Just picture your personal triangle. You , on the top corner body and the brain in the bottom two. Are you just the brain or the body or is there you or someone who lives in the body as a third entity? Is the body connected to brain to function or do you make the brain and the body to function.? Being you, your job is to convert spiritual tasks into physicality? For instance,  if I ask you to wiggle your finger, you can do that with little effort, yet it is a very complex process to go through. Look at it this way, first I told you to wiggle your finger, you heard it with your ears, it went into the brain to process,  then your brain made your body move to that part of your hand. What does it really mean? It means that if you were just the brain and the body you would not be able to tell your brain to make your body move. Brain is like a computer, it has the abilities  but it needs someone to tell it to function. There is a clear distinction between you, brain and the body, so you live in a physical body with brain. All three of you can’t function without each other. If you leave the body, both brain and the body would die. If something happens to the body or brain they can’t function. You just can’t live and function in that body,  therefore you will die.  

If someone has had a stroke, moving a finger can be almost impossible. Regardless of the strong desire from you, you just can’t get your body to comply with what you want the body to do. Unless everything is working in proper order, achieving even a simple task can be hard to achieve. Where I am going with it is that we are not only physical we are spiritual as well. If you are just a spiritual being, you can’t bring your actions into physical reality without the brain and body, yet your brain and body can’t function without you in them. So the reality is that spirituality is dependent on the physicality and physicality depends on the spirit in there thus you have to have all three to experience this life.

With your brain and your body you become an entity that can’t survive without each other. You may survive as you but it would be in some other dimension which is not clearly known. Depending on the belief system you are born into, people can be quite passionate and egotistically certain about their belief systems. These believe systems are strongly belonging to their imagination and the zone needs a lot of work to understand that is where there are no limits for human beings. All the progress human have made came from imagination so no one can deny the power of that world. From wisdom of a practical sort, to the placebo effects to actual healing of all kind and even the pain of all kind comes from this zone.

Emphasized on the physical living exclusively nurtures only part of the triangle. By neglecting or ignoring the YOU part leads to some consequences. From this imbalanced living,  feelings of unfulfilled and discontent of the mortal life is commonly seen in fast paced societies. This can become even more prevalent as one starts to lose control of the body and brain. With aging one can feel that they have spent their whole life revolving around these two physical corners of the triangle. For instance if a young school girl dresses up to attract the boys attention and succeeds she learns that body is a powerful tool so exposing can be rewarding. Understanding this she moves on and becomes a woman, as she starts to lose control on the body and looks she panics which brings out the insecurities. She would undermine all the good she was blessed with and will lose her happiness and contentment of life or even worse. I am not sure but I have read somewhere that one in three women have been treated with some depression or other kind of mental health issue. I strongly believe in balanced yet mortal living. As human beings we get in trouble when we try to control the uncontrollable. From mental health to physical health issues are confirmed by modern science but the spiritual problem are connected with the YOU part so if you look you can see the relationship with all three. If you only are happy when everything is going the way you want then life and especially a mortal life can be hellish, yet it should be treasured by its level of happiness and contentment.You just can’t be successful if you are not happy and healthy. This is an other triangle I have talked about.

It is inevitable for a mortal to go through the realities of life so its imperative for all of us to at least try to live a balanced life. If you feel insecure in any way and try to secure yourself, as a mortal it is not going to happen especially when it comes to the body and brain part of the triangle. So far it has not happened in our past, is not happening and will not happen for a very long time. So shouldn’t we at least try to have a full experience of  of a mortal life? Our mortality should logically make us humble but it has been proven that we have been going the wrong way. The only reason I can come up with, is that we try to live this life as an immortal and try to secure everything which makes us to live in the dog eat dog philosophy.

When things go out of control or wrong with the body and brain, we suffer from within. There is an intricate connection between all three, so separation is deadly, especially for the body and brain. Our physical experiences of life come to an absolute halt, so its believed and called deceased or dead. This means without life so you could be living but not in an understanding way so a living being is the most important aspect of God. If you believe that you will go to heaven and be comfortable it is a false assessment because if you built a habit of living in discomfort and discontent even God can’t and will not keep you happy so get comfortable in your skin regardless of its looks age and discomforts. Living in all kind of circumstances with comfort is a personal responsibility which comes with the free will. Since you already have a personal free will God had done Godly job. Now it is your job to reciprocate and enjoy the life experiences. If you are uncomfortable find the reasons, you may find out that you are a victim of a dis disease. You may be discontent and dissatisfied but don’t let the material living turn you into dishonest being because it is not only bad for the people around you it is bad for you as well. Remember you are not only the physical being you live in this body and brain which compels you to live comfortably physically but that is being dishonest to the real part of you. The YOU part is spiritual thus if you don’t nurture that even the heavens can’t be comfortable for you because you never took care of the you part.   

Physical food is required for physical things. Satisfaction, contentment and peace of mind is needed for the spiritual things so remember that you are responsible for the you part as well which in turn becomes for all three to complete the triangle. Living in balance is your personal responsibility and it can only be possible with free will which you already have been blessed with. So living for heaven is greed related and avoiding hell is fear related living thus it is based on carrot and stick philosophy. God is not a politician nor a human being with all the insecurities so fearing God and bowing down for your personal securities is not meaningful worshiping to God. If you are doing God’s work in your living years you have been doing your share so you can’t be guilty of just being born thus you can’t fear. Your fear is related with the politics of carrot and stick so think what is the reason you are born? You are born to reciprocate in the living years, it just doesn’t make sense to live for the life after death. This life is your chance to help God not by building big majestic architectural wonders but by helping humanity survive. By going in the armpits of humanity like mother Teresa did. Since the real mosques, churches and temples are living human beings and I say that because I believe God lives in us as you part. Creating comfort for the uncomfortable is spirituality related. Big majestic building where you gather together is highly political because that is where you preach separation, discrimination and prejudice to create hell for the fellow human beings.      

How one can achieve it all should be the strategy to live a mortal life. If all you think of is that you are  only a physical being, you are going to nurture your body and brain, yet you starve yourself from the real treasures of physical experiences. Since satisfaction, contentment and peace of mind are related with your spiritual side, living without these you just have lived a mortal life yet as an incomplete experience. Discontentment, dissatisfaction, unfulfilled and an unhappy life is an absolute failure especially when it comes to mortality related living. Not only it is a wrong strategy for you to live by, it is completely wrong for the body and brain as well. It causes disease to rob the brain which in turn will cause you to suffer with disease which not only brings mental health issues it is bringing stress related physical health issues as well.

Balance of all sort is required by the individual him/herself to live a successful mortal life.

Practically human beings or other living creatures can’t be happy if they know mortality. It becomes tricky to know what to want or have yet for a temporary life. Regardless of the knowledge of mortality of body and brain discomfort, happy people can be found in this state all over the world. If we look at our life with a limited vision, it just seems physical, so we look for the comfort for the body and brain. We neglect to feed our soul because we don’t look at it with broader vision. We eat to enjoy foods to feel physicality  alive, we live in the houses to impress others. We fit in or we desire to be admired. We build bodies for that purpose. We get higher education for the same reasons. We neglect, intentionally forget or get occupied in only physical living. Yet we find the real and deeper enjoyments of life is in giving love, feeding and helping. Just ask a mother or a father who are giving related deeply nurturing and satisfying happiness and look at the uncontrollable desires of human beings to have babies. All this is related to the YOU part.

Its not only nurturing or self feeding, it is not only healing spiritually. It is healing, period.

In a mortal life we all need peace of mind, satisfaction and fulfillment. If we can’t achieve that then our temporary journey can be fearfully painful instead of rewarding.

Hoarding is for the body and brain’s comfort, yet spending is to satisfy you. Egyptians even believed to bring along material things to the other side as if the spiritual side is material as well. Our education is all about physical living not about  enjoying a mortal journey, so we focus on the material and physically comfortable living. We fear losing all that yet there is a definite end to that. The real stuff is feeding your soul without the fear that makes our common education that we all receive as a half knowledge of only living physically. I said half knowledge because it makes you rob your own self of the good things a mortal life has to offer.

You live life in such a way that you miss out on trust, love, satisfaction and peace of mind and as a mortal you just can’t afford to sacrifice these precious jewels of life.

This mortal life is not only about this, it is not only the body or brain or you alone. It is about the whole YOU suffering in one area which affects the other two as well. A sick body can’t have a happy brain or a soul. A sick soul will rob the brain and body of all kinds of life.

Extreme is related with the half knowledge, whether its a belief system, medicine or a social way to relate with the people around. If you neglect the main character , meaning YOU, you are not looking at a mortal life using correct lenses.

First of all you have to know the fundamentals of your mortal life is BALANCE. Mortality, peace of mind, happiness and contentment of all kinds should be kept in mind regardless of all that living. Only spiritually is an extreme as well as living only for the body and brain. It is all about the total experience, not one or the other, you can’t just put all your eggs in one basket of life. After death, God needs living people to happily do God’s physical work . If you are not enjoying the mortal  journey, it is not because of God, it is because of the governing powers of religions who want to keep you weak and vulnerable so you can be controlled. God offered human beings the will to enjoy the journey of reciprocation with free will. That is if you can understand the meaning of your life is reciprocation.  

Rules of society, morality and ethics have a place in life but its the bigger picture we need to look at. If everyone becomes a monk our physical world would come to a  screeching halt and humanity would not evolve. If you are too occupied with the physical living spiritual world, it can suffer as well.

Dog eat Dog is an animal way of living. Human beings are only superior beings above the other creatures because we possess spirituality which leads to related giving. Body and brain without the soul is a half knowledge and soul without the body and brain function is half knowledge as well. To tell it in a plain and simple way is to explain that the dog eat dog philosophy is to live only for physical needs. Human beings are a complete beings because of their soul.

God’s physical work is done by living human individuals. Disrespecting, disregarding, belittling or rejecting human individual’s  importance is related with the politics of control. An uneducated, weaker and self degrading individual is easier to control so everyone who wants to be in power would preach the carrot and stick philosophy which stems from  religions. We are better than cats and dogs. We are human beings with free will and we are able to self regulate ourselves. Heaven and hell is used for political purposes. This philosophy is installed so we can live and die in greed getting to heaven or being in fear of going to hell. Human beings do good things not by greed or fear but because they naturally achieve deep satisfaction and peace of mind in their living years. They can only do that because they are able to live beyond the carrot and stick philosophy. If you, as an individual, believe that you are only a physical entity you would fear from hell because fire is painful physically. You would seek comfort in heaven because you only know physical and comfortable living. If you do good things for yourself without the fear of hell or greed of heaven, you reap the benefits of heaven in your living years with the personal and full mortal life experiences.

Since human beings are an evolving entity, they will always discover, make sense and utilize the information. From building streets to highways, to flying to other planets, to genetic code breakdown, to cloning and everything in every department of life comes to human beings from God given imagination which belongs to the YOU part. Our egotistic ID just can’t accept that so we think it is related to our individual brain and body’s physical actions. We don’t even acknowledge that we have no control on our next breath. We want to take credit of all our efforts but neglect to understand that our every moment is dependent on the intricate dance of life where we have little to no control. Internal and external spaces are not run by human will power, period. If you still claim that you are the one in control, it is like part of the body can function without the brain and body. Just ask an individual who have suffered from a stroke. Knowledge is closely related with our imagination and it comes from a source I would connect to the you part of the triangle. Dreams and imagination may not be completely understood but they are part of our daily individual life. With out the installation brain and body both just can’t come up with the ideas own their own. Sure they facilitate in the process to make ideas into reality so creativity should be related with the you part.

If everyone of us is blessed with the you brain and the body then why everyone of us can’t be good at the same things. Regardless of the same genetics or makeup we all have different contribution to the humanity by the destiny.

One can become an Engineer, Doctor, Preacher, Warrior or an Athlete by choosing or are forced to do the jobs of other kind but the functioning of humanity as a whole and personal and individual happiness and contentment still lands on the human individual’s shoulders.

A preacher can say everything is done by God. An atheist can argue against that but they both are the victim of complete knowledge syndrome. This disease of humanity has haunted humanity since the beginning of civilization, yet human individuals always has been, is and will always be an essence of God because spirituality and physicality is intertwined within the living human individual. Sure, we have been and still are killing each other over our complete knowledge syndrome but there has been and still is a continuous evolution going on. Personally I am an optimist and believe we are an evolving entity so our knowledge is subject to change with evolving time.

Hopefully we can come to an understanding of our core knowledge and accept our evolving nature instead of following religious texts written thousands of years ago. In the mean time we have to learn about the you part of our personal triangle, if this part is responsible of our imagination and dreams then we as an individual and as societies owe a great gratification to it. Whether you believe in God or not it is not the issue, its how we perceive and buy into that God as an external entity and treat ourselves as dirt and useless part of the equation.

Our religions are designed and run like political systems and they want to control the individual so society can be run smoothly. The trouble is that when you say God would punish you and it does not happen it back fires, so the belief system is not a successful political system. If you add strict rules and harsh punishment in the mix in the name of God , it gets even worse. God becomes a bad guy yet in God’s name. It is hard to understand God as it is when you attach the bad human actions to God with the politics spirituality takes a hike. A religion without spirituality is an impotent system. The real juice or essence is the spirituality. That is the reason equal human rights and justice are innately related with the human individual not as a group. Group tends to lean towards politics which corrupt and pollute the governing system with prejudice and discrimination. We are suffering to gain equal human rights in all over the world not because of the individual but because of our politics of sense of belonging to our groups.

All the progress humanity has made, comes from the imagination of human individuals. Whether it was divine intervention through the dreams or imagination is the question.  Should you be an atheist or a religious extremist is an other question? Yet some other questions are why do we behave the way we do?  Why do we kill each other in the name of our belonging groups?  If it is all connected to our politics, what about the you part within you? I question all kinds of extremists and I wonder why and how can one be so passionate about political belonging. Where do you stand as an individual ? Who is God consisting entity him/herself ?  Shouldn’t you have a personal sense of justice? After all,  you came as an independent entity. You use your free will to make decisions everyday in everything else you do. What happens to it when it comes to stand up as a person in charge of your own life. Why can’t you question that status quo? Is it that you have been brain washed to believe that you personally should not have a sense of justice? You can claim that you have extreme views of life yet you don’t look at yourself how and what you are made of and how you function?

From carbon to oxygen, to body and brain, is utilized by you part of you and you don’t nurture and feed your you part by taking charge as an independent entity. The feelings of insecurity are a sign of living within the body and brain exclusively without the sense of the YOU part. Your group would not want you to look at yourself as an important aspect of their society or even God, so you can be controlled and sent to die for your political beliefs. If you question yourself about yourself , then and only then, you will be able to see the real you. You can come out of the politics of your sense of belonging to groups. The color of your skin, gender, nationality or religious beliefs can’t reach to the YOU part because they are not your real identity.

You are you who is above all that regardless of as what and where you are born. All human beings carry the YOU part so they are not just the body and brain. If you reduce yourself to brain and the body you will live with the knowledge, whatever you have been installed with so you would not have the identity that God had intended for you.

Nurturing just physical living without questioning is limited living for any human individual. We need to identify and look at the whole picture individually because our political identities have not helped us to evolve spiritually. In physical terms we are materialistic,  but we are in a great loss personally and that loss is related to the You part so we don’t have inner or external peace. Internal peace is related with your personal sense of justice and by you not paying attention and losing peace of mind have all kinds of internal turmoils that can’t be solved by the way you have been ignoring the YOU part. You need to look at all three sides of the triangle not one or two part of the equation.


1 thought on “YOU BODY AND BRAIN.”

  1. I am very happy to read this. This is the kind of manual that needs to be given and not the random misinformation that is at the other blogs. Appreciate your sharing this greatest doc.


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