On the surface sense of belonging may not look like a dead dog or the cause of our problems but if every community preaches exclusivity, we can’t solve our disputes and would carry on killing each other regardless of the level of our education, civilization or related progresses. Today in the era of equal human rights, our sense of belonging to our groups and related prejudice and discrimination has put us at odds with even our personal spirituality. If you bring God with favoritism as the father of it all, we would never be able to evolve to our next level. We can not grow spiritually to achieve our desired equal human rights because, our spiritual rule number one says don’t do to others what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. How can that be achieved if our politics of belonging is able to make even God a prejudicial entity.

Sure religions preach to us to be a good person, they even give illusions of hope and optimism to the followers but still most of them are guilty of installing individual irrelevance at the same time. By doing that they rob the individual of their self-esteem and leave them feeling vulnerable and insecure within their mortal skin. Individual insecurity and vulnerability is the most relevant part of the real and political picture of our religions. By nature as human individual we don’t like to be insecure or vulnerable so we spend our lives running from that. Which leaves us insecure enough to latch on to anything stronger than us especially something familiar and available yes our belonging groups. God actually is secondary in group settings because as groups we feel vulnerable as well so next and really majestic thing is God regardless of era we are born in we have people taking advantages of individual and group insecurities yes our political religions know all about individual and group weakness so God has been used politically by the groups of people and yes even our land disputes have been transitioned to religious disputes because individual passion can be used as a fuel to fire. Our belonging groups know all about these weaknesses so they cash in on it. Which individually makes us seek fitting in, impressing or be admired by our belonging groups so personally we take matters to extreme. Instead of suppressing it our political religions like that individual related extreme so not only they don’t discourage they encourage population not to talk against it. On one side we would follow what religions say yet on the other side we hoard, compromise our spirituality and commit crimes to secure ourselves, may not be like in past but it still goes on. Proof is in the pudding you can find Mosques, Temples and Churches full of people in most of human neighborhoods. Regardless of the popularity of religious places social crimes of those communities have never taken a break. From cheating, bribery, robbing and killing goes on indiscriminately of the particular belonging group. Who are these people and why they fill their religious buildings yet commit crimes at the same time? Why don’t they take responsibilities of their actions and self regulate? What compels them to assume that their bad actions would somehow be justified by God just because of their belonging to certain group?

Interestingly in a world where individual and group vulnerability and insecurity is prevalent things can’t go right in the long run especially if the survival is made optional but prayers are considered a duty. If religions are run like businesses and governments, collected money given by the people is used for monumental architectural or even laundered but not spent on fighting poverty and hunger of the real vulnerable and insecure. The collectors themselves are the victims of insecurity and vulnerability as well because they are trying to hoard power and political control. Question is how can they be preaching against it? If you are an insecure and vulnerable individual who grew up amongst the people who are in the same boat, that insecurity and vulnerability runs in the group like blood runs in our body. Draining all that blood out would be a monumental task because of the resistance coming from people who have politically installed it.

If you start to look at social crimes, level of happiness and contentment of the people in the different societies, you will find some interesting stats. My question would be why would religious societies not do better than so called Godless and socialist societies? Why would they be lower on the scale of happiness and contentment? After all what is the purpose of having a belief system? If we are all live in a mortal skin individually shouldn’t our belief system help? Why religious people resist spiritual things like universal health care, welfare and other social services and vote against democratic values and don’t believe in equal human rights? Why don’t they self correct to meet the demands of changing times? Why there is religious rigidity to resist and accept other people’s rights for having difference of opinion? Why they claim that their path of knowledge about God has certainty beyond the cliff of faith but everyone else is on the wrong path or foot prints. Why they believe other human knowledge is subject to evolve but their religious knowledge is not to be questioned?

Remember our religious beliefs are highly influenced by the politics of our sense of belonging and we individually just can’t get around it to have our common sense related spiritual philosophy. Like don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you or to your loved one, or live and let live etc. After all we are human beings and are aware of our spiritual side. Don’t forget if it is political with religious twist or religious with political twist regardless of which way it twists its all political. God has nothing to do with it. Anything demanded as rules of a human society that should go through a rigorous, critical and strict scrutiny just like our justice systems. Rules founded on the principles of equal human individual rights are the closest to spirituality so anything other than that would be a belief system founded on the exclusivity. WHICH CLEARLY MEANS ITS PREJUDICIAL AND DISCRIMINATORY TO THOSE WHO ARE NOT THE FOLLOWERS SO LOGICALLY ANY ORGANIZATION WHICH REJECTS OTHER HUMAN BEINGS AS EQUAL SIMPLY CAN’T BE SPIRITUAL PATH BECAUSE SPIRITUALITY IS PURE OF POLITICS OF BELONGING.

By looking at what is happening in the world today you simply can’t punish or judge anyone like we did in the past. From stoning to death for adultery or chopping hands for stealing don’t look like coming from a loving God who installed sexual desire and the rights to survive to begin with. It clearly states a political point of controlling by fear and force so if that political control is in the foundation of the rules its coming from the era of an other time when there were not that many hungry and desperate people. Implicating or blaming God for our political rules of a human community would be a short sighted venture because if an individual goes hungry in a human society, spiritually and logically that society is equally responsible for their individual’s criminal behavior. That is why regardless of criminal behaviors today people don’t get stoned to death even in the communities where it was originated because the modern world condemns harsh punishments as barbaric practices.

Cliff of faith is a line drawn for us all individually and collectively because of our mortal nature. Its not because of what we believe or whatever we are taught to believe. WE ALL ARE SUBJECT TO EXPIRE TO FACE THAT CLIFF OF FAITH INDIVIDUALLY. Since we are born as a human being and are exposed to the faith of our parents and their belonging group’s belief system. Automatically it would be expected for us to follow our belonging communities, nations and religions. So following the same foot prints left by our ancestors would be a normal thing to do. Not only out of loyalties to belonging group or because of right or wrong but because of the influential politics of sense of belonging. Problem is that we have hundreds and even thousands of human communities so there would automatically be several paths of foot prints. Unfortunately or fortunately none of them knows for sure or is 100% sure what is going to be beyond that cliff of our faiths because one has to die to find our and no one comes back to tell us the real story. So whatever is taught to us by our belonging groups we have to believe it as a truth.

Personally I believe God is like fully bloomed flower or a majestic tree which produces billions of seeds and none of the seed looks like God so comparing God with human individual intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually would not be wise. We are those billions of seeds who have never seen God or the essence of God from within or have experienced bloomed life or seen anything beyond our abilities. It would be like our two cells deep inside our body talking to each other whether the body exists or not. Since we have been and are in the process of evolution we can not and I repeat can not claim to have ultimate knowledge of God, if someone does they would be using assumptions. Our level of understanding even ourselves is not yet complete never mind God. Our knowledge of God will always be in the process of evolution for us because even our potential is in an evolving process. Claiming to know everything beyond the cliff of faith would be on the foundation of faith which is not necessarily a truth based because we are taught that our truth is the only truth. Now look around and see for yourself how our truths are highly influenced by the politics of our sense of belonging. We can’t even agree with our scientific and repeatable factual knowledge never mind our religious beliefs. Remember we have clear signs of disagreements even in our religions in shape of our sects so these are not spiritual differences, if they are spiritual they would have to be political.

Our claims of knowing everything, is full of our egotistic assumptions and they belong to the politics of our belonging groups. Logically if we are learning something new everyday simply our knowledge is not complete. Yes regardless of our assumptions. There is always something to learn what tells us that we have to learn more to understand more. By accept being a human being who is genetically and spiritually programed to evolve, we simply can’t be satisfied with our existing knowledge regardless of the field. Our reality is that we have been and are still fighting and killing each other over our assumptions regardless of the level of our understanding. Unfortunately our assumptions are literally riddled with the political influences of our belonging groups.

Every foot prints related path to the cliff of faith have their passionate followers and they can all be right if their followers individually can lead their mortal life with inner and external peace in their living years. Our problems start when we put each other down and claim that we are the only group who is on the right path and even God is exclusively with us. Not only it makes us individually and collectively prejudiced and discriminatory against all those who have no fault of their own to be born on the other paths we implicate God in this human politics as well. Everyone is totally innocent of being a part of any group because they are born into it so believing others are guilty of being on the wrong path is totally non spiritual and is political. Which is simply and spiritually wrong because it makes God as a discriminatory and prejudicial figure as well.

That is where I believe non of us knows what is out there? To me God is not exclusively for some people otherwise everyone would be born on the same path. There is nothing clearer than one thing and that is the political influences coming from our belonging groups. My question is who and what is the cause of it all? Is it the insecure, vulnerable, passionate and ignorant individual or exclusivity related politics of an insecure group which makes individual to feel inferior or irrelevant? If that is the case what are our individual options to solve these fantastical and problematic behaviors of individuals and belonging groups. To me one thing is for sure whether its individual or collective, our problems have to be solved and solved soon by all of us because a passionate human being with nuclear and biological weaponry is a lot more dangerous than with a sword or a spear. We can bring those predicted scenarios written in our holly books to life and that would not be coming from spiritual God, but from the physical one who is under the influences of the politics of belonging.

I am not trying to be comfortable in the mysteries of it all, quit the contrary I am trying to make sense out of this highly problematic human behavior. I am not even questioning our ancestral knowledge, simply I am trying to point towards basic flaws of our group politics of belonging.

If you believe that carrot and stick philosophy is coming from God we have to look at it with an open mind. Before we go there I want to clear one thing. If God is almighty with ultimate knowledge of what is going to happen before it happens. If God is the chief justice of it all, no one and I mean no one of us would be able to do anything wrong. SIMPLE AS THAT. Our justice systems in all over the world would fall and lose their importance. I mean they will literally come down crashing and become useless or needed. IF EVERYONE OF US CONSIDERED AS A PROGRAMED ENTITY LIKE BEES AND ANTS OUR ATOM OF AUTONOMY AND RELATED FREE WILL WOULD NOT MEAN ANYTHING.

Unfortunately or fortunately that is not the case, remember if carrot and stick was from God, God simply would be a political entity. Since I believe God is a spiritual entity and can not and I repeat can not be FOR INJUSTICE. Since we all have been created with our individual atom of autonomy and are able to use our related free will, compassion and personal sense of justice. Everything falls on our individual and collective shoulders that is why we have all these justice systems around the world. We are all responsible for our individual actions, so logically all the injustice is done by us. That means we collectively created carrot and stick philosophy to have control over our belonging individuals. We created fear based politics which unfortunately or fortunately is not working in the era of equal human rights.

My reasons to believe that they are not coming from God are, that they are political so they can not be from God. Human group politics simply uses lies, deceits and twists the truths to gain and sustain control and power. That is why I would prefer God not to be the part of my politics. That is why I believe, if it is for political control or it is for some people but not for all, simply its not from God. If everything was meant to be, we would never have the free will. Everything is pointing towards individual and personal strength to take on responsibilities of personal actions. We all individually should try to grasp and understand philosophy of reciprocation as a duty. Meaning we can enjoy our living years as well as do Godly work to convert spirituality into physical actions. This is where group politics comes in and plays a role to make us feel inferior, unimportant and irrelevant so the middle men can assume power and control so whether you like it or not there is a political twist to it.

Now look at all the progress humanity has made so far in everything other than the spiritual department. Sure we made some progress to bring democracy and equal human individual rights, but if humanity still needs political belonging to our groups it is a clear sign of insecurity and vulnerability individually and collectively. If our insecurity related politics is in the foundation of it all belonging groups, does that mean God is irrelevant? No, no and no because every action of human individual is done with the help of God as well as human individual will. Remember we are all blessed with the free will, God did Godly duty by providing us all an individually living and functioning body and life sustaining circumstances like oxygen and other things beyond our control for instance we have no control what goes on internally and externally, until the day we die. What we do during our living years is our individual and personal responsibility so reciprocation for all that is the purpose of human individual’s life. Instead of helping if we choose to do harm to others or whatever we don’t like done to us or to our loved ones. We cross lines of justice and become subject to punishments and that all should be done in our living years by the living breathing humanity. Logically since God has made us responsible for our actions and we happen to live in human social settings as humanity. We individually and collectively should have clearly written rules related to justice systems. That is why we find it is too much to chop off someone’s hand or stone to death for certain crimes. The whole system of punishment should be in the hands of humanity because as individuals we all belong to humanity while we are alive and responsible for personal actions. Remember if the crime is committed by the individual against the individual all in the living years punishment should be in living years as well. The notion of being punish by God in after life does not fit well in real life because we are the work horses of God to make things happen physically. Since we have been believing all this for thousands of years it is hard to grasp the idea of living human being, being responsible and should be punished in living years so God should not have anything to with our politics.

If you go to our courts they clearly call crimes committed against people and punishments are written by the people. Even they still use holy books for taking oaths but the real justice is done by the justice system not left on God to decide in after life. Another thing comes to mind is that you have to have a physical body to feel pain and suffering of burning in hell or enjoy the bounties of heaven. If we are going to get a new body after we die then why our major religions don’t believe in reincarnation? Anyway if you don’t have a physical body you don’t get to enjoy all the rivers of milk and honey nor you should feel the pain of eternal hell and why do we explain hell as a burning place anyway? You can easily find the answer if you go close to fire the intense pain is the answer for you, so anything what we value or hate is used as an example of life after the cliff of faith.

My question is why would God use carrot and stick philosophy if a human being is blessed with the ability of self regulation and a choice? They both become important with the awareness and the strength of spiritual side so fear and greed would be related to our animal side. That clearly means our religions have been treating us exactly like other animals because they response well with the carrot and stick philosophy. To me you simply can’t stand a human being in the line up of other animals because we are able to self regulate.

God is not stopping you and is not there to punish you in your living years so logically it should raise the crime rate instead of dropping it. Our crimes are not low because of carrot and stick they are low because most of us self regulate without any fear or greed. We know the difference between right and wrong but we can have several different reasons to commit crimes. From survival to addictions and everything in between can be the real causes but the biggest cause of our major crimes is the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. So it is not only the individual who is responsible for the lower or higher crimes rates of our communities. If someone has to steal a loaf of bread to survive that community does not deserve the control on that individual. If you bring God into it I would not believe in that God who punishes someone who needs help to even survive. Remember reciprocating goes as a duty from both sides meaning God has to pan out for the individual as well. There should not be greed of heaven or fear of hell from the individual side so it is all for the love of God and nothing but. Since we have been blessed with the free will we should be encouraged to choose to self regulate instead of scaring us and treating us like animals.

If we are reincarnated for the purposes of life after the cliff of faith then we all should agree on it, if we can’t then why every path claims that they are on the right path? In reality no one has any proof of what is beyond the cliff of faith so they create a greed and fear based philosophy to keep the individual feeling weak, insecure, vulnerable, insignificant and irrelevant so they stick to the belonging group in their living years. To the controlling group its not important what happens after death especially if you are in the business of political control so the individual has to evolve to become a CEO to understand what is going on politically and how important is to know their personal spirituality.

If we believe in reincarnation, then we will have to believe in heaven and hell and then we will have to believe God is some human like figure who likes to reward for ass kissing and punishes for disobedience. Yet gives a free will to choose with bad circumstances of life. Where sometimes you have to steal a loaf of bread to survive just to get the hand chopped off and then punish in the hell as well. It just does not make any sense to implicate God in human’s inhuman behaviors. What kind of picture of God has been drawn by the religions? For an ordinary, insecure and vulnerable human being that is a horrific and no win situation, so remember to ask even if you kiss ass who benefits from your being a good citizen . Would that be God or the people who are in control especially in your living years? Why do they demand total obedience even by force yet God has blessed each and every human individual with the same free will. Why our belonging groups want us to live like a worker bee or a warrior ant? Why are we treated and disrespected like animals and threatened with the punishment of hell? Yet we are the one who convert spirituality into physicality if human being is treated as irrelevant being then God’s spiritual work should take place without the good physical actions of human individual. If not then why religions don’t acknowledge that most important aspect of this holy picture? Try taking the politics out if you want to see the real picture of spirituality. Importance of human individual is shown in every spiritual action of humanity, you just have to be willing to look at it beyond the boundaries of your religious beliefs.

I am trying to bring our spiritual belief systems out of our fantasy and mystery based presentations similar to Harry Potter movie type explanations because real damage has been done to the ordinary individual’s personal belief system. In real life people pay a real price when there are disputes. Who and what is responsible for all that and don’t tell me it is God’s will. If I have to buy all that yet blindly and I have to sale all that to my coming generations that would be an injustice on my part. So I am going to question the literal hell out of this. Until each and everyone of us wakes up and starts to take personal responsibility for every action taken by us as individuals even if it is in the name of our religions.

If we don’t take responsibility who will? God or the politicians of belonging groups? God simply can’t be because we have been blessed with our own atom of autonomy. Which comes with our personal free will, compassion and personal sense of justice so the real culprit is the politics of our sense of belonging. A blindingly powerful human phenomenon which has turn the best of us and even our Mullahs and Priests into extremists. It strips them off of their responsibilities of being the spiritual leaders. If no one comes back to tell us the truth about what happens after we die why our Mullahs and Priests keep preaching their truths yet with passion? What is behind their special understanding? If every path leads to the cliff of faith, why don’t we question our religions just like we question everything else in humanity?.

We have made tremendous progress in everything because we questioned the hell out of everything. When it comes to our religious beliefs we have been denied questioning that knowledge. Today in the era of equal human rights we are still preaching prejudice and discrimination related injustices yet openly and proudly. If we would have questioned paths of our ancestral foot prints as we have questioned everything else, we probably would have stopped killing each other in the name of political belonging. We would have been as advanced in our spirituality as we are in our medicine, science and technology but unfortunately that is not the case. Today if you get sick with Corona virus you are going to be looking at the antibodies and vaccination instead of looking into thousands of years old prescriptions of prayers and sacrifice for your modern day problems. If you have a problem with your computer, logically you should not take it to the Mullah or a Priest so snap out of it and smell the winds of modern day or the era you are born into and start questioning everything what gives you the problems. If you don’t question no one is going to dig in for the answers for you, you are looking for or the problems you are facing. It is the era of understanding, resolving problems and taking responsibility. Regardless of the reasons of global warming we need to take charge and do something about it. We can’t be throwing virgins over the cliffs to please God believing God is mad at us. When we have a problem we go to the professional of that field who spent years in learning their craft. You can’t be going to an eye doctor if you have a problem with your plumbing. You should get the point by now.

Leaving religions as an unquestionable world would keep us with a gap of at least two thousand years. Fortunately that major problem can easily be solved. Simply removing the politics of our sense of belonging, cleaning up and turning our religious beliefs into spiritual beliefs. If we would have discovered that our politics of sense of belonging has been robbing our spirituality, at the least we would have overcome our killing of each other.

Sure it is politics related but Pope has come out and accepted to work in favor of equal human individual rights and against prejudice and discrimination which should have been done two thousands years ago. Even if it is two thousand years late still it is a positive, progressive and evolutionary step towards spiritual direction. Now other religious leaders should come out and smell he roses of equal human individual rights to fill the gap I talked about.

Our regional belonging related traditions, customs, rituals and rules are not related to our spirituality because spirituality is universal and crosses lines of all groups, nations and religions. All the passionate desires to fit in, impress and to be admired are totally related to the approvals of our belonging groups so self harm to mutilation to bleeding in the name of beloved religious figures to fasting and sacrifice have been traditional across the world. Even human sacrifice was a part of twenty five different human societies not connected to each other because of distances. That all have been in the name of God. Today we don’t throw virgins over the cliffs because we have figured out that, God was never demanding sacrifice or I should say ass kissing, it was always us who committed those spiritual crimes against the innocents. Today we know the paths of storms and the causes of our problems, we know and can see things like Corona virus so we find solutions as humanity. Why and how did we figure all these things out? Remember no scientific advancement came out of our religious buildings or by our Mullahs or Priests. The people who brought out things to save humanity have been called Godless and sinners by our Mullahs and Priests throughout the history. Personally I credit where it is due if a scientist who saves millions of lives like the inventor of insulin did. To me he would be closer to God more than any Mullah or Priest regardless of their claims to be Godly people. I believe God lives through people so saving lives would be as spiritual as it can be and killing in the name of God even the innocents would be and should be described as a spiritual crime. Ponder this for a while so you can understand the differences between spirituality and the politics of sense of belonging riddled religious beliefs. Best spiritual thing would be to become a helping hand of God. If someone prays to God and asks help be the one who help because that is the duty and purpose of human life. I call it a reciprocation. Sure it feels and sounds like an optional thing because of our free will but God’s work is done by God’s physical side and that is what we all are. If we are suffering from the ill effects of our politics of belonging we need to dig in for the answers to find out what is really driving us to hate and kill each other? Whatever is behind our differences can be countered by individual understanding of political belonging.

If you look at it logically, the driving force behind all that is the desire of spiritual fulfillment so instead of wasting blood to follow a religious tradition modernize and make amendments to the traditions so you can learn to donate it every year to save someone’s life. Instead of fasting go ahead and feed who is forced to go without food. Instead of self mutilation to feel the pain help someone in the real pain. Instead of going to mosque or church for prayers go for practical prayers like actually helping humanity rid of real poverty and related sufferings. You would feel more spiritually fulfilled than impressing people in the mosque or church. Remember all kind of gatherings of human beings can’t be pure of politics. There are different kinds of pain a human being can feel so if you are in pain and suffering and looking for the solutions in the mosques and churches you should try actually becoming a God’s working horse and see how you transform spirituality into physical reality for others and self simultaneously. In the end of the day its the practical prayers what is near and dear to God and even if you don’t believe in any kind of religious beliefs you still can be spiritually fulfilled by being a God’s helping hand. If you are suffering spiritually regardless of following your religiously prescribed traditions, customs, rituals and rules try changing things around to please God by becoming a Godly individual who gives life to spiritual thoughts and that is not going to happen by you simply and metaphorically kissing Godly ass and not doing the job what you have been created or given life for.

Just look at our cars, planes or boats they are not the same as we had in past, question is why? If we have the powers to change things around us why aren’t we changing ourselves with our progresses in all departments of life? We always have done good and bad things, shouldn’t the ratio of our bad things related behavior go down by our civilization? Why are we evolving with imbalances? On one side we are developing nuclear weapons and on the other side we are stuck with our unjust politics of sense of belonging. We have not changed or stopped our killing each other, interestingly it did not take a break even during the thick of Corona virus. Why can’t we individually see ourselves as the CEO s of our lives who actually is a decision maker.

Remember God does not reside in political places like mosques, temples and churches God is in living breathing people who are suffering and are in need. If you give and donate to create majestic mosques, churches and religious places but see poverty all around them you are feeding the wrong beast. It is not the building it is the human heart where God lives so if you are trying to find some inner peace for yourself seek in removing pain from humanity to feel useful and meaningful. Sense of being meaningful, relevant and important is always good for the self-esteem related feel good hormones so let them flow.

Just like our chemicals or hormones we all look alike and function similarly meanings we have one nose, two eyes, a mouth and a similar body so there is a universal desire to stand out which drives us all to achieve a higher status in competition oriented societies. Our desire to follow our genetically influenced calls to advance in all areas of our life. For instance regardless of our advancements there is no settling for us we strive to achieve. Our similarities don’t end at looks, we have most and everything in common. For instance we need oxygen, water, food, shelter and love to survive. Yet some of us can’t suppress our desires to dominate others which can be related with alpha genes. Yes there is an animal side to us just like other creatures and we can’t deny that regardless of all the civilization under our belt. We still play the same game of life what is played by the other creatures in the bush. Our trouble is that we can’t be running around physically expressing ourselves. We have our courts or justice system related rules to follow. Sure we need our animal traits to survive whether it is in the bush or in the urban jungle but we are not just like the other animals. We are a spiritual entity living a physical life or a physical being experiencing a spiritual journey. Living as an animal exclusively is not a human thing nor a life of an angel.

We are all human beings and we need to live like a human being because we are aware of our mortal nature. Ignoring that would lead us to personal or internal chaos because regardless of all the power and control we accumulate we have to leave everything behind. Since mortality always wins, it reminds and teaches us to be humble, which is the proof of us being spiritual. You can learn further if you seek but unfortunately we are still in the process of a constant learning and not every one is on the same page at the same time. Modern day’s major problem is expression and understanding of our alpha genes with modern weaponry. You simply can’t be going to war because you have the natural desire to dominate others.

People use to praise and sing songs about their warriors, mind you they still sing those songs but today’s weaponry is not the same. The time of swords, spears and arrows has long been gone so songs of bravery may not mean anything today. Today’s weaponry kills without a fighting chance to be a brave warrior. It does not distinguish between warrior or an innocent child because indiscriminate bombing is done remotely. Our compassionate rules of sparing children and women are gone with the swords, spears and arrows. Question is did we evolve from being an animal? Answer is a mixed bag because on one hand we are compassionate enough to try to save other animals from extinction and on the other we kill our own kind indiscriminately and regardless of their guilt, sex or age. Our spiritual side makes us do good and help but the powerful and almighty politics of sense of belonging drives us to kill weak, vulnerable and even innocents.

Now ask yourself where do you personally stand? Are you able to control your genetically inspired animal desires to dominate or you are a humble, compassionate and a loving spiritual entity. Being honest will put you in the middle where it is healthy for a human individual. If you don’t understand the importance of balance you would act either as an animal or let others push you around. Our problem is that we are taught both extremes. We are taught you are either one or the other you just can’t be both. Just like either you are with God or you are with Devil you simply can’t be a human being. You not knowing your real identity, potentially you can get torn apart from within so your best bet would be to understand your triangle philosophy. You being on the top corner you will get the chance to create balance between your animal and spiritual side otherwise you may choose extreme. If you totally choose to act like an animal or dare I say Devil you are not on the top corner and will miss out on spiritual fulfillment. If you are totally devoted to live spiritually God would be on the top corner, you maybe fulfilled spiritually but you will miss out on the enjoyments of being a physical entity in your living years.

Now remember you have been blessed with your personal atom of autonomy which allows you to choose to be a healthy and well rounded CEO of your life. Since you are not created like an angel who does not have any desires and does not suffer any consequences of being deprived. To me they are inferior to human beings, because as human beings when we do good things we do it by choice and that puts us ahead of angels. Our unique make up is a spiritual entity having a physical experience or a physical entity on a spiritual journey. If you choose extreme its your choice so don’t blame your belonging group or God for your unfulfilled life. God and other people are not to blame if you have your own free will. If your religion preaches you to live like an angel they have their political reasons behind that philosophy but you are totally responsible for the deprivations of your life. Since you are a human being, and being deprived can back fire for you internally so you should live like human being without any guilt. God can easily say remember I gave you your personal atom of autonomy to make you become a CEO of your life but you chose not to live like a human being. Since you have your personal atom of autonomy and you are a CEO of your life. That should make it easy for you to understand yourself, that you being half spiritual and half physical so it is your personal responsibility to nurture both sides of yourself to feel most comfortable in your mortal skin. A comfortable being even in a mortal skin can’t be influenced by the carrot and stick philosophy nor they can become a follower of the politics of exclusive belonging because they are spiritually aware and secure even as an individual.

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