal regardless of the size, gender, color, nation or religion, its how one feels matters the most and mostly it is the education what makes them feel weaker or inferior thus education system should change.

The fabric of community depends on the strength of the single thread and that thread is the individual. Community may have an agenda to keep the individuals weak so they can be controlled, but if everybody is dependent on the community then how the community is going to get its strength?

It’s essential for the community to make the individual stronger for the strength of community so it does not die off with the individual. If it is in every individual that means help is coming from the core source.

Any system which reduces the power of the individual ends up in dictatorship, monarchy, extreme authoritarian religious rulers or communism. Interestingly they have been the proven failed systems for ruling the human societies.

Any governing system which doesn’t comply with the human nature, eventually will fail. We have a natural desire to be free as an individual yet we have the deep social need to be with the community, this extremely opposing nature needs the balancing action by the individual him/ herself, not forced by the community.

Old style of our governing and parenting has been using that force to create patriotic societies. The politics of these societies have brought us where we are today. We try to dominate each other individually as well as nations and even religions. It is time to severed the cord and step into the next level of evolution, which I call it, belong to the humanity first instead.

From the social or family chaos to our wars, they all are closely related to the top down methods of discipline used by our patriotic systems. Today that control is in question so the modern day societies are flooded with the unresolved issues of human rights.

If the individual can self- disciplines him/ herself the community does not have to force its agendas. There would be a lot less burden on the social and justice systems, if the individual assumes his/her CEO duties.

It all depends on the education; we need to encourage the individual’s deeply ingrained and ripened spiritualty so he/she can automatically function as a CEO “independent yet altruistic”.

Let’s look at it from a different angle the modern science has been discovering things from inside out.

“The Economist” (Aug 18th 2012 issue of the magazine has a front page story. `Microbes maketh man“

Sorry again I forgot to write down the name of  the author. Now I really feel bad. Anyway and I “Quote”

“The traditional view is that a human body is a collection of 10 trillion cells which are themselves the product of 23,000genes. If the revolutionaries are correct, these numbers radially underestimate the truth. For in the nooks and crannies of every human being and especially in his or her guts, dwells the micro biome: 100 trillion bacteria of several hundred species bearing 3m non- human genes.

The biological Robespierre’s believe these should count, too; that humans are not single organisms, but super organisms made up of lots of smaller organisms working together.

It might sound perverse to claim bacterial cells and genes as part of the body, but the revolutionary case is a good one. For the bugs are neither parasites nor passengers. They are, rather, fully paid-up members of a community of which the human“ host“ is but a single (if dominating) member“ (end Quote).

This reinforces my view of the God as a human society or humanity and human as the cells and other creatures as part of the whole picture.

The vegetarians may not like this but this is the law of the nature, that nature provides food for every creature for survival. If we start to feed lions grass we would have a strange unknown consequences. So nature has its intellect, if the lions or meat eaters would not eat the grass eaters the balance of nature would tilt and the land would become barren the floods, land slides and God knows what else can go wrong.

We may live intellectually and make sense about the things with our compassionate feelings, but facts of hunger, survival, reproduction and balance remain to carry on the life of specie and literally God.

We still can be, have been and will be savage beasts at times, but regardless we have been progressively marching towards our potential. One can say God would not let the bamby a nice baby deer an innocent creature to die for food, but if it provides for the little kittens it is God’s way of serving and providing himself as life for life and that is if you believe God lives through every living thing. So are we there yet? Are we there yet?

It may not make any sense to the passionate feeler but always remember we are a work in progress we may learn more of life’s wisdoms as we evolve. That does not guarantee that the human beings would become vegetarians or should be vegetarians, I am just stating about the evolution and during the evolution we have been going back and forth with our rights and wrongs and correcting our corrections.

From the drugs to the technology, social systems to the religions, if we always come up with better and more effective ways to deal with our problems, that mean there is still room to improve. So we can’t be passionate about human knowledge even if it relates with our feelings and emotions.

Scientifically proven things can be upgraded, so do the religious rules can be bent or changed as the society changes and time demands.

When it comes to human evolution towards potential there are no hold bards so there is nothing written solid, yes not even the Ten Commandments.

Everything is subjected to change, so where are we going?

Well as you can see the progress, we are on the mile ten, maybe twenty or it may not even be measured with our present capacity of understanding of the brain power usage. Everyday we are marching ahead from genetic code break down to space station to self driven vehicles to internet and everything in between or in the Google.

If we have changed so much in last twenty years, what is held by the future for us is definitely a lot more than what we have right now, so out of the hundred we still are in the beginning. Only time can tell, we just have to exist and survive our progress and technologies.

Chicken or the Egg.

Either answer would be an assumption if you pick chicken came first or the egg came first, so I ask the question God came first or the human being? Before you answer make sure you are not assuming, or saying what has been said for thousands of years because today we can’t just assume about anything. Someone will dispute it regardless, I am not going to assume but I will point towards what is more important, if a chicken laid an egg everyday it is kind of understood that chicken is producing a whole lot of eggs and egg can only produce one or maximum two chickens. Thus chicken is automatically more important.

If the man is reproducing we get more population just like the chicken we are more important because we all are working hard to do God’s work. So the logical answer is same as the chicken. Not so fast, an atheist may not think twice about it but I feel if one can’t live without the oxygen, all the work is done by a complex system which we don’t even understand yet. With the limited use of our brain power it is not possible to know everything. The job is not done just by the one who is dependent first on the breathing oxygen then he/she is doing whatever is done by him/her. So where to go from here? who is doing what is happening? If you are egotistic, you would want to take credit and say its me, me and me. It is not that simple and no one should hide behind the ego because you have to give a credit where it belongs.

Personally I want to give credit where it deserves, I want to be fair so should you be as well. How about you, are you fair? Or you just want to take the credit for everything regardless? Ask some one who is disable but alive, egotistically speaking it feels good to do the big things, like make a lot of money become famous or become a leader to have a lot of power, or win the world championship in whatever sport or beauty pageant etc.

Ever wonder what happens to you as the age comes knocking to rob everything you have built, accomplished, achieved or horded. Regardless of the knowledge, you could be in the frame of mind that it is still the man or the chicken is more important. No doubt about it but only in the knowledge of the surface.

I don’t mean to burst your bubble but it is a reality of life and happens all the time, and we still don’t learn from it. We don’t even give a second thought, because that is what we are taught by the society, religion and even our parents.

When they say don’t do this, do that, don’t do that and do this, what they are teaching us to learn to assume control in this life, but innocently they are teaching us to disrespect the empty spaces to rob our happiness and inner peace by screwing up the rhythm of our personal music of a mortal life.

Shouldn’t we ask questions about the education which drives us crazy to lose everything what means the most, our happiness and inner peace, in a mortal man’s life one can assume wealth and health can bring success but without the happiness they both are useless, ask a depress individual about the importance of happiness.

So if you are the one who lays eggs and does the real work of God, shouldn’t you have a say of a CEO? And yes you do, but the politics of that education, you have received all your life does not want to give you that status, it is you who has to go get it.

It is not easy to be a CEO when you are taught from the day one, that you mean nothing, or you are born sinner. Undoing that brain washing is going to take some exercise from you to build some strength to get your self esteem to become a CEO.

Don’t piss on the present.

I want to say it again that if you can understand my content, please ignore the mistakes of my spellings or English in general. If you can’t understand something and need a little more explanation let me know with the post title, I will try to explain further.

It is my deep desire that an individual can live fruitful life not only for the self but for the humanity as well. If everyone can see and understand the importance of the reciprocation we will be able to evolve to the next level which I believe is to cross the lines of sense of belonging from a one particular group to humanity as a whole.

Let’s look at the things with a clear vision, I have been trying to make a case for the peace for the individual as well as for the humanity. My writing is about assuming the responsibility of a CEO for the individual so he/she can create peace from the inside out so it radiate in all over the world from the bottom to the top.

If you have been reading my posts regularly, by now you are aware of the powerful politics of sense of belonging and just as powerful free will with which one can taste the sense of freedom and create balance in the apposing senses because in the end of the day the decision is made by the individual.

You are a mortal CEO who is writing his/her own story or a musical melody of his/her life as a note with the help and respect of the empty spaces.

You are not only the CEO you are the bravest cat and you have the ability to understand the difference between the pearl and the water.

Personal wisdom should be a quest for everyone of us, we can’t just be locked into the knowledge of our ancestors. New era brings new realities, we have to understand the journey of our evolution. Every human knowledge has been, is, will be and should be subjected to evolve according to the demands of time.

We have to come out of the pigeon holes and the boundaries of our religions and constitutions to reform humanity as one entity, if we really want to deal with our modern day problems.

There is a relationship between you and yourself, who do you think you really are? If you really know yourself you will automatically be impressed with your self, thus will have some respect for yourself.

If you look at yourself or consider yourself as an extension of your belonging group, nation or a religion, your sense of belonging has blurred your vision to see your real abilities to recognize your individual identity.

Even if you use your free will and sense of freedom, still you have to understand yourself, meet yourself and connect with yourself at a little deeper and intimate level.

Just think, why do you have the ability to think as a separate entity? Why are you able to achieve whatever you set your mind to. If it was God doing everything, then why are you able to think and create whatever you wanted to?

The answer is that you are the direct extension of God not any man made systems of governing. When you are part of bad things you stand alone because of your sense of belonging to your group, which compels you to be egotistic, proud and be honorable. What is wrong with these all three kids of sense of belonging? they work for the belonging group but not for the humanity or God. Your individual and personal humility and compassion is a clear sign that you work for the humanity and God.

If you dig in to find out about yourself, you will find that there is no difference between you and others, you have same systems of survival, same looks, like one nose with nostrils, two ears, face body and brain, same way of functioning, you eat, discard, which stinks just like everyone else, regardless of color, gender, size, traditions or customs, you are the same man or a woman.

So why do you put so much efforts to be different? It is closely related with the knowledge you received as you grew up, now as a grown up its your duty to understand everything you do is your responsibility. You have to cross the lines of the boundaries of the learnt knowledge from the books. You step into the area where you graduate and write books yourself, to become an evolved human being. Because by nature you, me, us or we don’t and should not have any discrimination. The proof is that as a child we are most in tuned with our nature, and as babies we have no discrimination.

(Back to the title)

If your one foot is in the future and the other in the past, it is fine but you have to be nice to your present and at least don’t piss on it. Metaphorically and literally this life is our present, by killing or dying over the future or the past is pissing on the present. Just look at your life literally it is one day at a time, if you ruin it, it is one day but it adds up as a past to make or break your whole life.

You just can’t be eating hot dogs to save money and leave billions of dollars behind (Few years back, there was a man who left eighteen point nine billion dollars behind yet lived a frugal life in Toronto). It never is what you have accumulated in this life, it is what you have consumed or shared throughout your life time.

Focus on the present to make your day, a liveable moment, because that is the only place you have control to choose. If your choices are influenced by the other entities, you have no color of your own, so take charge and be a CEO. Don’t let the politics of any kind rule you, because naturally you are a free entity with the free will. All conflicts and wars are totally political and as a CEO you have to rise up to make your own decisions.

So do you still want to piss on your present because of your future or past? Well just think the future is literally unknown whether it is your personal or after death, because no one comes back in reality to tell you about the reality.

There are a lot of assumptions though, in that case you can’t piss on the present over the assumptions. By no means I am preaching against the spiritual part of religions, I am just stating my assumptions against the politics of all religions.

If I make sense to you take it, if it does not just carryon with whatever you have been doing, but accept the fact that, we all can live with the difference of opinions. Atheists and religious people have been living together in western countries for a long time.

I may not fit in either, but I respect the humanity and have my personal views. I certainly don’t believe in pissing on my living years over the scenarios of what happens after death.

Your life is a melody written by God and you simultaneously, you have a job to do. I mean a purpose, if you understand it, it is pearl otherwise it is just a water.

If you are influenced in anyway, chances are you will ruined your melody at the least and piss on your whole life at the most.

Emotional voting.

Regardless of its imperfections still the democracy is by far the best system we have got, I still believe we can make it better with time as we evolve from our emotion voting. Emotional voting is a reality of all human societies, it has been is and will be for a long time until we all think like a CEO.  Today you can see people vote to whomever is able to get them exited by giving convincing speeches about religions, nationalism, security, economy or poverty etc.  If we all fall for the speeches or are emotionally attached to our belonging groups we are under the influences of the sense of belonging.

This is just as bad as having a democracy in an uneducated society where people would vote without knowing its real value. If you lose an election, you get so upset that you can start killing and dyeing over it. It is not a flaw of the democracy, it is the human reality of being emotional.

In democracy majority is a majority even if it is a close one, you just can’t pick up the weapons if you don’t win. Being civilized and educated should be the first demand for a democratic society. It is unfortunate that we have problems with the democracy. People don’t understand the real system of democracy because they lack the self understanding. They vote emotionally and if they don’t like the results it is not the fault of the democratic system, it is related to the problem of emotional voting.

Democracy is a valuable tool for governing an educated human society, it needs the individual’s understanding of his/her rights, as well as and or at least somewhat, the general knowledge of how the democratic system of governing works. If you don’t have an interest and you let any and everything happen in the society, you are not using your rights.

These days especially the young people need to be educated about their rights as they reach the age of maturity. They have to learn and understand their emotional connection to their hormones before they reach the age, it will help them to prepare themselves as the changes arrive. Not only they will go through the turbulent zone to save the relationships in their lives they save themselves a great deal of confusions, regarding their feelings and realities.

The value of the spirituality is not only related with the religions, our school systems should have a clear agenda of the equal human rights and it should be enforced as a rule to the kids, especially if they have been taught prejudice at home. The families should be exposed to counselling if needed and made aware of  the court decisions about the equal rights. Helping the society to run smoothly is not a privilege it is actually a duty as well as a right of each and every one of us.

That level of understanding can help the individual to evolve, understand and accept that in the modern day democracy people can have the difference of opinion but still are able to live together.

I go to Folklorama, every year and see all different cultures displaying their culture with pride. Great to see the sense of freedom in a society where every one is treated equally. My desire is to see a pavilion which demonstrate all nation becoming a melting pot humanity for instance mixed race children representing their identity with pride. Regardless of all the freedom we still have stereo typing going on in our homes, even the pope and the supreme court have made their decisions against the prejudice the problems still persist, it can only be dealt with the individual him/herself. To me proof is in the pudding, just look at the mixed race children. They are perfectly functioning human beings, president Obama is just a fine example of that. ( back to emotional voting)

If you vote because you want the businesses to be free to charge whatever percentage of profit and don’t pay taxes you are voting for the extreme selfishness, not spiritual because human insecurities will play a role to hoard money thus it would be taken out of circulation which would make the rich richer and poor to get poorer in the long run it would create chaos.

If you vote for, and stick with your group of interest like trade unions or any kind of cause like sexual orientation, or gender issues you are voting for the other extreme because the voting is for the human rights, equality and social justice.

Politics always make people to stick with their belonging groups, whether they are good for  governing the whole government or not. If you make a lot of noise you would get your way, that is the reason political parties need a lot of cash, and when there is cash involve the votes are being sold. If you are selling your vote, whether it’s for your religious beliefs of sexual liberation, it is not a good democracy.

The individual has to know the equal human rights and the workable governing system are the most important things. Even in modern democracies there is a big percentage of voters fall for and let their emotions get the best of them. If we have the democracy we need to educate people to understand everything what is necessary for the human rights. If we promote democracy for the world we need to educate, educate and educate people all over the world. We can only achieve the peace we all seek through the education of the ordinary individual. Until an individual has evolved from his emotional sense of belonging to the real sense of belonging to the humanity, we would be running in circles, so instead of spending and sending armed forces we need to focus on the education of the individual. Only then he would learn to create balance between sense of belonging and sense of freedom.

A CEO’s knowledge is required to understand the democracy and anybody who is an emotional voter is not a CEO. A doctor without the people skills, a judge without compassion and a policeman with too much passion are the people who came out of the tunnel as successful professionals but not as successful individuals.

We need to be taught not forced because we have the ability to self-regulate and we can mix and match the existing knowledge to do the justice to the people and self beyond the boundaries of the learnt knowledge.

Since there are no boundaries of knowledge for an evolving organism, we have to relate and deal with each situation we face. You can use the previous knowledge as a guideline but you have to have a human touch as well, so you don’t carry some kind of guilt along the way.

In the end of the day you can’t say oh I was just doing my job if your decisions hurts someone, if you are a decent individual you can’t just hide behind your job, especially from yourself.

It is not just the job, it relates with you as an individual as well because of your free will and you will have to live with yourself knowing you have hurt someone innocent.

Good times, a magazine issue Oct 2012, Page 16” Quote “   “We are interdependent in our society and if you can lighten the load by bringing many hands and shoulders and backs to the task, you can be successful.”

On TV’s discovery channel I heard that spruce trees don’t really have deep root system, but they can withstand big storms and harsh weather. The reason is and it makes sense that their roots entangle together to help each other.

This natural phenomenon is present in human beings as well. As an individual we feel and think about ourselves as weak and vulnerable, yet we are an integral part of the real strength of humanity. Our reliance on the community and community’s reliance on the individual may become confusing for the individual, if he/she has been given the education of inferiority, like you are born sinner and you are nothing compare to God.

The fabric of community depends on the thread and that thread is the individual. Community may have an agenda to keep the individual weak, so they can be controlled but if everybody is dependent on the community then how the community is going to get its strength?.

It’s essential for the community to make the individual strong so the help is coming from the basic source. Any system which reduces the power of the individual ends up in dictatorship, monarchy, communism and religious authoritarian governing systems and they have been proven wrong and failed systems for governing the human societies. Any governing system which doesn’t comply with human nature, eventually will fail, communism failed after seventy years of success just because it chokes the individual from sense of freedom. All other failed systems including communism promote sense of belonging to the extreme and fail to promote sense of freedom, it is not one or the other, it is the balance of both.

We have a natural desire to be free as an individual yet we have the deep social need to be with the community, this extremely opposing nature needs the balancing, and it can only be done by the individual individually, not forced upon by the community. If the individual can self- discipline or regulate him/herself the community does not have to force its agendas. It all depends on the education, we need to encourage the individual’s deeply ripened spiritualty so he/she can automatically function as a CEO who is independent yet altruistic.

Let’s look at it from a different angle the modern science has been discovering things from inside out. “The Economist” (Aug 18th 2012 issue of the magazine has a front page story.

`Microbes maketh man“ “Quote“ The traditional view is that a human body is a collection of 10 trillion cells which are themselves the product of 23,000genes. If the revolutionaries are correct, these numbers radially underestimate the truth. For in the nooks and crannies of every human being and especially in his or her guts, dwells the micro biome: 100 trillion bacteria of several hundred species bearing 3m non- human genes. The biological Robespierre’s believe these should count, too; that humans are not single organisms, but super organisms made up of lots of smaller organisms working together. It might sound perverse to claim bacterial cells and genes as part of the body, but the revolutionary case is a good one. For the bugs are neither parasites nor passengers. They are, rather, fully paid-up members of a community of which the human“ host“ is but a single (if dominating) member“ (end Quote)

This reinforces my view of the God as a human society or humanity and human as the cells and other creatures as part of the whole picture.  The vegetarians may not like this but this is the law of the nature, that nature provides food for every creature for survival. We may live intellectually and make sense about the things with our compassionate feelings, but facts of hunger, survival and reproduction remain to carry on the life of specie and literally God.

We still can be, have been and will be savage beasts at times, but we have been progressively marching towards our potential. One can say God would not let the bamby a nice baby deer an innocent creature to die for food, but if it provides for the little kittens it is nature’s way of providing life for life. It may not make any sense to the passionate feeler but always remember we are a work in progress.

We may learn more of life’s wisdoms as we evolve. From the drugs to the technology, social systems to the religions. If we always come up with better and more effective ways to deal with our problems, that mean there is still room to improve. So we can’t be passionate about human knowledge. Even scientifically proven things can be upgraded and so do the religious rules can be bent or changed as the society changes and evolves.

When it comes to human evolution towards potential there are no hold bards so there is nothing written solid, yes not even the Ten Commandments. Everything is subjected to change, so where are we going, well we are approximately on the mile ten or may be twenty out of hundred and we have changed so much in last little while, only time will tell, we can’t even imagine the next ten years.

Every era or humanity has been working to domesticate human beings, especially the religions work against the wild beast we all carry inside. Regardless of the religion or any other human social system, if the domestication is done by force or fear it will eventually fail, because as the individual finds him or herself in a free place they will defy the rules.

Strict rules would reduce the crime rate initially but the population would feel oppressed and rebel. These days with internet all the news travels around the world with no restrictions, so the people know how the things are done all over the world. This knowledge gives the opportunity to everybody to compare themselves with others.

Some may think about it as a problem, but it should be taken as an opportunity to come together and create a justice system with the human rights regardless of belonging religion or nation. In the past the success and the spread of the religion has been on the base of justice system it was providing. In the strict rules society you may have lower crime rate, but today with our evolved social systems we think that suppression of any kind is a crime as well.

It may seem that crimes are mostly related with the individuals, but our groups have been committing crimes against the humanity. So every system whether it was brought on by the people, as empires or religions by the prophets they all have some dark history.   If life lesson is to control, then never forget that as a mortal control can rob your happiness, health and everything in between, so be aware that you have the control to control your control.

The Political case of spirituality.(part one)

It is election time in Canada, and all political parties are out to get support for their platforms. I personally have no favorite yet, but I still would vote.

There are few things I don’t like in politics, one of them is the negative attack ads. They are effective because the individuals whom don’t really look beyond the ads, are allowing them to be effective.

As a voter we should be able to understand the intentions and deny the awards to those whom use the attack ads, because putting some one down to win may be politically correct, but ethically and spiritually its not.

There is a common saying, that in love and war everything is a fair game, but I believe in politics negative attack ads should not be so forgiving because it is to make the people fool to buy into something may not be true reality.

These political ads to win are not the fault of the advertising parties, it is the problem of the individual who gets bought into them. Democratically voting needs, should be clearly defined for the individual to be educated enough to tell the differences.

I believe democratic countries are like organizations, they shouldn’t, can’t an usually don’t run by the one individual like a kingdom, even if it is a presidential system. If it was true, then president Obama would have done everything what he promised when he came in power.

If someone is attacking one of the candidate’s personal character or weaknesses, that is a low blow to the fairness, because it is not the individual it is the whole political party’s ideology or agenda what is most important in a democratic political system.

If the individual who is voting can’t recognize that, it is his/her lack of awareness. If you are buying into those ads and believe that democracy is one man system, you are not looking at a the way it should be looked at, if you still do you are trying to elect a king.

If it is true for you that you are trying to elect a king, that time has passed and kings have been replaced.  It is time, you start to look at the political agendas of the parties and learn not to vote emotionally because if someone is your relative, friend, neighbour or just belong to your religion, all these reasons are not enough for a voter to vote.

Personally I believe we have a problem these days because everyone has become a liberal, if you are a true conservative and you can’t or would not talk about the abortion, you have strayed from you conservative values. These days if you are in the extreme of the conservatism you are in the minority and can’t be elected. The population has been changed, the human rights have won in the court legally.

If you were a democrat, you had to become a new democrat to soften the image of the extreme socialism, give a break to the small business a tax break to become moderate, so you can be elected to govern otherwise there was no way of getting a chance to govern. Political decisions had been made to change their values, so political parties do what is important, change with the time, so the democrats are not democrats any more they are liberal democrats.

The conservative party has changed to progressive conservative party, meaning they had to come into the middle as well. If you want to get votes you have to make some choices and the political way of thinking calls for the changes even it is against the core values. This is the value of the typical political party trying to hang on to the powers. I personally don’t buy that conservatives are conservatives anymore they are liberal conservatives.

If you are liberal, well you are a political party as well, I believe there is nothing wrong with the politics as long as you don’t go to extremes to put each other down in the negative ads or promise something you can’t fulfill.

All political parties are political and changing tunes of their agendas are allowed but you can’t just use your values to entice your base line and use people’s belief systems like a toy to come into power. Religions have been doing a good job for that already, so if every governing system is a lie, where should the voter find ethics and values to live by .

If you are a voter, just look at the politics of the political party and then decide, don’t just fall or get bought into the negative ads you are smarter than that.

I whole heartedly believe that these days all parties have to change to get in. If you claim that you are a conservative you are not true conservative, if you are a democrat, you are not because you all became liberals. Now liberals have to claim their true identity because they always have been in the middle.

Going back to the religious politics pope just said that we should not treat the divorced people badly, well it is about time and I wish all religious leaders come out clean, because there is enough innocent blood in the fangs of the religious cats. Just look around the history and even today they don’t just lay off.

Today it is all about the human rights, these days you just can’t penalize anyone harshly, especially if you have the need of people to attend mosques churches and temples.

If you don’t change with time, you just get left behind, so pope is becoming and sounding more like a politician as well who is recognizing the trends of humanity and planning to survive. There was time for the religions to be used as political systems but these days things have been changing. Personally I believe spirituality is the only one consistent thing throughout the history of the humanity.

Today’s modern societies have the human rights, welfare system, universal health care, legal aid, and public school systems, used by the people in need interestingly they are not supported by the conservatives or republicans whom are by far the most popular parties  in religious communities . I can’t see anything political in these systems and only see an ocean of spirituality coming from the Godless people whom are called socialists. What is wrong with the picture of the religions where and when did the spirituality cross the religions boundaries and ended up in the Godless people.

The real politics of the religion.

Converting to Islam, Christianity or Judaism or any other religion by force is disrespecting to the spiritual knowledge. Religions have been using conversion and conformation as political tools because higher the number in the group, the stronger it would be considered. Everything has changed and we have to change with the time, our wars are not with the swords and arrows anymore so we have to understand the dangers of nuclear and chemical wars rising from the religious conflicts.

By force disciplining, corporal punishments and conformation has been is and will always be a failed strategy because it goes against the human nature. Sense of freedom is an innately ingrained force in the human individual. Any kind of fear related disciplining or conversion is spiritually unethical and in general morally incorrect and unfortunately most religions have used these practices throughout our history. In fact most human societies have had their share of brutalities thus most of our ancestors have been guilty, according to today’s standers. Politically it may have been acceptable to a group, but as a humanity it is against the human rights and freedom of choice.

Each and every one of us has the ability to think beyond the politics of the sense of belonging yet we don’t, because of the individual’s inability to understand and balance the opposing senses.

Logically thousands of years of old traditions and customs don’t stand a chance against today’s revolutionized human rights and internet era advancements of humanity.

Politics and religions may have been mixed but politics and spirituality don’t mix period. When the religions are tainted with the politics it’s even more important for the individual to make informed choices. The sense of belonging can rule the individual but as an independent entity we all have the duty to join the ocean of spirituality or humanity with conscience, personal ethics and justice. The universal rule of the thumb should be your measuring stick, don’t do to any one, what you don’t like done to you.

Personal revenge, land dispute and political differences can be the reasons to go to the wars, but any belief system should not be the reason to kill each other because every human knowledge is subject to change with our evolving knowledge.

Sense of belonging and religions are the culprits in most disputes, if you take these two out by individually believing, that you are a part of the whole humanity instead of your belonging group and spirituality not the religions is the path to God. You can change the world.

By taking out the religions and sense of belonging we can create heaven on earth, but the solution is within the individual. If we all become who can balance him/herself, we can see and take stand against the politics hidden behind the words where human politics incriminates God.

No one should have to change their believe system or religions they are born in. Equal human rights should be able to trump all kind of belief systems, the proof is already in the western societies. Just look at the melting pot systems people have been living together for a long time regardless of their belief systems. It has always been extremely religious people whom have been creating problems for the individuals.

Religions have been condemning and penalizing the individuals over the addictions, homosexuality and suicide because at the time religions came through we did not have the knowledge of the powerful brain chemicals. Even today we are going through the transitional time, religious people still believe these social and psychological problems are individual’s fault.

In general as a society our understanding has been changing for sometimes, but these changes move slowly because they are not just related to the one individual. Social changes happen with the evolution of the society as a whole. The societies have to go through the discussions, arguments and even wars before the major changes. It is unfortunate but that is what our history shows we have to sacrifice to gain a change.

Real evolution takes a genuine struggle by more than one individual. Equal human rights and justice have gone through a lot of sacrifice, today we can see people living from all colors, races, nationalities and religions in advance societies. It is possible, naturally we are social creature who can live in peace but our politicians don’t let us to follow our nature they look for what is in for them. They are more powerful with a smaller group of people, just like the pond with the boundaries the leader is a head honcho but in the ocean he/she is insignificant, so the fight for the control rages on.

Today’s awareness of human rights belong to the few individuals whom stood up against the mass for justice, so yes it always starts with the individual. If it make sense and is against the injustice it would resonate with the general population and the society eventually will adopt that change. Just look at the new changes especially the new pope is make some remarkable adjustments in Roman Catholic religion, a while ago it was about the human rights for homosexuals and now the accommodations to the divorced people. The signs of the changes to the religions are in the air.

If you are on the wrong side of it, it’s either you have fear of some material loss or you are victim of the politics of sense of belonging. Those two are powerful but the sense of justice is ingrained within you, so if you don’t change as a mortal, you may have to live with guilt which is not a good life to live. Inner turmoil is the cause of several social, emotional, mental, psychological, physical and spiritual problems so as a mortal individual you have a duty to live a just life to experience the real happiness.

If the individual is spiritually aware and evolved, he/she should be able to see when and where the human rights are violated even by their own belonging groups. If you can see, assess and judge, you can have in home discussions, communal debates and vote for the spirituality over the politics of your belonging group. Since the groups are formed by the individuals it would take the individuals to bring change from the bottom up.

In human societies most of the successful governing systems start with the bottom up philosophy but fail to continue because of the sense of belonging to the belonging group has the over power the insecure individual. Can we overcome the politics of sense of belonging? May be one day yes, if the individual feels secure enough to speak his/her mind.

The powerful people in every group use all the political tactics including violence to kill their own people to control the general population. They will use sense of belonging and religion to make the individual to feel guilty, they even portray God as some kind of monster to create fear in the straying individual, but it is all part of the politics to keep them in power.

We as an individual and as a human entity are in constant evolution, our previous governing systems like kingdoms, religions, communism and dictatorships have been failing because of our evolutionary nature, since every progress takes its toll every step of the way, humanity have been facing strong resistance from the powerful entities.

Even today our populations are torn apart there is a chaos and wars over nothing. Human life has been disregarded in the past, one can say our ancestors were not evolved enough to know the differences, but this day and age with our understanding we have to look at our behavior critically.

We have human standing up against the animal cruelty yet we all watch every day in the news killings of the innocent human beings. Spirituality is not just to stand against the animal cruelty it is all about the humanity as well.

Spirituality is everything to do with humanity with all its faults and differences.

Spirituality gives inner and outer peace because it’s the inner and outer harmony of the music of the individual’s life.

Spirituality is all about the evolution of human individually and collectively without the what ifs, it’s a totally blind trust in God and fearless living, which does not connect God to the politics of heaven and hell.

Spirituality allows the individual to understand the connection between God and the Man as spiritual and physical expression of the same entity, just like the positive and the negative wires, you can’t just light up a light bulb with one wire even if it is God, there is no light without each other.

Spirituality gives the power to become a CEO so the man can create balance between the opposing senses like sense of belonging and sense of freedom, a CEO can’t be herded like a sheep by the sheep dogs.

Spirituality is the man’s awareness to the sense of justice.

Spirituality is an awareness of the importance of love which grounds the individual as he/she is born in to the society, passionate love to create instinctive and universal love and in general love can be the foundation of peace, if it is taken away it can lead the Man to wars of hell.

Spirituality is not a pond or a web site with the self-created fear based boundaries, it is the space, an ocean and an internet just like God.

Spirituality is an indefinitely evolving entity, like human individual’s brain and body. Internet or God are good for everyone and everything if used right. Individual creates a good melodious song out of his/her life by respecting the empty space of God.

If you pick up the weapons to kill or destroy, you fall out of the spiritual world and yes even if you hide behind the religions. When you say you are doing well for your belonging group, remember the group you are trying to defeat belongs to humanity as well. Even if your war is related with the religion it is a political war because spiritual world is pure of injustice and you can’t have good for some and bad for the others. It is like one body with illness to one part of the body if you have a physical problem you suffer as a whole being.

We look up for God because we have the feelings of inadequacy, the feelings of inadequacy are strongly related with our education from our ancestors and we are taught all our lives that we are sinners and unworthy of God, if you want to go to heaven you have to listen and be obedient to the religious rules. Politics, politics and politics.

We are taught to look for perfections outside and are told God is perfect, powerful and majestic exactly the opposite of the feelings we have deep inside just like a depressed person.

Religions especially make the person feel inferior and our other governing systems keep the individual weak and controllable as well, but if you start to look at your make up and abilities, you are really something else and I mean literally.

Just pick any bodily function or a system, you would see the remarkable work of art, you would be amazed how your body runes and functions in the most intricate ways not yet completely understood by us. The brain can flabbergast you just to think about it. The soul inside of you is just a thing from another world literally, we got a long way to go just to understand ourselves. You represent God physically, each and every one of us does and every one of us should take pride in just being alive to work for God as God, if any one puts you down as a sinner or as an inferior to them just smile and believe in who you are.

Mortal but still a CEO.

Lets talk logic,

Are you a grown up who makes decisions everyday for everything you do? Do you have a job and are proud of it, get there on time day in day out, week after week, years after year? Did your parents teach you about to do this don’t do this? What does your law and order of the land says about everything you do? What does your religions say about your actions in everyday of your life? and finally, Do you feel you choose to abide by the law and order, or religious rules?

Do you think about what kind of decision power do you have? What kind of responsibilities do you carry on your shoulders? If you say I am responsible for all the departments of my life then you are a CEO of your life, yes the big boss, the big kahuna who calls the shots, who hires or fires the ideologies provided to you by the time and era you are born and living in.

How would you response to the situations if you were born ten or fifty thousands years ago? Would it matter, If you are fat, thin, bald, black, white, brown or any other problems do you think you face right now? What do you see in your future say you are going to be born five hundred years from now? In just last fifty years humanity has taken a big leap of faith, how much are we going to change is just not up in the air, it is a reality. Embracing it would be a good idea otherwise you are not only going to be left behind you may end up in a personal predicaments like committing spiritual crimes against the humanity, just like it is happening right now all over the world.

Where I am going with this is that your immediate problems you are facing right now may be are baseless. You just may have an identity crisis and are trying to fit in, impress or be admired. What do you feel at this time of your life?

If you think you have problems, I want you to pull yourself from the situation and sit about hundred feet up higher and look at the problems as a mortal entity. Say a mortal entity has one hundred years to live, if you can make it there. Life is full of situations and circumstances it is not a situation or a circumstance. Siting out side of the situation or circumstances can be done if you really believe that you are not just the body or an extension of the society you belong to. Now ask yourself again,

Can you do that? I am sure you can, but always remember you are not the body or the person a society has created, you simply live in a body to do your life and you are the one who over rides everything as a CEO. The body which is mortal, gets old and die, no ifs or buts, so it is your responsibility to live your life as it fits in the plan of the CEO. No situation or circumstance is above the law of the CEO.

If you let the trends, friends social rules, traditions, customs, or religious duties rule your life it is still up to you, but one fact still remains that you have and it should be always remembered that you are a CEO of your life with a certain amount but limited time.

Societies, religions, and laws and order expect the individual to live life according to their rules but the problem is that they carry on living but you lose life, so what to do in this kind of very personal situation? If you live amongst the people whom don’t understand where you stand you move to where they do, if it is not possible become a politician of your personal life so you don’t get killed because in the end of  the day no life no CEO. So do live life with the practices to enhance your mortal journey instead of sabotaging it.

You can eat whatever and whatever amount, become obese, have health problems and die sooner it is still your choice. You can exercise the hell out of your body just to find out that you screwed up, looked great but lost health in the end by doing too much, even if you did it for society, since you did it, it is still your choice.

That is the reason I have come up with the triangle philosophy it is not about the extreme it is about taking charge and becoming a CEO, and making decisions what are good for your life project. You could make choices to end up in jail, and spend rest of your life behind the bars of jails created by the societies, or you can put yourself in the jail of yourself, still it is your choice. Mortal life should contain the component of happiness and contentment otherwise it is a waist of life for yourself, for society may be useful but unfortunately it is a choice as well.

Being fat or not so good looking according to the standards of the times you are born in, is not the real scale it is how you look at yourself what matters. If society tells you something it is not a reality, until you buy into it and make your life a suffering journey. Still your choice, I can’t address the importance of being a CEO for the individual.

If your car is running great but it is not as shiny as you like it to be because you can’t impress your friends or other people around with it, but it is still running. You can work your ass off to get a shiny car but it can just sit in the garage and is no good for anything, it is shiny though. Your life is not only about the others around you it is about you as well, so it is you who has to look out for your personal interests, if not it is your choice and you just can’t complain about the problems you face because of your personal identity crisis. By no means I am preaching to become selfish it is about the reciprocation from both sides. If you want to look at it a little deeply your personal happiness is strongly related with serving humanity.

I am talking about the mortality and being a CEO if you want a running shiny car all the time you are looking for a big trouble. Yes and that is losing happiness in a temporary journey, if you lose that, what you got left is the regrets, discontentment and life without the fulfillments. Your life is always going to be on the horizon and the present moments, well, it is your choice to live in the future and piss on the present and make your whole life a stinky affair, because the reality is that it is the present what makes the past.

Simple advice you just can’t live a CEO’s life if you sacrifice it for either future or the past, you may be a good head of the department by doing that but not a good CEO.

Simple and logical reality is that future is not here and the past is gone and you just can’t go back in time and change it. That is the reality and the more important reality is that you are mortal, that is the bitter pill you have to swallow. If you can do that, sooner the better.

I read some where long time ago so I am going to write as author unknown, I am going to translate it, hope it comes out right. “quote”

“If you have dirt all around you and you don’t want to get your feet dirty, you should wear shoes, don’t expect the world to lay a red carpet down for you.” end quote.


The triangle of the man on the top and sense of belonging on the bottom right and sense of freedom on the bottom left. The ideal place for a mortal is to be in the middle of the bottom line which balances the triangle. (I wish I could learn to draw the triangle for you but I am not that good with the computer, anyway just picture it in you mind.)

Being a CEO it is your job to understand your balance, you just can’t live life in imbalances because it causes grief for you especially if you have a mortal life. You lose happiness regardless, because if you have it good you still have to leave it behind. A nice looking body or face is going to change, you can’t be feeling bad about something what is happening to everyone.

If you value yourself according to the standards of the society you would lose happiness as you age so get with it, be a CEO and look at your life the way its meant to be. A mortal.


(Najes) The Real Dirt.

You can wipe or wash your behind, or you can wear a nice suit and tie, a turban, a cap or any kind of religious clean cloths, those clean clothes are not the real gauge of you being spiritually clean.

The cleanliness is not from the out side, in spiritual terms if you wear the four jewels like compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love you are clean, without them regardless of the religion, nation race or ancestry, you can’t be spiritually clean.

If you wash regularly before the prayers, have a rosary in your hand and say God’s name all the time that still does not guarantee you, that you are clean at the soul level. That is the reason following just a religion alone can’t provide spiritual satisfaction to all. In order to reach in the spiritual world you have to personally understand the practical prayers, which means you don’t just pray to God by going to mosque, church or temple, you help and do God’s work like serving the humanity to feel deep happiness and satisfaction for yourself and spread what you feel inside.

The spiritual cleanliness of the soul has been talked about in all religions to a degree but some how the politics of the sense of belonging always manage to over power and rob the individual of his/her personal jewellery of compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love. Just look at the passionate religious wars and related spiritual crimes.

Spiritual cleanliness has the understanding and it believes that the whole humanity works like one individual body. The body has all different kind of functioning cells, yet they can’t function unless they all are working together for a living healthy body.

If you feel that you some how are better than others, spiritually you are going against the natural wisdom because human beings are the entity whom have to work together to create a healthy God. All human make the humanity and they are all contributing in God’s work to continue a functioning humanity or I should say God.

A brain or a heart cell just can’t claim that they are running the body because they too are dependent on the nutrients supplied by the colon cells, meaning if you believe you are better than other human beings you are full of it.

The word (Najes) comes to mind from my native language, our Mullahs use that word quite generously when they talk about the others whom are not clean. They believe before praying you have to be clean, yet I believe you can be a lover of God and say God’s name regardless of where you are whether physically clean or unclean. Just look at the birth, we all come from the najes yet it can be life saving new research says the baby born in natural ways gets exposed to the bacteria which builds the immune system thus saves life. This introduction to bacteria is essential for health, If you believe that certain religious practices are more important than life then we are at different pages of life. I believe religion is a thing which belongs to a full stomach and survival should take priority and supersede a belief system. There is a group of people in Christianity they don’t believe in blood transfusion, to me saving a life is like saving God himself because I believe or at least it makes sense to me that God and a ghost town has one thing in common and that is, that they both need human individual to be valuable physically clean or not. Sure we need to understand the importance of cleanliness but connecting it to strict rules from God is questionable.

My reasoning is that our religion started in the desert where water was not freely available so physical cleaning would be hard to achieve if not impossible. A mullah is using the words like najes to make the individual feel bad so he/she try harder to follow the strict rules of the religion. Just like the Christians have been told by their priests that you are all sinners regardless so they work hard to follow the rules.

Making the individual feel inferior and robing his/her self esteem is an old habit of the religions to control the individual. They want the individual to think that their belonging  religion is spiritually clean yet it is promoting prejudice and discrimination right from their educational foundation.

Personally I believe the real najes or the dirt of the modern day humanity is the prejudice, which is deeply ingrained in all human societies by all of us. Somehow we all believe we are better than others by being a part of religion, nation, race, gender or even in sports. It will take a lot of efforts to change and evolve for us to the next level. Where the individual becomes a CEO and crosses the lines of the sense of belonging, from the belonging groups to the humanity as a whole.

You can wash up all you want from the out side, and pray all you want, if you have any prejudice against any human being regardless of religion, race, gender or nation you are in reality a najes, so start cleaning yourself up first.

One individual at a time we can change the world, it already is happening all over the world. Equal human rights would compel all societies to change their constitutions, even religious leaders like pope has been speaking against the discrimination. I would like to see all religious leader come out and speak against the prejudice and discrimination even if they have to speak against their own belonging religions.

A religion should teach the spirituality which is the real understanding of humanity and equality, but it is strange that the closer to the religions you are more prejudice and discrimination you use. What gives? Ever wonder why this phenomenon still exists? Just look at our religious wars, passionate killings, burning even small kids alive and suicide bombings are clear sign of the spiritual crimes.

You pray, you feel the people whom don’t pray some how become inferior to you, you fast and brag about the sacrifice you are making for God, you give money to charity, you make sure others notice it. Instead of becoming humble you become arrogant with the religious knowledge, why is this common to be confrontational when it comes to the religions?

Is it because you are doing it to fit in, impress or be admired by the people around you, if that is the case, it is all about the sense of belonging, it has nothing to do with your personal spirituality.

In religions it is all about the heaven, hell, obedience and control. Just like the carrot and stick philosophy which is founded totally on the politics of control, yet in spirituality it is about the humanity and God boundless and free yet whole heartedly helpful.

You can dress up religiously, look and feel good and respectful but deep down inside of you there is the real person who knows about the reality of the front you put up. That real you can let you know about the right and wrong you do,  so connect with him/her honestly to understand that it is all about the humanity and God not about the sense of belonging to certain group of people.

Remember the right side up triangle where the man is on the top and the God and the Devil on the bottom. If you draw a straight line in the middle to divide equally, God is for your good side and the Devil is for your bad side. God can’t do any bad and the Devil can’t do good. The reality is that you can’t have one or the other because it is you, who has to choose the good, bad and judge to feel the benefits or harms.

They both are the sides of the man, and only the man can choose which side to pick. The man can choose to do some bad things in early or sometime in life yet do lots of good things in the same life time. It should be good enough as a proof for the sides of the individual to some but it may never be good enough to some.

The other reality is if the mankind is not there the good and bad disappears with mankind, so God and the Devil is on the shaky ground if the man start to lose ground.

God created man or man created God is not an argument it is the existence which is most important. I wrote  this as a reality a long time ago about the negative and positive wires you just can’t lite a bulb to with one unless it is a miracle and how often you see miracles happens.

Would you believe God’s work is done by the man and without the man it is called a miracle and how many miracles do you see at regular bases. If you believe God’s work is done by the man then you have to believe that Devil’s work is done by the man as well or you just have to  believe it is the man or a woman who just simple chooses his/her sides.

As I said before if you dig deeper every good action has a man’s hand behind it, so does the bad action.

If you say God did it, look at the person behind all the actions, you will always find the man or a woman. If you say Devil did it, simply look behind you will always find the man or woman.

If the big bomb falls and kills a lot of people, you can say that Devil did it, well think about it again, who made the big bomb and who decided to drop it. A Devilish act but committed by the  man.

The question is why God did not stop it? That is where the real problem starts, because it is not the God, it is the man’s good side could not control the bad side.

Why do you assume that God himself is a man and has feelings, just like you and me, ever wonder why we think that  way? why do we connect God with heaven and hell? What is the wisdom behind it.

Conventional wisdom says it is all about keeping a free willed man to be a subservient. Who will willingly sacrifice his/her life over something unknown and unclear. That is where  the religious knowledge becomes tricky. It becomes political and loses its spirituality, thus we have to start questioning.

My expectation of the man is to evolve to take charge and become a CEO, which I believe is a man’s destiny and responsibility at the same time.

You can put the expectations the way you want to, or if you have been taught by your ancestral knowledge, that God is good and the Devil is bad and man is a puppet. Well I believe man is the third equation thus is completely responsible to picking and choosing and changing his/her mind at different times in the same life time to be good and bad.

If the God and the Devil are the two sides of the man then only man can start or stop the good and bad individually. Believing good should happen all the times is wrong as well because if the bad never happens how would we know what good is? It is all about having the feelings to feel about the good and bad.

Only the man or a woman is capable of feeling not only personal emotional pain, man or a woman is spiritually ripened and can feel others or even other creatures pain as well. We all are capable of cleaning ourselves with or without the water so najes is our action which makes us buy into our belonging groups politics to look at others as najes.

Ironically bad happens all the time, we still discover the mass graves created by the recent history. Why can’t we learn and change? This question can only be answered when man learns about him/herself, understand emotions, revenge, eye for an eye, love loss to love robing philosophy and decides to use his/her CEO powers to choose the good Godly side and control the Devilish side of himself.