Prejudice, taught by the religions and nationalism.


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After all we are mortal so we die regardless of our rights and wrongs, so criticizing someone’s life related our prejudice side which makes us think we are better than others thus we are right. Why and where does this kind of thinking come from? Our parents installed the knowledge what they had learnt from their parents and so on, so certain societies promote and preach that they are right and all the others in the world are wrong thus we are taught prejudice right from the get go.  

Now honestly look around the world and find me even one society which is pure of prejudice. From the smallest to the largest to least populated to most they all preach two things to their young ones nationalism and religion and both are openly fanning the prejudice, even the communist and socialist countries preach the prejudice. If each and everyone of us grows up with the prejudice as the first education how can the humanity go without the conflicts. To me it is on the shoulders of the individual, as a group we all are victim of the out of control sense of belonging so if the countries or religions talk peace, we would never get peace because of our sense of belonging.  

The problems are faced by the individual as he/she grows up, are related with being torn apart because of the conflicting knowledge, the learnt prejudice and wanting and giving the equal human rights to all because of the inner spirituality.

If one is right that means the others are wrong, this argument has been going on, since the beginning of the human individual awareness, yet we all have been and are mortal, even to some degree our societies are mortal as well, some may last longer than the others but even the Empires collapse.

With our evolving knowledge our rights and wrongs trade places with time. Just look at the social advancements of the humanity. We don’t burn the witches, don’t kill homosexuals, don’t buy and sell human beings and racism is a crime in the advance societies yet still we have a long way to go to deal with the prejudice.

Why so much passion in our wars related to our nationalism and religions? In the heart of our conflicts, is our prejudice related sense of belonging. If one can overcome, he/she can choose humanity over the nationalism and spirituality over the religion, but how far are we from that as an individual? If you personally ask this question to yourself you will always end up choosing you belonging group because you don’t want to be on the wrong side of your belonging group.

This is the decision making time for us all to start over riding the politics and learn to lean towards humanity and spirituality instead of religions and nationalism. If you look historically they brought the worst out of the humanity and they failed in helping us to evolve spiritually.

Today, whether its Snowdon, a football player or some other athletes  whom are showing the signs of defiance against the typical norms of our societies they get hate and love from the belonging society because there is a segment of the population which thinks beyond the boundaries of the sense of belonging. Normally we follow the politics of our belonging groups, but these days people are standing up for what is right. They are not afraid of stating their opinions. Things have been changing rapidly, but this is not new, the states, races and religions have been at odds for a long time for political powers. These days awareness of spirituality and equal rights has been emerging as the power, which has the potential to over ride all other powerful entities, because it is evolving from with in the individual.

As I said it has the potential, but how far are we from this awakening, is anyone’s guess, because the politics of sense of belonging usually gets us all. As an individual we are taught to compromise our personal principles when it comes to our religions and nationalism.

As the number of politically educated and spiritually evolved CEO’s grow our politics would change for the better.

These days we as general population are able to call a religious radical, a radical even he/she belongs to our own religion. Would we be able to over power the religious extreme? This question is harder to answer because I believe religion and music touches the individual somewhere similar where the individual can dance, so if one gets carried away with the rhythm and can’t think rationally, the only way one can change their individual behavior is to understand the power behind, and that power is spirituality.

The spirituality crosses the lines of all human education learnt from the belonging political groups, so it is highly individual, thus the individual has to be educated in that zone. You can get all the degrees and become master of other human knowledge but when it comes to sense of belonging tainted religious politics there is a very little hope for one to stand for the equal rights for all.

Social injustice is in the heart of all conflicts and social ills, like prejudice, racism or inequality. When it comes to equal human rights, it is and should be for all human beings not only for some group exclusively. If you believe and choose your religion or nationalism is right, never forget about the spirituality, humanity and equal human rights, because you don’t want to do to others what you don’t like done to you.

Simple principle yet hardest to find in the politically tainted religious groups. Remember the humanity and spirituality is where God resides so the real belonging is to belong to the humanity which is above and beyond the groups. Spirituality means everything to do with the humanity, which should be the essence of all religions but these days with all our wars the essence appears to be the group politics which breaths, breads preaches prejudice. 


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