THE Wings of the CEO.

Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

I am going to start this one with a little story I heard from Dr. Wayne Dyer while watching him speak on TV. I don’t remember the same words but the idea is there.


A man was walking along and he noticed a butterfly trying to get out of its cocoon, he watched the butterfly struggling for a little while, then he decided to help it out. As he rips the cocoon, instead of flying away, butterfly just hobbled around because the butterfly’s wings were not grown and strong enough to the point that they could lift the body to fly. The body was still too heavy for little wings to fly. Thus it was not the help butterfly should have gotten. Some time the wisdom of the nature needs to be understood before actions.”End quote”

That man made a mistake but it was out of his compassion. As human beings we can make some mistakes to learn and understand more, but our intensions should be for the betterment of the humanity. Yet in reality we have people, whom don’t even think that clipping wings of some one is a mistake. From parents to politicians, to society to religions they make the same mistake with or without the good intensions. We have lot of our social, religious and other  governing systems designed to control the individual. They shamelessly and openly use the politics of sense of belonging to undermine the individual.

I believe in interdependence, but with the complete balance of reciprocation to achieve full potential. If the individual has a potential but has been controlled from reaching, in my views he/she can’t reciprocate, thus I would label it as non spiritual because an evolved human being strengthens humanity and God more than otherwise.Our traditions and customs are notorious to over protect yet in the process we rip the cocoon or clip the wings of even our own off springs.

If each and everyone of us has a fiver (read five bucks)  we all potentially are a CEO and are destined to contribute to benefit the humanity thus God while benefiting. Male or female has no limitations unless they are imposed by some entity, society, someone or even oneself.

If you stigmatize even one individual because of the stereo typing, you take a whole lot of fivers away from the equation for instance if the women don’t work and are limited to just bare the children and look after them they, themselves are dependent so a whole lot of people are taken out of the potential workforce which can help the community to progress and grow. Thus it has the potential to keep the individual and belonging society at substandard level or behind. You don’t have to go far to see these societies they are all over the world. One just has to be able to think, see and judge.

By no means I am joining any one particular group to judge, my focus is mainly on the equal human rights and the spiritual reciprocation of all fivers holding individuals, so as a humanity we all evolve to reach our potential what God has installed in all of us.

Every cell in our bodies has its assigned job, and it receives nutrient and oxygen rich blood to replenish and remove the junk by the completely functioning body to survive, function and reciprocate. We are in the same boat as our body cells, we all have to function to help the humanity and God to function.

If any political practice, tradition, custom or rule of governing, even if it is coming from the religions, keeps the owner of the fiver out of the ability to reciprocate, I would say it is against the God, humanity and spirituality simultaneously because even a functioning God is meaningless without the reciprocation of the human beings.

If you are a female and you think you can contribute more than just baring the children, you automatically are looking at yourself as a CEO of your life. Yes reproduction is a must for the God’s existence but life is not done just by the reproduction it is not only incomplete it seizes without the reciprocation. 

Reaching our potential individually and collectively is the purpose and meaning of our lives. The destination is not what the religions preach, it is all about the living years while you benefit and make the humanity and God move ahead towards the potential. The belief system of life after the death is important to give us hope and courage to push through the difficulties of living years. BUT 

After death is a world we don’t know anything about other than assumptions, so if someone lives for after death without reciprocation while alive they are on the wrong path, especially when you have people whom impose their belief systems by force. Forced belief systems are completely political thus non spiritual because if someone is blocked from reaching his/her potential to serve humanity by some entity or individuals they would be against the spirituality.

Religions usually impose and some societies allow the rules to inhibit the individual to reach his/her potential so he/she can be controlled. Control in my views is a fear related reaction, which means lack of trust and optimism and yes logically even lack of belief and God’s will.

You can’t just say that God is great and even the leafs on the trees can’t move without the will of God. Yet in your actions you don’t trust God, you have to take charge and control everything around yourself. I always have trouble understanding this logic of the religious people. They control, even kill over the control yet believe in God, if a leaf can’t move without the will of God, then why, and where does control come from, why do we have the extreme need for control. If you really believe in God then why would you want to change the outcomes according to your personal choices. Where does the will of God stand?               

Either you are in or you are out, either you believe or you don’t. The main reason God and religions have been around for a very long time is that the belief systems help the individual.

If you want to reduce the stresses of your life, you have to really believe, only then God and religions can actually play a role in removing deeply seeded fears. Yet the popular religions work the other way around to install instead of removing the fears. In the nut shell this is all about the politics of the sense of belonging and it is there for the individual so he/she can happily give up the fiver to the belonging groups in exchange of a spot in the heaven after the death. No matter how you look at it there is a big stink of politics against the individual to be used.

If you are a Mullah, Priest or a preacher of any religion, first of all you are a human individual and are a CEO of your life especially as an educated authority figure you have an identity and you are not an extension of an ideology first. If you believe other wise just look at it this way you came into life from two human beings then you were taught whatever you have learnt.

So it is established that you are a human being first and if you preach to rob someone of their fiver and keep them in suppression, you may be are following some rules created thousands of years ago but you are not following your personal spirituality. Thus you are not a CEO yet potentially you are created as a CEO.

Questioning, thinking and creating is a PhD, following a book without personal thinking is a masters degree.  So help as a whole individual not as an extension of an ideology, and always remember PhD is higher than a masters degree. Potentially each and everyone of us comes with similar abilities but we choose to choose, so choose to be a CEO.

Believing in something is one thing but consequential harms of those beliefs to the others land on your shoulders so you don’t want to carry the burdens of guilt. Teach and preach them to be useful to the whole humanity thus God. Not to clip their wings with the education of suppression because they can’t fly solo if they are not taught. If you rip the cocoon, even with the good intension the harmful passion can be destructive for the needy who looked up to you for help.

If the education you are providing to the people, robs the self- esteem, their contribution to the humanity and God is not there and you to be blamed. If you have a chunk of the population as dependents God’s work can’t be done because of the lack of reciprocation.

As an individual you just can’t sit and pray to change your life, God has given you the fiver and you have a duty to know its value. Why do you think you are blessed with the brain which moves the mountain, fly in the space without the wings, swims  deeper in the oceans without the gulls, digs in deeper than any creature without the claws.

Religions have been undermining to stigmatize man as a meaningless and worthless sinner for thousands of years to have political control. Some how the times have changed the political systems our justice systems have been separated from the religions.  Our governing systems want the religions out of the power and the political religions are fighting back for the power so the war is on. Everyday we have the examples, religious people lose in the court of justice and even an ordinary individual can take the government to the court to fight the system. The niqaab case is interesting because the religion is protected under the court of law not because of being an entity it is because of the equal individual human rights. We have polygamy existing in north America not because it is popular, it is protected because of  the individual rights.  Even the general population is against it, still an individual’s rights trump the opinion of others because it is the law. Yet interestingly extremely religious people still don’t recognize the court of law.

Conservatives don’t just get it, the society has been changing right before their eyes for a long time. They have done a good job to change with the time by becoming as progressive conservative but bringing in more refugees by selection of religion not by the individual suffering is a dirty, low and divisive politics which is not only immoral it is against our equal rights legal system as well.

Sense of belonging to a one particular group should be an outdated politics because it is based on the prejudice. It is important to know that first of all, we all are human beings and we all need a system of governing and governing parties with the manifestoe which protects the equal human rights.

Learnt knowledge can be changed with the new knowledge but being a human being is a fact and first reality so niqab or no niqab is an issue exaggerated by the politics of fear.

Logically, if we are going in a direction where we have to tell people what to wear, not to grow beard or get a hair cut certain way, don’t get piercing or tattoos, don’t wear turbans or base ball hats, who are we to tell people how to live, or what to believe in. What about the polygamy, it is here right in the middle of so called advanced civilization, I can’t tell anyone how to live their mortal life but unfortunately or fortunately not everyone thinks like me. I strongly believe in freedom of choice because it is after all our individual responsibility and to boot we are mortal. We as an individual pass on and lose life yet society lives on so it does matter how an individual lives. If someone wants to live in polygamy or marries a younger man or woman as long as they don’t break the law and don’t commit spiritual crimes to harm others they should be allowed.

The same old control, religions and traditional societies have introduced to us, we are still following that but these days we have it with a little twist. The politics of security has been played all over the world.

The image of the Palestinian boy shot in the chest on his knees comes to mind, Israel may be protecting and controlling its people yet killing one for the other is not a solution. Palestinian, Israeli, Muslim, Jewish, Christian is an identity, learnt with the prejudice form all sides. It is time to learn and understand the real identity of the human being.

A real CEO is the individual, so it is time to stand up against the politics of our belonging groups to join the humanity. Peace is not going to come from our groups, it will come from within the individual, because all groups want political powers. If human beings come together the map of the world can change for the better especially our wars would stop. 

If you keep killing each other, remember each and everyone of us is someone’s loved one, so robbing someone’s love will create perpetual killings because a person who’s love has been robbed he/she can easily fall out of the humanity and act like an animal. That is why people kill each other because they know it hurts. They have experienced the pain of love loss so they want to inflict onto the others in revenge.

Do you want to take off all the jewellery what had made us the human beings. When it comes to revenge our compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love takes a back seat thus we act under just the emotions our intellect disappears with our jewellery. (Read love triangle)

These days emotional problems need counselling collectively because it is not an individual politics it is an issue of prejudice, unequal rights and injustice. We need to understand the importance of the love loss in the human individuals.

Thinking about the consequences can help to navigate through life better but some of us look at life with the an accountant’s eyes where two plus two is four, but some time numbers don’t add up because human being is a complex entity especially when he/she is still in the process of an evolution.

The biggest example I can give is the Bush, Rumsfeld, Chaney and there machine thought the Iraq war as a project with a little acceptable damage, but look at it now it had spun so out of control that it is spreading and may lead to a world war. Who is responsible for all the death and destruction. The crisis has been evolving to cause death and destruction to the innocent individuals, if it is acceptable damage to you just ask the one who has lost the loved one.

I say the most damaging aspect of the conflict is the love loss which is constantly fuelling the fire of hatred and prejudice. In all the human conflicts, grossly underestimated component is the human emotions and the love loss.

Regardless of the knowledge of the mortality we still don’t care about the life loss, we just get too wound up with the emotions our intellect can lose its importance. From suicide bombing to the lengthy and constant conflicts even for thousands of years, we carry on just because of our out of control emotions fuelled by the sense of belonging to our respective groups.

If each and everyone of us is a potential CEO then we are the one as an individual who can solve our personal and collective issues. If you can understand yourself more intimately you can refuse to give into the sense of belonging to your belonging groups and start to belong to the humanity as a whole instead. Where there are no boundaries, of the race, color, gender, nation or religion. You are a human being who is the most important factor which can fuel or extinguish the fire of the conflicts.

If you are order to shoot a kid who is protesting to have freedom, equal human rights and not to be occupied you have to individually understand the concept of drunk driving.

Drunk driving is a crime and is a choice, so is making a decision to join a gang, a militant group or military or police force, because sooner or later you would be faced to the dilemma of being a compassionate, forgiving, sacrificing and loving human being or just being a part of the controlling machine.

As a human individual we have a lot more responsibilities on our shoulders than we are lead to believe, depending on the level of civilization and evolution we all have to be responsible for our actions.

The justice systems all over the world would be meaningless if we are not responsible of our actions, just like you can’t say in the court of law that Devil or God made me do it, you can’t hide behind your sense of belonging to your belonging group. A crime is a crime when it is committed by an individual who is a grown up and understand spirituality.

Compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love are our jewellery and these are the one make us human beings, without all that what we got left is just an animal. If you consider yourself individually higher than that, then wear the jewellery proudly and be a responsible human being who is a CEO not an extension of a religion, nation, race or certain group.

Say no to innocent killings and sufferings and put the people and entities who don’t consider or disregard emotions and love loss of the individual, in their place.

National, religious or any group conflicts are related with the individual love loss and sense of belonging and they both can be understood by the CEO who can balance the sense of belonging with the sense of freedom and wear human jewellery to extinguish the fire of revenge. The more CEOs you have better the out come can be.

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