Religious Quid Pro Quo.

If the carrot and stick philosophy is openly used, preached and discussed throughout our history and even in recent history by us then why are we making QUID PRO QUO such a big deal. Humans have been using politics since the awareness, we even use it to connect with God. That is why our religions claim to be political and justice systems. To me religions should be spiritual and nothing but, any political system which favors one group of people over the others leaves spirituality behind. When it comes to our governing systems we need to use politics but in our belief systems a QUID PRO QUO should be prohibited because of deal making. Heaven and hell is a clear QUID PRO QUO so if you feel or think even God is using QUID PRO QUO you have left spirituality out of the door of your belief system.

This political phrase has been and is used or smeared all over in most of our societies, we have been are and will be using it for a long time to come. Sure politics is needed for our day today governing systems but our belief systems should be pure of politics because it contain hidden agendas and lies.

When it comes to our political religions, they are actually preaching that politics is the foundation of believing in God as well by giving heaven and hell scenario. The whole picture of heaven and hell clearly promotes today’s popular word. QUID PRO QUO. This blog is for those who believe God is pure spirituality and does not use politics in the spiritual world, so carrot and stick or heaven and hell is human’s political trait seeped into our spirituality.

Does that mean there is no heaven and hell? I believe as human beings we are above the cats and dog status because we have the ability to self regulate. This ability to self regulate comes from our spiritual side to help us supersede even our genetics. If we have been evolving or are evolved enough to understand that we are above the other creatures who can’t self regulate. If that is the case then why are we spiritually still stuck with the carrot and stick philosophy. Heaven and hell is a clear sign of carrot and stick philosophy or in other words religious QUID PRO QUO.

Let’s look at this with a little more detail.

Today this word has been thrown around daily in the news. I thought it would be a good idea to use it as a blog title to explain its meanings.

In our spiritual world, it does not and should not exist because God has done Godly job by giving everyone a functioning body and a positive environment for life. The functioning body for a human individual must be used to live a mortal yet moral life with free will. One can believe in God or not. It is an individual and personal option. I am focused on or am trying to connect Quid Pro Quo to human politics to clear God’s name. Our belief systems should be pure and not political because God resides there. How should one clean their belief system of quid pro quo and Question this politics.

I personally would like to clean my belief system of anything which puts or makes us blame God for our politics of discrimination and prejudice. If I am successful I would be a better human individual who does not take part in blaming, discrediting and making God a human-like figure who is politically infected.

We function at a cellular level yet we function as a whole body and then we function as humanity as a whole as well. Assuming that God is functioning as an emotional cell or a body who kills and burns out of anger as punishment and rewards with eternal heaven for being obedient would clearly be making God a human-like figure.

If you remove the emotions and politics of religions out you will discover that there is no similarity just like a tree and its seed they have connection but thinking they are same would be an assumption. As human individuals, we all have an important role and a place in larger scheme of life, just like our cells play an important role in the body. Does that make a cell think like a whole body? Can a cell in the arm or leg see the whole body without assumptions, I don’t think so because as body we are, but as cells we are not equipped with the vision of all sort. If you think otherwise, you will have to come out of the boundaries of your preached knowledge about God to look at it again without the biased.

If you do you will discover and find yourself in a whole different spiritual world which exists within you. Not only that you will discover who you really are and why you are alive. You will discover your life has a duty of reciprocation. Interestingly still there is no pressure to live in a certain way like bees or ants.

God does not punish us for not praying or being disobedient or even committing crimes. Our religions on the other hand preach to us a different philosophy altogether which is actually a QUID PRO QUO. To me, God belongs to the spiritual world and the spiritual world is pure of insecurities related to human politics.

As a human society, we come up with the crime and punishments for social justice and peace. If it was from God no one would be able to commit crimes we would be like angels or like ants and bees. Millions of people not only disobey, but they also don’t even believe in God and they downright commit spiritual crimes yet they go unpunished. Why not? Because there is no QUID PRO QUO in the spiritual world. There is no politics or bribery on an individual’s spiritual side.

Its an invention of our insecure animal side which tries to secure itself by creating groups to find security and groups can’t be without the politics of QUID PRO QUO period. Involving God into our politics is not new, we have been doing it since the beginning of our awareness of the concept of God. We made God powerful but still a human-like figure because we just are not evolved enough to overcome politics of our sense of belonging.

To me we have been awarded free will for a reason so one can choose and decide how to live a mortal life. Examples are all around us you can see how people live differently even in the same families, societies nations and religions. As the individual evolves they can judge themselves if their actions were good or bad and interestingly enough with our evolution our good and bad have been changing.

Spiritual growth is going to come from the understanding of reciprocation as the duty of a mortal being, and that can happen only if one seeks to look beyond the politics of a sense of belonging to their belonging groups.

We have a history of a creature as well as a spiritual being, in our everyday life we have millions of examples to prove this. You will feel accordingly on which one is ruling you, or which one was nurtured while you were growing up. If your love triangle was or is still in tacked you will be with a higher level of strength in your spiritual side otherwise your animal side would be in the survival mode which would be the dominating factor in your everyday choices or decisions you make.

If you get a chance to learn more about yourself at present and if you seek what kind of potential you hold, you can learn to unlearn the imbalances of the core behaviors and rise up as a spiritual entity. (Read Love triangle).

If you are one of those who puts together natural disaster as a punishment from God for your Devilish action, you are not going to change your mind so this article is not worth reading for you. If you are an open-minded and questioning CEO, it is for your interest.

I believe humanity is an evolving entity by God+

we may not grow wings or horns individually but we are in a perpetual evolution for a very long time. If we evolve in some areas and do not in others, it is dangerous and is our loss because an evolved entity with emotional irrationality has been and can be self-destructive. We have evolved in war weaponry with the weapons of mass destruction yet are still struggling with our inner battles with our animal side. As for creature or an animal we naturally want to secure ourselves to even destroy the planet earth that is the reason why regardless of scientifically proven knowledge still you can see the different schools of thoughts about global warming.

Our rational thinking made us to become aware of our round and one planet of reality otherwise some of us believed in the flat earth and a few thousands year old. We just can’t get up and go somewhere where the environment is as receptive as the earth. At least, for now, there is nowhere to go so evolving to understand our emotions related to our animal side would be in order. This can only be done by raising individual’s understanding about the politics of sense of belonging to humanity instead of a group of people. Which means educating one individual at a time.

We have to understand that being a physical creature we automatically will have alpha and beta people in our groups. Individually all you have to do is to just look around including yourself rationally. If you are born an alpha you will strive to reach Higher Archie. Put more efforts to succeed and get ahead of others. Its regardless of your spiritual development or awareness of mortal nature so to understand all that you have to dig a little deeper into yourself not only as a spiritual entity but as a physical creature as well.

Understanding of an evolved CEO would help to stay in balance otherwise social pressures related to internal conflicts can result. These conflicts can make you go back and forth even in your belief system. Having conflicting views or being torn apart can leave you vulnerable to being receptive to the politics of other people or even extreme. This is where you have to know why each and every single one of us has been blessed by God with free will.

If you don’t use your free will to choose someone else will choose for you if that is the case clearly you are not spiritually evolved. You may just drive to reach the top without the care of how many people you may have stepped on to achieve your goals of material success just to leave it all behind.

Logically in a temporary period of living our life should be planned accordingly. If you don’t care or can’t comprehend mortality while you are with good health and strength. Your advance age may fall short in the happiness and contentment department because your body is not going to do what you always managed to do.

Society may encourage people to focus on constantly climbing and succeed but living a happy and content life is our personal and individual responsibility. The culture of being successful is preached because of more efforts by the individual help society as a whole. Since society is not mortal like the individual its the individual who ends up losing at the end of life. Happiness and contentment are the main treasures of mortal being if one loses that while climbing it is a significant loss.

Parents land in our instinctive love and society we belong to lands in universal love corners respectively so they should understand that individually and collectively we all suffer. (Read love triangle) If we rob love or don’t encase our offspring with love it will have its consequences. Now look around and see how many of us are encouraged to rob the love of others by our nationalism and religions. A terrorist is encouraged to spread fear with killing, yet same act of robbing love is taken by the people they acted against. Our political ways have been and are constituted as us and them philosophy which automatically promotes robbing love of each other to stay ahead. This us and them politics has been and is preached as a physical creature yet as a spiritual entity with justice in the core. We can’t and should not think beyond one humanity because if you think us and them you are bound to harm others in the name of your belonging groups.

I am not looking at it as good or bad or even fair, I am pointing towards the causes of our issues. If you don’t agree I am not going to argue about that because politics of our sense of belonging is so powerful that it has the power to make its follower into (PASSIONATE PUPPETS), as human beings we all have free will to decide and choose so choosing to follow would be a demotion for a human being.

With or without the evolution of today’s standers human individual has been and still can go back and forth on the evolutionary path. We can win and lose out to our inner animal side or spiritual side yet be in the same lifetime. Meaning we can be a jerk and a nice guy or go back and forth depending on the situation or circumstances.

If the individual was a jerk and physically strong odds of survival were better in the bush or in the cave so that was an admirable trait by the weaker individuals. Regardless of our evolution and with our awareness, we still regard aggression as a somewhat accepted behavior. Ever since we handed our security responsibility to our groups, things have been changing. From law and order to the police department and jails have become part of our lives. Since no one including myself can deny their importance we all have to adjust and adapt but giving powers to a group has its price and that would be going through the painful process of evolution.

One can clearly see from the history and the popularity of western-style movies that American society is clearly going through some painful evolutionary changes. From not liking to give up their guns to not liking modern-day politics of quid pro quo speaks loudly enough to make people understand the process of evolution.

If you look at the bush or cave time politics, it worked fine or still works for the top leaders one way or the other but for the smaller and weaker members of the group was not and still is not as good regardless of their contributions. Today’s popular political systems are a somewhat perfect example of the same Higher Archie system which promotes a designed political system that makes all the money to go to the top one percent yet everyone else complains. It is as if we are still in the bush or cave. After all the civilization and spiritual growth, we are still struggling with our strong animal traits related to insecurities.

What was wrong or should I say still is wrong that they were fed crumbs of the catch in the past, if the leader was not full they had to go hungry. This picture was in the bush or cave and still persists in modern-day jungle creatures or even in the urban jungle as well. As if we have evolved but selectively.

Unfortunately, regardless of our evolution as creatures we still struggle with insecurities because our evolution has not been completed yet. If you think we are evolved you must be thinking about our other department of life. For instance, we are scientifically, technologically and medically are growing leaps and bounds but are left behind in emotional and spiritual intellect. It is our imbalance which is giving us all the grief so shouldn’t we work to evolve in balance.

In animal kingdom alpha creatures still rule but in human societies, even alphas can fall and live on the crumbs because of the powers shift. In our societies, we have law and order or in other words, big brother has taken over, yet interestingly politics of our sense of belonging has the power to buy our big brother as well just like it did to God. If you look deeply enough you would be able to see that powerful is still protected regardless of alpha or beta. Ideally, the big brother should protect the weak and vulnerable but unfortunately that one percent and has been protected instead by it. Just to clear one thing I am not for the socialism or communism because those systems are against the equal justice to all. I believe in spirituality which can’t be allowing the injustice to anyone. If an individual can take the group of people to court and win because of justice that is spiritual.

Humanity has been and still is in the pickle for a long time, our systems are set up with the constitutions and religious rules with no room to evolve. They are designed to keep everyone in line yet there is no gauge for equal justice or equal human rights. New humanity phenomena is that we all desire equal human rights regardless of where we live that is why it is spreading in humanity like wildfire.

Sure we have somewhat order in human societies but we are still faced with the Higher Archie as if we are still in the bush or cave where the alpha dog takes its fill first.

Is it better than our cave-dwelling days, sure it is but our troubles have been and are still related to the people who want to change everything and then the people who don’t want to change anything at all to stay back in the religious glory days which has no chance at all because of can of worms have been open.

We can’t express our animal side to be aggressive nor we can follow our spiritual side to keep everyone at the same level with equal justice.

That means we are not only individually torn apart, socially we are having injustice related problems as well. Our powerful, use politics to brainwash ordinary individuals even by using the name of God and religion and some by forcing and buying the justice system. Today’s talk is that one percent has all the wealth and the rest of the population is struggling regardless of the tax system or big brother in place. So what is wrong with us? Where is the real problem? What are the solutions?.

First of all we have to acknowledge that we are a creature who has two sides within the core. Second our physical side or you can call it an animal side and our spiritual side or you can call it a human side should be in balance. Now, remember one can’t live without the other so we are stuck in this situation until we evolve further to create balance. Our animal side is full of creature type insecurities so it would rule and compel us to hoard wealth, from mattresses to offshore investments to tax heavens. It is all related to animal side security yet our spiritual side preaches the understanding that there is no security for a mortal being and it is all about using money to live this life with quality. This quality can be vastly different for us so choose your own wisely, if you like to live the way you are living do it but try to understand spiritual rule number one. You should not do to others what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones.

Since we have been evolving for eons and still we are not there where we can self regulate and live a peaceful mortal life of give and take. It’s obvious that we are going to live with the need of resources so our stomach is full which will help us to become spiritually aware. Always remember our spirituality is dependent on the full stomach. If more people are hungry less would be left for the weak and vulnerable. That means we would not have healthy human societies and there is proof of this social illness which carried on from our jungle days. There are a lot of people regardless of their religious belonging still believe in dog eat dog philosophy. If a society can’t take care of it’s weak and vulnerable it just can’t be called a healthy society. Our trouble is that we go too far to the extreme with everything we do so believing in total capitalism, socialism, communism or even democracy can sometime be destructive.

If big brother helps the weak and vulnerable some will still call him unfair and socialist if the individual is helped to hoard the resources we call it unfair and capitalist. We all should remember as a mortal logically we are all renters claiming to own is just not practical it is absurdity because everything material is left behind. Sure you can leave behind for the family but you still have got to go. We have systems set up to own a piece of land even after we are dead yet we have living breathing homeless in every major city of the world.

Like in the bush, animal marks their territory for resources, we as human beings are still in that mental state regardless of the knowledge of personal mortality. Other creatures are not aware of their mortality so they live the way it suits them. Sure we are creatures but our evolution has helped us to figure out that our time on the face of the earth is temporary. This knowledge should have but regardless of our evolution it still could not change our behaviors. With spirituality ingrained within the core our behavior should be above and beyond being animal by now but still, we are not there yet. Until we get there the best solution is for us as a society we should create balance with the equal human rights-based justice system.

If we follow that path we can remove our personal extremes out of our families and belonging groups and eventually we can clear human societies as well. If an individual can take the mass to court and win because of human rights, it is progress and a big leap in the right direction. In a nutshell, what I am saying is that whether it is mass or an individual they all should be treated with equal spiritual justice. Remember don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones.

Sure big brother has to take care of mass but with a political system favoring one or the other is biased and not an equality-based system. Our religions and isms have failed us spiritually because they could not do the justice between mass and individual they chose mass. It may seem logical and but it is not fair that is the reason I call it political if it is political it can’t be called spiritual.

Majority of us come with an able body so reciprocation is not something we use politics with, its our duty as an individual. If we use God or other people to pull our share it is against individual spirituality. Hoarding and making others to starve or suffer may not be considered as a social crime but it would be a spiritual crime.

Our collectively created invisible but real big brother is just like God it draws its powers from the living breathing individuals so individual’s value should always be paramount and in the foundations of our governing systems. Now look around our governing and even belief systems critically and discover for yourself that how quid pro quo is used in everything we do, politically it may be acceptable to some but spiritually it is against the law.

When we were not this evolved we did not have God nor the big brother so whoever was strong got the power. Things have gotten quite complected because the power is not in the hands of the individual anymore. Some people still don’t want to give up their guns because they feel vulnerable without them and have trouble trusting the big brother. Should one give up guns? Well, it is a matter of perception and the level of spiritual awareness, how do you feel living in the wild west of modern-day humanity.

Our trouble is that we have been and are giving our powers to big brother or I should say whoever politically controls big brother and that would be a select few living breathing human beings. Our resources have gone to those few who believe in that it is okay to have animal instincts to survive so we are not going to find our solutions until we evolve to the next level of spirituality. Where you don’t do the injustice to the individual yet take care of the mass simultaneously. With stronger animal instincts of individual survival and present politics of us and them, it would not be an easy fix for humanity unless we evolve to the next level individually.

That next level is to bring spiritual strength to the equal level of animal side internally as an individual and collectively as humanity. We need to take care of not only the family members but humanity as well. Some of us as a creature or as an animal are not evolved enough to understand that others who are going hungry or are sick belong to humanity as well. Responsibilities of the human individual are related to reciprocation and that reciprocation is not needed by God as a being. They are required for helping the needy among us because God draws Godly strength and value from the healthy and happy human individual. If everyone is drawing but no one is helping the whole spiritual or Godly system collapses.

With our governing systems our big brother has joined God and Devil to rule humanity but these days things are changing rapidly. Equal human rights are an equally strong and competing force and nowadays its being asked by the ordinary individual and even groups in all over the world.

Humanity has started to take steps against prejudice and discrimination as well and is leaning towards democracies compare to any other way of governing. Where would the humanity be in few decades from now is anyone’s guess, but having this awareness and awakening is a good sign. The need to evolve and evolve fast is required by our time. Global warming is a reality yet still regardless of our climate-related weather extremes some political leaders don’t agree with each other because of politics sake. They should come to an agreement and work together as humanity is requiring them too before the climate refugees start to flee their homelands.

With the entry of our big brother the number of invisible entities has risen to three, God and Devil were the most common during our early days of evolution but our big brother is considered just as strong in modern day societies.

Our history shows Devil and God were presented and accepted by the strong desires of weak ones but it created our organized religions. Interestingly the same thing is happening by the removal of God and Devil as well. The big brother of communism, socialism and even democracy came along with the same desire of the weak who want to join in to help each other.

Right or wrong has nothing to do with our evolution, it’s our nature and we are going to evolve whether we like it or not. Like-minded people will get together and try to be strong but that still will be a group of people not a humanity as a whole.

Fundamental desire of strength is connected with awareness, but when the undesirable side effects show up we realize and try to change. Another trouble is that some of us would want to and the others would not want to change. That is how we create groups within the groups to fall further apart as humanity. These days humanity has around two hundred countries and an organization we call the united nation, but it is running exactly the same way we run our societies. A few strong people but the majority is weak ones. How are we going to become one humanity if every nation has groups within the nations. Then we have religions and their sects with a whole lot of passion to keep their identity. Then we have democracy with its divisions and they are called political parties. We actually have been dividing and gathering since the beginning of our communal awareness. Today’s modern democracies are living proof of our ability to overcome our differences. Just look into human societies, colorful and goulash of belief systems yet with tolerance is present, especially when it is a folklore time in Canada. Everyone is allowed to promote and showcase their traditions and customs without any prejudice and discrimination. It can only happen with the law and order founded on equal human rights. When the human individual evolves to accepts others as equal human beings, it is beyond the education of group politics which preaches prejudice and discrimination. Don’t forget we got a long way to go because even our united nation still has a prejudiced and discrimination based veto system. Regardless of the population, a few nations have the power to accept or reject the agenda of humanity.

Let us look at the journey of this incomplete or still in the process of evolution. Humanity has been on this journey for a very long time and we have experienced a lot of changes. From groups in the bush with the strong alpha leader to all the way to race, nation, and religions. From individual power to group power to regional governing authorities to nations and religions. Our individual strength has been undermined and group mentality is promoted so the birth of big brother was inevitable. Today some don’t like to have a big brother in the picture, but most of us want to have a police force and authority of the government. Now look around and see if the quid pro quo is legitimate in your belonging society. Whether you agree or not, what do you think about it? Is it necessary for our political system? It is up to you to look at it as a political necessity but when it comes to your belief system that should be spiritual and in spiritual world quid pro quo is a spiritual crime.

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