The pit of imagination.

Pleas ignore the English and stay focused on the content.

Mortal individual with the free will and the knowledge of mortality at the same time, gives a birth to fear related control and imbalanced sense of belonging. These root causes are related with the social, emotional, mental, physical and personal spiritual ills.

Being temporary should make us humble and nicer to each other, but the spirituality of being nicer never gets its footing because it stands on the understanding of mortality. Our sense of belonging related ego always gets the best of us. The politics of sense of belonging has over powered the insecure individual who was spouse to be a free will using CEO.

I hope as we evolve the individual can see the importance of the personal and inner harmony, personal music where you speak when its your turn and stay quite when you should to and become a CEO, so you can balance the sense of belonging with the sense of freedom. Be a part of the ocean instead of the pond, prefer spirituality over the religion and take the responsibilities of personal actions. Understand the politics of carrot and stick hidden under the rules of all kind and self regulate to become spiritually evolved individual. Become a citizen of the humanity instead of becoming a victim of the fear and control based politics of sense of belonging.

An insecure individual automatically run to the belonging group to feel secure yet there is no security and control for the mortal individual and simply put no one gets around it.

The individual loses his/her individuality and sacrifices personal potential even his/her life. We seek and take pride of being a part of a religion, race or a nation. These days race, gender or even sexuality or even like mindedness is the foundation of the sense of belonging related prejudice.

Heterosexuals multiply to keep the humanity, God or all kind of groups alive, and the homosexuality works against the multiplication. That is not the reason enough to hate and violate their human rights. You can’t simply condemn people whom are not following the norm because our norms have been changing as we evolve. Just look around in the history and compare it to today’s societies.

I believe in reciprocation and it can be done regardless or sexual orientation. Its a responsibility of the individual to contribute and receive in his/her mortal life time because this relationship is in the core of the humanity.

No one should panic about the actions of certain segment of the population. If one does or as religious people do, they are only focused on it as if God or humanity is going to die with homosexual behavior. If it was going to happen it would have happened long time ago and it would not be because of the homosexuals.

Another thing shows from the religious responses, is that the human is the only one who is making life happen. This is the area where the real faith or I should say meaning full faith comes to really, really believe in God.

This lack of trust in God has been and is our major pit problem, this problem exists in the core from the individual to all the way up to the whole religions. We try to control with every fiber of our being and when we can’t control it then and only then we say it is the will of God. Our down fall throughout the history has been and is that we don’t really believe in God. Why can’t we get to that point before judging and killing each other.

Life is not only happening because of human intellect alone. I have hard time understanding the religious stances against the real belief in God. The controlling and strong actions against the human free will is a clear sign of lack of the trust and belief in God’s doing, which trickles down in the behavior of the individual causing a host of social and personal problems.

Believing everything is done by the individual is a pit problem, especially in the west, I personally believe it connects the individual to anxiety and frustration. When these two take hold of the individuals, they turn to God and pray according to the teachings of their belonging religions. When he/she still can’t control their environment in spite of the prayers, lack of belief in God start to grow.

This situation confuses them to the point that they start to lose, not only their faith in their religions and God, their confidence starts to go down as well. The faulted belief system is related to the education of carrot and stick related control philosophy which has been heavily taught by most religions. In the process the individual  loses the status of a CEO which they have been blessed to begin with. The CEO self regulates and becomes a good citizen without need of the fear of hell and greed of heaven.

This personal lack of faith and confidence leads the individual to lack of trust in all kind of belief systems including personal fiver and potential. ( Read Five bucks) If you are constantly told you are worth nothing and you have bought it just because it is coming from the authority figures you will really believe you are worth nothing, so you will find your worth in your belonging groups. You would feed into the politics of sense of belonging thus lose the value of your God given fiver and free will.

Just think why each and everyone of us is blessed with the free will and why some are stronger and successful yet a whole lot of us are not. You will find the differences in the personal belief systems.

If you carry the fear related control into your pit, deep inside you know it, you may get some symptom relief by going to mosque, church or any other place of prayers. You can go to councillor get some advice or meds from the doctor, but if you don’t go into your pit and deal with the dead dog (read the dead dog)  of your problems it will always be a symptoms relief which is all a okay by the specialists. When the cure is not even a goal, individual who is suffering should take some responsibilities of personal care. If you have to go into your pit and put two and two together of your mortality, you will start to live a mortal life with some quality instead of quality robing control.(Read the Dead Dog)

The fundamentals of your personal strength is to understand the responsibilities of your life and your CEO standings. Usually most of us have the ability to pull ourselves from the situation, events or circumstances and look into our problems from out side to really judge the importance of having a free will.

Only a CEO can make even the big things small with the thinking process, if you think you are having hard time processing and dealing with your personal problems, you need to look at your self as an independent entity instead of the extension of society you belong to.

If you don’t produce certain chemicals, you need to get some help from the meds because your way of thinking has created a physiological situation which needs to be looked after. If you deal with your problems with the multipronged approach it should involve spiritual health as well.

Just like a community is stronger but its even stronger with the stronger individuals, God is stronger with the stronger human beings because we are the physical expression of God.

You may enjoy if I say God lives in our imagination especially if you are an atheist but just look around and see where human imagination has brought us. What our imagination has created for us, is so powerful that no one can deny, if you still can’t see the power you are missing out on the realities existing right before your eyes. You can’t benefit from them because you are limiting the power of placebo which is beyond the understanding. Remember we still can’t access our full functioning of our brain powers so don’t underestimate the powers of imagination.

Adding happiness and contentment in a mortal life is an individual responsibility. It can rob you of the most important treasure in a mortal life or it can pay a big dividend by having a belief system of hope and optimism. If you choose not to believe or believe, it is your free will. Always remember that vary free will is there for you to make choices and in a temporary visit you want to accumulate some good times. If there is something, entity, education system or even personal behavior is robing your happiness, hope and optimism, you have to always, always keep your mortality and the value of the free will in front of you so you can guard you most important asset and yes it is your personal happiness and contentment.

If in general you consider yourself a realistic, but are a perpetual pessimist and think about the worse case scenarios all the time, you are missing the  important rules of mortal life.

Hope and optimism take you where God and belief systems live, your attitude has the potential to use God or belief system as a treasure to help you live a mortal life without the fear of death. This is the zone of your imagination, you should be using to make a mortal life worth living.

Just imagine if we did not have imagination, there would not be any progress or evolution, we still would be on the food chain of the other creatures, still be in the bush or cave living a very small and meaningless life without the cell phones.

Modern life just did not happen it evolved from that zone where I believe God exists. This is the whole internal universe which we minimize with the use of our limited intellect or I should say limited use of our brain.

If somehow you separate the individual from all the inventions and think that you are powerless or meaningless, think again. It is you the big kahuna, it is you who made things happened and still it is you who is making things happening. Good or Bad.

If you feel weak and useless you have to look at yourself with the brand new belief system from within you. You can’t buy into something you have been sold previously by the political authorities.

Since we have to have a law and order in our societies we have to have some rules but buying into something like you are a born sinner and worthless is not in your favor. Entities like religions or senses like sense of belonging to a group disregard the individual over their belief system. Thus it is the individual who has to take responsibility of the self esteem robing educations.

It is the individual who loses from self esteem related personal problems like pessimism, hopelessness and discontentment or even the most valuable gift of life regardless of having a free will.

Be a CEO, take charge, know everything behind the rules even the politics, question everything, learn to say why and yes including your personal behaviors should be question by you. The self regulation is best way to abide by the rules we need in the society, not only it is impossible to have a police man or a woman for every individual it is the most respectable way to live a mortal life.


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