Survival and the responsibility

Regardless of our evolution, we still get ready to kill the fly if it buzz around our food. Where should one draw the line is highly individual. I believe when it comes to safety and survival one has the right to protect him/herself and the loved ones.

We have been passing our knowledge to our new generations, yet we came from the generations who ate the food where flies have been the part of life, but now we know the harms can come from the flies so we react strongly for the cleanliness.

Some extremists can go that far that they don’t want to kill anything, even if there is a threat to themselves or their children. Sorry I have not been completely evolved yet, but I would change as the need arises. I don’t believe in having a cap on my knowledge.

I would not fast for religious purposes if I have diabetes which can drop the sugar to the point it can put one in coma and kill. As a human being survival is my first duty, then everything related to life can come in picture. Hypothetically or in reality every social duty is related to being able and alive. If one has trouble physically they should make amendments in the rules. First of all I believe God would not put someone in the situation where one suffers and dies in the process of following the rules. Second I know that fasting or prayers are some kind of sacrifice, so I would look for the alternative ways to do just that. All laws and orders or religious beliefs of human societies are the product of full tummy. If you are starving to death you have the duty to alter the rules and survive first. I believe if one is starving in a society where he/she has to follow the rules, the society has not fulfill its responsibility. If one is expected to follow the rules he/she need to have full tummy. I am no socialist but I believe in equal responsibility for all whether its the individual or the society collectively.



Sense of reciprocation is giving back in return of receiving. We pray to God for some wish to come true, then we do things on the name of God. If you call someone generous he/she is reciprocating in return of the blessings. He/she may not believe in God but doing God’s work.

If you are an Atheist doctor or a scientist and don’t know why there are placebo effects, your knowledge is not complete. With incomplete knowledge no one should deny something which is beyond the present understanding of the brain.

Each and everyone of us has the right to believe whatever we want to. Personally I believe God provides me with the oxygen to be alive and I give the name and identity to God. God allows me to navigate through my life with the free will and I do the physical work of God. God keeps the body running with the health and the man whether he/she believes in God or not saves lives, reproduce and keeps the body of God, the humanity alive.

My understanding of God is that I am alive because of the oxygen, which I have no control and I can’t function without it, whoever or whatever is providing me that oxygen is God. When I was born my parents took care of me because of that same oxygen and the care they gave me in my vulnerable years that is God. When someone sends some money to the charity to feed the hungry somewhere in the world, that is God. When we try to implement some rules to save the animals from extinction, that is God. Someone donates his/her organs to save someone, that is Godly act. Same as someone discovers antibiotics, vaccinations to prevent life threatening diseases and death etc. The insulin, genetic code breakdown the information of storms, tsunamis etc. etc. to save lives is God in the form of human being. It is a matter of putting everything in understandable perspective.

If you believe that its all done by the human being, just remember human being can’t function without the oxygen thus can’t work alone. It is a matter of understanding, if one believes everything is done by the human beings they actually believe in God because God lives and exists through the human beings. Just like the human body works in synergy to provide the oxygenated and nutrients rich blood to the cells, cells reciprocate to keep the body alive.

Our problems are related to the education which makes the human being, as an in significant part of the picture and that God is some outside entity lives without the human beings.  Spiritually maybe, but physically God can’t survive without the human beings, just like the human body does not survive without the functioning of the cells, for instance if all human beings are killed by us would God or Devil matter? if there is no body to enjoy the beauty it has no value.

I wrote a piece a long time ago, in Punjabi,

Assain dowain haan taar thay vul sajana, jay main nain tay toon ve nain kuj sajana

jay chaanan nain marian raatan thay vich tay outher ve mainoo hanair ditha.

I try to translate it.

We are intertwined positive and negative like the electric wires, if there is not me, you are not either

If there is no light in my nights, I see darkness on the other side as well.

Health, Happiness and Success.

If you buy everything what is sold to you, you would do whatever your belonging group dictate. Today our societies promote that life is like a mountain and as an individual you are told to climb and keep climbing. The higher you climb the better, people would respect you, admire you and would love to be in your shoes regardless of your miseries. If you keep climbing regardless of being unhappy, unhealthy and with the knowledge of mortality, your sense of belonging is out of your control which needs to balanced by the sense of freedom.

This triangle is about the   Man    Sense of belonging and   Sense of freedom and I will talk about it later on, but at this time it is about the Health, Happiness and Success. As I talk with the triangle philosophy a good CEO should have the ability to control and balance his/her life with the free will. You could be a good CEO of a company but if you can’t balance your personal affairs you are not a good CEO of your life. Don’t sacrifice your happiness and health because without the two there is no success and as a mortal you have to enjoy the journey. In a temporary life happiness is most valuable treasure one can accumulate, so no matter how high you climb it would never be enough because you will run out of time.




Prejudice does not mean hate or disliking the other groups, it’s the thinking that you are better than the others. Your education says that your ancestors were right and your belonging group would always be right. If you are taught that your family and you are better than others, it’s time to change that way of thinking, because the day you are born as a human you belong to humanity. Being black, white, brown, yellow, red, male, female, homo straight or bisexual, Pakistani, Arab, American, Canadian European, Russian, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh,  you believe in God, are an atheist, you pray more or all the time or don’t pray at all but give and donate to feed the hungry, which I believe is a living prayers. If you belong to any denomination of any religion, just remember every human individual belong under the umbrella of one humanity. Being better, depends on your compassionate character, sacrifice, forgiveness and love of the humanity,  not by  simply belonging to a certain group or participating in certain activity. Certain medical discoveries have been helping to save human lives literally by the millions, personally I believe every human life saved helps God because God’s work is done by the man, so I give credit where it deserves regardless of the belonging group. How many people use insulin to stay alive, most of the users would not even know the inventor, who discovered something which keeps them alive but they probably will be willing to kill for their religious leaders.

Today we should be able to overcome our differences with the equal human rights. The main cause of our social problems including our wars is our prejudice and the counter prejudice. Everything  starts first in the house hold, then the community, our nations and religions preach the same way of thinking. Its time to cross those boundary lines our ancestors could not cross.  Our wars start with the individual and they can end with the individual, because its the individual who makes a choice to join in the killing regardless of the reason. At that moment when you make a choice, you have the responsibility to judge the belonging group’s choice and better yet assess your self first why would you be willing to kill the innocents for your belonging group. If the answer is yes you may need to create some inner peace before you make the decision.

The 10 fundamentals of Who Flipped my Triangle


As a human being we all have been are and will be learning new things, this continuous evolution is a proof that we are an entity in the progress to pursue our potential. At this time we still use a percentage of our brain power, thus none of us can claim that we know everything there is to know. Allow yourself to carry an imaginary basket where you can put everything you don’t know, instead of being egotistic about your ancestor’s knowledge being the only right thing in the world.


If you make decisions about your life you use your free will, which makes you a CEO of your life, and being a CEO, you as an individual have the responsibility to balance the life’s affairs. You can’t let the influences dictate your life because that demotes you from the status of the CEO, what God had granted you. Free will comes with the responsibility to create a melodious music out of one’s life. Every one’s life is like a musical sheet, if you look at it there is a note followed by an empty space then a note followed by an empty space and so on. Man is the note and the empty space is God when its man’s turn he/she should speak and when its time to stay quit he/she should stay quit. That would make a good and rhythmic melodious  life. There are some who believe God is doing everything, they have a blank sheet and then there are who disrespect the empty space. It is like you just grab a drum and beat the hell out of it until you get exhausted literally that is the story of lot of successful professionals with the serious health issues. If the society calls for non stop work or a religion enforces a constantly selfless life, like a hamster on a wheel in the cage, use your free will. As a good CEO it is your responsibility to create a good melody out of your mortal life.


Sense of belonging and the sense of freedom are opposing senses, so you as a CEO, will have to create the balance to be spiritually healthy. If your sense of belonging has over powered you, you will have the potential to become a suicide bomber, anorexic or bulimic and if your sense of freedom is out of control you can end up in jail or become obese.


God’s work is done by the man thus man is the work horse of God, so man is first in the larger scheme of life. Just like the chicken who lays the eggs, whatever came first man or God is not as important as getting the God’s work done. When you are able to use higher level of brain power you would know more about God’s knowledge, until then you just can’t make a final decision whether God exist or not. Killing over who is right should be a no, no, because our right and wrong change with our evolving knowledge.

God is not understood for thousands of years because of our limited ability to use our brain power. Even though we have evolved much further in our other departments of life. Regarding God we are still there where we were two thousand years ago, so no one should be able to kill an innocent or even torture an innocent on the name of God or religion because killing or torturing someone is a physical reality but God is not.


The knowledge of earth being round was not discovered when the prayers times or fasting times were set, otherwise the time would not be according to the sun rising or setting. If we believe our knowledge has been complete then why human has been evolving. We use to throw virgins over the cliffs because some wise religious man said God was mad at us. Now we are able to predict the path of the storms to save human lives and it is done by the scientists whom usually don’t believe in God. So why the scientist are not accepted as Godly men or women? I believe everyone who saves human lives with intention has Godly touch.

Believing the knowledge was complete thousands of year ago is false. We are on the highway of hundred mile and we have reached maybe mile twenty, our judgment of the whole highway can’t be correct on just the assumptions.


Man is the dancing bottle and the alcohol in it is the God. You can make all the statues of God or worship places but without the living human beings all is useless. So respect the living because I believe God actually lives through the man kind. The man should be judged by the society for his/her actions, if they are Devilish or Godly they are good or bad according to the social norms. Until it is completely understood God should be a social drink one can enjoy to live this life as a better and peaceful individual. If you drink to get drunk or become an alcoholic, get some help from the CEO within you, because it is your responsibility to take care of your life’s affairs. Your family or the people around should not have to suffer because of your behavior. If you are taught, think or feel that you are better because of being drunk you are not only drunk you are prejudice as well.

Believe you are better than others just because of the color of your skin, belong to certain nation, gender or belief system is a clear prejudice, if your belonging group is preaching that, it is far from the spirituality and clearly political. Its one’s character which makes the difference.


Ever seen baboons killing other baboons over the territory and resources, there are a lot of species do that even mankind does the same thing. It is because of the animal side of us, which is a legitimate side of the man and can’t be killed. Our social systems has tried to kill it for millions of years, especially our religions have tried and failed miserably. Just look at our wars and related crimes, does it look like that we are any better than the baboons. Accept the reality and change to make the deals with the animal inside instead of trying to kill it. You will make peace inside which will help to achieve the external peace. Man is human being because of the spiritual jewellery we wear, if we take that off or are striped off of it we are worse than the baboons because baboons kill without the weapons of mass destruction.

Man is equipped from within with the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love, so wear your jewelry to surpass all the other creatures no matter how close you are genetically. Evolve to tame the beast within because you can. When you do, you will discover that the day you are born as a human being, you belong to the humanity as a whole, not to a political or a religious group. Without the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love man is just like the other creatures. They act on the chemicals or hormones for instance protection of the off springs and mating, we do that as well but we have the ability to surpass the natural urges. We set rules for our societies, have justice systems, we self-regulate ourselves and help other human beings and even other creatures. We have the love which goes beyond the hormones and sexuality, we are able to love our pets just like children.

8) Become a CEO who knows his/her importance of being the third equation in the triangle. If God has been connected to good and the Devil has been related to all the bad then good and bad is judged by the human individual. If the judge of the good and bad is not there would God and the Devil matter? I believe if the man is not there God and the Devil will disappear as well. Being a CEO who recognized that would be able to balance the triangles especially when it comes to God, Devil and Man and the Man, sense of belonging and sense of freedom. Standing up for the justice to all including self, especially standing up to the wrong doing of the belonging group.

9) Go after the cause. There once was a small community they dug a well for the water and lived around it. A dog fell in the well and died. When the water started to stink people got worried so one of them went down in the well to investigate, he yelled that there is a dead dog in here. The mayor was asked what to do? he said take about the fifty barrels of water out then start to use it, but make sure you take the dead dog out first.

10) Being human being we are social creatures thus we have to live together thus the society can’t be without the politics so we have to live with the political systems but the knowledge of spirituality is an essential part of human beings as well. Spirituality and politics can’t be mixed so as an individual we have to separate the two and do the justice to live this life as a CEO. Any system of governing which include God would taint the God and spirituality with the politics. With our political systems there are hidden lies in political agendas but in spirituality there is nothing but the truth. It would be an ideal situation to have a government running with nothing but the truth but would it be successful? The politician would say yes to anything.