Brewing change.

The change.

Every progress, especially when it comes to social changes comes with the price. The conservatives whom are comfortable in the status co don’t want to change anything, so they fight back against the changes. As we see every group from race to sexual identity has to fight to get the humanity to the place, where human rights can over ride and trump all our traditions and customs to become the law of common sense.

Humanity has been is and will be going through the changes as we evolve, some people still don’t believe that human is an evolving entity.

Sure we don’t grow horns or wings but we have been changing and evolving in every department of human knowledge you can think of, other than the religions of course.

The religious people would always be against the changes because they want us to be frozen and live in the era of the prophets. If you look at Afghanistan, Pakistan, India the population in the villages live and dresses like the old times and I don’t believe the excuses are legitimate you can’t blame everything on the poverty they have honor, pride and ego ingrained by the sense of belonging to their respective religions. The religious education does not allow them to change with time, so they still fight over even the food. One group worship the cow and the other kills and eats it. The differences are deeply ingrained and defended by the populations, yet they have to live in the same society.

Interestingly here, right in the middle of the western civilizations we have the religious communities whom are like those people as well. Here we don’t get any news about the fighting but the differences exist.

There was a big news few years ago, when about four hundred children were apprehended by the authorities, just to be brought back to their religious communities. They still believe in the multiple wives and dozens of children right in the middle of North America, so what gives? Ever wonder why?

After all the civilization, why do we have such vast differences in our belief systems. If you look deeper, it is all about the following of the religious rules and the sense of belonging. An other thing is common in those communities like that is, that they try to block the modern education, some even don’t want kids to watch television. After all this side, I still believe we have to remove and grow out of the real culprit behind all that the prejudice.

I believe in individual liberties, and since we all are mortal we can’t just say what we believe is right and as a majority we say what is right for us, is right for that particular individual as well so he/she should follow what is common. Its fine as long as it is based on the principle of don’t do to anyone what you don’t like getting done to you.

If you have multiple wives and dozens of children and you are able to provid to live happily, it is your human right to live however and where ever you are, but when you feel that you are better than others, then I have a problem with that.

For instance Native children were taken away from their communities to be conformed by the religious people, which had left a mark to the point that prim minister had to apologized for the things done to natives. Now people want the pope to apologize as well. Again don’t do to anyone what you don’t like getting done to you. Your incomplete knowledge is not necessarily better, so don’t enforce your belief system, it becomes a political system and loses its spiritual aspect.

Democratic society calls for the majority to create rules and control, but I believe it is a flaw of the democratic system as well, because if someone is happily living in there way of living we should not have the power to strip them of their human rights. Prejudice is not that you don’t like each other, it is that you believe that you are better than others.

Regardless of me being critical to religious rules, I still believe if you are going to give people a system of living like democracy, you have a duty to give them something better than what they have.

I am not going to the stats because I don’t know them, but I believe in, if we are promoting something to sell to people it should be better than what they have. For instance if you want to sell one man one woman marriage system to the people whom have multiple wives system. You have to show the bottom line with the net benefit to the individual who uses the one wife one husband system.

If you have a system which is riddled with the problems and sky high divorce rate you are forcing it on the people whom have lower divorce rate and less problems than you have, then you can’t and should not argue with them about your system being superior. Same goes with exporting the democracy to the countries where the number of the educated people is lower, they can’t sustain the democratic system because people can be swayed by the sweet words of politics.

Governing a nation with less educated people whom don’t even realize their rights, is a dirty business so not only it can taint the democracy it can create chaos. It can be seen in all over the world so the best way to deal with this problem is to spread the knowledge of becoming a CEO amongst the individuals so they can vote better. The stronger the individual, better  the ability for them to see the politics hidden behind the religious authority.

If you look at the purpose of the religious education or knowledge of God, it’s to help the human to evolve from the animalistic behavior, which in fact had helped the humanity in past because they promoted the jewels of humanity like love, compassion, sacrifice and forgiveness so I buy into that and give credit to the religions for the spiritual aspect. But I see prejudice being promoted by every religion and even the democracies out there so I have to speak against it.

You can’t just be better because of being a part of certain organization, it takes a personal character to be judged as a better person. If you believe that you will go to heaven just because of you are a Muslim, Christian, or belong to any other religion, and everyone else will go to hell,  you have to up grade and evolve as an individual to grasp the real spiritual aspect of the religions.

Just look into the history and even today, how religious people incite and permute violence and killing of the other human beings when it comes to the religious differences.

They disregard the individual sufferings, give and use hope of the life after death to meet their political agendas. Spirituality has been trampled over by the sense of belonging, whether it was related to the religions or empires.

Luckily in north America, if someone wants to leave their religious community they can choose to join the modern life style because of the human rights and individual freedom.

In other places it is not that easy because they could be shunned or even killed by the conservative societies. Just look at the staggering number of people who died trying to get out of those war torn countries to reach Europe, if you look at their quest all they want is to find a place to live a normal life and raise their children in peace.

Today human rights, equality and freedom of speech is becoming and spreading like a new religion so just like every religion or governing system goes through difficult time in the beginning, we have to go through the wringer.

Just like the other changes this is taking and will take its toll. We are going to get  over this bad time but it may get worse before it gets better. I am not making any predictions like religious books but I believe in humanity and believe, as an individual we all have some common decency and we will overcome our animalistic behaviors.

Ironically individual freedom which is feared by all groups of humanity is going to connect the humanity and remove the us and them concept which is going to sweep away the group politics, religions and nationalism.

The formation of the Europe Zone and common currency is modern day phase of the changes humanity is going through. The countries like Greece will go through some ruff times but eventually things would have to be settled.

The major problem is our wars, they are squeezing the life out of our economies. Wars don’t just cost the individuals to lose life, they just can’t be sustained without the consequences. Look at the price tag of the Iraq war. Between the insecurity of the wars and the insecurity of the individuals whom put the money away for security, what is left to circulate would have the lingering side effects which would make the humanity suffer for a long time.

Regardless of all that, I still believe  we have to stand in the right corner of the changes. If we start to object the unstoppable changes, we would always end up against the human rights. Just like the religions and the governments over seas are doing right now, and I believe they are becoming a dying breed progressively.

Conservatives will fight back with whatever they have until the vast majority turns against them. Just like the democracy, gender equality, human rights and freedom of speech has over powered the imperialism, racism and prejudice, the religious prejudice and national superiority would be swallowed by the individual awakening.

For now the individual is confused because of the sense of belonging  to their respected groups, but not for long, eventually we will all figure it out that the real security is in standing together as a whole humanity. The regional, provincial, or federal governing systems would still play role but their is a change connecting people all over the world as a humanity. Our problems are pointing towards solidarity of the humanity, the climate change, internet, space station and open education like what I preach is just a good recipe to bring the humanity together. Would I be able to see that in my life time, maybe, maybe not but I can hope to see it but for now.

The nationalism and religions are up an arm against the individual freedom but they are against each other as well so the change is brewing and perculating. There was time for the tribe, then came nationalism and then the religions spilled over the borders of the nations.

Now the same awareness is crossing over the race, religion and nationalism by making black, white, brown, yellow and red stand with each other. They have started to feel that they are all part of the humanity.

Authoritarianism has been over powered or being over powered by the democratic schools of thoughts throughout the world. This is a clear sign that as humanity we all have an inner desire to strengthen the individual and seek justice for all equally which in reality are the human rights.

All wars of the past and even today, have under laying causes, and one of the dead dog (read the dead dog) is the individual freedom but the  personal insecurities keep the individual confused and fearful thus this confusion feeds into the sense of belonging and keeps the individual attached to certain  belonging group.

As the time evolves us, we all will learn that we all bleed if cut, we get hungry, sick physically, hurt emotionally and seek revenge for the killings of the loved ones, we are all human beings, still in the process of evolving and far from being the finished product.

As we know more about the politics of our belonging groups we will be able to stand together as humanity. Just look at the education of the day. All western societies promote the individual strength to help individual to succeed in all areas of life and interestingly we promote the same for all over the world. Yet we have not solved our democracy related problems.

Sooner or later we would start to realize the problems and face their side effects as well. One of the side effect is that we have bad relationships all around us. From parent children to husband wife to boyfriend and girlfriends to employee and employer. It all comes with the territory but as a society we will not fall apart because on the bright side, we have and are creating universal health care systems growing in the modern societies, we have systems set up for the people when they get old and vulnerable.

As the level of the basic education rises we will be able to see, when we are used, or exploited by our political leaders so it would be constantly harder to govern. The same awareness would help us to seek to belong to the humanity and we may will be able to change the attitude and the concept of us and them.

How would we deal with all the changes, just like we did before, where we are today it is not perfect but it is not the destination yet so we have to keep our arms open for the changes. Change has always been a part of the human societies so we can’t hide from them. The trick is to know which side to stand, If you are a CEO it will not be hard to decide but if you are not educated enough  and are insecure you would be colored by the popular trends even they are based on the prejudice.


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