Truth and Reconciliation

Please ignore the English and stay focused on the content.


The whole theme of my blog is to work against the prejudice and sense of belonging to a group instead of the humanity as a whole related injustice. Today we are talking about the truth and reconciliation in Canada, and there are calls for the pope to apologize for the crimes committed by the church. I remember a while back government of Canada had apologized for the atrocities committed against the native population, did that help? If it was that simple it would have been done long time ago.

There has always been a segment in all human populations whom believes in religious extreme, if you can convince them that there are things we are learning everyday, which is a proof that we are still evolving and our knowledge has not been completed. We are not able to use our total brain capacity yet, thus every human knowledge is not a finished product even our holy books had not helped us to become emotionally intelligent. We actually act worse with the extreme of our religions, the proof is in the pudding just look around in the present days and in our history, there is no way any one can put a number on the death toll of our belief systems. If they are convinced then and only then we would have some peace on earth, our wars and spiritual crimes will stop, otherwise the history would always repeat itself because we are the creature who gets emotionally hurt because of the love loss thus we want the revenge killings so the other whom cause the pain can feel the same pain.

We have been evolving, but there is a disconnect, our weapons of mass destruction have progressed more than our emotional intelligence. We have been killing and still proudly announce our intentions to kill other human beings on the name of our nations or religions just like our past generations did. We elect people whom want to go to wars so we all are responsible for our problems, especially when it comes to security we are compelled to think short term. Today people like Trump are popular Bush was re-elected regardless of the blunders.

I relate it all with our emotional intelligence if we still want to strip ourselves to a naked apes, our jewellery does not mean anything. I ask all the religious peoples what are the fundamentals of religious teachings? Does religion teach compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love?  Of course, all religions talk about all these things but for their own believers. When it comes to other human beings, we tend to like to get naked. Where are the religious people of the world, if you really look for them they are killing and dying for their religions because that is what they are taught by their sense of belonging, so they are in the trenches to fight each other instead of talking peace. 

If you look at the meanings of Islam and the greetings to each other when people meet it is all peace and peace and we even send peace to our dead ones. Is there something wrong in the foundation, or it just has gone wrong because of the politics of the sense of belonging to a group? If you look at the in fighting, that politics of our sense of belonging has been eating us all alive. Just like Shia, Sunni in the Muslims, extremists in all religions have been killing each other, from the same faith but have been killing each other for centuries. Nations have been killing each other for as long as the civilization can remember. From slavery to burning witches to conquering other peoples lands disrespecting, insulting and humiliating others have been our past just like baboons. Did we evolve from that nasty beast? maybe a little bit, we have learnt to live in harmony in the western countries under the same law and order. It can be done in all over the world, but we have a long way to go. In Canada we have Native issues as well as French Quebec which even this day and age have French language police, I find it strange that they don’t really go for the religions but still want to have special rights and be treated differently than the most Canadian, there is a politics of us and them or I should say the politics of the sense of belonging to their respected groups.

I read a little story when I was growing up, I have no idea who wrote it, so I would quote as  the author unknown. I am going to bring in the Canadian political situation. I am going to connect the sons of the old man as provinces, territories and Natives and the old man as Canada.

There once was an old man who was dying, he sent for all his sons to visit him before he died. He put a demand for all of them to bring two sticks along. When they all came and gathered up in the room, the old man said bring out the sticks and hold one of them. They all did what was asked, then the old man ordered them to break the sticks, they all did with ease. Then he said get all the other sticks together and make a bundle, they did so, then the old man asked each and everyone to try to break the bundle. They all tried but even with the best of their efforts they were not able to break it. The moral of the story is that if you stick together regardless of the differences you are stronger.

All Canadians including Natives, French, English, male, female, black, white, red, brown, yellow, Muslim, Christian, Jews, Hindu, Sikh, Gay, straight, conservative, liberal ND piers are all Canadian citizens. If you are taught you are better than others you have been taught wrong and as an individual you have a duty to educate yourself to be a human being first and then assume an identity of any other sort. Regardless of your identity of being Canadian after all you are born to the human family and have passed the test of being a human being thus act like one and proudly wear your jewelry. Be compassionate, forgiving, sacrificing and loving human beings just like we are with the Syrian refugees we should be with each others as well. If we wear our jewellery we may never have to go through something like conforming kids to a religion by force and abuse.  



So should we forgive and forget our past on the base of that thinking that most of our problems are related with the politics of sense of belonging to our belonging groups, of course we should. Most individuals whom commit crimes against humanity have been told that they are better than all other human beings and they really, really and whole heartedly believed what their belonging groups had preached to them. They committed the spiritual crimes against the humanity on the name of their nation, race or religions. If you dig deep enough you will find even today, we have the same culture of prejudice in all nations and religions.

As long as we have the education systems influenced by the politics of our sense of belonging to our  race, gender, nation or religion, we will have Isis, Putin and Donald trump. As an individual, if our sense of belonging over powers our sense of freedom we just can’t be the CEO of our lives, and would never be able to stop or change our sense of belonging from a group to the whole humanity.

Bombing and terror would continue, but if we all want to get rid of our past and evolve, we have to start believing that we belong to the whole humanity and there has never been is or will be us and them. It has always been is and will always be related with the politics of a certain group.

Just like two hundred countries signed to work against the global warming, we need to gather together to cross the lines of our sense of belonging to certain groups and join the humanity as a whole to work together in all areas of life. Today we are able to look back into our past and are able to see the mistakes made by our ancestors.

If you look at the bombing and terrorism, it fits in the same area where both parties are justifying their actions because of loyalties or I should say the politics of sense of belonging to their respective groups. I personally believe the ordinary individual has to rise up and assume the responsibilities of his/her life as a CEO. The CEO who can personally decide what is spiritually right. Racially, nationally or religiously right things have been proven spiritually wrong so they have to be changed from the bottom up.

Collectively group politics would never allow the individual to be that educated to make free decisions, it has been true throughout our history but today the individuals are connected together from both competing sides via internet. If they choose, they can take the wind out of the sails of nationalism and religion related politics. If you look deeply, you will find, it is the politics of sense of belonging which compels the religions, and the nations to promotes hate and prejudice. This politics of sense of belonging is directly related to the individual thus he/she can make a decision to choose humanity or belonging group.

Always remember there is a little prejudice inside of every human individual. Is it a good thing for you, it is up to you to decide how much but when this prejudice takes you to commit spiritual crimes, in the end of the day you as an individual are responsible for your actions. You may go ahead and commit those crimes because you are just doing your job, but your coming generations may have to apologize for your actions. You may think or say I am just defending or taking revenge of what has been done to my belonging group. I can feel for the personal loss for every individual but human being is a human being because of these four jewels. Compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love. If you strip someone or even yourself for whatever reason you lose from both side as a human being. Not only you rob others of love, what had happed to you and you are committing the same spiritual crime committed by the others against you.

We are a higher entity or at least are connected to the one which does not act in anger physically, contrary to the common belief I believe God is not the one who punishes, it is a physical human trait. Since God is our spiritual side we all have the potential to act spiritually.

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