Love triangle part two.

One of my client was married with his wife for a long time, unfortunately she got sick and passed away. He went to spread her ashes on her favorite spot that she loved to visit when she was still alive. A year later he went there to keep her memories alive. 

Since we have been talking in the past and he respected my opinions and suggestions he was open to some of my suggestions. I suggested that he should give some money to feed the hungry, doing this in her name or memory every year instead of visiting her favorite spot. That way the living can benefit from your contribution at the same time. He agreed that this was a good suggestion so he decided to do that instead of visiting her favorite spot. I believe going to the grave site may feel good but helping someone in need in the name of the dead loved ones is a lot more meaningful.

Love is something we need to explore and understand so I came up with the idea of a love triangle. My understanding is that we all are encased with it from all angles of our being, regardless of what we are deep inside. Love can have a profound impact on us whether we lose it or gain it. Our passionate love is with our life or even a temporary partner. If we have children or family our love evolves into instinctive love. Going a step further, we love our beloved humanity as well ,so I call it a universal love. I divided it into equal parts so as a (CEO)  (individual who is in charge of my life) we don’t have trouble solving our love related problems.

You can’t even comprehend the word of love if you can’t trust never mind the meaning of love. Understanding human relationships depend on the meaning of love. You can learn from parents, society, and eventually from a lover or lovers in your life but you only learn their version of it, you can only experience your version within yourself but without trust it can be meaningless. 

The real love enlightenment is within you, if you can ever get a chance to get there. You can hear stories, read books, watch movies, TV or go to internet and Google everything about it. By the time you get to the age to know love you have already learned about the other social ills as well, they can effect or dictate your ability to love. Parents install knowledge not to trust strangers, society says life can be ugly because you have to learn about the social and spiritual crimes. Then the money issues come along. From class, race and gender inequality to religious extreme and nationalities to conflicting groups or our wars can really rob the trust not only with each other and even with God simultaneously.

Everyone preaches love is a good and Godly thing yet they punish people for straying from the family values, religious boundaries and class differences and still claim love without God’s will is not possible. When you grow up listening to hypocritically preached knowledge of love without the trust, God without the presence of security, how can you love unconditionally and how can you believe in God blindly.

Most people around want to see others live like a perfect being yet personally its okay to be imperfect. This is not only hypocrisy at its best, its a mental health issue. If you are taught love and trust simultaneously its fine with me but if you are taught otherwise you have got a problem of not trusting meaning you personally are unable to love, or even have faith in God because blind trust and love go hand in hand.We don’t know anything about God if we don’t trust yet we are taught to believe in God blindly.

If you can’t understand your self or your standing in your life, your ability to reciprocate with God or even understanding of God can be questionable. Regardless of the faith system you are born into, you have to understand the purpose of your life. As you can see everyone has a life story, some good some bad and some a combination of both and some change their life story with making choices at will. If you can think beyond your day today life you will be able to see the personal and individual importance.

You are taught and you may feel that you are only connected to a group of people you belong to but in reality you are an independent entity and are directly connected to God.

We all come in life yet we don’t know how we end up alive or feel being alive. The line between life and death is so thin that you are alive one moment and dead the other yet the humanity still carries on with or without you. When we reciprocate with God we help each other but we sure kill each other as well. We help to raise our children and feel great about doing it. Ever wonder why do we feel good to help others? If you can understand that, you have taken your first step to understand love and the purpose of your life.

If your love triangle is still intact you can love, trust and actually believe in God otherwise it is hard to understand God, personal and individual meanings of life and love.

Its everyone’s responsibility to understand the meanings of our lives yet we have been bombarded with the conflicting education to love. Dog eat dog philosophy has been preached as a knowledge written in between lines. We are taught to love but without given love, we are taught not to trust your fellow human beings but believe in God. As if God is some foreign entity who can come and solve all our problems by just believing in God. If you look for God out there, up in the sky or in the space somewhere without digging into yourself or trusting your fellow human beings you would never solve this riddle. If you put God on the pedestal and believe in perfect God just look into our history how many innocents have been killed in the name of God. Our religious wars have been taking tole on humanity a lot more than we can even think. We kill in the name of nationalism as well so count and put the blame where it belongs.I don’t blame God to be imperfect because I believe God is evolving with us, so perfection of God will come with our evolution. If we understand ourselves we will create a God no one can complain about.

I believe and insist that all human knowledge should be used for the betterment of the humanity. If we need to enhance even our religious knowledge we should do so. So no caps, ceilings or freezing on the human knowledge especially when it comes to constitutions, and religions. It may not be possible in my life time but that is where humanity should be evolved. We are evolving but it is not with the balance.  When you look at the history it draws quit a grim picture of God yet it is a picture of humanity in evolution. That is why I believe in no caps, ceilings or freezing on any kind of human knowledge so we can rise up to the challenges as they arise.

I believe throughout our history we have been making the individual inferior, valueless and unimportant. We have been labeling them as sinners as well so they seek external authority to belong to, to feel valuable. They have been brain washed to the point that they have accepted to be puppets to be controlled as if they mean nothing as an individual. They will gladly commit spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups, they have no self identities because that is all they know and made to feel.

If you give them value, respect their intelligence and help them to understand their importance they will take charge to be responsible for their actions, otherwise they will stay just like other creatures. They mark their territories, may not be by pissing but same thing in different fission. We spouse to be an evolving entity even as God, just look at us what we have been and are doing to each other. Lack of trust within you is a problem created by our authorities for political reasons. You are to believe yet can’t trust is a conflicting knowledge so only you personally can fix your inner problems by reaching within, knowing and trusting yourself.

Any group of people unless it is the humanity as a whole is a political entity regardless of what they call themselves. Naturally they all want the political power and control. It may be a state or a religion, its all about politically controlling the population. Whether its race, color, gender, nation or religion they can’t be pure of prejudice or discrimination because of the political power. The question is why we are so hung up with our group politics and identities? Why human beings can’t seem to evolve beyond this hurdle? Is it our individual insecurity and if it is we need to start to empower the individual by educating about their real identity.

Why we all want to worship the same God differently yet as individual’s our practical prayers are the same we serve others to please God yet feel good about ourselves. Universal language is spirituality it has no religious patent or superiority related issues.  Its not the way you say or what language you say  your prayers. Its your spiritual actions what makes a meaningful prayers, not bowing down in obedience to God. From personal satisfaction to benefiting other human beings to pleasing God, it is all related with you as an individual and being beyond your group politics.

There are plenty of people who try to intellectualize life by connecting problems to certain behaviors, events or circumstances and try to give solutions into all societies but they never cross the lines of their sense of belonging to their belonging groups. Our history has been, is and will be full of books we even have holly books, we have lots of knowledge to go around but personal mortality related common sense has been hijacked by the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups.

Any and all human knowledge individual or collective should be for improvements and enhancement of the individual and humanity simultaneously for living years. From roads and bridges to every scientific, technological, medical, social and spiritual knowledge is all there and it should all be accommodating to the changes to our evolution. Our advancements in scientific, technology or medicine are all based on perusing our evolution. Unfortunately we seem to take advantages to use our knowledge to construct some to destruct other human beings. Its just because of our out of control politics of our sense of belonging. Even if we somehow are able to cross these lines to join humanity as a whole we still will have to deal with individual greed and power as well. Understanding personal mortality can help but as young individuals, either we are not taught or we just ignore the facts of life because we feel that we are going to live forever. We keep stepping on others to climb up yet just to disappear.

Before conception, or after death may seem vivid by the explanations of our religions or belief systems but still it is not worth putting all our eggs into that basket and killing each other over it. We need to spiritually evolve so we can get out of our group politics to join humanity as a whole. Is it possible? Dam right it is possible just look around but beyond our religious differences and wars. Few years ago when Ebola was spreading whole world came together to stop it because it was going to spread beyond the borders, humanity comes together but our political leaders want to stay in power and be elected again and again so the personal interest override the interest of humanity as a whole. Our space station is not run by one nation nor our internet is one nation game. The problems humanity is facing can’t be stopped by building walls, global warming can’t be fenced in. Right now we are worried about the political refugees, what are we going to do when global warming related migration happens.

If you still feel for your race, gender, nation or religions, those days are gone so you should learn to get with time and smell the stink of the major changes in the air building walls are not going to cut it. Humanity has a lot bigger fish to fry.

Universal love is one of the main component of love triangle, if you don’t learn to balance your love triangle, you would not only individually but collectively suffer and that suffering is not only soul related. We don’t just need to learn to trust each other as an individual we need to learn to trust each other as humanity. If you are stuck in the group politics, it is time to learn beyond the installed knowledge because you are not the installed data as an individual you are way way beyond all that.

Just took a break and watch some TV Fareed Zakaria on CNN was taking to rock star Bono interestingly about the same thing what I have been writing. Fareed Zakaria on GPS 9-23-18.

Bono said and I quote

Europe needs to go from being seen as bore, a bureaucracy, a technical project to being what it is: A grand, inspiring idea.”

And an other place he said and I

Quote” “Europe is a thought which needs to become a feelings”. End quote.

I believe it is not just exclusive to just Europe, America, or another continent it is all about the whole world as one planet. You can love to be connected to certain nation or religion but love can’t be separated from the human beings, regardless of whether its passionate love, instinctive love or universal love its all coming from the human individuals so believing that some out door entity like nation or religion is going to educate us about love is false because we all come ripped with it from before our birth. Without human beings any idea of love to nation or religion is a fools idea because of our evolutionary nature.

Human beings have been trying to deal with love with by intellectualizing according to their presently acceptable and given knowledge of their belonging groups. Which I believe is always evolving so the consensuses can’t be found. Just like the religious knowledge we just can’t agree and it is not because of what it is, it is because of the powerful sense of belonging to our belonging groups.

Love and hate go hand in hand and the biggest problem is that you can’t just intellectualize emotions with emotions. If we are going to do that, not only you can see in the history as we evolve individually you feel the feelings at different level personally even at different age in the same life time.

When the knowledge is written in between the lines of your scripture and if you belong to a conservative belonging group, you are not going to be able to read everything the same way you think you should. Emotions would dictate even your way of thinking. Logical or illogical is a separate issue, but I believe you still are the one who is responsible for your actions individually.  Should you be punished for what you have been taught? Yes if you don’t use your free will and you are a grown up but are ignorantly passionate about your sense of belonging to the politics of your belonging group. A spiritual crime is a crime yes even if you have committed it for your belonging group.

Our politicians known this human weakness since beginning, so they manipulate the emotionally charged populations by manipulating the truth. According to my understanding this problem has one solution and that is individuals educating themselves not only above and beyond the politics of sense of belonging but about the deep inside of themselves as well to find out who lives in their body. If you feel too much about everything and are passionate even about your sport team, national politics and your religion. You are taught to believe that you belong to the best of the best and you should be the best and treated as such, you are heading towards spiritual discourse even your intentions are good.

Its time to acknowledge our personal shortcomings and take charge to become responsible for our personal actions. Feeling passion is one thing and acting out is an other, especially when you join in as a mob to commit spiritual crimes against innocent beings for the politics of your belonging group.

My explanation about who is an innocent being may not be agreed upon by some but I am going to mention it anyway. It is not only the children of the opposing groups it is each and every individual who does not politically agree with their own belonging groups policies. So bombing indiscriminately against the opposing groups which is a common practice in our conflicts, is totally wrong at least spiritually. Is it easy to deal with the conflicts spiritually? No its not but the facts are facts, we are an evolving entity and we will have to go through learning process. In my opinion you just can’t mix spirituality with politics. In politics you can bend the truth but spiritually you just can’t even lie to yourself and there is no middle ground plain and simple, its between you and you.

Either you choose politics or spirituality to function in everyday life, you can choose to feed your brain and body to live comfortable life as just a creature and neglect the you part by ignoring spirituality or you can create balance to be comfortable in your skin spiritually as well.

Religious extreme is a politically tainted action that means it is not spiritual so do you want to do good things as an individual in your living years? If you do you have to learn to be honest to yourself. When you strain out the politics from your religious beliefs you will find real spirituality.

Now look at it how many innocents get killed in our political conflicts, and I call all religious conflicts political conflicts because you just can’t mess up spirituality with insecurity related individual or collective human actions. My question is are we evolving or devolving because of your belonging religion? You be the judge because we use to kill each other with the swords, spears and arrows one individual at a time, today it is a different ball game. Yes it does matter that you take charge and become responsible of your individual actions.

When your group starts to even put sanctions on others it hurts the same way to the innocents. Never mind the wars and killings hurting someone innocent even financially is a spiritual crime. If you want to bring opposing group to their knees so they conform to your belonging group‘s needs is a non spiritual action. Human beings  have been committing this spiritual crime since the dawn of civilization and its time to wake up to see the wrong is wrong no matter who is committing it.

Political wars are not fair as the old saying goes everything is a fair game in war and love, I think its time to grow up from those old sayings and take our individual responsibility. If you are part of it individually you have to know about spirituality for yourself.

Our wars are all designed to hurt the opposing group indiscriminately so if your belonging group is spiritually hurting innocents, that means it is not only hurting others it is spiritually hurting you as well.

When you punish someone just because the way they look like or they belong to the opposing group regardless of their individual views of life, your actions are automatically related with the prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice and discrimination has no borders it is in all human societies so these are the  collective problem and should be eradicated with collective efforts from all humanity. It sure is not going to happen from the top down because we are in this predicament because of our group politics for thousands of years. So far it did not bring peace on earth, so it is a failed experiment. Now it is  up to the individuals to educate themselves with the self value, importance and authority because we all have free will and we are the foundation of our groups in today’s world popularity of the equal human rights is a clear sign that the individual is waking up to assume the power from our typical authorities. 

We need to find the individual guilty for their individual actions not just because the way they look like or the way they believe in God. That is why I believe prejudice and discrimination is a clear violation of spirituality and equal human rights and yes even if it is coming from our own religious knowledge.

Each and everyone of us has to draw the personal line with the personal sense of justice to point out to our authorities  when they cross the lines to commit spiritual crimes.

Since human beings have free will we all are personally responsible for our actions. All our justice systems would collapse if we as individuals ignore and commit crimes. Law and orders of the lands is one thing but spiritual crimes are an other. It highly depends on the individual to assert and take charge of personal actions, individually. We should not let the politics of our belonging groups override our personal values and spiritual sense of justice. Unfortunately our passionate feelings towards our belonging groups override this personal sense of justice and personal values. We get all worked up by the passionate speeches from our passionate leaders of our belonging groups. People still feel the need to belong to a group of people because that is all we have been taught and we know.Belonging to humanity as a whole is a new paradigm and it would be fought passionately by the people in authority position.

A human being is not like an other creature who just need to eat, shit and reproduce, we all are an entity within. Who has a free will and is able to think and feel at the same time. We have memory and we are able to create not only future but create comfort or chaos for coming generations. We are an entity who functions way above the animal instincts. Since our thinking create our feelings we should make sure our knowledge produces good feelings for us as an individual and everyone around not regrets related mental health issues.

We have evolved from a past where we needed hands, backs and shoulders of our belonging groups to survive. Today we don’t live in the bush or caves and are not threatened by the creatures to be eaten, we have evolved to the point that we help the wild life to survive. We have built mega cities for our convenience. We have advanced in our modern scientific, technological and medical knowledge but our past is like an old wound some people don’t like it to heal so they keep scratching it.

Just imagine if you have a kid who has a wound and he/ she keep scratching it you are going to say stop it and let it heal, because you know it has the potential to get infected or leave a permanent scaring. Now imagine if it is you who does not want that wound to heal or not only it is you, it is your family, community and religion who does not want it to heal how would you feel about that accusation?.

Are you contributing in the healing process or it is the other way around?. Should we let that happen? Not only it is wrong for us as an individual or community it is wrong as a humanity as well. As human beings or as humanity as a whole we have to understand our evolving nature. We don’t just have memory we can remember history so it is kind of inevitable to have past which is not so perfect. If everyone has a past history of violence with the memory we can’t evolve into peace. We have people right now morning the loss of prophet Mohammad’s grandsons which had happened fourteen hundred years ago. So yes we have and have the potential to carry on the scars of past by scratching them for thousands of years.

It is like a group mental health issue you just can’t help it by individual interventions. Not easy to deal with because a depress individual always thinks that past was great but just that incident can’t be overcome but if I only can go back to my glory days things would be just perfect to be happy.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. The problem is if an individual does it, its not as bad as it is when we do it collectively. Since we have the potential to kill each other for the rest of our existence THEN I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT. I don’t care what religious back ground you have, naturally human beings are to evolve and evolution requires peace and harmony. If you just can’t come out and take responsibility of your present actions either way you are a hindrance not a contributor to the human evolution.

Its like beating the trail a snake has left behind fourteen hundred years ago. Logically we all should stay in present, I tell my clients that you are standing in your mortal life one foot forward and one in the back. Front one in the future and the back one in the past, remember future is not here so it is not a reality yet and past is gone to a place where you can’t go back to change anything for your liking, so don’t piss on the present to make your whole life as a bad experience. Your actions today will go long way for you individually. If for whatever reason you have had a bad day, you will add that to your life as a bad day. If you make a habit of ruining your day because of the fear and anxiety of the future or with a bad memory of the past, you may end up looking back at your life as a failed experience and you have the responsibility to be a CEO of your personal life.

Since you are blessed with the free will from God and your umbilical cord has been cut, you are it, you are the big kahuna, a CEO who calls the shots so don’t let any one individual, a group of people or a belief system make your life a miserable or a failed experience. It is yours and it is exclusively between you and God. Since God did the job by blessing you with a functioning body and oxygen now it is up to you how you manage your life as an individual.

Bring some spiritual purity to your thoughts so your feelings are on the solid foundation of spirituality related sense of belonging to humanity as a whole. Politically tainted race, nationalism, and religions are political entities so spirituality runs from them regardless of what they claim. You are an independent entity who is directly connected to God and you are it yourself. You don’t need identities you are wrapped up with, peel them one at a time and you will find a good decent human being living inside of you, who wants to give everyone, seek and receive equal human rights. Don’t let anyone scratch your wounds especially yourself and let the healing begin because you are responsible for your successful experience of living years. 

I remember growing up during this time I went with my friends to watch people flogging themselves with the chained knifes to bleed for the mourning the loss of Imam Hussein who was the grand son of prophet Mohammad. They recreated the whole seen that happened fourteen hundred years ago. After all that time has passed people still scratch those wounds and still kill each other over what had happened.

Middle eastern conflicts may appear to be oil and energy related but underlying conflict has always been between Shea and Sunni sects of Islam. They have been fighting and killing each other for a far too long time. Ireland religious conflict went on for a long time as well. My question is that why do we fight and kill over our belief systems so passionately? Sure we are taught to protect and preach to keep our differences alive for our belonging groups survival but what about our evolutionary nature. Are we going to kill each other with our modern weaponry to finish the job and blame God for it? When and how are we going to evolve enough to put things behind or in perspective?

We as an individual come into this life to live and let live with equal human rights period. Why our religions can’t get it? Why we can’t solve our conflicts especially when it comes to religions, just look at the Israel, Jerusalem conflicts has been going on for more than two thousand years or even more. Where is the disconnection? I believe what I have been pointing towards in this whole blog is closely related to the individual who is passionate to stoke the fire of conflicts rather than taking charge to become a CEO who speaks their mind to put the belonging groups in their place. Especially give evolutionary knowledge to the extremists of every,race, religion or nation to join in for the humanity instead of a group of people. The political interests of the groups has not served the humanity for the better for thousands of years so it is time to change the course of belonging to humanity as a whole instead.

If we as an individual stop passionately stoking the fire of conflicts we can change the way we govern our groups. If as individuals we don’t let ourselves be used by the group politics and stop scratching our political wounds humanity will cross the boundary line which we need to cross to step into our new paradigm. It is time for the individual to see it clearly and take charge of humanity as a whole. Our responsibilities, our placings and our abilities have been undermined by the politically controlling authorities for far too long.

To me humanity is like a human body it has lots of different kind of cells, they all contribute in the well being of the body. Say a brain cell says to all the other cells hey I am the most important one without me you can’t function or live so I need some respect and special treatments from all of you. Heart jumps up and says no, no and no if I don’t supply you the oxygenated and nutrient rich blood you can‘t even function and survive. Skin cell speaks up and says if I don’t protect you all from infections there is no way in hell you can survive in this hostile environment. Liver says I need some respect as well I clean up your mess all the time to help you live, if I am not there the internal chaos would kill you all. Eventually colon had enough so it says you are all full of shit if I don’t provide you the nutrition you will die of starvation. Then the real you speaks up and say you are all important to me if you all are not there functioning I can’t live in this body and if I leave the whole game is over for all of us.

You can’t build the walls to function in the hostile environment yet even our modern-day medicine does that all the time by treating symptoms we all need to take responsibility to do our share, a doctor can help but we all need a life style to help ourselves as well. Simply put body needs soul and soul needs a body to live they both go hand in hand.

Now imagine humanity is the physical cells of the body of God, and we are killing each other, its like God has an auto immune disorder or disease whatever you call it, it is a sickness regardless. Since God is the soul for the body, body can’t function without it. If we seize to exist God can’t function either. We need to come together to understand our personal existence as a mortal being. We all especially as an individual are responsible for our actions because even God can’t survive without us. If some one says otherwise they have political intention to make the human individual worthless, inferior or even a sinner to control the population to rule so in the end of the day it is all political religion or no religion.

If it is a mullah, a priest, simply a regular religious extremist or a politician they all seek power and control. For sure they don’t want to lose it if they already have it, so they will come up with all what they have to control the general population. They will passionately help you to scratch your past related wound so you never heal and step into the new paradigm, which humanity needs so badly for thousands of years. They would keep the individual ignorant by preaching prejudice and discrimination against all other human beings. The question is would you let them to do that to you, what they have been doing for thousands of years? And what cell would you like to be if you were to live with your belonging group of cells? I would rather choose to be that entity who lives in a body to keep everyone functioning regardless of my mortal nature, so I can be compassionate to all human beings or the cells to keep living in harmony  to make God meaning full and alive in our mortal lives. 

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