The bravest cat.

Last week someone sent me a video of a cat on the Facebook. The cat is sting on the edge of a pond, where a crocodile wants to eat some chicken pieces, they were put on the ground for him. As he comes out, cat smack him, he backs off and they have a stare match. Crocodile tries again but gets smacked again, it goes on until he goes back in the water. That little cat and the big crocodile are the story because of the entity which lives inside of them. Today I want to write about the entity which we are who has the name.

As human beings we are well aware of our sizes and abilities to do things, but our inhibitions and insecurities are mostly related with our perceptions and our perceptions are unfortunately related with our education. We undermine our nature and live our lives with our perceptions, just like the crocodile we can’t even see ourselves and I mean literally can’t see ourselves.

When you look at your self in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see a shell or you see through the eyes and connect to the entity who lives in your body. If you see the shell you are brain washed by the society because you can’t even cross a simple line to connect with the individual who you are.

If you don’t like your body because of the standards set by the society, you have a bigger problem than just the body image. You could be unhappy even you have a perfectly functioning and healthy body, instead of being appreciative you feel thankless. If you feel that, just remember that the other people have a place but they should not and are not running your life.

You are the CEO, the big kahuna, the real boss, who calls the shots. You are the one who creates the balance between the opposing senses. See, naturally we have sense of belonging and to counter we have sense of freedom. I would keep coming back to this theme because it is crucial to understand if you want to have a life.

Picture a triangle where you on the top and both sides on the bottom are your senses, now you have a pendulum hung down in the center perfectly still you got the balance. If it is moving from left to right it can raise the level of sense whichever side it swings. A little movement is natural, but if it is out of whack you are in trouble.

If your sense of belonging is too strong, you would pay a lot more for the same clothes because they have a name brand stamp, you would break up your perfect relationship because your friends or parents don’t approve your boyfriend or girlfriend. You have the potential to become a bulimic, anorexic or even a suicide bomber.

If your sense of freedom is too strong you don’t give a dame, you can end up in the real jail or in the jail of obesity and can potentially be very destructive to yourself. There is always an action and reaction, if you are reacting still you have to know that you are responsible.

What I am trying to explain is that it up to you and it is your responsibility to control your senses because potentially it can be a dead dog (see the dead dog) of your serious problems. If you become a CEO you can fix the problems by going deep inside in your gut.

Being aware of our mortality we all try to secure ourselves by surrounding ourselves with others to belong, but it does not do any thing to strengthen you as an individual.

The example I can give you is the stone on the beach. Picture your self as a stone on a slant beach, every time a wave comes it takes some sand away, or bring some back. If you are surrounded with the just as big stones as yourself, you would not feel the sand sliding or coming back. You feel secure, but you would never know about you personal weight or even yourself. Now picture those stones you are surrounded with as your family, work, friends, or lover. Every time a stone slides you panic because you have no idea about yourself, you may lose a job or a lover it can devastate you, if you let it. The proof is in the pudding because the life goes on you find a new job or meet someone else. The problem is in how you look at yourself? Are you a big crocodile who backs off from a little cat or you are a cat?

If your security depends upon the stones around you, you are forgetting that the real security is not being surrounded by the security network. It is in your breathing and living which is absolutely out of your control or even the stones you are surround with can’t control when your time is up.  We die from inside, and we die from the accidents as well. If you put too much emphases on the stones around you, not only, you would not know yourself, you would put up with the shit they throw at you. For instance our governments want to take our individual liberties away on the name of security.

As a CEO go in your pit and ask, are  you really secure because of the walls of control you have put up? The life need to be lived bravely because it is temporary regardless. You can go back in the pond just because of the little cat or stare down the big crocodile.

Your pit has two foundational problems, insecurity breeds control and these two can mess up ones life regardless of mortality. The knowledge of mortality should and can help to live this happily in a twisted logic.

If you try to control everything, you build a habit of control thus try to control everything which can be very stressful especially when you build up your life and then you have to give it up.

The mental health issues can develop from the constantly nagging fear of losing control, I am not saying that it is the only fact but it can contribute to it. Physical health depends upon the healthy thinking as well, so go deep in the gut and take care of your two dead dogs of you problems. Remember the real connection is with the belief of that person who lives in the body, surrounding stones are not able to provide the security you are seeking, so getting to know yourself is the key. And you are the CEO, the big kahuna, the boss who calls the shots.