The nuts and bolts of the extreme.

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The nuts and bolts of the extreme.

You can choose to believe blindly or question whatever you have been offered by your parents or the group they belong to, either way you as an individual are choosing to decide with your free will thus the responsibility of your actions lands on your shoulders, right not so fast, its not that simple. The reality is that a child is born with a clean slate, if the parents and belonging society writes everything extreme on the clean slate of the child, the strong sense of belonging will brain wash the child because the knowledge is coming from the authority figures. How much a follower should be blamed is the question?.

The acceptable age of being an adult is eighteen to twenty one, so blaming the young adults one hundred percent can be legally challenged. Young adults are usually expected to follow the same path as their parents and belonging groups, unless you provide  them the wisdom of balance right from the beginning.

The recent news is that the boy who helped to kill his sisters and their mother was seventeen at the time of that honor killings, so it may change the out come of the case for him. I believe what I am writing about is needed for the people whom come to Canada from different societies. If a father or a mother chooses to leave their country, whether it be for the peace, economics or any other reason they made the choice. If they run into the problems with the children’s  assimilation to new society, the responsibility lies on their shoulders because children did not make that choice.    

The wisdom of being a CEO is needed to understand honor killings, the balance of the love triangle is done by the individual thus he/she needs to understand where all love corners stand. You can’t just kill your loved ones because of what other people think. Sure other people have a place but they don’t have a say. Since the sense of belonging is the mother of ego, pride and honor so one has to balance the sense of belonging with the sense of freedom. This balance is not easy to do especially when you have been brain washed by your belonging groups. If the individual is strong and becomes a CEO, there is life outside of the boundaries of the belonging groups.   

This wisdom of balance has the potential to change the results, otherwise the fire of our conflicts will always be stoked by the young blood. If you look critically it becomes foggy or murky to blame the young individual for his/her actions. Sense of belonging is so powerful that even our wise ones have been sold to the ideas of prejudice or being the best of the all groups. As a matter of fact, if in the past they would have preached the equal human rights for the whole humanity, we would not have to face the problems we are faced today.

A couple of guise got four years jail time for transporting refugees from Turkey to Greece. The little Allan Kurdi drowned in the process of fleeing but left a legacy to change world’s opinion about the Syrian refugees. Personally I believe the blamed individuals were trying to make few dollars  but the cause of Allan Kurdi death have blame that can go all the way to Bush presidency, to centuries old Muslim conflict to the love loss of the animal. Depending on how deep you want to dig in. Its not the causes that need to be dealt with, its to find the solutions with the compassion in the politically tainted religions and the politics which is dominated by the animalistic behaviors.

 If the human as an individual flipped the original triangle right side up then and only then we would take the responsibilities of our not only personal life but the life connected to the belonging groups. When a human is able to take charge of God and the Devil inside, he/she is able to balance the conflicting sense of belonging and sense of freedom as well.

If you are a CEO of your life you would put all your belief systems whether it is your religion, country, family or instinctive love, universal love or personal passionate love as your departments of life, thus speak against the wrong regardless of who is responsible. For instance in personal life if your mother and wife don’t like each other, which is very common, your love triangle is pulling from all sides. If you are not a CEO you would not only be extremely stressed, you will pick sides depending on the culture you belong to.

If you are a CEO you would not passionate love over the instinctive love or universal love or vice versa. Since ego, pride and honor are the three children of the sense of belonging, you may choose mother over wife because the society you belong to per motes love of mother. Your trouble is not the love of mother, its the rules of sense of belonging thus you have to balance all three corners of love triangle.

If you explain to your loved ones that way you may not have to pick or choose because they all have a place in your life but they don’t have it or should not have a say in your doing justice to all departments of life.

God the Devil, family, nation and religions there is a lot to deal with.  

It takes a CEO to balance these majestic polarities from with in. If you believe that human is the third equation and has the capacity to handle all the responsibilities, think again because we are on the highway of the evolution as an individual thus a lot of us are not at the same spot. Unfortunately we all try to wrap their children up with our traditions, customs, nationalism and religions, so our legends are with our belonging groups and everyone is entrenched, thus thinking about the humanity as one entity is like a dream which needs to become a reality.

This is the main reason why we just can’t get over, our past differences and animosity, if we can’t deal with the cause we can’t acknowledge and if can’t even acknowledge how can we over come and join the humanity as a whole. This day and age as an individual we have to surpass our traditional education and cross the lines of egotistic politics that it comes from.

 The more wars we have, the more individual insecurity we spread thus more individuals feel vulnerable, especially when they have been robbed of love, they would naturally be drawn to the belonging groups for the cause, regardless of being right or wrong. The only justice they know is the revenge thus the more people with a strong sense of belonging we produce more fuel for the wars. Belonging to aggressor or defender does not matter, either way we create people with the need to belong to groups thus the number of those whom want to belong to humanity as a whole dwindles and is in jeopardy.

Social glorification of the belonging group’s politics and its related ego, pride and honor will never let us live in peace. It has nothing to do with winning or losing, it has everything to with slowing down the evolution and the pursuit of our potential.  Just imagine if most of us are killed by the nuclear war and few of us survive in the jungles of deep amazon, they will evolve one day to this level centuries later. Just like us finding traces of old civilizations and researching the past. You can’t become a CEO, the Godly human if you are always occupied with the internal and external wars. There is no time for soul searching, the demands of sense of belonging related ego are so great that we lose the inner battle and demote ourselves as part of a machine instead of being one.


God blessed human with the free will and the potential to see what to do with it. God is playing a game of life with us by giving us free will even putting Himself in a vulnerable position because when you love without any strings attached, you put yourself in a vulnerable situation. That means human has the responsibilities and it is up to  the human to choose how this lifetime is spent.

First of all you have to understand your standing in the grand scheme of life, to have a successful life. Being a CEO you have the ability to strain out negative influences of all kinds, whether it is personal weakness or in disguised but out of control sense of belonging.

What we perceive as God always has been and still is illusive, because we just can’t use our brain power completely. First and foremost every religion demands from the individual to believe blindly in God. Then it demands that the individual follows the rules of the religion without the questioning. For the ordinary individual it may not be easy to understand God. Usually people accept the rules because it gives them the satisfaction of belonging to something majestic and powerful. Whether it is God or religion, either way, it satisfies the natural instinct to belong. Personal insecurities of the individual will dictate how strongly the individual will gravitate towards belonging to any group.

Sometimes this sense of belonging overpowers the judgment of the individual. Believing in the existence of God becomes secondary. The existence of God has never been proven 100%. Personally I believe each and every one of us carries a speck of God and the Devil inside simultaneously. The proof is that the prayer of one individual is fulfilled by another, but the thought to help the other comes from the unknown – we can say God. Most actions of God and the Devil involve human beings. Most political systems make us inferior, but we are the most important ally of God. We are the ones who carry both polarities within us, who can go to extremes or use the wisdom of balance to do justice to all departments of life.

Nothing is meaningless and without a purpose, but sometimes the subjective intellect is in conflict with the natural intellect. This natural intellect is in harmony with external circumstances.
We cannot separate ourselves from the world we live in. Even a worm in the ground helps the plants and the birds to live. We just have to look at life that way to know the real purpose of our individual lives. If we stray we disrupt the natural order of all organisms including ourselves.

With free will we can choose to serve good or bad. The human being has been blessed with the power to choose, yet we are dancing like puppets, thinking that we are doing well. Every time we peel a layer of the onion changes our understanding of good and bad, what should one do? Should we kill with our evolving knowledge? The obvious answer is that no one should kill, especially when no one knows the real truth or has reached the final layer of the onion.

Truth can be as simple as using our free will to choose good over bad. We have to do the best with what we know now in choosing good over bad. As we evolve, our choices may change too. Insisting that this is the whole truth is just choosing an extreme. If you are influenced and forced by the politics of the strong sense of belonging, using free will as an individual is not that easy.

No matter what one can say about the soul, it is still not 100% knowledge. Where it comes from or what happens to it are all assumptions and intuitions until we reach our full potential. As I perceive, when we die our soul leaves the body and becomes part of the Ocean which it came from and I call God. The soul is that intelligent life which is part of the source regardless of what it has been or is called. Yes, that mean all the bad things including the Devil are wisdom of God to teach human to choose, if there was no bad, we would never be able to understand the value of the good and if there was no good, we would never be able to understand what bad is. The importance of human is more than the human can understand.

When we don’t understand something we need to look at that knowledge critically but not as a failure, because eventually our pursuit will reveal what we don’t understand right now. As we are stepping up higher and higher on the ladder of our potential we will learn more and more about those things that were hard to understand.

We have been taught by our religions that when some one dies, their time on earth is finished. This belief comforts and helps people to carry on with their lives. When the wisdom of knowledge is useful and feels right, it becomes reality. This should not be enough to make certain ideas a reality yet that is the way it has been. Sometimes truth is painful so we look for the half – truths. These half – truths have always been around. Compassionate rules and courtesies like this have nothing to do with reality, yet they are an important part of our belief systems.

If we believe that our breaths are numbered, it puts quality in a mortal life. If we know that our life is temporary, we will put some efforts to enjoy life. In pursuit of enjoyment of this life, it can devalue the meaningfulness of human interventions like living a healthy lifestyle or not. The wisdom required in putting quality and comfort in our temporary life is as important as the personal effort it takes to extend and stretch toward our potential. If everybody starts to ski down from the highest mountain or jump out of planes the numbers of accidental deaths will rise accordingly. We can’t just live our lives in fear of death or become reckless and take chances. Since we are the third equation, we have the responsibilities to make choices regardless of our being placed in the middle of good and bad.

We make decisions with our limited knowledge all the time. Some of those decisions are extreme. For instance a vegetarian will suggest nobody should be eating other living creatures because it is against the order of life. Throughout time there has always been predator and prey. So it is making an extreme decision that nobody should kill anything even if it is for survival. Just picture what happens on the earth if no creature killed anything. Imagine, cockroaches, mosquitoes, rats, carrying diseases which can go against human survival. If the lions, wolves or any other predator did not eat the grass eaters the bush or trees would not hold the mud slides, it is just hard to imagine the chaos. I saw a documentary there have been traffic jams because of the cows in India. No putting down the religion, but it just is not practical to inforce the rules and is down right dangerous for the survival of the humanity. Remember recently the zika virus which is connected to deformities of the human babies, personally I believe even God survives with the healthy human beings religion or no religion. 

Our wisdom says that survival supersedes every other instinct no matter how intellectual it is. When you practice your belief as an individual it is fine, but when you start to push your beliefs onto someone else by force, it is a problem.

In nature I believe a life spent is a life sustained. There is a purpose, hard to understand, but simply put is a continuous life cycle. This cycle of life exists inside and outside of the organism simultaneously. Every organism flourishes with life – giving nutrition, so the raw understanding is that every living thing has food value. The complex wisdom of God is God’s offerings from one creature to another, so if God resides in all creatures means God’s offering to God. 

The pursuit of reproduction is so powerful that every creature including human beings follow it blindly, as if they are hypnotized. Who is the hypnotist making people and other creatures dance at their command? Responsibility to guard and nourish the off springs is powerful, so the action begins and the hunt is on, life for life. There is no winner or loser because it’s not a competition. It’s a game of survival.

As we evolve our knowledge brings us to a more orderly and civilized living, where we have rules against the disorderly nature of an individual. In spite of all the rules, self defense has never been a crime. But killing some one innocent is a punishable crime in all human societies unless there is war. We are evolving continuously towards our potential which is the knowledge of spirituality and in spirituality innocent blood is not acceptable regardless of circumstances. God may allow the life-for-life philosophy in the ocean or in the forest, but after giving free will to human beings the responsibility has been put on the shoulders of the human individual. Human societies have their own rules and manifestoes to live by. Our rules clearly describe that innocent blood is not an option.

Because of our evolution, we have rapidly developing technologies including weapons of mass destruction, yet we have not developed socially enough to guarantee, that we will not use them. There is an imbalance here in our development. We have used our weapons already to destroy and kill indiscriminately more than ever before.

Regardless of our past, our nature and our rapidly developing technologies, we still are going through the shift. This transition period has become extremely dangerous because the stakes are too high. We need to evolve socially as we have evolved technologically. That balance will allow us to have the weapons of mass destruction and not to use them; the ability to destroy but choose not to. You can have the Devil inside but you are able to live a Godly life. This is the potential that God has meant for human beings.

If God is that intelligent life which is in every living being and life form, then each and every one of our cells is connected with God. When we die, just the body dies. The part of us that is God still goes on. If every living creature dies at once, would God survive? Sure, but it would be beyond our understanding. Each human being is like a cell of God. An individual death from God’s perspective is the same as a cell dying. Life is never wasted but regenerated. This is the cycle of life.

Free will has given us the power of being the third equation. It has given us the power to make the choices and our choices should always be for the benefits of humanity, regardless of our destructive side. This can only happen when we bring ourselves to the level of a CEO. As an individual we have the responsibility to seek the highest potential where we can make decisions against the violent side of us and evolve with spirituality and humanity instead of politically tainted religions. The cause of our violence is in the center of the love triangle we all are surrounded with the love. Corner one is the passionate love, two is the instinctive love and third one is universal love when any of our corner is destroyed we feel pain that emotional pain is the least respected and most underestimated pain by the human populations all over the world. We indiscriminately rob love and expect others not to react. From everyday relationships and related court cases to our wars. The hurt human beings want the revenge from the hurt causers, and want them to feel the same pain they have caused. This is the fundamental cause of our conflicts whether it be personal relationship or a war a hurt human being is the one whom becomes an extremist regardless of the belonging group. In my opinion if we understand and start to respect others just like ourselves we would not rob others of love because the cause of the extreme is the pain of the love loss. (Read love triangle)  

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