Sense of belonging, cause of the Dictatorship.

Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

Humanity is a victim of our ancestral knowledge based on us and them philosophy. Sooner or later we would have to evolve from this curse, so sooner the better. Today we are learning that racism, gender bias and prejudice are the plagues from our past and the remedy is the equal human rights. These rights don’t only right our wrongs they are actually are the anti dotes of our wrongs. This us and them philosophy is the foundational problem until we correct it as an individual one person at a time. We would be suffering not only individually but collectively as well until we collectively convince the individual that he/she is more than just the extension of an ideology. He/she is a CEO thus has more responsibilities to manifest changes. Our dictators are victims of out of control sense of belonging to their belonging groups, so  they commit spiritual crimes against all other opposing human beings. If you look at  it deeply you would find that its not only the dictators whom are guilty of these crimes, democratically elected governments and so called Godly and religious nations are doing the same thing in the name of their belonging groups. Until we as an individual learn, that there is no us and them when it comes to humanity, spirituality and God, we will not be enlightened enough to get it.        

Just like each food has it’s taste and chefs usually mix the edible foods to create the new taste, if it’s good it sales, if it is bad it does not, and some taste become so common that people want to jazz it up by adding their own additions. From traditional foods to customs of human societies to governing and worshiping, the world is full of differences.  

The quest for better does not stop only at the evolution of the tastes, we have been and are trying to reach a better taste in all departments of our life so it is an on going quest. Human societies have been seeking to have a batter way of governing so it causes people to get out of their comfort zone, which some time leads to conflicts and wars. After the wars, clashing cultures, defensive resistance and then eventually people learn to live together, they mingle and mix just like foods some time it does not mix well and become a never ending conflict, but some time the new mix is better tasting than their old ways of living because of the tolerance and acceptance. Society then benefits from the mixing knowledge and higher level of fivers(Read five bucks) can bring transformation for the better.

Western societies can be described as melting pot societies, they have democracies with equal human rights and usually are successful regardless of present wave of  protectionism, because they have created a taste which is better than otherwise, the brain drain from all over the world has had helped them to evolve much faster than their counterparts.  It is especially a good refuge for the people who have moved from the oppressive societies, whenever an individual migrates he/she brings his/her fiver to contribute into the new world they adopt.

In my opinion people leaving the oppressive societies, are usually alpha people who sacrifice their present or status quo to change their future and put more efforts into changing their living conditions.

It is great to have success oriented people in one place, because the higher number of the driven people can enrich the humanity and society they join simultaneously, but it can have individual problems as well as social issues where they go, for instance re-establishing themselves and go through the  struggles and then putting efforts for dominance even in their love department which can ruin the personal relationships because there are equal human rights. At work, the job dissatisfaction can lead to unacceptable subordination thus individual unhappiness, eventually when the individual suffers so does the society, so we progress in certain areas but deficiencies in the other areas of life.  

The most important thing in a mortal individual’s life should be the happiness. Things like wealth may per void one kind of happiness, but if you really know your self you can tell what is important to you.

For instance you live in an oppressive society, but you like to express your thoughts with freedom, regardless of wealth you would not be happy, or if you have lot of freedom but you are poor, either way your pursuit should be the happiness. Knowing what kind of wealth you appreciate helps you to choose the path you should be on. Ideally one should achieve inner and outer peace, happiness and contentment. Regardless of success in life the individual’s ideal package is incomplete unless it contain physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual health and happiness. If you believe that only financial freedom will take care of everything, it may not be true for you as an individual. If you sacrifice the other areas to be successful in financial department still it does not make it a good strategy because eventually you will have to be apart from it all and leave it behind.

If you say your days are numbered, than that means we have no say in it. Believing that way may help to take fears of life away, but we need to understand that we have a say in every thing we do, the proof is in longer life on average today. The suicide ability of human being is an other example as well. If you eat bad and hope that it does not have an impact on your health and the length of life, it may help because of the belief system but reality is that we can’t just will or pray our self to a longer or better life.

Since we are the third equation, we as an individual are the most important person in our personal life, so our decisions make a difference in our life, regardless of what kind of belief system we follow. This power is available to the human individual only after he/she has taken the breath given to him/her. Regardless of God’s invisibility our belief systems  are our important realities, or at least they should be, because they should be there to help us live this life with quality. If you fear too much, you kill your self with the stress, if you do not, your reckless behavior will kill you. It’s not the death itself, it’s the quality of life that matters in a mortal life. If your belief system helps to put quality in your life, it is the right one, if it is robbing your quality of life, it is your responsibility to make the changes in your belief system, it is not important to change a religion or become an atheist, it just does not solve the individual problems, but if you choose to bring some spiritual health in everyday life, you may find peace from within. You have to make the changes regardless of how hard it is to defy the set rules of any system. Since it is important for you to put efforts in your life to attain quality of life and the quality is all matters in a mortal life.

Our belief systems are popular because of their helpful ways of living. In a society we all need equality and rights which requires rules, justice system and police to enforce the justice system so everyone can live with dignity. Our troubles start when our politics takes over the justice system to suit certain group of people exclusively. 

Since we have an evolutionary nature, we have trouble with the justice systems because they have to evolve as our needs change. As we evolve, our awareness helps us to make the crime bigger or smaller, just like homosexuality is not a big deal in the western cultures any more like it use to be, and alcohol, gambling and now pot  is in the list of things governments runs itself, yet not too long ago and even in present days police was and still is chasing the people whom were selling alcohol and these days same thing is going on with the pot. It is all because of our group politics has the power to change the crimes as we evolve.

These days societies are at different levels of evolution because of our rules, yet the internet is available to dissolve all the boundaries, so humanity is going through a fast and changing time.

This rapidly changing time is actually galvanizing the conservativism and protectionism, so the war is on. Since the can of worms has been opened, you can’t just put everything back, so this clash has not seen its end yet. How far is it going to take us and if we will be able to stay on the road to evolution? That all depends on the education, that is why the conservatives are fearful of ordinary individual getting educated. They have been against the free education and they politically connect it to socialism just like the health care and social assistance, whether it is socialist or not I think educated person becomes a moderate and is a lot more peaceful then the uneducated one. We have all levels of education in people some less some more regardless of schooling because it comes in different areas of life, for instance some are intellectuals in emotions, some are aware of finance, some are better physically and some are well rounded. Regardless of education we all have one thing in common and that is the physicality of living, where we have hunger and need of love. Individual education is most important factor after hunger and love.

You can see the mutilation of individual human rights by the ruling people or authorities all over the world. As an individual we all need freedom of being equal to have self-esteem, if that is taken away we reduce the value of ourselves and follow the mob mentality, which is one of the main cause of our wars and social problems after the love loss.

Education of the individual is the foundation of a successful society. Instead of making education business make it free, bring students from all over the world educate them to become teachers and send them back so they can spread the education and better yet use internet for free education.   

I personally believe all developed countries should have a poverty, health and education tax for the whole humanity so we can really solve our problems related to extremism, evolve together and learn to live with each other as human beings. If you really want to work against the terrorism make the education free to the world so we as an individual can shift our sense of belonging to humanity instead of an exclusive group of people whether it be a race, gender, nation or a religion.

Talking about the free education, Fidel Castro has just passed away people call him hero and the villain at the same time, even Justin Trudeau got in trouble praising him. He may have been a dictator and committed some atrocities but he educated his people the best he could. I am no fan of dictatorships, kingdoms or any kind of authoritarian governing system but when things are done right to help the individual to be educated and free with equal human rights, then, regardless of the rules of the system, whether they come from the socialism or religions, they should be adopted. 

One of my theme in this Blog is that as an individual we all should learn to belong to the humanity as a whole, instead of groups. Whether its race, color, nation or a religion. Canada is a good example, we have all kind of people yet they are Canadians and able to live together under the same rules. The next step is to belong to humanity as a whole. Imagine how well humanity can do if everyone can learn to contribute his/her fiver and live with the equal human rights.

Even drug cartel can have loyalist group of people. Dictators like Hitler, Sadaam, Gathafy, Bshaar Alassad or Fidel Castro will have a lot of people whom think they are God sent leaders.

How can we change that? Sure it is not going to help by putting them down but by looking at them, if they have done good for the humanity, they may be good for their belonging group but they all have the potential to commit spiritual crimes in the name of their sense of belonging to their group.

English, French, Roman Empires even Ghangaz khan in the past and in present days Russian and American Empires are doing the same thing. They all can be heroes and villains in the name of sense of belonging to their belonging groups so the solution is to learn to belong to the humanity as a whole and not to rob each other of love in the name of belonging nation or religion.

Sure I am an idealist and I hope that our technology can help us through internet to spread the education all over the world. If people are educated and know how to fish then they don’t need the continuous help. The solution to our problems is not hate, separations and walls of security, its love, and robing love of others has been, is and always will be a failed strategy which we have been trying for millions of years.

The tax system should be promoted as a spiritual thing and it should allow people to have hands on approach, they should be able to see what their help is doing so they can feel good about themselves and their actions.

The idea of reciprocation should not be a chore nor it should be abused by the able bodies. Charities dry and go up and down with the feelings of financial insecurity, that is why we need a study supply of good will. If its in the form of tax, people may resent to pay but the knowledge of good deeds and what their money does for the humanity is as important as it is needed. When people abuse the system and don’t work regardless of their ability, they are not reciprocating thus it creates resentment, so the tax collectors and spender have to have programs designed to keep the able bodies not only working but educate them about the reciprocation. Having people on social assistance for generations is a flaw needed to be fixed by recognizing the causes of the problems like mental health or plain and simple abuse of the system from both sides. Each and every one of us has the duty to reciprocate, this give and take is the game of life not only for physical life it is based on the spirituality as well we share our duties to keep the God’s work going. We are cells of God so their is a purpose of life which is spiritual give and take, just like the functioning of the body keeps the cells alive, we live to help the body to live.  

As an individual and as a group,  we need to learn this simple rule of the thumb if it hurts you, it hurts all  other human beings the same way, so don’t do to others what you don’t like done to you.      

When we mix God with our justice systems we remove the evolutionary process because most religions follow a set of written rules, they were written thousands of years ago with  no chance to compromise. The politics of that is, that, if God is involved, right or wrong the blame is not on the enforcers, which means a lot of room for the human group politics, because God is not there to defend God.

If God left every thing on the human, to take care of, then they act and make God who is a punisher and enforcer and some time the bad guy, who does not even want to defend himself because the responsibility is on the shoulders of human beings. In order to understand God’s wisdom we need to evolve, take charge and reach  to the higher level of our potential.

If we never take charge, pursue our potential and become responsible individually, we would never reach our potential. Undermining human individual has never been done by God, but it is always done by other human beings. God has done the job by creating us with the evolutionary nature and the potential, now it is up to us to reach for that potential what God had really meant for us.

We can burn some one alive or destroy a whole city or a country with everyone in it regardless of guilt. A spiritual being who is evolved can not afford to have a speck of an innocent’s blood on them. If it was up to the radicals we would not evolve, but it’s not up to a small segment of human population, it’s up to the human mass, who is always evolving and that is what God had meant for us, so it is all of our duty to evolve to the next level and belong to the humanity as a whole. Over come our insecurities spread by our belonging groups because of political reasons, it is time to join hands through the internet to help each other regardless of where in the world we live, if some one needs help, we as a humanity should be able to reach them.

2 thoughts on “Sense of belonging, cause of the Dictatorship.”

  1. Hello Naem, Thank you for your sharing. Maybe when we finally know who we truly are, all separate-ness, all the ‘we and them’ will begin to dissolve and we will find our connectedness, our belonging. Insha’Allah.
    There are so many paths that could lead to that knowing. We humans are, I am, hungry to know and often confused by the choices, the right fit. Do you find that yourself?
    May I share with you something that recently flowed through me onto paper in the form of a poem.

    All paths to God to Existence
    to wholeness are one
    The faithful teachers
    of all the ways
    pray to Deities with many wondrous names
    or exalt a certain approach
    Meaningful ceremonies and sacred rites and practices
    beautiful sacred objects
    precious crystals for healing
    nature’s herb, teas, and remedies to revive and restore us
    are all food for the hungry body and soul

    All ways have truths
    My thirst for truth and connection
    cause me to wander from one to another
    never putting down roots
    and often feeling completely lost

    Oh for the simple worship of trees
    or of fresh snow on roof tops
    or clouds
    or of squirrels flying across tree branches in the moonlight
    They bring momentary wholeness to my soul
    They silently connect me with All That Is
    Their Truth is Presence

    • Hello Neda Gasper, This is one of my few replies, to the comments since I started writing this Blog. This poem compelled me to write back to you. One of the reason is that I am not that good with computers, second the other important businesses of life, so there is only so much time I can put into it. I have been in the same boat as you for a very long time, this thrust makes us follow what God had intended for the human beings. Last year I started to write, which makes me feel that I am doing my duty. If we have knowledge which can help others we should be able to share. Just like you I get inspirations to write, with the hope that someone would benefit from it. I am pleased that there are people like you out there, I was overwhelmed when I started writing because I could not reply to all the comments, but now I am getting comfortable with it. I try to make sense out of everything, if it does not, I question it in my way. I don’t want to take anyone away from their faith and belief system but I do want everyone to assume their responsibilities as a grown human being whom should know that why do we have free will. God is a reality of full stomach and anything ingrained in our DNA can’t function and yes even God can not flow through us unless we are alive and healthy, so our religious knowledge should be based on spirituality. If you look around and see what people are doing with their religions, it is totally political so we all look at each other with the prejudice and carry on with our ancestral way of doing things, which includes killing each other’s even innocents. This robbery of love creates perpetual animosity connected deeply to our emotions and hormones that is the reason it feels natural to keep following instead of evolving. Thanks for the nice comment and a poem. All the best, if you write more share with me I will keep eye on for it. NAEEM


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