Are you proud to be drunk on the sense of belonging?

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Several of our social problems are connected to the out of control sense of belonging. Being red neck and proud of it, is a problem the red necks don’t even acknowledge. If one is proud of being a red neck you are drunk on the out of control sense of belonging. A bully has a strong need to impress others, thus it is related to the sense of belonging to the point it can become a mental health issue where you disregard how you can be hurting people you want the approval of.

If you can’t balance the sense of belonging with your sense of being a free CEO, you are a weak individual whom has been brain washed by the knowledge provided by your belonging groups, you are not created by God that way. All human knowledge is good until the individual start to feel that he/she is better than others.

There is all kind of prejudice around, you could be an educated prejudice who thinks that the others whom are less educated are inferior to you. You could be a brain washed by your belonging groups like nations, race or religions whom preach that they are better than others, since you are part of them thus you are better than others regardless of your character. You could be gender bias because you think you are stronger thus superior. Spiritually it is all wrong because we all are connected to each other as an organism and we are valued most by ourselves when we are useful to the humanity in practical way.

I am an individualist but I draw my lines with my freedom itself, because I know I can’t function alone as a cell. Being an intricate component of the body, I know my placing as well, and spiritually I feel its a duty to reciprocate while I am alive.

Whenever you feel that you are better than others for whatever reason, you have to start to think and I mean really think. Feelings are strongly or basically connected with the thinking, and unfortunately our knowledge and wisdom providers don’t realize that how much damage they have been and are causing to the humanity, by turning us on each other. People fight over how to stand and bow down to God during the prayers and kill some one over selling beef, yet in practical life there is nothing done for the less fortunate. The question is are they really pleasing God? I personally would not want to believe in that God whom gets pleased by the human individual sufferings. I don’t think there is anything spiritual in these kind of fights and prejudice related wars. They all are political wars, God’s name and individual’s religious convictions have been used by the leaders to gain power and control of the populations. I believe in the individual’s education so he/she can see through the atrocities of the politics of the sense of belonging.

From terror attacks to sitting on drone control boards, we are all individuals whom make decisions with our free will to join the cause of our belonging groups. I would connect it to the drunk driving, you make a choice to drive after you have been drinking, just like that the blame lies on the shoulders of the individual because he/she makes a decision to join the cause.

How vulnerable are you? Do you believe in shouldering your responsibilities or hide behind the, I have to do my job, just like religious people hide behind God and the Devil to commit spiritual crimes. One has to understand the reasons why each and everyone has been blessed with the free will by God. After your umbilical cord has been cut you take pride to be an individual but learning the duties the free will brings, is the most important thing. You can choose a carrier which does not involve killings of other human beings, because even they belong to the other groups they are still the human beings. If you feel drunk, even if its the alcohol of God, still its your responsibility to shoulder it. You just can’t choose to kill in the name of God, especially if you have been influenced by the politically charged religions.

The spiritual part of every religion starts with the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love, if your religions are taking you away from these Jewells or fundamentals of spirituality, you are following a political group which is taking you further from the spirituality.  Even you have been promised the heaven that promise has nothing to do with spirituality and without the spirituality their is no heaven not in the living years not even after life. Same goes to the individual whom follow and think their nation is the most important, you have been taught prejudice, even on the surface they say prejudice is bad but its all about the practical living. You want to take a look at the prejudice without the bias of sense of belonging to a group, look at it as a spiritual being. If you have genetically passed the test of being a human being, pass the spiritual test as well. Stand against the prejudice to be equal to all and be for the equal human rights for all as well, it will bring you to the spiritual world in this living life, and no I am not going to promise you about anything in the after life because your living years mater the most. No one can say for certain what happens after you die, there are several theories and religious beliefs but one thing is for sure, and that is that you are only able to do good things practically while you are alive.      

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