The answer to an atheist.

Please ignore the English and stay focused on the content.


Just recently I got a comment, I have been thinking about the direct answer to the sender but then I thought I should create a blog article. For the privacy purposes I will not mention the name. Anyway the whole comment is below I just highlighted some of the points for the discussion purposes.

And I” quote”

“Your response, while almost clever, dodged the question. Granted, there’s no solid answer to what caused the Big Bang, but you respond by misunderstanding the word supernatural, and implying that proof is a religious creation when, in fact, philosophy created the whole idea of observation, evidence, and proof. I figured you would know that. Atheism is not the lack of belief, it is belief that no gods exist. Non-theism would be a total lack of belief. We are all born non-theists; it is when we reject the idea of a god that we become atheists. It’s just a matter of definitions. I’m sure you have good reasons to think it is best to educate people beyond explaining everything. I have reached a point where I accept a lot of things I cannot explain, mostly because it would be a fool’s game to try. This mentality can bring us a great deal of peace. But I worry that this mentality, if widespread (and misunderstood), could create ignorance where we could instead have discovery and enlightenment. Just a thought. You say: Many things may exist, and certainly can and do exist beyond the purview of human and scientific observation, AND this does not make those things unnatural or outside of space and time.’ It would be an extreme fault in reasoning to assume that if something is not observable it is therefore supernatural. Okay, then what about this? The definition of supernatural (adjective): (of a manifestation or event) Attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. If we develop equipment that can observe something we previously considered supernatural, it would no longer be supernatural after all. However, I am referring to something that is forever inexplicable. The term still describes something that is not observable through science, so I don’t see the extreme fault in reasoning you talk about. I don’t mean to imply belief relies on blind faith. You can have evidence for atheism and believe in that evidence. It’s not faith, it’s confidence. That’s why I call atheism a belief, because you have decided that it is the best explanation for life as we know it. As with all science, we can have endless mountains of supporting evidence (evolution, Big Bang, etc.), and I totally subscribe to that evidence, but one piece of solid contrary information can dismantle the whole thing. Knowing that, I believe in atheism (or at least agnosticism leaning toward atheism), because it is currently the best we have. I say that you are arguing from just your view because of a few reasons: 1, you laugh at me, indicating a stubborn arrogance characteristic of a superiority complex (which is vulnerable to various fallacies). 2, your understanding of basic concepts is fuzzy. I’m thinking you read so deeply into philosophy that you’re letting the fundamentals slip away from you. Do some review. I want to get into a deeper discussion with you (hopefully get back on the original subject of this article), but when we can’t agree even on the definition of terms, and when I’m fending off LOLs and LMAOs, it’s just not going to happen. I’m done. I don’t have enough time these days to keep picking apart inconsistent philosophical ramblings. End Quote.

If you ask me there is nothing more supernatural than the human individual. The space is a reality because of the human thinking, you can see with the visions whether it is vision of imagination or the real ability to see. All the discoveries are done by the human individual and we are not done yet.

Sure our knowledge has always been, is and will always be on the verge of discovery, but the bitter reality is that as an individual we all are on the verge of collapse as well so the life of the individual is a personal project of a CEO. Since we all have the free will, we have to take responsibility to run our life as a personal project.

If you have personal thoughts with the potential to rob you of your own happiness and contentment, it is your responsibility to correct it, whether it be living a mortal life with the exact mathematics or accepting the value of the placebo effects.  Logically any and all human knowledge should be based on the benefits for the human individual at lower level and all the way up to the healthy evolution of the humanity.

God is one of the human knowledge which should be used for its benefits by the individual but look at us how passionately we kill each other over it. Its egotistic to use God for political purposes and down right wrong to hurt others over it, just because they don’t think and conform to our way of thinking. As an individual you just can’t be passionate about your evolving knowledge. After all we are in the process or a journey towards our potential, that means there are no boundaries on the human beings created by God its always the human him/herself is the cause of the boundaries. Birds have boundaries but human beings fly in the space and we don’t even have wings. Our boundaries are most of the time related with our group politics of control and power so it is deeply related with us as a group. The problem is for the individual whom has the awareness of being mortal, yet is armed with the free will to run his/her life affairs.

As we age two plus two is not four anymore yet you have lived all your life with that fact. We have to accept, modify and mold with the changing times with our personal wisdom. If you don’t, personally you are the one who suffers the loss of happiness and contentment of your mortal life. Collectively life goes on, thus individual has to focus on becoming a CEO, so he/she  can make the amendments as they are needed. Humanity does need people with different views of life so the competitive progress can be achieved but if one is stuck and hell bent to discover the truths and die in the process it is not a full filling life so it is the individual’s duty to keep eye on all departments of life so the extremes can’t do the harms to personal life.

If you would have read all my posts you would not say that I laugh at any ones knowledge, all I have been trying to prove, that if we are always learning something new our knowledge is not complete thus we can’t put each other down because of it, if we do, it would be related to the ego and I believe ego is one of the kid of sense of belonging. Personally it is perfectly alright if we agree to disagree.

You have mention you are accepting that there are things can’t be explained trying that would be fools game. Accepting the incompleteness of our knowledge keeps us humble and learning more, otherwise we would be stuck in the past and would never evolve, in some part of the world that is the case.

In one of the post I have mentioned that our knowledge grows if we seek, if we believe that our knowledge is complete we would never reach for our potential. We use to throw virgins over the cliffs  because of the storm or earth quake, the religious people thought God was mad at them so they sacrifice some poor virgin. Today we know the path of the storms, the day may come we would be able to control the storms. Our desire to reach our potential has to stay alive.

My words for quest of balance are not related with some sage or prophet, even the Buddha learnt about the balance from an ordinary musician.

Buddha was meditating on the bank of the river for a long time which was hard on his health, two guise were going by in the boat, one was rowing and the other was playing a string instrument, he stops the music and says to the rower just as they passed Buddha, that if you tighten it to much, it may snap on you but if you don’t tighten it, it would not play the music. Buddha heard that and stopped his meditation to eat food.

If you feel the need to control and fear about the future too much you may end up finding some flaws but you mess up your personal life, and as a CEO you have a responsibility for the personal and yet a mortal life. You can easily spend all your living years in the pursuit of discovery that can satisfy you, remember it is like running around a tree in a forest yet the whole forest is at your disposal. If you built a habit of one tree you make your life smaller by choice.

I am being optimistic to have a belief, you don’t have to. That statement that there is no God exists is making a strong judgement with the  ten to twenty percent of brain power usage, if you believe that you are using your one hundred percent of brain power I would disagree with you, it is just like the religious people. Whether God exists or not, is not the question it is the ego with incomplete knowledge is the problem.

I did bodybuilding for most of my living years and I know how much influence you have in your personal well being, but I would be an arrogant pompous if I don’t acknowledge and appreciate the  value of the free oxygenated breath provided to me, so I could do whatever I wanted to. Everything is not done by the individual, if you believe that you are the one who is doing it, think again try without the oxygen see how long you would last. Belief system is a beautiful thing it can help one cross the lines where a belief less individual gets lost.

Since we have been, are and will always be evolving, our knowledge is not going to be completed until we reach our potential. There are a lot of people among us who passionately believe their knowledge is complete. This egotistic phenomenon has been around as long as we have been aware of our existences.  Interestingly we have been learning something new almost everyday, yet we still believe that we are right about whatever we believe in.

Is there any one who can claim that his/her knowledge has been completed? I personally feel that, I am far from that perfect and  complete knowledge because, I am learning something new all the time. I believe in carrying a basket of the unknown so I don’t have to be egotistic about my knowledge. Whenever I encounter some thing I don’t understand I put that in my, ” I don’t know basket”, I would advice to everyone to have room for an, I don’t know basket so we don’t have to resort with the ego related passionate wars.  If I don’t understand anything I don’t sweat over it because I would rather admit to have lack of knowledge than make an egotistic assumption.

It is not about some discovery of the God particle or even hell or heaven it is all about the personal spirituality. Always ask your self where do you stand in that department of your life. I believe we are more useful alive to God because all the God’s work is done by the healthy and living human beings. After we die I don’t know have, even you would not have any proof of yes or no, but it makes sense to me that a living human being is the one who is getting the job done. All the prayers and wishes are fulfilled by someone for some one.

I do have some passionate convictions though, I want all  human beings to understand that we are one and an evolving entity. Until we reach our potential our knowledge would not be completed and with incomplete knowledge one should not become an extremists. As an individual we are not the sheep, we are the CEOs of our lives thus we have to take the responsibility to evolve, religion or no religion.

If we passionately believe and are proven wrong, we have the potential to get lost. Just like these days people are divided over the sexual liberation yet it is a matter of the equal human rights. Which I believe should be good enough to quash the whole argument.  Interestingly, even the supreme court was divided over this. These divisions are related and are the proof of the changes, the world is going through. If you feel that you are always on the edge to be proven wrong, it is related with the individual ego. History shows that we always have been on the edge of discoveries so worrying about proven wrong while you are in a transit is base less. As humans we have to evolve and forge into the future fearlessly.   

Our rights can become wrong and wrongs can become right, so what was right few decades ago can turn out to be wrong. For instance human sacrifice, sati, killings over religious differences, racism, sexual inequality and human rights are a few things we can talk about.

If I ask anyone what is fundamentalism the answer would be that the extremists of the religions, but when you look at it deeply an atheist can be a fundamentalist as well, if you are passionate of being an atheist you could be proven a fundamentalist. It is about the passion you put in your belief system, that passion is what makes a fundamentalist regardless of the issue. If the religious fundamentalist believes in his/her religion to be true path to God, they have the human rights to believe whatever they want to believe, but when it comes to extreme related killings that is where I draw the line. Robing some one of love is a spiritual crime thus that belief system is not spiritual anymore.

If they believe that their knowledge is complete and the other groups or individuals whom don’t understand God like they do. They should be forced to understand their way of understanding God. This alone creates a political situation and in the presence of politics their is no spirituality, in spiritual world “nothing but the truth” is the theme. I don’t understand the purpose of the extreme in human evolution but when it comes to it, an atheism is a reactionary belief system. 

If humanity is learning about the new discoveries everyday and evolving constantly, I don’t think it is possible for someone to claim about the completeness of their knowledge. When you deny someone of their human rights, you fall into the vicinity where racism, religious extreme and prejudice resides whether it be religious extreme or the reaction of it, like atheism .

The fundamentalist is who believes in his/her knowledge is completely right, in favor or against any subject.

If you are one of them who believes that, you just have to look around and see where the humanity has been, is and is going. If you don’t see the changes you have been in  denial because of the learnt ancestral knowledge.

The reality is that every human knowledge has been changing, thus no human knowledge is immune to the change. No constitution, no religion, not even the atheism thus no customs or traditional knowledge is written in the stone.

Now if you feel it has been established, then I believe an atheist has the same ideology as the orthodox religious individual, because they both use their passionate views, regardless of the incomplete and imperfect human knowledge.

If I ask you what came first chicken or the egg?

If you pick chicken or the egg, either answer would be an assumption , so I ask the question God came first or the human being? Before you answer make sure you are not assuming, or saying what has been said for thousands of years because today we can’t just assume about anything. Someone will dispute it regardless, I am not going to assume but I will point towards what is more important, if a chicken laid an egg everyday it is kind of understood that chicken is producing a whole lot of eggs and egg can only produce one or maximum two chickens. Thus chicken is automatically more important, same goes for the human beings.

If the man is reproducing we get more population just like the chicken we are more important because we all are working hard to do God’s work. You may not agree with me because in your opinion God does not exist.  So the logical answer is the same as the chicken. Not so fast, an atheist may not think twice about it but I feel if one can’t live without the oxygen, all the work is done by a complex system which we don’t even understand yet. With the limited use of our brain power it is not possible to know everything. The job is not done just by the one, who is dependent first on the breathing oxygen then he/she is doing whatever is done by him/her. So where to go from here? who is doing what is happening? If you are egotistic, you would want to take all the credit and say its me, me and me. It is not that simple and no one should hide behind the ego because you have to give a credit where it belongs.

My Blog is all about working against the extreme human behavior I tend to lean towards believing in God because that feels right for me. The free will compels me to understand and create balance and write a beautifully rhythmic melody about my life. Personally I feel God is a matter of understanding you can choose to believe or not to, it is still your choice as an individual.

There was a song in Punjabi which got stuck in my head for a long time. And I quote

“You can say its priceless, or you can compare it with the dirt cheap, Story of your love flows out of the eyes like tears. If you understand it, its a Pearl, if you don’t its  just water. “End quote”

I believe we all are the cells of the body of God, hypothetically worth five bucks each one person at a time. Physical expression of God is the man kind and the God is our  spiritual expression. That means God lives through us. My way of proving this is that, if the man kind disappears no one can be there to understand God let alone believe in God.

My logical reality says if you ask an Alzheimer patient about the God, you may not get anywhere fast because the installed knowledge is wiped-out by the disease but the way I see it, in this situation, God is there in the people whom are taking care of the patients. God is our understanding which is usually installed into us as we grow up, thus this knowledge is highly tainted and influenced by the politics of the sense of belonging. This sense of belonging and the politics of it has always been, is, and for a long time to come will be there to cause us problems unless we grow out of the boundaries of sense of belonging and join the humanity as a whole.

When you are born into humanity as a human being you are, by nature a human being first. You start to get the labels of whatever you belong to, is secondary. For instance a boy or a girl or something in between, black, white, brown, yellow, or red or mix of some or all,  a Muslim, Christian, an Atheist, Pakistani, Canadian,  any other nationality a community or even a member of a sports team but first of all, A HUMAN BEING.

Let’s start from the beginning, a baby is born in a Muslim house hold but adopted by the Christian family, or a black baby is raised by a white family what is that kid’s identity? Would we change the status of being a human being? I don’t think so, but when it comes to the sense of belonging it is not an easy question.

Big bang, God or not, if you can’t understand it, it is because the object is in the dark room. You can’t see it clearly because of the inability to use the full brain power. You can drive yourself crazy, fear or worry about the cause of the beginning or enjoy the real thing which I call it journey with love. We don’t really understand ourselves yet because we are faced with bigger problems than discovering the origin, remember we are killing each other just because of the differences of our belief systems.

When one loves the child, the whole human community should respect it, especially in advanced or educated human societies the love should overpower our differences but we are not there yet.

The reality is, even now a days still there is prejudice because of the powerful politics of sense of belonging. The absolute truth is that if you are born as a human being you are a human being regardless of your color, gender, nation or religion or belief system.

All the knowledge about the differences are installed by the sense of belonging after you are born. If you are asked to make a fist, you would have no problem unless you are a victim of a Stroke, Alzheimer  or any disorder which robs you of your mantel capabilities but still leaves you as a living human being. No one should and can tell you, just because you are sick you are not a human being anymore. Anyway you can make a fist with no problem but that is a learnt action. You had a heck of time learning walking or speaking as you grew up but after practice everything becomes a second nature. My point is, that you have learnt all the skills, behaviors and belief systems from your belonging groups. With practice they have become a second nature to you and you start to sing the song of sense of belonging, but it has the potential to make you something you are not.

A baby is like a brand new computer, the data is added after the birth, but baby comes with all systems running before learning the installed knowledge. What makes the whole package with the potential? What makes an individual to pick and choose, mix and match the information and respond to the actions of the others?

Ever wonder beyond your installed knowledge, ever wonder looking through your eyes in the mirror who are you looking at? Are you just the computer with the data or you look at the person who lives in your body, who has a name and actually runs the computer.

Did you ever cross the lines to say hello to that person and I mean really, or you are stuck into the data and can’t look beyond. If you feel stuck you have taken the color of your belonging group and you need to acquire your own color which you were born with.

Well you are the one who runs the computer, the brain with everything in it, the body and the whole shebang. You are the one who is beyond the data who calls the shots and is a CEO.

You are the one who is connected to the real source spiritually and physically, but the data turns you into vulnerable, impressionable and insecure entity so you can be controlled.

If you feel that your wings have been clipped and you can’t fly solo, start to communicate with your inner bravest cat.

Do you want to be a CEO who is a human being first?  Then reach out to the one who lives inside of you, not the one who is created by your sense of belonging.


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