Religion, duty or an option. Where does it fit?

Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.


I may appear to bash the religions but I have nothing against the spiritual sides of any and all religions, my problem starts when the ethics and morals start to come out as rules and the politics of sense of belonging takes over the spirituality. Not only it taints the whole religious message it drives the ordinary individual to passionately commit spiritual crimes on the name of God.  I believe any belief system like religions should be there to help the individual to live life with inner peace regardless of all the personal turmoil. The need of the belief systems has been is and will always be there because it does help the individual to sail through the difficulties of life with hope and positivity, but it is all because of the spiritual side of it. The political side of every religion however is to be blamed for the unaccountable, death and destruction to the innocent individuals throughout the history and even the present days as well.

The knowledge provided by the religions is great for the individual to grow as a spiritual being, but when this politically tainted knowledge makes the human being inferior and valueless, I start to question the politics of not one but all religions. Nonetheless knowledge is knowledge and I learnt some good stuff from religion as growing up as well. One of the thing I learnt was that if some good advice is coming to you, even if it is written on a quite wall take it because one day it may come in handy.

I went to the Friday prayers to a mosque which was not in my neighbourhood, I specially went out of my way to listen to one of the Mullah. Molaana Ajmal was one of the religious personality but with some substance.  I liked his logical explanations to Conway his messages I may have developed some disagreements now but I liked his style of teaching. One day he was talking about the knowledge adaptation and its speed. I use his analogy to explain muscle building to my clients.   I would use his words may not be exact because it was a long time ago, but the message was clear because I am  still talking about it.

He said and I” Quote”

” Take a newspaper and try to put your finger through it but without ripping the paper, if you try, it will rip the paper but if you take a pin and start to make pin holes, then it will allow you to put the finger through without ripping the paper” end quote.

The logic is clear, if you bring in the knowledge gradually you will not only understand, you will retain it as well. We send kids to schools to learn, and schools have grade systems to educate them. In order to understand and adopt the knowledge we all have different rate or speed of absorbing and understanding the knowledge given to us.

Today my understanding is that the religion is and should be all about the spirituality and pure of the politics of sense of belonging. To go further I believe every thing we do out of the religions should be optional, but the actions related to spirituality should be our duty.

Today humanity and spirituality has taken a back seat and have become optional, yet the traditional prayers, where people gather have transformed into duties, personally I believe whenever there is a human gathering it brings politics, so if you look at the importance of the prayers it should never supersede the practical help to the needy in real life.

Conformation to a subservient individual, needs one thing for sure and that is brain washing, and if the individual feels insecure from with in and is far from being a CEO, then the knowledge of the religions can be hard to contain into a department of life. We have given religions, the power to override love of self and even the love of our off springs, because it is strongly related with the sense of belonging to a group beyond the immediate family. In real life the strong and out of control sense of belonging can actually exaggerate personal insecurities. These insecurities can take the individual even further from God and spirituality by him/her committing spiritual crimes for the belonging groups, yet believing in God and being spiritual should help over come these individual short comings.

Today the top messages  of the religions like humanity and spirituality have sunken to the bottom of the list, if you situate yourself outside of the sense of belonging, only then you will be able to see the real damage done to the human individual by the politics of the human beings.

Ordinary man is straying from God and spirituality because even God’s real messages have been muffled in the politics of the sense of belonging to a group. Mixing politics of the belonging group and religions or even God has taken us away from God.

I feel the responsibility to explain that it is time, we all need to become a CEO of our lives, we need to learn to separate the sense of belonging and the politics of it from our religions because religions have no room for the politics of the belonging groups, if they are the real path to spirituality and God. God and spirituality is exclusively for the whole humanity not for some special groups.

Decency is taught only by the spiritual teachings, and humanity can help us individually and collectively to live with each other regardless of the differences in our races, groups, nations or religions. Only personal spirituality helps us to cross the lines of our personal prejudice. If the spirituality is taken by each and everyone of us to the point that we make our decisions spiritually, then it can be clear to understand why even God had to write more than one book? Our journey towards our full potential needs stimulation and for us to dig in deeper and reach for the heights, in the ways God has meant for us human beings. This is the time to decide to come out of our pigeon holes and take a look at our individual actions critically, if they are under the influences of out of control politics of the sense of belonging, the individual should start to take individual responsibility to become a CEO. 

Sense of belonging and group politics have tainted all the religions to the point, that an ordinary individual can’t see the politics behind the rules and actions of the religions and is unable to separate religion from politics and or spirituality. God may have taken the responsibility of the knowledge of life by providing the oxygen to us but the politics of the insecure human still is able to meddle with even the basics.                    

There is certain wisdom of common sense which every human carries with in, and some time this wisdom can be used by the wise ones. I saw a movie a long time ago so I don’t remember the title, that is why I would say author unknown. 

Buddha was meditating on the bank of a river for a long time to the point that he was starving but determent to carry on with his quest. Since without the physical body spiritual quest is harder to attain and manifest in physicality of life, so he was physically suffering, thus it was hard to carry on. One day there were two men going by in a boat. One was playing music and the other was rowing. The musician stops the music and says to the rower, that if you tighten it too much it will snap on you, but if you don’t tighten enough it won’t play the music, he was talking about the cords but the massage was clear so Buddha understood the wisdom that can not only be applied as wisdom of serious issues like Buddha was facing it can be applied to all departments of our lives as an ordinary human being as well.  

Looking at the history, we find that our extraordinary knowledge has been coming from the ordinary human beings as well. It is not exclusive to the Prophets, when I say extraordinary knowledge it is not confined in the religious boundaries.  We have scientific, mathematics and medical discoveries made by the ordinary men and women but they helped the humanity to the point that we can’t count how many lives have been saved by them.  Only the extraordinary knowledge makes an ordinary human being into extraordinary one. It is an ongoing process, and is not going to stop until we reach our potential. There will always be differences of opinions and the passion that makes us claim that we are right.


Today every religion and their denominations have a book just like that, every nation has a constitution, that makes a lot of different texts and a whole lot of different human societies. All religions, their denominations, socialism, communism and even democracies are touted as the fix it all. There are several systems that humans created and even more than one text from God is available for us to compare and follow. Having a passionate opinion about any one system in favor or against, and disability to amend all the religious books is claiming that humans are not an evolving organism thus they should follow the rules written thousands of years ago. 

History shows it, science proves it, and even an ordinary human being sees and understands it, the good old evolutionary nature. I personally disagree with rules carved in the stones, because human beings are the evolving organism so is our knowledge, thus our rules of the past need amendments in all texts whether it be a constitution or religion.

I believe every human knowledge should be for the convenience of the human beings, because that is what is needed for peace as we progress and evolve. Unfortunately the human input is mostly based on emotional and passionate politics of sense of belonging. If it is all about the control and the politics of it, it should stay out of the individual’s spirituality, it should not have the power to change anyone’s personal and direct connection to God.

No one should be forced to believe in anything which is not concrete or proven scientifically and as an evolving beings nothing is concrete for us especially when it comes to knowledge of before and after living years. These days Canadian Natives have been asking pope to apologize for the wrongs done to them on the name of God or religion, whatever had been done to them was out of the politics of spreading the religion by recruiting them to Christianity. Anything by force even if it is religion is a spiritual crime. Apology may not be enough because I believe as an ordinary individual everyone should know what is wrong by following simple rule of thumb. If you don’t like getting done to you don’t do to the others. 

When you want to climb higher on the ladder of society, and you meet the hurdles, you will feel the need for God. Since the human’s journey to the potential is ingrained and inevitable, we can never be satisfied about life’s successes and bounties. This makes us look at life as a mountain and this mountain has to be climbed collectively because as an individual, we all run out of time.

Today where we stand is less than the quarter of the way to the peak of the mountain, it is because of our nature to climb and pursuit our potential, we stopped the sacrifice of the virgins for God. Yet still most religions want us to work against our genetic makeup. There are two things that come to mind – either religions are there to make us slow down the climb to the right speed and tempo, so we can adopt and progress without ripping the paper of adoptability, or simply they are authoritarian and fear based political systems and are power hungry trying to control the human individual, even using God as political tool with the fear of God.

My personal logic says that God created mankind with the evolutionary nature thus we need to follow that potential, so fear of God would be against God’s will. You can choose to join in the progress and break the strict religious rules or you can stay behind and deny what life has to offer to you and your coming generations by the evolving human intellect, you can’t just be selective use all the progress made by the liberals and choose to be conservative.

When group politics takes over or invades a religion, it has everything to do with the human insecurities and nothing to do with God, because if you really, really and I mean really believe in God you just can’t be insecure of the future because the belief system is actually there to help us believe optimistically and fearlessly. God created human with an evolutionary potential, to me this evolutionary potential strongly suggests that the individual has individual spirituality and a direct connection with God as well. It may not make any sense to the weaker individual but a CEO would understand what I am talking about.

Religions are secondary because they are groups, and always talk about the group interest, regardless of their basic messages of humanity and spirituality, they have not been and still are unable to separate spirituality of the religions from the politics to go a little further they just could not put the com together with passion. Tolerance and acceptance have gone with the wind a long time ago, or I should say right from the beginning. The organized religions have always been tainted with the politics of sense of belonging to one group thus they rob other groups of love on the name of God.

Sense of belonging can be dangerous unless we understand it, the real sense of belonging is to the whole humanity and one individual at a time but never to just a certain group of people. No one can claim that they are especially related to God thus should get special treatment, like going to heaven. 

If you kill your daughter because she is not following the rules of your religion, it has nothing to with your faith, God, spirituality or even the religion, it is all because you surrendered yourself to the power of sense of belonging and rejected a CEO status which was granted to you by God. Behind your actions, the all mighty and powerful sense of belonging was at work. The egotistic attitude is related to the community; you care too much about, even more than your love and responsibilities to your daughter. If you care too much about how people think about you, it is because of your honor, your ego and pride. You owe yourself an explanation where all these feelings come from. If you dig in a little deeper you will find that they are all the side effects of an uncontrolled sense of belonging. I would say to you, you should always remember that people have a place in your life but they don’t have a say because you are blessed with the free will directly from the God. No religion, or ism have given you that. They may want to rob you of your free will, but it is still your right to use it when you have to create balance to do the justice to all including your daughter and yourself.

When I left Pakistan I wanted to try to make sense out of the actions of the extremists and my experience with them. As I developed a habit to think and find the causes of the problems, I discovered that the influences of group politics on the actions of individual if rampant in all cultures, nations and religions.

It is not my intention to cast doubts on one’s faith or beliefs. My purpose in writing all this is to declare that it’s time for us as an individual to rise up to the potential that God really meant for us. We should be able to stand up and say no to violence and the extremes of our group politics which has over taken our belief systems. Today, more than ever in our human history, we need to reach for the core knowledge of the religions: compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and altruism for the whole humanity on the name of God and spirituality.

Obeying God is not just following what is written in the Holy books. Discovering and pursuing our ingrained potential is the real obedience to God, because the purpose of creation is to see it functioning at the highest level of potential not confined in the jar like seeds.

Our reaching to that level, that God had meant for us requires our relentless pursuit – some time obeying, some time disobeying and some time down right rejecting God’s existence altogether. Since we are an evolving organism we will go through lots of rights and wrongs before we get it right.

At our highest level of potential we will be a creature of might, and that makes God even more almighty, so as we rise we make God even more valuable, contrary to the popular belief, that if human becomes powerful he/she does not need God. Any human that denies or makes God inferior, is under the influence of the ego and ego is a child of the sense of belonging.  One should personally know that if he/she is trying to fit in, be accepted or want to impress or be admired, all these actions are caused by the strong sense of belonging . One can openly deny God’s existence but deep inside  knows about the incomplete knowledge and personal vulnerabilities.   

Being a breath away from death should keep every one of us humble, but we often forget how vulnerable and fragile we are we take pride in every action and achievement as our doing yet that all is done after we have taken in that little oxygen. We have no control on the oxygen supply and what happens in the space; and interestingly enough we don’t even have control on whatever happens in our inner space either so being alive is not done or kept by the human individual alone. It’s a lot more than what is inside or out there and especially, it is not just a matter of chance, it’s our ability to see and understand what makes God, God and a human, human. 

Understanding Self Worth, and Potential.

If you look at your self as a little seed in which millions of you can fit a jar or in a small room, an inferiority complex can take hold of you, but if you envision yourself potentially as a big tree even at present you are just a seed, the room becomes smaller for you, your confidence builds and even God will help to create more room for you as an individual. 

Just like a little seed, with the right circumstances you can become a majestic tree which produces billions or trillions of seed itself. Humans have the potential to reach the heights that God intends for us.

The higher the ordinary human climbs, the closer we get to our Godly potential. Even one Godly man can help the community to evolve. As there are more people evolving into wisdom, ideally the community should function better with evolution.

Human traits are admired when they are expressed by the individual, bravery, honesty and selflessness is common in even non – religious societies. On the other hand organized religions become so tainted with group politics that they become destructive. These traits are talked about in the religious societies but politics overpowers the Godly messages. The individual is looked at as a little seed and discouraged or denied the potential contained therein, just look around most religious societies inhibit female liberation. There actually is forced social control with strict rules and harsh punishments accepted by the general population. Just recently Indonesia has denounced the valentine day for its population.  

Regardless of thediscouragements by the authorities, it is the individual who comes up with the ideas of human advancements. These are those individuals who did not think of themselves as just the seeds. Whether they, be a Prophet, an inventor or a conqueror, the individual human has always been a back bone of all the advancements of the human community.

Today’s politics related religious wars, and education systems of different schools of thoughts have taken human beings to the highest level of insecurity. The sense of belonging to belonging groups has come to the forefront and individual and human rights are taking a back seat.

When we are not the victims of personal insecurities only then we can stand up and talk about the sense of freedom knowing that we can be punished for this act. These days even advanced human societies are choosing extremes to fulfill the political needs of the belonging groups. The people whom have been exposed to the freedom find it hard to sacrifice their freedom for the sense of belonging. Sense of belonging has several faces but one cause. As an individual, digging deeper and asking your self questions, will eventually take you to the personal insecurities and weaker spiritual belief system.

God has blessed us all equally with the ability to benefit from believing in God. As a CEO it is our responsibility to choose the things that can help us to live a happy and content life but we have such a fear of death that we hate being mortal. We take the enjoyment out of our present day with the fear of the future out come, sure we are mortal and temporary so the life is never going to be secure and controlled for us, so trying to be secure and in control is not going to happen. Losing happiness over it is flawed individual and personal system of living.

We have loyalties to family, friends, community, country, religion or the causes we value. When insecurity – related loyalties call for sacrifice we don’t even hesitate or question. We act because we know that we will be praised and appreciated.

Why do we put so much value in being accepted, admired or appreciated by the belonging community? This question should be asked to the self by each and everyone of us. 

This natural phenomenon needs to be explored and understood. Why do we fall for it as if we are hypnotized? Do we have the ability to come out of these influences? Can an individual think beyond the sense of belonging? Of course God created human to function perfectly as an independent entity, but the politically tainted social influences rob the individual of being an independent entity.

This God given CEO ability is not valued by human him/herself because of systematized education. If you read knowledge from a book, you have learnt, but if you think that you have the ability to write the book yourself, you are in alignment with your potential. Previously read books may not fulfill the demands of the thirst we all should carry if we start to think about our incomplete knowledge. The needs and demands for new knowledge should be the human’s destiny. If you deny yourself the search for new knowledge, you go against God’s will. God created us all with the right combination of ingredients. We all have the potential to be valuable majestic trees in the human jungle. We benefit from being in the jungle, yet we are beneficial to the jungle.

I believe that humans benefit from the oxygen provided by God, and God benefits from the human’s physical input. Spirituality alone is useless without the physicality of life. Group politics may change as we evolve, but at this time we are being harmed by it. Should we continue and follow our wrong education system? Or should we take a critical look at it as a CEO, who can recognize the sense of belonging hidden behind the individual’s insecurities and related ego?

It’s all, each and everyone of us, who must help humanity and make a difference with the findings of our lives and personal experiences. We all have the potential to be God’s messengers even if we are ordinary human beings.

All prophets have been blessed with knowledge to teach spirituality to humanity and for the people to live better than before. We have an innate ability to learn, make advancements and understand that it is a continuous journey to learn to live and be better than before.

The advancements in all areas of life require the continuous desire to improve. The extraordinary knowledge has always been available, but so did our stubborn sense of belonging and egotistic attitude. So choosing the right thing has never been an easy thing to do.

We are able to make our lives easier from hard physical work with our inventions and technology. Why can’t we use the same emphasis to learn about the sense of belonging, boundary lines of religions and even nationalism? Our pursuit to be better than before is a continuous journey and it has to be carried on in all departments of life simultaneously. That is why God created human as an evolving organism, so human can achieve the status that God really meant for human beings. Our nature to evolve is a sacred wisdom and we are still a work in progress. Until we reach our potential we have the responsibility to seek that potential. We have to carry on, to push towards it, religion or no religion.

Just like prophets everybody contributes to make humanity better than before. The trouble is the intention. If one is a great doctor but he/she is in the business just to make money and name, he is just a doctor, but if one is in it to make the difference regardless of money and status, he/she a healer and has higher spiritual status as an individual.

It is important to respect any body who is doing God’s work. Whether it’s an ordinary individual or God’s prophet they are all part of our journey, so we can be better than before. If we are still plagued with killing each other, we have to get better than this. Our following of any one particular religion is not going to take us there. It will have to be getting beyond the sense of belonging and becoming a CEO as an individual.

Since our understanding of right and wrong changes with our continuously evolving knowledge, it is clear that there is no right or wrong while we are going through this journey, we use to throw virgins over the cliffs, burnt widows with their dead husbands, bought and sold slaves, burnt witches killed homosexuals simply look around how much the human societies have changed. As an individual we can go back and forth, but collectively we are forging towards the potential. Progress is made by the individual thinkers, because they open the discussions and challenge the conventional wisdom in all subjects of life.

God is not like a human, no matter how similar or closely we are related, just like the seed and tree are not similar but similar. We can’t say that God thinks acts or feels like a human being. We use politics everyday in every department of our lives, but God is the real truth and nothing but truth. We may change with our understanding as we explore, but the truth of God is without any human politics thus is a spiritual truth the real problem is the human evolution. We are not there where we can claim to totally understand God because we are unable to access our full brain power. 

The journey to understanding God is and should be an ongoing quest. At the same time we have the responsibilities of every day living and tending to our basic survival. Our life as a CEO makes us follow our innate nature and the demands of everyday life simultaneously.

It’s easy to put everything on God or Devil’s shoulders and deny our responsibilities because we are taught by our governing systems smart politics. By making God and the Devil the main players, controlling religions made the individual insignificant with low self-esteem so he/she can be easily controlled. Today we have evolved to the point where as individuals; we are becoming confused by our own personal growth. As we grow we sense that we cannot be pushed around by the governing systems so in order to keep inner peace we have to become a CEO to do the justice to all the departments of our life including self.

It has always been the human being, who reaches for power and control, in the process using God and Devil’s name for political purposes. The general population goes with whatever makes sense, at a certain time, but as we step higher on the ladder of potential we are able to see things differently, today the equal human rights have been sweeping the glob and the conservative religious societies have to deal with inner turmoil.

The carrot and stick has been a teaching tool for us since the dawn of our civilization, religions have been using it extensively, but as we learn more with our evolution we are able to see, that it has been only a working strategy in the politics of control. Though it has its usefulness as a strategy, as every human tool is necessary at times; the truth is the truth. If you bring God’s or Devil’s name into your politics, it is still a politics. When you use God’s name in a spiritual context it is nothing but the truth but as a human being who is a work in progress, our perception of truth changes as we grow intellectually. God in our current version of the truth may not be the right politics, so killing each other over it should be illegal regardless of the religious beliefs.

Getting people to do things by using fear – based or greed – based politics is not God’s way. Even if we label God with human – like traits, still God does not belong in the politics of human beings. For the sake of human evolution God has been quiet even when we are giving God a bad name. As an individual the presence of God in our life is needed to take care of our sorrows and give us hope to carry on. Too much of God slows or even stops the journey of evolution, which is the main purpose of human creation. When we stop digging in for our potential, we go against God’s will. God would love to see us at the highest level of our potential because who would not want to see their creation as a finished product.

If you need to control the society, you say, there is the law, but when you say the words are God’s words, I feel the need to disagree because God does not have the need to secure and control.

Though encouraged by all societies pride and bravery are not the only jewels worn by the CEO. He/she wears much more than that, because a human being is not a warrior ant or a worker bee. The knowledge of a CEO spreads beyond the animal side of our nature. The human side contains the continuously evolving ability to gain knowledge. We are much more than instinct; we are a self – adjusting, decision – making machine. We have the ability to over -power our animal instincts but we need those instincts in our everyday life as well. It is not one or the other; it is the balance we should seek. The balance of sense of belonging and freedom can teach us how to deal with ego, pride, revenge or self – sacrifice and bravery.


God is immortal and spiritual, there is nothing like human, but human always try to put a human face on God. If you look at the human cells they don’t look like human, we may be are complete working organism but we are the cells of God, we carry a little of God in each one of us, just like our cells carry a DNA of the organism they belong to.

Since religion is an education system for us, we have to get our priorities in order. The knowledge is a system of life implanted in people’s brains, and no knowledge is more important than the individual him/herself.

Life of an innocent is worth a lot more than all the religions put together, because all religions regard justice for all. Importance of the religion is based on the individual’s need of spirituality and connection to humanity. Humanity is consistent only with the individual because the individual is a cell of the humanity.

Everyday cells dies in the body, it may seem so insignificant, but the importance of the cell is crucial. Body’s survival depends on the health of cells and the cells are dependent on the body’s perfect functioning. If we disregard the human life and carry on killing each other, it’s not a collateral damage; it has the potential to destroy the trust of people thus the belief system.

I don’t agree with the people whom go digging in the past to find something to hang on about the glory of their own religion or the clan or smear dirt on the other people’s religions. Since we are in a journey to evolution we have been proven right and wrong about every thing in life. We still live in the past stories, hate each other and even kill over it. If you think it’s important to hold on to the stories, I would say it is even more important to make today’s story right, so the children of the future would stop killing each other.

Human has always been involved in the politics of the belonging group. I just want the human to take the next step and start to think about the present. Rise up to take responsibilities of a CEO. We can have differences as an individual, gangs, countries, religions or the divisions of religions, but as an individual, it’s time to stand up as a CEO, to put every thing in prospective. Understand today’s demands for humanity even if you have to deny your own groups demands.

Humanity is the most important aspect of spirituality and the spirituality is free of religious boundaries. Sure religions have enlightened us to know the spirituality and the humanity, but today religions are tainted with the group politics, and can’t get us out of our problems, so it is time, for us to take the next step and think that humanity and spirituality need to be put over and above the group politics, sense of belonging and the revenge of personal loss. It is hard but it can be done if you raise your self to the status what God had given you to begin with. Yes you are the eternal CEO; don’t demote your self.

God has blessed the human with the free will. Which makes human the CEO  of his/her personal empire and that power is worth five spiritual dollars (Read Five Bucks). This Godly power is great for the human individual if he/she can stay clean from the group politics. With the politics we are taught that five dollars worth is nothing, what makes every one feel meaningless and poor with out the group, this creates personally weaker individuals whom think they can’t survive without the group so we are reduced to the sheep, we follow our group regardless of right or wrong. Each and every one of us is created with the potential to be a CEO whom can say no to the wrong when it’s wrong. Deeper belief and personal connection to God can free the individual from inferiority complex pushed by the belonging groups and religions.

Human being is not just the slave of genetics; we are a complex bundle of Godly powered organism, influenced by the several aspects of knowledge. From spirituality to conflicting senses like sense of belonging and sense of freedom, to a powerful CEO who can over ride all the above.

Most religions are connected to some past stories, and they keep giving us the references of the past. If you always solve today’s problems with the past rules, you are bound to fail. From slavery to human sacrifice to homosexuality, religions have failed us miserably. You can’t close your eyes and blindly deny the problems of injustice of human rights, and hope they will go away and solve themselves on their own.

If one’s knowledge is limited about the genetics or choices, no one should have the power to kill just because some one is black, white, brown yellow, red, homosexual or belong to certain nation or religion.

Religions taught us about the tolerance and the extreme at the same time, sense of belonging and sense of freedom, the totally opposing senses are promoted by the groups, yet discouraged us to be a CEO.

These contradictions have the power to confuse even the highly educated individuals, so today highly evolved human with the nuclear bombs, is torn apart and don’t know how to separate spirituality from the group politics. If you as an individual become a CEO, you will see the humanity only lights up with the spirituality, not with the religions or nationalism, because spirituality can’t be tainted by the politics, sense of belonging, sense of freedom, land dispute, national pride, personal ego or the revenge for the loved one.

How can we solve our problems with spirituality, well we have tried every religion, ism, and democracy, did we succeed? No, not yet, because we are still looking for what is in it, for me or us philosophy, as an individual or a group, when we reach to the point where we can say, what can I do for you? things will change dramatically just like Ebola was controlled by the joint efforts, space station is built by the humanity as a whole.  

Religion is a chip planted by the parents and the society we are born in or belong to, so we can be different. Being different stimulates the individual to be competitive, which helps the people to excel, evolve and dig deeper to seek the potential. Reaching the potential is a quest and responsibility to all of us, but being competitive can be destructive if you take it to extreme. How can we plant the seeds of prejudice in every individual,  group, nation, culture and religion, and expect it to grow into a peaceful gentle and evolved human being? We have to bring back the spirituality in our religions and get the politics where it is needed in our governing systems. It is up to the individual where he/she should fit the religion and in what form, duty or an option, whether it should be a political system or a spiritual path to inner peace. Should one live as a sheep or a CEO? it is not a question for me but I would like every one to ask this question to yourself. If you feel that you want to save a spot in the heaven always remember God is not to be bribed and committing spiritual crimes in the name of God is not only political it is down right criminal.

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