Going to start this one with a word of advice. Understand that no matter how absurd it is to you, if someone is trying to follow their religious beliefs they are actually trying to become a good person because religious knowledge usually consists of spirituality.Instead of putting each others belief system down keep eye on their efforts to be good and a decent individual. Before you argue, fight and kill each other over your religious beliefs take two simple steps. First honestly remove the politics of your sense of belonging to your group. Second understand and remove what I call ignorance because with our evolving knowledge being trenched into something is either politics or ignorance related. When you learn to clean all that, you will enter in a spiritual zone where God can become a physical reality for you individually, otherwise its a political mambo jumbo.

Not an easy task but hopefully you will be able to separate politics from spirituality and really understand the essence of having a religious belief. Not only it will help you to understand spirituality but how to become a human being what God had really meant for us. By critically looking behind our individual behaviors and actions. We can not only discover our personal insecurities and the powerful politics of sense of belonging but our physical and spiritual realities as well.

Since you are an evolving organism everything what you do or think is in the process of evolution so claiming that this is it, simply can’t be right and it may take you to a place where you end up putting your foot in your mouth. All our knowledge, physical systems and even our collective systems of governing human populations should be subjected to change as needed. From medicine to religion and everything in between has been evolving yet it has been effected by the populations and some time held back by the massive ego.

Individually and even collectively we tend to secure ourselves yet unfortunately most of the time from other human beings. It is unfortunate that we still are entangled into disputes with each other yet we are a complex but simply one organism. We have the potential to over come our differences if we can understand ourselves. Every individual and collective dispute is related to the way we think, from parents and grown up children to between mates, socially, politically, physically, scientifically and religiously we are as divided as we were thousands of years ago. Today’s science is discovering and proving that genetically human beings actually are an organism. You may look different in color and size but when you meet the present with your political arms open, you would be able to see from blood transfusion to organ transplantation to emotional responses there is nothing you can find what can point towards you being different. Sure our political lines on the globe are a sign of insecurity but our insecurity still points towards our sameness.

Long time ago I bought a magazine just because of the cover. Interestingly magazine is called The Economist yet I did not buy that because of learning economy. On the cover it said Microbes maketh man. That I what made me curious about it. Dated, August 18th-24th 2012. I read the article and learn “Quote” “People are not just people. They are an awful lot of microbes, too.”

I learnt that each and everyone of us have ten trillion cells with 23,000 genes. Yet with 100 trillion bacteria of several hundred species bearing 3 million non- human genes. If you look at the sophistication and complexities of us running around calling ourselves as human beings in control of everything. I would not take our life as simple as we have been preached to believe. Sure we are highly complex but if we are constantly being discovered by ourselves. We are learning, adopting and evolving yet there has always been and is a segment of population which resists to believe in all that. We may think and believe in different ways to live but we all are born, we live and die pretty well the same way. We can say that we are cleaner, better looking or stronger than others but it would exclusively be from outside. Inside however we all carry the same genetics and I should call it an organized mess especially if we look at ourselves biologically. Trouble is that our religious people would rather believe in following their way is the only way which logically promotes prejudice and discrimination related disputes. Since our religious beliefs are politically influenced they would not want to go where they will have to literally see our invisible realities. Going there means cleaning up religions from politics of belonging meaning blind justice, equality, spirituality, God and nothing but.

When I watched a documentary about creatures changing colors to blend in with their environment to be safe or hunt on the Discovery Chanel, it left me thinking to write about it. I thought of putting this article together long time ago but it got lost in the other subjects. Anyway now I am working on it and hoping for it to become a good read. I don’t remember exactly what it was called and when it was shown because it was long ago so I can’t really credit. I don’t think there would be a whole lot of documentaries to choose from. It was about a small stingray fish being put in a swimming pool with a checkered floor, when water was splashed it camouflaged itself into checkered exactly the same color of swimming pool floor. It blended so good that it disappeared right before your eyes.That ability to camouflage is the subject of today. I saw that happening in the movies but in reality why we are not able to do that as human beings? I believe its because our mind is full of million things at a time and we can’t have that focus and desire of animals but we have an imagination which can allow us to come up with creative ways to even better what other creatures can do.

Today if you look at our cars, planes and space shuttles, look at our artificial intelligence and our mega cities, look at our advances we are making in medicine and see what we are capable of doing and who we are? How we are learning to save lives with drugs and vaccination yet still our populations don’t agree. From believing in God to disputing with each other over who is right is a common human trait. Some believe wholeheartedly and some disregard it as a religious mambo jumbo but interestingly from either side we still don’t really know about everything. If we only agree that we learn something new everyday, that alone should clear everything but unfortunately we are not that simple. I think as human beings we may need to learn and evolve even further to find out more about our selves to stop killing each other over who is right.

Not only we need to know why do we kill each other regardless of individual’s guilt we need to know why do we even resist our on coming knowledge? Why do we find killing each other is easier than evolving to the next level? It takes our attention to focus on one thing to learn more and we individually lack that attention. Its all because of not only our personal desires to follow politics of our groups but our group’s demands to obey their agendas as well. If religious people would have allowed their followers to evolve just like science encouraged its followers, we would have discovered a lot more about the real meanings of our compassion and love by now. Perhaps by now we would have overcome our desires to kill people who don’t agree with us. Looking at the world politics, interestingly regardless of Corona virus killing us indiscriminately our killing each other over our disputes has never stopped.

If not throwing virgins over the cliffs to not burning widows alive with their dead husbands is a progress then why don’t we learn that we still do weird things for our belonging groups and mass. We are able to and do create real things out of thin air of our thoughts. Since we are a creature unlike others we need to out do them by evolving to the next level. If they can grow wings, fangs, claws, horns, spots and color of their fur or change colors and patterns to blend in with their environment we can do better than all that. If we can top everything other creatures can do why can’t we over come our politics of sense of belonging? If you see and compare we can fly not only higher than winged birds we go where they can’t even go. We dig deeper than any creature with claws, we swim in the depth of the ocean without the help of gills. We can flatten mountain build mega cities and come up with weapons against unseen enemies like Corona virus. Yet just can’t evolve enough to overcome politics of sense of belonging. We all have to ponder about our personal insecurities and the power of the politics of our belonging groups.

All that sophistication came from somewhere one can say from God another can say from personal desires to evolve, either way we as human beings should respect all that. Sure we don’t grow wings, fangs, claws, fur, horns or change our color like other creatures but we have used our thoughts to evolve to be where we are today. Simply look at our sports we break records all the time, especially looking at the body builders, I am not going to question what they use or do to get there, they are the clear and see able example of evolution in the sports. I am not talking about the process but I am talking about the start of the process. When an individual thinks, desires and puts efforts along with visualization of having to grow bigger muscles that is the start of process. Which is not limited to our sports. Since it comes from individual’s desire which is the foundation of actually creating and converting spiritual thoughts into physical realities. Our ability to evolve has been under rated by the politics of belonging groups because they want the individual to be irrelevant, insecure and self defeating so they can stay in power. That does not mean I don’t believe in God, it just means that God is there but we can only connect to physical God by personal and strong desire. If desires are politically tainted or are too many of them we just can’t concentrate nor we can fulfill to reach our goals simply because we have a short period of time for our physical existence.

Now lets look at the body which has 10 trillions of cells with 23,000 genes and hundred trillion bacteria with millions of genes. This kind of knowledge I would compare it with space’s vastness and complexities. Sure we have been figuring out a whole lot, especially since the computer and internet started to help but things have been changing for us since the beginning of our awareness. Only one thing has not changed and that is our individual mortality.

Since we have been blessed with our individual atom of autonomy and related free will, we can think and evolve individually to the point that we can become a CEO of our lives. That means buck should stop with us individually, sure one can say we don’t have a choice but in reality we all are responsible for our actions. How we live through our mortal life can be influenced but in the end of the day we individually have the free will, so we do have a choice. One can spend their whole life believing what religions say yet the other can spend life believing what scientists say. Either way it is a personal prerogative for you so if you live with or without the belief system its your choice as well.

Now remember your choices should be based on to help you to live a better life especially if it is a mortal life. Choosing personally to live a comfortable mortal life is our individual responsibility so religion, no religion, science or no science or somewhere in between is still a choice.

Now lets look at where we have been and where we are today? Starting with space, a scientist says there is no God anywhere up there but there was a marble which exploded, don’t really know but billions of years ago so to me its an assumption related. Anyway that explosion has been expanding ever since and for billions of years and don’t forget we came along long after that so it would be an other assumption scientific may be but non the less assumption. We don’t really know where did that marble come from, why and how it exploded? Since it happened before our existence we just have to believe because Sari and Alexa says so we have to assume that it had happened.

I am glad that science has certain standers for not to believe in something which can not be repeated to achieve the same results. That takes me to our body, we find drugs working scientifically but by some percentage. A medicine can drop blood pressure, cholesterol, help in controlling urination or anything what we call disease. As I said our body is like space so you may fix one thing but you don’t really know how everything else is effected by the treatment. Even years later you may develop a different problem or other disease from your efforts to fix and treat a problem. I let the experts argue about it, but my point is that we may reach the space and claim whatever we want to but we don’t really know not 100%. Problem is not the knowledge but its our evolving nature. Our cars and plans are not the same what we had even ten years ago so nothing stand still for us. Interestingly we still claim that we know better than others yet with evolving knowledge. Most interestingly that we can’t figure out the start and end of it all.

If you believe in your religion you can have several stories but in reality sooner or later you will end up on the cliff of faith so you will have to die to really find out how it ends? If you look for scientific solutions you don’t really know how it started, theory can can be believed for constantly expanding explosion but what, how and why did it explode would still be in the air. Personally I believe that I am a mortal and I don’t have that much time left so should I spend that much time to know what happened in the beginning and what is going to happen in the end? Should it be looked at as a fact? My question is then what is the difference between believing in God and expanding explosion? Either way you have to believe in something what is not clear so my suggestion would be to put it in your basket of unknown and live your personal life with reciprocation in the foundation of your strategy. Believing in you and your belonging group being right is not really right related but it is assumptions related politics which is prejudicial and discriminatory so no spiritually it is not right.

I personally would lean towards believing in God because we are making good things happen physically yet with our vision of God so physically God exists with the human beings as cells. I would believe in the path taking me to the cliff of faith because at the least it is teaching me to be a decent individual towards others. If my religious foot prints related path is taking me to become a prejudiced and a discriminatory individual I would rather go alone to jump over the cliff of faith. If I can learn about the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, honesty, justice and above all love to live a mortal life with some dignity I am all for it. You can pick any and all and learn about these spiritual jewels but science is not going to be able to teach you about this side of human knowledge. To me no one should disrespect different sides of human knowledge and try to put each other down. Especially we individually need to become a CEO so we learn to balance our sense of belonging with our sense of freedom to live our mortal time with some quality. You can be a scientist and still wear your spiritual jewelry with pride because you are a human being before you become a scientist. If you start to look for your real identity you would really have to dig deep. Your belonging groups have given you several identities so peel them one at a time so you can understand them as well. Your gender, name, family name, tribe name, your color, your nationality and your religion are already too many to count, if you add your degree to it you human identity is buried quite far deep.

Who would not want to be a decent human being? If you know that being comfortable in your mortal skin is essential, you would learn it scientifically. Ask yourself why do we feel good when we are able to help others? Why love make us happy? Sacrifice is a net loss yet it gives us spiritual fulfillment, ever wonder why? Ask these questions to yourself in private and keep your mortal nature in front of you then decide what you prefer, science, religion or as I said choose both but create balance. YOU CAN DO ALL THAT BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS A CEO AND HELPS IN GOD TO PHYSICALLY EXIST.

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