Persona,Planet control and mortality.

By our nature as human individuals we all are equipped with free will and personal sense of justice, so to me it does not matter what our race, gender, nation or religious bias says, in the end of the day we personally and fully responsible for our actions. For instance if you go to mosque or church and pray to God for securing things in life. Your persona would be that you are a religious individual thus you will have to be good and civilized for others. For good people it is great to have belief system which teaches spirituality related good deeds, but if you look at the religious societies to assess their crime rate they are not necessarily fairing any batter. The idea that a religious individual is better than the others is not proven 100%. Say you are a religious individual and go to pray a lot, but if you don’t have spiritual values you may be are a victim of your persona. Understanding the purpose of being a Muslim or Christian or being a part of any other religion is to be a good person who has spiritual values. I said before if you have free will and you use it, spiritual awareness teaches you not to do to others what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones. If you believe others who don’t believe or even the one who don’t pray like you in your own religion are some how become inferior to you. These feelings are working to make you prejudiced and discriminatory individual, to me and logically prejudice and discrimination are sure way to take you out of spiritual zone. Even a remote and random thought of superiority can rob you of spirituality. Being part of a group of people who means you are politically motivated to go to pray to your worshiping places rather than to help the needy to pray practically. Being good to all and everyone is Godly and spiritual because its universal. Being good to some but not to others is political and local, it is not universal nor it is Godly.

By our nature as human individuals we all are equipped with free will and personal sense of justice, so to me it does not matter what our race, gender, nation or religious bias says, in the end of the day we personally and fully responsible for our actions. For instance if you go to mosque or church and pray to God for securing things in life. Your persona would be that you are a religious individual thus you will have to be good and civilized for others. For good people it is great to have belief system which teaches spirituality related good deeds, but if you look at the religious societies to assess their crime rate they are not necessarily fairing any batter. The idea that a religious individual is better than the others is not proven 100%. Say you are a religious individual and go to pray a lot, but if you don’t have spiritual values you may be are a victim of your persona. Understanding the purpose of being a Muslim or Christian or being a part of any other religion is to be a good person who has spiritual values. I said before if you have free will and you use it, spiritual awareness teaches you not to do to others what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones. If you believe others who don’t believe or even the one who don’t pray like you in your own religion are some how become inferior to you. These feelings are working to make you prejudiced and discriminatory individual, to me and logically prejudice and discrimination are sure way to take you out of spiritual zone. Even a remote and random thought of superiority can rob you of spirituality. Being part of a group of people who means you are politically motivated to go to pray to your worshiping places rather than to help the needy to pray practically. Being good to all and everyone is Godly and spiritual because its universal. Being good to some but not to others is political and local, it is not universal nor it is Godly.

To me spirituality, God and humanity are universal and are without the prejudice and discrimination. If you look at bad, it is universal as well that is why good and bad is found in all areas of life and in all corners of the globe. If your religion is preaching prejudice and discrimination against non believers or other believers, remove the politics to find spirituality because no one has to change their way of worshiping or belief system if you can find spirituality in it and removing politics alone can do it. If you are fighting for power it is based on politics, if you are fighting for land taken over by others it is pure politics and greed so don’t bring in religious differences or God. Remove politics or come out and say so what you are fighting for. God and spirituality has nothing to do with your politics. Remember spirituality and God pure of politics but if you live on the planet control you will not only hide behind God and Devil to remove yourself from personal responsibilities you will use everything including God for your political reasons. How can you figure out that you are one of those people or not? Just question yourself about your persona, ego, pride and honor. Where did they come from? Why all that is important to you?. If you dig in honestly you will find your answer and that is your out of control political sense of belonging to your belonging group, where ever you live you become a product of that society. That is if you are not a CEO of your life, if you are a CEO you will know exactly what is influencing you.

Our individual strength matters more than we are taught and feel, when we individually are under pressure or being torn apart between loyalty to our belonging groups and the right thing to do. It matters when and if you don’t use your God given free will and personal sense of justice to follow the truth.

Since we are all mortal and emotional creatures we can end up self harming by not fulfilling spiritual duty to follow the truth. Politics of belonging can suppress the inner you but it can’t kill so look out for wrong doing not only to others but to yourself as well because you got few years to live and being torn, unhappy, unfulfilled or discontent means you will end up robbing your own spiritual health and happiness.

Each and everyone of us has the potential to question everything but not all of us can question especially when it comes to the politics of sense of belonging, so we individually end up committing spiritual crimes in the name of our belonging groups. This is disregarding our God given ability to use free will and sense of justice. By not acting on God’s behalf and following spirituality can have its consequences. How simple is it to know spirituality in a group and individual settings? It is as simple as “Don’t do to others what you don’t like done to yourself or to your loved ones”

I may come across as I am totally against sense of belonging but I don’t see it that way. Since I am writing about spirituality, it is against the political sense of belonging which is proponent of discrimination and prejudice. I am all for the individual strength and personal responsibility so it is all about balance. To me it is a perfect triangle you on the top corner with bottom corners of sense of belonging and sense of freedom you are in charge of dividing it equally, so the best place to be is in the middle. That can’t be done if you are not a CEO of your life project, If you are the one who calls the shots you will be able to see the good, bad and the ugly side of the political imbalances related injustices. Lets see if you can connect some of our social ills to our political sense of belonging. From Ego, Pride, Honor and Persona related problems are every where. Start digging and find out how these things are in the foundation of conflicts, wars, family honor killings and all that whatever drives individual, society, nation or religion to become prejudiced and discriminatory..

I believe in sense of belonging but it has to be in balance with personal sense of freedom so I can use my free will and personal sense of justice to live my mortal years with spiritual truth. If you can’t fix the cause your politics of sense of belonging will always end up taking you in a zone where spirituality can’t be found. Prejudice and discrimination can’t be part of your mortal life if you are looking for spirituality related happiness and contentment. If you are torn apart by the inner sense of justice you have to look after it sooner the better because of the time constrain. Being torn apart from inside is not a communal matter it is a personal matter and you happen to be a CEO of your life or at least you potentially are.

Growing problems of the world are related with the tron apart individuals. If you feel you are one of them Go inward to create Inner Balance to have inner peace so you can spread it out ward as well. If you don’t or are unable to even question the education which has robbed you of your free will, personal sense of justice and even your real identity you already are paying the price. For your happiness and contentment you need to reinvent yourself so you can question the wrong doing of all and yes including your own belonging groups.

By being a follower you, yourself is in your own way to reach your CEO status. Human traits like age and mortality both point towards taking your responsibilities of a CEO so you can create balance to count your individual self as a department as well which needs to be attended. Your personal happiness, contentment and inner peace are some of the main Jewell we all throw away as we live with our sense of belonging related so called persona. Our causes of self harm to be accepted, fit in, impress or strong desire to be admired by the belonging groups are logically wrong and they all are connected to our persona.


First of all ask yourself what is your last name, the answer would be your family name. Immediate belonging group.

Second think about where are you from? The answer would be from local community to province to nation to race, gender and even religious beliefs have created your identity as part of a group of people but not from humanity as a whole, now look at yourself scientifically, genetically and spiritually. What do you think you are? Before all the installed identities you are a human being who is providing physicality to spiritual God. So do you still think you belong to some group of people, you may but I don’t believe that. I believe if you have a free will, can think and act interdependently you are a lot more than you are taught to believe.

Now ask yourself why do you have a free will, where did it come from? Did you learn about it from your belonging group or you always had it? If not from your belonging group then where did it come from? Same goes for personal sense of justice, if you did not learn about your personality traits, status of alpha or beta from any one then you have to believe they come with you from before birth.

Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and genetically you are not a worker bee or warrior ant. You are a free will wielding human being with personal identity of a human being. If you feel you are some how not a human being check it out from your actions. Deep inside there are free will and personal sense of justice to make you a decent human being, but if you choose to become warrior ant or worker bee you have already demoted yourself from what God had created you as. If you are alive as a human being there is always time to learn further to achieve your real status.

Religions are just the political talk if there is no spirituality based equal justice for all, spirituality is the real path for inner and outer peace. If you really want to discover, discover yourself first, find yourself under all the political identities. Our last name should be a human being or dare I say God because all the good deeds connected to God are done through us human individuals.

Live your life as a mortal being because that is what you are, if you live on the planet control the only person is going to get hurt would be you. People hop on and off your life train as you go, since we all carry free will our ability to make choices is inevitable. If you can’t make a choice to let go, always remember you really have to go literally so sooner you learn this wisdom better it is. In a mortal journey happiness and contentment is the real treasure we have to accumulate and living on planet control will rob you of happiness and contentment every chance it gets.

Anything, any knowledge, system of living, teachings or preaching should be used by us as individuals to live this life for the better. Inside and out otherwise all our systems are designed to use us as puppets, our happiness and contentment does not mean any thing and matter of fact some of them even preach happiness should be left for after life, this life is for sacrifice exclusively. This is where I believe our life is a direct gift to the individual and it is all between individual and God and reciprocation is the game of or meaning of our life. Everything other than that is based on human insecurity related politics.

I mention warrior ants, worker bees and now I am saying you are not a hamster on a wheel in the cage as well. Remember God would have not granted you a free will if it was meant to be. Luckily with that free will you have a choice. If you feel the need to control, its because you have been sold immortality related life style so they can use your insecurities to benefit their business of power and control. Be who you are and make necessary adjustments to live within your mortal skin with comfort. External comfort you are longing and seeking may make you stray from the realities. Understand the knowledge of living with mortality.

If someone has more than you, look at the ones whom has less than you as well, after all you have to do the justice to yourself. If you feel bad about not having everything you want in life don’t stop trying but at the same time appreciate what you already have. I wrote a blog about the ladder of horizon where I discussed that compare yourself with the people who have better life than you for inspiration but never forget to compare with the less fortunate so you can learn about the appreciation as well.

Living in constant deprivation mode is a pathetic way to spend a mortal life, there is time coming to all of us when we have to literally lock up our mansions and leave for unknown journey. Instead of looking at yourself as being better than others by having more and better life we need to look at our reality as well to feel humble. Especially if you feel that you are better because of you pray more than others or you follow certain belief system. Whether you are an atheist or devout religious person mortality is a fact for all of us, so being better than others would not make any difference so it is spiritual to be humble with our evolving knowledge. There is nothing written in stone for human truth especially when we keep evolving and learning new things all the time. It should be a proof enough to work against extreme belief systems whether you are an atheist or religious fanatic.

If God meant to lock us up in a subservient position we would not have an evolving nature and endlessly evolving potential. All human knowledge is subject to change and I mean all whether it is a national constitution or even an established religion. When it comes to justice, it should be blind when it comes to religion it should be spiritually equal so there is no room for prejudice and discrimination.

If you lock yourself in those boundaries and don’t change with time sooner or later you will see yourself as a big bird burring your head in the sand to avoid facing realities of human evolution. You may close yourself from realities but that does not change the facts of your individually mortal life which is not very long time.

Remember it is between you and God directly not between you and the people you belong to. They can’t even provide you oxygen to live, so learn to trust God not the people with political agendas. Whether they preach and promise secure spot in heaven or take your money for insurance you buy into a philosophy of immortal living yet you and all the others have non of those.

The complexities are so immense that most of us don’t completely understand so we end up assuming and human assumptions are our stepping stones to evolution not the ultimate reality. You are provided with oxygen to live regardless of eternal chaos from out side and then with trillions of cells and bacteria internally. There is no way one can have control on life, not even the best doctors, the most powerful athletes or national leaders or even Godly men.

So far simply you just can’t survive with your know how, not alone, not with the help of any other human being because we have not solved our mortality riddle yet.

If someone including me preaches you more than what it is, it would end up in assumptions. Assumptions can be good and bad at the same time but killing or dying over them for sure is absolutely wrong and an extreme irresponsibility on part of the individual.

Fact of mortality can’t change whether you choose to go with going trends or not, if you insist to or want to intellectualize everything in your mortal years, you are going to end up out side of humanity and spirituality never mind religion or atheism.

We have to be a human being first which will help us to gain some self respect as an individual because after all we are the one who is turning spirituality into physical actions. We have to learn about our real identity, and you can only do that by reaching deep inside and becoming a CEO of your life.

Remember you are not your persona, you are the CEO who should stand tall enough from inside that you don’t have to create a persona to feel accepted to fit in. Individually every single one of us is potentially a living God. You want the proof start digging into all the good and bad actions are being done find me an action good or bad where there is no human hand involved.

Most of our schools of thoughts openly preach and promote prejudice and discrimination, from communities to nations to religions we are stuck in our politics that is why spirituality, humanity and God can not prevail. It is not just limited to our religious knowledge, regardless of the right and wrong we have groups for and against. From mathematics to science, to medicine, from socialism and communism to religions nothing is beyond the criticism of the opposing groups.

From clashes of nations and religions to individuals bickering over who is right and 100% correct has been is and will be common for a very long time to come unless as individuals we start to take charge and take responsibility for our actions. If you are taught to be prejudiced and discriminatory against opposing groups or whoever does not follow the knowledge blindly as you do you have been preached wrong so it is time for you to evolve individually and hop on the train of equal human right.

To begin with religions usually start at and depend on the situations where ordinary human intellect can’t intellectualize. Where two plus two is not four and where human being is not a machine or a mechanical object nor we are ants or bees so treating a human being as such is a half knowledge. We need to come out of our pigeon holes, evolve and learn that there is a lot more new things to learn and cope with. Like global warming, equal human rights and real identity of the human being or our last name and an where do human stand in the larger scheme of life. To me if an individual is spiritually educated, logically they would use all kind of knowledge to live their life with justice to all including self.

Our attitude toward death and control dictates how stressed we can be in our living years. Our all kind of health depend on this simple discrepancy. Assess yourself where do you stand in the cause of stressing yourself, if you are causing problems to yourself, acknowledge and try to remedy it by simply becoming a CEO who can create balance in all three part of you. I wrote a blog a while back where I discussed You body and brain.

Remember if you love yourself, someone else or even things or community you belong to, it is all related to your perfectly functioning body and brain as well. Our expectations are and should be based on perfectly functioning body. For instance if someone becomes ill with brain disorder like Alzheimer it can destroy the perception of love God and everything in between so functioning body and brain is crucial. If the you part is living in a dysfunctional body it just can’t perform the tasks of spirituality nor it can be good for belonging group. Human being is not good enough without the spirit nor its good without the body and brain so it is all about the balance which we all are able to create but not all of us want to dig in that far to take responsibilities to become what we really are. Whether it is lack of efforts or political influences are over whelming, either way you have to become a CEO to understand your authority.

It is all because of our education of being an animal who is a born sinner, has no value and functions under the influences of God or Devil. To me that education has been is and will always be wrong so it is up to you as an individual to look at your education critically so you can come out of the influences of the politics of your belonging groups.

If you can do that you will find that you don’t have to live on the planet control nor you will have to sacrifice your happiness and contentment just to keep up with your persona. Spiritual satisfaction is the mortal’s goal and if you can’t achieve it by simply following religious rules you are missing out on practical prayers. Remember God does not need your obedience God needs your physicality, your backs and shoulders to make spirituality a reality. Your obedience is required by the ruling authorities so if they are using politics to conform you into their sheep, hamster, ants of bees or whatever else you can be made into, snap out of your politics of sense of belonging to find out who you really are. Your choice should be practical prayers where you help others whomever is praying to God for help and you are the one who God relays on to do Godly work.

Do you know if you live with persona, if you do how much price are you paying for it? As a mortal being you are a lot more responsible for your actions than you are taught to believe. Since your personal happiness and contentment is at steak you should matter a whole lot more to you because of your mortal nature.

In the end of the day what you spend on your persona matters because your expenditure needs to be looked after by you as a CEO. All departments of your life are your responsibility, so if you some how are suffering in life you have to know why? Remember your persona is a child of your sense of belonging. If your happiness and contentment is not up to the par you may have been letting your politics of sense of belonging rob you of the most important treasure of a mortal living.