original sin.

Our belonging groups have been preaching us to live as part of the group, be loyal and fight others if group has to go to war against other human beings. Killing other human beings for belonging groups has been, is and will always be a sin for a long time to come. I have been using a term calls dead dog for a long time, a dead dog is a cause of the problem. Personally whenever I look for the cause of humanity’s major problems I always end up and stop at the prejudice and discrimination. I call them the original sins because they can be found in all over the humanity, from individual to collectively we have been guilty of them. Some of us discriminate color, some gender, some status and some suffer from nationalism and religions. I mention suffering because as human beings we all suffer from our problems caused by our original sins. We don’t even realize our sins because they are passed on to us by our families, communities, nations and religions. All of them are authorities for us because we are born into them. Personally I believe humanity is still taking these dead dogs lightly and is not putting enough efforts to remove them. If you have been reading my blog for a while you already have been aware of my dead dog story but if you are new to it I think you need to know that first before we go any further.

There once was a community, they dug a well for the water and lived around it. One day a dog fell in it and died. When water started to stink everyone got worried, so they gathered up and one of them went down in the well to investigate. He found a dead dog and yelled from the well, that there is a dead dog in here. People looked at the mayor with questioning eyes. He said, take about fifty barrels of water out and then start using it, but make sure you take the dead dog out first.

Today we have a world which keeps on living without taking the dead dog out so we have several dead dogs in our wells. From medicine to social systems, everyone is looking for a band aid solutions to buy time it can be fine but as humanity we should know the causes and solutions to our problems .

If you have a headache, you take an aspirin regardless of the reason. Our problems persist and evolve into our major issues of life. From health problems to our local social issues to international conflicts. We have built an attitude to sweep everything under the rug and keep going with the hope one day problems will go away on their own or we leave them for our coming generations. There is nothing wrong with it to some, but to me the problems don’t go away on their own we have to do something about them.

Some may think God will come in to help but to me humanity is responsible for more of its issues than we are taught to believe because God has done Godly job or still doing it by providing us a living breathing, thinking body and spirit. God is still taking care of the bigger things like space, is not collapsing on us whether its internal or external or the things we have no control over as human beings. We as a humanity has to work towards removing the dead dogs of our personal and communal wells.

Since our killing of each other starts from the education of prejudice and discrimination I call prejudice and discrimination as original sin or dead dog. Any problem which can span or give birth to bigger problems of humanity is an original sin. Our prejudice and discrimination against others has been, is will be giving birth to our future problems.

Present new is that Americans are protecting their citizens from being prosecuted by the international criminal court. Automatically you will believe that there is nothing wrong with it, it feels natural if you strongly believe in the politics of your sense of belonging to your group. To me sense of belonging is the dead dog of prejudice and discrimination and prejudice and discrimination is the dead dog of most of humanity’s problems.

Discrediting or penalizing international criminal court is a clear sign that our politics of sense of belonging to our groups is strong and still is out of control.

Humanity already is divided enough to have this kind of open rhetoric but our politics of sense of belonging is so powerful that even our educated people are blind of its consequences. Not speaking against prejudice and discrimination is one thing putting hurdles in the way of humanity to evolve is an other. Naturally it is in the human DNA to evolve, God and religion or not that process is not going to stop so if anything is done to bring humanity together it belong to evolutionary nature putting hurdles in the way is pure politics to keep powers for the group of people.

Our civilized nations should take part in to combat our up coming problems not to fuel them for further divisions. General population of groups are usually inspired by their leaders sense of belonging related political speeches and believe that they are the best in the world or humanity. Regardless of our progress or civilization we still are stuck into that old politics of groups yet nature is keep calling us to evolve and make humanity to work together.

Disregarding humanity’s needs is plain ignorant and unwise but our politics of belonging to our groups trumps our logically solid and even scientific explanations. There is always a segment of people among us who resist even the most beneficial technologies. From blood transfusion to test tube to stem cell research has been and still resisted by the conservatives yet the resisting people have a history of following new technologies when it suits them remember they are the one who were throwing virgins over the cliffs to please God.

Nevertheless humanity is evolving in all areas of life, popularity of the equal human rights is a clear sign that humanity is about to take a next step to join hands as one entity.

Our older generations are about to lose their grip on what they have always believed in, these contractions are the sign of new changes are being born. Not too long ago racism and slavery not only was a way of life and was not spoken against, but today a racist or slave owner would be looked down and punished by the most human societies. We have evolved to the point that as an individual we would be embarrassed to be called a racist.

Being prejudiced or discriminatory is actually recognized and becoming a crime in most societies, to me it is an original sin most of us don’t pay attention to because it is preached even by our nations and religions.

If it was up to the proponents of divisions they would work against all and every single intellectual effort to unite humanity. Just look around and see how our politics of sense of belonging to our groups is doing the damage to our evolution and civilization. We have spent more resources on killing each other than solving real problems of humanity. If people were not fighting each other what would be the financial state of humanity today? If dog eat dog philosophy was not carried on from our bush or cave times, where would the world be at spiritual scale today?.

If you don’t believe in God and are against religious extreme I would not try to convince you in any other way but I would try to bring you to become a responsible for your actions just like I try to do for the religious people as well.

If you are a Muslim and by going to someone’s tomb gives you spiritual fulfillment I am not going to work against it even if I believe we should not own a piece of land after we are dead yet living human beings are homeless, we all should be buried to become a recycling material for nature to benefit our coming generations regardless of our importance in our living years.

If you believe in beating your chest or cutting yourself I would not work against your spiritual satisfaction what you get from your actions but I would suggest that if your blood is needed to save someone’s life you should give blood instead of wasting it.

If you live in up north where day light or sun makes your prayers and fasting dangerous for your health I still would not be against your spiritual fulfillment but I would suggest to pray and fast according to the time of equator so you don’t suffer physically trying to fulfill yourself spiritually.

If you don’t like to believe in God and are totally for scientific knowledge you still can attain spiritual satisfaction by accepting incompleteness and evolving human knowledge to become humble. For a mortal being spiritually satisfied is not a joke. With a belief system being alive as a mortal is not a losing battle its all about understanding reciprocation which helps us to achieve inner peace even if we have a mortal nature, you can live life with some life in it otherwise trying to control everything takes a tole by robbing you of happiness and contentment.

Our passed on and divisive political knowledge is the cause of our present day problems, so working together as one humanity with equal human rights can help us to not only achieve our inner but outer and illusive peace as well. Our trouble is that we follow our politically tainted religious knowledge of our groups and believe it as God’s words.

Power has the power to not only corrupt us individually but collectively as well so we want our race to rule the world, same as religions, as republics we would want to become empires. Unfortunately even our history shows a whole lot of religions and a graveyard of empires yet we still are not learning from our past mistakes. Sure we have some kingdoms left in the world but humanity has passed on or evolved enough to understand the importance of equal human rights so personally I believe our remaining kingdoms days are numbered.

A crime is still a crime regardless of who you are, price Andrew is implicated in sex crimes and may be proven guilty. Powerful people can’t get away from criminal justice system even the police officers who commit crimes can be penalized so prince Andrew as an individual police as an organization and American unrest as a nation are all the signs of humanity evolving and going through painful contractions to give birth to something new altogether. Since water has already broken there is no way racism, prejudiced and discrimination based politics can survive through the birth of equal human rights. Even religions have taken a hit, pope has already strayed from the long held beliefs of prejudice and discrimination and said who am I to judge.

We have to have equal human rights globally otherwise it is not going to work because we need to have a global rule of law. International criminal justice system is needed if we want to have an effective United Nation. We need to have stronger and democratically ruled and united, United Nation in conjunction with equally powerful international criminal court. Idea of blind justice means politics free.

Just look around and see what is going on these days? If even the beacons of democracy don’t accept the idea of international criminal court it clearly speaks that they don’t want to put their foot in their mouth later like religions did.

Real picture of controversial international criminal court clearly adds to the present needs of humanity to work together. We all have the thoughtfulness and abilities yet we just can’t take a step ahead to change things the way we have been doing. Need for international systems has been there but success of these systems have been faced with all kind of hurdles even from well established democracies.

Real problems like global warming, infectious diseases, internet related crimes like phone calls from India to rob people from all over the world. That all point towards the need to have global systems. Regardless of our civilization why can’t we get on one page as one humanity? Our real problem is politics of our sense of belonging to our groups, even educated individuals can’t seem to come to terms with global systems because we have been living with a powerful politics of sense of belonging.

For example even our long established so called United Nation has veto system so logically it is not a democratic system. If advance nations can’t be treated like an ordinary nation the system is politically rigged so blind trust can’t be there. You can clearly see what is happening to international criminal court.

I believe in pure spirituality and blind justice system if you mix politics in these two you take their meanings away. Politics of our belonging groups has been making everything political so meanings and respect of religions have already suffered in recent history, if we are not care full respect of our justice system is next to go.

Our terrorist already called western court systems as unaccepted authority now time is here when everyone is going to call each others court system as a kangaroo court.

Law and order is and should be blind, any one individual, a gang, community, nation or religion as group commits a crime should be question by higher authorities and as human beings we all should have a higher and respected authority to answer. As humanity by now we should be evolved enough to accept and implement equal human rights in all over the world but it is still a struggle even in our well established democracies. Regardless of the desires of people, needs of time we live in, or the demands of nature, our groups don’t really want to join into international causes. They are threatened their integrity as groups and would lose their importance and relevance so they don’t want to change the way things have been done. Our main culprit is our individual loyalties to our belonging groups and that can’t change until we individually evolve to join humanity as a whole.

A crime is a crime regardless of who is committing it so politics is a poison for our justice systems. Logically if as groups we question individual and hold them responsible for crimes it only makes sense to hold groups responsible as well. Why it is not same for nations or religions, personally I believe according to equal human rights each individual is equal to a group regardless of its size especially when it comes to blind justice.

Since justice and spirituality go hand in hand they should be pure of our political influences.

Human individual insecurities related sense of belonging is powerful and seem natural enough to make even otherwise honest and spiritual people to close their eyes from the real truth especially when it comes to politics of belonging groups. If you set the ethical rules for others you have to follow them first to be an example. Equal human rights are popular and can’t be argued against yet every group is openly prejudiced and discriminatory when it comes to politics of Nationalism and Religions.

Today’s facts are calling and these calls are getting louder in all over the world for equal human rights regardless of where in the world you live, who you are or who you belong to. Old group politics is still around to take humanity into the dark ages or as our holy books are predicting the end of planet.

If we are to avoid that fate, fight global warming, nuclear war or biological warfare, we need to take charge individually to preach for one humanity. If we don’t evolve to our next step and work as one humanity chances are humanity will stay divided as it has been and treat each other as inferior animals. Spend all resources on fighting each other instead of fighting the real battles against the real issues like infectious diseases, global warming poverty and health crises.

As animals we fought not only to remove ourselves from the food chain of the other creatures we have been and are still fighting each other for our resources to preserve our own kind. From the bush and cave time to modern day jungle to space our journey has been constant yet we just can’t rid ourselves of our animal traits regardless of our spiritual nature.

Regardless of our spiritual evolution there are still people who openly believe in dog eat dog philosophy. From cave and bush to little communities to mega cities to nations and religions our security systems have been changed drastically. Today we all have to make some adjustments, we have our law and order in our communities but justice system should be universal like spirituality nothing but the truth without the political influences.

If you start to look at our empires, religions and even in our present day mega cities. They clearly show and tell that as individuals we all are the resources from within ourselves. In reality opposite of our group preaching where we are told individual is meaningless, is true.

Regardless of still fighting prejudiced and discrimination in reality most western nations are not based on one race or religion but a collection of people from all over the world who brought their talent to not only succeed individually but made belonging societies excel as well, why that has been going on? Answer is clear individual value and equal human rights lures draws people from oppressive societies.

Individual imagination has been, is and will always be in the foundation of human progress but unfortunately it would be a curs as well at the same time.

Since all human beings are social creatures, they are drawn towards each other regardless because they value same basics things like oxygen, water, food, shelter, health, love, freedom and security. Our necessities of human nature compel us all to live with our own kind with trust and faith, otherwise we can have security related groups who fall and grow apart as people so building trust in our governing systems is crucial. Our biggest battle is to learn about us being same kind regardless of our differences. If you look at real security critically most crimes are actually done against us, are from our own kind that is why each community has its social crime rate. If you are not safe in your home you simply are not home no matter where you live.

Our individual mortality teaches us all the above yet somehow we ignore the messages from beyond. A dying human does not need resources instead they need love and care. They can and do leave their not needed assets to coming generation. This raises a question that if that coming generation has moved on to something else, start to value something other than commonly valued by previous generations or is not there anymore, not only that individual dies community dies with that individual as well.

Unfortunately our politics of sense of belonging over rides our logical thinking of mortality. If more people die than are borne in community and community is not thinking about looming future problems. If people don’t work to pay taxes for communal support, problems don’t just go away they are created. Running a business is not like running a country so passionate people can cause more damage to community than they can help so politics is not the only thing what runs a successful nation.

A major component of a happy and successful nation is spirituality based principles and yes you don’t have to have a religion based governing system to have spiritual values. Politically people talk against spiritual values as socialism to scare people yet if you look at the happiness scale of the nations dog eat dog nations are not placed higher. Socialism is bad when it goes against equal human rights. If an individual is treated equally as corporations, nation or religions it is spiritually correct so happiness and contentment of the individual will rise to raise communal values as well.

From equal human rights to welfare system, from education to universal health care as rights are the hall marks of spirituality based principles yet politically they are connected to the socialism. Interestingly enough they help community to thrive and place higher in the happiness scale of nations.

If other creatures can be trained and tamed with love that means human beings themselves have been tamed by love. If you raise a child without love you would not only have individual but communal problems as well, so blame is not only on the child and their parents but should be shared by the community as well. You can see it in the crime rate of the nations, a caring community would and should have lower crime rates in the long run yet where dog eat dog is popular their jails are full.

Love triangle puts things in perspectives because love puts hu into man. Since human is surrounded with love from all angles to keep everything in spiritual balance, if stripped off even one side of love there would be a potential for human being to act like a raging beast against even their own kind. Not really a desired state of being especially by the human beings because as a spiritual entity we are smart, way too smart to be treated like an animal.

A cunning and smart animal would be more dangerous then predictable hungry creature so if our love is robbed we can kill and get killed without any guilty feelings. That is why children should be raised with love so their inner being is surrounded with love because a human being means a being surrounded with a hu of love.

When for whatever reason, whether its a loss of instinctive love, or erosion of the passionate love or even if the hurt comes from universal love loss, it can have the potential to bring an otherwise loving human being to dangerously smart animal. Especially if love loss happens in tender age it can have the potential to turn us all into a mama bear. Interestingly human beings are the most dangerous creatures because of our smarts and literal weaponry.

Since we are social creatures we live in societies, we need healthy and balanced people to create healthy societies. Without love the first thing lost is our trust, without trust there is no relationship or sacrifice for anyone else, that means no compassion either. As human beings our health of all kind whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual depends on our established trust if we lack that, we individually and collectively can suffer.

A dog eat dog education preaches self preservation exclusively, that was good in our bush and cave time but in today’s societies it can be called as an animal trait of human being. It potentially teaches us to discriminate against each other whether it is because of color, gender, nation or religion and even reverse racism. It is a serious flaw in our education systems of communities.

From parents to community to nations and religions they all can talk about compassion related good things and the problems faced by the humanity. Blaming everything else but their flawed education of prejudice and discrimination. No one is willing to look at and question their own education systems influenced by the politics of sense of belonging to groups exclusively.

If a religion preaches certain way of living but only for the people who follow them, it is down right prejudiced and discriminatory against others or even its own belonging people who don’t follow the rules of that particular group. When they get into disputes they are not only willing but actually are stripping each other of love what makes a beast into human being so they bring animal out of even reasonably evolved human beings.

Acting on behalf of their belonging groups to rob others of love have been a common practice in all human groups and it may have the roots into their own love loss as well. To me being robbed of love may be the foundational cause of and is connected to humanity’s everyday perpetual conflicts.

People who want to use God for their political agendas make mistake of turning otherwise peaceful and loving human beings into raging animals. They may think it is following their religious orders but they are not following their compassion also preached by all religions, so individually they actually are denying themselves their religious spirituality. Following a religion can be spiritual but you have to know what is politics and what is spiritual so you need to become a CEO.

Logical question comes to mind why would God want to go back to spiritual form exclusively? It just does not make any sense for God to go back to just an irrelevant beauty in the forest.

God being physical and fulfilling ordinary human beings prayers depend on the existence of living breathing human beings so logically God can’t be hell bent to destroy human beings. It is human individual’s free will related freedom, what is making us kill each other we all individually do have a choice when we go to wars.

Since we are blessed with free will and we know how to use it so we individually do know it comes with a package deal. We can either benefit from it or harm others and in the process ourselves, we just need to know why do we do it? You can only find out by becoming a CEO of your life.

To understand this we need to go further yet on our evolutionary scale because we are still stuck into our group politics of belonging and we just can’t seem to come to terms to work as one humanity. To know why do we even have an evolutionary nature yet with unlimited and flexible potential? All answers of our questions would still be questionable regardless of their authenticity because of our evolving knowledge.

Its time for us to individually understand our importance in the larger scale and take a leap of faith in emerging future humanity is facing. We need to go there without getting stressed and being fearful of our unknowns. We need to go boldly into our future and explore where religion, nationalism, racism, gender or sexual bias will lose their importance and God, individual and spirituality gains their importance.

After all the intention of God for human beings was to create as Rumi says an ocean in a drop not a drop in the ocean. Since politics of our sense of belonging to our groups robs individuals of their importance it is definitely not form God, if it is not from God where is it coming from? You guessed it, it is from those who use God and people for their political agendas and yes they are other and ordinary human beings.

Since we are all designed with the atom of autonomy, we have free will, compassionate nature, personal sense of justice and we have the potential to feel guilt so the real fear we should have is not from God from outside but from the one sitting right within us. If you believe and fear God outside of you, you would still commit spiritual crimes because you don’t always believe100% in God. God inside on the other hand is real and always there cause internal heaven or hell for you even while you are in your living years.

Ask a damaged war veteran, we individually are not only able to rob ourselves of happiness and contentment as punishments to ourselves, we have the ability to kill ourselves as well so understanding personal make up is not only important but is in order for the individual.

Being a spiritual being with a physical body in a dog eat dog world can be quit a test for us. In the end of the day free will puts a whole lot of responsibilities on our shoulders. Navigating through a sense of belonging dominating world can make even an otherwise strong individual into a sheep who can be herded by the political dogs. We need to be able to judge not only others but our selves as well so this God like ability makes us the biggest critic of our personal wrong actions before they are committed.

Every societies have criminal justice system according to their constitutions but rapidly changing and evolving societies can’t keep up with the demands of times especially if the conservative people keep putting hurdles in the way of evolution.

If they lag behind or work against their social demands their justice systems can be proven prejudicial, discriminatory and even unjust.

Traditional and customary bias and prejudice are a daily norm in even modern day societies. If you look at it through magnifying glasses of self critique you can find plenty in your own back yard.

Our trouble is that self critique is not common in the people whom are infected with the politics of sense of belonging to their groups. Belonging groups just can’t go wrong for the passionate belonging individuals so there are a whole lot of people stay quite even if their belonging groups do wrong or commit original sins.

On the other hand if you try to raise voice you could be hated, threatened, treated harshly by the belonging groups. From treason and shunning to even death can be the results. This social injustice is not talked about in the extreme noise of group politics. From nationalism to religious extreme cultural opinions are not voiced but shouted at us, so logically speaking individuals voice is muffled regardless of being right.

To me if following religious traditions, rules, rituals or prayers even remotely make you feel that you are better than those who don’t follow or are from opposing groups, it has the potential to make you prejudice and discriminatory. I call this an original sin where not only you are straying from spirituality, you are heading in the zone where you think you are doing good but being prejudiced is judging others as inferior to you. That means you can follow the path what has been and is proven wrong in the present day’s trends like equal human rights.

All people are vehicles of one God just like our cells are part or workers of our body so no one cell can claim to be better than others. Their purpose of life is to preserve body’s integrity while it is alive, just like that we are part of the body of God, so you never know about the people you may think were inferior to you can be proven superior in character. If the religious preaching make you prejudiced and discriminatory understanding differences between religion and spirituality is your antidote. Learning the importance of spirituality over religions to be humble is important because we have had and still have huge problems with religious extreme.

You can still follow the same religion you are born in but by removing the politics of sense of belonging to your groups you will find yourself in a spiritual zone because most religions talk about spirituality but could not keep their politics out of their spiritual system. That makes their spiritual systems tainted with their belonging group’s politics. A politically tainted spiritual system is tainted regardless, so no matter how much you respect your religion you should not be killing others over your religions. Remember it is not because of spiritual side of it, it is because of politics.

In dead of the night if you start to peel off all your given identities one at a time, you will end up finding yourself. You will discover that you are made of the same thing what everyone else is made of. All our differences stem from our politically tainted education and all politics is based on the need to secure and strengthen belonging group, that clearly means insecurity, lack of trust and personal belief system is the cause. Regardless of what you feel or what someone says, you just have to look at your personal life with logical facts.

Somehow you came to life from one in four hundred million odds, you grew from the cell not possible to be seen with naked eye. Just like that out of thin air you appear and your heart started to beat. That thin air provided you oxygen so you can help your ten trillion cells and hundred trillion bacteria to keep you functioning and live. If you still think it is all happening by your will and intention, wash your face and wake up to reality.

Your next reality is that you know you are going to get old and eventually die. This knowledge of mortality should actually make you appreciate your living years with humbleness but somehow you just want to control and secure even your mortality. If you see life as a mountain you start to climb the mountain of life to secure without enjoying the scenery and journey just to fall off the mountain. Remember no matter how high you climb your security still is not guaranteed so regardless of your given knowledge your fact of mortality would not change.

Ghangaze Khan eat silver to secure himself just to die blue. Our very actions to preserve ourselves cause the side effects to rob us of health. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are deeply connected to our soul, how you think can even play a role in our expiration date. Health is crucial for a mortal life to accumulate real rewards of reciprocation and yes they are happiness and contentment. Unfortunately our both extremes are wrong for us as a mortal being because our religions say just live in a sacrifice mode and put all your eggs in the basket of life after death. Be greedy for heaven and fear hell. Other side can’t even comprehend the purpose of our mortal life.

Reciprocation is only understood by having a spiritual belief system, if you can’t even figure that out and climb, hoard and spend every moment of your mortal life to secure yourself just to die with the stress to leaving everything behind. It is a choice regardless which ever way you cut it. I would rather enjoy my visit while do my duties instead of claiming I know what life is all about whether it is in living years or after.

There is heaven, hell, God and Devil out there or not, to me it is all about this life with me as an atom of autonomy sitting within. Doing the justice to all including myself is the game for me. If you choose to live differently than me it is your prerogative but if you try to enforce your way of living in my throat I am going to speak against it. Since we are still evolving we need to leave room to learn new things instead of being stuck in thousands of years old systems, remember we are not a finished product yet so no human knowledge should be subjected to be locked in as the ultimate. There is always room for amendments and changes according to the changing times.

Our medical doctors can give you medication to save you from being sick yet some die from the side effects just like Gangaze Khan did who consumed silver and tried to live forever. Sure drugs are our big guns to survive but these days we have trend to use drugs indefinitely. Interestingly we do gain what we seek but our mortal nature says stay focused on the quality because there is no way around it.

If we are consumed with fear and related control we will end up in a zone where constant stress will rob our health if our health goes we lose happiness as well so without health and happiness there is nothing to measure your success of mortal life. It does not matter how high you climb on the mountain of life, it may impress others but if you are not happy or healthy personally it does not mean anything to you.

People who sacrifice most important things like happiness and contentment for climbing higher on the mountain of life they end up losing hope and optimism as well so they become progressively fearful as they age. Fearful, out of control and stressed individual usually seeks security in people of the belonging groups. Yet interestingly most social crimes are committed by the people against the people who belong to same group. Even our religions could not clean our societies or belonging groups of social crimes, instead they added to our problems by giving us original sins yes prejudice and discrimination.

Look around and see for your self regardless of harsh punishments religions are not guaranteed to give you crime free societies but they are for sure giving you original sins.

How do you mend and fix the problem just by political truces and cease fires but no efforts to eradicate original sins. Peace can only happen at individual level, if the individual wants healing they have to start with themselves. Sometime making a compromise can feel like a betraying the loved ones but there is always a price to pay for our evolution. Our individual evolution is the key to our internal and external peace. If our education system works against the evolution we should start to get with time. Today the tide is rising with the help of internet humanity and human rights are new era of civilization.

New global village related equal human rights should replace extreme Nationalism and Spirituality should replace all extreme of political religions. Sure we still have respect for religions they even have a tax free status but that respect should be as a spiritually fulfilling systems exclusively they should not be respected if they start to play games with the politics of sense of belonging.

If you are and are looking to fight the wars, you should pick the causes and there are plenty to choose from. To begin with equal human rights is one of the most spiritual and important cause for humanity because it works against original sins. Hunger, poverty and universal health care for the humanity as a whole can be others, because as human beings we are not like other creatures our dog eat dog philosophy is like living for ourselves exclusively is our animal trait from bush and cave times.

Our spiritual nature compels us to live not exclusively as a creature but as a spiritual or Godly entity so living physically exclusively is not a full or spiritually fulfilling life for us.

Commonly it is preached by the religions to live as a good and helpful being yet they somehow favor conservative political platforms and end up against spiritual values preached and practiced by the democratic political parties. As we evolve we need to grow our knowledge in all areas of our existence without any biased. If a political party you belong to is in favor of dog eat dog philosophy it is your individual responsibility to live your personal life with your spiritual values.

If your personal principles are clashing with political parties, evolve spiritually and choose whichever is closer to spiritual values because they will be forced to evolve with time as well. Regardless of our religious differences humanity is forging ahead with spiritual values. Just look at the equal human rights whole humanity is going for them. Sure we still have our needs of belonging to our groups but new era is calling for changes in the old ways of dealing with our problems. Regardless of its imperfections United Nation is still around because it calls for equal human rights. Equal human rights provide us a path to override politics of belonging to a group and brings us in new era or a paradigm to belong to humanity as a whole.

Whether you look at it with a scientific point of view or being an extremely religious believer, you are still a human being first, no one and I mean no one should ever forget it. Before you judge someone you have to understand and use your personal sense of justice which can help you override the politics of your sense of belonging to your belonging group.

It is not only about science or religion exclusively, it is about all of you personally acting as a whole being. Ask yourself if you are just a puppet whose strings get pulled by some political or religious leader or are you a Chief Executive Officer of your life? You can make choices with your God given personal sense of justice, you can become who uses common sense of the day and era you are born into. Use common decency and related logic and don’t do to others what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones.

Today spirituality and equal human rights are the things of decency and they are hard to come by even in peaceful times. During our wars, when love loss is at its cheapest, humanity loses its spiritual essence and an ordinary man does not shy away from becoming an animal. Even as groups, we endorse those animal actions against the opposing groups so that is why international criminal court is controversial that is why we are not signing up and are working against it.

Our political disputes all over the world can give you a clear picture of prejudice and discrimination. I saw a documentary about a terrorist educating young students. The teacher was saying if you get them young enough, you can conform them, just like Roman Catholic Nuns claimed to conform native children. Strangely it is connected with the individual’s out of control sense of belonging to their belonging groups. My question is if religious people have figured this out a long time ago. Why individually we can’t see or understand political strategy of the groups? After all we call ourselves so called evolved human beings. We still have people trying to brain wash others for their belonging groups, even to this day and age most religions actively preach to join into a path to God offered by them. Humanity just keep suffering with our divisive politics related social ills including war crimes, so working against international court means there are intentions for wars crimes of the future. Any republic would like to become an empire and any weaker individual would like to belong to stronger entity like an empire even if they have to sacrifice their personal spiritual values. A spiritually evolved individual who is a CEO of their life as well would want to have equal human rights, effective United Nation and international criminal court so don’t let the politics of sense of belonging to your groups rule your personal spiritual values like personal sense of justice. If you feel the need and strongly believe about the domination of your belonging group would bring peace to humanity you already have been proven wrong. Our races, nations, empires and religions could not unite humanity in thousands of years how can you believe it will happen by following the same thing. Equal human rights are touching us all individually that is why they are the antidote of our prejudice and discrimination. If you can remove these two you will be able to see your own dead dogs.

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