Smart enough to solve problems even as a baby.

If your life does not fit in with the norms of your belonging groups, it does not automatically means that you are wrong, have become bad or worthless. Its you who perceives everything about your life especially if you let the social standers dictate your value to yourself. With time all societies change and evolve, if you are ahead of the curve and feel that your belonging group is not keeping up with time, it makes you right not wrong.

If you believe that your life is a direct gift to you from God with a free will as a bonus,  it automatically makes you person in charge.  As a CEO not only you will find your worth without any struggles, you will find personal happiness and contentment simultaneously because you take pride in being directly connected to God. For any reason if you would have missed the feelings of being fulfilled, or if you were to think that you are only an extension of your belonging group. Your self worth is highly dictated by the people’s point of view. I believe you should wake up from the dream of sense of belonging to a group of people and see yourself as a mortal individual who is responsible for every action, gain or loss of your temporary life. When I saw the video of the baby who wanted to get off the bed not only it triggered this blog it reminded me of an other one I wrote a while back. (Five Bucks).

Someone sent me a video of baby trying to get off the bed. He hangs his leg but the floor was too far so he throws a pillow on the ground then looks around and throws an other pillow and his soother to the floor. Then throws a third pillow and still looks around for more pillows but there were none left on the bed so he gets off the bed by breaking the fall and prevents getting hurt with the pillows to get a soft landing. Can we be using this much reasoning, planing and brain powers to achieve the goals even at that age as a baby? How did he come up with thinking planing and achieving even remembering the soother to take along. At what age do we start to think and plan to achieve whatever we want to achieve?

I am no expert in that area so I will leave that to the people to seek the answer from experts when and how much of our brain powers we are able to tap into and at what age? I am just starting the blog from what I have observed. Even as a baby we are reasonably smart but how can we as adults yet willingly let the other people pull our strings to use us for their political purposes.

We passionately want to be right yet can’t see the political motives of our users and put our passionate efforts to be proven not only wrong we commit spiritual crimes against innocents yet passionately. We are told that religion is an area you can’t go to question yet are encouraged to kill someone who has different belief system or questions the religious authorities. Where is that individual who was created as an independent entity with the free will and personal sense of justice?  Who’s umbilical cord was cut right at birth. To me this child’s video is inspiring because even at that time when there is no religion, nationality, color or gender awareness yet still able to think independently to achieve the task at hand.

A while back I wrote a blog(Five bucks), where I described this ability differently.


Say you are standing on the bank and you have the need to get to the other side of the river. First of all you have to think a plan and then act on your plan. You can gather some branches, make a raft, get a big stick and row yourself to the other side. Metaphorically speaking each and every one of us has this five bucks. If there is a measuring device we can measure the smarts, strength and the ability to live for self and help the others around in our life.
If the wisdom, power, energy and the ability to achieve is in all of us and if the whole community contributes their fiver they can build a bridge so everyone in the community can cross the river whenever they want to.
Its a logical fact that a single individual is weaker than a group of people depending, if they get along and work as a unit, community, nation, religion or humanity as a whole. One can be very smart and have a lot of resources to hire lot of helping hands to function at a higher level or become a king, president or a prime minister. Either way that smarts still comes from that five bucks we brought along from before our birth. Especially in today’s world humanity has to work together because we are being pushed by the nature to work against group politics and join humanity as a whole. In today’s world regardless of borders we need to work as a whole humanity. Our problems have evolved or our knowledge of our problems have evolved to the point that we are understanding that no one group can fight alone against these problems. These problems are not contained in the borders. From fighting infectious diseases out breaks like Ebola or extreme weathers related issues with Global warming need evolved solutions. Like the spread of internet or even building of the space station, its functioning and usefulness is meaningful only if the humanity comes together with contributing five bucks each at a time.
A human body is a good example for the functioning of the humanity as a whole. For example a human cell is meaningless yet meaningful on its own but with the right circumstances, it has the potential and power to create a whole and functioning body of the human being. With limitless potential not only as an individual but as humanity as well. I believe our politics of sense of belonging to our groups has been serving its purpose by holding us back to help us adopt to our growing knowledge rhythmically. For instance if all of sudden we take on too much knowledge we don’t have the ability to adopt so it can be useless or even destructive. The new paradigm is that nature is forcing us to come together and think beyond the group politics and become aware of equal human rights yet fight together to survive our present day or global warming related threats.

With the passed on knowledge and belief systems we really believe that we are human beings after all the other identities yet it should be the other way around. Our politics have taken us to build nuclear and weapons of mass destruction so I believe it is a serious matter to learn about, choose and assume your real identity wisely.

Can you identify God or even yourself without any assumptions or passed on knowledge?

What gender, color, nationality, or religion is followed by God? After all we have several of them yet we believe God is the only one God? What were the reasons God had to write more than one religious books?

Where does God come from? Can you tell for sure what came first chicken or the egg? Human being or God? Remember no assumptions or passed on knowledge. Now if you are confused and can’t find an answer remember don’t sweat it because you are an entity who is a work in progress and has not evolved to full potential yet. Give yourself a break, you don’t have to be right with unfinished knowledge. 

Our knowledge has been, is and will constantly be evolving until we hit our full potential. The problem with that potential is, that we can’t be sure what and who we are? Our brain can produce new neurons on demand, our muscles grow to adopt to the next level of physical stress and our immune system evolve with new infections. How will we be able to tell that we have hit our potential? My assumption and I am compel to use word assumption because I don’t want to use my ego to be right. Since we all are mortal as an individual but we hold an infinite potential from within to pass on to our coming generations, even as a baby we are becoming a knowledgeable entity so don’t freeze yourself as an individual in the time or an era of your liking. We are taught to stay stuck in the identity crisis of belonging groups regardless of the era you are born into. If we look around you are born or live in today’s world, do think this is the down fall of humanity or blessing to adopt to evolutionary processes? If you think in today’s world we should be living with past way of living or follow the rules of past, dream on because that snake has long been gone and you just can’t be beating the trail it has left behind. Today time has changed so change with it or be left behind.  

Simple logic is if you can’t understand God don’t kill each other over God or over your evolving knowledge. At least try to understand yourself and dig into your potential to find the answers instead of egotistically entrenching your self into your differences. Learning to know your potential starts from looking into our history and present day placing. The answers are all around you, you just have to be open minded to look beyond the politics of your sense of belonging to your groups.

We all have the potential to use our knowledge for right and wrong reasons so the need to understand the forces behind our actions is greater than ever before. We use to kill each other with swords one person at a time, today we can just push the button to wipe out millions. If we can’t absorb our evolutionary knowledge or we have learning disability because we blindly listen to our belonging group’s passed on knowledge. There is nothing wrong in slowing down to adopt but there is everything wrong if you don’t adopt because you have been used politically.  Slow progression is synchronized with the ability to evolve and adopt so it can be good for an evolving entity. I believe religions have a place but spirituality is the real deal so if we follow the spiritual path we will not only evolve we would be able to find our individual rhythm as well.

When you worship and pray just because of your taught knowledge, you need to understand your individual placing as well. Without putting your honest efforts in your life to get more from God, is like you can go to mosque or church and ask God to give you bigger muscles without even going to gym. It would be like you are being a hypocrite and don’t really understand what are you created for or what entity you believe you are. The purpose of your life is to bring God’s spirituality to life by putting your physicality to it. You make God meaningful to yourself and others around you. In other words you are the physical component of the spiritual God.

Lot of worshiping is related with which I call it dis disease, you want more physical things in life to secure your future because you are not satisfied yet logically the future with security is not for the mortals and you are in fact a mortal.

This can bring a whole lot of questions to light about God‘s existence. I am not going to go for the common argument but I would point towards human being as an evolving entity. Which automatically makes our knowledge incomplete so making strong assertions or claiming assumptions as the real facts is not right. Just because they are coming from our ancestors does not make them facts, plain and simple. Even our scientists don’t agree with each other regardless of all the progress we have made. Our religious leaders, well they are fighting passionately to hide their lack of understanding behind their egos and to me killing each other over unknown is not only illogical its completely absurd.

If we don’t even know what we are? where did we come from and why do we feel that we are right and everyone else is wrong especially when we have been that way for millions of years and when are we going to evolve enough to learn about ourselves. Why do we put our real identity at the end of all the assumed and political identities? Any way back to the baby and the man standing on the river bank.

When I saw the baby planing and achieving makes me think that if someone is living in a physical body that person maybe smarter than the expected age of the body or size. If that is the case when we talk to each other we should look into each other’s eyes so we can talk to the person who lives in the body.

Its been said that eyes are the windows of the soul. Some may not agree with me but I believe that the person who lives within me is the same entity who lives in everyone else. If we all believe that way we can respect each other better than otherwise that may create peace what we have been longing. 

A good example is a coral reef which has several colors but it is one organism.  Same way I believe about us as a humanity, we are the same entity but we need to evolve enough to understand it. Our bodies and brains are just the vessels to fulfill the purposes of our lives. If we remove all our assumptions we really have no colors, genders, nationality or religions because they all are related to our installed data. With this installation we are told that our data is our identity so we become male, female, straight, gay, black, white, brown, yellow or red. We are Muslims, Christians, Pakistanis, Canadians or whatever group we are born into.  Sure it is all important and that is how you know that you could be a genetically mixed race or belong to a certain group of people but before and I repeat before any other title you are born a human being. You are born the same way like everyone else did, you get hungry, eat, shit, get sick, get old and die the same way like everyone else does because we all are mortal. So understanding brings respect above and beyond the group politics.

If you want to see the human growth and evolution start looking at the mega industries. For food look at the tools, from personal physical efforts to using buffaloes and horses for farming was a smart thing to do but today it is absolutely a different ball game. One man with his machine can do the work of many many men yet in less time. If you look into the sports our records break all the time. Bodybuilders are making past champions look like beginners. Our brains have the capabilities of evolve just like our bodies so just look at all the science and technology to medical breakdown explanations. From genetic code break down to artificial insemination to cloning they were things of Godly knowledge but not any more and where are we going I believe sky is the limit so don’t deny yourself by freezing yourself in the past.

Believe in God blindly keep your arms open to all the changes and evolution so your optimism brings you happiness in all circumstances of your life because in the end of the day you are mortal after all. Being mortal happiness is the only treasure what will count in the end. If for some reason you are unhappy about the way things are changing around you then you need to believe in God better than you do now because if you believe in God you need to know what God’s will means. The purpose of our beliefs is to create comfort and help us not hurt us.

We use to live less than half of the age we do these days. I believe our knowledge is just like that, we just can’t claim that we are done evolving. Not even close, scientific knowledge is constantly explaining and exploring so with a growing knowledge we can’t claim that we know everything there is to know.

Our problem is that the more we know the more we find out that we don’t know enough. We are a growing and evolving organism yet we always have been, are and will be  claiming that we know everything or better than others, to me it is absurd. If you just look into our history we have constantly been killing each other over our knowledge differences because we have been taught that our knowledge is complete and better than others. The easiest way to know that we don’t know everything is to see our experts of the past and even this day and age they are constantly arguing with each other. From scientists to religious scholars to every field of human knowledge, there has been,  is  and always will be differences of opinions.

The question is that, would we always be killing each other over the differences? If I can convince even one individual to say no to the politics of our belonging groups and believe in one humanity as a whole it would serve the purpose of  writing this blog.

When the egos clash its a sign that we don’t even know our selves, never mind the universe and God.

As I said before did the chicken come before egg, human before God or God before human beings. Personally I don’t want to go where I am egotistically assuming, so I look for the right thing to do. I value chicken and human individual  because chicken lays the eggs to make more chickens and human beings put their backs, shoulders and physicality to make God meaningful, so value yourself and other human individual over the politics of your sense of belonging to your groups and don’t kill each other over the evolving knowledge.

If you individually start to dig in for the truth about God without the assumptions, with your limited use of the brain power or the level of your evolution you would come out from the other side as a loser all the way. First you can’t yet comprehend or discover the truth, second if you push, you can go crazy because of lack of understanding clashing with your ego and third you will fail yourself in other departments of your life. With mortal nature you just can’t afford to spend all your life for a cause you can’t benefit to be happy.

If you put God on the higher pedestal you will end up believing that science is going against God’s will. I believe otherwise because God would not have put Godly potential in the human beings if we were not to discover our potential. If we were to follow religious rules and stay in the boundaries, why there are always people who break and go beyond the religious limits. My question is if everybody becomes a monk what would happen to humanity and how would we evolve to our potential in every other department of life?

We are evolving yet we are still keeping our religious beliefs with us, most of the human population believes in God regardless of the science constantly discovering and debunking religious theories. Just like the religions even the scientists can’t agree with everything they discover.

Religious boundaries are designed to control the population by installing fear of being shunned and punished but we use God’s fear as well so this politics gives a bad name to the individual and God but not to the authoritarian authority. Good politics but not sustainable for the evolving creatures like human beings. Yet I still find some optimistic and positive side to all these chaotic and discriminatory upbringing systems. My logic says if you all of a sudden lift heavy weight you can’t grow your muscles with it. Yet if you start slow lift smaller weights to adopt to the stress and keep stressing to the next level as a life style and  you will achieve larger muscles with the heavy weights. Logically it is the same system we use in our grade system for schooling the kids. You can put your finger through a wax paper with out ripping it but you have to make pin holes and a lot of them before you attempt to put your finger through.

Human brain is like the wax paper if you force you have the potential to rip it but if you keep pushing and adopting it can take you further than you can think. The secret is to find your own rhythm. Human evolution is not going to stop so we need to have all our systems, whether they are religious belief systems, related to science and technology, medicine or social and political living they all should be subject to evolve with the time just like human beings.

Our evolution is only possible if we push and adopt to our rhythm yet continuously pursue even if it to be left behind for our coming generations. If you don’t poke you can’t evolve so in order to break the boundaries or barriers you have to explore so science and religions both are working with that Godly balanced rhythm. You may want to go fast but you may rip the paper so understanding the cause and effects are in order. Disregarding spirituality is concerning because its the only thing that puts a com into our passion. If we only live with the passion we may stray to the wrong side and blow ourselves up to finish ourselves off before reaching our potential.

When you are taught that you can’t think and explore about what you have learned from your ancestors  you can’t evolve or go any further. Knowledge of human beings can’t be locked into rules of not to explore. Everything has been enhanced except religious knowledge because we are taught these are God’s words so we just can’t mess with them. Yet we have modern science, technology, medicine, genetic code break down, computerization, internet, space programs and everything in between, all that was possible because someone push the brain a little further to show the facts.

If you are not allowed to explore you can’t excel and advance. We may say harry potter is all just a movie related with someone’s imagination but human societies are full of people who believe in not to explore if we would not have differences in people we would not have evolved. If you can’t explore, you can’t find flaws in your belief systems nor you can enhance them. It is not that everything related to religions is perfect or the flaws are not flaws because they are connected to God. To me prejudice and discrimination is rampant in religious populations it is not only with the other religions or isms it is with the people whom believe in the same religion but not extremist as well. This is all because of the politics of powerful phenomenon of sense of belonging.

I don’t have any problem with people having difference of opinions about the belief systems or conflicting beliefs. My problem starts when we start to form passionate opinions to the point that we kill each other over our belief systems. An evolving entity with evolving knowledge just can’t be locked into set rules. Believing others are all wrong and God would put them into hell is just political and politics mixed into a belief system is nothing but wrong. A belief system needs spirituality not politics period.

Human individual is designed to have the abilities not only to learn from surrounding knowledge human can think, plan and execute about the coming events as well. When you learn something from a book you can become master or get a master’s degree but if you think, explore and write theses about what you think it is a PhD. Each and everyone of us is able to think but the politics of our sense of belonging effects us all at different level so some can but most can’t explore regardless of the ability.

If all of us are designed that way our opinions can be strong and passionate so its very easy to lose focus from the spirituality. Rules are very easy to break especially when it comes to religion related politics.

Passion is better suited with love and compassion, yet this should be foundational knowledge, in all human planing, governing and individual actions. I believe world and humanity would have been further ahead if we all use compassion generously. God and human individual use compassion but when it comes to the political entity  as a group we can rob com out of passion and become politically passionate.

Since we carry both good and bad deep inside of our core individually, whatever is nurtured by our belonging groups becomes dominating. It is up to the individual to take charge and understand the influences of the group politics before every personal action.

Individual has been infected with personal insecurities so its highly likely that we would like to fit in, impress or want to be admired by the people around. Its all based on our nature because we are a social creature so no one is immune to the phenomena of sense of belonging. This individual problem seeps into our belonging groups as well because our groups are made up with the individuals. If individual and belonging group is passionate about the politics of sense of belonging, this quote from Buddha fits in.


There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate, no snare like delusion, no river like craving.” Buddha.

Our trouble is our mortality so understanding the causes or driving forces behind our actions is important. If you remove com from passion you got only passion left and if you use passion in your actions it is going to go both sides so it should be harnessed. If you lust with passion you can’t control so your whole civilization can go out the door. Your hate can take you so far that your ability to forgive takes a hike and leave you hurting others and yourself simultaneously. If this snare has a grip on you, you can’t think of anything else and become delusional, your life becomes a victim of out of control cravings to the point that you forget your personal mortality.

Understanding mortality can make us compassionate individually so it is imperative for you to assume your responsibilities to learn. We all come with the knowledge which is related with our unknown and known resources right from the get go. If you can reason even as a baby why can’t you question when it comes to your belief systems, nationalism and the politics of sense of belonging, especially if you know that you are responsible for your personal  actions and you are a mortal.

Heaven or hell is an other story when we die but our living can suffer as well because of our ability to remember and have a permanent memory. A living hell is described as not being comfortable in your skin. We have the ability to choose so passion without the com can make this a hell of a living unless passion is for helping humanity.

The foundational reason is our evolutionary nature so our knowledge can’t be completed especially because of our individual mortality. Our evolving knowledge can play a role in bringing us back and forth in our knowledge until we get it right. Even in our scientific knowledge we need to be flexible because we can discover something like mercury as a good thing for health then it is not only bad it can kill you. So the story goes on. No matter how much knowledge we gain we still can argue about it because we keep growing new neurons.


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