Power of love.

  Why love is so powerful

Please ignore English and stay focus on the content.

According to one of my theme we as humans are all connected as our cells are connected to the body as a whole. The body supplies the oxygenated and nutrient rich blood to all cells and in reciprocation all cells work to keep the body healthy, functioning and alive.

Individual cell’s connection to the whole body and with each others requires the individual, to become wise  and strong enough to be able to balance all kind of relationships. This requires an individual to be a CEO who can run all the departments and know the values of each department of life, personal standing and respect. For instance love and reciprocation require perfect balance of a triangle. Being in love with an other cell is important  because eventually you will reproduce the new cells to help the God and humanity going, yet, since you can’t even breath or function on your own, you have to give thanks and reciprocate at least by reproducing.This alone makes me against the abortion and assisted dying but the liberal in me with equal human rights tears me apart.   

It is not one or the other, its the combination which is called for by the nature. Cell connection with each other is strongly related with the chemicals or I should say hormones. There may be more to learn about our behaviors and hormones, but when it comes to the connection to the body as a whole I call it soul connection. If you reduce yourself to just a physical entity, you are disregarding spiritual side of the human being. Interestingly you just can’t pick spirituality alone either, as an individual you have to zigzag through both sides because you are useful and working cell while you are alive. There are several theories and protocols about after death but there is no solid and conclusive evidence. You can believe whatever your religions have preached you to keep you in political control and conformed, there is nothing wrong about it until you start to kill each other over the so called theories of after death. 

There is a powerful physical pull, which relates us all with our emotions, and these emotions are related with the hormones. If we are not drawn towards each other, there would be a flaw in our make up, so naturally there is a powerful nature behind our attraction. If you ignore the nature an try to live on sheer intellect you will face the imbalance related physical, emotional and spiritual problems regardless of your religious teachings.

Personally I believe there is a natural wisdom behind this powerful attraction and that is the order we follow, just like all other creatures we get drawn towards the powerful love. Just look at our history, there is nothing more discussed than love, the books, movies and our interest in it, it is so power full that we just love the love related love stories, regardless of our intellectual advancements, so why there are people running around to find a mate even if they live their life with so much intellect that they worry themselves to death because of the fear related with making a family with a stranger. Then there is a whole side of love loss related violence and even suicides. Our social fabric is so influenced by love that, I believe it transform the mankind from a violent beast to loving creature although I suspect sometimes, but then I can’t help to think that it is still the love loss what brings us back to the uncivilized creature thus it is love that makes or breaks us to be a human being.   

My understanding is that the order is from with in or up above to love, so the reproduction of the cells go on indefinitely  to make God exist. We are just under the impression that we have  choice yet regardless of our sense of belonging related religious rules, traditions, customs or our wars and disputes, even the mixed human population keeps growing.

Love is not just the physical emotion, it is beyond that, it is an order by our nature, thus I believe it is spiritual as well, you can choose not to follow but your happiness, health and emotional well being is closely connected to it. We may have to evolve to the next level of healing to understand the power of this medicine.

So love is the powerful emotion behind the reason why we are drawn to each other, loving an other cell of the body is not just the chemicals reactions it is a spiritual order. Sufism discusses it but main stream religions don’t buy that because they are the victims of the powerful politics of control.

You can choose to limit and falsely feel secure in a loving relationship with an other cell or get lost and surrender to the whole body but both would be extremes. For instance picking a one tree and run around it until it becomes so big that everything else becomes insignificant in the forest. It has the potential to make your life smaller but if you focus on choosing the whole forest for your personal consumption is a choice which has the potential to help you live life with less stress.

If its a matter of security you have to believe in the forest or to be part of the whole humanity or being a cell of God because if you choose the other individual or even a group of people, he/she or they are just as vulnerable as yourself. This can just accelerate the insecurities and control related problems. From personal relationship problems to all the way to our wars. Our behaviors have one reason and that is trying to secure ourselves with the insecure individual or a group of people, the real security is joining in to the whole humanity or God.  

Picture a tree which has fallen by the storm, you jump on the trunk and start to walk towards all the branches, soon you will find yourself standing on a cross road. Life is just like that, if you are insecure you will try to walk on the path which is already carved and safe, but if you are a born path carver you will not hesitate to carve new path for the others. Trends, friends and family would want you to choose what they think is right for you, if you want to fit in, impress others, and or to be admired by the belonging society, you would ignore the dotted picture of your personal life. (Read dotted picture). If you ignore your personal dotted picture you eventually would ignore your happiness and contentment of your mortal life thus make a big mistake.



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