Are you drunk on your belief system?

This is the second time I got touched by a child’s death from Syrian war. A while back I wrote about little boy found dead on a beach in Turkey and this is for the little three year old Syrian girl who said this as her last words, “I am going to tell God all about this”.

Everyone thinks and feels differently about their religious beliefs. One can believe in God but the level of believing is different by the percentage. Some commit crimes regardless of the religious teachings and some follow the rules that they read in the book. The proof is in the crime rate of all human societies. Personally, I believe the fundamentals of our belief systems should be about justice and equal human rights. If a religious fundamentalist commits a spiritual crime against an innocent individual it is not because of the religion, it is because of the politics and out of control sense of belonging. The politics creates a sense of  belonging that is designed to make the individual feel inferior and worthless so they do not use their God given gift of Free Will and creates a person who becomes easier to control.
If it were up to me I would roll up all the belief systems into one and sacrifice them in the name of that one innocent child killed in the name the group. The group has control of individuals who fear being excluded from their group if they do not act as their leaders tell them that they must act even if they may feel it is not right. Just look around and see how many innocents have been killed in the name of sense of belonging.
Question your sense of belonging to causes. From sports to nationalism, from racism to religions. Why they are the end all for you? Why can’t you think beyond the loyalties to your belonging groups? Do you ever think about the God given Free Will and personal sense of justice? Where do you stand as an individual?.
A while back I wrote a blog titled, ” The Love Triangle”. I divided love into three equal parts; the passionate love, instinctive love and universal love. The dividing entity is the individual with  Free Will. If you can’t balance the three you are not using your Free Will. You potentially are an unhealthy and incomplete being because you are not using your God given powers of Free Will.

The politics of sense of belonging can over power you and make you choose one corner of the triangle instead of creating balance. You may choose passionate love over instinct love and drown your own kids for a lover. An American girl is in jail for doing just that because her lover did not want kids. You can choose universal love over instinct love and have your own kids killed. A Canadian Sikh family had their own daughter killed in India just because she married against their will. You can have a chaos in the family if you have to choose between your mother and wife. If you are not healthy you would not create balance and go to extreme. I see all the chaos related with human individuals not taking responsibilities their attainment of Free Will.

When life calls for difficult decisions, always put yourself in others shoes. How would someone else act of they were in your shoes? Would they choose justice with their free will and yes even if it is for you from you. Balance the love triangle with justice and equal human rights over the politics of your sense of belonging. As an individual, if you can’t stand against your belonging groups will you will have to know the value that God has invested in you in shaping you in your gift of Free Will.

If it is not life threatening to go with your free will, otherwise your guilt will eat you from within until you are dead. If you feel you live in, or are born into the people who do not think at your level of intelligence, do you go somewhere where you will fit in?

We all evolve indefinitely but the speed varies. Some  cultures value their ancestral traditional knowledge to the point that they don’t like to keep up with the changing world around them. It is not a blessing or a matter of pride, it is a curse. If you can not compete because of technology or you let your people die because of lack of understanding modern-day medicine, it is destructive to the belonging individuals so no it should not be a matter of pride to stay behind.
Evolution is an ingrained asset from God, it has nothing to do with cultural or religious traditions that is why regardless of the religious insistence the belonging populations are keep evolving.
Protectionism, racism, discrimination, prejudice and religious extreme are the root problems of the same tree.
Justice, equal human rights, belonging to humanity, spirituality and God are the way to live comfortably in a mortal skin. The politics of sense of belonging thrives on the weak individual whom wants the security from belonging group instead of humanity and God.
Security is not in the vocabulary of mortality thus guilt free living with comfort in a mortal skin is the key so live with justice to all including yourself because you have to live in your mortal skin for whatever length of time you have come with.
Committing spiritual crimes in the name of sense of belonging to your belonging groups still has hefty price to pay if you develop guilt from within. Remember you have been blessed with the free will from God not from your nation or religion so the justice should be the game you play during your temporary visit. If your belonging group demand and yes even the religion demands to commit a spiritual crime it is an injustice and you are responsible for your actions. If you are taught to believe it is coming from God still you are responsible, so don’t get ripped apart from within. As it is its a short period of time. Don’t let the politics to rob your spiritual health. Sacrificing spiritual happiness over the politics of your belonging groups is a steep price to pay for a mortal being.
Drunk driving comes to mind when you hide behind the religious beliefs and nationalism, what makes you not to use your free will when it comes to these two. You commit spiritual crimes in the name of your belonging groups and justify that I have to.

Well as a human being we have been, each and every single one of us have been blessed with the free will. What do you think is the reason? God blessed us with the free will so we take responsibilities of our actions.

Always remember that drinking and driving is a crime so are the other crimes against humanity or fellow human individuals.
The politics of sense of belonging teaches us that even the spiritual crimes are okay to commit if they are committed for the belonging groups. All religious wars are political wars, spirituality has nothing to with them so as an individual don’t be a drunk driver take charge and be responsible of your actions.

If you believe that God has a court system to reward or punish you use your free will to say no to any spiritual crime even if it is candy coated by the politics of sense of belonging.

Your individual strength is and it should be in recognizing yourself. Human being is an equivalent to a seed which produces a majestic tree of God, has all the nutrients it needs to become a tree. God is a collection of all the fivers(read Five bucks) and produces all the fivers to keep the God and humanity going simultaneously. If you still don’t feel important you need to strip down the politics of your sense of belonging to a group to find yourself. Believe it or not you are directly connected to God with all the responsibilities. If you hide behind the politics of sense of belonging you are suffering from the individual weakness which drives you to find security related control. These two are not for the mortal so seeking the unattainable causes personal chaos. Living with the guilt is a punishment in itself so committing spiritual crimes in the name of religion and nationalism can coast you dearly. Just look at the mental and emotional scars of the war returning soldiers.
The weaker you are individually less likely you are going to question and more likely to become a willing participant in the injustices done by your belonging groups.
Our free will is the greatest gift to us from God to even question the very existence of God himself.
We are not going to find out everything about God or our selves until we hit our potential. Question yourself, did you reach your potential? If you think you have, just look at the new things we learn everyday so my answer is 100% not.
Everyday we learn and discover something new in all our departments of life accept the religions. Why is that? Why can’t we evolve and grow spiritually to reach our potential as well.

Why are we stuck in killing each other yet in the name of God? Other than the movies and stories of the holy books there is not much can be explained about God. There is no evidence accept in the essence of human beings. Good God exists through the good human beings other than that our knowledge is incomplete. This has been, is and will be an on going process until we reach our potential. We have always arrogantly believed that our knowledge is complete.

We sacrifice human beings, we through virgins over the cliffs, we burnt the witches, we kill the homosexuals, we discriminated against people with the different color of skin and belief systems and we still believe our knowledge is better than the others. Yet we are still learning new things every day but we don’t stop killing each other in the name of our sense of belonging to our groups. I would say yes we need to evolve to the next level so we can over come the politics of sense of belonging to our groups and learn to belong to humanity spirituality and God instead.
Religion is a spiritual matter not a political thing, if you kill over the politics, territory or even personal revenge of love loss, it does not look as bad as it does killing in the name of God.

How much do we know about God? There are things you understand and then there are things you don’t understand completely. If you don’t understand something completely, should you be killing some innocent over it? No one should but it has been happening throughout our history and still is happening. It is time to take charge as an individual and be sober while driving our car  of life because you never know you could be going against the vary principle you are trying to defend. This is what I call a spiritual crime committed in the name of God.

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