The Blame Game.

A few years back I went to visit my mother, my father had just passed away. One night we were talking and this subject matter came up. As growing up I had seen my mother had blamed my dad about every thing went wrong in her life. The poor guy put up with it and the family stayed intact. As the discussion went on, I mention that you prayed five times a day fast every year, yet you never really, really and I mean really believed in God. She was shocked so I said that he was just a man and you blamed him for all your problems. Have you ever wondered if it was your life story that called for the problems or to have the problems, she did not expect that I was telling her to believe in God totally and completely and differently.  She started crying as if  it was new to her or the tears came out of guilt.

For some people the whole life is in our control, I don’t argue about the say we have but control is another thing. Control  can be  habit forming, which can make the individual to go to extreme and forget about his/her mortality. If you try to control everything including the uncontrollable things you are setting yourself up for the serious happiness robing path, so regardless of all the blessings, one can be unhappy for the whole life experience.

I find it strange that the closer to religions you are more controlling you become, yet it should be the other way around because a belief system should help one to believe and benefit from the God by unloading the burdens of life.

Sure you have a say in your life but if you want to use that say, it should be useful to live this life in health, happiness and success. If you want to write your story write, to create inner peace and have a pleasant journey because it is after all temporary.

Say you go for a vocation to some hot spot, you don’t want to have worries and stresses of your everyday life to go with you. This short journey is going to end regardless of your way of writing the story of your life.

If you are stressed, depressed or anxious,  look closely, you may have a problem which I call it a pit problem. Constantly nagging fear robs nutrients to create deficiencies to cause the physiological symptoms thus I believe if you give spirituality a chance to fix the cause of the problem you may benefit to rise up from your physical ills as well.

The knowledge of mortality creates fear of death which breeds the control and these two can reek havoc for the individual. Life and Death is unquestionably undeniably is a fact of life thus we need not to fear from it. Our expectations are out of control and make us live in self caused deprivations and anxieties.

A CEO knows the life is temporary so it should not be controlled but the happiness robing behaviours and practices should be controlled. If you are the CEO you would know what is, and what should be your melody. The question is that are you giving a chance to the empty spaces to help you to create happiness in your mortal life? (Melody of life)

On the sheet of a paper where the music is written, there is a note followed by the empty space and then note followed by the empty space. Music is written by both, if you don’t have a note there is total silence, and if there is no empty space there is constant noise. Either extreme is not for human beings. Especially when it comes down to using free will.

A stressed individual can benefit form the meditation because it quits the mind but that doesn’t mean it can fix all our problems. Total silence or becoming a monk can stop our evolution thus I would say use it to benefit to  center you but we still have to evolve to reach our potential thus we have to pursue. We have to speak when its our turn and learn to stay quite when its called for.

Individual has to create a nice rhythmic music of life. Complete silence may have spiritual essence of life but it is not physically fulfilling for the entity like the human being. So the music is written by each one of us for ourselves and yes we need to use our free will to create our melodious music.

If you grab a drum and beat the hell out of it for few hours, you will be exhausted and will have all the burnt out symptoms like you see in the modern day man or a woman without the faith and I repeat I talk about spiritual faith. If you can find it in the religion its fine, as long as you don’t start to think you somehow become better than others by following certain religion. The cause of our wars is the prejudice taught by our religions thus becoming a CEO can teach you to understand the spiritual side of the religions as well as political.

We carry all the memories so it is not as bad, that someone has done bad for you but if you  carry it around with you all your life is bad for you. If you stay bitter you are doing injustice to yourself and not creating a good music out of your life. The enjoyment of the music is for you, and the bad effects of just the noise is for you as well.

You have to come up with a strategy to live a better life, so you don’t have to carry all the burdens all the time. Not an easy task for the controller so learn to be a CEO, that will help you to see what is good for the company business.

You alone are not making it happen, you just can’t make a bridge or a raft without the help of the oxygen. Remember without the oxygen you can’t function. Your physiology depends upon the oxygen, which makes all systems go so you can do whatever you want to do.

Without it, you are just a dead duck, so don’t boast and be humble before your time is up. Connect to the source, and be useful to the humanity whichever way you want or can. It has nothing to do with your belonging religions and everything to do with your personal spirituality. Your real connection to the source is related with your character and practical help to the humanity not with your prayers or fasting or religious duties or loyalties to belonging groups.

When you believe in God but blame someone about your problems, it usually is related with the habit of expectations. Weather its from yourself, spouse,  partner or God. It is all related with the expectations of having control for yourself. When you expect to have control for yourself you generally expect others to fit in your shoes not the other way around.

If life was that simple and easy to understand, we would never seek solutions for our problems. God would be always there to lend a hand and the purpose of the free will and the potential would be meaningless.

When we go through ruff times we become resourceful and make a raft to help ourselves individually and a bridge collectively. I believe when something happens, it usually is asking you, to man up or woman up and stand up to take charge of your life.

No job, spouse, or religion is worth sacrificing happiness, because you are here temporarily. Just like the vocation, you don’t want to spoil it by losing your happiness department. Being a CEO you can’t just sacrifice the most important asset of your company by believing that a man or a woman is the cause of your problems.

Every job loss or a break up makes the controlling individual to build the walls higher and higher till the point that the individual is trapped in the tomb of self created boundaries. The bottom line is that, an individual, people or even God should not be given that power to make your mortal life miserable. Fix your belief system, and take your responsibilities. BY

1- Believing in God even if it has a placebo effect on you, because you have to create a nice rhythmic melody out of your life story. You are the note and empty space in between is the God. Speak when its your turn and stay quite when you need an empty space between the notes. Give that empty space to God so you can live a mortal life in balance.

2- Be a CEO, you have had no control on  your birth, you could have been born ten thousands years ago, you could be born male, female black brown yellow or whatever you don’t like, would you be caring about the same things as you do in this era.

Life is still the same regardless, you can live with or without the modern technology but you always need love. We can hide behind the materiel things but it all boils down to the wanting, giving and receiving love. Even our pursue of the materiel things is based on the desire to achieve love. You want a nice car to attract the mate, you make a nice house or wear name brand clothing for yourself, I don’t think so, it to impress, fit in, or be admired by the others. It all falls in the love category (read Love triangle)

3- One person, job or a group you belong to can’t and is not keeping you alive so give credit where it belongs. Blaming others or even yourself usually related with not taking the responsibility of personal happiness.

4- You have a life story which is written with ups and downs and it is not done until its done, so always keep hope and be optimistic about your future. Understandably a difficult task.

5- Believing in that you are directly connected to the real source can helps you to understand the importance of yourself, self-worth and of the next person, thus you would respect them just as well as you do for yourself. That is spirituality 101.

The bottom line of this article is that you can’t just blame some one and be miserable for the rest of your life. The things happen in our lives are not done by just one individual there are so many aspect to the story.

One thing is for sure and that is our responsibility to collect the happiness. Interestingly the deep happiness we feel is in serving the humanity. This alone makes be believe that we are the cells of God and are reciprocating with the power of spirituality which we brought along before the installed knowledge. Naturally we work for the body to keep it alive so it can keep us alive.

If you happen to be the one who is controlling, I feel really for you because, how much energy are you going to spend in preserving yourself. It is not going to be in control regardless of your efforts, try to understand a mortal life so you can put some quality in it.

Remember the triangle of the Health, Happiness and Success. If you are not spiritually, physically or emotionally healthy you just can’t be happy and without the health and happiness there is no success. A mortal life without the health and happiness is not a successful life. No matter how you cut it.

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