Don’t piss on the present.

I want to say it again that if you can understand my content, please ignore the mistakes of my spellings or English in general. If you can’t understand something and need a little more explanation let me know with the post title, I will try to explain further.

It is my deep desire that an individual can live fruitful life not only for the self but for the humanity as well. If everyone can see and understand the importance of the reciprocation we will be able to evolve to the next level which I believe is to cross the lines of sense of belonging from a one particular group to humanity as a whole.

Let’s look at the things with a clear vision, I have been trying to make a case for the peace for the individual as well as for the humanity. My writing is about assuming the responsibility of a CEO for the individual so he/she can create peace from the inside out so it radiate in all over the world from the bottom to the top.

If you have been reading my posts regularly, by now you are aware of the powerful politics of sense of belonging and just as powerful free will with which one can taste the sense of freedom and create balance in the apposing senses because in the end of the day the decision is made by the individual.

You are a mortal CEO who is writing his/her own story or a musical melody of his/her life as a note with the help and respect of the empty spaces.

You are not only the CEO you are the bravest cat and you have the ability to understand the difference between the pearl and the water.

Personal wisdom should be a quest for everyone of us, we can’t just be locked into the knowledge of our ancestors. New era brings new realities, we have to understand the journey of our evolution. Every human knowledge has been, is, will be and should be subjected to evolve according to the demands of time.

We have to come out of the pigeon holes and the boundaries of our religions and constitutions to reform humanity as one entity, if we really want to deal with our modern day problems.

There is a relationship between you and yourself, who do you think you really are? If you really know yourself you will automatically be impressed with your self, thus will have some respect for yourself.

If you look at yourself or consider yourself as an extension of your belonging group, nation or a religion, your sense of belonging has blurred your vision to see your real abilities to recognize your individual identity.

Even if you use your free will and sense of freedom, still you have to understand yourself, meet yourself and connect with yourself at a little deeper and intimate level.

Just think, why do you have the ability to think as a separate entity? Why are you able to achieve whatever you set your mind to. If it was God doing everything, then why are you able to think and create whatever you wanted to?

The answer is that you are the direct extension of God not any man made systems of governing. When you are part of bad things you stand alone because of your sense of belonging to your group, which compels you to be egotistic, proud and be honorable. What is wrong with these all three kids of sense of belonging? they work for the belonging group but not for the humanity or God. Your individual and personal humility and compassion is a clear sign that you work for the humanity and God.

If you dig in to find out about yourself, you will find that there is no difference between you and others, you have same systems of survival, same looks, like one nose with nostrils, two ears, face body and brain, same way of functioning, you eat, discard, which stinks just like everyone else, regardless of color, gender, size, traditions or customs, you are the same man or a woman.

So why do you put so much efforts to be different? It is closely related with the knowledge you received as you grew up, now as a grown up its your duty to understand everything you do is your responsibility. You have to cross the lines of the boundaries of the learnt knowledge from the books. You step into the area where you graduate and write books yourself, to become an evolved human being. Because by nature you, me, us or we don’t and should not have any discrimination. The proof is that as a child we are most in tuned with our nature, and as babies we have no discrimination.

(Back to the title)

If your one foot is in the future and the other in the past, it is fine but you have to be nice to your present and at least don’t piss on it. Metaphorically and literally this life is our present, by killing or dying over the future or the past is pissing on the present. Just look at your life literally it is one day at a time, if you ruin it, it is one day but it adds up as a past to make or break your whole life.

You just can’t be eating hot dogs to save money and leave billions of dollars behind (Few years back, there was a man who left eighteen point nine billion dollars behind yet lived a frugal life in Toronto). It never is what you have accumulated in this life, it is what you have consumed or shared throughout your life time.

Focus on the present to make your day, a liveable moment, because that is the only place you have control to choose. If your choices are influenced by the other entities, you have no color of your own, so take charge and be a CEO. Don’t let the politics of any kind rule you, because naturally you are a free entity with the free will. All conflicts and wars are totally political and as a CEO you have to rise up to make your own decisions.

So do you still want to piss on your present because of your future or past? Well just think the future is literally unknown whether it is your personal or after death, because no one comes back in reality to tell you about the reality.

There are a lot of assumptions though, in that case you can’t piss on the present over the assumptions. By no means I am preaching against the spiritual part of religions, I am just stating my assumptions against the politics of all religions.

If I make sense to you take it, if it does not just carryon with whatever you have been doing, but accept the fact that, we all can live with the difference of opinions. Atheists and religious people have been living together in western countries for a long time.

I may not fit in either, but I respect the humanity and have my personal views. I certainly don’t believe in pissing on my living years over the scenarios of what happens after death.

Your life is a melody written by God and you simultaneously, you have a job to do. I mean a purpose, if you understand it, it is pearl otherwise it is just a water.

If you are influenced in anyway, chances are you will ruined your melody at the least and piss on your whole life at the most.

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