Before I get into, or I should say we all get into this confusing but outdated argument of identities. We all should ask ourselves individually, what and who we really are? Ask in such a manner that you speak to your inner self, where you are alone and are not politically influenced. I usually ask myself in the dead of the night, O life what and who are you? With you within, I make God, God, and Devil, Devil. Since I am the one who makes them physically functional. I should be respected as most relevant in our holy pictures of beliefs. Whole scheme of life whether it’s communal, universal and spiritual, what makes me, me? Why I am above everything with you within, but as you leave me, without you they burry me six feet under as useless and a burden. So, what are you? If each and every one successfully ask and get their answer, our holly triangle will be flipped back to right side up. We will not politically hide behind God and Devil, will become what we are, and we all start to take responsibilities of our physical actions.

Remember, you have only felt God like love but never seen God. It’s just like or similar to our cells deep within asking each other, if the body exists as a whole. To them their comprehension is limited because they have never been outside the body in living form, never mind with the brain like human beings. Just like those cells, we can’t really see the body but can envision, feel and understand the supply line of oxygen, water, food and love. So, regardless of what and who God is? We simply go according to our understanding, believe in, and give name to God. Now the question is, if we have never seen or met God why we claim to know everything about God? Yet to the point that we kill and rob each other of the actual physicality that is needed and is most important for God to physically exist. So, the bottom line is that to really know God, we have to know ourselves first. Just look around and see how far we still have to go? To even understand ourselves. We have been killing each other since our awareness of love, because the pain of the love loss is one of the biggest hurdles in the achievement of peace in humanity. Remember love loss is a pain that top the chart. Unfortunately, if it’s inflicted on you by others, we want them to feel the same pain, so we go for revenge. Meaning, all our evolution and spirituality go in the gutter, and we become a simple creature who exclusively feels physically. Shouldn’t we be at the level of understanding where we know inflicting pain on others does not end conflicts but rather makes them grow further.

Now in case you are wondering, what the hell all these letters mean, well since I can’t really make the title of the blog that long, I had to resort to the first latter of each word intended.

Anyway, even in the era that belongs to equal human individual rights, interestingly still these so-called identities are dictating what and who we really are. Yet the reality is that we are way, way, above it all, that is only if you can understand it. So, let’s start with S for SPIRITUAL, P for, PHYSICAL, and so on. H, HUMAN, BLACK, BROWN, YELLO, RED, WITE, MALE, FEMALE, STRAIGHT, LASBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, QUEER, MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, HINDU, JEWISH, SIKH AND MUCH, MUCH MORE.

Now while you are at it, or if that is not enough for you, let’s keep it going and add up nearly two hundred nations with a whole lot of territorial and land disputes. Eventually, top that off with thousands of religions and their sects. Remember this blog is a part three for the equal human individual rights and heading of this blog is about our natural as well as all the politically installed identities. Since our politically installed identities are our major hurdles and should be delt with before everyone can agree to give and receive equal rights. Our openly preached inequality related bigotry, prejudice and discrimination has been, is and will always be preventing us from following calls of our Godly installed spiritual DNA. So, to me this has been and still is the main Rabit Hole we all individually have to climb out. Since logically the levels of our personal insecurities and political involvement in the group interests, both start from within the individual. They simply can’t be fixed by staying within the group politics so individual has to deal with their personal issues by understanding and dealing with them. Remember you can’t come out of this Rabit Hole if you keep following the same old politics of belonging because as groups, we lose political power and control over the belonging individuals. So, that is why humanity is still struggling to adopt equal human individual rights. Sure, you can be willing to give and receive equal human rights at your individual level, but number of those individuals has to rise to influence the groups. Unfortunately, our groups have been able to brain wash us right from our tender years to believe in that our personal security is tied up with our group identity. Yet spiritually aware individuals know that being mortal we don’t really have real security. So, regardless of our political influences we should not sacrifice our spiritual principles for political identities. I wholeheartedly believe if we all can bring it down to us individually and really connect to God as a human individual or should I say as a real and politically uninfluenced human being we can actually bring the peace humanity has been seeking since the beginning of our spiritual awareness.

When I started to look for the reasons of why as humanity we can’t get along? And why we have been and are so torn apart, yet for thousands of years. All these first letters of modern-day human individual identities showed up. Spiritual and physical human being as first because, that is our real and foundational identity. Next is black because science says somewhere along the way, we all started or are originated from Africa. So, to me it’s kind of obvious to be dark if you are from or around the equator. That means, our ancestors have to be black or dark to begin with, because even today the populations on equator are still predominately dark. Then brown, yellow, red, white and then again back to mixing all the colors to create newer shades of humanity. No, I am not going to say fifty shades of humanity even if I feel like it. Now you can top that up with presently dominating and main religions. Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Sikhs. Then today’s popular and disputing discussion related to our nationalism and sexual identities. Interestingly, regardless of historical presence, they have never been counted as human beings, if they did, they were somehow counted as less or inferior to others. As if national and sexual identity or as a matter of fact any political identity automatically makes someone better or lesser of a human being. Lesbian, Gays, Bi, Trans, Queer and don’t forget the straight as well because that is one of our sexual identities. Now the question is, why a perfectly functioning working hand of God has always been or is discriminated against? How about the political lines of the glob or nations. Now look at your first name, especially if you have an Arabic background. Add your father’s name his father’s name and even his father’s name and then your family or last name. While you are at it, add your educational degree, your height, or if you are fat or skinny, young, old, aging and even being mortal as well. I think these all should be enough to talk about.


If your head does not spin as mine, OR YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DIG WITHIN, you are stuck into your political identities to the point that you have lost your CEO status provided to you by your atom of autonomy. CONFUSED? Well, let’s try to get out of this confusion and get ourselves unstuck together. By taking charge of our individual and personal life LIKE A CEO, can help. This is why as human beings we all can think and response with free will and that is our real gift from God. God had really meant for us all to be a human being, not some genetically programed creature. By blessing us all equally with our own atom of autonomy related spiritual Jewlery, God put a lot of responsibilities on our individual shoulders. Remember if you are using your free will in everything else you do. It is because of that mini-God sitting right with in you. So, your compassion, sense of justice and other spiritual duties like love, and sacrifice are not the things your groups have installed within you. You actually have brought them along from before your birth. All the groups did was to stop you from digging with in to find out your evolving potential. They tried to brain wash us all with their political belonging rhetoric, so we could not think beyond our group interest. Our God given gifts can help us all to assume the responsibilities of a CEO and become a responsible human being who can actually separate spirituality and political religious beliefs.

Compared to our advancements in other fields of technological, medical, scientific knowledge, why are we so far behind when it comes to our social and emotional evolution? Regardless of thousands of religions, hundreds of nations, empires, isms, and thousands of years evolution in our belt, why we are still struggling and banging our heads against the same wall as we did in our distant past. Remember we still kill each other over something we don’t know and can’t explain. Just look at our wars, we are still killing each other regardless of the guilt and yes even children as well. Yet, we have been claiming that we are doing it all that, in the name of God. Our group politics, cunningly hide our land, clans and love loss related disputes behind our religions because individuals from both sides are willing to kill and get killed for it. Interestingly majority of us emotionally buy into it because of the politics of belonging. So, even in this day and age our groups reap the benefits of weaker and insecure individual, yet as individuals we can’t raise our voice against our political belonging.

What is going on in the world of nuclear and biological weaponry? Remember our emotional disturbance is usually based on the politics of nationalism and extreme religious beliefs. So, not harnessing the urges to follow politics of belonging and animal urges is an individual dilemma of the modern-day human individual. Since thousands of years of experimenting with all kinds of governing systems did not bring peace that humanity has been seeking. It’s time that, we should stop banging our heads against the same wall. Instead of asking equal group rights we should bring it down to equal human individual rights. By bringing it all the way down to the individual level, we actually can control our political groups to the point that they can’t pull our strings like puppets. Remember even as humanity we can’t enforce our justice system, because our top organization is having a group-based veto system. Sure, we need political and justice systems to run our affairs, but if they don’t have universally founded equal spiritual system, they can be bought and sold with political influences.

In today’s time, we all talk about the equal human individual rights and democracy, but in reality, we individually are incapable or are not willing to give the same rights we receive from the others. All because of politics of belonging to our groups. Meaning, we as individuals, are spiritually struggling deep within the core of being a human being. So, where is the individual and personal spirituality? Remember the rule number one, sure I am constantly repeating this, but I do feel the need of this repetition. “Don’t do to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved one” I would like to add another one here that says, “Put yourself in other’s shoes before judging them” because to me this is not the era of asking group rights because that has always brought us to group disputes and major wars.

If humanity has been experimenting with our governing systems and still fail to evolve, we should know the cause. Remember each and every single one of us has been taught to believe in that strength in numbers, which means you individually have to believe and accept your weakness, irrelevance. So, if that is our foundational education, we simply can’t follow universal things like spirituality, justice and one humanity as a whole. Whether it’s coming from our politically infected nations or religions. This political education has led us to literally believe in our personal and individual irrelevance. Meaning, we have been robbed of our individual self-respect and self-esteem by our own groups. Instead of demanding equal human individual rights, we have been taught to demand group rights. Remember demanding those group rights have brought us group disputes and disputing yet thousands of religions and nations. So, why are we still banging our head against the same wall. Regardless of it had led us to divide humanity in hundreds and even thousands of pieces. Question is why we still want the pieces?

Today’s time is the first or probably the only time when equal human rights are being asked by most of humanity but as groups. So, personally I believe in, if we miss out on this opportunity and keep our identities as groups. WE MAY END UP BLOWING IT ALL UP. Just like it has been predicted in our holly books. Sure, we can blame it all on God but, to me if God had blessed us all with our atom of autonomy and related free will and personal sense of justice. WE DON’T REALLY HAVE THAT LUXURY. If that happens, we all are individually to blame because we did not assume the responsibilities of a CEO as God had granted us all equally. Remember all our groups nations and religions are made of individuals and they all depend on our physical compliance to be meaningful. So, in reality, all our weaponry does not get shot on its own. Even with AI involved, a human individual’s physicality has to be behind setting it all up. So, being an atom of autonomy holding human individual we simply can’t be exonerated, from our political based actions. And yes, even if we say we are doing it all for your belonging group.

Philosophy of having guns in everyone’s hands to keep the crime rate low has been proven to be wrong and has backfired. Not only at the individual levels but at our national level as well. Regardless of our nuclear weaponry our wars did not stop and just a reminder, we did use nuclear weapons. An emotionally distressed and blinded by the revenge of love loss individual or a nation does not think that far. Especially if they are emotionally affected by the love loss. So, understanding the pain of love loss not only at the individual level but also collectively is essential. In today’s time we can’t be preaching each other’s destruction without the risk of harming ourselves. Meaning if you are a politician or a religious leader think and think hard and far and deep enough before preaching or expressing your emotionally charged points of views. Interestingly most religions talk about compassion openly but when it comes to practical the result is zero because the death toll of religious disputes is impossible to count.

Strength in numbers and group politics has been taking its toll for thousands of years if you go religiously, but millions of years if you go scientifically. It’s time we start to look at the reasons of why fear-based philosophy does not work for human beings. Most religions have tried it yet failed to produce the results. If you ask lady Google, she will tell you crime rate of religious societies are higher than the secular societies. Meaning fear of hell or greed of heaven does not work in modern-day fact-based humanity. Remember keeping the crime rate down in religious societies was doing pretty good by force but only until humanity started to ask equal human rights and even the younger generations started to question their authorities. When religions started humming and hawing or hesitating to adopt, agreeing or providing spiritual principles like equal human rights. They labeled themselves as political systems. No wonder in today’s societies, religions are losing their respect they have enjoyed for thousands of years. So, if general population is not obeying them, it is not a co incident. When a race, nation or religion lose their spiritual principles they simply lose the respect of their most relevant source, yes, their physically living breathing human individual. That means their days are numbered because history of humanity shows a graveyard full of those.

Bush and cave times are long gone, when our group strength was really meaningful and important for the individual. Today things have drastically changed and even are changing fast. So, we all have to keep up with the changes. Remember, we don’t fight with swords, spears and arrows anymore, today all it takes is an individual with a briefcase or a rocket with a warhead because modern-day technology can simply wipe out a city full of people in an instant. Shouldn’t we be trying to understand our emotional status and the reasons why we are building up that arsenal?

Sure, as an individual belonging to today’s time, most of us seek and even are willing to give and receive equal human individual rights but our group politics still has the powers to brain wash their individuals. That is why regardless of our evolutionary nature we can’t seem to outgrow these hormones-based urges. Remember by nature we all are individually equipped with the DNA which has its spiritual side related knowledge. On top of all that, we even have unstoppable evolutionary nature. Yet some of us, still don’t use our Godly installed knowledge and capabilities. So, majority of us still blindly believe in whatever our political groups want us to believe. That is why, even in today’s humanity, there are people who still don’t believe in equal human rights.

Unfortunately, our groups have been and are able to brain wash us to believe that we somehow are better than other groups just by being born into, joining in, or belonging to certain group of people. If you look at it logically, these kinds of belief systems are founded on and are preaching inequality. They simply preach not only inequality, but also bigotry, prejudice and discrimination as well. So, if you dig a little deeper or think a further, by them claiming that God is their cousin as well, is their exclusive property. To, me they literally are committing a spiritual sin by a universal entity like God into their prejudice and discrimination. Don’t agree with me just try to count the number of innocents have been killed or are being killed in the name of religions.

Since nuclear and biological weaponry has the potential to wipe out humanity all together and interestingly humanity’s end has been predicted in our holy books as well. So, to me it may not be brought on to us by our spiritual God but by us being brain washed and believing in our group politics. Remember in last thousands of years our knowledge of God has not changed, simply because we have been told that we all have to die before we can find out. Meaning, we simply have no idea why we kill each other when it comes to God. We simply need to evolve in all departments of life equally so we can understand our emotions as much we know about our nuclear weaponry. So, we can literally and clearly see the politics behind our nationalism and religious beliefs. Personally, I believe we simply can’t learn anything about our individual spirituality, unless we can individually separate politics of belonging to our groups and personal and individual spiritual beliefs. If you want to look at the causes of the high number of religions and even their sects, their disputes and the wars. All you have to do is to put the politics of belonging to your group aside and see what happens to you. That literally will free you to look from beyond your emotional or I should say hormonally influenced political belonging. You will be able to see, why our religious wars have always been an ongoing process throughout the history of humanity.

If technologically, if we have a lot of evolution and progress to show, but not a lot of understanding in our emotional belonging to nationalism and religions. HUMANITY GOT AN IMBALANCE EVOLUTION RELATED PROBLEM. Question is why we are lagging behind, especially when it comes to accepting all human beings are equal and even are human beings? SIMPLE ANSWER IS, INDIVIDUAL WEAKNESS AND BRAIN WASHING POWERS IN THE HANDS OF OUR GROUPS.

Ever wonder why, most if not all human societies have court systems? And why being a human individual we all are responsible for our physical actions? Question yourself and see what you come up with. Logically, if you REMOVE the spiritual content of a human individual which allows us all to become and being acknowledged as a human being. Who takes responsibilities of personal actions, uses free will, has personal sense of justice and is blessed with the abilities to be compassionate and loving. Now all you got left is your physical makeup exclusively. Interestingly, even at those points everything points towards equality. We all need oxygen to experience this mortal life, we need water, food and love to survive. Yet we are taught to believe in robbing each other of all that. Remember we all are born the same way, get sick, old and die the same way, we all are born with the ability to use free will, which helps us all to choose. We all are able to use personal sense of justice, are able to use compassion and love yet individually. Sure, we could be affected by the level of education, life circumstance, love loss and political influences. Interestingly regardless of all that we still are responsible for our physical actions. If we literally allow our groups to use us as their political puppets, we are responsible for that as well. To, me as a human individual we all have the abilities to sift through all political influences and understand what we hold within as a human individual. That can only happen if we are spiritually whole and grounded at our individual level. Remember our groups still believe in their politics of killing and dominating each other. As if we are still living in the bush and caves, so in order to evolve from all that, we individually have to not only have to protect our spirituality but also grow. So, regardless of individual understanding of the dangers of modern-day war weaponry, why are we emotionally still trying to live like other creatures or like our ancestors who did not have today’s technology. Nor like in today’s time, their population were not seeking for equal human rights. Interestingly if we are fighting over our religious beliefs, we can’t really physically explain or possibly know everything about, what we are fighting over.

Well, I am going to say it, as it is. Yet in clear and easily understandable words. So, logically if you can’t come back and explain what happens after we die because we simply have to die first to find that out. Meaning, it clearly says if we kill each other over it, that would be related to our individual ignorance. So, we simply should not kill each other over our incomplete knowledge or for political reasons. Simply because in the end of the day by giving us our free will God made us responsible for our personal actions. So, I believe it’s time for us human beings to evolve from our hormones related political influences.

I personally believe in God and afterlife as well, but I am keeping my priorities and realities straight. Meaning I believe my living years are my physical reality and after I die, I will be entering in my unknowns or in my metaphorical realities-based world. Now the question is should I be killing someone or taking their physical reality away over my metaphorical reality-based beliefs? Especially if I don’t even have any clear answers. Obviously, I have to die first to really find out what is on the other side of my death or what would be my situation or reality? On top of all that, if I am a spirit, would I be taking swings at someone to punch or chop their head off with my metaphorical sword? If we can’t even tell anything other than the personal lights out. Why do we still keep sending each other to the other side? Yet our metaphorical God needs living breathing human beings or hands in this physically real world. Literally to convert spirituality into physical actions so everything can be physically meaningful.

Especially looking at Egyptian history, people believed so deeply that they took their material things along. Don’t forget we literally have been robbing every tomb of Egyptians Gods and kings, yet we still believe in the physicality of our metaphorical realities. It may seem that I don’t believe in after death, or don’t believe whatever is on the other side? Not at all, but I believe in, keeping our metaphorical and physical realities separate. Learn all about their differences and keep those differences in mind at all times and in today’s time we literally need to add our new virtual realities to that count as well. We all should know, what we are physically experiencing and what simply can or can’t be explained. So, in other words our metaphorical realities should not override our physical realities or should not be used as physical realities. In simple words, if we don’t have our physical body, everything will be or at least should be a metaphorical reality. Since metaphorical realities can’t be explained physically, they should not be the foundation of our justice systems, nor they should be used to rob someone of their physical reality. Remember we don’t only have the abilities to use our free will, we are also able to use our personal sense of justice as well. Normally our personal problems start when our group politics takes over us individually and from within. So, we personally need to take charge and learn all about our realities.

So, spillage of some chemicals in the blood tells us, that we get physically influenced even by our political belonging. That means, by the way we think, can dictate how we feel, so, if we feel from the thoughts, shouldn’t our thoughts be harnessed to be a human being? Remember as a human individual we supposed to have the abilities to control our urges and emotions, whether they are created by nature or politics of belonging.

We become a human being because of our spirituality related inhibitions, so, we individually should have the powers to override our physical urges. Meaning, even if our political leaders use their fiery speeches to get our juices flowing, in the nutshell, those chemicals related issues are our personal issues. So, logically we are responsible for controlling the urges. Remember, we all have been equally blessed with our free will and personal sense of justice so being a human takes a lot more than just being a social creature. It takes becoming a CEO of our lives, who can override and control those hormones related physical urges. Yet interestingly we are in the process of evolution so may not be in my lifetime, but in future we may learn to override our political belonging to our groups and think to belong to humanity as a whole.

Question is if you don’t understand it all, should you be killing others over God? Personally, I believe we hide the urge of revenge for the pain of our love loss and want to inflict that same pain on those who caused it to you. Usually our resources, land and love loss related conflicts are politically converted into our religious conflicts because whenever our religions get involved or exploited, wars can go on forever. Meaning, our belonging groups know how they can have a study supply of those people who can be inspired to kill and die for their cause. These political tactics have been and are continuously used throughout our history and even today we can’t get away from them. Simply because human beings are not evolved enough to understand emotions and related behaviors, so our politicians take advantage of our vulnerabilities.

Since the era we are born into belong to a trend called EQUAL HUMAN INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND FREE SPEECH. I am going to speak my mind because I believe my brain is designed to hold an ocean and space all rolled up in one. Yet my belonging group says stay within the stream of your installed knowledge. Sure, that makes me question myself and my belonging group simultaneously. Politically, we don’t want to let go of our ancestorial beliefs, meaning this is the time when humanity is being torn apart by our political group belonging which is limiting yet our spiritual nature calls for putting an anchor in space to climb way, way beyond the insecurity based political lines and boundaries created by our belonging groups. So, the problems faced by all of us are related to our politics of belonging, rather than our spiritual nature. If you always and honestly keep a spiritual thing like equal human rights in front of you, you will be willing to give and receive equal human rights. If you are spiritual, regardless of being a passionate believer of your belonging religion, you may make some concessions and adopt to live and let live with compassion and love otherwise you will be tainted or infected by the politics of belonging and lose your spirituality.

Just to put things in perspectives, picture a clock with hands of second, minutes and hour. Your individual life story is running like the hand of seconds. Your group, community, nation and religions run as the minutes. So, without you they don’t run or exist and bigger things like supply of oxygen, God, death and diseases run as the hand of hour, so, you simply can’t breathe or even exist without that. Now the question is why you think you are in your life and why your speed is different than the hand of hour? Wisdom of that is holding but with a very thin line because human physicality is required to make everything meaningful. So, if you remove the physicality of human individuals, things fall apart or should I say stay suspended in the air.

Now your relevance as a living breathing human individual aside, if you personally want your minutes and hours to run at the same speed of your life. You got a personal problem because after you have performed physically, things are not in your control either. So, whether you believe in God or not, you or your life story is still running under the larger picture allotted by God. Whether you believe in God is doing everything or you believe you are doing everything. You still have to perform physically to make everything work. For instance, as I mentioned before you are the other wire to light up the bulb of knowledge, so spiritual things can take physical form to be meaningful to you and the others like you. So, make sure your actions give life to universal things like God, spirituality and justice. If your belonging groups have been able to politically rob you of your relevance, you literally will have to dig within to become a CEO of your life to become what you have been created as. If your belonging group has become more than even God spirituality and justice to you, you personally don’t acknowledge your own relevance. You are going against your inner atom of autonomy so; you will become unhappy and forget even your own importance as a main character of your own life story. As I constantly say that you have been blessed with your own atom of autonomy which allows you to use your free will to make choices. So, be relevant and become an effective CEO of your life project or story. If things are changing in your minutes circle, just make sure to remember that your time is running much faster than that. So, there will always be lot of things left undone way beyond your lifetime.

Sure, your belonging groups would not want you to think about you as a main and relevant part of the story. So, they will give you passionate speeches about the heaven waiting for you in life after your death, so you can buy into all that and do the dirty work of killing others for your group’s political agenda. This is where, you can use your atom of autonomy related personal sense of justice and free will to make choices and love to live comfortably in your mortal skin. Unfortunately, humanity is in a time of transit because still there are nations controlling their belonging individuals even by force. Meaning politically, they don’t believe in equal human rights. Remember equal human rights are not limited between two individuals, in reality they actually go much further. In real spiritual and just world, individual stands on one side and all the groups, corporations, nations and religions and even God stand as an individual on the other side. If you have been taught to believe otherwise, that is because of group politics.

By nature, a spiritual individual is an automatic CEO of their life. Who can see the politics behind all the political rhetoric of groups including their own. Otherwise, they know and should know that the politics of belonging is hell bent to make them a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory individual. That is if you individually let it. Remember as a human individual you bring along your own and personal atom of autonomy from before your birth. Which allows you to not only use your free will but also brings you to the spiritual heights where you can have your personal sense of justice as well. Being a just human individual, you automatically learn to put yourself in others or opposing groups’ shoes. If you don’t, sooner or later your belonging group politics is going to devour your individual or personal spirituality. Making you a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory individual. Remember you are born into the era of equal human individual rights, and they put a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders. Meaning they are not simply political but rather they are spiritual as well. So, if you choose to become political, it is your personal choice, or I should say your personal and internal issue and that may stand you against your own internal atom of autonomy. Interestingly that is going against your own spiritual side. This is where you get in personal situations, where politically you have chosen to become a prejudicial or discriminatory individual. Yet simultaneously, you have to answer to your personal spiritual side sitting right within you. Remember as a mortal being, being torn apart from within is not a good place to be. So, regardless of what is pulling your strings, you are the one who is responsible for controlling your thoughts, emotions, and related physical actions. Whether you are born into an era of group strength or in the era of individual strength. In today’s time you individually will have to demand and give each other equal human rights. Remember regardless of the era you are born into, being a human individual you are responsible to do the justice.

So, take the POWERS God had meant for you as a human individual and use them to experience a spiritually reciprocating and meaningful visit. Remember in real life, if you don’t have the seconds running, there are no minutes, nor there are hours or the other way around. So, in order for you to have a meaningful visit, your life has to be brought right down to you and micro levels or seconds where you are the one who is a CEO. Meaning for life to meaningful for you, it’s not from the top down but rather from the bottom up. REMEMBER, WE HAVE AN EXISTING AND MEANINGFUL GOD SIMPLY BECAUSE WE AS HUMAN BEINGS ARE REPRODUCING GOD’S PHYSICALLY WORKING HANDS. THEY ARE CONSTANTLY CONVERTING SPIRITUALITY INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS. SO, DEPENDING ON HOW YOU LOOK AT IT, GOD CREATED CELLS AND GIVE LIFE TO THEM, SIMPLY TO GIVE PHYSICALITY AND LIFE TO GOD. THIS ALL DEPENDS ON OUR OWN AND INDIVIDUAL HUMAN AWARENESS. REMEMBER OUR RELEVANCE GIVES US SELF-RESPECT, AND SELF-ESTEEM SO OUR POLITICAL GROUPS SIMPLY CAN’T AFFOARD THAT.

Let’s look at it this way, logically if you have a person with dementia or brain disorders, you can’t simply expect them to know God, or expect from them to function at that level of awareness. Remember we have been arguing about the things beyond our physical world because of our religious beliefs, so difference of opinions is inevitable because none of us know it as a physical reality. Remember we are taught to believe by our belonging groups so there is a political taint to every knowledge we receive. On top of all that, loyalties are stemming from our hormonal influences, so those beliefs touch us in the area where we don’t really want to admit that we don’t really know. Since we have been and are an evolving entity, logically we should never claim that we know everything there is to know anyway. Remember if we are learning something new every day, how can one say that they know everything. Unfortunately, we have had this attitude built up and developed by our religious beliefs. So, to me, if you are spiritually honest, you will keep everything straight and believe that there is a lot of room to learn more. Meaning clearly, it should make us believe in and accept our evolving nature as a fact.

A bee does what it’s told by its DNA. As human beings we choose to do before doing, so DNA or not we call our personal shots simply because of us being a spiritual entity. Sure, our strings are pulled by the politics of belonging but in the end of the day, all our court systems say that as human societies we are set up on the principles of individual choice. Yet interestingly our religious societies have stricter rules than our secular ones, and they make their individuals believe in their irrelevance. Being a choice maker makes us all the most relevant. That is what makes us all different than other creatures. We can have the urges like other creatures, but our abilities to use our spiritual side allows us to take charge of our desires and logically it should help us to override our politics of belonging as well.

Religious beliefs or not human beings and God are the ones who are making things physically happen. One allows favorable life circumstances and gives us a functioning body and the other one completes the job by physically performing. Just like two wires, you can’t really get things done physically unless you plug in both of them simultaneously. Interestingly when our group politics took a hold of our religions. They started a campaign against the importance of human individual so the groups can become powerful by having control over their belonging weaker individuals. So, logically, making human beings irrelevant is not from God but rather it’s all politically manifested by the human beings, who wanted power and control. So, be a good CEO and don’t let them rob you of your self-respect and self-esteem. You are as important as the hand of second that keeps the time going to create minutes and hours. Especially to make things happen physically or I should say meaningful.

In spiritual and just world, things are straight forward, meaning there are no politically twisted truths or injustice. All our group superiority and related hate is politically installed right from the get-go. So, as a human individual it’s our responsibility to understand that doing to others that we don’t like done to us or to our loved ones is a spiritual crime.

Picture yourself in a time when other creatures looked at you as food, that automatically would make you stick together for safety or survival purposes. Now fast forward to modern day era and see what is going on. Being insecure makes us all compromise to some degree. So, one way or the other most of us follow the law of the land we live on yet without questioning. So, we even tend to follow our traditions, customs and even rituals to be a part of our belonging groups, whether they make any sense or not. That is why at our individual level we even ignore the spiritual calls of our atom of autonomy and evolving nature. So, being a social creature, we can go above and beyond our fear related internal calls when it comes to help others, so our politicians try to touch us in that tender spot.

Remember this as a fact that logically we follow all these so-called identities and loyalties to them, because we have been taught to believe in our insecurities. Meaning most of are susceptible to be influenced, but safety or not when it comes to our physical realities. All the politics of belonging and related loyalties are connected to our full stomachs. So, if it comes to our physical realities like survival, we all should come down from our sky-high political world and join each other on the earth of physical realities. Where we all are human beings without any political identity crisis.

When it comes to love, a family member has their importance, just as much as your community, if you pick your community over your loved one, you have got a broken love triangle. Simply because you don’t consider yourself a CEO of your life and are allowing your own realities to be influenced. So, your individual understanding of mortality clock has been affected. If you worry unnecessarily and try to control the things you have no control over, you need to look at your allotted time critically. Sure, you can live that way, but your happiness and contentment can be compromised, yet by your own behaviors. All because you have followed your belonging group without questioning. So, question yourself, if God has given you a temporary visit, how would you want to live this life? Make sure to remember that you carry your own atom of autonomy within. You are wearing your spiritual jewelry like free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and love along with other abilities. After knowing all this, you should look at the spiritual rule number one. ” Don’t do to others, that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”.

If you look down at your physical body or your inner self fix it, if you can’t fix your identity crisis, try looking at your political belonging critically. So, you can see if you have been politically brain washed. If you feel you are stuck and buried under the group belonging, you literally are stereo typing humanity according to whatever you have been taught to believe. That clearly means, all those above-mentioned political identities are able to literally rob you of your real identity. Yet all within a short visit.

If your Mullah, Priest, religious leader or politician can’t be above sexual scandal, you have to think beyond the education you have been passed on, because that is what an evolving human being should do. Learn to live in the era you are born into and remember today belongs to equal human individual rights. So, if you have been taught to believe that you somehow are better because of being born into or believe in a certain belief system. It’s time to revisit that philosophy because your spirituality supposed to call for justice and equal human rights are founded on justice. If your beliefs can make you act like a bigot, prejudiced or discriminatory individual, it’s not their powers but rather your spiritual weakness. As usual if you bring God into it, that is even worse, because now you are labeling God with it as well. Question is why you would want to live like that? While you know are just visiting. If you believe in your metaphorical realities to guide you, at least pick the good stuff to create a positive picture to benefit your visit. If you kill each other over your metaphorical or not clearly understood realities. Logically you have it all wrong, because the purpose of having the knowledge of those metaphorical realities is to benefit you. While you are visiting your physical reality. Robbing someone or even yourself of your physical reality in the name of metaphorical one has nothing to do with God or spirituality and everything to do with the politics of belonging and your individual ignorance of misplaced realities. So, understand your fast ticking hand of second or your circle related story and the story of your unknown simultaneously because your second circle is running on the story of the world’s political changes, like religions, isms, evolution in human awareness of unknowns. Third circle where even the groups can’t help to prevent, like natural disasters, life, death God and all our other unknowns exist. Now the question is should you try to control it all and why? Well for some of us it is a destiny because humanity needs those individuals to set the bar higher so we all can evolve. Mind you, one has to sacrifice their happiness and contentment to be one of those people. For sure, humanity has no shortage of those people, if you are one of those, remember you are the CEO of your life and are choosing to spend your life visit for a cause. Regardless of what you think, if you don’t choose to stand in your own corner, it’s your choice. So, if you don’t believe that you have a choice, just think how does God’s world work? If you still don’t understand simply follow Godly orders and evolve for God’s sake because without our evolution, we have been and are still killing each other in the name of our political belonging.

I don’t have any problem with people believing or not believing in God, but as a matter of fact I wholeheartedly believe in God, Spirituality and equal Justice for all. That is why I am writing this blog. My problems start with religious beliefs when they do and believe in doing injustice to a living breathing human being yet claim to be a spiritual system. Since I believe a human individual is a physically working hand of God, I have a lot of respect for those who convert spirituality into physical actions. If religions believe that they are the spiritual systems and are Godly, yet they commit spiritual crimes against each other’s belonging individuals and justify their killing as God’s orders. I DRAW MY LINES THERE AND CALL THE SPADE A SPADE. To, me all the killings have been and are there because our groups, nations and religious politics. That means they have been infected with the infection of political belonging to our groups. Remember spirituality, justice and God are universal and have nothing to do with anything belonging to group politics. Ever wonder why we have good people in all human societies and that is regardless of religions. So, especially when our groups claim that human individual is not important, they undermine human physicality, and that is simply an injustice and most of the political groups don’t acknowledge that as a spiritual crime.

Infection of political belonging overrides the crucial role of human individual in the larger scheme of life. That is why even our spiritual systems like religions are not immune to it especially if they bring God and Devil as the most important yet they both need human individual’s physicality to be effective and meaningful. So, logically if a religion is preaching human individual’s irrelevance they are going against their spirituality. I have to say all our good and bad require human physicality to be meaningful. For instance, if a spiritually good thought does not get converted into physical action, personally to me it does not mean anything. Meaning if you recite Quran, Bible, Torah or any other religious book all day long but don’t act on whatever they say. Would that mean they will benefit you in your temporary visit? If you think that is good enough to be religious, I personally don’t buy into it. I believe we all have responsibilities to reciprocate for our chance to visit and enjoy our physical years. That reciprocation is to physically act on spiritual things like helping God to fulfill someone’s prayers. A simple belief does not fill a hungry stomach, so food has to be physically ingested to even be able to think.

Reality is that we need human individual’s physicality and God’s spirituality as a positive and negative wires to light up this spiritual knowledge. One alone is not going to cut it, so if you put God and Devil on the top corners of this triangle and human CEO on the bottom, that is your choice, but to me if the human beings are not there the good and bad simply can’t take physical or meaningful form. So, disrespecting human beings to make them irrelevant is political and knowledge. Spiritually, there is no injustice so to me physicality matters more to make God and Devil meaningful so human individual as a cell of them is more important and should be respected for their contribution.

It starts with the spiritual cell taking physical form to reproduce God physically by becoming a whole human individual. So, logically no cell, no body, no body, no cell so problem is not the cell or the body, problem is how you look this picture. If you respect the whole body over the cell, it’s understandable but denying the importance of cell and its contributions for political purposes is nonspiritual. Remember spirituality and justice mix well but the minute you bring in the politics spirituality and justice both lose their purity and value. So, evolving from our traditions, customs, rituals and rules of religions and past or should I say politics of belonging to our groups. Believe in real God, spirituality, blind justice and one humanity as a whole. Come down to the realities of the earth where we have justice for belonging groups and injustice for human individuals. Living on earth can help us all to understand and live our physical realities before flying high in the metaphorical worlds. Being stuck into our identity crisis is an individual weakness promoted by our political groups and even religions. They preach and tell us that if you follow them, you are good and everyone else who does not belong is bad regardless of their actions. Remember good and bad becomes a reality when a human individual lends their physicality so it’s not the group or God but rather the individual who is responsible. If you believe that good and bad is dictated by your belonging group, think again because there is a whole humanity out there and your political belonging can be calling the shots, yet you are given the decision powers, so you simply are responsible for providing your physicality to good and bad. So, you better learn what is good and bad and quickly because your time is running out before your belonging groups. Learn to belong to humanity as a whole because as a human individual you are born as a human being. Remember good and bad is dependent on lending your physicality, so lend it to spirituality instead of group politics. As I said God, spirituality and justice are universal and they all depend on your physicality to be meaningful so if you are converting politics into physical reality. You are missing the point of having a free will and personal sense of justice. Remember reality of good and bad is not a group thing unless individual is weak and vulnerable and can be persuaded. Meaning it’s all and I repeat all is dependent on the individual lending their physicality to make things happen. ay6t5r Since for most of us, life is not what it is, at the larger scale but rather its most important for us all at the micro or I should say individual level. Simply because as an individual we are mortal, and we personally have to experience it. So, whether we enjoy or suffer from everything around us, we individually play a major role by the way we think. Sure, our politics of belonging plays a role in the way we think but reality is everything we think or physically do, the responsibilities land on our shoulders. Who dictates in your personal life? If it’s not you, God is not responsible for that, you are, because God has done, Godly job by blessing us all to be a human being, with all the perks.

If you perceive that your sense of belonging is above you, it’s not true. Remember you have been granted the title of a CEO because you have been blessed with your own atom of autonomy from before your birth. If you come as a human individual your sense of belonging and sense of freedom are under your control. So, just like you have to override your animal urges, you have to override your politics of belonging to a group as well. So, everything you physically do, at the least should be ruled by your choices. Living with a choice has been a gift for us all but somehow, we individually allow our groups to take or dictate those choices. Meaning God has nothing to do with it all. If you let a group of people convince you to be a worker bee or a warrior ant, you still have to remember you have a choice to be one. Personal choice to live subserviently can be related to personal and individual politics. Especially when it comes to living in a group setting where group interests are always a priority justice can be compromised even by the belonging individuals. So, rules are enforced even if they are based on nonspiritual principles like inequal justice. Other groups or even people within the group can be subjected to dominance, control, power and even enslavement.

Since humanity has passed and has left those times behind, we individually should be able to break those personal chains of habits. Live in present and assume our responsibilities of a CEO. Self or politically imposed boundaries should be critically looked at. Sure, we like to live in a comfort zone, but being a being who is installed with an evolutionary nature or genetic makeup. So, not following our evolutionary nature will have its consequences. From internal disputes to mental health to lack of self-respect to low self-esteem to a smaller or stagnated life can be mentioned. No matter how you look at it, it has been, is and will always be destructive for us at both individual and collective level.

It’s time we delve into the reasons, why do we have our evolutionary nature. Especially at our individual level. So, we don’t contribute into our politically called savagery, injustice and group politics. Remember as a human individual, we all and equally responsible for our physical actions. Our groups, whether it’s a gang, race, nation or religion, they all are made of physically living breathing human individuals. So, if every human individual restraint from political influences at individual level, we can override the urges to commit atrocities as asked by our belonging groups. Since groups are made up of human individuals they will automatically evolve as the individuals do because in nature things usually work from the bottom up. You may be trained to believe things are always from the top down. Just look at your make up, you started from meeting of two cells and from the ignorance to wisdom and even all the way up to God. If human individuals are taken away God and Devil both will lose their physicality thus meanings. If you believe in other ways do so, but as long as you show me that you are killing each other and are not responsible for it. Just like your flipped triangle says your sense of belonging and sense of freedom are calling the shots, and you are on the bottom as an irrelevant being. Why do you think you have free will. Similarly, if you think God and Devil are calling the shots, where do you fit a human being who has free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and ability to love by choice. So, bottom line is that make the individual weak to the point that they seek group strength and are willing to pay the price of their spiritual principles. Politically installed individual beliefs usually take us to the point that we start to believe we are irrelevant and are meaningless in the whole scheme of life, yet we are the one making things happen physically. Interestingly the beneficiaries are some of those human individuals sitting on the top of the heap. In today’s time individual strength, self-respect and self-esteem is needed. With the popularity of equal human individual rights in the air, humanity as a whole and at the individual level we all can figure things out, override, self-regulate and correct our animalistic behaviors. So, we need to evolve and get to the next rung of the ladder. Remember, human beings are supposed to evolve all the time, because by nature, even our potential is in evolving process. So, whether you believe in God or not, kingdoms, dictatorships, autocracies, social or communisms or even believe in democracy and equal human rights or not. This Godly order has been, is and will always be there for you. If you somehow are under the influences of your political belonging and that is keeping you from evolving. Simply look around you and even human history, you will see one thing consistent, and yes that is our evolution. Collectively we have gone through kingdoms, dynasties, isms and even thousands of religions yet with an attitude of never enough so there is always an itch to climb higher. If you look at our sports records, industry of weaponry, technology, computer, medicine, science and every other field of human knowledge you can think of, you will see the pattern of evolution. Well other than the religions, everything is in an evolving process. Always remember, if the individual is responding to their nature, humanity will always evolve, and yes even our religions and conservative population is extremely resistant to it.

If something is pulling you backward, find out the causes and ask questions to others and even yourself. Why your life or living years are less important than your life after death? While you are at it, why don’t you ask if no one has the clear answers about the world beyond life or living years. Why don’t we believe God needs our physicality to make all the good things happen, so I personally think our life or living years are the one where we are important to make things happen physically. So, why don’t we come at it with straight forward answers, like human individual has to reciprocate for free oxygen, functioning body and life sustaining circumstances by converting spirituality into physical actions. THAT SHOULD BE FOR THE LOVE OF DUTY, NOT FOR THE FEAR AND GREED AS IT HAS BEEN PREACHED TO US FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Logically if you or everyone has to die first to find out what is beyond our life or living years. Everything we do for it, can be classified as gambling. So, if you wholeheartedly believe into it or are blinded by the politics of belonging. If it’s not spiritually living for the love of God. Don’t you think living with the greed of heaven or fear of hell can’t be spiritual. So, if it’s not spiritual then it has to be political. If politically you are being robbed of your relevance and self-esteem it is not just and nothing can be spiritual if it’s not just. So, someone is benefiting from lack of your relevance and low self-esteem and that can’t be you or God so who is behind all that? As I have been saying you carry your own and exclusive atom of autonomy which allows you to use your free will and personal sense of justice so why are you willing to do to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. On top of that why would you like to belong to the strongest group of people? Is it because you feel insecure, if so, why? Is it the education you have received from your belonging groups, your life circumstances, personal experiences or hormonal and political influences are calling the shots for you? If so, all the above shows that you are suffering from the irrelevance syndromes. Your relationship with God and spirituality is not pure. You may be praying, going to mosque, church or temple, but without the faith or I should say blind faith in God, yourself or in your individual abilities.

If you are lacking in your personal spirituality, you have to put things together to change the way you think. Whether it’s your political belonging to nationalism or religious beliefs, break those chains and believe in universal things like real and one God, humanity and one blind justice based on solid spiritual principles. If you are born into certain race, gender, color, nation, religions or their sects, you don’t have to change anything other than becoming a human being. Who is sure born to human parents, but with a personal atom of autonomy. Which means you bring along not only a physically functioning body but a healthy spiritual side related human jewelry as a spiritual wisdom. So, wear it all with pride, use your free will and personal sense of justice freely, be compassion, brave, generous, love and sacrifice for those who are praying to God for help. If you can do all that as your responsibility and reciprocation, you have nothing to worry about the life after death.

If you education has you dancing like a political puppet and you are doing to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Yet in the name of your belonging groups, you don’t have a spiritual problem, but you do have a political problem. If you let your political belonging override your spiritual principles, you will have to answer to your atom of autonomy sitting right within you. Logically if you are in conflict from within, to me, it can be a living hell. Now the real question is, why, would you go to the length where you sacrifice your inner peace? Remember your belonging group, nation, or religious beliefs don’t have the answers for your personal and internal problems, you do. Sure, you can pray to God for peace of mind, but God may tell you to come to me directly without the political baggage you carry. Be spiritual, instead of being religious, belong to humanity instead of a political group of people. Be just and believe that justice is strictly universal like God and spirituality. If humanity is divided in thousands of pieces, it’s not because of our nature or genetic makeup, God, spirituality, or humanity. Rather it’s all stemming from the spiritually weaker human individuals and stronger politics of group belonging.

If you personally are able to cross and evolve in all departments of life, you will be able to see or reach your potential, otherwise you will stay stuck in doing things just like your ancestors did. Meaning you will always have the same problems as they did, they killed each other over resources, domination and even who is right about the life after death. Regardless of thousands of years of evolution in our belt we are still doing what we have been doing since forever. Whatever happen to our so-called evolutionary nature to solve our problems? Well, if you can’t see that you are having problems, you can’t solve them, by following the same path. Why not learn from it all and evolve to take the next step on the ladder of evolution? Why climbing this ladder is important for human individuals? Notice I did not say humanity, it’s because I believe if you color the thread the fabric will take that color. Any way to explain this further I am going to bring it down to our ability to adopt. In the core of muscle building there is nature’s overcompensation system involved.

When you exercise the muscles regularly, every time you go through a right kind of workout, you create micro tears on the muscles. Aon as you finish your workout, your body goes in recovery mode. By now this recovery mode. your body knows that you are going to work out again, so your body automatically stimulate your Godly installed overcompensation system. Meaning it has the ability to adopt to progressively higher intensity workouts, and in responses your body grows the muscles to adopt to that progressive stress. So, I am going to use this example to point out our spiritual micro tears to evolve from our political status quo. It has been happening, is happening and will always be happening. Sure, nothing comes easy, today’s equal human individual rights did not come easy, it took at least two thousand years to get here. Unfortunately, our political and even so-called spiritual systems have been slow to respond. Remember life itself is a process of micro tears and healing process of adopting to evolution. So, if you don’t have the courage to face fears, your life size of your life will be smaller than those who play the sport of evolution to set the standards higher for the coming generations. Since that is how humanity has reached to the heights where it is today. So, regardless of the race, gender, nation or religion calls to implement equal human individual rights are coming from all human societies. So, make sure to speak up, and face your fears otherwise your life will be smaller regardless of the larger desires. Understanding all about the fear factors and mastering it all is the key. Not fearing like a toddler is one thing but going to the other extreme is not only dangerous. It can be classified as a stupidity as well so we individually should shoot for the balance instead of denying and be oblivious. If you don’t learn to make micro tears and give chance to adopt with a spiritual rhythm you simply can’t evolve safely or grow your metaphorical or spiritual muscles.

Sure, I believe in God may have started us from cells but as a spirit we are the whole thing. God may have given us the life and life sustaining circumstances, but we still choose to follow our spiritual duties of reciprocation. If everything you do is for the love of
doing it, you have done it for you, but if you do it to fit in, impress or under the desires to be admired by your belonging group. Not only you have gone in the wrong direction spiritually, but you may also end up with some negative issues for yourself like unhappiness, and related anxiety, depression and other physical health issues. So, in the nutshell what I am trying to say is to adopt to your surrounding evolution with your pace. An example I learned as I was growing up was to poke the paper with pinholes before putting your finger through. NOT ONLY TO GROW THE PHYSICAL MUSCLES BUT FOR THE SPIRITUAL GROWTH AS WELL. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DECIDED THAT YOUR LIFE IS NOT GOOD IF IT IS NOT PERFECT. YOU HAVE TO LEARN ALL ABOUT THE GROVES, HOLES AND MICRO TEARS FOR THE ALL KIND OF GROWETH.

Growing up I discovered that there is an endless room to learn not only about the streams of knowledge but also learn about the capacities of an ocean within as well. So, I believe in work hard to create micro tears to learn more and adopt till the day I die. Well, having that hunger or thrust whatever you call it, had opened the doors for me to go where I have never been. This blog is one of the examples because this is an ongoing process so I can’t really tell you what is going to be tomorrow but one thing I can say is that it makes me want to learn more. What does it mean? Well, it clearly means I am following my evolving nature, and I don’t have a cap on my thought process. I write things as my opinions and whatever makes sense to me, I don’t follow traditions, customs, rituals or rules if things don’t make sense to me. Personally, I believe, since our metaphorical world is not standing on physical grounds, we should respect our physical world more than our metaphorical one. Does that mean I don’t believe in God? Far from it, because I believe in myself as a cell of God, who has responsibilities of reciprocation as a duty. So, an optional prayer does not cut it for me. To me, if we are getting free oxygen, are blessed with a functioning body and a living carnival to visit and enjoy the tastes life or living years have to offer. We all have to reciprocate by converting spirituality into physical actions. When I look around the world, I see we are actually chopping God’s working hands by killing each other, instead of helping God physically to become meaningful. KICKER IS THAT WE USE GOD TO WORK AGAINST GOD.

We all should try to be better than before personally, instead of competing to dominate others as if we belong to the animal kingdom. With that kind of evolution in our belt by now we should have overridden our animal urges and politics of belonging to groups. As I have mentioned that we are one of the two wires that contribute as a crucial partner to light up the wisdom of God, spirituality and humanity. We are helping in the process that light up the living world of God, can you deny it? Sure, there are thousands of religions out there preaching God and Devil as if they are everything and human beings are irrelevant. Try removing all the human beings and see what happens to God and Devil? Would they be good or bad for anyone? Who will get hurt of benefit from them? Can you make some sense out of it? If not try removing your politics of belonging and see what happens to you? Well, the doors open for me, they may open for you as well. If you get there, you may learn to respect all living breathing human beings more than you do right now. Especially by always keeping your own mortality in front, you may become humble and spiritual instead of knowing it all religious. Seeking is prohibited if you are told your knowledge is complete and unquestionable. Yet Godly installed DNA is calling for evolution and you can’t evolve unless you scratch, create micro tears and adopt to higher levels of stresses going in the territories where you have not been. MEANING BREAKING THE RULES OF STATUS QUO BY RELENTLESS SEEKING TILL THE DAY YOU DIE.

No offence to the monks, I personally believe that being a monk is not a Godly order, rather it’s coming from the political side of religious beliefs. Remember, fitting in, impressing or having a desire to be admired are coming from the deeply buried not openly talked about political sense of belonging to our groups. I am going to say as loudly as I can speak in my writing, that all human beings are the physical wires not only necessary to this holy puzzle but also to make everything meaningful by making them happen physically. If you have been brought into human life form, you are blessed so you can’t simply be a monk. Remember, you are not here to exclusively help others but also to help yourself as well. So, not enjoying this spiritual journey is a choice not quite favorable for you personally. Living exclusively for you is not preached by Devil nor living exclusively for others is preached by God. So, where does it come from? Well, if you start to look at it critically, you may find self-sacrifice may be connected to fitting in, impressing or want to be admired by other human beings because not everyone can reach that level of self-restraint. Sure, we all can live our lives for a cause, but it’s all about having a free will and personal sense of justice and yes, it’s not only for others. IT IS FOR SELF AS WELL. Am I preaching selfishness? Not at all, though I am all for a balance. If you are sent to convert spirituality into physical actions, you are sent for doing the justice as well and yes, it’s with yourself as well. So, your living years are not only for you but not for others and God either.


Sure, we all are blessed with our free will but that does not mean being good is optional, rather it’s a duty. So, make sure you are a decently evolved good person for God and humanity’s sake because your good and bad is beyond your group politics. Meaning it’s universal like blind justice. If you believe in whatever your group dictates as good and bad, just remember that can be politically tainted so it may be good for some but not for all. Just like God can’t be put into a box of political belonging, nor can spirituality and justice. So, learn to see through spiritual lenses rather than religious lenses. So, you don’t do to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones.

Since, our religions have been around for thousands of years simply to be helpful to human beings. Instead of helping people with fear, anxiety and depression they extreme demands can potentially cause those problems. Simply because you don’t just learn to deal with your spiritual issues by following prescribed and traditional way of thinking or changing the thinking. So, remember I am not preaching religious and spiritual practices can heal all kind of health problems, but I believe being spiritual and honestly reciprocating can help us deal with our short comings. With thousands of years of traditional education of religious beliefs, becoming a spiritual being is not easy. You simply have to cross the lines of political belonging to certain group of people and simultaneously exclusively group prescribed holly books as well. By directly believing and trusting in universal God, spirituality and humanity as a whole can reduce fear, and anxiety. Remember you can’t even breath without the universal help of God. So, if you have been alive for a while then why can’t you trust in that help to be continue. Interestingly if you are seeking help from your belonging group, just remember they are people just like you and they can’t breathe on their own either. So, even as a group they can’t help themselves. Meaning, you have to learn to connect with your source directly by honestly reciprocating. Trusting God for your spiritual issues makes sense but believing your belonging group is even above God can be troublesome. Remember four thousand and two hundred religions have divided God into just as many pieces. So, if God is for some but not for all, that is politics one-o-one. Logically you don’t get oxygen and functioning body to enjoy living years. So, if you are stuck following your prescription, you can never be without the political drugs. A political belonging to a group of people can be classified as a drug. So, if you are an extremist to the point that you sacrifice your free will, personal sense of justice and believe in your metaphorical reality related world as more important than yours or someone else’s physical world. You don’t really believe in universality of God; you can’t really believe and connect to your universally spiritual nature. Meaning you will be seeking your security and comfort in people who are just like you. Since you know your vulnerabilities, you simply can’t get those comfortable feelings provided by our spiritual world.

If you pray all the time, fast and do everything that is prescribed by your religion, you should not have any fear, control, and insecurity-based health problems. Critically look at things if you have those problems. Remember with our education and extremely active imagination, we can make or break things that are important for us to learn about. If you have been breathing that oxygen, living in a functional body that has trillions of cells and even more foreign cells that requires evolving knowledge to even understand. Remember you came without your choice; you leave without your choice, well most of the time but simply can’t have control on your life and death. If you have been helped to even experience life, you know without a doubt, that you age and are a mortal. So, as an aging mortal we all have to know that no one has ever been able to get around it all. Regardless of our knowledge, strength, or good genetics things are not in our control so one has to learn to accept it all. If you are having trouble accepting that nature, and are aware, worrying and stress is not going to help. As a matter of fact, it will take you wherever you are going even faster. Now the question is, what do you think about life after you die? Sure, you have been told a lot of stories, but remember you will have to die first to really find out all about that metaphorical reality. So, why would you want to worry to the point that you rob yourself of the real life of your living years.

Being fearful is a living hell and don’t you forget it. You can shrink your life to the point of not crossing the street because the cars are coming. Remember, life was never meant to be lived in fear and control, but our group-based education has really done a number on the individual. First of all, they robbed the individual of their relevance in the holly picture. Then took their self-esteem, then put fear of hell and greed of heaven in the afterlife to finish the job. Yet all in the name of hope but interestingly it backfired to give people fear, anxiety and other mental health related issues. Luckily you are born in the era, where things have been changing. Individual is becoming important and relevant. They are giving and receiving equal human rights, yet most of the so-called spiritual people vote against the equal rights. They are even against helping refugees regardless of the knowledge that human individuals make nations and religions. Never mind that, it’s the living breathing human individuals give physicality to spirituality. In the nutshell God is meaningful when human beings give their physical hands, backs and shoulders to make good things happen physically on in other words meaningful.

Just like circling a tree in the jungle, can make that tree more important or even sacred than the others. It’s time for us human beings to understand that someone’s life or their physical reality is far more important than we have been taught to believe. So, regardless of never seen any, if you believe in ghosts. You will create them right from under your bed, or should I say from your imagination or out of thin air. Or by not believing in them you will make them disappear just like the monster under the bed. Now the question is can we come to terms and face our personal demons head on to actually find out. Whether they are real or they belong to our politically infected beliefs. So, can you question it all without any discrimination? If you blindly follow your group’s education without questioning, you may have to understand that you are born in an era of equal human individual rights, scientific technology yet with repeatable results and physicality-oriented world. So, you will be questioned about everything you do or believe. Now let’s go back to our identities. Can you really believe that you somehow are better and are closer to God than those who are given the same rights to breath the same oxygen you breath and live just like you. If their good and bad is according to God, then God pull their strings before they commit any crimes. If you say that they are not the working hands of God, you may be committing a spiritual crime by getting God involved in your political views. Remember God is our metaphorical reality, and all human beings are God’s physically working hands. What makes you better than others are your group’s politically tainted education. So, are you sure, you want to incriminate God into your bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. REMEMBER THAT CAN BE A MAJOR SPIRITUAL SIN BECAUSE YOU ARE BLAMING GOD FOR SOMETHING GOD IS NOT.