Flexible potential of humanity.

Humanity has been evolving to gain a whole lot of knowledge yet still is a victim of our ancestral knowledge based on us and them philosophy. Sooner we learn the better, that we have to evolve from this curse to take the next step into our evolution because our weaponry is evolving light years ahead of our emotional or animal side. Today we are learning that our animal side domination is connected to our racism, gender bias and prejudice. These are the plagues we have been carrying from our cave and bush times. Regardless of our modern day civilization we are still killing each other so there is no way of keeping log on how many of us have been killed from our us them philosophy.

Look at our so called elite spiritual preachers from religious back ground, these days even our monks can’t be immune to the politics of sense of belonging. Look around the world every religious group preaches and talk up the world with a word calls compassion and related knowledge yet their politics of sense of belonging has been and is always able to rob the com out of their so called word compassion. Religious passion has always been trumping compassion, they talk about spirituality, justice and day of judgement but they don’t even think twice killing innocent beings for their political agenda.

Believing in God does not mean that you become an extremist in your prescribed ideology. You still have to take care of your life issues as an independent entity. Not doing to anyone what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones is a common sense rule.

There is no reason to protect God from non believers other than politics, so understand that God can take care of Godly issues very well. On one side of the face you say God is almighty and on the other you kill for God. Ask yourself what is ?driving you not to believe that God is not almighty? What makes you think God needs you to protect God. You getting bent out of shape is not because you want to protect God. It is your politics of sense of belonging which compels you to fit in, impress and want to be admired by your belonging groups. Punishing someone for not following religious rules is actually a lack of trust in God Almighty’s will.

If you even damage someone’s property never mind hurting or killing them is plain and simple spiritual crime because you yourself would not like to be on the receiving end of your actions.

Knowing and separating spirituality from politics is our personal and individual responsibility so is joining or not joining the mob to kill innocents. Politics of sense of belonging has deep roots into human psyche because of our chemical reactions. Regardless of its power over people it still falls under the responsibilities of the individual to control urges. You would be portrayed by the belonging group as a weak of cowered if you don’t join their cause but actually it even harder for the individual to control animal urges. Remember we are not created as animal exclusively we bring along spiritual side as well. Sure we can’t kill our animal side because of its legitimacy from God but our spiritual side should dictate our actions as evolved human beings. Being a human individual is a privilege because we all each and everyone of us has God like abilities. When our religious leaders start to prescribe prayers for material achievements they play games with people’s belief systems and even individual’s beliefs in God’s existence. One can worship and do everything prescribed but God still does not show up that can have an impact on one’s belief system. Future lack of trust can lead one to become an atheist just because of the advise. If you go back and complain you may be blamed for having no trust in God. Since not everything is clear we should not play with someone’s spirituality.

Evolving from the curse of political belonging to our groups has not happened because we don’t even acknowledge it as a problem. Since we all have been exposed and brain washed with our identity politics right from the childhood, we individually don’t acknowledge the concept of belonging to humanity as a whole. An ingrained knowledge of political belonging to groups at tender age can connect it to our hormonal reactions.

In that state of mind criticizing it even with logic is illogical unless we learn about being a human belonging to humanity as a whole first and right from childhood instead of our so called color, race, gender, nations and religions related group identity.

So far the best remedy humanity has introduced to the individual is the equal human rights. These rights don’t only right our wrongs, they actually are the logical anti dotes of our wrongs carried through our generations. Our us and them philosophy is the foundational problem and is going to be hard to take the next step into human evolution.

As a CEO we can correct it individually from within, one person at a time. If we stay the course as we are going we would never be able to find that illusive peace humanity has been seeking for thousands of years. Our nationalism, and extreme religious belonging has been an ultimate failure because they both bring their politics from top down yet the key is from the bottom up. We need to understand and change ourselves at individual level to fight something big like politics of sense of belonging because of its hormonal connections and influences on us. No matter which way you cut it human has to grow spiritually to belong to humanity as a whole being connected to groups we would always be entangled with our prejudiced and discriminatory politics..

We would be suffering not only individually but collectively as well until we collectively convince the individual that they are more than just the extension of a race, gender, nation or an ideology. They have to know that they are the CEO of their lives individually and they have more responsibilities on their shoulders to manifest changes for the better.

Lets start here with this question, I would like each and everyone of us to ask this in the dead of the night or in total privacy, think deeply and logically before answering it. Remember just your opinion without any political or emotional biased related influences.

Simply ask yourself. What would be the ultimate sin committed against you or your loved ones? You may would have different opinions but to me if you are on the receiving end of being punished for something you are 100% innocent is an ultimate crime against me. Now look back in human history and even in present days and see what our ancestors have been and we still are doing to each other. Top of the list is that we kill each others innocents just because of their looks, beliefs and belonging.

Remember I said innocents it is because when we are born we have no control where and who are we born to, so if you are born into certain race, color, nation or religious beliefs you are innocent until you have committed a crime or a sin against someone. Ask anyone if our court systems punish someone who just look like or believes in the same religion. It would be highly unjust because there are millions of us look alike and belong to same religions. In real justice only the individual who commits a crime gets punished, every religion says the same, we all are responsible for our actions and we are going to hell or heaven according to our actions.

Now my question is where does this logic go when it comes to the politics of our sense of belonging? Regardless of nation or religion our individual actions are supervised by our justice systems and our individual spiritual nature. Instead of teachings of spirituality and justice nationalism and religious indoctrination has been and still is our starting education in our societies.

Highly political.

If we are not aware of the strength of our personal sense of justice and spiritual nature our ignorance can harm us individually. Being political is a department taught by our belonging groups but spirituality and personal sense of justice is ingrained within as part of us from before birth. If they clash the individual can be torn from within which can result in losing zest, happiness and contentment of life and as a mortal individual we just can’t afford to lose that.

There is a lot more responsibility on our mortal shoulders because not only we have to deal with external politics we need to understand the strength of our internal critic as well all at the same time. If you can’t juggle all that because it is hard, you end up leaving everything one others shoulders and become just a follower. Not only that has the potential to rob you of your individual and real identity, it can compel you to commit crimes and sins in the name of your belonging groups. All that is watched by the critic sitting right within you.

Just like each food has it’s taste and chefs usually mix the edible foods to create the new taste, if it’s good it sales, if it is bad it does not. Some taste become so common that people want to jazz it up by adding their own additions. From traditional foods to actual customs of human societies to governing and worshiping, our world is full of differences yet the quest for better does not stop. We don’t just follow the evolution of the tastes, we have been and are still trying to reach a better taste in all departments of our life so its an on going quest.

Human societies have been seeking to have a batter ways of governing which automatically brings difference of opinions. In beginning it makes people to get out of their comfort zone. Clashing cultures, defensive resistance and wars can result and then eventually people learn to live together. They mingle and mix just like foods some time its not a good mix and become a never ending conflict. Yet some time the new mix is better tasting than their old ways of living because of the spirituality related tolerance and acceptance brings more of the good by removing politics of belonging to groups. Society then benefits from mixing knowledge and higher level of fivers or atom of autonomy that can bring transformation for the better.

Some of the western societies can be described as melting pot societies because you can find people from all over the world with different colors, nationalities and belief systems. Since they have democracies with equal human rights they usually are successful regardless of present wave of protectionism people are generally happier. They have created a taste of the equal human rights which is liked by all kind of people. If their group politics wins and they sacrifice equal human rights they may lose what they have gained by attracting talent from all over the world.

Since brain drain from all over the world has had helped them to evolve much faster and further than their counterparts they need to keep their values. Desire to move to western nations is not only for the financial reasons it is because of freedom and security as well. With internet things can change just as fast because today we all have an instant news.

With every war and dispute a wave of refugees leaves war torn zones and they end up in western societies. It is especially a good refuge for the people who have moved from the oppressive societies, whenever an individual migrates they bring their fiver to contribute into the new world they adopt.

Whenever I say in my opinion it means I could be wrong so in my opinion people leaving the oppressive societies, are usually alpha people who sacrifice their present or status quo to change their future and put more efforts into changing their living conditions. It is great to have success oriented people in one place, because higher number of the driven people can not only enrich themselves they help the society they join simultaneously.

Being alpha can bring individual problems as well so wherever they congregate social issues can arise. For instance re-establishing themselves and go through the struggles and then putting efforts for dominance even in their love department which can ruin the personal relationships because there are equal human rights. At work, the job dissatisfaction can lead to unacceptable subordination meaning individual unhappiness, eventually when the individual suffers so does the society, so we progress in certain areas but develop deficiencies in the other. Alpha parent bring alpha kids then everyone try to dominate each other, you get the picture.

The most important thing in a mortal individual’s life should be the happiness. Things like wealth may provide one kind of happiness, socially it may be popular but if you really know your self you can tell what is more important to you.

For instance you live in an oppressive society, but you like to express your thoughts with freedom, regardless of wealth you would not be happy because you can’t express yourself freely. If you have lot of freedom but you are poor and can’t enjoy your freedom, either way your pursuit should be the happiness. Knowing what kind of wealth you appreciate helps you to choose the path you should be on.

Ideally one should achieve inner and outer peace, happiness and contentment. Regardless of success in life the individual’s ideal package is incomplete unless it contain physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual health and happiness. If you believe that only financial freedom will take care of everything, it may not be true for you as an individual. If you sacrifice all the other areas to be successful in financial department still it does not make it a good strategy because eventually you will have to be apart and leave it all behind.

If you say your days are numbered, than that means we have no say in it. Believing that way may help to take fears and stresses of life away but we need to understand that we have a say in every thing we do. From healthy or bad habits to the ability to suicide of human being are clear examples of choices. If you eat bad and hope that it does not have an impact on your health and the length of life, it may help because of the belief system but reality is that we can’t just will or pray our self to a longer or better life.

Since we as an individual are the most important person in our personal life, our decisions make a difference in our day today life regardless of what kind of belief system we follow. This all happens after we have inhaled our life giving oxygen so our powers are not exclusive to us. Regardless of God’s invisibility our belief systems are our important realities or at least they should be because they should be there to help us live this life with quality.

If you fear too much, you kill your self with the stress related slow death, if you do not, your reckless behavior will kill you faster. It’s not the death itself, it’s the quality of life that matters in a mortal life. Regardless of what you believe if your belief system helps to put quality in your life, it is the right one. If it is robbing your quality of life, it is your responsibility to make the needed changes or amendments in your belief system. It is not important to change a religion or become an atheist because it just does not solve the individual problems. If you choose to bring some spiritual health in everyday life, you may find peace from within. You have to make the changes regardless of how hard it is to defy the set rules of any system. Quality is all that matters in a mortal life so it is important for you to put efforts to achieve that goal.

In a society we all need equality and rights which requires big brother with rules, justice system and police because we are not in the bush or cave living times. We need a security system so everyone can live with dignity. Our troubles start when our politics takes over the justice system to suit certain group of people exclusively.

Since we have an evolutionary nature, we have trouble following our older and ancestral justice systems all over the world. There is a need to evolve with our evolving nature. As we evolve, our awareness helps us to make the crime bigger or smaller. Just like homosexuality is not a big deal in the western cultures any more like it use to be. Today alcohol, gambling and now pot is on the list of things governments run themselves. Yet not too long ago and even in present days police still is chasing the people whom were selling alcohol and these days same thing is going on with the pot. It is all because of our group politics has the power to change crimes as we evolve.

These days humanity is going through fast and changing time. Societies are at different levels of evolution because of our rules and internet is available to dissolve all the boundaries as well.

This rapidly changing time is actually galvanizing the conservationism and protectionism, so the war is on. Since the can of worms has been opened you can’t just put everything back so this clash has not seen its end yet. How far are we going to take take our differences? Can we stay on the road to evolution? That all depends on the education, that is why the conservatives are fearful of ordinary individual getting educated. They have been against the free education and they politically connect it to socialism just like the health care and social assistance, whether it is socialist or not I think educated person becomes a moderate and is a lot more peaceful then the uneducated ones. We have all levels of education in people some less some more regardless of schooling because it comes in different areas of life, for instance some are intellectuals in emotions, some are aware of finance, some are better physically and some are well rounded. Regardless of education we all have one thing in common and that is the physicality of living, where we have hunger and need of love. Individual education is most important factor after health, happiness, hunger and love.

You can see the mutilation of individual human rights by the ruling people or authorities all over the world. As an individual we all need freedom of being equal to have self-esteem, if that is taken away we reduce the value of ourselves and follow the mob mentality, which is one of the main cause of our wars and social problems after the love loss.

Education of the individual is the foundation of a successful society. Instead of making education business, it should be compulsory and free, it may sound socialist idea but it has nothing to with politics. Bring students from all over the world educate them to become teachers and send them back so they can spread the education and better yet use internet for free education so the world does not have to leave their loved ones to chase their dreams.

I personally believe all developed countries should have a poverty, health and education tax for the whole humanity so we can really solve our problems related to extremism, evolve together and learn to live with each other as human beings. If you really want to work against the terrorism make the education free to the world so we as an individual can shift our sense of belonging to humanity instead of an exclusive group.

Talking about the free education, Fidel Castro has passed away people call him hero and the villain at the same time, even Justin Trudeau got in trouble praising him. He may have been a dictator and committed some atrocities but he educated his people the best he could. I am no fan of dictatorships, kingdoms or any kind of authoritarian governing system not even for socialism if individual rights are not respected.

Whether its race, color, nation or a religion it still should be under the rules of equal human rights. One of my theme in this Blog is that as an individual we all should learn to belong to humanity as a whole, instead of groups. Canada is a good example, we have all kind of people yet they are Canadians and are able to live together under the same rules. The next step is to belong to humanity as a whole. Imagine how well humanity can do if everyone can learn to contribute their fiver and live with the equal human rights.

As groups even drug cartel can have loyalist people. Dictators like Hitler, Sadaam Husain, Gathafy, Bshaar al alassad or Fidel Castro will have a lot of people whom think they were God sent leaders but there would also be people who would think them as Devil.

How can we change that? Even democratically elected people can be just as bad and commit spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups. Interestingly that is all because of the politics of sense of belonging. Sure putting them down has not helped humanity but by looking at them critically so we can see what is the cause of their actions. If they have not done anything good for the humanity as a whole then we can measure their policies as political. They may be good for their belonging group but they all have the potential to commit spiritual crimes in the name of sense of belonging to their group.

Looking at humanity’s history English, French, Roman Empires even Ghangaze Khan in the past and in present days Russian and American Empires are doing the same thing. They all can be heroes and villains in the name of sense of belonging to their belonging groups so the solution is to learn to belong to the humanity as a whole and not to rob each other of love in the name of belonging nation or religion.

Sure I am an idealist and I hope that our technology can help us through internet to spread the education all over the world. If people are educated and know how to fish then they don’t need the continuous help. The solution to our problems is not hate, separations and walls of security, its love. Robing love of others has been, is and always will be a failed strategy which we have been trying for millions of years.

Instead of playing with reciprocation as a tax game, our tax system should be promoted as a spiritual thing and it should allow people to have hands on approach. They should be able to see what their help is doing so they can feel good about themselves and their actions of reciprocation.

The idea of reciprocation should not be a chore nor it should be abused by the able bodies. Charities dry and go up and down with the feelings of financial insecurities, that is why we need a study supply of good will. If its in the form of tax, people may resent to pay but the knowledge of good deeds and what their money does for the humanity is as important as it is needed. When people abuse the system and don’t work regardless of their ability, they are not reciprocating which creates resentment in the tax payers, so the tax collectors and spender have to have programs designed to keep the able bodies not only working but to educate them about the reciprocation as well.

Having people on social assistance for generations is a flaw not recognized by the individual because of lack of education. It is needed to be fixed by recognizing the causes of the problems like mental health or plain and simple abuse of the system from both sides. Each and every one of us has the duty to reciprocate, this give and take is the game of life not only for physical life it is based on the spirituality as well where we share our duties to keep God’s work going. We are cells of God so their is a purpose of our life which is clearly a spiritual give and take, just like the functioning of the body keeps the cells alive, in return we live to help the body as whole to live.

As an individual and as a group, we need to learn this simple rule of the thumb if it hurts you, it hurts all other human beings the same way, so don’t do to others what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones.

When we mix politics of our religions with our justice systems we remove the evolutionary process because most religions follow a set of written rules, written thousands of years ago with no chance to compromise, change, or amendments. The politics of that is, if God is involved, right or wrong the blame is not on the enforcers, which means a lot of room for the human group politics because God is not there to defend God.

If God left every thing on the human to take care of, then they act and make God who punishes, enforces group politics and some time becomes a bad guy. God who does not even want to defend himself because the responsibilities are on the shoulders of human beings. In order to understand God’s wisdom we need to evolve, take charge and reach to the higher level of potential of our never ending and expanding potential.

If we never take charge, pursue our potential and assume responsibilities individually, we would never reach our expanding potential. Undermining human individual has never been done by God, but it has always been done by other human beings. God has done the job by creating us with an evolutionary nature and never ending potential, now it is up to us to reach for that potential what God had really meant for us.

We can burn some one alive or destroy a whole city or a country with everyone in it regardless of guilt. A spiritual being who is evolved can not afford to have a speck of an innocent’s blood on them but a political fanatic would not hesitate committing spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging group. If it was up to the radicals we would not evolve, but it’s not up to a small segment of human population, it’s up to the human mass, who is always evolving and that is what God had meant for us, so it is all of our duty to evolve to the next level and belong to the humanity as a whole. It is our duty to over come our insecurities spread by our belonging groups because of political reasons. It is time to join hands through the internet to help each other regardless of where in the world we live, if some one needs help, we as a humanity should be able to reach them. If you look at our problems our fundamental problem is our politics of sens of belonging to our groups.

Today everyone of us should know that we have one glob and whenever we have a problem which can’t be contained by one nation or group of people we call it global. Like global warming, global pandemic of infectious diseases, internet related crime rate and businesses requires global coordination and consolidation to achieve success in equal human rights related justice system. If international efforts had not been their we would still have human sacrifice as tradition, gay would not be getting married, sati would be still alive and well in India. Our progress is there but it is slow because of our politics, we don’t want to acknowledge it when it comes to the politics of sense of belonging to our groups.

Then we have our old school of thought clashing with new realities of the glob. Our problems are related to human psyche, from our hormones to politics of nationalism to religions to individual and personal struggles.

With ten trillions cells and hundred trillions bacteria our individual complexities are immense, one has to become a CEO to understand and juggle even basic tasks of life. You can try to simplify by following your ancestral knowledge and even ignore the depth of being a human being. You may even feel like drowning because you can’t see the facts hidden way way behind he politics of sense of belonging.

If you don’t even question how would you learn any further? If you say you already know or you know someone who knows, you are not questioning. Our questioning nature has brought us where we are today. Unfortunately there has always been people who claimed they knew or followed people who claimed they knew.

As humanity our simple fact is that we just can’t stop questioning because of our nature. Evolving further is so over whelming that even our nationalism and religions could not stop people from questioning and evolving. Interestingly as an individual we have potential to learn with no boundaries but since we are mortal we just pass it on to our coming generations. As an individual we grow new neurons as we learn so that growth has no limits that means our collective potential has a growing potential so not questioning is not natural.

Fear of unknown and politics of belonging groups are not natural either so staying in the boundary lines of any human group would eventually fall. If you belong to old school philosophy you will criticize others for following their nature yet your criticism is not on the bases of facts but it is political exclusively.

If you individually have something wrong with you, you are going to deal with it personally, or you will go to someone your belonging group believes can help. Usually someone who went to school to learn their craft.

As human beings we are evolving entity, so our knowledge is in evolution as well, which means we are still learning. When we believe we know, we stop questioning and stop learning. If you are one of those who really believes in your belonging group’s knowledge being correct your political influences can have the power to harm you. If you let it, potentially you are ignoring your health and happiness. If you can’t get help from your knowledge and the one who you thought knew, can put you in the pickle especially when your healing worsen your condition.

It is not only harmful physically, it potentially can hurt your faith as well. Simply change and keep on questioning because your mortality is not going to change. Your questioning may bring knowledge which can benefit even your coming generations. Whether its science, medicine or religion all human knowledge should be open to our questioning nature otherwise we get locked into our ancestral and ancient ways of doing things and stop following our evolutionary nature.

Our dictators are victims of out of control sense of belonging to their belonging groups, so they commit spiritual crimes against all other opposing human beings. If you look at it deeply you would find that its not only the dictators whom are guilty of these crimes, democratically elected governments and so called Godly and religious nations are doing the same thing in the name of their belonging groups. Until we as an individual learn that there is no us and them when it comes to humanity, spirituality and God, we will not be enlightened enough to get it whatever is wrong with humanity.

Humanity’s dark secret of Chemical dependencies.

Do you personally look at yourself as an intellectual entity or most likely physical entity?

If you ask this question to yourself you have opened your personal Pandora’s box but I would like to open the Pandora’s box of humanity. By being honest to myself I found some very powerful chemical related pulls in my life, from everyday love triangle to politics of sense of belonging to internal divisions of disputing or bickering spiritual and animal or physical sides. I was looking for some scientific and physical connections to my thoughts to discover ugly truths of humanity.

A long while back I wrote a blog titled (inferiority complex the dirty truth of humanity.) Personally I was looking for the reasons of why our politics of sense of belonging is so powerful that it makes even the most intellectual people dance like puppets. This is with the proof of science that some of us are ruled by our chemicals, that means their animal side is stronger than their spiritual side. Being religious or not some people just can’t understand the differences between two internal sides and you as yourself.

I Google to find this and I Quote.

“Spectators testosterone levels at world cup final. Bernhardt et al(1998) conducted such a study at world cup final of 1994 (Played between Brazil and Italy).

They collected salivary samples from fans of both teams prior to the game and shortly there after. You might recall that Brazil this otherwise extraordinarily boring final won on penalty kicks. The researchers obtained a statistically significant T effect such that Brazilian fans displayed an increase in their T levels whereas the Italian fans exhibited a decrease in theirs. This is quite extraordinary in that it demonstrates that we can experience a vicarious endocrinologist response. As social species, our brains have the uncanny ability to construe our favorite sports teams as part of our in-group even though we are likely to have never met the players whom we care so much about”. End Quote.

As human beings we are a unique combination of spirit, physicality and mortality. Sure keeping animal desires in control make you a better human being but its in the eyes of the people you belong to. Whether you or those people are right or wrong is an other question but for you, your real identity is a human being. You are not a spirit exclusively nor you are an animal so choosing one over the other is going to be a half knowledge no matter which you cut it especially if are a mortal. Things become tricky when you are pushed and influenced by the chemicals internally.

You have to learn not only about what and who you are, you have to put things in perspectives as a mortal being as well because of the limited time. Best way to do that is to question everything why do you do what you do?

First question should be do you act more with your animal side or spiritual side? If you respond to chemical changes uncontrollably you need to let your spiritual side grow so you can balance it all from within. Remember its not one or the other, our animal side makes us human beings so rejecting that would be wrong as well. God or not we all come in this life as a human being not as a spirit nor as an animal exclusively.

Since you or the people around you are or can be influenced by the politics of sense of belonging to group so their opinions can be heavily prejudicial and discriminatory against any one who opposes those accepted truths.

Since your life is your personal project and you are the one who is in charge of all details. Knowing your life’ facts like mortality, importance of personal happiness, satisfaction and contentment on one hand and guilt and regrets on the other responsibilities are all on your personal shoulders because of your atom of autonomy related free will.

If you act under the influences of honor, ego and pride you have to start digging to find their roots as well. Personally I believe they have their place in individual’s life but still the individual is the one responsible for personal actions. If you act under the influences of ego pride or honor you are under the influences of your belonging groups because they all are born from the politics of sense of belonging to our groups. If you are acting on behalf of your the belonging group and join in the mob attack and commit spiritual crimes it is your personal responsibility to keep checking your chemical influences so you don’t end up with guilt related regrets.

It may appear natural to follow the influences of our chemicals but that is for the animals exclusively. As a spirit you can be very hard on yourself and being spiritually unhappy can be a big problem for especially a mortal being . Living with guilt and regrets is within and is your personal place so your belonging community can’t help you very much when you are suffering from inside issues. You can’t even go to God because God can easily say that is why I have given you an atom of autonomy and related free will so you can make your decisions wisely.

Sooner you learn about your personal responsibilities the better because you can stop yourself from accumulating personal guilt and regrets in the name of your belonging groups. If you don’t feel guilt and regrets when it comes to politics of sense of belonging your chemical reactions have the power over your spiritual side that means you have been brain washed from your tender years and to the point that you don’t understand your personal identity.

Being a complete human being brings personal responsibilities, since our life is our personal project we have to be a CEO to understand our personal influences. From spiritual satisfaction to pleasing to living and surviving in a powerful group settings, an individual has to be practically a politician themselves. Group influences from the childhood or not as we become adults our responsibilities grow. Personal life is not just dependencies of parents or communities, it is about self reliance as well so making decisions about how to live a mortal life becomes crucial for each and everyone of us. We can’t just live this life as a worker bee or a warrior ant or for the life after death so what to do with the competing sides from within?

If we don’t even try to enjoy the moment and we spend all our lives to make things perfect for this or for the life on the other side. We rip ourselves off of our individual happiness and contentment. Happiness and contentment is the most important treasure of one’s mortal life and this is the only thing that can assess one’s life well lived or not. If we sacrifice this living opportunity just to follow the acceptance of others or gamble everything for the life after death, it may be good for the belonging groups but terrible for the individual.  Not a good strategy for the mortal being. When you know you are running out of time, you really have to know the importance of happiness and contentment. Seeking permanent things like, security, control, housing, finance, health and relationships can work against you especially in your second half of living years because you put so much emphases accumulating  and loving it, yet you have to leave it all behind.Remember there is no security and control for a mortal being, none whatsoever period, if you want to save a spot in the heaven or life after death do so but if you learn to reciprocate during your living years you may achieve heaven in both.

Supply of oxygen  can put everything in perspective for the security of this life your ten trillions cells and hundred trillion bacteria can explain how complex you are. Understanding the value of yourself is not easy when you are always trying to fit in by impressing others in your belonging group or you have strong desire to be admired by them especially as a mortal. All these desires are related with the powerful sense of belonging, a phenomena which has driven us all crazy regardless of our understanding of life or the level of our education.

It has nothing to do with being selfish or selfless but everything to do with you being the CEO of your own life or not. You, who has a personal sense of justice, not only for others, but for yourself as well. The realities of life are bitter and sweet with mortality but understanding that can help one to put some life in living years yet be comfortable even for coming life after death as well. If you live only for yourself, it is looked at as selfish and if you live for others it is encouraged by the controlling authorities because they benefit from your unselfishness. If you are the one who loses out at the end of the day remember it is not balanced by you personally. Since you are the one with free will to begin with, the responsibilities land on your shoulders to create a balance for your life.

If you start to look at human being from out side you are small and may appear insignificant but further you dig in, the more you find out how Godly a human being is and can be.

For sure we are culturally complex but we are behaviorally flexible and curious so we explore and adopt that is why we have survived in all kind of environments and we are found in all parts of the world. The best part is that we are able to cooperate with people outside of the family, community, race, nation or religions that is why we can even migrate and live within the new communities. If your culture, race, gender, nation or religion has you confused learn to use your God given imagination to be a human being that can bring you hope and positivity.

Interestingly to me imagination is a place in between your personal two worlds but it is a blessing and a curse at the same time depending on how you use it.

First it is a blessing because all our evolution and civilization is based on the individuals who used their imagination and explored. Then it is a curse for the individual because it brings dissatisfaction, anxiety and rob the most important treasure like happiness and contentment. Especially as a mortal we just can’t afford to spend our lives on the platforms waiting for our train to come, we need to live our lives as complete collections of moments so staying in the moment with hope and optimism is the key to a successful mortal life.

Our religions promote and give us hope for that train to come while you are at the platform meaning this life is just a part of journey and the real thing is after life. I find it logically unacceptable because all the spiritual work is physically done by the living breathing human beings on this side to the theory of the other side is spiritually questionable for its political motives. The biggest trouble is that we have to die first to find that out who is right. Regardless of what would be important for the life after death is one thing but living this real life on a platform philosophy goes against the realities of human mortality. Simple understanding is that human beings are like cells of God and doing their jobs to make God function physically. Their job is to make spiritual things physical. If you have a job to help someone you are doing your duty of reciprocation and that is the bottom line of it all. Since God does not need any thing personally helping each other is considered reciprocation. If you have been fulfilling your duty of reciprocation should you still live your life on the platform? This question can’t be answered without going to egotistic assumptions. Just like we are discovering that God is not mad at us if there is a storm, natural disasters are not the signs of God being disturb with our actions. Why do we think God is like a human figure, just look at our cells or seeds of plants and conclude there is no resemblance not in looks not in powers. This building is standing on the grounds where our human knowledge has to grow to understand. There is no doubt there is body for the cells. How it looks like and functions is out of our comprehension it will stay that way if we have people assuming and killing each other over assumptions. No one wants to research that area because you always end up in a position where you feel our knowledge is inadequate. Our belief systems are in the zone where things happen but not sure how. Just like our imagination where we make things out of thin air for the better or worse.

Regardless of what our religions say we don’t really know anything about God, maybe we are not able to understand with the capacity of our brain yet. Every other human knowledge is discovered by questioning, where humanity is, it is because of the questioning nature of human being. I believe if we can’t or don’t question about God we can’t evolve further in that department of life and as human beings we are made to evolve by God. Our evolution is not against God but it is rather a testament for God’s physical existence.

If we have difference of opinion which we have had since forever, how are we going to get ahead in that knowledge to even have an intellectual discussion. Becoming emotionally charged about something what we don’t really know is not new, we have been killing each other over who is right since forever. With the history of evolving nature we can be proven wrong over and over yet we still kill so it is not about the spiritual side of us it is our dark side of politics and chemicals we need to explore.

Don’t forget our history says twenty five not connected human groups were doing human sacrifice if it was not up to the people who thought outside of the box we still would be doing that. In India Sati was practiced if humanity does not evolve we can be quit a barbaric creatures. It is all because we have very compelling and powerful chemical influences so our history is full of atrocities against our own kind which by the way still is going on. Do we know why? I don’t think so because we still believe in our teams whether they are sport teams or armies.

From throwing virgins over the cliffs to taking material things into our graves to still killing each other over our religious beliefs and even in the same religions. If humanity is a physical body of God and we are cells of it, it is just like we have trillions of cells in our bodies. Imagine cells in the arms think that the body does not exist and arm are the one who can rule the whole body, does not make sense does it, it is because you don’t look at yourself as cell of the humanity you are taught to believe arm is it and enough for you to know.

Belonging cells should know a groups of cells don’t run the show it is way beyond them. Body has to work all together and in synergy for us to survive. Our cells may not have the ability to see the body as a whole just like a human individual can lack knowledge of their influences so they can’t see God as humanity as a whole. They can’t see God in others just because of political and chemical influences. Remember we all are blessed to think, feel and use our free will. We can question everything what we don’t know is one thing but killing someone over God does not make any sense because you don’t understand or comprehend God.

As human beings we all should know that we have our perceived and taught realities, then we have our chemical realities and then on top of all that we have totally physical realities. For instance as human individuals we have our two sides and then you as an individual. Spiritual side and physical sides are there but you who holds atom of autonomy is the master and a CEO. If you want to live in a body which is physical to perform physical actions you have to learn about the animal side of it. Your spiritual side can’t physically perform and convert a spiritual thought into a physical reality without the help of the physical body and physical body can’t live without you. In order to live a successful mortal life you have to learn to create balance between your physicality and spirituality. Our body is our physical reality and our soul is our spiritual reality, that means God and Devil are our realities of spirit yet without our physical body they can’t perform physical tasks. That is why human being is the third equation in the grand scheme of life.

If you happen to kill someone you just killed a part of God or Devil as well. If you believe that you have killed a bad guy, you still killed a part of God or Devil. If you have killed some innocent being, you for sure killed a part of God. Just like the cells don’t know about the body or can’t comprehend the knowledge of the body, you don’t know about God so God and Devil are not your understood realities. Killing someone who is a physical reality over the realities you don’t know is simply related to ignorance or lack of the knowledge of chemicals you are influenced by.

If you don’t know about your chemicals or the political influences of the belonging groups you simply need to evolve spiritually. Since politics has been and still kills, it is you who has to grow individually to know your influences.

Since humanity has been doing it for so long it has developed a habit of killing each other so we just need excuses. Group politics is not going to change because of their political interests so it is the individual who has to change and evolve to the next level to understand that we all have to carry our own burdens individually. If our spiritual side has been suppressed that still does not mean it is not there anymore. If you individually deny it for the loyalties to your groups it may back fire on you because you are not limited like your own body cells. You are the body or God within yourself. That is why you have your sides and the atom of your autonomy, it is you who chooses what actions to take. That puts all the responsibilities on your shoulders. Genetically you are designed to be a free entity, if you choose to belong to a group of people it is like your cells belong to a body part exclusively. If you choose to belong to humanity as a whole that only makes sense. Now the question is should you be choosing your arm or a leg as your identity? By now you should know what I am talking about if you are a human being your identity belong to humanity.

Sure there are bad apples every where but still there is always a decent and spiritual part as well, sometime deeply buried because of the education, circumstances or hormones related higher animal side. Regardless of all that just remember power of the politics of sense of belonging has roots deep into our chemicals so never underestimate its lures. It has been overriding our intellect for so long that humanity just can’t find that illusive peace it needs. If we don’t connect our intellect with physicality we would not understand human psyche individually. The key to understand and over coming its powers is to gain spiritual edge. Since spirituality is universal and brings you personal sense of justice, it can help override politics of belonging to groups so you can belong to humanity as a whole. Understanding and breaking down human behavior connecting to our hormones can open a discussion for peace whether it is internal or external.

If we are still discovering what a human individual can do who and what a human being is, that means other than our installed identities we don’t really know what and who we are. Long time ago Kabir said and I “Quote”


If potentially we are an ocean in a drop individually where are we going with our evolving potential. Today we all can talk face to face even with the people in the space. We know the paths of storms to save lives, remember we use to sacrifice living breathing human beings in the name of God. Today regardless of resistance we have blood transfusion, artificial insemination, test tube and stem cell on one side and space station, transportation and communication to blow some one’s brain from even the last hundred year. Kids can go to school without physically going to school. People can rip you off from thousands of miles away and your police can’t do anything about it. My point is that it all happened because of human individual’s imagination. Things change with time, if we disrespect the changes we are left behind.

Sure we have different lines of human knowledge and we still need to respect knowledge of all kind. You can’t disrespect spiritual knowledge if you are a scientist otherwise you can become a scientifically correct but spiritually incorrect or the other way around. If you are a good doctor you should know that imagining bad things can cause stress and stress related diseases so you can’t really fix the cause of the disease of your patient. Things have been and are still being discovered so taking pride in a still evolving and limited human knowledge is related to limited use of human brain capacity, this has been and still is our big problem as we evolve.

We have been evolving but without the balance and it is all because of our politically and chemically tainted education systems. Our group politics has been the main culprit in our differences. In past religious people have put ban on and killed intellectuals in the name of group politics yet portrayed it in the name of God.

We have history of taking drastic measures clearly showing our unreasonable resistance to keep the unknown, as unknown. From burning witches to books have been part of evolution and civilization so changing to adopt to our new knowledge against our prejudiced and discrimination and in favor of of equal human rights has been and is challenged before it is implemented.

Corona virus has brought us to similar situation, because it has brought out those people who are seeking help from the people who through virgins over the cliffs to please God. Rest of the people are looking at the scientists to come up with a cure because we use to live thirty eight years on average since our scientists discovered antibiotics we have doubled our average age. Shouldn’t we credit our scientists? Insulin saves and even helps to keep those alive who openly discredit scientists. Trouble is again our politics of sense of belonging, people can’t even appreciate the help they have been receiving from the modern technologies. They use cell phones, computer, internet modern transportation, communication technology and medicine when it suits them personally but can’t raise voice against their own belonging groups of their wrong doing.

Why do we believe God is hell bent to punish and kill us for disobeying religious rules, yet we keep looking at our scientists to help us. Some of us may believe it is a man made virus and is spread to gain political and financial control.

Our problem is that both sides are looking to blame either God or politicians yet neglect to look at the messages coming from it all. We have been receiving these messages for a long time and they are keep coming yet our ignorance is persistent and prevalent. Our need for humanity to work together is louder than ever yet somehow powerful and chemically induced politics of sense of belonging to our groups keeps us from taking this next step into our evolution.

From infectious diseases like Corona, Zika, Ebola, and Aids to technological advances like internet, space station and cyber crimes and surgeries, to modern day mixed children generations to equal human rights and to top of all that our immediate needs to fight global warming are a few things to point out. This need is not going to go away if we have one earth we have to learn to take care of it not as a group but as one humanity. People are blinded by not only because of our political reasons but because of our chemical reasons as well so it is hard for the ordinary individual to put up defenses against internal pulls. That is why I call it chemical dependencies of humanity.

Now lets look at it as an individual. Do you feel that you don’t really know why you want to be prejudiced and discriminatory against who is different than your own belonging group? Learn why and soon because it is not your group who is going to teach you this spirituality based knowledge.

Since you are a spiritual being from within, your powerful and compelling feelings by your chemicals need to be neutralized by you to create balance to be a human being. Our desires are usually influenced by our animal side especially when it comes to our unknowns. We want to preserve our self and survive so our animal side dictate how you should act but our spiritual side is equally strong to make you live miserably from within as well. Knowing and creating balance is a human individual wisdom we need to use especially because of our mortal nature.

This life or life after death, God or not, chemicals or not, politics or not personal life is our own individual project and we are not only responsible for our actions but for our happiness and contentment as well. If life after death is more important to you look for your political and chemical influences and then decide because God needs your physicality to perform all the good is needed by the humanity.

Even discoveries to help humanity not only to extend average life but to survive all kind of natural disasters. Just think about it, where you personally stand. What kind of value do you have for yourself. Are you a born sinner and you need to always be sorry for nothing, learn to not only question yourself about your influences like politics and chemicals but question everything including your belonging groups and yes even God. If you don’t humanity would be standing still, remember all the progress has been, is and will be made by the questioning individuals like you. Now ask yourself how long would it take for you to understand that you are a human individual not an extension of some chemical and politics based emotional human ideologies. Remember you are the spiritual being as well who should be equally strong to make you complete human being. Thousands of years of civilization should be enough to evolve to the next level so you don’t commit animal acts any more.