Love of the animal side.


Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

The sale of the ultimate fighting championship (ufc) was  in the news and the profit margin forced me think about the reasons. From the popularity of the past Roman gladiators and ignorance of the death of horses during the games to modern day’s ufc fighters fighting each other bloody, to dog fight, or cock fight, to Calgary’s stampede chuck wagon horses dying in the present day games, is a reminder of not only the similarities but a sign of our slow process of evolution. Some people complain and raise voice against these animal behaviors of human beings yet regardless of our evolution we still are entangled with our wars, we like violence in the movies and in our sports. There has to be a reason why things have not changed since the Roman times.  

The difference is only the time and technology, but our attitude towards entertainment is the same if not enhanced. The popularity of the adrenaline rushing sports deeply connects us with our animal inside. Weather its the sports match or our wars, our sense of belonging inspires our violent nature of the beast. This nature has not regressed, regardless of the best efforts by our religions and other governing systems, the reason is our personal politics of the sense of belonging. We have been preached to death to kill our animal side yet our crime rate in social settings and our wars tell the true tails of the animal inside.

After all the civilization, just look around, what have we got to show, you can see clearly, here we stand to kill each other even on the name of God. The proof is in the blaming and the punishment of the individual’s actions. The education of our societies, whether religious or not, is designed to preach restraint and control or even killing of the animal inside, to become a better human being, now the question is why it has been a failed education system. 

The reasons behind this approach, are that we have been trying to be better and the best of the animal kingdom, so we don’t want to be compared with the other animals, thus the struggle is an on going process . Our actions speak loudly enough to say that, we are the best in both sides. The question is how can we become a better human being individually? I would say deep inside we have a personal conflict which needs to be resolved and only the individual can resolved it by understanding the animal’s legitimacy and authenticity of our both sides, becoming a CEO of his/her life to create inner balance. How can an individual stand against the status quo if the sense of belonging is over whelming and sense of belonging is non existing? A CEO can achieve all that by putting everything including other people, religions and nationalism as a departments. Understanding the importance of the jewellery what evolves us in the human side.      

We proudly wear the jewels of humanity like being compassionate, forgiving, sacrificing and loving but the problem is, that we at the same time can go to the extreme opposite and commit the spiritual crimes like mass murder of our own kind as well. We have dropped Atomic bomb, we have used other weapons of mass destruction and constantly are at war with each other. We even put the other creatures to shame with our out of control animal side, so controlling or killing the animal inside has not worked with millions of years of evolution, nor will it work for us, unless we as an individual achieve personal inner peace by assuming our duties of a CEO.

In human societies we have all the education pointing towards the sense of belonging to a group. It starts with the family and family’s connections to the others, but a human individual potentially can go further by thinking of being part of the whole humanity, which makes him/her surpass from the sense of belonging to the immediate family to community to race, gender, color, religion and nation. The evolution can teach us, we as an individual are the foundation for all the changes. 

Creating inner and outer peace is possible if we as an individual step forward to understand that our sense of belonging is not only to just a group of people, it is to belong to the humanity as a whole Physically and to God spiritually, if you belong to the men or prophets you demote yourself and follow the politics instead of spirituality. Crossing the lines of our traditional knowledge of sense of belonging is in order, so we can evolve to the next level to belong to the humanity.

In the war against our animal side, the only option we have, is to accept the legitimacy and make deals with it, so we can stop the inner bickering and create inner peace individually first then collectively because it takes a man to start or stop the wars whether its internal or external. 

Since we misunderstood and underestimated our animal side, our systems of law and order and rules of our religions have failed miserably. If you want the proof just look around the religious wars with the war and spiritual crimes and in general crime rate of the human societies. This failed approach has not worked and will not succeed, if it had not succeeded in thousands of years of evolution, we have to learn more about ourselves. Who we really are?. Why the animal is still alive and well regardless of our efforts to kill it?

It has evolved and has become sophisticated because of our weapons like guns, and to advancer level weapons of mass destruction on one side and on the other hand the popularity of the sense of belonging related sports regardless of the violence.

My explanation is the following.

The beautiful beast. 

The inception of the Devil does not only  start with the mother, who loves her child it has been there all along, it is a matter of nurturing and help flourishing to one dominating side. For instance when baby cries, mother feeds him/her, changes the dipper and holds the baby to sooth. As a baby we quickly understand that and the existence of the personal desires as well. We learn how to get the mother’s attention. If the mother or care giver keeps running to meet the baby’s needs or I should say desires, she is nurturing the baby’s animal side.

If she would have thought that, I have just fed, changed and cuddled him/her, and there is no reason to run, let him/her cry for a while and see what happens.

The baby will cry for a while and then realize that nothing is happening, personally I think, the baby will take the first step towards becoming a healthy human being. Learning about the delayed gratification and patience makes us different than other creatures. I believe this is one of the root cause of most social, personal and emotional ills, which is connected to this imbalanced upbringing. Learning to understand these two personal sides is a crucial thing for every individual to live a happy, healthy, balanced and successful life, other wise as my first triangle says health, happiness and success. Remember without the health you can’t be happy and without these two the success you have does not mean anything.

This fundamental education has been misunderstood, or ignored by the personal politics and over powered by our loving emotions. Are these loving emotions good for us or bad? do they relate with the animal side or the spiritual side or we are not evolved enough yet to distinguish? Do we understand the traits of the spiritual side, and or even the animal side as an individual?

The line can be blurred because of our social education of the belonging groups and if you look closely, all the other creatures protect and raise their off springs as well, just like the way we do.

After a little crying the baby looks around, nobody comes, so it starts to self –sooth, entertain and  learns to control his/her desires. This is the first step taken by the human individual to be a human being, learning about the delayed gratifications and dealing with the inner animal to create balance with the human side.

If the mother runs at every cry, the baby’s animal side will grow bigger than the human side. This imbalance has far reaching consequences for the baby and the society as well. From obesity to the brush with the law can be avoided if we are taught right in the beginning about the instant and delayed gratifications.

I heard these wise words as growing up in Pakistan, since I don’t know the source I would quote it as the author unknown. “Quote” When the trunk of the tree is green it can be bent, but after that we should forget about molding and conforming because it would not bend it would break” End quote. 

Since it had been nurtured, the animal side has grown to the point where, if tried to be harnessed even by will power, it will rebel. In my job as a personal trainer I see people fail in their efforts to lose weight just because they try to ignore the power of the animal side. There have been weight loss companies for decades but our obesity rate has been climbing the reason behind is that strong animal side which can’t be harnessed. This is one of the cause of the higher crime rate as well because the instant gratification is a trade mark of the animal. I don’t want to put the animal side down just like everyone else because I feel we have to acknowledge the legitimacy of our animal side to create balance.    

Both sides are crucial and hold very important and powerful cards. The animal side has mortality awareness, yet the human side knows about the politics of life. When faced with inner clashes we can learn about the power of both sides. We can be normal looking outside but can be torn apart inside, spending your whole mortal life in that mode is not a way of life for a CEO.

I call ourselves as the, third equation living with God and the Devil inside.

We are born, like a brand new computer with all the apps and perks, containing the spiritual and physical side simultaneously. One can be dominating over the other depending on the nurturing from the beginning, the education we receive as a data added by the individual, parents and society he/she belongs to, which can dictate, which side is dominating. We are wrapped up with our traditions and customs by our belonging groups so we can become a strength of our belonging society, we are discouraged to think beyond that especially our religions put walls of discrimination and prejudice by preaching a worshiping individual is better than the non worshiping regardless of his/her practical contributions to the humanity.  

Now you can see and relate our  internal and external problems with the sense of belonging to our belonging groups, because we have hundreds or thousands of societies and belonging groups thus they can clash and the individual gets hurt by the love loss. That leads the animal to avenge the pain by inflicting that same pain to the others, so the story of the God and Devil goes on within the human individual. 

God is good, so good is good to the individual because of the politics of the belonging groups, yet actions can be Devilish to the competing groups. The question is, is that good is really good and Godly or the line is blurred by the politics. If that is the case, it all lands on the shoulders of the individual as personal responsibility, and that is the reason why I believe that the individual is a natural born CEO. A CEO can distinguish between belonging to a group of people or belonging to the whole humanity.  


 The triangle of Free Will – Human and the Animal inside.

Everyone uses it, but not all of us take the responsibilities, free will brings along, our belonging group’s politics gives a license to hide behind the nationalism and religions to commit the crimes against the humanity. If we all take responsibility of using free will, the decency will flourish.The compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love is an individual jewellery but the society dresses the individual according to the politics which serves their particular group, so the knowledge of that data we get installed in is crucial not only for the individual, it is just as important for the humanity as well so  we as a humanity has to come up with some solidarity not only as united nation which has no justice system with complete law enforcement. The veto system, plain and simple is highly political it is totally related with the sense of belonging for few nations thus not to humanity so it is unethical and non spiritual. If it is called a united nations but favors only some of them with special treatment, it is unjust political system and should not be called what it is called.     

Free Will is like a pendulum. The pendulum of free will is awarded to humans by God to play the game of life. With life circumstances it can sway both sides but your goal and destiny is to be and to stay in the center, in order to live a balanced human life, half spiritual and half physical so you can experience the real life experience. If someone says otherwise you have to research their motive.   

If you choose to live a totally controlled life, you are an extremist one way or the other. You may become a great individual for the society, but you failed to live this life for your self or you just live for your self and become a manes to the society and or self, even self destructive.

If you are told to live for the life after death, you may have to look at it carefully because you don’t want to gamble the whole thing on a bet. God would not have given you the free will and this life just to test your obedience. It is a gift to the human from God, you can live to create balance, to enjoy this life and reciprocate in appreciation for this life. Doing some thing for the after life is the good deeds you do in the living years along the way, and no it is not your prayers, it is the practical worship that is needed by God in your living years and yes your practical worshiping is serving the humanity, fulfilling someone’s prayers by practically helping them. In spiritual world things are always good but in our physical world things are wrong where politics of the belonging groups dominates individual to serve as a subservient.  

If you choose extremes because of the influences of your sense of belonging, you can cause personal and social problems and if you use free will all the time you are responsible for your actions. In today’s world you just can’t drink and drive, killing an other human being even one of them on the name of God, religion or nation is a personal spiritual crime, way worse than drinking and driving. We all are a CEO of our lives and its a CEO’s responsibility to take charge of his/her actions. Sure accidents happen but drinking before driving is irresponsible. Being drunk is being out of control, even if it is religious extreme and yes you are personally responsible for your actions before the actions because you have been blessed with and use free will at will.   

As we grow we learn, about the sense of belonging, we understand our free will and the use of it, and then we start to learn about the knowledge of the society we belong to. Sense of belonging related knowledge, written and which is written in between the lines as well. For instance Ego, Pride and Honor, I call them the three kids of the sense of belonging.

They all have a legitimate place in individual’s life, but unfortunately they are like a double edge sword which cuts both way. It is not only the individual whom gets the benefits or harms from it, the society the individual belongs to gets the harms or the benefits as well. The proof is around us just look at the societies where these three kids of the sense of belonging are dominating they are known to suppressing the individuals with the potential thus stay behind themselves.

Individual brings progress and evolution to the society thus he/she should be nurtured to contribute. If the social system encouraged the individual to evolve and reach for the potential, they benefit more by all individuals but if a society keeps one half of the individuals from working or evolving that creates more dependency, which not only slows the progress and evolution of the whole society it can have the potential to hit the self esteem of the dependents thus they can’t even contribute even if they are asked for.

Honor, Pride and Ego don’t just have the good side which is preached and glorified by some societies, as I said before they cut both ways. If you understand them you may benefit from them otherwise they have the potential to harm the individual and can be the cause of some of the mental health issues. A functioning individual is beneficial not only to him/herself and the family, he/she is useful to the society as well, otherwise a burden on the society thus harmful to both.

Its like, if you eat bad or have a destructive life style, it will bite you sooner or later. Societies suffer when the individual is not fully functioning so our governing systems should be aware of the side effects of our traditions and customs, whether they are good for the individual and the society in the long run.

Old systems need to be evolved as the time demands, for instance, if you try to enforce Islamic rules in today’s society even in Islamic societies, it may drop the crime rate, but since this drop is fear based, it does not change or evolve the individual to stop the crime with self restraint driven from the responsibility and or love of others.

Another example is going on right now, the black population has been and is controlled with old and out dated system which is the system of force. What happens when force is meets by the force, it brings out the ugly side of the human being. Not only it is damaging for the individual it causes damage to the society as well. Arming police with bigger and better guns or bring in the military means the system stays the same but becomes more oppressive.

Logically and potentially you just can’t have a police man for every individual, and people’s attitude towards the right to have guns which is related with the constitution is literally a deadly mix. I personally feel every human knowledge and yes it include all constitutions and religions, should be for the benefits of the individual and the society simultaneously. If it is harming the individual and or the society, it should be subjected to change. When everyone has a gun, a lot of people get killed, this is not a matter of pride or ego  it is a matter of how torn you are inside personally and collectively.

All human knowledge should be for the well being, not for harms but unfortunately our conservative segment of the populations wants the keep the status quo regardless of the harms they cause. From the Taliban to Isis to the red necks of KKK they all think its okay to be prejudice and equal human rights should not exist so they can keep fighting not only to others but with each other as well.  This kind of individual belief system is the biggest hurdle in the evolution to belong to the humanity, only the individual can change that with the use of personal free will and becoming a CEO of his/her life. Sense of security which we seek in our own kind is false, just look at the crime rates in all societies where everyone lives with their own kind.

Things have been changing right before our eyes, the populations and the faces of melting pot societies have been changing for a long time, so if we don’t respect the changing times we all end up being prejudice and racists.

Our job and responsibility, is to personally understand the ins and outs of the most complex issues of life.

Yes, The almighty God and the Devil. Who are they? Where are they? Are they out there some where or are they in here some where?

If you ask an ordinary individual if he/she has ever seen God or the Devil, other than the movies? the answer will be an overwhelming no by the majority, but if you ask, if they have seen the actions of them, the answer will be yes and if you look behind those actions, the human individual will always be there and involved, good or bad. It’s either Godly man/woman or Devils possessed.

Each and every one of us is blessed with three basic things – the animal, the human, and the free will. With free will things got trickier. We became the choice maker, and with that we assume the responsibility to be good or bad.

Today no one can claim in the court of law, that Devil made me do the bad things or I did it because God told me in my dream. Insanity can spare one, but Devil’s or even God’s powers are not recognized by the court systems throughout the world. Human being is responsible, and that is just because of the free will.

Since good and bad changes with knowledge and knowledge changes with time, this makes everything questionable, so the intentions become the most important aspect in one’s actions.

I don’t see the Devil with the horns unless its Halloween, but the people with the Devilish intentions are always around.

If you choose to take a selfish road, disregard any inner voices of decency, and keep listening to the animal inside, you become dominated by it, which makes you the Devil himself, always taking but not reciprocating.

Since you have the good side as well, you can learn and train yourself to change by becoming a CEO. As you age, with maturity, you learn to give as you take. The proof is in every day people, you can see it in our rules of society as well, they are not the same for children. This is what makes us human beings. I don’t deny any religious stories because I admit I don’t know it all, just like a religious scalar or a doctor who claim to know but deep inside there is dark secret of not-knowing. We can’t know everything about God unless we have reached our full potential.

How far is to go? One can see in the journey we have come a long way, yet we are so far that we can’t even agree to live with disagreements; we don’t really know completely about something like religions and medicine.

When I look critically at my personal religion and see that in this day and age we don’t even agree about the moon to stop the fasting, yet we have a space station in the space, science can help but the egotistic religious people would not take help. I personally went to see the place where there is day light all the time, how would you fast and pray in the up north, the sun is still up at three am. Individually we need to make some adjustments as we evolve period, its not the worshiping traditions, customs or times of the fasting and prayers, because practical prayers and reciprocation has no times, traditions or customs, it is all about the humanity not about the belonging groups.

The knowledge of the human as a whole being is so complex, even the experts in the same field don’t agree. Some believe in the scientific details, some think that people whom go for the details may find ac curacies and flaws in life but they get caught up in too much detail and make there life smaller than it is. When you take a scientific approach to deal with certain religious or health problem, some time it’s not enough. If you can’t find a solution, the problem may be stemming from lack of spirituality, so a multi prong approach is in order, but first we have to admit that we are in need of more and new knowledge. Most of our problems are related with ego and pride based resistances to new knowledge. 


Since it’s considered bad to be under the influence of the animal, we try to deal with it personally, but the early knowledge is conflicting so it becomes very difficult to get rid of the ugly side of us, yet that is the side who knows more about the mortality. It holds the cards of important departments of life to balance us to be a complete human being.

You can call it Devil; I call it the animal inside, which we have been trying to kill since the beginning of our awareness. After all the law and order, constitutions and even religions, we should have succeeded by now.

Why have not we freed our selves from the Devil? It is because we have been looking at it the wrong way. First of all you can’t distinguish the good unless you have experienced bad, and vice versa.  

The Devil is not out there some where; it’s ingrained in each and every one of us and is a legitimate part of us, has been, and will be there forever. Knowing how to wheel and deal with it, can create the inner peace for the individual, thus the individual will have better self control to become an ideal human being.

Existing knowledge has reduced the importance of the balanced human being and his/her free will, thus the responsibility of the individual.

When a child is born, the first knowledge should be about the balance of human and the Devil, and as we become of the age of awareness we should be taught about the humanity and spirituality, but we are pushed to learn about the religion and nationalism by forced. This clearly means we are taught group politics over the humanity and spirituality. These are the social experiments we can’t afford in today’s explosive and nuclear environment. As a society we all would like to have the good, docile and obedient citizens, so they can be controlled easily and when needed sent to the wars with no questions asked. It is hard for me to understand that, how people can be so naïve, that the first knowledge in the school systems is about nationalism and religion, every nation and religion teaches the knowledge of superiority or prejudice and expect from their children to bring out the humanity and spirituality pure of politics.

If in society, the individual is too free, it weakens the glue, what holds it together, so automatically the wisdom of group politics, calls for over powering the individual by the rules and regulations. When the individual is controlled by the outer forces, it will always be, by the percentage, and if the individual controls him/her self he/she can control much better than other wise. Human beings are self regulating entity just because of the free will, if this blessing is not appreciated by the individual he/she will always give up his/her powers to the others whether it be religious leader or governing entity. You can find these people in all walks of life, they shoot the gun to kill regardless of the guilt or innocence and hide behind their job or religions. A CEO regards his/her responsibilities and judges the personal actions before the actions.   

Ideally more freedom should help the individual to be in better control, because inner peace spills out. Our systems of governments and religions are group politics driven, so the individual peace is secondary to the power to governing entities. In order to have control and power the governing entities follow the path where they can hide behind the interest of the larger population over individual.

A good justice system is equal for all, which I connect to the spirituality. Politics rules even our religions whom should be the preachers of spirituality, but throughout the history and even to the modern days, most brutal killings and spiritual crimes have been committed in the name of religions.

The picture of God and Devil is drawn larger and human equation is undermined to help the individual to do the dirty work for their respected nations and religions.  The politics of the group power is on the name of security yet the individuals suffer, die and lose love all the time, so the struggle is continue to kill the Devil inside of the individual, yet it flourishes out of control it in the society. We are told that you have to kill the Devil to be a good person, in the eyes of God.

No one really knows what God has plan for us, as a human individual. We are not created angles, so our make up says we are human and we each have a side which gets us in trouble, yet makes us better than the angles. Since it is meant to be there by God, it is a legitimate part of us. Even the God would not finish the Devil because human still has to reach the potential.

Human has to learn to use the pendulum of free will individually to really learn about this life, what is this all about? It is about the human life not the angle’s life. The difference is clear, but we tend to forget that we are a combination package of man and the animal, or the Devil and Human. We just need to learn to create balance within to have a balanced healthy, happy and successful life.

Religions keep giving us hope, so the people don’t start to disobey. As the frustration is detected, we are bombarded by the lectures to behave, be afraid of God and hope at the same time. The picture of Devil is drawn as a villain, and everybody is discouraged to follow individual freedom.

With the propaganda every body likes to be in God’s good books, so it is common to people, hating and blaming the Devil, there is a tradition of throwing stones at the Devil, all Muslims follow it during the Haj, I feel the similarities yet opposite to Hindus worshiping the stone Gods. A free man’s actions are counted as devil’s possessed. As if man is a puppet, sure God has some plan for the individual, but we are given the free will for a reason. We have a say in everything we do, whether we succeed in our desired actions or not.  

It seems and I believe that everybody out there try to under estimate the powers and the abilities of the human individual. We ask too much from God and blame the Devil too much.

We deny the personal responsibilities and use the free will politically, where ever it suits us. Otherwise credit and the blame on the God or the Devil. Just look at the God’s good work and find me a thing what is done without the human involvement, except the oxygen and natural disasters, if you have hard time finding anything, you automatically should know the importance of human being.

If we have the powers to light up God’s world, we can take charge of our being good or bad or at least assume responsibilities of our actions as an individual.

As a CEO it’s our responsibility to create an inner peace by recognizing the legitimacy of the animal side of us. Doing the justice to all departments of life is being a complete human, and that is what we are.

Having an ice cream or a piece of cake to keep balance between your human and animal side, or just like getting married for sex and comfort is a way for you to enjoy the mortal life. If you choose to live in extreme you will get extreme results, just like Roman Catholic priests and the boy’s scandal. No one should be able to hide behind the Devil. Our CEO status allows us to take care of the department of God as well, if you work for the humanity you are worshiping God but this worshiping can take you away from the spirituality if you start to believe that you some how are better than whom don’t worship the way you do. In Muslim religions remember I mention religions, people don’t agree even with in the religion because of the politics, we even fight over how to worship, from holding hand on the chest to the bowing down, to the clothing to wear during the prayers. Personally I believe its the good things you do for humanity during your living years are your real worshiping and with the free will you can choose not to fight over a belief system and even choose your way of worshiping. Traditions, customs constitutions, law and order even religious rules they all are subjected to change by the human beings because of the evolutionary nature.  

A while back I wrote a Blog about love titled( love triangle). As a CEO we should be able to understand love and its powerful corners. People get confused and choose to commit spiritual crimes, because of the pain of love loss. Lack of understanding love can have the unpredictable consequences, so I  divided love in three, to simplify.


33. 4%


33.3% 33.3%

As a human we are all capable of having all three parts meaning 100% of love. God did not create human with limitations, it’s our behavior of extremes makes us break the boundaries in one area and create in the other.

If you look deeper what does the extreme do in this department, you can be extremely in love with your partner, but your partner cares for others, which creates problems. If you love your family to extreme you may end up losing your partner, importance of other people should be in balance with the love of your life and the family.

Taking any of these loves to extreme can be harming to individual’s life. God created us in such a way so we can do the balancing for our selves, so our choices should help us to live this life successfully. If we use our free will to create extreme, we are not following the God’s way. Just recently a Pakistani girl was killed by her own brother, it was a classic case of imbalanced love. It is like the brother had the universal love to the extreme but did not care or completely disregarded the instinctive love. Some time mother in-law and daughter in-law need to understand the differences between passionate love and instinctive love. If the husband chooses mother over his wife is a problem or wife over his mother is still a problem but if he is a good CEO he will place them in compartments and do the justice. Exactly the same way the brother should have known the value of the instinctive love is equal to the universal love, so the people and God belong to a corner of universal love but not the whole triangle. If you choose one corner you demote your self to become a head of department, from being a CEO, the status granted by God to the human individual by giving us the free will.   

We are taught that we are superior to other animals, so acting like one is degrading. This is a judgment which rejects us as being a creature and creates ego, which takes pride in being better than others including other human beings. This leads to divisions even in the same families and groups, an educated individual should be humble about his/her literacy rather than becoming a victim of prejudice by his/her own ego.

The real love is a combination of all three compartments, but with the knowledge of the differences, a human is blessed to be capable of loving and enjoying every aspect of love.

The love triangle is consistent with passionate love of the mate, instinctive love of family  and friends like mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, friends, relatives love, and soul to soul spiritual love which connects us all to not only with each others it connects us with the source or God as universal love.

If you take any one of the love to extreme and are confused about it, by thinking it is a complete love, it may be more confusing. If you are looking for true and complete love, you may have to understand more about your self. You are not complete with out the animal side, so it’s not without passionate love; it’s not without instinct love, and its not, without universal love or spirituality. We have separated love in departments and taken it to extreme, for instance religious influences are for universal love, which means God and people are more important than your family or your partner, and extreme passionate love would not allow you to even think of any thing or any body else. 

Adopting one department of love makes love limited and with in the boundaries yet this phenomenon is unharnessed and so powerful it breaks all the boundaries. Kings have given up their kingdoms for it, wars have been fought over it, and from committing suicide to killing others have been a trade mark of love through out the history.

It has been tried to control by rules, but it probably is the biggest rule breaker of all. If we understand it we can enhance our life in all departments, from religion to spirituality to relationship of all kind, but the knowledge of love always has been departmentalized instead of accepting it as boundary less.

The importance and the strength of the animal side, in love.

The enjoyments of life are not possible if we disregard our animal side. There is no doubt that we are more than the animal. Our soul lives and experiences this life with the animal side. If we remove soul the body will die, so would the animal side. In order to experience and enjoy this life, soul has to join the body thus animal side. You can’t even enjoy love until we mix soul with the animal side. A transition from a passionate love to instinctive love to even universal love depends on the animal side. First a couple falls in the passionate love, then as the offsprings come along, they enjoy the instinctive love. Instinctive love includes love of children and family beyond the passion. As the human individual connects to the greater community and the number of people grows, universal love evolves and can be enjoyed.

We have been trying to get rid of the animal yet we cannot reach God without it, so for now we can belong to our respected groups, but as we evolve we need to learn what are we really made of. Are we just an animal whom want security in numbers? or a spiritual entity whom connects each and everyone of us to the one humanity. Until then we will always have wars, sports, nationalism and religious extreme, we will always be bias for our belonging groups regardless of our CEO status. The value of the sports teams highly connected with the sense of belonging and there is nothing wrong with it in our everyday life. As the Dr. Wane Dyer says mine is better than you is a level two in our evolution, so the humanity has to evolve to the level where we all can say individually, what can I do for you. That can only happen if we all as an individual  become a CEO and start to think that we belong to the humanity instead of a group of people exclusively.      









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