Loss from both sides.

Please ignore the English and stay focused on the content. I eventually will get someone to fix the English.

I read a poem as growing up so I would say the author unknown. And I “quote” in my language.

Na khudaa he milla na visaal-e-sanam

Na idher kay rahay na udher kay rahay.

The author says

” Neither I could find God nor I got to my love,

I lost from both sides. ”

Religions put their foot in their mouth by saying everything we have in the books is God’s words thus can’t be changed. God is doing everything and man is insignificant. Religions used God for political purposes to make the man controllable.

Today it is blowing up on their faces because the moderates and extremists are at war within each religion. It is hard for the religious leaders to stay meaningful if they are unable to make amendments.

Spirituality on the other hand stayed consistent, man kind helping each other to evolve brings God to even mightier level. I believe in God’s existence and almightiness but not without the man. The two are like the negative and positive wires to light up the light bulb, if separated worthless.

When you stray from the spirituality and dabble into the politics of sense of belonging, sooner or later you get into the predicaments like pope got himself into.

Ideally pope should not be caught in the controversy because either you are accepting equality or you are religiously promoting prejudice. I would like to see some media people investigate the claims of the lady that pope had thanked her for sticking with her religious convictions even it was against the law of the land and against the spirituality. I say it against spirituality because all people are created equal for the same purpose. Regardless you are a brain cell, heart cell, skin cell, liver, lung or colon your purpose is to make the body live in reciprocation body provides you life so their is no superior or inferior cells in the survival of the both sides. If you believe you some how become better or superior by believing in some religion, think again even the colon cell has its importance in the body if it fails the whole body comes crashing down because there is no life giving food coming in. A religion, race gender, or nation does not make a person better or superior it is the personal character what makes the difference.

Sense of belonging is a powerful phenomenon so it would naturally be very hard for the ordinary individual to overcome. That is the reason why even pope can’t stay away from the politics, not too long ago he said not to judge the homosexuals or the women whom have had abortions.  Now he meets  and encourages the leady who refused to issue marriage licences to same sex couples. Sense of belonging to the religion is the ultimate goal for a large segment of the population so the politics can’t be separated from the religions.

That is the reason I believe the spirituality is the one which is pure of politics, thus if a religion can’t stay away from the politics, it is not spiritual anymore. They will lose the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love, and without these jewels their is nothing left into them other than politics. Can you find these jewels today? just look around and see the killings go on, on the name of God, pure and simple politics of sense of belonging and nothing but.  

There is nothing wrong with the politics in running a community or a country, but when it is mixed with religions it can be a deadly mix. It has been proven over and over and still all the wars related killings, individual sufferings and refugee crisis are living proof that politics and religions should not be mixed. Religions should stay spiritual and respect and value the individual over even the God because without the individual God loses his miracle work horse. Thus nothing can be materialized, prayers can’t be fulfilled poor can’t be helped, the whole notion of God comes crashing down because there is no one left to believe in God.

Religions, spirituality and all other governing systems should be for the benefits of the human being singularly and collectively at the same time. Just look around and go through the history and see if it is the case? Religious and political killings are still an on going process, which has never stopped regardless of our evolution. The main reason is the politics of the sense of belonging to one particular group instead of the humanity.

We have worked hard to remove ourselves from the food chain, but the only predator we can’t get rid of is ourselves. We commit suicide, we kill, get killed individually and collectively by our own kind. What will it take from us to evolve from this level. Our religions have failed us miserably, our nationalism is causing us grief, from racism to prejudice are still prevalent in our societies regardless of the popularity of our equal human rights.

The necessity of the time is calling for all of us to become a CEO individually so we can harness our out of control sense of belonging to our groups and deal with our present day problems by joining the humanity as a whole.

Being a CEO you can see the problems behind the problems. Our sense of belonging to our respected groups is the cause of our several unsolved and seemingly unresolvable issues. When one commits suicide because of what other people think of him/her it is a sign of out of control sense of belonging because you want to belong, fit in, impress or want be admired by the people around. If you can balance your sense of belonging with the sense of freedom you can achieve the status God had in mind for you.

A CEO knows about the brain chemicals roll, understands and over rides personal insecurities, personal chemistry, learnt social knowledge with the help of spiritual knowledge.

I said it before and I am going to say it again, its time to take the next leap of faith with spirituality to overcome all kind of prejudice. The process has already started, the emergence of melting pot societies and individual human rights are becoming new religion of the day.

If pope can’t discourage the prejudice, at least should not encouraged it because in the melting pot societies if you don’t have human rights on top of everything it can’t be a melting pot. A humanity is and should be above all kind of groups whether its a gang, community, nation, a religion or its sects.

A while back I saw a gay man was promoting Quebec’s charter, I thought it was odd and contradicting because if you look for the individual rights you can’t have any one particular groups interest other than the humanity as a whole. In Quebec the promotion of equality and strong opposition against the nikaab and even this day and age they have a so called language police. To me it is kind of jumbled up mixed politics of sense of belonging. You can’t be promoting something for one particular group if you want to have prejudice free society. I explained previously that homosexuals, extremely religious people with polygamy or nikaab are protected by the same law of the supreme court. It is twisted but very clear, if you want to live in a melting pot society you have to have respect for the individual rights. No doubt we can’t solve the bigger issue of polygamy, no one has talked about the polygamy as a political and women’s rights issue but nikaab has taken the front seat in the politics may be it coming from the Muslims exclusively but polygamy is and has been a religious issue for a very long time but human rights protect this practice. Some may say it is against the women liberation and is a sign of oppression, but why it is still in the north America, I feel it is a lot bigger issue than the nikaab.

I believe we are going through the changing time, we will flip-flop at least for a while to get it right, until then we have to bare with our contradictions collectively.

When it comes to extreme religious beliefs robing the individual of love by killing the loved ones, I have to stand against all kind of extreme and bigotry because individually healing from the love loss wounds is not easy.

The longer the killings go on, the more people with the love loss, the more love loss the more passionate revenge killings. This perpetual emotional wars may take the human being to self destruction. Ironically the destruction is what has been predicted in most of the holy books. My question to all mankind is that, are we going to follow the religions just because of whatever is predicted for us to do, or do we have a say to change it all? I personally believe, each and everyone of us is blessed with the CEO status so  it is up to us to decide and change the predictions. Would we be able to, yes if we can learn to switch our sense of belonging from a group to the humanity as a whole. 

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