The Gift on the TV.

Say you take the kids to shopping, they keep bugging you to buy them a toy, since you are in good mood you decide to buy them a toy each. They all want to open the box of toy right in the store, you say no when you get home you can play.

You get in the car and they still insist to play with the toy in car, but you say no. As you get home you find out that you have company so the toys go straight to the closet kids start to play with the visiting kids and forget about the toys they have just bought, so do you.

A week or so goes by, you get a call from a charity to donate some toys. You think of donating those toys but can picture kids getting all upset if they have found out that you have given the toys away without letting them played with the toys.

God had blessed us all with a gift, and some of us put that gift on the TV, in the hope that when you get a chance  you will enjoy the gift. Life gets in the way and you think that you will enjoy it on the weekend but that weekend does not come.

You say I will play with it when I get retired. As time passes, you get a call from the doctor’s office to come for further testing because they have found some thing which should not be there.

You come from the doctor’s office with the bad news and sit lifelessly in front of the TV and just stare at the gift, you feel like screaming and crying just like those kids, whom did not get to play with the toy and have to give it up.

A successful life has to be fulfilling both intellectually and physically. If with intellect you control your finance and neglect the physicality of life, like food, sex and love, you are going to miss the boat of mortality.

Become a CEO of your life so you can balance not only the financial budget, being a CEO you are responsible of all the departments of your life. You can’t just selectively fear and choose finance alone. Remember if you attain all the money you have needed but lose out on health, you can’t enjoy all that you have saved. If you are healthy and older you still know how to make money, you would be able to make it. You have to learn about all the departments of life and make sense of it all. Don’t just choose one or the other because that imbalance is far from being intellectual.

Since life is temporary, being physical is actually intellectual, so zigzag  between intellect and physicality.

Everybody has a life story, which could be good or bad but it never is what it is, but how you response to it makes or breaks the individual. You can drive yourself crazy sick to control everything or accept the facts because the biggest fact is our mortality. Being temporary life can’t be sacrificed over aches and pains of internal and external problems.

If you look seriously enough, you will find that your controlling personality has a close relationship with several of your physical psychological and spiritual problems, so if you want to control, control your uncontrollable responses to your problems by keeping the knowledge of mortality in mind. 

There is nothing wrong having a healthy control, just like I believe man is the driver of the car and God should be on the passenger seat to guide but never in control of man’s life because it is against the will of God. The reason God has blessed the man with the free will and a fiver (read five bucks) is that, so the man can drive the car him or herself to evolve and reach his/her potential.

If you are taught that God is doing everything, metaphorically it can be true because of the oxygen intake but what happens after you have taken in the oxygen has a lot to do with the individual’s decisions.

If you are forced to believe that you are nothing and God is everything, it has a stink of the religious politics because if God is doing everything, you need to or are expected to be subservient to God.

Since God is not physically present you have people whom are running his show and those people have a need of control, because without the control they lose not only the job they lose powers as well. It is up to the individual to recognise the politics and separate it from the personal spirituality.

If you have bought into their politics and have become subservient, you are controlled not by the God but by the few whom are the religions runners. If you are serving humanity in any way you are doing God’s work thus you are being a spiritual being. A practical help is a lot better for the God than chanting and banging your head for forgiveness of the sins you have not even committed.

Our good and bad has been changing past good things have become sin of the present and present good things have been the sins of past. Just look around, our history is full of the spiritual crimes committed by the religious people on the name of God.

Today slavery, discrimination prejudice mass murders and human rights violations are equal to the modern day sins.

If the individual keeps following the religious runners, nothing would change because of their politics of control and power. They would not want to give up their bread and butter, that is the reason everyone is so pumped up with the religious extremes and no one is even trying to consolidate or reconcile the conflicts. It is appalling to see religions preach compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love only in words and practically committing every spiritual crime under the sun. All four jewels of humanity has been stripped by extremists.

I believe, if educated, our youth can take the wind out of their sails and deny them that bread and butter by evolving beyond the boundaries of the religions of all kind and join in the individual spirituality which connects us all to each other.

As an individual we all have a temporary time on the earth, with the individual responsibility to become a CEO who just can’t afford to live life by putting it on the TV. Its one’s duty to recognize the politics of sense of belonging to a group, which makes us to put personal life on hold to fit in, impress, or be admired by the others. Live life with the philosophy of  reciprocation, not just give, give, give or take, take, take. 


There has been over whelming number of comments and several have been asking me to write a little longer with a little more explanation and detail, so this one is for them. If you don’t like that much materiel please keep that in mind it is on the request form the other readers. If you like me to write in detail for certain subject, please write the title of the post, so in future I can write about it as sequel from the post.


Any way this is so far the best way of governing ourselves and it calls the (Democracy)


I am going to talk about this most desired governing system by the most educated people of the world. I will say the way it is, I don’t have any political favorites or dislikes in this matter. I believe it has its flaws and is not perfect. It can be used to split the enemy for political purposes just like religions or God. You still have to compare with other systems to come to conclusions regarding the effectiveness. If I compare it with other systems, democracy protects human rights so far the best.

If you find, your favorite is something else like communism, socialism, Kingdoms, dictatorships, or religious governing systems then I would agree to disagree, so I would expect the same from you because I am not arguing I am simply trying to educate the one who wants to.

One man, one woman one vote has become a thing of the past. Now a days you have to make some changes according to the changes in the society. Sexes and in-between, have to be counted equally as well. As long as you pass the criteria of the genetics that you are a human being and at certain age, you are one vote. That is the foundation of the modern democratic system.

If you want to have the real meaningful democracy, you have to have the individual awareness of a CEO who can understand those voting rights first. You can’t just be voting democratically if you are influenced by the running person in any way he/she is your relative, friend or you just know him/her. Especially you can’t just vote because you have the same religion or have conservative ideology in modern day civilization, you have to vote with the best educated estimation.

Times have been changing and we have been evolving with the human rights. At some time they will clash with our old ideologies and would make it harder to govern the societies. If you look around that is what’s happening in all over the world right now. This can only change when the ordinary Joe  becomes educated enough to vote for the real purpose of voting. It is all about the peaceful and comfortable living in a human community.

You bring the democracy to the religiously torn countries you will have the  fundamentalists gain power from both sides, just like in Israel and Philistine situation. If you can call that a democracy, it is your personal opinion. I would respectively disagree, because an educated individual should vote beyond the sense of belonging to a religion and just for the security. Sense of belonging to the humanity and human rights should be the priority. If we all can live peacefully in the western countries regardless of our back ground then there is no excuse for the people all over the world. My question is? If the Israel was not a Jewish state would Philistine matter?         

When I was in Pakistan 83% of the population was in the villages, if you logically look at that there would never be the real successful democracy, and the history shows it.  One vote each individual brings in the people in power whom are influenced by the religion. Bringing in the democracy would automatically create chaos because you can’t run the country on the religion alone. Religions are and should be the path to spirituality exclusively. As a political governing system religions fail to provide either, because politics and spirituality don’t mix very well. We have more marshal laws in Pakistan than the democratic governing time in 60 years yet Pakistan was created by the referendum. The chaos is an on going process because people don’t want to separate the religion from the state.

If you look at the religion spiritually you don’t really need to play politics with it but there has never been a time when God was not used for the political purposes . Ironically today’s wars amongst Muslims use God exclusively, both sides chant “God is great”  before shooting or firing something to kill the other Muslims. Poor God must be shaking his head in disgust.

These days most civilized or developed countries are becoming melting pot societies, because people are a lot more flexible and tolerant if educated. Mixing it up with the different races, nationalities, religions or even family back grounds.

Today’s nations have to accommodate people from different back grounds and protect their human rights. That itself is bringing the new set of problems because people seem to have sensitivity for and against the discrimination, so the court systems have to catch up with the fast social changes.

I believe the human rights have to be on top of the agenda for every governing system because people seem to become defensive if they have been living a certain life style for a while. When the new people come in whom don’t want to blend in or resist the changes from their previous life style, the conflicts can rise. Without the flexibility to accept and change or in other words evolving with the need of time, it is inevitable that the clashes will take place, level of education can dictate at what degree.

Looking at the language issue in the Quebec clearly a sign of the politics of the sense of belonging. It has nothing to do with the identity of being Canadian. Most of the people in the developed countries have been the generations of the immigrants with the legends to their previous countries, so regardless of the soft spot for the new immigrants they start to discriminate. This discrimination is usually fear based, which can be over come easily if people think they are just the people whom belong to the humanity.

If you learn only one thing that you belong to French, or English or any country you came from, these problems would always persist. Would you believe that this sense of belonging to a group holds you back or slow you down from reaching your potential individually and collectively.

There is certain number of immigrants required to keep the workforce up, to bring the tax revenue so immigration is a crucial part of the system. Some people feel that they are just too good for certain jobs so the immigrants would have to fill those jobs.

The problem is the sense of belonging which is behind all kind of discrimination.

One country can have provinces and territories and languages but the real connection is the humanity. If your sense of belonging to your belonging group is out of whack you would be sensitive and fearful for losing your identity, but if your identity is humanity you have no need to fear. Just like God and spirituality provide all the security without the boundaries and religions and countries provide partial security with the boundaries.

This language battle brings a story to mind I read as a growing up boy, since it was long ago I don’t remember who was the writer so I would call it ” Author unknown”. Fundamental idea of the story is the same but I made some  amendments to connect to Canada,

I am going to call it Canada.

” There once was a king whom had 13 kids, when he got sick he called upon all his kids to come and see him. He told everyone to bring two sticks along, everyone showed up and they were told by him to pull one stick out and break it. Without a doubt they all were able to do that, then he told them to make a bundle with the rest of the sticks and try it again. Of course no one even the strongest one could not break the bundle. So the old king told them to stick together like the sticks so no one can break you”.

Even I gave the example of one nation but deep in my heart, my desire is that the humanity can stick together so we can combat our issues like global poverty, hunger, health, security, even global warming and related issues as one humanity.

In the melting pot societies you can’t distinguished the identity of the individual. There are mixture of black and white, brown, yellow, red or even all color kids.  Religious and cultural mixture have been going on for a very long time, so every identity is blurred but one fact stood strong and that is the individual spirituality for the humanity.

Especially in the mixed societies, this day and age you just can’t govern in any other way unless you bring in the human rights, because all groups discourage the individual to mix.

It all boils down to how to identify a human being. If genetics mixture is in the making of an other human being then they should not discourage, but they do and interestingly they have never been able to, and even now can’t stop it. If one can qualify to be a human his/her rights have to be protected thus religion, race, or nationality has to take a back seat, accept the reality and stop discriminating against the individual whom has no fault of his/her in the process of making.

No one not even a religion or a nation should have the right to discriminate against the individual who has qualified as a human being. Being a human being one can vote to elect the other human beings to run the governmental affairs. Our political systems may vary but that purpose and the desire of running the system is the same. We do our best to send our best to run the government, if they don’t do the job we can fire them after four years. Great system, only if it works ideally.

When elected, the members of parliament sit in an assembly to find out that he/she is just a back bencher regardless of the number of the votes he/she has received. For instance an elected MP from the up north, where the population is very thin, can receive much fewer votes to be elected. Compare to from the densely populated areas like Toronto, so the number of votes can’t be compared with the urban area. An MP can receive a large number of votes but can’t achieve a high ranking job because of the politics. He/she can become a back bencher regardless of the number of votes.

The successful political party forms a government with its brightest minds regardless of where they came from, that means the power is in the hands of the party brass. Most people vote for the political party’s ideology, if is true, then we have a divided political system.

There is nothing wrong with it until politics start to play politics. Sometime things are different in the core hidden agendas, and those ideologies don’t really believe in the democratic system. There goal is to come in the power with the politics. Once in power they systematically reduce opposing groups into nothing by robing them with negative propagandas until they become meaningless.

All political parties should be explaining their agendas and they should have clearance form the democratic values ethical board. In a democratic society all parties should be required to have a system which should be holding and legally binding them to the democratic values with the human individual rights guaranteed. So when they come in power they are forced to follow the criteria. Our societies have vast number of people with vast differences in the thinking so in a democratic society party systems are appreciated.

Majority should rule, that is the most fundamental rule of the democracy, but is it? In reality we don’t really have a democracy if you look at the party system. The number of votes don’t matter, it is getting the seat and put the highly voted MPs to the back seat and the person you want to get in the governing job in front regardless of the votes. It is all politics and in politics nothing is perfect, but it is our duty to make the best out of what we have got.

Democracy, well it is what you get, It is better than the dictatorship, communism, kingdom or a religious government. The right and wrong can be political which is the individual problem and sometime it is undemocratic.

When the political affairs have to be run by the brightest minds, the number of votes don’t mean anything. One thinker can save a ship full of emotionally charged feelers, by pointing out future problems but a feeler can teach people to be emotionally intelligent, to be compassionate in governing.

The biggest difference in running a business and running a country is that the governing party is the one who gets fired not the other way around, so believing a good businessman would make a good leader to run a government is not necessarily true.

If you go a little further up, our organization of the united nations, it should be based on the democratic values as well but we have a veto system by the powerful countries, right or wrong is not the issue it is undemocratic.

When you preach that you have democratic system yet you use undemocratic values openly it is clearly politics, personally I would say clean it up or don’t lie. I don’t disagree the affairs have to be run with the best and the brightest of the minds but don’t mess it up by being politically correct just come out and say it the way it is.

The affairs of the democratic organization have to be run by its brightest minds which makes it politically correct but not really democratic because one vote one man or woman just is not true. Large population means nothing when it comes to the under developed countries, so if you look at the setting, the united nation is not democratic.

The members of the United Nations are a mixed bag as well, we still have kingdoms, authoritarian dictatorships and religious governments and on top of that veto system, so the power is not really related to the democracy it has always been related with the politics. Politics is not always the villain or wrong it’s just the politics. Politics should be carefully crafted by the brightest of the mankind. Mankind has been, is and will be evolving until we hit our potential so until then no system is ultimate and flawless.

In my opinion if one wants to run for the office he/she should go to school for the political science and learn how to run the government. No one should be able to run without the education what is required for the office. If one has the means, for instance if you are rich and board, politics should not be another adventure it should be taken as a serious business so the schooling should be compulsory.

If a businessman runs a country there is no compassion, sheer logic is not enough to run the political office because some time numbers don’t add up. Democracy has its flaws but so far it’s proven to be better than any other system man kind has used for governing himself. It will improve as we evolve because it does not have the cap like religious governing systems do.

Most religions focus on the society as a whole but are extremely disrespectful for the individual who thinks freely or uses free will to live life. Shunning the strong willed and attracting the weak and vulnerable is their politics. Fear of God, death, punishment in the grave and hell are the foundation for the politics of control.

Human rights focus on the individual freedom, free speech and individual’s dignity. Our history is full of murderous regimes and dictators who used religions to gain power and control the populations. Religious systems of governing uses fear of hell and greed of the heaven to entice the individual to sacrifice his/her freedom, enjoyment and bounties of this life for the next.

The individual is dammed in an authoritarian society if he/she believes that, and dammed if he/she doesn’t, either way the individual is at loss. The powerful and controlling party wins so the incentives are there to control.

If you look at the religious architectural regardless of the religion, the monumental buildings with the unbelievable cost, shows the lucrative business of the religions. From the architect to recent money laundering are the clear signs the human individual duped by the powerful.

An ordinary man seeks spirituality but ends up buying politics which makes him/her even more vulnerable to be used as a puppet. Why individual awareness, human dignity and human rights are so important for the individual? Because in the end of the day, it is the individual who is responsible for his/her life which is lost or lived, yet the society carries on beyond the individual’s life.

If the promised after death is not a reality the individual is at even a bigger loss because now he/she is really duped even robbed by the society. We should have a system set up for the individual’s protection because he/she is the life and blood of the society. When the politics of the powerful gets a hold of any governing system which is most of the time, the individual’s importance is lost.

The greater good is one thing but the politics of robing the individual of his/her rights is clearly an injustice. God is the most known yet the unknown entity, it is human phenomenon which is used by the human beings for generations and generations.

In the end of an east Indian movie titled ( kabi socha be na tha) there was a quote by the producers. And I “quote”

“The latest developments in the modern physics points out that there is no objective reality”. Our perceptual “real” world is nothing more than a manifestation of the thoughts, feelings and beliefs in our mind. But so is our imagination. Isn’t it. “End quote”.

Imagination can create and manifest individual’s reality, especially if one has a creative mind with means and opportunities. From music to great writings, to all kind of human knowledge to invent and manufacture everything including religions for the convenience and the benefits of the individual and collectively on one side yet for the destruction of the mankind as well.

When it comes to religions, God and the Devil are the most prominent to mention, there are a lot of not so well known but quite popular entities even mentioned in the Holy books like gins, ghosts, and in our modern day movie super heroes even werewolf, Dracula are part of our daily life.

As our knowledge grows we are becoming aware of the powerful effects of placebos, unexplainable yet reality. God and Devil or other human phenomenon are there if you believe and not if you don’t. Personally I believe God’s powerful effects on the individual’s life if you believe you can see it as a pearl other wise you just see water and can’t benefit from God’s existence.

If you get mental disorder like Alzheimer’s you don’t have the capacity to understand the realities. It’s all about the installed knowledge and its created realities, one can actually live in the thoughts, feelings, beliefs or imagination, like a child who has an invisible imaginary friend. We shrug it off because of the notion that child would outgrow the phase of his/her life and we minimize it the same way if the individual has the mental disorder, but we still kill each other over the differences of opinion, especially when it comes to religions, even if it is not the physical reality.

As we go through the rapidly evolving human knowledge, we get confused and judge each other’s knowledge as bogus and groundless because of the politics of our sense of belonging to our group.

People even under the authoritarian rules disagree with the freedom lovers because of the sense of belonging. A dictator would use the individuals as puppets and tools to keep the powers. The religions would do the same but worse by promising the rewards of heaven and the fear of punishing hell.

The twist is that the God is portrayed as a dictator instead of the individual, a clever way to put the blame on the unknown entity, and to take it off the shoulders of the individual who is the real dictator.

Whether it’s God or the man who is calling the shots, the bottom line is the politics of the control and power. If you look at the democracy which allows one man or a woman one vote, it has its own flaws, like an individual gets million votes yet becomes a back bencher and someone from a remote area becomes a minister because of the resources even he/she got few thousand votes so one man or a woman one vote is questionable and most likely falls.

Who is a Fundamentalist


Since we have been, are and will always be evolving, our knowledge is not going to be complete until we reach our potential. There are a lot of people among us who passionately believe their knowledge is complete. This egotistic phenomenon has been around as long as we have been aware of our existences.  Interestingly we have been learning something new almost everyday, yet we still believe that we are right about whatever we believe in.

Is there any one who can claim that his/her knowledge has been completed? I personally feel that I am far from that perfect and  complete knowledge because, I am learning something new all the time. I believe in carrying a basket of the unknown so I don’t have to be egotistic about my knowledge.

I do have some passionate convictions though, I want all  human beings to understand that we are an evolving entity. Until we reach our potential our knowledge would not be completed and with incomplete knowledge one should not become an extremists. As an individual we are not the sheep, we are the CEOs of our lives thus we have to take the responsibility.

If we passionately believe and proven wrong, we have the potential to get lost. Just like these days people are divided over the sexual liberation yet it is a matter of the equal human rights. Which I believe should be good enough to quash the argument.  Interestingly, even the supreme court was divided over this. These divisions are related and are the proof of the changes, the world is going through.  

Our rights can become wrong and wrongs can become right, so what was right few decades ago can turn out to be wrong. For instance human sacrifice, sati, killings over religious differences, racism, sexual equality and human rights are a few things we can talk about.

If I ask anyone what is fundamentalism the answer would be that the extremists of the religions. But when you look at it deeply an atheist can be a fundamentalist as well. It is about the passion you put in your belief system, that passion is what makes a fundamentalist regardless of the issue. If the religious fundamentalist believe in his/her religion to be true path to God, they have the human rights to believe whatever they want to believe. But when it comes to extreme related killings that is where I draw the line. Robing some one of love is a spiritual crime thus that belief system is not spiritual anymore.

I believe, they believe that their knowledge is complete and the other groups or individuals whom don’t understand God like they do. They should be forced to understand their way of understanding God. This alone creates a political situation and in the presence of politics their is no spirituality, in spiritual world “nothing but the truth” is the theme.  

If humanity is learning about the new discoveries everyday and evolving constantly I don’t think it is possible for someone to claim about the completeness of their knowledge. When you deny someone of their human rights, you fall into the vicinity where racism, religious extreme and prejudice resides.

That is what creates a fundamentalist is who believes in his/her knowledge is completely right, in favor or against any subject.

If you are one of them who believes that, you just have to look around and see where the humanity has been, is and is going. If you don’t see the changes you have been in a denial because of the learnt ancestral knowledge.

The reality is that every human knowledge has been changing, thus no human knowledge is immune to the change. No constitution, no religion, no customs or traditional knowledge is written in the stone.

Now if you feel it has been established, then I believe an atheist has the same ideology as the orthodox religious individual. Because they both use their passionate views, regardless of the incomplete and imperfect human knowledge.

This passion has been around since the beginning, we always have had pointless wars over the differences of opinions. Its a fact, when someone gets killed it leaves a trail of hurt people, so the passionate emotions get involved as well. Then sympathetic behavior kicks in with in the belonging groups to fan the fire. It all is related with that all powerful sense of belonging. This sense of belonging gives birth to the ego, pride and honor thus we are highly effected by these three kids of the sense of belonging. Even our behaviors and attitudes are formed by our sense of belonging.

If we as an individual start to question only then we would be able to resolve our personal and social issues. We will discover the source, and yes it is our deeply personal and individual insecurities. Naturally we are compelled to seek security because of the awareness of our the mortality. By joining the groups for that reason we intentionally  become victim of the overwhelmingly imbalanced sense of belonging.

As an evolving entity we go against our nature and even God’s orders, when we start to put boundaries around us. Security is one thing but working against the evolution is another because staying in the boundaries works against God’s will. Human beings suppose to reach to Godly potential.

From burning books to killing forward thinking individuals has been the black mark on the face of humanity.

Our history shows and proves the passionate power of the sense of belonging, in all groups of people. As an individual, we are all blessed with the powers of a CEO who can override the sense of belonging but if the belonging society does not allow the individual to be a CEO we got a big problem.

That is why it is crucial to make sense, of being a human being individually one person at a time. Having a belief system which insists on being directly connected to the God is as valuable and as important as it gets. Since it is our individual responsibility to create a melodious melody out of our own mortal life, thus the responsibility of the inner and external peace falls on the shoulders of the individual.

Our individual journey needs a balance to create comfort in the living years for us and the people around. All religions at least spiritually promote to remove or reduce the stresses of living years but in reality the individual ends up more stressed following the customs and traditions of belonging religious duties. These duties can create problems in the parenting a child, dealing with divorce or other personal and social issues.  You just can’t pick universal love over the instinctive love ( read love triangle) it is all about the balancing not picking and choosing.

It is an individual’s duty to live this life to give and take, (read reciprocation)  speak and stay quite as it is needed to make this life good for society and self at the same time. Whether you are an atheist or an extremely religious is your personal choice but you still have your duty to yourself to receive, give and then receive because individual has to go through life’s full circle.  As a baby you need and you receive, then your turn comes to give as grown ups and then you get old, that means you need to receive until you complete the full circle so if give more than you take, it makes you spiritually happy.

Radicalism and extremism usually belong to human individual’s personal ego, which is a result of the imbalance within the psyche. If you believe everything you have been taught, you underestimate the personal powers you have been blessed with. Your ability to think and even the use of the free will is universal, each and every one of us has the responsibility to learn to use that free will so you can become a CEO.

Questioning comes from the judging mind which is not a privilege, it’s a human right. If any governing system discourages or suppresses that it is clearly against the democratic values and equal human rights.

When one is taught about the religion, nationalism, race, gender cast or even family superiority he/she learns all about the sense of belonging which is the foundation of the fundamentalism and prejudice. It works against the individual and personal values. Raising a child with the knowledge which is predominantly preaching prejudice, would not produce the results of tolerance of others and world peace. Ask yourself if you are guilty of installing the knowledge of the superiority in your kids, I would not doubt the most of the population on the earth is doing that. If we all are guilty of that how are we going to get the opposite results?

It’s time to reconsider our education systems, if we really desire the world peace. It would come from the individual’s inner peace, that means from the bottom to top not from the top to bottom. We have been trying to do that by force, from the top down with no success for thousands of years.

Times are changing faster than people can change, the technologically we have become advanced but spiritually we have regressed because of the religions have chosen the political sides.

Instant news, internet and other ways of communication among the youth has the potential to create peace or destroy everything quicker than the abilities of the previous generations. We came long ways from fist fights to swords to bullets or bombs, and now we have the  weapons of mass destructions.

As a passing generation we should not leave the legacy of wars for our coming generations, just like our ancestors did. We have been killing each other for thousands of years over the reality which we don’t even understand.  It’s time that we should start to lay down the path of peace for them by coming out of the status quo.

If we can’t agree about the knowledge of God and religions we should give each other a break, like accepting the effectiveness of placebo.

We should learn to agree to disagree instead of forcing our ancestral knowledge into each other’s throats. Every nation’s ancestors can’t be right, the proof is in the pudding, just look around the chaos and the wars we have inherited from our past generations, especially when it comes to the religions. We can’t solve anything because of the demands religions put on the individual to believe blindly. The value of the individual opinion is discouraged and punished by shunning.

Humanity is an ocean and everyone of us is a part of it, when you stand separate, you meet your fate by crashing at the shore and disappear regardless of your ego.

Even we have a grave yard full of empires,  because they egotistically thought that they were separate from the ocean of humanity. They considered themselves as waves and waves always crash and disappear at the shore just like a mortal human individual. ( This idea of crashing waves on the shore is from the movie” Tuesdays with Morey”).

Our strength is in joining each other to take care of the place we live in, our happiness is in relating with m,.[]


the ocean, our future depends on standing on guard together .

As a family we are all taught to tolerate each other regardless of the differences. Family members fight with each other more than the others because of the expectations. Human beings are family, they can come from where ever but they will have the expectations  from each other including the expectations of understanding.

I will bet if some alien invasion happens all human beings would band together to fight regardless of the differences. When somebody ‘s territory gets invaded people of the belonging group band together to fight, just like a family would and the conflict grows bigger as the people get killed. The death brings love loss, which fuels and stokes the fire.

Our knowledge should be coming from the bottom to up, for instance the individual should teach his/her family to be a part of the ocean instead of teaching them that there is nothing beyond the boundaries of their pond, then the family joins the community with the same education.

This trend can change all the differences from race to gender to nation to religion because the individual is the foundation of the humanity. If an individual learns not to dominate and accept the differences, all the nations and religions would become cleaner, their politics would change because the ocean is one. Same as the cells of the body with the same mission and purpose to maintain health of the body and keep it alive. The wellbeing and the survival of the body or in other words ocean or the humanity should be the top priority for the individual and the individual should be the top priority for the humanity.

Brewing change.

The change.

Every progress, especially when it comes to social changes comes with the price. The conservatives whom are comfortable in the status co don’t want to change anything, so they fight back against the changes. As we see every group from race to sexual identity has to fight to get the humanity to the place, where human rights can over ride and trump all our traditions and customs to become the law of common sense.

Humanity has been is and will be going through the changes as we evolve, some people still don’t believe that human is an evolving entity.

Sure we don’t grow horns or wings but we have been changing and evolving in every department of human knowledge you can think of, other than the religions of course.

The religious people would always be against the changes because they want us to be frozen and live in the era of the prophets. If you look at Afghanistan, Pakistan, India the population in the villages live and dresses like the old times and I don’t believe the excuses are legitimate you can’t blame everything on the poverty they have honor, pride and ego ingrained by the sense of belonging to their respective religions. The religious education does not allow them to change with time, so they still fight over even the food. One group worship the cow and the other kills and eats it. The differences are deeply ingrained and defended by the populations, yet they have to live in the same society.

Interestingly here, right in the middle of the western civilizations we have the religious communities whom are like those people as well. Here we don’t get any news about the fighting but the differences exist.

There was a big news few years ago, when about four hundred children were apprehended by the authorities, just to be brought back to their religious communities. They still believe in the multiple wives and dozens of children right in the middle of North America, so what gives? Ever wonder why?

After all the civilization, why do we have such vast differences in our belief systems. If you look deeper, it is all about the following of the religious rules and the sense of belonging. An other thing is common in those communities like that is, that they try to block the modern education, some even don’t want kids to watch television. After all this side, I still believe we have to remove and grow out of the real culprit behind all that the prejudice.

I believe in individual liberties, and since we all are mortal we can’t just say what we believe is right and as a majority we say what is right for us, is right for that particular individual as well so he/she should follow what is common. Its fine as long as it is based on the principle of don’t do to anyone what you don’t like getting done to you.

If you have multiple wives and dozens of children and you are able to provid to live happily, it is your human right to live however and where ever you are, but when you feel that you are better than others, then I have a problem with that.

For instance Native children were taken away from their communities to be conformed by the religious people, which had left a mark to the point that prim minister had to apologized for the things done to natives. Now people want the pope to apologize as well. Again don’t do to anyone what you don’t like getting done to you. Your incomplete knowledge is not necessarily better, so don’t enforce your belief system, it becomes a political system and loses its spiritual aspect.

Democratic society calls for the majority to create rules and control, but I believe it is a flaw of the democratic system as well, because if someone is happily living in there way of living we should not have the power to strip them of their human rights. Prejudice is not that you don’t like each other, it is that you believe that you are better than others.

Regardless of me being critical to religious rules, I still believe if you are going to give people a system of living like democracy, you have a duty to give them something better than what they have.

I am not going to the stats because I don’t know them, but I believe in, if we are promoting something to sell to people it should be better than what they have. For instance if you want to sell one man one woman marriage system to the people whom have multiple wives system. You have to show the bottom line with the net benefit to the individual who uses the one wife one husband system.

If you have a system which is riddled with the problems and sky high divorce rate you are forcing it on the people whom have lower divorce rate and less problems than you have, then you can’t and should not argue with them about your system being superior. Same goes with exporting the democracy to the countries where the number of the educated people is lower, they can’t sustain the democratic system because people can be swayed by the sweet words of politics.

Governing a nation with less educated people whom don’t even realize their rights, is a dirty business so not only it can taint the democracy it can create chaos. It can be seen in all over the world so the best way to deal with this problem is to spread the knowledge of becoming a CEO amongst the individuals so they can vote better. The stronger the individual, better  the ability for them to see the politics hidden behind the religious authority.

If you look at the purpose of the religious education or knowledge of God, it’s to help the human to evolve from the animalistic behavior, which in fact had helped the humanity in past because they promoted the jewels of humanity like love, compassion, sacrifice and forgiveness so I buy into that and give credit to the religions for the spiritual aspect. But I see prejudice being promoted by every religion and even the democracies out there so I have to speak against it.

You can’t just be better because of being a part of certain organization, it takes a personal character to be judged as a better person. If you believe that you will go to heaven just because of you are a Muslim, Christian, or belong to any other religion, and everyone else will go to hell,  you have to up grade and evolve as an individual to grasp the real spiritual aspect of the religions.

Just look into the history and even today, how religious people incite and permute violence and killing of the other human beings when it comes to the religious differences.

They disregard the individual sufferings, give and use hope of the life after death to meet their political agendas. Spirituality has been trampled over by the sense of belonging, whether it was related to the religions or empires.

Luckily in north America, if someone wants to leave their religious community they can choose to join the modern life style because of the human rights and individual freedom.

In other places it is not that easy because they could be shunned or even killed by the conservative societies. Just look at the staggering number of people who died trying to get out of those war torn countries to reach Europe, if you look at their quest all they want is to find a place to live a normal life and raise their children in peace.

Today human rights, equality and freedom of speech is becoming and spreading like a new religion so just like every religion or governing system goes through difficult time in the beginning, we have to go through the wringer.

Just like the other changes this is taking and will take its toll. We are going to get  over this bad time but it may get worse before it gets better. I am not making any predictions like religious books but I believe in humanity and believe, as an individual we all have some common decency and we will overcome our animalistic behaviors.

Ironically individual freedom which is feared by all groups of humanity is going to connect the humanity and remove the us and them concept which is going to sweep away the group politics, religions and nationalism.

The formation of the Europe Zone and common currency is modern day phase of the changes humanity is going through. The countries like Greece will go through some ruff times but eventually things would have to be settled.

The major problem is our wars, they are squeezing the life out of our economies. Wars don’t just cost the individuals to lose life, they just can’t be sustained without the consequences. Look at the price tag of the Iraq war. Between the insecurity of the wars and the insecurity of the individuals whom put the money away for security, what is left to circulate would have the lingering side effects which would make the humanity suffer for a long time.

Regardless of all that, I still believe  we have to stand in the right corner of the changes. If we start to object the unstoppable changes, we would always end up against the human rights. Just like the religions and the governments over seas are doing right now, and I believe they are becoming a dying breed progressively.

Conservatives will fight back with whatever they have until the vast majority turns against them. Just like the democracy, gender equality, human rights and freedom of speech has over powered the imperialism, racism and prejudice, the religious prejudice and national superiority would be swallowed by the individual awakening.

For now the individual is confused because of the sense of belonging  to their respected groups, but not for long, eventually we will all figure it out that the real security is in standing together as a whole humanity. The regional, provincial, or federal governing systems would still play role but their is a change connecting people all over the world as a humanity. Our problems are pointing towards solidarity of the humanity, the climate change, internet, space station and open education like what I preach is just a good recipe to bring the humanity together. Would I be able to see that in my life time, maybe, maybe not but I can hope to see it but for now.

The nationalism and religions are up an arm against the individual freedom but they are against each other as well so the change is brewing and perculating. There was time for the tribe, then came nationalism and then the religions spilled over the borders of the nations.

Now the same awareness is crossing over the race, religion and nationalism by making black, white, brown, yellow and red stand with each other. They have started to feel that they are all part of the humanity.

Authoritarianism has been over powered or being over powered by the democratic schools of thoughts throughout the world. This is a clear sign that as humanity we all have an inner desire to strengthen the individual and seek justice for all equally which in reality are the human rights.

All wars of the past and even today, have under laying causes, and one of the dead dog (read the dead dog) is the individual freedom but the  personal insecurities keep the individual confused and fearful thus this confusion feeds into the sense of belonging and keeps the individual attached to certain  belonging group.

As the time evolves us, we all will learn that we all bleed if cut, we get hungry, sick physically, hurt emotionally and seek revenge for the killings of the loved ones, we are all human beings, still in the process of evolving and far from being the finished product.

As we know more about the politics of our belonging groups we will be able to stand together as humanity. Just look at the education of the day. All western societies promote the individual strength to help individual to succeed in all areas of life and interestingly we promote the same for all over the world. Yet we have not solved our democracy related problems.

Sooner or later we would start to realize the problems and face their side effects as well. One of the side effect is that we have bad relationships all around us. From parent children to husband wife to boyfriend and girlfriends to employee and employer. It all comes with the territory but as a society we will not fall apart because on the bright side, we have and are creating universal health care systems growing in the modern societies, we have systems set up for the people when they get old and vulnerable.

As the level of the basic education rises we will be able to see, when we are used, or exploited by our political leaders so it would be constantly harder to govern. The same awareness would help us to seek to belong to the humanity and we may will be able to change the attitude and the concept of us and them.

How would we deal with all the changes, just like we did before, where we are today it is not perfect but it is not the destination yet so we have to keep our arms open for the changes. Change has always been a part of the human societies so we can’t hide from them. The trick is to know which side to stand, If you are a CEO it will not be hard to decide but if you are not educated enough  and are insecure you would be colored by the popular trends even they are based on the prejudice.


The Blame Game.

A few years back I went to visit my mother, my father had just passed away. One night we were talking and this subject matter came up. As growing up I had seen my mother had blamed my dad about every thing went wrong in her life. The poor guy put up with it and the family stayed intact. As the discussion went on, I mention that you prayed five times a day fast every year, yet you never really, really and I mean really believed in God. She was shocked so I said that he was just a man and you blamed him for all your problems. Have you ever wondered if it was your life story that called for the problems or to have the problems, she did not expect that I was telling her to believe in God totally and completely and differently.  She started crying as if  it was new to her or the tears came out of guilt.

For some people the whole life is in our control, I don’t argue about the say we have but control is another thing. Control  can be  habit forming, which can make the individual to go to extreme and forget about his/her mortality. If you try to control everything including the uncontrollable things you are setting yourself up for the serious happiness robing path, so regardless of all the blessings, one can be unhappy for the whole life experience.

I find it strange that the closer to religions you are more controlling you become, yet it should be the other way around because a belief system should help one to believe and benefit from the God by unloading the burdens of life.

Sure you have a say in your life but if you want to use that say, it should be useful to live this life in health, happiness and success. If you want to write your story write, to create inner peace and have a pleasant journey because it is after all temporary.

Say you go for a vocation to some hot spot, you don’t want to have worries and stresses of your everyday life to go with you. This short journey is going to end regardless of your way of writing the story of your life.

If you are stressed, depressed or anxious,  look closely, you may have a problem which I call it a pit problem. Constantly nagging fear robs nutrients to create deficiencies to cause the physiological symptoms thus I believe if you give spirituality a chance to fix the cause of the problem you may benefit to rise up from your physical ills as well.

The knowledge of mortality creates fear of death which breeds the control and these two can reek havoc for the individual. Life and Death is unquestionably undeniably is a fact of life thus we need not to fear from it. Our expectations are out of control and make us live in self caused deprivations and anxieties.

A CEO knows the life is temporary so it should not be controlled but the happiness robing behaviours and practices should be controlled. If you are the CEO you would know what is, and what should be your melody. The question is that are you giving a chance to the empty spaces to help you to create happiness in your mortal life? (Melody of life)

On the sheet of a paper where the music is written, there is a note followed by the empty space and then note followed by the empty space. Music is written by both, if you don’t have a note there is total silence, and if there is no empty space there is constant noise. Either extreme is not for human beings. Especially when it comes down to using free will.

A stressed individual can benefit form the meditation because it quits the mind but that doesn’t mean it can fix all our problems. Total silence or becoming a monk can stop our evolution thus I would say use it to benefit to  center you but we still have to evolve to reach our potential thus we have to pursue. We have to speak when its our turn and learn to stay quite when its called for.

Individual has to create a nice rhythmic music of life. Complete silence may have spiritual essence of life but it is not physically fulfilling for the entity like the human being. So the music is written by each one of us for ourselves and yes we need to use our free will to create our melodious music.

If you grab a drum and beat the hell out of it for few hours, you will be exhausted and will have all the burnt out symptoms like you see in the modern day man or a woman without the faith and I repeat I talk about spiritual faith. If you can find it in the religion its fine, as long as you don’t start to think you somehow become better than others by following certain religion. The cause of our wars is the prejudice taught by our religions thus becoming a CEO can teach you to understand the spiritual side of the religions as well as political.

We carry all the memories so it is not as bad, that someone has done bad for you but if you  carry it around with you all your life is bad for you. If you stay bitter you are doing injustice to yourself and not creating a good music out of your life. The enjoyment of the music is for you, and the bad effects of just the noise is for you as well.

You have to come up with a strategy to live a better life, so you don’t have to carry all the burdens all the time. Not an easy task for the controller so learn to be a CEO, that will help you to see what is good for the company business.

You alone are not making it happen, you just can’t make a bridge or a raft without the help of the oxygen. Remember without the oxygen you can’t function. Your physiology depends upon the oxygen, which makes all systems go so you can do whatever you want to do.

Without it, you are just a dead duck, so don’t boast and be humble before your time is up. Connect to the source, and be useful to the humanity whichever way you want or can. It has nothing to do with your belonging religions and everything to do with your personal spirituality. Your real connection to the source is related with your character and practical help to the humanity not with your prayers or fasting or religious duties or loyalties to belonging groups.

When you believe in God but blame someone about your problems, it usually is related with the habit of expectations. Weather its from yourself, spouse,  partner or God. It is all related with the expectations of having control for yourself. When you expect to have control for yourself you generally expect others to fit in your shoes not the other way around.

If life was that simple and easy to understand, we would never seek solutions for our problems. God would be always there to lend a hand and the purpose of the free will and the potential would be meaningless.

When we go through ruff times we become resourceful and make a raft to help ourselves individually and a bridge collectively. I believe when something happens, it usually is asking you, to man up or woman up and stand up to take charge of your life.

No job, spouse, or religion is worth sacrificing happiness, because you are here temporarily. Just like the vocation, you don’t want to spoil it by losing your happiness department. Being a CEO you can’t just sacrifice the most important asset of your company by believing that a man or a woman is the cause of your problems.

Every job loss or a break up makes the controlling individual to build the walls higher and higher till the point that the individual is trapped in the tomb of self created boundaries. The bottom line is that, an individual, people or even God should not be given that power to make your mortal life miserable. Fix your belief system, and take your responsibilities. BY

1- Believing in God even if it has a placebo effect on you, because you have to create a nice rhythmic melody out of your life story. You are the note and empty space in between is the God. Speak when its your turn and stay quite when you need an empty space between the notes. Give that empty space to God so you can live a mortal life in balance.

2- Be a CEO, you have had no control on  your birth, you could have been born ten thousands years ago, you could be born male, female black brown yellow or whatever you don’t like, would you be caring about the same things as you do in this era.

Life is still the same regardless, you can live with or without the modern technology but you always need love. We can hide behind the materiel things but it all boils down to the wanting, giving and receiving love. Even our pursue of the materiel things is based on the desire to achieve love. You want a nice car to attract the mate, you make a nice house or wear name brand clothing for yourself, I don’t think so, it to impress, fit in, or be admired by the others. It all falls in the love category (read Love triangle)

3- One person, job or a group you belong to can’t and is not keeping you alive so give credit where it belongs. Blaming others or even yourself usually related with not taking the responsibility of personal happiness.

4- You have a life story which is written with ups and downs and it is not done until its done, so always keep hope and be optimistic about your future. Understandably a difficult task.

5- Believing in that you are directly connected to the real source can helps you to understand the importance of yourself, self-worth and of the next person, thus you would respect them just as well as you do for yourself. That is spirituality 101.

The bottom line of this article is that you can’t just blame some one and be miserable for the rest of your life. The things happen in our lives are not done by just one individual there are so many aspect to the story.

One thing is for sure and that is our responsibility to collect the happiness. Interestingly the deep happiness we feel is in serving the humanity. This alone makes be believe that we are the cells of God and are reciprocating with the power of spirituality which we brought along before the installed knowledge. Naturally we work for the body to keep it alive so it can keep us alive.

If you happen to be the one who is controlling, I feel really for you because, how much energy are you going to spend in preserving yourself. It is not going to be in control regardless of your efforts, try to understand a mortal life so you can put some quality in it.

Remember the triangle of the Health, Happiness and Success. If you are not spiritually, physically or emotionally healthy you just can’t be happy and without the health and happiness there is no success. A mortal life without the health and happiness is not a successful life. No matter how you cut it.

The Pearl or Water.

My hats off to the writer of this song, I am sure we all get some songs stuck in our mind sometime they just keep repeating. You just can’t shake them off and I just remember only  the verse of the song, so don’t know the author. I am quoting as it is in the Punjabi language and I would write as author unknown. I would quote in the original words and then try to translate it in English. Hope the author  can get satisfaction about his work, that someone is talking about him/her. “Quote”

Panwain khey thay Anmole panwain kodian ch tole,

Nanon hunjoo bun waggay tarri ishk kahani

jay toun samjain taan moti jay na samjain taan pani.

According to my understanding which may be different than the author, the translation would be “You can say its priceless, or you can compare it with the dirt cheap, Story of your love flows out of the eyes like tears. If you understand it, its a Pearl, if you don’t its  just water. “End quote” I believe we all are the cells of the body of God worth five bucks each one person at a time. Physical expression of God is the man kind and the God is our  spiritual expression. That means God lives through us. My way of proving this is that, if the man kind disappears no one can be there to understand God let alone believe in God.

My logical reality says if you ask an Alzheimer patient about the God, you may not get anywhere fast because the installed knowledge is wiped-out by the disease but the way I see it in this situation, God is there in the people whom are taking care of the patients. God is our understanding which is usually installed into us as we grow up, thus this knowledge is highly tainted and influenced by the politics of the sense of belonging.

When you are born into humanity as a human being you are, by nature a human being first. You start to get the labels of whatever you belong to, is secondary. For instance a boy or a girl or something in between, black, white, brown, yellow, or red or mix of some or all,  a Muslim, Christian, Pakistani, Canadian,  any other nationality a community or even a member of a sports team but first of all, A HUMAN BEING.

Let’s start from the beginning, a baby is born in a Muslim house hold but adopted by the Christian family, or a black baby is raised by a white family what is that kid’s identity? Would we change the status of being a human being, I don’t think so. But when it comes to the sense of belonging it is not an easy question.

When one loves the child, the whole community should respect it because in advanced or educated human societies the love should overpower our differences.

The reality is, even now a days still there is prejudice because of the powerful politics of sense of belonging. The truth is that if you are born as a human being you are a human being regardless of your color, gender, nation or religion.

All the knowledge about the differences are installed by the sense of belonging after you are born. An other example, if you are asked to make a fist, you would have no problem unless you are a victim of a Stroke, Alzheimer  or any disorder which robs you of your mantel capabilities but still leaves you as a living human being. No one should and can tell you, just because you are sick you are not a human being anymore. Anyway you can make a fist with no problem but that is a learnt action. You had a heck of time learning walking or speaking as you grew up but after practice everything becomes a second nature. My point is, that you have learnt all the skills, behaviors and belief systems from your belonging groups. With practice they have become a second nature to you, but they have the potential to make you something you are not.

A baby is like a brand new computer, the data is added after the birth, but baby comes with all systems running before learning the installed knowledge.   What makes the whole package with the potential? What makes an individual to pick and choose, mix and match the information and respond to the actions of the others?

Ever wonder beyond your installed knowledge, ever wonder looking through your eyes in the mirror who are you looking at? Are you just the computer with the data or you look at the person who lives in your body, who has a name and actually runs the computer.

Did you ever cross the lines to say hello to that person and I mean really, or you are stuck into the data and can’t look beyond. If you feel stuck you have taken the color of your belonging group and you need to acquire your own color which you were born with.

Well you are the one who runs the computer, the brain with everything in it, the body and the whole shebang. You are the one who is beyond the data who calls the shots and is a CEO.

You are the one who is connected to the real source spiritually and physically, but the data turns you into vulnerable, impressionable and insecure entity so you can be controlled.

If you feel that your wings have been clipped and you can’t fly solo, start to communicate with your inner bravest cat.

Do you want to be a CEO who is a human being first?  Then reach out to the one who lives inside of you, not the one who is created by your sense of belonging.

Take some responsibilities and start questioning the politics of the sense of belonging before taking part into the senseless killing of other human beings on the name of God or your belonging nation. It is like killing God one cell at a time, body still lives but with a lot of pain and suffering, I would call it, God has an autoimmune disorder and only human beings can fix it . You may question we can’t harm God but I can say to you, understand the difference between the Pearl and the water and look at God as a pearl not as just the water.

You will be rewarded from within. Take the responsibility to be a CEO then you will be able to see the harms we are causing to God.

Imagine if the whole humanity works together with the five bucks each would we have starvation, homelessness and poverty or bankruptcy at the national level like we do now. If we work together God would be able to take care of the sufferings of his body.

Our evolution is God’s evolution and we are all taking part in it because God is not some outside entity. That entity lives through the humanity. Every single cell is important and spouse to work for the body, but the politics of our sense of belonging inhibits that.

Our politics divides us to the point that we are working towards the day of destruction predicted in the holy books, yet we all individually have a say in our lives.

As a CEO we should be able to evolve to cross the lines of our religions and nationalities. We can create the peace to keep evolving to reach our potential what God had meant for the humanity. Why God who is blamed for not protecting or saving the people regardless of the prayers and sacrifice?

My understanding says God has done the Godly work by blessing the man with the free will and providing the oxygen to keep going. Now its up to us, how we reach our potential.

Can we keep going to become Godly humanity who can save lives from the storms, tsunamis and quakes and help the suffering part of the humanity, or destroy ourselves as predicted in the holy books.

My understanding of the God’s pain is that the individual who is entrapped in the politics of the sense of belonging can’t even spread his/her wings beyond the politics because of personal insecurities so the problem is in the individual not in the group. If we look at ourselves as an individual and remove our insecurities by believing in the connection to the real source, we can  cross the lines of sense of belonging to a group to belong to the humanity as a whole.

Right now we are Muslims, Christians, Jewish, Pakistani, Canadian, American, black, white, homosexual, male, female first then we are human beings. My grand desire is to reverse it, I want to see the desire in people to reverse this political trend. Only if we all can understand.

God is a Pearl if you can understand, other wise its just a water regardless of our prayers, fasting, sacrifice or going to mosques or churches.

An individual can benefit spiritually in his/her life by having a belief system of belonging directly to God. Potentially you can accumulate harms by living in a pond with the boundaries of religions and nationalism, just look around, our past and present is riddled with the wars.

Its worth repeating, if you belong to a gang, community, nation or a religion first, it is like living in a pond with the boundaries. You have to follow the rules and you would not be able to express your thoughts, regardless of the ability you brought along before the installation of your nationalism, religion or racial identity.

The ability to function independently is not installed. It is your nature and you can find it by joining the spiritual world of God which is like the space, internet or  humanity. Vast, without the boundaries, fearful to the non believers but completely secure for the believers.

You can cross the lines of death without the fear, live life without the fear and solve your physical, emotional and spiritual problems. You may live happier by removing fear related stress and related problems.

Picture yourself standing on your one foot in front and one in the back, front one is in the future and the back one is in the past. Literally and figuratively you are pissing on the present not only as an individual in living life, but in general if you live your life for the after life and piss on this one by killing and getting killed because of the past. Think again how much pain you are causing to God and yourself. It is all about the understanding God the way a CEO understands God beyond the boundaries of the politics of the sense of belonging.