The bravest cat.

Last week someone sent me a video of a cat on the Facebook. The cat is sting on the edge of a pond, where a crocodile wants to eat some chicken pieces, they were put on the ground for him. As he comes out, cat smack him, he backs off and they have a stare match. Crocodile tries again but gets smacked again, it goes on until he goes back in the water. That little cat and the big crocodile are the story because of the entity which lives inside of them. Today I want to write about the entity which we are who has the name.

As human beings we are well aware of our sizes and abilities to do things, but our inhibitions and insecurities are mostly related with our perceptions and our perceptions are unfortunately related with our education. We undermine our nature and live our lives with our perceptions, just like the crocodile we can’t even see ourselves and I mean literally can’t see ourselves.

When you look at your self in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see a shell or you see through the eyes and connect to the entity who lives in your body. If you see the shell you are brain washed by the society because you can’t even cross a simple line to connect with the individual who you are.

If you don’t like your body because of the standards set by the society, you have a bigger problem than just the body image. You could be unhappy even you have a perfectly functioning and healthy body, instead of being appreciative you feel thankless. If you feel that, just remember that the other people have a place but they should not and are not running your life.

You are the CEO, the big kahuna, the real boss, who calls the shots. You are the one who creates the balance between the opposing senses. See, naturally we have sense of belonging and to counter we have sense of freedom. I would keep coming back to this theme because it is crucial to understand if you want to have a life.

Picture a triangle where you on the top and both sides on the bottom are your senses, now you have a pendulum hung down in the center perfectly still you got the balance. If it is moving from left to right it can raise the level of sense whichever side it swings. A little movement is natural, but if it is out of whack you are in trouble.

If your sense of belonging is too strong, you would pay a lot more for the same clothes because they have a name brand stamp, you would break up your perfect relationship because your friends or parents don’t approve your boyfriend or girlfriend. You have the potential to become a bulimic, anorexic or even a suicide bomber.

If your sense of freedom is too strong you don’t give a dame, you can end up in the real jail or in the jail of obesity and can potentially be very destructive to yourself. There is always an action and reaction, if you are reacting still you have to know that you are responsible.

What I am trying to explain is that it up to you and it is your responsibility to control your senses because potentially it can be a dead dog (see the dead dog) of your serious problems. If you become a CEO you can fix the problems by going deep inside in your gut.

Being aware of our mortality we all try to secure ourselves by surrounding ourselves with others to belong, but it does not do any thing to strengthen you as an individual.

The example I can give you is the stone on the beach. Picture your self as a stone on a slant beach, every time a wave comes it takes some sand away, or bring some back. If you are surrounded with the just as big stones as yourself, you would not feel the sand sliding or coming back. You feel secure, but you would never know about you personal weight or even yourself. Now picture those stones you are surrounded with as your family, work, friends, or lover. Every time a stone slides you panic because you have no idea about yourself, you may lose a job or a lover it can devastate you, if you let it. The proof is in the pudding because the life goes on you find a new job or meet someone else. The problem is in how you look at yourself? Are you a big crocodile who backs off from a little cat or you are a cat?

If your security depends upon the stones around you, you are forgetting that the real security is not being surrounded by the security network. It is in your breathing and living which is absolutely out of your control or even the stones you are surround with can’t control when your time is up.  We die from inside, and we die from the accidents as well. If you put too much emphases on the stones around you, not only, you would not know yourself, you would put up with the shit they throw at you. For instance our governments want to take our individual liberties away on the name of security.

As a CEO go in your pit and ask, are  you really secure because of the walls of control you have put up? The life need to be lived bravely because it is temporary regardless. You can go back in the pond just because of the little cat or stare down the big crocodile.

Your pit has two foundational problems, insecurity breeds control and these two can mess up ones life regardless of mortality. The knowledge of mortality should and can help to live this happily in a twisted logic.

If you try to control everything, you build a habit of control thus try to control everything which can be very stressful especially when you build up your life and then you have to give it up.

The mental health issues can develop from the constantly nagging fear of losing control, I am not saying that it is the only fact but it can contribute to it. Physical health depends upon the healthy thinking as well, so go deep in the gut and take care of your two dead dogs of you problems. Remember the real connection is with the belief of that person who lives in the body, surrounding stones are not able to provide the security you are seeking, so getting to know yourself is the key. And you are the CEO, the big kahuna, the boss who calls the shots.

A King’s Disease.

I am going to start this blog with a story I read when I was very young.  I don’t know the author, but I acknowledge this unknown author, because I still remember it.

There once was a very popular healer. When his fame reached to the king, king decided to have himself checked for his health problems. So king was told  by the healer that he had a king’s disease and it would cost him a million coins to be cured. King thought for a while and said I will get back to you. King though I am a king and can afford the million coins but I would like to know what happens when some one could not afford. So the king disguised and sat in line for hours until he got his turn. The diagnoses was the same but the healer suggested him to bring me these ingredient and I will make you the medicine which will take three months to be ready. He told him where to go which included different places even on the top of the mountain to collect some herbs and a copper coin. After three months king got his medicine for free and was healed. After that needless to say the healer was a royal healer.

When I heard that it takes five hundred thousands dollars a year for the new drug to keep one individual alive this story came to mind. Since I write about the spirituality, I am going to say that I am an idealist and to me it is a shame for the humanity that we are creating a situation that one has to die if he/she can’t afford the cure. It makes me wish that we have those kind of kings running our governments so the equality is imperative.

Logically we are able to see and create the scenarios in our heads so we all are insecure to different degrees.

A billionaire died few years back in Toronto, he left 18.9  billion dollars behind. Why I am mentioning it, because I saw one of his friend was on TV saying  that he lived in an old house and was very exited when he bought a freezer full of hot dogs on sale.

A man can only consume so much in his life time. If you really and I mean really learn to live a temporary life, your attitude would be different. In mortality it is not what you save or own, it is what you consume during your life time counts. Somehow we think our time would come but not for a long time, so we live to save not to consume. That is the reason most of the people’s money is in the banks. I can safely say that there is more money in the banks than in the circulation because people all over the world always thinking and feeling about the saving regardless of the need. Why I say feeling because insecurity falls into the feelings.  If we all have the urges to save because of the unknown, we all contribute to create poverty, hunger, famine and extreme gap of wealth.

Everyone has been taught by their parents, culture or nation to save, save and save. A mortal life is lived but in deprivation by choice. The business of spirituality does not mix very well with insecurities. If everyone saves not because of the needs but out of the fears of unknown insecurities, eventually the whole humanity would have a problem. Sure it is important have some extra money to leave behind before you die.  After balancing the books when you fold, still you have to be useful to the humanity not a burden.

Hare we have people in the grave yards with the tomb stone saying died in 1800. That means human is the only  creature on the face of the earth who owns a piece of land long after he/she had died, yet we have homelessness all over the world. If the loved ones would give some money to the poor on the name of the loved one, instead of going to the grave spend money for the flowers, that dead loved one would be still useful to the humanity.

It is not only the duty of the individual to be spiritual, collectively we should be spiritual as well.   As I have written before, a society which can take care of its sick, is spiritually healthy. If people die of the avoidable sickness, hunger or poverty  that society is spiritually bankrupt regardless of being a political power house. Politics and business is not the only thing a society should run on, compassion, conscience, ethics and love should not only be related to the individual alone.

Unfortunately our religious people are against the universal health care and equal human rights how and why is that possible? where is the spirituality? political arm of the religion is that strong that people would take their human jewellery off for their belonging groups. Compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love are the fundamentals of all spiritual systems and they have been taught to us by our  religions, but look at the religions where do they stand. Can anyone find these jewels in the history of the religions, we have been killing each other on the name of God for a very long time and it is not for God it is all about the politics of the sense of belonging. If a religion can’t teach spirituality it has no business to be in God’s world. Equal human rights and universal health care is spiritual essence of the humanity. If you stand against these things you need some spirituality in your religions.

Every society regardless or religion or governing system, preaches to save or face the stress of being left alone. Politicians say they would protect and secure the individual but as they come to power there is no promise, so the insecurity is continuous and actually  created by our education system.

Spirituality teaches that, the security is in believing and contributing to the humanity. Your fiver is a great asset, because it is given to you by the God. It is not only good for you but it is good for the humanity as well. If you believe as you are told or taught, that you are a worthless sinner, your belief is going to be the dead dog of your insecurities. You would try to secure yourself by the materiel things yet you can’t really deal with the deeply ingrained insecurities, they will show up in your everyday life. Look at your behaviors if you don’t believe anything is done for you from  the God and your life is all a failure, just look at the abilities you hold inside they are all there because of the fiver and the oxygen you have been blessed with. Being happy or unhappy is strongly related with the comparison. If you want to compare, always compare with both sides  to be fare. With the people whom are better than you for the inspiration and the people whom are worse off than you for the appreciation. ( Read the  river of time and ladder of horizon).

The Enforced belief Systems.

The Enforced belief systems

If one enforces his/her belief system on others he/she crosses into the realms of the politics. If you believe that you are following the religious rules by forcing on to the others, you take the spirituality out of it. The knowledge of spirituality is all about the wellbeing of the humanity, its about everything to do to serve the human individually, collectively and even the other creatures.

Living a life for the wellbeing of others is as spiritual as it gets, because it is directly related to the God. If we are all cells of God, the real service to God is to serve the people and the individuals around, baring children, raising them to be useful citizens in the society is the real spirituality.

The existence of God has been is and will always be a question of understanding God. If one understands God, that is the one who is spiritual, if one doesn’t understand God but preach the religious rules, he/she understand only the politics of sense of belonging and nothing but. These people will always preach the learnt knowledge from the belonging groups. As a CEO it is your responsibility to know your knowledge.

If you are born Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist or any other religion, your understanding about God is coming from the knowledge of your belonging group, because that is what you are called. Whatever they believe you can’t question, or would not question, or even would not let it be questioned. What does that mean? It means there would always be wars and killings related to God, yet God is totally incent of all the killings done by the sense of belonging influenced individuals.

Does God want that, I would doubt all the religious knowledge but not God, because the very existence of God depends on the existence of human being. If there is no man kind who worship in practical ways, all the spiritual work comes to screeching halt and the existence of God ceases.

The man has always built the world of convenience for the coming generations, all the Godly help has man’s hand behind it. From feeding the hungry to healing the sick to saving lives, all comes from the actions of the man. Then why would God want to kill the mankind it would be equaling to suicide.

It never has been form God, it has always been from the mankind, all the so called Devil’s work is related to the man himself. It is the man who is always behind the Devilish acts. So believing that good is coming from the God and the bad is all caused by the Devil removes the human importance and responsibilities, which is a cunning political act of the controlling leaders of every religion. Using politics to remove the blame from the bad actions of human beings is typical politics of the sense of belonging.

Every human group has the political system to govern its population and when the religion is mixed with the politics it is a tainted religion. It is not a spiritual system, and thus it is not a spiritual path to serve the humanity. It is designed to serve a particular group, not the humanity. If you are taught to serve your belonging group exclusively, your sense of belonging to your group can’t be spiritual. The sense of belonging to humanity equally is the only way to spirituality.

You can’t be prejudice if you are spiritual, plain and simple. The knowledge of prejudice is exclusively related to the politics of the sense of belonging.
Religions have been claiming their knowledge is coming from the God thus can’t be changed, that in itself is creating a gap in the conservative and liberal ideologies.
Human beings are an evolving organism, that means our knowledge would always be in the process of evolution thus can’t be capped by the religions or constitutions, so leaving room for the amendments is essential.
When I was in Iraq one of our company manager would always come to me and complain about the people throw the pebbles in the toilet even the toilet paper was provided. The reason for clogging the toilet was that some of the people try to follow the traditional drying after using the toilet urination. The tradition was used by the people who did not have water to wash at the time when religion was in its infancy. Using toilet paper would do the same job but there are some traditional stubborn people in every religion which keeps us fighting against each other.

The evolution of the human has been, is and will always come from the deep desire for the change. When we disagree, it triggers the evolution. That means we can use some healthy disagreements for our progress but taking the competition to extreme has always been a challenge. Just look at our sports, how much sense of belonging is involved and how big is that business. To overcome our prejudice would take the individual to become a CEO of his/her life because every turn we take we are bombarded by the education of sense of belonging. The individual growth comes from the individual knowledge of all kind and as an individual it is our responsibility to know what is going on around us are we just cheering because of our sense of belonging. If you are not even aware of the world around you, how and why would you question the knowledge of your belonging group?

Praying several times a day and fasting may make the individual feel that he/she is fulfilling the duty to God, yet the real duty to God is to help the fellow human being or even other creatures. The knowledge of prayers and fasting is to fulfill oneself spiritually but that falls short if you don’t help the others in real life. If you are taught that you become a better person by praying and fasting, you may be are taught that you become better than others whom don’t pray or fast. These feelings of self being right and others being wrong can and does cause prejudice.

If every religion has people whom believe, that they are better than others. It’s a lot of promotion of prejudice then how can we expect the opposite results? We are reaping what our ancestors has sewed because most of us are born into one or the other religion.

My understanding of God tells me, that it is not the God who is creating all the prejudice. It is our incomplete and unfinished political knowledge which is making us go crazy over our sense of belonging.

When we are born, we breathe the oxygen which is equally provided to all mankind. If it was God’s doing God could, should or would cut the help for the bad ones and spread the good. People born and die everyday, they get sick and get well in all human societies the same way regardless of religion. We all stay alive and functioning regardless of being good or bad and why our good and bad has been changing, just look at the history. Racism and prejudice is a crime and human rights are in as a good thing, so why do we blame Devil for our actions and give credit to God for being good.

Since the politics of the sense of belonging is related to our living in the social settings, we have to make an agreement with the society we live in or belong to. The good and bad of the belonging group becomes good and bad for the belonging individual who teaches to his family the same and so forth.

The problem is that our knowledge changes as we evolve, and sometime the individual’s knowledge changes faster than the belonging society, which can make the individual feel suffocated even when he/she is at home.

All the human progress came from the human individuals one idea at a time, thus we have to listen to all the new ideas with the open mind because we are not a finished product yet.

The bushman with the cell phone

Watched a bushman dug out a bulb of vegetation in a very dry land. Scraped and squeezed some of the fluid out brilliantly to survive in the completely hostile environment. Marvelous wisdom of survival, yet the generations away from the modern technologies.

Human beings have survived the ice age, and can survive the modern day global warming as well, but we have to get our act together. The droughts and extreme weather in the world should be enough to warn us, to band together and take care of the dead dogs of our problems.

Our survival instinct can and should force us to plan as a humanity or as a united nation because our survival depends upon that wisdom. The fundamental flaw in the knowledge of sense of belonging to a group is, that it works against the spirituality and humanity as a unit. It inspires nationalism and religion, which are political entities. Today the problems we face don’t have the solutions for a group of people because these problems have no boundaries, thus the solution is to evolve from this flawed knowledge and emerge as one humanity.

If the pipelines are being built for the oil, there should be pipelines for the water as well. From the excessive water areas to the drought ridden areas, if the humanity works together it would become a spiritual thing to do.

Business has its place but you have to look at it logically. The ghost towns of our past can teach a thing or two about the history and a common sense.

Cities or communities are not made of buildings, roads, railway lines or bridges. They are all build by the people for the people and used by the people, one individual at a time. Wherever there are resources people would live, otherwise everything loses its value because the value is to the individual. If the individual does not want to live in the area because their are no resources or comfort, the bigger problems will rise. If you see our communities, most of them are situated around the water sources.

Oil has its place but human beings survived millions of years without it, but it is a fact that we can’t survive without the water.

Even pope is joining the scientists of today, previously that was unheard of. If pope can change his tune, Muslims should learn to make some amendments in the religious knowledge as well, because these days people are living higher up in the north. I think, higher up in north the prayers time and fasting times need and should be amended by the scholars. It just does not make sense and its not fair to the individual to follow something what can’t be followed. We have twenty four hour day light which dictates the times of prayers and fasting, if the religion runners can’t fix the problem, they have credibility problem. The disputes about the moon sighting is an other problem which can be solved easily. This day and age we should be able to take help from the scientists about the moon, instead of bickering about the moon sightings.

Our history shows that religious people never looked eye to eye with the scientists because scientist community don’t really believe in God. Past history shows that religious leaders have sided with the rich and powerful to maintain power and control over the ordinary folks. Power and control has always been the reason of politics and religions have been always part of the politics. Today’s Shia Sunny clashes are related with the purely political war, more than a thousand years ago, yet one of the first lesson of the Islam and the meaning of the Islam is peace. Where are the scholars of the both sides, why can’t they cross the lines of the sense of belonging to their groups and join the humanity. The jewellery of the religions have been compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love. What happen to the main lessons of the religion. It is a shame that both sides have the same slogan, “God is great” well God is great but the politics have been greater than the spirituality and God. The only wind under the sales of the conflict has been the weak individual who can’t become a CEO and stand against the belonging group’s wrong doing. You have to be honest and cheer for the better play, not for the team of your belonging group regardless of the bad play. A CEO can see through the emotional attachment and do the justice.

Even if you look at the religious vote internationally today, it usually goes to conservatives in Canada and to republicans in the United Stats.
I have always wondered why the most spiritually inspired ideas come from the democrats, yet they have been called as Godless people. Health care or taxing system to run the government funded help for the needy. Republicans and conservatives have all the religious people whom don’t want to help the poor, it is mind boggling for me.

I believe when you are sick you are the most vulnerable and need help. If a community is able to take care of its sick individuals in the difficult times, it is a healthy community, regardless of the politics. If any one suffers needlessly and could not be helped by the people around, it is not a spiritually healthy community because the essence of the community is the individual. When the individual suffers, eventually community suffers as well.

The brain drain is one of the most undeniable proof of today’s world. Educated people leave their communities because they want to be valued by the community. If most of the educated people end up in modern civilized countries, the people left behind would still believe, that the earthquake can happen by someone taking a naked pictures on the mountain.
Our ancestors had a belief that God is mad at us, if there was a storm or earthquake so
throwing virgins over the cliffs was a traditional sacrifice to please God. We have come long way from that. I think we are doing pretty good because now we are able to predict the path of the storms or tsunamis to save lives instead of throwing one over the cliff.

I was torn about the title for this article, it could have been the walls of the humanity but I went with the bushman with the cell phone.
The walls of humanity.

Say you are walking by, and see a guy banging his head against the wall, I am not talking the wailing wall, I mean literally you see him bleeding, you wonder oh the poor guy, there must be a really bad situation. You go to the next block and find ten or twenty of them banging their heads against the wall, now you are really worried about them. Then you find millions of them doing the same thing, now you start to wonder about your own sanity.
Our racial, gender, national or religious security is related with our perceptual walls.

We can build the majestic buildings or walls for prayers or banging our heads until we bleed. But God is no where close to these places, God is in the people, that is why the spiritual arms of the religions insist to help the humanity. A building is a building with out the people, or a wall is a wall of the boundaries.
If you look at your self and I mean really look at yourself, spiritually there are no boundaries, fences or caps to keep you down. A bush man with the technology has no limits, from genetics to space to spirituality nothing stops the bushman other than the his own perceptions.
Racial killings, as a matter of fact any kind of killings is robbing the God, humanity and the bushman’s potential, thus the political education of the belonging groups is limiting.

It is the time to get out of the notion of being right, because an evolving knowledge can never be right until it hits its potential and we are no where close to it.

The difference between God and the mankind has been created by the mankind itself. The walls of perceptions have been around since the infancy of the civilization. As a humanity we should be mature enough by now to see those walls.
Any kind of wall is unnatural for the human beings, whether its a wall of perception or security. The understanding of the mankind is rising, the wall of China or Berlin have become the part of our history.
We have been breaking walls in all areas of our life, our awareness of the human rights points towards the humanity as one organism or an entity. The important things we should try to secure are our planet and the oxygen, and they can’t be saved by building any kind of walls. Every fiver would count, so we need to spend where it counts. We can kill each other over the control of a ghost town or ghost planet. The interesting thing is that we are all mortal regardless. Just by looking in the past our grave yard of the individual life and the life of empires shows that how fragile we are.

Spiritually speaking there are no walls between mankind and God, but our religious and political knowledge tears us apart. We are taught that we are functioning on our own yet the reality is that we can’t function without the oxygen. On the other hand, weather the leaf moves on its own or not if the human beings are not there to appreciate it is meaningless. Spiritual part of the religious education is, for us to become a good person. When you are told that you are meaningless and worthless sinner that is completely a political statement.
You are a bushman with the fiver, and that fiver has had helped you to create the cell phone, helped you to save lives from the storms and tsunamis, break the genetic code, reach and land on the racing stars, while our ancestors worshiped even sacrificed human lives for nothing. Today we have the human rights over and above all the beliefs, no one can follow the human sacrifice or make someone victim of the traditional sati.
No one should stand on the fence because of our politics of sense of belonging to one particular group, remember it will be you who will judge your life with your conscience and character.
The bush man is extremely wise because he can survive in a very hostile environment but if you give him the cell phone with all the perks he can be a force to reckon with.
Today we are the bushmen with the cell phones but our knowledge has gone to the sense of belonging to our groups and we are dyeing to kill our own kind even with the weapons of mass destructions. If our fivers are always used up for our groups, how are we going to fight the global issues when we all have to chip in to pull together to survive. Would we have our fiver available when we really need it?

The Monkey Business.

Saw a documentary on the monkeys, two alpha males duke it out by a big fight. One of them won and the other ran away. After nursing their wounds life went back to normal as usual. Winner got the status of the top dog and the loser hung around alone for a while then he accepted the supremacy of the winner. Assumed a submissive role and at time he groomed the winner. As a creature that kind of understanding is crucial to survive in the wild. Yes there is a price to pay.
As human beings we don’t only have similar situations, whether one is alpha or beta we have created an unseen but real big brother who dictates that how should we live within the law of the land. Our problem is just like the monkeys we live in the groups and groups have their own governing systems, some time with vast differences. With animal instinct we try to dominate each other thus get into the conflicts. Our wars last decades or centuries and we have now weapons of mass destruction. Not a rosy picture, because we still have that emotionally charged behaviors and not only individually.

For our local internal conflicts or social peace we have to have the justice system and the law enforcement with the jails. The usefulness of the big brother keeps us from killing each other but everyday problems can’t be solved. If we all can develop our personal ethics and morality related with the individual spirituality we can personally regulate our selves. This individual awareness of the spirituality is the only and best way to reduce the crimes, practically you can’t have a police man for every individual so the need of this education is a must in all societies. This kind of education can help us as a group as well as it can make us aware that other human groups are human too, thus we are all one organism, humanity or an entity. That is if you believe that God lives through us and we all are God’s physical expression.

All the social ills, wars and prejudice related crimes are related to our free will. We can choose to become aware of individual fiver or just follow the trends, friends, society, race, gender, nation or the religions.

We as human beings at times would rather suffer, become depress even commit suicide if we can’t win in the rat race of life. The reason behind this behavior is that individually our sense of belonging is over powering and we can’t balance or counter it with the sense of freedom or use our fiver of common sense. Yes that old sense of belonging. This intellectual phenomenon undermines our nature and compels us to live in isolation even we are still in a concrete jungle.

It is all about the flexibility, adaptation and the wisdom or understanding of mortality. Why even a so called lower form of life out wits human beings? especially when it comes to us being a social creature as well just like the monkeys.
Where else do we suffer because of our intellect, it is a matter of how do we live.
We have to live a life which zigzags through the intellect and nature equally. If you try to live in extreme, either way its you loss as an individual.

Imagine yourself with a knowledge which does not accept the boundaries and you live in a conservative community. For sure you would be a minority and would run the risk of being shunned just because of your views of life, even if you are right. The prejudice always keep the populations at lower level of knowledge. It means you could be penalized just by having a higher level of knowledge. Our history shows that sometimes the brilliant people even were killed because of their knowledge was not understood by the general population. If you look deeply most religions and isms have had hard time in the beginning, yet they gave harder time to the newer knowledge.

It is all about the politics of power when you get in power you supress all kind of opposition, especially when the general population becomes educated it can threaten the power shift. Just like today, all the chaos in the world is related with the shift in the education by the internet. The conservatives would suppress the uprisings but the internet and modern technology is exposing everything to the whole humanity. I know I am an idealist and personally I think no one should be on the wrong side of the evolution. It is ingrained in the human beings because of the God. Religions unsuccessfully put the boundaries around us to keep us contained in the jars (read the seeds in the jar).

Some how human nature plays a role as well, we naturally don’t like the changes. Our ego (which is one of the child of sense of belonging) gets involved it blinds us from the importance of the new knowledge or even evolution. I believe it involves pride and honor of being right and smart as well ( the other children of sense of belonging). All three get involved especially if the changes are proving old theories wrong.

If you are proven wrong that means your ancestors were wrong as well. Especially when it comes to religions we even fight the amendments needed to function in the changing world. So we naturally resist the changes and would rather take extreme steps to fight changes. Our wars and hatred related behaviors are based on this fundamentalism which exists in all human societies. If they have strong indications of them being prejudice and against the human rights, that makes all of them wrong whether it be a conservative group, nations religions, isms or democratic systems.

We have to out grow these boundaries and causes of extremes. We have to separate, instead of mixing religions and personal feelings or losses, like revenge and the disputes of lands. If you can successfully do that, you will find most of our conflicts are expanded by the politics of getting more people involved. If there are more people involved with their fiver the more power to that group. That is the reason why we all are victims of our politicians so it is essential to self educate before chipping in with your fiver. This chipping in knowledge has been around for millions of years but never really understood by the people because it is for the whole humanity not for your immediate groups.

The problem is in the following of a group is that if you take the strength and security from a gang or community, you have to give back and follow the rules. Those rules could be in the conflict with one’s personal ethics or individuality.

Individuals lose strength when the politicians give fancy political speeches to gain group strength.That is why its crucial for the individual to have education to make personal decisions or bring the right leaders to lead. This makes individual stronger but the other problem would rise because, if you take that individual strength to extreme it can have the negative effects as well. It can be like a rust to the social fabric, because in the community you have to band together. Having too many opinions can cause the community to fall apart, the examples are all over the world from religious sects to dividing nations. I have seen several mosques in one neighbourhood and when I moved to Canada I saw the same thing but it was churches. This is not unique in the world we have communities divided like Ireland, Palestine and Kashmir these conflicts are still on going but without the resolutions.

This is a dilemma for the so called perfect solution to human problems, yes our modern democracy is not immune to it either because, you can see politicians physically fighting inside the legislatures. So what to do and how to deal with it, is the question?

Whether to strengthen the individual or the state? Either extreme is not acceptable for the humanity because you can’t live being torn apart from the inside, especially if you love freedom. You can’t live alone, and if you can’t live alone you have to pay the price to mold your self with the rules.

Freedom is natural for the human being as well, but so is the desire to live in the community, thus we all need individual flexibility. just like those alpha monkeys we all need the balance. Not only to survive but to be useful to the belonging community and to serve the humanity in general.

Regardless of gender as human beings we all have to live this life as a mortal. If you look at the modern day life of the single people, there is a lot of pain just because of the social trends and sense of belonging. For instance you live on average around eighty years. First twelve to fifteen are usually under the shelter of your parents. Say at eighteen you get a boy friend or girl friend, have a good relationship for a year or two followed by the break up. You go through a dry period of three to five years depending upon the hurt and the personality because, some people never recover from the hurt.

If you keep going at that rate you can end up spending a lot of time in pain and suffering just because of that you are not looking at your life as a CEO. Just look at it, is it a good deal for you personally as a mortal. You have to assess your personal life because it is you who is in charge of your life.

Always remember it is your personal business and happiness is the cash, if you keep losing that cash you need to make some major changes in you thinking. Other people have a say but not to the point that you spend all your cash and live a bankrupt life.

If you keep looking for the approval of the other people including your friends or trends of society you may accumulate some regrets so the sooner you take charge the better, become a CEO and understand what is at steak. If you keep dumping every boy or girl friend that means you are always looking for the perfect one to come and chances are you are going to live your life in deprivation.

Logically you are living your life on the horizon which may not become a reality and your time would be up. Is it good to gamble with your happiness, it is a million happiness dollar question? and you have to ask yourself why? The founder of the woman’s liberation got married late in her sixties, may be finally she realized the personal life is just as important as a cause you take on.

If you were born ten thousands years ago, would you be living in the same mentality or you can look what is coming ten thousands years later, would you do the same thing with your life. Society has its trends they come and go but you lose very precious time which is not going to come back so place the society in a department but not as a whole business, you have to become a CEO of your life. If you are unhappy you have to look at the causes of that unhappiness. Don’t let the trends, friends or even your sense of belonging rob or ruined your life. It is your time and you have a lot more say than you think.

The Bastards.

How much do we really believe in God? According to the religious people, not even a leaf can move unless it is God’s will. If God has been given that kind of powers, then why an innocent child who has no control or a say in his/her birth, has been penalized and stigmatized throughout the religious world.

He/she is called bastard and unacceptable in the general populations. Civilization has brought in the marriage and related rules, usually created by the religions. These rules have been the foundations of our social traditions and customs. Our traditions and customs have been that powerful, that we still can’t change or even raise voice against them. These customs and traditions can be extremely harsh against the individual even he/she is an innocent.

Religions are spouse to be spiritual entities, they should stand by and help the vulnerable and stand against the injustice. The religions teache the truth but this truth is so bitter it can give bad taste for generations. The bastards get shunned for life or even their generations for the crime they have never committed. Hindu religion has been especially horrible for the widows, the tradition sati which makes the wife of the dead husband to be burn alive with the corps of the husband.

For whatever reason, whether it is religious or political, if we do an injustice to someone, especially when he/she is an innocent, it should be classified as a spiritual crime.

Today we can stand for the human rights, but in the villages of the world these crimes are still happening. From the prejudice to racism to our holy wars they all are the black mark on the face of humanity.

If you believe that nothing can happen without the God’s will then why do we punish people of their wrong doing, especially the punishments like death penalty or flogging, and why our wrong doings are changing with our evolving knowledge?

Slavery, prejudice and racism has been a way of our lives, today these are unacceptable in educated societies. The closer to religions you are, stricter you are, every wonder why? Is it that you don’t have the understanding or you intentionally ignore the real things religions preach, like compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love. Maybe you just don’t have the capacity to really, really, really believe in God, or plain and simple you just want the control over the general population. What is it? what does make you penalize and call bustards to the most vulnerable and the innocents of the society.

If God is doing everything then where does the individual stand, or even the society of the human beings stand. Anyone who punishes an innocent is committing a spiritual crime especially when it comes to a baby. Human has been born the same way since the beginning. If you really look at the history, we can all be called the generations of the bastards, because the religions just came around few thousand years ago and we have been around for millions or God knows billions of years.

This evolution in our knowledge has been, is and will always be a learning process, so it is time to clear out some of the traditional garbage or I should say spiritual crimes we have been committing as societies.

No innocent should be punished, because of our traditions and customs. Law and order or governing systems should be clearly separated from our belief systems and based on the equal human rights. Individual rights should be respected in all human societies equally because these are related to the spirituality. Human rights should surpass all religions, isms and governing systems especially when it comes to punishing the innocents.

Canadian history shows that aboriginals have been mistreated by both, religious and the political systems. Government has apologized few years beck and the demand is to ask pope to apologize as well. The understanding here should be, that the religious extreme compels people as a group or as an individual to cross the lines of decencies, yet with passionate convictions. It is because we are taught by our groups that we are always right, our actions should be according to the rules of our belonging groups. If an individual is a CEO of his/her life, he/she would question on the name of humanity otherwise these kind of failures would never stop.
Human rights commissions should have the power to make everyone promise, that it can never happen again. I believe any traumatic experience especially as a child, leaves marks for life. Even one depressed individual is hard to treat with the medication and or counselling, how can you treat the depressed nations?

United nation has to have the mandate to resolve the conflicts as they start, you can’t sweep these kind of things under the rug and expect they will go away. If you look at the history or even present day conflicts, they are the breading grounds for the mental health issues.
In reality if you dig in, the atrocities against the innocent individuals have been and are committed all over the world all the time. Some for the piece of land and some on the name of God. Hiding behind all that is the politics of the sense of belonging. There is a victim and a predator in every nation who has committed atrocities.
How far should one dig? Ganges Khan comes to mind, who conquered a city in China, killed everyone in it, beheaded them made a mountain of their heads and rode his horse to the top. Chinese came out of it and getting to the top of the world, I don’t recall they asked an apology from the Mongols. Apologies alone don’t do anything because healing starts with the promise of never again.
Self assertion, sense of equal rights, not self harm or disrespect, because the past of human beings have been full of the animalistic actions.

As humanity we need to acknowledge our past, at times we have been worse than the baboons or the chimps. All nations have been, are and will always be evolving. I hope we can overcome our sense of belonging to our groups and learn to belong to the humanity as a whole. These kind of atrocities can stay as part of the past or as stepping stones of our evolution, so we never have to look for the apologies for such spiritual crimes.

My logic says since all jobs are related to help each other, for instance if you are sick you need a doctor, a doctor needs a plumber, a plumber needs a mechanic and a mechanic needs a teacher and so on. An individual who is working, is helping the humanity even he/she is getting paid. Since the paying person is getting helped, he/she is paying to help back.

We keep the ball rolling for the humanity, thus we all are God’s work horses. If you have learnt to see God in the next person, you would be able to see with your spiritual eyes everything else.

I am trying to show that there is a disconnect in the religion related traditions and customs. The intensions may be good but treating someone with an attitude that you are better than them and you are saving them from being bad, yet your own actions are clearly related with prejudice.

In the case of the bastards or widows, that disconnect is most prevalent in the religious societies. If people know that they are doing something which is against their religion they still do it but undercover. The fear can lead to even more spiritual crimes and anything done in fear of the religion is on the shoulders of the religious authorities. If it is not related to the belief systems it is related to the politics of control.
If its in the politics of control, it should not be connected to the God or spirituality.

If its in the belief system, then it should be looked at as God’s will thus really, really, and I mean really believe, that it is God’s doing because if you believe even a leaf can’t move on its own, how can a baby be born without the God’s will.

My point is that, if we don’t understand clearly we can’t be passionately killing or punishing someone harshly. Imagine if we find out, that we have been doing the wrong things to innocents. Like labelling innocents with the words of bastards or blaming the widows of their husbands deaths or in the modern world giving a the death penalty.

Sure when someone is charged with a crime he/she should do the time, but killing someone intentionally even as a society, we should know we can’t kill an innocent individual because there is a chance for that. That chance even if it is a small chance it should be enough to stop the capital punishment. I can’t say enough that punishing someone innocent is a spiritual crime.

If you are passionate about it, always remember don’t do to anyone, what you don’t like getting done to you. Our knowledge has been is and will always be evolving so our rights and wrongs can even reverse with the evolution.

Ask yourself in the dead of the night, do you really believe in God? if you come up with not really, then ask again, and again and then decide. Should you be passionate about your knowledge and even if your knowledge is really yours. Maybe you are influenced by the sense of belonging and you are simply speaking the language of your belonging group. If you are speaking your belonging group’s language then what about you? Are you just an extension of an ideology or an independent entity? If you still don’t believe what I am hinting towards, then what about your free will, you use it everyday. That is why I believe you are designed for a CEO. As a CEO you use your free will everyday but why don’t you use it in the matters of your belief system? Are you worried that you will go to hell and would not be allowed to go to heaven. Figuratively and logically hell and heaven is going to be because of your personal character, not just because of your belonging to certain religion.

Our ethics and morality is usually taught by our religions, which means politics of the religion will dictate what is right and what is wrong. Pope has changed his tune after thousands of years of discrimination against the human rights. Today the rights of the religions have been proven wrong thus they want to politically exist and be relevant in individual’s life. After thousands of years of conforming powers and disregarding human rights the time has turned on them and now they have to be conformed to the human rights.

Since we are all the CEOs of our lives and are the third equation, we should have our own personal and individual ethics and morality so we can take our responsibilities and stand with our own principles.

Today human rights are the new spiritual religion, I repeat spiritual religion, which goes beyond the boundaries of all nations, religions and human groups or societies. Have your personal ethics and morality clearly defined and connected to the spirituality, just like a computer is connected to an internet.

According to the personal spirituality, you can try to live guilt free and with the responsibilities of a CEO, it is possible and it can be done with or without the religions. No one has to change his/her religion just stop following the religious politics you will find your personal spirituality.

The Dead Dog.

The dead dog of our conflicts.
There once was a community, they dug a well for the water and lived around it. One day a dog fell in it and died. When water started to stink everyone got worried, so they gathered up and one of them went down in the well to investigate. He found a dead dog and yelled from the well, that there is a dead dog in here. People looked at the mayor with questioning eyes. He said, take about fifty barrels of water out and then start using it, but make sure you take the dead dog out first.

Today we have a world which keeps on living without taking the dead dog out. From medicine to social systems, everyone is looking for a band aid solutions to buy time. If you have a headache, you take an aspirin regardless of the reason. Our problems persist and evolve into our major issues of life. From health problems to our local social issues to international conflicts. We have built an attitude to sweep everything under the rug and keep going. There is nothing wrong with it, but the problems don’t go away on their own. We as a humanity has to work towards removing the dead dogs of our personal and communal wells.

I am a self-employ yet personally, I believe the solutions for the poverty is not in the charities, it helps, but there should be a poverty tax in all over the world so the help never dries up. Since us as an individual can be insecure and at times, we don’t give anything to charities. That can make the donations, not only go up and down they can completely dry up which can leave a black mark on the face of the humanity when someone dies of hunger.

The religions preach to help the poor, but preach the religion shamelessly so it becomes a help with the strings attached.
Any human social system is a political system. When people get together with their fiver (read five bucks) the politics starts, whether we like it or not. Since all religions are group of people, the politics can’t be avoided unless it is strictly about the spirituality. Religions can claim that they stay away from the politics because of the nature of the business.

No matter how much I believe in the spiritual living, as an entity we can’t just live on the spirituality alone. We have to have our political systems to keep our governing systems going.

We are in the process of continuous evolution thus can’t put caps over our political systems. An evolving entity can’t practically freeze the evolving knowledge so we can’t claim that we can’t change constitutions or religious rules because they came from our fore fathers or God.
We need our political systems to run our affairs, but if a political system is designed to exclusively cater a particular group of people it lacks the spirituality and spirituality is needed to create peace, whether it is inner peace for the individual or external peace for the community, society or in general for the world.

We have been trying to get there by our politics without the spirituality, so the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love is not involved thus our constitutions and even religions could not get the job done.

We have united nation with the veto powers to a few, Geneva Convention commission against the human right violations, but can’t do anything against the violations because all over the world it has been and is still happening. The democratic process with the back benchers because they can’t stand against their own party manifestoes, because of the sense of belonging to their party over rules their personal ethics or the interest of their constituents whom they represent.

Democracy, better than what we have had for thousands of years. For sure better than the kings and dictators but far from perfect.

The reason behind all that is the powerful human phenomenon yes, the old sense of belonging to a group but not to the humanity as a whole.
Religions say they are the cousins of God and they will take you to the heaven, everyone else is going to hell regardless of their help of humanity.

A mullah could be alive because of the insulin, but curses the western knowledge shamelessly. We as an individual should have the personal ethical protocol and system we believe in and credit where it is due, our sense of belonging should counter and balanced by our personal sense of freedom. Human being is blessed with the free will for a reason, God gave us the responsibilities to run God’s affairs.

Humanity is a jambalaya of the genes, you could be white and against all the other skin colors but your ancestry could have black in it. You could be a Muslim with the genes from Ganges Khan or you could be an American Muslim fighting against the Muslims all over the world.

Can’t you see that it is not the race, nation or the religion what makes you a human being? Your genetics can tell you a different story, and we all have the same genes. If you are different from the color, nation or the religion, genetics and spirituality brings you to the humanity, just ask anyone who has received an organ from a match but form different race, gender, nation or religion. So start with yourself to remove the dead dog of the sense of belonging to your particular group, one person at a time to create inner and external peace.

What happens if the climate changes? Oceans rises to sink the land of certain part of the earth, it is happening as I am writing. Would the countries on the higher lands accommodate all the displaced people or protect their borders and let the humanity suffer.
The face of the world has been changing for a long time, if we don’t change to belong to the humanity from the group mentality, it can be chaotic.

You can’t practically live together if your legends are with your respected clan, race, nation or a religion. Optimistically thinking, if we can live in the western countries as melting pot societies, we can do that at a larger scale as well. We just have to evolve to the next level of our evolution scale and that requires us to cross the lines of the sense of belonging to a group.
All circumstances are pointing towards the necessity of the evolution to the next level.
From internet to global warming, gender liberation and sexual freedom to space station to human rights are all signs of the changes we all have to adopt.
If we don’t change with the changes, we are going to end up facing the predictions of the holy books but with our own choices.

If you spend all your resources fighting each other, how and what are you going to do to manage the real problems looming in the near future, where every fiver is going to count.
We rob each other of that fiver by killing the individual belonging to the other group, but the net loss is to the humanity which keeps us behind and slows us down to reach our potential.
Imagine if the whole humanity chips in with their fivers to build the bridges. I whole heartedly believe, we can protect ourselves from the global warming because we have survived the ice age. We can conquer the poverty and hunger as well as we can stop killing each other on the name of our nations and religions.

The Essence of Spirituality

The Essence of the spirituality.

From the stories of the holy books to the modern day movies with the realistic special effects, our fascination has always been around. We spend a lot of resources to enjoy the fiction especially when it is realistic.

From the Dracula, Werewolf, Genie lamps, Witch craft and modern day Superman, Spiderman, Batman and so on. Our fascination and curiosity help us to evolve in all areas of our life, but when it comes to God or the things we can’t understand with our present capacity of understanding, some of us keep seeking but a lot of us accept the status co without questioning.

Our millions of years of civilization could not solve the mysteries of God, the promises of heavens and fear of hell. Kids don’t believe their parents when they try to instill the fear of God because the philosophy is wrong. Fear based control is no control at all. As soon as parents are not around the kids explode and they do the vary things they are told not to do.

Our societies are full of the spiritual crimes, we even believe we are the good guys yet our history shows and proves us as a violent creature. From social crimes to our wars don’t draw a very nice picture of humanity. But we should give ourselves a break, because we are still evolving. So far we have learnt about the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love from the holy books but our religions use the politics of sense of belonging to make us go to holy wars and commit spiritual crimes.

Personally I feel like a human cell who wants to see the whole body, my curiosity wants to solve the mystery of God but if I don’t even have the eyes or enough understanding how can I see? Everything about God has been, is, and will be an assumption until we reach our potential. Spiritually God and man has the connection which can be felt with every sense with the desire, but can’t be touched, seen or heard physically because you yourself is the part of it.

You can watch a movie with some good special effects and get scared or you can think of how all this is created as a movie whether it is real or not? It is all about the perception and its effects on you.

If you seek God you don’t have to go very far, just look at yourself, and if you want to see the Devil, still you don’t have to go very far. All you have to do is to look at your actions. You may not have the horn or the halo but your actions make you God or the Devil. You play the politics of God and the Devil to avoid the responsibility of your bad animalist actions.

Does that mean I don’t believe in God? I whole heartedly believe that I am connected to God, but I take responsibility of being the third equation so I use my five bucks and don’t play politics of God or the Devil ( Read Five bucks).

Today if you look at the strongest trend of humanity, it is as powerful, if not more as any religion or governing system. It is the equal human rights and because of that the world is going through the changes. This chaos will be there until we evolve to our next level. The next level of evolution requires for us to cross the boundaries lines of the belonging groups and join the humanity as a whole. These changes are coming because, deep inside each and everyone of us is a reasonable individual who understands the fundamentals of spiritual justice.

Don’t do to anyone, what you don’t like getting done to you, is one the fundamentals of spirituality. That is why the notion of equal human rights is spreading and spilling over the boundaries of every community, nation or religion. I believe in it whole heartedly because I believe there is no one special race, gender, nation or a religion. It is all between God and the individual human being.

Human rights simply should be pure of politics of influences because there is a direct connection between the human individual and the spirituality. Everyone believes that there is a middle man between God and the ordinary man. Spiritually speaking there is a direct line between the man, God and the Devil it is man’s choice where to call.

If we are the seeds or cells of God, then why are our actions related to the Devil? Because it is all about the evolution of our understanding. Just look at our history; our good and bad has been changing, intertwining and still changing. For instance we don’t throw the virgins over the cliff for the God, prejudice and racism are becoming spiritual crimes yet not too long ago they were social rules. Human rights were unheard of, God’s words were the laws and the world was run by the kings. Today it is different and what brings tomorrow, no one knows. We accept, assume and predict just like we did for millions of years. Where are we going? If you ask a religious person he/she would tell you to the end of the world, not a good picture for the systems which are designed to preach hope. I believe in the humanity that we will evolve and come together to create peace and learn to live with each other regardless of our differences. We already do, just look at the western societies there are all kind of people living together. Their religions, color or sexual orientation do not dictate or are above the law. Ideally in every human society human rights should dictate the justice system. If it is possible for us to live together in the western countries why can’t we live in peace in all over the world? Why there are religious wars? and why can’t we over come the extremism.

Political arms of the religions preaches that you are better than others. Believing that you are going to heaven and every one else is going to hell is pure prejudice, which needs to change because we don’t even know the clear picture of the other side. If we don’t or can’t use our compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love, we will always be entangled in the prejudice and related actions and wars. Spirituality preaches equal human rights, if you look at Islam spiritually it is clearly for the equal rights because the prayers put every one’s head in each others feet, but when the politics takes over the whole hell breaks lose. A clear violation of the human rights.
I believe all religions should stick to the spirituality and get out of the business of the politics, because spiritually God is for the human being and human being is for the God. The essence of the spirituality is to see God in the person next to you regardless of the differences.

The legitimate side. THE AMIMAL.

In the core human has a beginning of a wild animal, which is part of our make up.
Today when a baby cries the mother or father runs to comfort; whether to change the diaper, feed or just to hold. As human beings we catch on quickly even as a baby and demand continuously. If the demands are met everything is fine, otherwise the problems persist. If the caregiver is not understanding, he/she will raise the child with the over powering animal side. If the care giver looks at the time, and think I have just changed, fed and held, there is no need to attend, let him or her cry. Babies will cry for awhile and on realizing nobody is coming, the first step towards becoming a human has been taken. Self restraint is best learnt in the beginning. The balance should be understood by the parents. It’s not only good for themselves, it is good for the baby when he/she grows up. All our lives we have to deal with our desires, if the foundation is not set properly we will have a struggle, in weight management, relationships and of course with the law. By nature we have two competing sides, and the gift of free will to create balance.
Without the understanding and practical use of any knowledge keeps those words into words. Words only become wisdom when they are used in practical life.
People recite words from the Quran or the Bible and believe that would solve their problems in their living years and take them to the heaven after they die.
Belief systems have a placebo effect on human beings, but it does not work for everyone. When it works for someone he/she would not understand why others don’t believe like him/her. Strongly religious people usually try to fit the others into their shoes instead of trying to fit in the others. That kind of belief system is an extreme which takes us away from basic fundamentals of social life.
If you look at the knowledge from the holy books, it is mostly for the individual to be a good person and live for the others and God, meaning sacrifice this life for the others and there will be life after death.
Great philosophy of control to use people for the society’s well being. Nothing is wrong on the surface but everything including well intended knowledge has its consequences. The individual and his/her animal side would object to that. When the individual is forced to live life in a sacrifice mode the animal side explodes with the bad consequences. Deeply unhappy and strict these people are trying and struggling to have relationships with their children and people around them. (Read the Love triangle)
The vary essence of the holy book’s spiritual knowledge gets lost in the politics of it. The compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love take back seat when the emotions flare up because of the differences. These differences are deeply connected to our animal side. Strict parents force children to fear God and live for the after death, yet fail miserably. So where is the disconnection, yes the answer is the animal deep inside of all of us. The legitimate side of the man or a woman.
Our religions and other social systems have been hell bent to kill that animal for eons with no success. We are still banging our head even it is bleeding, after all the civilization. By now we should be wiser and acknowledge the legitimacy of our animal side and make deals with it instead trying to kill it.
I have been getting hundreds of calls from the people who want to teach me Quran. One of the caller called me a kafir, meaning infidel just because I questioned the knowledge of fasting and prayers. I said we live in north far enough that in summer the day light can last for twenty four hours. What should one do about the fasting month, we have to be able to make some amendments otherwise it is not good for the individual. Since our prayers and fasting times are connected to the sun light. I believe in the room for amendments in all kind of human knowledge including all constitutions and religions. Pope has changed his views about the homosexuality because logically religions, as spiritual systems can’t be against the human rights. Discrimination or even individual suffering from fasting twenty four hours a day is plain wrong.