Before we go to the CEO a triangle of sense of belonging and sense of freedom fits here. If we choose sense of freedom or sense of belonging exclusively we end up going to extreme so it is not one or the other. It is our ability to balance those two. Remember if you chose one or the other your pendulum can swing and take you to the opposite direction where you don’t want to go and if you resist you can be torn apart emotionally or get stressed out to the point that you lose your health of all kind.

Human individual

Sense of freedom Sense of belonging

In order to be able to create balance among these two powerful human senses you have to become a CEO of your life so you can run the whole show of your life yourself. Otherwise your belonging groups will call the shots and dictate how you should think and live your allotted time. If you comply without questioning and believing they know better than you, you fall in a trap of being insignificant, inadequate, and meaningless or worse feel you are just a born sinner. They have succeeded in robbing your self-esteem so they can make you act against your genetic makeup. That itself can have an impact on you robbing your own happiness and contentment and remember being a mortal you just can’t afford to do that because the most important aspect of a mortal being is to be happy and content. If your nature is calling for you to be a free will holding free spirit yet politics of your sense of belonging is over riding calls of your nature you are going to end up in a place of conflict from within. Not a healthy place to be especially for a mortal.

As mass our belonging groups had always been, are will always discourage individual strength because common accepted truth is that educated individual is difficult to control. It has been and still is punishable in certain conservative societies to question authorities especially the religious authority. Your ability to question is suppressed because of the politics of governing so again it is against the calls of nature.

Since it has nothing to do with God and Devil, we have to learn to use our free will to balance everything in life so we can survive in hostile situations but remember in the end of the day responsibilities of our actions land on our shoulders. Committing spiritual crimes in the name of belonging groups or even religions is still on your individual shoulders because we have to live with the external and internal consequences.

When you ask yourself what and who you are ? Simple and straight forward answer is that you are the third equation equaling to God and Devil because nothing takes physical form unless you put your hands back and shoulders to it. God can do good but with your help and the Devil can not do bad without your help as well. My question to you individually is, how many time you yourself have seen God came down and perform a miracle for you? Or Devil himself came to you exclusively and did a job without any human intervention. Make sure not to think about the movies and their special effects before you answer to yourself.

If you are told by the scientists that you are an evolved version of monkey just ask the a simple question that why the monkeys are still around? Why didn’t they evolve with you? Physically may not be that much difference but with the differences you have is unbelievable. How many monkeys you are able to do what a human child can do, from talking to solving problems. Someone sent me a video of a toddler who was on the bed, trying to get off but floor was too far so he started throwing all the billows on the floor to make his landing soft. It simply shows that little difference is good enough to think plan and achieve. Remember that five bucks or the title of this blog. THE ATOM OF AUTONOMY. That is the difference between the monkeys and human beings. Sure evolution is happening for us all but not without the differences be brought along from our unknowns. If you start to assume you may say it is from God or not. To me that atom of autonomy is God particle we all carry within. If you are not aware, you are use to measuring yourself as just a physical entity. I believe we have just equally strong spiritual side as well which came along us from before birth.

Did we take a physical form of a primate or we evolved from a monkey enough to understand our Godly nature? If that is not a fact then why miracles are not happening from God all the time? Why human individual’s physicality is required for all the good and bad to happen in actuality or physically?

Did God create the whole world, its residents, universe and galaxies? Or awareness of God evolved along with us and became part of humanity. Or was it always there but we became aware by scratching our brain’s surface to dig in with intentions to evolve and we figured it out that we can grow our brain capacity just like our muscles grow with use just for us to see what are we capable of.

If we don’t know what is wrong with accepting the unknown? Why do we kill each other over our assumptions or what we don’t really know? If we don’t know what was, and what will it be tomorrow then why our assumptions became our facts? The answer to all the above is our loyalties to the politics of our belonging groups and the politics of our sense of belonging.

Ask why do we have evolutionary nature and why some of us always resist and some of us always explore? Who is right in following God’s will the explorers or the obedient kind? I believe evolution is in our genes so anything we brought along within our nature is Godly. Everything else is created by the human beings for political purposes, whether it is out of love or political control.

What God is to you as a mortal individual? Why all the powers to God in some human groups, even if God needs your help to perform good deeds physically? If that is the case where do you think you stand in the larger scheme of life as a human individual?

You are an entity who converts spirituality into physical actions so have some respect for yourself. You bring along free will, ability to evolve, personal sense of justice and compassion related ability to sacrifices and love one an other. All ingrained within from before birth so why are you still inferior, insignificant and are a sinner?. It clearly means that you are a spiritual entity before you take a physical form. Your troubles start with the politically tainted installed knowledge.

By now you have understanding of being a CEO and you have learned about the flipped triangle. You have already learned about the powerful politics of your sense of belonging and you have become aware of your sense of freedom as well. Now you have to become aware of the main cause why we become a raging monsters when our love is robbed.

Becoming aware of rules, traditions, customs and rituals of our belonging groups like nations and religions is crucial to function peacefully with in the belonging societies. Remember not to forget that there is a world of your own within you where it matters what you do and how you act outwardly. Everything has its consequences and as a mortal you have to be very careful what you choose to do whether it is for yourself or for belonging group.

Our conflicts have nothing to do with spiritual side of the our religions and as a matter of fact there is no spirituality in killing each other in the name of religions. And yes even if it is called for God by the religious leaders. It is all about the politics of sense of belonging and power over others or revenge for the pain of love loss or plain and simple for territories.

Love loss is one of the biggest dead dog or a cause of our conflicts. (Read Dead Dog). Contributing and stocking the fire of hatred and killings has nothing to do with spiritual side of human being. It is not going to stop by the political or religious leaders because they are the cause of our passionate religious wars. It has to come from the individuals themselves so from the bottom up policies not the top down. If each and everyone of us start to question the politics of our belonging groups and stop feeding the conflicts with personal emotional fire. There is a chance to have peace on earth but before it happens the individual has to evolve to be a computer runner instead of believing they are the data or just the computer itself. Our political identities are either we are a computer or we are data.

Every single one of us is born as a computer runner with a gift of brand new computer. Our families, communities, nations and religions start to install data in us as our education and expect us to take the identity of that installed data. For instance if you are born as a Sikh, the elders want you to grow beard don’t cut your hair and become a Sikh, if you are born into a Muslim family you are expected to go to mosque and pray five times a day, believe in God Prophet Mohammad and follow everything what has been said fifteen hundreds years ago. If you are Born Christian you are taught that you are a born sinner you are told to believe in Jesus as a son of God and whatever he had said two thousands years ago and so on. If you are born to atheist family you are taught that there is no God and having a belief system is foolish thinking. This is all education and education for an evolving human being is nothing more than a data and for sure it is not the real identity.

The real identity is not even the computer itself even if it your body, it is just a physical body and brain like today’s car smart it can run itself but still your car, what does it really mean to you? Even if you say I love my car but can you say that car is my real identity. In reality it is the person whom gets a name right after birth is the computer runner. This human being whom lives in a physical body which is a computer, accepts the knowledge as data is more than the computer and the data all put together. This spiritual entity whom takes a physical form at birth can be called a human being.

Question is, what is that spiritual entity?. Since as an individual with the single body which has limitations and mortality attached right from birth, we don’t feel strong and able so we tend to gather together and feel the strength in numbers.

Our logic has been twisted with our politics of sense of belonging to a groups yet it is one whole big entity or an organism whom you can call it God or source or even humanity as a whole. Depending on how you look at God? What kind of expectations you place and how high you place God in your life? Your actions can highly be tainted with the knowledge you have received or installed and especially when it was installed. If it was installed at your tender age when you looked at your elders with the child like disabilities you would accept it as an ultimate truth. That is why religions and armed forces seek people of certain age. Today it is a crime to have child soldiers.

Just like our cells die and are being produced in our body, we as an individual go through with the same thing to become a part of the body of God. Now that is the real identity of the entity but when, why and how did the individual lost that identity and became part of a group instead of humanity?

If you as an individual can come out of the sense of belonging to your belonging group and join the humanity as a whole you can easily feel the connection and understanding what and who you are meant to be but being part of a group is limiting for you as an entity.

All human knowledge has been, is and will be in an evolutionary process until we reach our potential. Until then we have been, are and will be proven wrong over and over regardless of the level of our love for our belonging groups. Understanding being a human being is an ongoing and evolutionary knowledge we eventually have to graduate so it is important to keep our arms and minds open to evolution and civilization.

If you have passed a genetic test to be a human being you are not just a computer nor you are a data. You are a computer runner meaning you are a spiritual entity and a physical being simultaneously. You are above all the education and the data you have been installed with. So if you demote yourself or reduce yourself to just the data you will choose extreme and will be passionate about your existing yet incomplete knowledge just because it came from your ancestors. Logically and in fact you are an evolving entity if you don’t believe me just look around and see all the progress human beings have made.

When you fall victim of the politics of sense of belonging or become enraged because of your love loss you let the data or your memory become your identity.

This is where you become a drop in the ocean, a common knowledge yet you are the computer runner the one who is spiritually aware. Carry an ocean and space all put together within the atom of autonomy.

Vastness of the space or depth of an ocean is not because it is, it is because of your ability to think, see, explore and achieve. You may be small as an individual but your fiver that atom within you should be explored further especially by yourself so you can come out of thousands of years brain washing related inferiority complexes .

Religious individual of the past and present all fear anything what they don’t know, they instantly connect everything to God and Devil. Yet human has always meddled with the unknown to explore and expose. It is all because of those exploring individuals we are where we are today. It is because they did not and I repeat did not fear the boundaries. Those fearless souls are needed by God to evolve humanity further yet they are called as Godless all along.

People who were throwing innocent virgins over the cliffs in the name of sacrifice to God were called Godly people. Personally I feel offended when some religious individual living with the help of medicine invented by the scientists calling scientists down and Godless. If lives are saved by the knowledge of the scientists they are working as God’s people so to me they should be valued more than they are given credit for especially by these religious hypocrites . Still even these days we have a lot of resistance from religions against medical advancements. Medicine is used by those communities to carry on living yet still calling that those boundary breakers would go to hell. They keep enjoying fruits of boundary breaking individuals hard work related easy life in every department of their existence yet still would not accept their hypocrisy.

When you pray and look up you are taught God is not within you God is out side of you so you are not part of God in anyway. That is why most religions preach that you as an individual are unclean, inferior, insignificant and are sinner. By preaching that they achieve the goal to make you feel separate, small and vulnerable so you can be easily controlled. If you feel that you are unable to fulfill religious duties you would automatically feel guilty and say good by to your self-esteem. More you feel bad better it is for them because they will take your money as well so they can build impressive and majestic monuments to attract others as well. In today’s world they have to launder the money just like mafia because of today’s religion and state differences.

Remember if you follow the money you will find politics of carrot and stick. If you follow and seek the truth you will find it within and within your physically living days. As you grow to respect yourself you grow to self regulate to the point that you don’t have to worry about the carrot and stick philosophy. This is where you become a spiritual entity who is not greedy for heaven and fearful of hell. If you don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones your path is clear to reciprocate with God directly. If you get there you would not be used for political purposes and yes you would not commit spiritual crimes in the name of your belonging groups.

If you feel inferior or bad about yourself, it is because you have been brain washed from the tender age to believe that accepted truths are the real truths. You just can’t see the politics hidden behind those accepted truths. Snap out of all the installed data and look, seek and judge for yourself how much politics of sense of belonging is effecting you.

Look at yourself in new light where you are the third equation. Where even God and Devil become irrelevant without your input. Remember equal rights they are not just between individuals they are between individual and mass or group of people, corporations, nations, religions, God and Devil as well.

Today in advance societies as long as individual is right you can take even the government to court and win. This means individual is equal to all other individuals and entities as well. In the blind justice this is a spiritual value we all should be proud of and do any thing to preserve and save that from becoming tainted.

As it is happening in America. If a society does not have equal or blind justice it loses all spiritual values. It would have politics and nothing but because politics is all about twisting the truth. That is why I believe justice system should be pure of politics otherwise that becomes prejudicial and discriminatory. Religions should stick with spirituality exclusively so they don’t get labeled with prejudice and discrimination because God is all about spirituality and nothing but so if a religion is tainted with the politics it loses its spirituality.

Justice and spirituality is all about the truth and nothing but the truth. When they are infiltrated with politics or politics of sense of belonging that makes them for some people but not for others so they become victim of prejudice and discrimination. We even mix our politics with God and made God prejudiced and discriminatory.

Muslim sects like Shea and Sunny or Christian sect like Catholics and Protestants believe in same God yet fighting and killing each other for over thousand years. Jewish, Muslims and Christians believe in the same one God but fight and kill each other over who is right about God. If God was prejudiced and discriminatory and was pulling our strings no one in the opposing group would be able to commit a social or spiritual crime period.

Ants, bees and most other creatures can’t stray from their genetics related behaviors. As human on the other hand we have this little atom of autonomy within, we use it to choose whether even God exists or not for us individually. We give a percentage to that as well whether to believe and how much to believe. We can be an extremist on both ends or choose to believe just enough to navigate through a mortal life successfully by creating balance in all our triangles.

I accept the unknown reasons of my existence as my unknown at the same time I understand my mortality related temporary time, so I try my best not to assume because I am aware of my evolving nature as well. Our ancestors have inserted their assumptions and we still accept their knowledge as can’t be messed with. We fight over it and kill each other regardless of being right or wrong. We still don’t know the why and how space is in alignment to provide me my oxygen and how after I have taken my oxygen ten trillion cells and hundred trillion bacteria can function to keep my body functioning or alive? A whole lot of assumptions are still infiltrate in our still evolving knowledge. That natural contribution is absolutely out of my control so I am going to assume it is Godly hand until some wise guy proves me wrong scientifically. For now I assume I am alive for some unknown reasons so I believe in God and I don’t just take credit of my actions but give credit where it belongs as well. After that to me everything becomes murky with the politics of sense of belonging.

I believe that the biggest logical hole in believing God and Devil are doing everything is how the good and bad takes a physical form? I can accept space functioning, inner space running smoothly as a miracle but after that every single progress made by the humanity or brought to reality like innovations and evolution even civilization came from the human individual’s contribution. So why religions made human individual so irrelevant that throughout the history and even this day and age God is praised and Devil is cursed as if human individual has nothing to do with it. To me it has nothing to do with spirituality or a belief system but everything to do with political control.

If God is not exclusive for any group, an individual has free will, logical sense of belonging is for humanity as a whole, spirituality and justice is nothing but the truth then why are we stuck in political differences? As an individual we all should be able to put everything in perspectives because in the end of the day living comfortably in a mortal skin is it AND NOTHING BUT.

Atom of Autonomy (Part Two).

Since my blog is about spirituality it is always going to be about the truth as I see and feel in my soul. I can understand that there would be a difference of opinion but I am stating my truth, if someone knows and sees life in different lens I will agree to disagree. I am proponent of equal human rights because I believe this new paradigm of equal human rights as close to spirituality and to equal justice as it can be. Since most all systems of governing use needed politics they just can’t be pure as spirituality and impartial justice so no governing system should claim to spiritual and pure. That is why I believe all religious beliefs should just stick with spirituality and stop meddling with the political systems.

We bring along free will, Atom of Autonomy and human jewelry like compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love all ingrained genetically within to function in our allotted time. That should put a hell of a lot more responsibilities on the shoulders of an individual. We need to learn to be aware and free of our political influences of belonging groups in our spiritual matters. To me we all need to learn to live and let live so we stop robbing each other of love. We should learn not to do to anyone what we don’t like done to us or our loved ones.

If you are born in a religious family or are a person who like to worship and do good, good for you. If you want to pray, pray because if you believe it helps you, it is all worth it, but don’t put others down or be prejudicial and discriminate against them just because they don’ t believe in God the you do. As human beings it is in our nature to have differences of opinion but we are not evolved enough to the point yet where we can claim that we know everything there is to know. If we simply we accept that we are an evolving entity in a process of evolution. We can respect each other with our spiritual side otherwise we will be acting like animals as we have been doing throughout and even in our present history. We have been killing each other regardless of the level of our religious and social evolution. My question is why can’t we evolve from that place to the next step?. Why our politics of sense of belonging trumps even the calls of nature for humanity to work together.

Our religions messed it up when they strayed from the spirituality by letting politics of sense of belonging to rule their groups to the point that spirituality took a hike from spiritual system. They disregarded equal human rights yet still claimed they were the only path to God. Our nationalism screwed it up as well when they put politics of sense of belonging over their justice systems and spiritual values. Remember spirituality is and at least should be the essence of religions and justice system is the most important part of any successful nation because it keeps politics of prejudice and discrimination in check. We are still evolving to learn that equal justice is desired by every single one of us as individuals. Democratic values can influence and teach our groups by letting them know how we think with equality. Back to the atom of autonomy. Since we all carry that individually we have to learn more about it and use it in our living years.

A long time ago I took kids to McDonald’s. They use to get a coloring sheet with kid’s meals. It had a maze, a picture and then an other picture with the dots and numbers. If you can read the numbers you can connect the dots to create that picture and then color it.

I believe there is a picture for all of us but the numbers are not there so it is the individual who has to connect the dots to create their respected picture. Real picture is there but if you are influenced by your sense of belonging to your groups, you may not allow yourself to follow what you were spouse to be according to your hidden picture. You will try to follow what you are preached by your belonging groups at your tender age, so you would be influenced by your parents, families or even nations and religions. Not knowing that it has the potential to rob you of your happiness and contentment in the process. Remember you just can’t afford to sacrifice your most important treasure of being mortal. Yes in a mortal life logically happiness and contentment is and should be the most important thing one can achieve.

You may be successful according to the social standers but if you feel no joy from within with what you already have achieved and it is all because of your influences clashing your nature from within.

Being healthy and happy is already is a success and blessings but what I am talking about is not just the physical health it is about all kind of health I am pointing towards, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Same goes for happiness and contentment deep and soul touching happiness. Success is not about what you leave behind but it is all about what you take along, like the satisfaction of being able to reciprocate directly with God which can help you to live a fearless of hell life and which can remove the greed of heaven as well.

Health, Happiness


If you are lucky enough to become a CEO who can understand the political influences of belonging groups, you will know personal mortality in a way that you can find the right personal picture. That is essential for the individual to live a healthy, happy and successful life even with its mortal nature.

One may lose personal happiness, contentment and eventually even health of all kind by following trends of the time, era and society they are born in. If they try to create a picture of influences they are under and it is not complying with the nature. If you feel that you are successful regardless of your happiness or health it is your personal choice and prerogative but as a mortal being you can’t sacrifice your whole life for the other people’s approval. Nor you can spend whole life trying to fit in, impress or die trying to be admired by them. Why do we do that and pay hefty price for it? It is the phenomenon we all need to understand and come out of it because it has the potential to make individuals do harms to themselves. Like anorexic, bulimic or even a suicide bombers to kill innocent people who had nothing to do to cause them pain.

Imagine giving a picture to the child with no numbers. They would still have to connect the dots to create a picture but would have to rely on their imagination which can be fun but if they are unable to create even the imaginary picture they will get frustrated which could further complicate the problem for both child and society simultaneously.

That is why you can see that there are so many frustrated people in the world. Our politics of sense of belonging is an emotional phenomena of humanity. It is so powerful that even being educated we as individuals don’t care about our health and happiness regardless of our awareness of mortal nature.

We all have an idea in our minds that how we would like our lives to be, but we must understand the impacts our influences first. We should use not only our personal imagination but be aware of our influences and mortal nature simultaneously before connecting the dots. We can also rely on outside sources like advice from our parents or teachers. If we are fortunate and wise enough we can figure out a pretty good picture to be happy. If not we run the risk of messing it up, to the point that we potentially can spend our lives trying to fix it according to our desires while living in discontentment and unhappiness just to find out in the end of the day father time spares no one.

A less-than-perfect picture can create personal struggles they can last an entire lifetime. This frustration can cause adults to act like a child and mess up the whole picture or even worse, walk away from it all. A serious problem connected to out of control sense of belonging.

Patience and accepting nature as a guide is the key to avoiding this situation. You also need to have faith in the picture you were blessed with. You must examine that if your desires are causing you the frustration. Usually the desires are related to the influences of the society or want to be just like someone you admire. You need to accept the fact that nature plays a strong role in your life and everyone has a different life story by nature.

I wrote a blog a long time ago about the Ladder of Horizon and river of time. It was about Inspiration along with appreciation.
Picture yourself that you are climbing an invisible ladder with a whole lot of people above you, you work hard and slowly climbing one step ladder at a time. Too slow for your liking but still moving upward, but there comes a time, no matter what strategy you use or how hard you try you just can’t climb any more. Simply you are stuck. You get frustrated and angry like a kid but still no go. This is where you lose happiness regardless of how high you already have climbed. When you are there where you have lost happiness that is the time for you to look down and see how many millions of people want to be at the spot you already are but you are still unhappy. It is not about how high you have climbed it is your competitive and unaware nature. Unaware of mortality is part of our installed knowledge and you as a CEO are above all that. If you need to run your computer remember what computer and data are and what you are? You live within the computer which is full of data but it has its expiry date. In order to be comfortable there you will have to come to terms. Look up and compare with the people above you for the inspiration exclusively so you don’t give up and carry on to climb. Then look down to compare with the people below you so you can be appreciative of your blessings. Especially if you want to stay sane in this politically influential times. As a CEO you should know that the biggest kicker for being on that ladder is not the climbing because no matter how high you climb you will eventually fall off of it because of your mortality.

Your mortal nature can teach you that is if you want to learn about your mortality and remember this ladder you are climbing is a ladder of horizon which has no end but you do so making decisions as a mortal helps to put things in perspectives.

If everyone would desire the same thing how would the society function? It would be strange if everyone became a police person or a layer or doctor who would build the houses you get my point. Simply it is not practical, if everyone get what they think most people would want to be successfully happy but in human realities it is not so. A whole lot of successful people according to the majority of people should be happy but that is not the case. That is why I believe happiness and contentment of the individual should be the measuring scale regardless of the profession.

Being successful in one area like finance, build big muscles, set world record in sports or being religious to extreme is not good enough for a mortal CEO. Remember without the happiness or health there is no success. Since politically savvy belonging groups always benefit from individual’s sacrifices so they are going to promote individual insignificance and sacrifice. Sure it is noble to sacrifice for the mass but it is all about the reciprocation. One hand clap does not have any sound.

God would not have granted a free will to the human individual if God did not want us to be a free will holding CEO. It may seem I am preaching all about selfishness but to the contrary I believe in reciprocation between God and individual directly and at the same time equal human rights. Not only between individuals but between individual and groups of all kind including Corporations, Communities, Nations, and Religions as well so no it is not about being selfish it is being spiritually aware and fair. Mass has been trampling over the individual human rights for thousands or millions of years but remember we have to evolve to seek justice, that blind one without the political influences.

As an individual you need to map out your life with the vision of a successful CEO who could mange all departments with equal and balanced attention. It may be hard at times but you are born as a CEO, you have the potential to achieve it. Each and every one of us has the responsibility and the ability to judge and make choices with the gift of free will.

If you have neglected the department of health or spirituality along the way because of you were too busy taking care of other departments. You may regret latter in life and become unhappy and discontent by losing to the sickness. Without health there is no happiness and with out nurturing your spiritual side, deeper happiness and contentment of life are unachievable.

It is hard to deal with mortal nature and be happy but still no matter what it is, it is same for all so it is a matter of joy and happiness with mortality for all period. Why some can and some can not, it is all because we have it all wrong when we want to be somebody or something we’re not. Always seek happiness and contentment because that is what brings you to connect the right dots of your hidden picture.

Society places a lot of pressure on us, gives us high hopes to achieve yet a lack of faith pushes the individual to sacrifice and spend whole life as if everything is on the horizon which never can be reached. Don’t get stuck into it because before you figure it out it could be too late. We are in this world where the salesman mentality rules: Push, push, push, and you will succeed, succeed to get what? Hopefully its happiness and contentment otherwise mortal nature can be a big and disappointing problem.

Just think for a minute about what success means to you. It’s happiness in all parts of life. Having all the money in the world will not bring about happiness just ask a depressed individual. If you were to have a terminal illness you would realize that you are not here for eternity so why not think mortality as a reality so you can be forced to make small stuff small and seek joyful moments to make the best of given life time.

Life is about more than connecting the dots to complete the desired picture. You have a limited time for every thing. You just have to break it down into our 24-hours a day and all the way down to the moment you are living in because that is the moment you are in control. Understanding that alone can allow you to add a little more happiness into everyday life.

You have to work, sleep, eat and still leave some time for fun and joy. You have to be a believer of your picture to be complete as it is in that moment of your control.

Don’t be afraid to let fate play a role in your life especially if you are a scientist or atheist remember you fall in the same category so happiness and contentment in all departments of life is as important for you as it is for all the mortal beings. Unless you think a cause or opposing to others like religious extremists is a game you need to play, play so but never to forget your mortal nature because our awareness of mortality can make us humble.

Whether it is religion or any other way of governing our past and current systems have been designed to make the individual as an insignificant part of the bigger picture. Yet actual reality for you is the opposite of this accepted truth because all our groups start with the individual just like a cloth is made from a thread. God is in the same vicinity accumulation of fivers of all physically alive human beings, remember a ghost town needs people to be relevant.

Whether it is God, Devil, Prophet, King, Nation, Religion, Ism, Gender, Community or a Gang if the individual loses importance the whole fabric becomes weaker. Just imagine a cloth is made of thread, pulling one or two or ten is not going to make any difference but you can’t just keep pulling them out because eventually it has the ability to destroy the cloth or make it even disappear altogether. If no individual left material just disappears.

My point is that since actions of God and Devil require physicality to be meaningful and human individual is the one who holds that card. Logically without the human being these things just don’t make any sense. Without the physicality of human individual their importance disappears as well just like the cloth.

In reality human individuals lend their hands, backs and shoulders to make things happen. It would be a big problem if the human beings are not there to perform physically. That is why in my philosophy human individual is the third equation not some irrelevant, insignificant being who is a born sinner.

Today we know natural disasters are not the jobs of God and Devil because our realities are growing rapidly and telling us the different stories. I would be straying from the topic if I get into this subject. Right now I want to point towards the importance of human individual in the grand scheme of life.

Free will and the ability to choose their good or bad actions of the time and era they are born in, is as important as as good and bad itself. Remember our good and bad change as well with our evolution. Today with spread of equal human rights racism, gender bias or any other kind of prejudice and discrimination is becoming progressively against the social rules of our societies.

My main focus is on the mortal nature of the individual’s life and how should one spend their mortal years with personal regulation and responsibilities. That is why I am digging into the reasons of why do we do the things we do. If loyalties to the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups is the root of the problems we as an individual has the right to join the humanity as a whole to address it. Problems like discrimination and prejudice are not so good when you are at the receiving end so spiritually they should be labeled as crimes. If we don’t speak against some thing we don’t like done to us we will stay stuck in the same old politics as we have been for thousands of years.

As I said before we all have to know ourselves what and who we are individually and as an entity? How important and valuable are we in the grand scheme of life? Remember you are the main character of your life story and you are the CEO who looks after your interests. It is not going to be your belonging group because their interest is to make you as insignificant as possible in your eyes so you feel insecure enough to stick with them. I am reminding you of your fiver and that atom of autonomy. That is what they are after and if you, yourself don’t value it you are part of the problem as well. Become aware of it spiritually so you not only get comfortable in your skin you gain some self respect along the way.

As I described above if God and Devil’s work is not done without the help of living breathing human individual how can a group of people have the power to make the individual so unimportant and insignificant? How is it possible that we are good for God dead not alive when we actually perform for God in our living years. I am talking about the heaven remember you have to die first before you go there.

It is the individual who is using free will so regardless of the influences it is the individual who is responsible to deal with the politics of sense of belonging. If the individual who lets their group use them we don’t have the group problem we have an individual problem. First solution for the individual would be to acknowledge and understand that there are problems related with the individual’s insignificance and insecurities from within. What I am explaining should help the individual to recognize the value of being alive and physically working with God to solve personal insecurities related insignificant .

Lets start it with the value of the individual who is making good or bad happen. It is more than hypothetical remember most of us connect good to God and bad to Devil.

By removing human beings, what would happen to the idea of God or Devil? Would they exist or would they disappear altogether? Would they mean anything if the human individual is not there to reap the benefits of believing in God or to suffer from bad human acts related to Devil?

Start asking this question to yourself as an individual because as a group you are not going to get a straight or satisfactory answer. Politics of belonging is too important and powerful for the groups to let go of it. That is because as groups we have a lot to lose if the individual becomes smart enough to question everything.

Become a CEO of your life so you can see and understand the reasons hidden behind the social and religious rules. That would be helpful to gain that wisdom which can help one to navigate through social, religious and spiritually moral and mortal life. That brings me to the first triangle of the blog where human individual is on the top corner God and Devil on the bottom two. With the free will human individual can dictate how much God and how much Devil is in their individual life. We can see that in everyday people who are believing or rejecting God all together and yet by choice.

Human being

Devil God

I place human being first because if we connect good with God and bad with Devil that makes good and bad as actions of collective or individual human being. Since physical actions are taken by the human individual in living years they disappear with the human being who dies. If our good and bad actions are not committed by the human individual we potentially can still exist as a neutral being but it is all depending on how you look at God and Devil in your life.

If you believe God lives with in you or out side of you, things can change dramatically for you individually.

Like these days a whole lot of people don’t even believe in God’s existence regardless of their good and bad personal actions. Working to get paid is a good and spiritual thing to do because it is helping someone in need. Even that someone is helping you to pay your bills and this good and spiritual thing is done regardless of anyone’s belief system.

Helping someone out of your nature is good and that good is regardless of your believing in God or not. That way actions of the individual cross the boundaries of religions so it is one of the universal and spirituality base human traits. That means you can believe whatever you want to but being a decent individual is not limited to gender, race nation or religion. Being decent is part of spiritual values and these values are universal and they can cross throughout the humanity equally.

Since spirituality crosses the lines of belief systems it is related with our human values or what I call it human spiritual jewelry. Every one who is a decent human being is wearing it. That is why no one should judge people with prejudice and discrimination. It is not who and what you belong to but what and who you are as an evolved, or not so evolved, decent or indecent individual should make the difference.

Who goes to hell or heaven, since it is in the area of where you will have to die to find out for sure, it should be left open yet we see people judging each other wish and curse each other all the time as if it is a minor thing in the society. Interestingly we don’t even know what or how we will act after we die. We are told that there would be rivers of honey and milk, would we be able to enjoy those things as spirits or will we have our physical bodies and physical world like earth again if that is the case. That sounds like reincarnation to me. What would it be is not clear and we are told to believe blindly so you can become believer. Every thing is fine with me but I like to know more about it because I personally don’t want to use God for political purposes. Are we connecting carrot and stick philosophy all the way even with God. Politically using individual is one thing but using God. Well you get my point.

My problem is not whether God and Devil exist or not my problem is why human individual is made so insignificant and irrelevant in the grand scheme of life and treated like an animal in training by the religions? Why are we using carrot and stick philosophy to train a spiritual entity? Why after life is more important than living yeas? To me we are useful to God in our living years not when we don’t have physical body to perform physical tasks. Why God and Devil are more important than the human individual if they can’t help the humanity without the helping hands backs and shoulders of human individual in everyday life?

In past people have sacrificed living breathing human beings in the name of their belief systems yet to me we are helping hands of God. In present days we don’t sacrifice per say but we still kill each other in the name of our religions. We still think others are going to hell and we are going to heaven just by believing in certain religion regardless of our personal character or actions. Some of the religious people make us believe that we are all born sinners whether we have committed any sin or not. Even as a baby we are condemned as a sinner unless we follow the religion we can’t go to heaven. That makes me think of a question does that mean even God is prejudiced and discriminatory?. Regardless of what one believes we should not undermine human individual’s importance in what is happening in reality of our living years. Lets argue about the after life in after life.

Remember we are not genetically programed so no we are not like warrior ants or worker bees. We brought free will along and we have the atom of autonomy from before birth so questioning is in our nature from God. Everything else is politically tainted human knowledge, especially when it is mixed in every department of human existence.

An other fact of humanity is that we are not a done deal. We are a project in process because of our evolutionary nature. Our every single building is a building in process or at least it should be as an accepted truth. Our evolutionary nature is a fact and it should be taught by our belonging societies as a truth. That is not too much to ask but that is where politics of belonging groups show up just to make the individual weak and vulnerable so they can be controlled.

Religions were spouse to be there for spiritual education to make human beings evolve to be wise enough to understand and wear human jewelry and become decent human beings individually and collectively. Just look around in the history and see what happened you can clearly see that they became ruling authorities because power corrupted even the spirituality. They fought wars and are still fighting and killing each others innocent individuals for thousands of years, yet in the name of same God who needs people to make spiritual things turn into physical reality.

Regardless of the field every human knowledge logically is subject to evolve so believing in our religions and constitutions as ultimate knowledge of humanity is not natural for humanity. Humanity needs spirituality and justice systems on one hand and on the other hand it needs political governing systems to accommodate all human beings from all walks. If justice system is blind and equal for all human individuals it should not be meddled with politics. If decency is taught by the spirituality in the foundation with equal human rights it does not matter what and how you worship so no politics into the religion and no politics into the justice systems.

Don’t believe me just look around and see the progress humanity has made other than our religions and constitutions we are constantly changing.

Constitutional amendments are happening but not without the fight, since religious knowledge is not changing we get into pickle whenever we need to deal with the problems of evolving humanity like present drive of equal human of the world is driving conservative societies or groups crazy, internet related crimes are an other out of control subject and then our medical advances always run into trouble with religious acceptance.

We are spouse to evolve and constantly evolve, it is happening and we are doing that but there has always been and even this day and age we still have a certain segment of population among us who resist changes. Like our extremely religious people and political parties with conservative agendas who want their votes would keep people from accepting modern day changes.

Our big problem is our politics of sense of belonging which had been and still is a powerful human phenomenon. It has been so powerful that it had flipped our main triangle to upside down. You have be a CEO to understand the impacts of fundamental changes it brings.

Devil God

Human being

How did that happen? In simple words our politics of sense of belonging started to use politics of fear so the individual stay loyal to the belonging groups. God, Devil and human individual all got used by the politically savvy people in the name of political control.

Does that mean God and Devil don’t exist? If you look at the humanity as a whole each fiver adds up to so much power that it can corrupt even the spiritual people. I believe in the existence of God but I look at God differently. To me our free will makes us choose to not only believe but work as God’s work horses to make spiritual things happen physically.

This is where free will makes and should make human individual a choice maker. If individual is spiritually aware and is a CEO to know their morality and mortality they can’t be used politically. Weak, vulnerable and fearful who thinks mortality is not a fact will choose politics of sense of belonging to groups in order to feel secure, fit in, impress or want to be admired by the belonging group.

If we look at our make up critically, we have brought along free will and atom of autonomy from before birth and our actions are chosen by us as an individual. Mass knows that very well so they used politics to keep the individual religiously obedient but spiritually unaware. By using individuals weakness and vulnerability they flipped the triangle upside down. That is how God and Devil became more important than the human individual.

Since education of the individual comes from the society or the group they belong to, that made individual’s strength questionable especially if they have been brain washed by their belonging authorities. In the absence of sense of freedom human individual only knows sense of belonging so get in trouble from within. Since we all have spiritual sense of justice as well any injustice done by us can cause internal problems for us. Knowing sense of freedom as well as sense of belonging is required but that can’t happen if the individual is not a CEO.


Depending on how you look at yourself as an individual and your personal life. Religion or not we all bring along that atom of autonomy within as human beings. I am going to try to explain it as a five bucks because I wrote a blog about it a long time ago.

(Read Five bucks and Dotted picture).

Who ever holds a free will individually they have the potential status of a CEO and only a CEO knows how to use this fiver.We can not deny, that all human each and every single one of us individually hold a powerful gift of God. Yes I am talking about our genetically ingrained ability to use free will. This ability to make decisions and choose is the first thing I would like to talk about because it sets us apart from all other creatures. This ability not only gives us a choice it puts real responsibilities of our existence on our individual shoulders as well. Free will is one of the most important fundamentals of my blog because even though a lot of us presently are not but I believe we were all meant to be a CEO of our lives. Who are not they have been brain washed by their politics of sense of belonging in the tender and impressionable age.

Regardless of what our politics of sense of belonging preaches or wraps us up with to be subservient, as adults we are still responsible for our personal and individual actions. Since free will gives human individual responsibilities, not only it makes them free to choose it makes them the third equation in the grand scheme of life. Which helps us individually to challenge all our politically accepted truths as well.

So this is how it starts.

Five bucks. Who and What you potentially are and or can be.

Metaphorically speaking each and every one of us has Godly five bucks. If there is a measuring device we can measure the smarts, strength and the ability to live for self and help others around.

This wisdom of fiver is the ocean and space all put together in one human individual. Just like an Atom, yet throughout our history and even now it had been ignored by the human individuals themselves but by the populations as well.

How did we go to space? How did we discover bacteria and viruses? From flying without the wings, swimming deep in the ocean without the gills and digging deep in earth without the claws. Why as humans we can go where ordinary creatures with the wings, claws or gills can’t reach?

To me it is all about that Atom we hold within. It never is space discoveries, medical advancements, atomic, biological, scientific or other technologies but it is all about the human individual’s abilities. Scientists make the argument of depth of the ocean or vastness of the space I say that is peanuts, research yourself and see what is within. Your five bucks is the real deal because you are a part of God from within but unfortunately you can choose to be a part of the Devil as well.

Let me describe your fiver.

Picture yourself a few thousands years ago, you are standing on the bank and you want to get to the other side of the river. You see a log floating in the water which gives you an idea to ride it but it was too late so now you are thinking remember this thinking to you is very simple but not thousands of years ago. First of all you have to be able to think then plan and then act on your plan where do you think this ability has come from it did not just happen to you one day out of the thin air.

To me it just can’t be a random and freak act of an evolutionary nature because it is too sophisticated to be counted as random act. You can have a thinking brain and a functioning body just like a computer but you need to be a computer runner in order to put the data into it because a brand new computer on the shelf is not functioning on its own. Now you picture yourself as a brand new computer as a baby you got the brain and body to function but how that computer is running? It just can’t do it on its own. Sure we would have artificial intelligent life but still that is created by the computer runners. (back to the river bank).

Now the next step is that you can gather some branches weave them together and make a raft, get a big stick and row yourself to the other side you may think it is that simple. Just don’t rush to it how did all happen to one little person? Even the sophistication of the worm is complex enough to blow an ordinary individual’s mind. If you really think everything in you is a random act of evolution, it is your thinking and I am glad we all human beings don’t think alike. Scientifically or religiously we still have differences. Sure we have problems but there would be even more problems if every body thought alike. Our progress and evolution would have not possible if we did not think differently. So you got the raft and cross the river.
If the wisdom, power, energy and the ability to do everything is measured, metaphorically I gave it a worth of five bucks and it is for each and every single one of us individually. If the whole community got together and build a bridge everyone would go across and back.

Next step into today, now just look at today’s individual with a cell phone in hand and then look at today’s humanity. If a small community contributes their fiver to build a bridge what is the potential of humanity today? Today we have bridges over bridges, we have space station and technologies of all kind humanity had never seen in history. Everyone in the communities can cross the river or whenever they want to fly over the oceans in record time is possible. Ever wonder how and why it happened?
Basic logic is that a single individual is weaker than the big family, community nation or religion but it is all depending on if they get along and work as a unit.

One can be very smart and have lot of resources to hire lot of helping hands to function at a higher level if they want to as well. Either way that smarts still comes from that five bucks you have brought along from before birth. Fast forward to the present. Corona virus is today’s reality that tells us that our fiver needs to be shared with humanity as a whole not to certain group of people.

Fighting infectious diseases like Ebola, Zika or Corona out breaks, issues with Global warming, spread of internet related crimes or even building of space station is best functioning or its usefulness is meaningful if the humanity comes together with all the individual five bucks.

An example fits here.

A human cell is less meaningful on its own but with the right circumstances mixing two can have a powerful and profound effect because that can create a totally functioning human being with limitless potential.

We each have trillions of cells in the body. Individually cell may appear to be insignificant but is it? The whole body started with that cell so the importance of cell should never be forgotten even if we have accumulated trillions of them.

If a community is a community because of the collection of individuals but with politics forgets the importance of individual that community is in danger of becoming obsolete just like the human body with cancer. If nurtured an individual can come up with ideas to strengthen community to flourish to its limitless potential.

A child tries to mimic parents but feels the limitations because of the comparison with grown up parent. If that child knows that they are not grown up yet, it will keep them positive otherwise they can accept what they feel and potentially can stay dependent on the parents for the rest of their lives. Depending on you, if you are not taught autonomy of your fiver you may put God on a very high pedestal and limit yourself to be inferior. If you accept that false truth you may pray for everything you desire without using your fiver.
I am using this comparison between God and human individual because it is one of my philosophical them that human individual is more important than we have been trained or brain washed to believe.

Just like a child we put everything impossible for us on God’s shoulders. We expect that God should take care of every thing what concerns us.
In case of our inability to take care of the task at hand, we pray to God and ask for help. Believing that you are going to get help is great, but it should always be after you have used up your five bucks. Just like the individual who built the raft to cross the river then expect help from God that nothing goes wrong while you are afloat.

The idea of building bridge for community and coming together is to comply with our social nature is from God speaking through the human individuals. That means all the advances made by the human being is related with God as well. Remember we can’t function without the oxygen and we have no control on oxygen supply non what so ever. So everything we do in our living years have help form that unknown whether you believe in it or not. I believe that advances made by humanity deserve credit but giving credit to God or human exclusively would be wrong because one side added physicality and the other added spirituality. So clap with one hand is not possible. God the mankind are evolving with the help of each other where are we going? That is the question we can’t answer until we get there so being a mortal individual we can leave and accept things as unknown but collectively we should always try to give an honest shot to discover them all at the same time.

Common sense is to use our fiver altogether to evolve but be aware of that child is in all of us who is asking for help from God. Remember all the progress we have made came from our individual five bucks not from some miracles. There is a saying that God helps who help themselves. There is more truth to that than we are taught to believe because if you are alive you already are using that help so every single human progress has been made that is because of that help.

Even today with Corona virus a whole lot of people believe that God is mad at us because we are being punished for not being obedient and praying enough. Yet majority of them is looking at our scientists to come up with some kind of cure. Our expectations are from our scientists to solve our problems are normal because they have been the main help throughout our history. It has been that way all along but all along there has been people who claimed God being mad at us. These are the people who want religious powers taking over our all aspects of human life including prohibiting science.

Resistance from blood transfusion to stem cell research to all kind of progress which makes potentially out side God as they see it irreverent. This kind of rhetoric has been present through out our distant past, past and even recent history.

Unfortunately for them you just can’t find a solution by just praying. In the beginning we use to throw innocent virgins over the cliffs as sacrifice to please God those old habits don’t die that easily these are the same people who don’t want to change because change is always challenging to adopt.

Next level came we stopped throwing virgins over the cliffs because of our religious leaders saw the injustice to poor virgins and no response form God. Interestingly enough regardless of the evolving knowledge we still did not even know what bacteria or viruses were until recent history.

Humanity goes through some convulsions or dire needs for changes before we evolve to the next level. Infectious diseases Internet, space station and issues related to global warming have been pointing all along towards the needs for humanity to evolve to the next level so it can work together. Unfortunately our conservative fellow human beings have not been looking at it as the evolving times should be looked at. They have been thinking about building walls instead to protect themselves but there is no escape from global warming infectious diseases or viruses. This is one of those times where we all should adopt to the changes to smell the roses and let the educated evolution happen instead of old style as usual politics of us and them.

God works through the humanity one individual at a time other than the miracles all the physical actions of God are dependent on the human physicality. If as an individual you don’t assume your responsibilities, when are you going to evolve enough to understand your importance in the grand scheme of life.

This is an other triangle one has to understand and come to terms with. In the triangle of love I divided love in three components Passionate love Instinctive love and Universal love.

After dividing equally an other triangle emerges in the middle so I call that a core triangle which needed to be divided into two parts. By nature you as an individual are consisted of physical side and a spiritual side. Since we have free will potentially we all are a CEO, everything comes together if you as a CEO can create balance from within. Otherwise it can be chaotic for you as an individual because if you are influenced by the politics of sense of belonging you individually can suffer the consequences. So you as a CEO should choose to create balance to live a successful mortal life.

Not knowing and understanding love yet living in a society can be a problem if one is not a CEO. Learning about the ability to love and be loved, putting things in perspectives can help to live a richer mortal life. Love can be as simple as a four latter word or you can dig into it to connect it to everything you do as a human individual spiritual or physical. I divided love in three equal parts and then into two more components. Lets see how you can use this knowledge to enhance your life.

Knowing love as passionate love, instinctive love and universal love and balancing of it all including the core of spiritual and physical side.

Passionate Love

Instinctive Love Universal Love

Core of love triangle is divided in two sides. Balance of these two sides depends on the individual so spiritual and physical side of core is related with this triangle.

You as a CEO

Spirit Physical

Remember I talked about the pendulum if you pull too much to one side it will swing back out of control as well. As mortal human individual we need to enjoy being physical and spiritual equally otherwise a mortal life is not lived ideally. God and you reciprocate so instead of worry about the carrot and stick philosophy try to create balance within. God can easily say that I gave you the free will for a reason why didn’t you use it. As long as you are committed to spiritual reciprocation you get to enjoy all the physical bounties God had offered to the human beings. If you choose to become celibate like priest or don’t eat it is your choice. Would God treat you any batter if you commit spiritual crimes in private? Well get my point.

Discovering the pain of love loss and core balance.

Strength of the physical side related business of robbing love or hormones related rage, revenge and politics of sense of belonging is a human fact no one can deny it but we need to evolve and evolve constantly. Our group politics has been in control to keep us in line by force. One has to comply with all the traditions, customs, rituals and rules of belonging groups including going to war and kill opposing individuals regardless of their guilt. If their crime is just to belong to other group it is not good enough reason to be killed plain and simple. Regardless of your reason if you do kill someone you are robbing someone’s love. That has been a tradition of humanity and it has to change because we have evolved far enough to understand the pain of love loss but we still are not evolved enough to not to inflict the same pain to others.

Personal actions of robbing love even from personal relationships to organized killing each other as groups needs spiritual understanding. If you have an understanding of a CEO, not only you could balance love triangle you can balance your animal or physical instincts with spiritual strength as well. Otherwise under your political influences of your belonging groups you will forget about your personal mortal nature and carry on living as an extension of your belonging group. You will disregard your free will in the name of politics and actively keep participating in the business of robbing love. Just look around the world mob killing of the people who look different or belong to opposing group is common even this day and age. Our history is full of these examples.

Being a CEO is crucial for all free will holding human individuals because our actions should be in the best interest of living a mortal life not only with happiness and contentment but spiritual satisfaction as well. Our wrong decisions can have deep effects on our spiritual and physical well being. Our health is intertwined in the balance of our core triangle. If you live physically, like you eat good food, live in a nice house, drive nice car and life is good physically yet you could be starving spiritually. Food for the soul is not physical its action based spirituality. If you don’t feed your spiritual side you may end up unhappy, discontent or worse depressed regardless of all the nice physical things in your life. Sure physical comfort is important but without the deep happiness and contentment mortal life is an impotent experience. All is there but always something missing.