The most important thing behind what you say or do is the intention. For instance hundreds of thousands messengers came from God including the prophets of the major religions. This points to that even God’s Holy knowledge has been coming to us for a long time. This knowledge may have stopped as a particular religion but the knowledge of all kinds still comes to people from all walks of life. This knowledge may come to people who are musical geniuses It may also come to inspirational poets and to all others that are related to science, technology and medicine. The advancements may be coming from a select few and chosen people as not everyone is able to contribute like the chosen ones.

There has always been and will always be resistance to adopt to new knowledge, especially when it comes as a new paradigms. If knowledge of God trickled and then gushed with the major religions, what does it really means to you and your way of life? Do you really think God’s knowledge of evolution has been stopped? This question brings me to two questions. First, why did it stop? Second, does God really want human beings to actually stay stuck at the knowledge of their Holy Books?

If it  is God’s will, we would not many of the following. Would we have space stations, the internet, cell phones, self flying machines as well as land driven machines? We would not know that blood transfusion saves lives.  Medicine has the potential to extend life expectancy and or make the quality of live so much longer and more meaningful.

I believe God’s intentions to bless human beings with the free will was intended for the human beings to take charge and evolve to their potential. So how far are we going to go? Will we evolve to understand the wisdom of having God in our lives?

Or do we totally drop God and evolve as an imbalanced human beings? Our lack of complete knowledge has brought us plenty of grief in the past and it still is causing us grief. We got nuclear bombs through Science and plenty of research and experimenting.We have life saving drugs that we use to combat negative interactions and side effects for many diseases that would kill people in the past. These drugs are used now to save peoples lives and cure diseases. Most religions gave us passion to kill each other for the thousands of years. No one can actually know what the death toll is when we use religion and or science and to justify these deaths.Religion and Science create an imbalance and this is what I am speaking to. Religion or lack of shows that religion is used as a reason and that  there is a direct evidence of God’s Will.  I am stating that there is a desire in human beings to take charge and move forward with their belief system. Their resistance within the group they belong to is so strong that they do not have the will of foresight to stop the direction that their evolving human being as taking.

Depending on how you look at yourself, if you seriously look at the human make up, potentially each and everyone of us is capable of having an ocean in a drop. If you are influenced by the politics of your sense of belonging, whether it is related to the religion or with the nationalism, it will compromise your potential free thinking.

If you say according to my religious beliefs any of the following, I can’t have blood transfusion. I have been expected to dress up certain way.  I am expected to kill someone or all whom don’t believe in God the way our group teaches.

In today’s world this it is called extreme thinking. If you are influenced by your religion or nationalism and you feel that you really have to look at the intentions of God  as your group professes.Where do you go from here? Do you ask any questions or do you blindly follow what your group teaches. Do you understand that you have been blessed with the free will as an individual? If you use this Free Will , you should understand that you have the potential for you to be a Chief Executive Officer of your life. If you are not allowed to be the Chief Executive Officer of your life will you question the direction and or the politics of your  group. If everyone is a potential Chief Executive Officer, will this cause great concern and a  nightmare scenario for the leaders and the higher authorities of any faith system? Have you been told that you should avoid evolving with time and live and worship with the era of the prophets of OLD? I call it,” You are frozen in time.”

Your free will and all the advancements human beings have made in last two thousand years is a living example that God’s will or intention for you is to seek your potential and evolve. If it was from God that you should stay in the past, believe me you would be, but God’s intention for all human beings to be the Chief Executive Officer of their lives.

If you become a Chief Executive Officer of your life and you understand that life needs to be lived by you as a mortal. No one should be able to teach you about a religion that will rob you of your own happiness and contentment by using ideas that if you act for their religion and die, you will be blessed with the promise of life after death. It is my belief that if you live  a good life in this world, you will go to  the after life without any guilt and regrets. One should not be worrying about an after life.  One should be living their life to the fullest while you are here and living. Live your life as Your God wants you to live it while you are on Earth. All God’s work is done by through all living human beings. Some examples can be from answering someone’s prayers to helping the humanity in their time of need. If you ignore everything in your living years, how do you think you will fare after you are dead?

Most religions preach that one must do certain things to get to heaven. This is using Fear and bribery to force you to adhere to their system. If you fear that going to hell will be your fate if you do not follow your leaders rules to go to heaven, how can you make sense of it if some or all of their ideas feel wrong to you? Do you think this is logical?  The idea is to do good for the humanity so God continue to exist in physical form, and you are the working horse who does the real work of God. As an individual you should never forget this. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are inferior and or not worthy of connecting directly to God. God is not a political system, it’s a spiritual system which you give physicality to. Without you being alive, the business of life, spiritual or physical, can not go on. You are not a born sinner nor you are disconnected form God,. God lives through humanity, one individual at a time.

Religious authorities would never want an individual to question their authority so they have become political systems. Any entity which is in a controlling business, it is against their interest to let the individual become strong enough to question their authority. They will distract you to feel stronger in different ways,. For example they will tell you that YOU will be stronger because you are a member of this group and with this group you will possess a greater sense of belonging with the ego, pride and honour that the group gives to you as you belong to this group..

All throughout the history of our evolution, it has been and still continues to be the culture which encouraged and continues to encourage us to be strong, powerful, brave and aggressive. Yes, this type of culture has its place in our evolution, but it leaves room for human rights violations as well as sexual and or power abuse.

As I mention above, the three road blocks in the personal and individual spirituality are the three children of the sense of belonging. They are widely, not only accepted, but still are preached and promoted openly in all areas of our life. When you start to look at most of our human rights violations, you will find all three of these children at play. Some times only one will be active and other times all will be working in union to reinforce our animalistic actions By no means, I discredit them. I believe ego is a double edged sword which cuts both ways. For example, if a father curses his son that you are always going to be a loser, the  son can take it as a personal challenge to use the ego to become successful. A clear sign of  having an ego can be beneficial, yet it has the potential to destroy the relationships on the other hand.

Some other examples are sports competitions as well as war stories. They can be discussed as well that, we seem to only enjoy and get pleasure out of defeating the opposing teams. We can be inspired by our war heroes as well because of their positive actions. Regardless of the level of evolution, many people are still drawn to violence. Other examples can be shown from the popular movies and video games as most are based on violence. How does this define us as human beings? What are we?

Are we just a physically functioning being or are we simply a spiritual entity. We are an individual who is a Chief Executive Officer and control both sides of our life. When we establish our identity we would help ourselves as well as all individuals to understand their true value.

With personal value in mind, we can create personal peace from within. We can decide to stay stuck in any level we choose. Where, according to Dr. Wane Dyer, we need to prove ourselves better than others. This is the level where we do need a fighting spirit and aggression to dominate others. This is a requirement to play and fight but these days rapidly changing social values are spinning the heads of both evolved and evolving. The actions against our fellow human beings are punishable actions. We are evolving faster these days, much more than normally happened in the past. The speed of change is so rapid so it is causing  confusion, which may be  common to many. My concern is that if we keep training and raising children, especially the boys who are expected to grow up spiritually evolved gentlemen and then we give them the guns and encourage them to go kill for our nation or religious beliefs. What is it doing to their psychological state of mind and in general sense of being a human being? If we suppress and change the hormonal status the whole systems of sports, armies or freedom fighters start to crumble. Do we really want that? This  question may appear very simple, but, would be hard to answer. Two examples come to mind. If a girl is out for the first date with a guy and a situation arises where another guy hits on her while she is with this guy, would the first guy stand up for her or let her deal with the situation. Would she go  out with him on a second date if the guy does not stand up for her. Remember standing up for her require some testosterone and back bone. The second is if a family is sleeping and someone breaks in the house, would the man go to confront the intruder or the lady of the house has to do that job? Certain rules are written and expected to be followed. If the male does not stand up for the family usually as a creature he can lose respect of the family and even in the society he belongs to, and with no respect he loses respect for himself as well. Now what should we do as a society?

My point is regardless of our law and order we have certain set of rules of society written in between the lines, so naturally as a male we all have to have some kind of testosterone related self respect. Not only for ourselves but for our families as well. We can intellectualize or ignore the facts of being a physical creature, by going to either extreme. The trouble is that we can’t find the right answers as an individual, so the balance is required by the individual surviving in the changing world.

The major problem we always have faced throughout our evolution and even these days, we have had and have people whom wanted to or want to change everything and fast. At the same time, some people whom did not or don’t want to change any thing at all. These two opposites have been and are our problems. We need to understand that we need to change with changing times rhythmically and  we need to learn to respect both sides as well. Society is confused with the speed of the changes, especially when everything is on line instantly, so if you want to change the culture you need to understand the dead dog of the problems. (Read Dead Dog).

We want our sports heroes to perform and we pay big bucks to watch the bloody fights, and reward them with millions of dollars. To fight, one has to have a spine and what gives the spine or courage is the hormones. We are born with the set of hormones that means nature has its wisdom. We can’t just ignore the nature and choose to become intellectual, real intellect is to understand nature at personal level and regulate it. We want every military personal to be a gentle person and adopt to civilian life as soon as they come home from the war or killing. A little too much to ask for a creature to be a spiritual entity with in an instant. If you want to raise the boy to be everything but aggressive and then expect them to have spine to protect and go to wars for belonging society, it is quite an expectation and the real cause of the mental health issues.

If we can’t stop rewarding testosterone influenced culture, we will never be able to defeat the spiritual crime culture. On the surface you may not connect the dots but when you start to look at it without the influences of the politics of sense of belonging. You may find the causes of the aggressive human behaviors and work to create balance.

I personally still like to watch, boxing and ultimate fighting championship videos and movies related in the same line. What does it tell me about myself? To me I feel it is not one or the other it is the balance you create from within to function in the changing times. No matter which side you choose, you will be criticized by the opposing extreme anyway.
If you look at it a little deeper, as an individual we all want to fit in, impress or want to be admired by our belonging groups, so the foundational cause is the individual weakness against the politics of out of control sense of belonging.
Most of the time, its the individual, but sometime we collectively ignore the spiritual crimes in the name of the politics of sense of belonging to our belonging groups. For example social crimes, war crimes or human rights violations committed by the religions to conform others.
Most if not all nations and religions are clear examples, there actions, rules and ethics are related with the politics of well being or the superiority of their belonging groups. No matter how you look at it, whether one likes it or not whenever we look at our sense of belonging to our respected groups, it is always going to be political and yes even if it regarding religion.
Whether its a gang, sports team, community, nation or religion, it is all about the power and control or to defeat the others, so it is political.
Individual spirituality is in the level four, according to Dr. Wayne Dyer in this level the individual asks “What can I do for you?”. Whenever the individual thinks that way, everything can change and not only at the personal level but collectively as well. This is the start of reciprocation to God.

This life is, or you can say the purpose of this life is reciprocation with God and people around. If you don’t pull your share, you don’t know the meaning of reciprocation thus you don’t know the meaning of life. Everyone try to dominate each other and use them, but it always back fires and we get in and stay entangled in our conflicts. Just imagine if everyone pull their share honestly, how much peace would be created in domestic, social and worldly life. It starts from the individual him/herself yet we all expect it to be started by the others.

The individual power struggle is from within, from abuser to abused are always the individuals so the solutions are from the individual as well. The encouragement from the belonging groups yet discouraged by the personal ethics of spirituality can be conflicting. It is the responsibility of the individual to attain knowledge which can help to get to know, deeply personal rights and wrongs.

We need to look at ourselves as a group as well, as a group we all are political entities but together as humanity we are spiritual entity because it changes the interest from political to spiritual. If as an individual we think that we are a spiritual entity, it can help us to change our thinking and behavior. It is harder for a group to go against the politics of the belonging group because the individuals can vote them out. As an individual we have to grow up to be a CEO, who has a personal sense of justice. As an individual it is easier to follow the rule number one of the spirituality, “ Don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to yourself”.
Things can change in the larger scheme of life as well, from protectionism related wars, to humanity gathering together against global warming and going against the politics of belonging groups. It is going on right now all over the world. The individual spiritual awareness is rising but our sense of belonging related wars are still going on yet with extreme passion.

You can personally be against any kind of taxation and live in the community where dog eat dog philosophy is being followed, or you can go to the spiritually aware society. Where hungry has the right to have food. This philosophy may have been preached as socialism but if the individual is helped in the most vulnerable times, I call it spiritualism.

The welfare state system has been a topic of debate for or against for a long time, but it always has been related with the individual. How he/she thinks and what level of spiritual awareness one has. Fourteen hundreds years ago one of the Prophet Mohammad’s disciple enforced this system as a law, and set certain amount given to every baby born in his government. The resistance has been and still exists against welfare state system. Some say it weakens the individual and encourages dependency, I believe, its not the action, its the intention behind the action. A story comes to mind which I heard as I was growing up.
A man goes to worship and thinks I should put a nail in the ground so people whom come with their horses can tie them. The other man sees the nail in the ground and thinks, that is nuts, someone can trip over it and can get hurt, so he pulls it out. You can argue who is right or wrong yet it is not about the right or wrong, but it is all about the intention.
Even today we are split in the same discussion, so as an individual we all should think that, we all need to reciprocate. If you get help you should help to help as well. Since we get oxygen for free and are alive and healthy so we need to do something in return, and that something is reciprocation. If you have more than you use you can help the needy and that is your reciprocation.
The differences of opinions have been, are and will always be part of human life but if everyone spiritually evolve as humanity we can not only, stop our wars, we can make miracles happen as well. To me one thing is for sure that, “If a community can’t take care of its sick and vulnerable the community is not healthy to live in”.
Have an intention to help humanity to evolve in  your living years. If you can do your share with the intention to help humanity, you will be able to see the politics and the wrong doing of the groups, and yes even your own belonging groups as well.

The argument against global warming is related to the business, power and control for belonging group of people yet its against the humanity as a whole, so for me its a no brainier because I am able to think beyond the politics of my sense of belonging to one particular group of people. I am for humanity as a whole, practical or not my intentions matter the most.
Its the appreciation of living, its a duty to do something while you are able. What to do is always different for everyone but one thing is consistent and that is reciprocation. If everyone as an individual keeps this in mind while living, it automatically brings one to the world of spirituality. You don’t have to die to get there.

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